import sys |
from api.utils.log_utils import initRootLogger |
from graphrag.utils import get_llm_cache, set_llm_cache |
CONSUMER_NO = "0" if len(sys.argv) < 2 else sys.argv[1] |
CONSUMER_NAME = "task_executor_" + CONSUMER_NO |
initRootLogger(CONSUMER_NAME) |
import logging |
import os |
from datetime import datetime |
import json |
import xxhash |
import copy |
import re |
import time |
import threading |
from functools import partial |
from io import BytesIO |
from multiprocessing.context import TimeoutError |
from timeit import default_timer as timer |
import tracemalloc |
import numpy as np |
from peewee import DoesNotExist |
from api.db import LLMType, ParserType, TaskStatus |
from api.db.services.dialog_service import keyword_extraction, question_proposal |
from api.db.services.document_service import DocumentService |
from api.db.services.llm_service import LLMBundle |
from api.db.services.task_service import TaskService |
from api.db.services.file2document_service import File2DocumentService |
from api import settings |
from api.versions import get_ragflow_version |
from api.db.db_models import close_connection |
from rag.app import laws, paper, presentation, manual, qa, table, book, resume, picture, naive, one, audio, \ |
knowledge_graph, email |
from rag.nlp import search, rag_tokenizer |
from rag.raptor import RecursiveAbstractiveProcessing4TreeOrganizedRetrieval as Raptor |
from rag.settings import DOC_MAXIMUM_SIZE, SVR_QUEUE_NAME, print_rag_settings |
from rag.utils import num_tokens_from_string |
from rag.utils.redis_conn import REDIS_CONN, Payload |
from rag.utils.storage_factory import STORAGE_IMPL |
"general": naive, |
ParserType.NAIVE.value: naive, |
ParserType.PAPER.value: paper, |
ParserType.BOOK.value: book, |
ParserType.PRESENTATION.value: presentation, |
ParserType.MANUAL.value: manual, |
ParserType.LAWS.value: laws, |
ParserType.QA.value: qa, |
ParserType.TABLE.value: table, |
ParserType.RESUME.value: resume, |
ParserType.PICTURE.value: picture, |
ParserType.ONE.value: one, |
ParserType.AUDIO.value: audio, |
ParserType.EMAIL.value: email, |
ParserType.KG.value: knowledge_graph |
} |
CONSUMER_NAME = "task_consumer_" + CONSUMER_NO |
PAYLOAD: Payload | None = None |
BOOT_AT = datetime.now().astimezone().isoformat(timespec="milliseconds") |
mt_lock = threading.Lock() |
class TaskCanceledException(Exception): |
def __init__(self, msg): |
self.msg = msg |
def set_progress(task_id, from_page=0, to_page=-1, prog=None, msg="Processing..."): |
global PAYLOAD |
if prog is not None and prog < 0: |
msg = "[ERROR]" + msg |
try: |
cancel = TaskService.do_cancel(task_id) |
except DoesNotExist: |
logging.warning(f"set_progress task {task_id} is unknown") |
PAYLOAD.ack() |
PAYLOAD = None |
return |
if cancel: |
msg += " [Canceled]" |
prog = -1 |
if to_page > 0: |
if msg: |
msg = f"Page({from_page + 1}~{to_page + 1}): " + msg |
if msg: |
msg = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") + " " + msg |
d = {"progress_msg": msg} |
if prog is not None: |
d["progress"] = prog |
logging.info(f"set_progress({task_id}), progress: {prog}, progress_msg: {msg}") |
try: |
TaskService.update_progress(task_id, d) |
except DoesNotExist: |
logging.warning(f"set_progress task {task_id} is unknown") |
PAYLOAD.ack() |
PAYLOAD = None |
return |
close_connection() |
if cancel and PAYLOAD: |
PAYLOAD.ack() |
PAYLOAD = None |
raise TaskCanceledException(msg) |
def collect(): |
try: |
PAYLOAD = REDIS_CONN.get_unacked_for(CONSUMER_NAME, SVR_QUEUE_NAME, "rag_flow_svr_task_broker") |
if not PAYLOAD: |
PAYLOAD = REDIS_CONN.queue_consumer(SVR_QUEUE_NAME, "rag_flow_svr_task_broker", CONSUMER_NAME) |
if not PAYLOAD: |
time.sleep(1) |
return None |
except Exception: |
logging.exception("Get task event from queue exception") |
return None |
msg = PAYLOAD.get_message() |
if not msg: |
return None |
task = None |
canceled = False |
try: |
task = TaskService.get_task(msg["id"]) |
if task: |
_, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(task["doc_id"]) |
