File size: 6,110 Bytes
fa82d94 aeb6dbc fa82d94 8bc2fc9 aeb6dbc 82adb1c 3d5f9ea aeb6dbc 6e567cd aeb6dbc 6e567cd aeb6dbc 6e567cd 8bc2fc9 6e567cd aeb6dbc 6e567cd aeb6dbc 6e567cd aeb6dbc 47ec63e aeb6dbc 82adb1c aeb6dbc 0404a52 aeb6dbc 0404a52 aeb6dbc 0404a52 aeb6dbc |
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# Copyright 2025 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
from tika import parser
import re
from io import BytesIO
from deepdoc.parser.utils import get_text
from rag.nlp import bullets_category, is_english,remove_contents_table, \
hierarchical_merge, make_colon_as_title, naive_merge, random_choices, tokenize_table, \
from rag.nlp import rag_tokenizer
from deepdoc.parser import PdfParser, DocxParser, PlainParser, HtmlParser
class Pdf(PdfParser):
def __call__(self, filename, binary=None, from_page=0,
to_page=100000, zoomin=3, callback=None):
from timeit import default_timer as timer
start = timer()
callback(msg="OCR started")
filename if not binary else binary,
callback(msg="OCR finished ({:.2f}s)".format(timer() - start))
start = timer()
callback(0.67, "Layout analysis ({:.2f}s)".format(timer() - start))
logging.debug("layouts: {}".format(timer() - start))
start = timer()
callback(0.68, "Table analysis ({:.2f}s)".format(timer() - start))
start = timer()
tbls = self._extract_table_figure(True, zoomin, True, True)
callback(0.8, "Text extraction ({:.2f}s)".format(timer() - start))
return [(b["text"] + self._line_tag(b, zoomin), b.get("layoutno", ""))
for b in self.boxes], tbls
def chunk(filename, binary=None, from_page=0, to_page=100000,
lang="Chinese", callback=None, **kwargs):
Supported file formats are docx, pdf, txt.
Since a book is long and not all the parts are useful, if it's a PDF,
please setup the page ranges for every book in order eliminate negative effects and save elapsed computing time.
doc = {
"docnm_kwd": filename,
"title_tks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(re.sub(r"\.[a-zA-Z]+$", "", filename))
doc["title_sm_tks"] = rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(doc["title_tks"])
pdf_parser = None
sections, tbls = [], []
if"\.docx$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
callback(0.1, "Start to parse.")
doc_parser = DocxParser()
# TODO: table of contents need to be removed
sections, tbls = doc_parser(
binary if binary else filename, from_page=from_page, to_page=to_page)
remove_contents_table(sections, eng=is_english(
random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=200)))
tbls = [((None, lns), None) for lns in tbls]
callback(0.8, "Finish parsing.")
elif"\.pdf$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
pdf_parser = Pdf()
if kwargs.get("layout_recognize", "DeepDOC") == "Plain Text":
pdf_parser = PlainParser()
sections, tbls = pdf_parser(filename if not binary else binary,
from_page=from_page, to_page=to_page, callback=callback)
elif"\.txt$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
callback(0.1, "Start to parse.")
txt = get_text(filename, binary)
sections = txt.split("\n")
sections = [(line, "") for line in sections if line]
remove_contents_table(sections, eng=is_english(
random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=200)))
callback(0.8, "Finish parsing.")
elif"\.(htm|html)$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
callback(0.1, "Start to parse.")
sections = HtmlParser()(filename, binary)
sections = [(line, "") for line in sections if line]
remove_contents_table(sections, eng=is_english(
random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=200)))
callback(0.8, "Finish parsing.")
elif"\.doc$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
callback(0.1, "Start to parse.")
binary = BytesIO(binary)
doc_parsed = parser.from_buffer(binary)
sections = doc_parsed['content'].split('\n')
sections = [(line, "") for line in sections if line]
remove_contents_table(sections, eng=is_english(
random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=200)))
callback(0.8, "Finish parsing.")
raise NotImplementedError(
"file type not supported yet(doc, docx, pdf, txt supported)")
bull = bullets_category(
[t for t in random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=100)])
if bull >= 0:
chunks = ["\n".join(ck)
for ck in hierarchical_merge(bull, sections, 5)]
sections = [s.split("@") for s, _ in sections]
sections = [(pr[0], "@" + pr[1]) if len(pr) == 2 else (pr[0], '') for pr in sections ]
chunks = naive_merge(
sections, kwargs.get(
"chunk_token_num", 256), kwargs.get(
"delimer", "\n。;!?"))
# is it English
# is_english(random_choices([t for t, _ in sections], k=218))
eng = lang.lower() == "english"
res = tokenize_table(tbls, doc, eng)
res.extend(tokenize_chunks(chunks, doc, eng, pdf_parser))
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
def dummy(prog=None, msg=""):
chunk(sys.argv[1], from_page=1, to_page=10, callback=dummy)