File size: 6,867 Bytes
a3ebd45 6054f54 a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 f586a68 87d8c78 2cbcd9d ce5e150 87d8c78 a3ebd45 1fa0527 255441a a68b28a 1fa0527 a3ebd45 9058e92 a3ebd45 b5e86a6 87d8c78 a3ebd45 fc6e68a a57190d a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 a57190d a3ebd45 fc6e68a a3ebd45 255441a a3ebd45 87d8c78 a3ebd45 |
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# Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from functools import partial
import pandas as pd
from api.db import LLMType
from import LLMBundle
from api.settings import retrievaler
from agent.component.base import ComponentBase, ComponentParamBase
class GenerateParam(ComponentParamBase):
Define the Generate component parameters.
def __init__(self):
self.llm_id = ""
self.prompt = ""
self.max_tokens = 0
self.temperature = 0
self.top_p = 0
self.presence_penalty = 0
self.frequency_penalty = 0
self.cite = True
self.parameters = []
def check(self):
self.check_decimal_float(self.temperature, "[Generate] Temperature")
self.check_decimal_float(self.presence_penalty, "[Generate] Presence penalty")
self.check_decimal_float(self.frequency_penalty, "[Generate] Frequency penalty")
self.check_nonnegative_number(self.max_tokens, "[Generate] Max tokens")
self.check_decimal_float(self.top_p, "[Generate] Top P")
self.check_empty(self.llm_id, "[Generate] LLM")
# self.check_defined_type(self.parameters, "Parameters", ["list"])
def gen_conf(self):
conf = {}
if self.max_tokens > 0: conf["max_tokens"] = self.max_tokens
if self.temperature > 0: conf["temperature"] = self.temperature
if self.top_p > 0: conf["top_p"] = self.top_p
if self.presence_penalty > 0: conf["presence_penalty"] = self.presence_penalty
if self.frequency_penalty > 0: conf["frequency_penalty"] = self.frequency_penalty
return conf
class Generate(ComponentBase):
component_name = "Generate"
def get_dependent_components(self):
cpnts = [para["component_id"] for para in self._param.parameters]
return cpnts
def set_cite(self, retrieval_res, answer):
retrieval_res = retrieval_res.dropna(subset=["vector", "content_ltks"]).reset_index(drop=True)
if "empty_response" in retrieval_res.columns:
retrieval_res["empty_response"].fillna("", inplace=True)
answer, idx = retrievaler.insert_citations(answer, [ck["content_ltks"] for _, ck in retrieval_res.iterrows()],
[ck["vector"] for _, ck in retrieval_res.iterrows()],
LLMBundle(self._canvas.get_tenant_id(), LLMType.EMBEDDING,
self._canvas.get_embedding_model()), tkweight=0.7,
doc_ids = set([])
recall_docs = []
for i in idx:
did = retrieval_res.loc[int(i), "doc_id"]
if did in doc_ids: continue
recall_docs.append({"doc_id": did, "doc_name": retrieval_res.loc[int(i), "docnm_kwd"]})
del retrieval_res["vector"]
del retrieval_res["content_ltks"]
reference = {
"chunks": [ck.to_dict() for _, ck in retrieval_res.iterrows()],
"doc_aggs": recall_docs
if answer.lower().find("invalid key") >= 0 or answer.lower().find("invalid api") >= 0:
answer += " Please set LLM API-Key in 'User Setting -> Model Providers -> API-Key'"
res = {"content": answer, "reference": reference}
return res
def _run(self, history, **kwargs):
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(self._canvas.get_tenant_id(), LLMType.CHAT, self._param.llm_id)
prompt = self._param.prompt
retrieval_res = self.get_input()
input = (" - " + "\n - ".join(retrieval_res["content"])) if "content" in retrieval_res else ""
for para in self._param.parameters:
cpn = self._canvas.get_component(para["component_id"])["obj"]
_, out = cpn.output(allow_partial=False)
if "content" not in out.columns:
kwargs[para["key"]] = "Nothing"
kwargs[para["key"]] = " - " + "\n - ".join(out["content"])
kwargs["input"] = input
for n, v in kwargs.items():
prompt = re.sub(r"\{%s\}" % re.escape(n), str(v), prompt)
downstreams = self._canvas.get_component(self._id)["downstream"]
if kwargs.get("stream") and len(downstreams) == 1 and self._canvas.get_component(downstreams[0])[
"obj"].component_name.lower() == "answer":
return partial(self.stream_output, chat_mdl, prompt, retrieval_res)
if "empty_response" in retrieval_res.columns and not "".join(retrieval_res["content"]):
res = {"content": "\n- ".join(retrieval_res["empty_response"]) if "\n- ".join(
retrieval_res["empty_response"]) else "Nothing found in knowledgebase!", "reference": []}
return pd.DataFrame([res])
ans =, self._canvas.get_history(self._param.message_history_window_size),
if self._param.cite and "content_ltks" in retrieval_res.columns and "vector" in retrieval_res.columns:
res = self.set_cite(retrieval_res, ans)
return pd.DataFrame([res])
return Generate.be_output(ans)
def stream_output(self, chat_mdl, prompt, retrieval_res):
res = None
if "empty_response" in retrieval_res.columns and not "".join(retrieval_res["content"]):
res = {"content": "\n- ".join(retrieval_res["empty_response"]) if "\n- ".join(
retrieval_res["empty_response"]) else "Nothing found in knowledgebase!", "reference": []}
yield res
answer = ""
for ans in chat_mdl.chat_streamly(prompt, self._canvas.get_history(self._param.message_history_window_size),
res = {"content": ans, "reference": []}
answer = ans
yield res
if self._param.cite and "content_ltks" in retrieval_res.columns and "vector" in retrieval_res.columns:
res = self.set_cite(retrieval_res, answer)
yield res