canceled = doc.run == TaskStatus.CANCEL.value or doc.progress < 0 |
except DoesNotExist: |
pass |
except Exception: |
logging.exception("collect get_task exception") |
if not task or canceled: |
state = "is unknown" if not task else "has been cancelled" |
with mt_lock: |
logging.info(f"collect task {msg['id']} {state}") |
return None |
if msg.get("type", "") == "raptor": |
task["task_type"] = "raptor" |
return task |
def get_storage_binary(bucket, name): |
return STORAGE_IMPL.get(bucket, name) |
def build_chunks(task, progress_callback): |
if task["size"] > DOC_MAXIMUM_SIZE: |
set_progress(task["id"], prog=-1, msg="File size exceeds( <= %dMb )" % |
(int(DOC_MAXIMUM_SIZE / 1024 / 1024))) |
return [] |
chunker = FACTORY[task["parser_id"].lower()] |
try: |
st = timer() |
bucket, name = File2DocumentService.get_storage_address(doc_id=task["doc_id"]) |
binary = get_storage_binary(bucket, name) |
logging.info("From minio({}) {}/{}".format(timer() - st, task["location"], task["name"])) |
except TimeoutError: |
progress_callback(-1, "Internal server error: Fetch file from minio timeout. Could you try it again.") |
logging.exception("Minio {}/{} got timeout: Fetch file from minio timeout.".format(task["location"], task["name"])) |
raise |
except Exception as e: |
if re.search("(No such file|not found)", str(e)): |
progress_callback(-1, "Can not find file <%s> from minio. Could you try it again?" % task["name"]) |
else: |
progress_callback(-1, "Get file from minio: %s" % str(e).replace("'", "")) |
logging.exception("Chunking {}/{} got exception".format(task["location"], task["name"])) |
raise |
try: |
cks = chunker.chunk(task["name"], binary=binary, from_page=task["from_page"], |
to_page=task["to_page"], lang=task["language"], callback=progress_callback, |
kb_id=task["kb_id"], parser_config=task["parser_config"], tenant_id=task["tenant_id"]) |
logging.info("Chunking({}) {}/{} done".format(timer() - st, task["location"], task["name"])) |
except TaskCanceledException: |
raise |
except Exception as e: |
progress_callback(-1, "Internal server error while chunking: %s" % str(e).replace("'", "")) |
logging.exception("Chunking {}/{} got exception".format(task["location"], task["name"])) |
raise |
docs = [] |
doc = { |
"doc_id": task["doc_id"], |
"kb_id": str(task["kb_id"]) |
} |
if task["pagerank"]: |
doc["pagerank_fea"] = int(task["pagerank"]) |
el = 0 |
for ck in cks: |
d = copy.deepcopy(doc) |
d.update(ck) |
d["id"] = xxhash.xxh64((ck["content_with_weight"] + str(d["doc_id"])).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() |
d["create_time"] = str(datetime.now()).replace("T", " ")[:19] |
d["create_timestamp_flt"] = datetime.now().timestamp() |
if not d.get("image"): |
_ = d.pop("image", None) |
d["img_id"] = "" |
docs.append(d) |
continue |
try: |
output_buffer = BytesIO() |
if isinstance(d["image"], bytes): |
output_buffer = BytesIO(d["image"]) |
else: |
d["image"].save(output_buffer, format='JPEG') |
st = timer() |
STORAGE_IMPL.put(task["kb_id"], d["id"], output_buffer.getvalue()) |
el += timer() - st |
except Exception: |
logging.exception("Saving image of chunk {}/{}/{} got exception".format(task["location"], task["name"], d["_id"])) |
raise |
d["img_id"] = "{}-{}".format(task["kb_id"], d["id"]) |
del d["image"] |
docs.append(d) |
logging.info("MINIO PUT({}):{}".format(task["name"], el)) |
if task["parser_config"].get("auto_keywords", 0): |
st = timer() |
progress_callback(msg="Start to generate keywords for every chunk ...") |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(task["tenant_id"], LLMType.CHAT, llm_name=task["llm_id"], lang=task["language"]) |
for d in docs: |
cached = get_llm_cache(chat_mdl.llm_name, d["content_with_weight"], "keywords", |
{"topn": task["parser_config"]["auto_keywords"]}) |
if not cached: |
cached = keyword_extraction(chat_mdl, d["content_with_weight"], |
task["parser_config"]["auto_keywords"]) |
if cached: |
set_llm_cache(chat_mdl.llm_name, d["content_with_weight"], cached, "keywords", |
