from os import write |
import time |
import pandas as pd |
import base64 |
from typing import Sequence |
import streamlit as st |
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report |
from models import create_nest_sentences, load_summary_model, summarizer_gen, load_model, classifier_zero |
from utils import plot_result, plot_dual_bar_chart, examples_load, example_long_text_load |
import json |
ex_text, ex_license, ex_labels, ex_glabels = examples_load() |
ex_long_text = example_long_text_load() |
st.header("Summzarization & Multi-label Classification for Long Text") |
st.write("This app summarizes and then classifies your long text with multiple labels.") |
st.write("__Inputs__: User enters their own custom text and labels.") |
st.write("__Outputs__: A summary of the text, likelihood percentages for each label and a downloadable csv of the results. \ |
Option to evaluate results against a list of ground truth labels, if available.") |
with st.form(key='my_form'): |
example_text = ex_long_text |
display_text = "[Excerpt from Project Gutenberg: Frankenstein]\n" + example_text + "\n\n" + ex_license |
text_input = st.text_area("Input any text you want to summarize & classify here (keep in mind very long text will take a while to process):", display_text) |
if text_input == display_text: |
text_input = example_text |
labels = st.text_input('Enter possible labels (comma-separated):',ex_labels, max_chars=1000) |
labels = list(set([x.strip() for x in labels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0])) |
glabels = st.text_input('If available, enter ground truth labels to evaluate results, otherwise leave blank (comma-separated):',ex_glabels, max_chars=1000) |
glabels = list(set([x.strip() for x in glabels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0])) |
threshold_value = st.slider( |
'Select a threshold cutoff for matching percentage (used for ground truth label evaluation)', |
0.0, 1.0, (0.5)) |
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit') |
with st.spinner('Loading pretrained summarizer mnli model...'): |
start = time.time() |
summarizer = load_summary_model() |
st.success(f'Time taken to load summarizer mnli model: {round(time.time() - start,4)} seconds') |
with st.spinner('Loading pretrained classifier mnli model...'): |
start = time.time() |
classifier = load_model() |
st.success(f'Time taken to load classifier mnli model: {round(time.time() - start,4)} seconds') |
if submit_button: |
if len(labels) == 0: |
st.write('Enter some text and at least one possible topic to see predictions.') |
with st.spinner('Generating summaries and matching labels...'): |
nested_sentences = create_nest_sentences(document = text_input, token_max_length = 1024) |
summary = [] |
st.markdown("### Text Chunk & Summaries") |
st.markdown("Breaks up the original text into sections with complete sentences totaling \ |
less than 1024 tokens, a requirement for the summarizer.") |
for n in range(0, len(nested_sentences)): |
text_chunk = " ".join(map(str, nested_sentences[n])) |
st.markdown(f"###### Original Text Chunk {n+1}/{len(nested_sentences)}" ) |
st.markdown(text_chunk) |
chunk_summary = summarizer_gen(summarizer, sequence=text_chunk, maximum_tokens = 300, minimum_tokens = 20) |
summary.append(chunk_summary) |
st.markdown(f"###### Partial Summary {n+1}/{len(nested_sentences)}") |
st.markdown(chunk_summary) |
final_summary = " \n".join(list(summary)) |
st.markdown("### Combined Summary") |
st.markdown(final_summary) |
st.markdown("### Top Label Predictions on Summary & Full Text") |
with st.spinner('Matching labels...'): |
topics, scores = classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=final_summary, labels=labels, multi_class=True) |
data = pd.DataFrame({'label': topics, 'scores_from_summary': scores}) |
topics_ex_text, scores_ex_text = classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=example_text, labels=labels, multi_class=True) |
plot_dual_bar_chart(topics, scores, topics_ex_text, scores_ex_text) |
data_ex_text = pd.DataFrame({'label': topics_ex_text, 'scores_from_full_text': scores_ex_text}) |
data2 = pd.merge(data, data_ex_text, on = ['label']) |
if len(glabels) > 0: |
gdata = pd.DataFrame({'label': glabels}) |
gdata['is_true_label'] = int(1) |
data2 = pd.merge(data2, gdata, how = 'left', on = ['label']) |
data2['is_true_label'].fillna(0, inplace = True) |
st.markdown("### Data Table") |
with st.spinner('Generating a table of results and a download link...'): |
st.dataframe(data2) |
@st.cache |
def convert_df(df): |
return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8') |
csv = convert_df(data2) |
st.download_button( |
label="Download data as CSV", |
data=csv, |
file_name='text_labels.csv', |
mime='text/csv', |
) |
if len(glabels) > 0: |
st.markdown("### Evaluation Metrics") |
with st.spinner('Evaluating output against ground truth...'): |
section_header_description = ['Summary Label Performance', 'Original Full Text Label Performance'] |
data_headers = ['scores_from_summary', 'scores_from_full_text'] |
for i in range(0,2): |
st.markdown(f"##### {section_header_description[i]}") |
report = classification_report(y_true = data2[['is_true_label']], |
y_pred = (data2[[data_headers[i]]] >= threshold_value) * 1.0, |
output_dict=True) |
df_report = pd.DataFrame(report).transpose() |
st.markdown(f"Threshold set for: {threshold_value}") |
st.dataframe(df_report) |
st.success('All done!') |
st.balloons() |