import discord |
import requests |
import base64 |
import asyncio |
from api.utils.log_utils import logger |
URL = '{YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT}/v1/api/completion_aibotk' |
"conversation_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", |
"Authorization": "ragflow-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", |
"word": "" |
} |
DISCORD_BOT_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" |
intents = discord.Intents.default() |
intents.message_content = True |
client = discord.Client(intents=intents) |
@client.event |
async def on_ready(): |
logger.info(f'We have logged in as {client.user}') |
@client.event |
async def on_message(message): |
if message.author == client.user: |
return |
if client.user.mentioned_in(message): |
if len(message.content.split('> ')) == 1: |
await message.channel.send("Hi~ How can I help you? ") |
else: |
JSON_DATA['word']=message.content.split('> ')[1] |
response = requests.post(URL, json=JSON_DATA) |
response_data = response.json().get('data', []) |
image_bool = False |
for i in response_data: |
if i['type'] == 1: |
res = i['content'] |
if i['type'] == 3: |
image_bool = True |
image_data = base64.b64decode(i['url']) |
with open('tmp_image.png','wb') as file: |
file.write(image_data) |
image= discord.File('tmp_image.png') |
await message.channel.send(f"{message.author.mention}{res}") |
if image_bool: |
await message.channel.send(file=image) |
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() |
try: |
loop.run_until_complete(client.start(DISCORD_BOT_KEY)) |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
loop.run_until_complete(client.close()) |
finally: |
loop.close() |