{"topn": task["parser_config"]["auto_keywords"]}) |
d["important_kwd"] = cached.split(",") |
d["important_tks"] = rag_tokenizer.tokenize(" ".join(d["important_kwd"])) |
progress_callback(msg="Keywords generation completed in {:.2f}s".format(timer() - st)) |
if task["parser_config"].get("auto_questions", 0): |
st = timer() |
progress_callback(msg="Start to generate questions for every chunk ...") |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(task["tenant_id"], LLMType.CHAT, llm_name=task["llm_id"], lang=task["language"]) |
for d in docs: |
cached = get_llm_cache(chat_mdl.llm_name, d["content_with_weight"], "question", |
{"topn": task["parser_config"]["auto_questions"]}) |
if not cached: |
cached = question_proposal(chat_mdl, d["content_with_weight"], task["parser_config"]["auto_questions"]) |
if cached: |
set_llm_cache(chat_mdl.llm_name, d["content_with_weight"], cached, "question", |
{"topn": task["parser_config"]["auto_questions"]}) |
d["question_kwd"] = cached.split("\n") |
d["question_tks"] = rag_tokenizer.tokenize("\n".join(d["question_kwd"])) |
progress_callback(msg="Question generation completed in {:.2f}s".format(timer() - st)) |
return docs |
def init_kb(row, vector_size: int): |
idxnm = search.index_name(row["tenant_id"]) |
return settings.docStoreConn.createIdx(idxnm, row.get("kb_id",""), vector_size) |
def embedding(docs, mdl, parser_config=None, callback=None): |
if parser_config is None: |
parser_config = {} |
batch_size = 16 |
tts, cnts = [], [] |
for d in docs: |
tts.append(d.get("docnm_kwd", "Title")) |
c = "\n".join(d.get("question_kwd", [])) |
if not c: |
c = d["content_with_weight"] |
c = re.sub(r"</?(table|td|caption|tr|th)( [^<>]{0,12})?>", " ", c) |
cnts.append(c) |
tk_count = 0 |
if len(tts) == len(cnts): |
tts_ = np.array([]) |
for i in range(0, len(tts), batch_size): |
vts, c = mdl.encode(tts[i: i + batch_size]) |
if len(tts_) == 0: |
tts_ = vts |
else: |
tts_ = np.concatenate((tts_, vts), axis=0) |
tk_count += c |
callback(prog=0.6 + 0.1 * (i + 1) / len(tts), msg="") |
tts = tts_ |
cnts_ = np.array([]) |
for i in range(0, len(cnts), batch_size): |
vts, c = mdl.encode(cnts[i: i + batch_size]) |
if len(cnts_) == 0: |
cnts_ = vts |
else: |
cnts_ = np.concatenate((cnts_, vts), axis=0) |
tk_count += c |
callback(prog=0.7 + 0.2 * (i + 1) / len(cnts), msg="") |
cnts = cnts_ |
title_w = float(parser_config.get("filename_embd_weight", 0.1)) |
vects = (title_w * tts + (1 - title_w) * |
cnts) if len(tts) == len(cnts) else cnts |
assert len(vects) == len(docs) |
vector_size = 0 |
for i, d in enumerate(docs): |
v = vects[i].tolist() |
vector_size = len(v) |
d["q_%d_vec" % len(v)] = v |
return tk_count, vector_size |
def run_raptor(row, chat_mdl, embd_mdl, callback=None): |
vts, _ = embd_mdl.encode(["ok"]) |
vector_size = len(vts[0]) |
vctr_nm = "q_%d_vec" % vector_size |
chunks = [] |
for d in settings.retrievaler.chunk_list(row["doc_id"], row["tenant_id"], [str(row["kb_id"])], |
fields=["content_with_weight", vctr_nm]): |
chunks.append((d["content_with_weight"], np.array(d[vctr_nm]))) |
raptor = Raptor( |
row["parser_config"]["raptor"].get("max_cluster", 64), |
chat_mdl, |
embd_mdl, |
row["parser_config"]["raptor"]["prompt"], |
row["parser_config"]["raptor"]["max_token"], |
row["parser_config"]["raptor"]["threshold"] |
) |
original_length = len(chunks) |
chunks = raptor(chunks, row["parser_config"]["raptor"]["random_seed"], callback) |
doc = { |
"doc_id": row["doc_id"], |
"kb_id": [str(row["kb_id"])], |
"docnm_kwd": row["name"], |
"title_tks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(row["name"]) |
} |
if row["pagerank"]: |
doc["pagerank_fea"] = int(row["pagerank"]) |
res = [] |
tk_count = 0 |
for content, vctr in chunks[original_length:]: |
d = copy.deepcopy(doc) |
d["id"] = xxhash.xxh64((content + str(d["doc_id"])).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() |
d["create_time"] = str(datetime.now()).replace("T", " ")[:19] |
d["create_timestamp_flt"] = datetime.now().timestamp() |
d[vctr_nm] = vctr.tolist() |
d["content_with_weight"] = content |
d["content_ltks"] = rag_tokenizer.tokenize(content) |
d["content_sm_ltks"] = rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(d["content_ltks"]) |
res.append(d) |
tk_count += num_tokens_from_string(content) |
return res, tk_count, vector_size |
def do_handle_task(task): |
task_id = task["id"] |
task_from_page = task["from_page"] |
task_to_page = task["to_page"] |
task_tenant_id = task["tenant_id"] |
task_embedding_id = task["embd_id"] |
task_language = task["language"] |
task_llm_id = task["llm_id"] |
task_dataset_id = task["kb_id"] |
task_doc_id = task["doc_id"] |
task_document_name = task["name"] |
task_parser_config = task["parser_config"] |
progress_callback = partial(set_progress, task_id, task_from_page, task_to_page) |
try: |
task_canceled = TaskService.do_cancel(task_id) |
except DoesNotExist: |
logging.warning(f"task {task_id} is unknown") |
return |
if task_canceled: |
progress_callback(-1, msg="Task has been canceled.") |
return |
try: |
embedding_model = LLMBundle(task_tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, llm_name=task_embedding_id, lang=task_language) |
except Exception as e: |
error_message = f'Fail to bind embedding model: {str(e)}' |
progress_callback(-1, msg=error_message) |
logging.exception(error_message) |
raise |
if task.get("task_type", "") == "raptor": |
try: |
chat_model = LLMBundle(task_tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_name=task_llm_id, lang=task_language) |
chunks, token_count, vector_size = run_raptor(task, chat_model, embedding_model, progress_callback) |
except TaskCanceledException: |
raise |
except Exception as e: |
error_message = f'Fail to bind LLM used by RAPTOR: {str(e)}' |
progress_callback(-1, msg=error_message) |
logging.exception(error_message) |
raise |
else: |
start_ts = timer() |
chunks = build_chunks(task, progress_callback) |
logging.info("Build document {}: {:.2f}s".format(task_document_name, timer() - start_ts)) |
if chunks is None: |
return |
if not chunks: |
progress_callback(1., msg=f"No chunk built from {task_document_name}") |
return |
progress_callback(msg="Generate {} chunks".format(len(chunks))) |
start_ts = timer() |
try: |
token_count, vector_size = embedding(chunks, embedding_model, task_parser_config, progress_callback) |
except Exception as e: |
error_message = "Generate embedding error:{}".format(str(e)) |
progress_callback(-1, error_message) |
logging.exception(error_message) |
token_count = 0 |
raise |
progress_message = "Embedding chunks ({:.2f}s)".format(timer() - start_ts) |
logging.info(progress_message) |
progress_callback(msg=progress_message) |
init_kb(task, vector_size) |
chunk_count = len(set([chunk["id"] for chunk in chunks])) |
start_ts = timer() |
doc_store_result = "" |
es_bulk_size = 4 |
for b in range(0, len(chunks), es_bulk_size): |
doc_store_result = settings.docStoreConn.insert(chunks[b:b + es_bulk_size], search.index_name(task_tenant_id), task_dataset_id) |
if b % 128 == 0: |
progress_callback(prog=0.8 + 0.1 * (b + 1) / len(chunks), msg="") |
if doc_store_result: |
error_message = f"Insert chunk error: {doc_store_result}, please check log file and Elasticsearch/Infinity status!" |
progress_callback(-1, msg=error_message) |
raise Exception(error_message) |
chunk_ids = [chunk["id"] for chunk in chunks[:b + es_bulk_size]] |
chunk_ids_str = " ".join(chunk_ids) |
try: |
TaskService.update_chunk_ids(task["id"], chunk_ids_str) |
except DoesNotExist: |
logging.warning(f"do_handle_task update_chunk_ids failed since task {task['id']} is unknown.") |
doc_store_result = settings.docStoreConn.delete({"id": chunk_ids}, search.index_name(task_tenant_id), task_dataset_id) |
return |
logging.info("Indexing doc({}), page({}-{}), chunks({}), elapsed: {:.2f}".format(task_document_name, task_from_page, task_to_page, len(chunks), timer() - start_ts)) |
DocumentService.increment_chunk_num(task_doc_id, task_dataset_id, token_count, chunk_count, 0) |
time_cost = timer() - start_ts |
progress_callback(prog=1.0, msg="Done ({:.2f}s)".format(time_cost)) |
logging.info("Chunk doc({}), page({}-{}), chunks({}), token({}), elapsed:{:.2f}".format(task_document_name, task_from_page, task_to_page, len(chunks), token_count, time_cost)) |
def handle_task(): |
task = collect() |
if task: |
try: |
logging.info(f"handle_task begin for task {json.dumps(task)}") |
with mt_lock: |
CURRENT_TASK = copy.deepcopy(task) |
do_handle_task(task) |
with mt_lock: |
logging.info(f"handle_task done for task {json.dumps(task)}") |
except TaskCanceledException: |
with mt_lock: |
try: |
set_progress(task["id"], prog=-1, msg="handle_task got TaskCanceledException") |
except Exception: |
pass |
logging.debug("handle_task got TaskCanceledException", exc_info=True) |
except Exception: |
with mt_lock: |
try: |
set_progress(task["id"], prog=-1, msg="handle_task got exception, please check log") |
except Exception: |
pass |
logging.exception(f"handle_task got exception for task {json.dumps(task)}") |
PAYLOAD.ack() |
PAYLOAD = None |
def report_status(): |
while True: |
try: |
now = datetime.now() |
group_info = REDIS_CONN.queue_info(SVR_QUEUE_NAME, "rag_flow_svr_task_broker") |
if group_info is not None: |
PENDING_TASKS = int(group_info.get("pending", 0)) |
LAG_TASKS = int(group_info.get("lag", 0)) |
with mt_lock: |
heartbeat = json.dumps({ |
"name": CONSUMER_NAME, |
"now": now.astimezone().isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"), |
"boot_at": BOOT_AT, |
"pending": PENDING_TASKS, |
"lag": LAG_TASKS, |
"done": DONE_TASKS, |
"failed": FAILED_TASKS, |
"current": CURRENT_TASK, |
}) |
REDIS_CONN.zadd(CONSUMER_NAME, heartbeat, now.timestamp()) |
logging.info(f"{CONSUMER_NAME} reported heartbeat: {heartbeat}") |
expired = REDIS_CONN.zcount(CONSUMER_NAME, 0, now.timestamp() - 60 * 30) |
if expired > 0: |
REDIS_CONN.zpopmin(CONSUMER_NAME, expired) |
except Exception: |
logging.exception("report_status got exception") |
time.sleep(30) |
def analyze_heap(snapshot1: tracemalloc.Snapshot, snapshot2: tracemalloc.Snapshot, snapshot_id: int, dump_full: bool): |
msg = "" |
if dump_full: |
stats2 = snapshot2.statistics('lineno') |
msg += f"{CONSUMER_NAME} memory usage of snapshot {snapshot_id}:\n" |
for stat in stats2[:10]: |
msg += f"{stat}\n" |
stats1_vs_2 = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot1, 'lineno') |
msg += f"{CONSUMER_NAME} memory usage increase from snapshot {snapshot_id - 1} to snapshot {snapshot_id}:\n" |
for stat in stats1_vs_2[:10]: |
msg += f"{stat}\n" |
msg += f"{CONSUMER_NAME} detailed traceback for the top memory consumers:\n" |
for stat in stats1_vs_2[:3]: |
msg += '\n'.join(stat.traceback.format()) |
logging.info(msg) |
def main(): |
logging.info(r""" |
______ __ ______ __ |
/_ __/___ ______/ /__ / ____/ _____ _______ __/ /_____ _____ |
/ / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ / __/ | |/_/ _ \/ ___/ / / / __/ __ \/ ___/ |
/ / / /_/ (__ ) ,< / /____> </ __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / |
/_/ \__,_/____/_/|_| /_____/_/|_|\___/\___/\__,_/\__/\____/_/ |
""") |
logging.info(f'TaskExecutor: RAGFlow version: {get_ragflow_version()}') |
settings.init_settings() |
print_rag_settings() |
background_thread = threading.Thread(target=report_status) |
background_thread.daemon = True |
background_thread.start() |
TRACE_MALLOC_DELTA = int(os.environ.get('TRACE_MALLOC_DELTA', "0")) |
TRACE_MALLOC_FULL = int(os.environ.get('TRACE_MALLOC_FULL', "0")) |
tracemalloc.start() |
snapshot1 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
while True: |
handle_task() |
if TRACE_MALLOC_DELTA > 0 and num_tasks > 0 and num_tasks % TRACE_MALLOC_DELTA == 0: |
snapshot2 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
analyze_heap(snapshot1, snapshot2, int(num_tasks / TRACE_MALLOC_DELTA), num_tasks % TRACE_MALLOC_FULL == 0) |
snapshot1 = snapshot2 |
snapshot2 = None |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |