import os |
import pathlib |
import re |
import warnings |
from functools import partial |
from io import BytesIO |
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q |
from flask import request, send_file |
from flask_login import login_required, current_user |
from httpx import HTTPError |
from api.contants import NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT |
from api.db import FileType, ParserType, FileSource, TaskStatus |
from api.db import StatusEnum |
from api.db.db_models import File |
from api.db.services import duplicate_name |
from api.db.services.document_service import DocumentService |
from api.db.services.file2document_service import File2DocumentService |
from api.db.services.file_service import FileService |
from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService |
from api.db.services.user_service import TenantService |
from api.settings import RetCode |
from api.utils import get_uuid |
from api.utils.api_utils import construct_json_result, construct_error_response |
from api.utils.api_utils import construct_result, validate_request |
from api.utils.file_utils import filename_type, thumbnail |
from rag.app import book, laws, manual, naive, one, paper, presentation, qa, resume, table, picture, audio, email |
from rag.nlp import search |
from rag.utils.es_conn import ELASTICSEARCH |
from rag.utils.storage_factory import STORAGE_IMPL |
@manager.route("/", methods=["POST"]) |
@login_required |
@validate_request("name") |
def create_dataset(): |
authorization_token = request.headers.get("Authorization") |
if not authorization_token: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, message="Authorization header is missing.") |
tenant_id = current_user.id |
request_body = request.json |
if "name" not in request_body: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="Expected 'name' field in request body") |
dataset_name = request_body["name"] |
if not dataset_name: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="Empty dataset name") |
dataset_name = dataset_name.strip() |
dataset_name_length = len(dataset_name) |
if dataset_name_length > NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT: |
return construct_json_result( |
code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"Dataset name: {dataset_name} with length {dataset_name_length} exceeds {NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT}!") |
if len(request_body.keys()) > 1: |
name_list = [] |
for key_name in request_body.keys(): |
if key_name != "name": |
name_list.append(key_name) |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"fields: {name_list}, are not allowed in request body.") |
request_body["name"] = duplicate_name( |
KnowledgebaseService.query, |
name=dataset_name, |
tenant_id=tenant_id, |
status=StatusEnum.VALID.value) |
try: |
request_body["id"] = get_uuid() |
request_body["tenant_id"] = tenant_id |
request_body["created_by"] = tenant_id |
exist, t = TenantService.get_by_id(tenant_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_result(code=RetCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, message="Tenant not found.") |
request_body["embd_id"] = t.embd_id |
if not KnowledgebaseService.save(**request_body): |
return construct_result() |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.SUCCESS, |
data={"dataset_name": request_body["name"], "dataset_id": request_body["id"]}) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/", methods=["GET"]) |
@login_required |
def list_datasets(): |
offset = request.args.get("offset", 0) |
count = request.args.get("count", -1) |
orderby = request.args.get("orderby", "create_time") |
desc = request.args.get("desc", True) |
try: |
tenants = TenantService.get_joined_tenants_by_user_id(current_user.id) |
datasets = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_tenant_ids_by_offset( |
[m["tenant_id"] for m in tenants], current_user.id, int(offset), int(count), orderby, desc) |
return construct_json_result(data=datasets, code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message=f"List datasets successfully!") |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
except HTTPError as http_err: |
return construct_json_result(http_err) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>", methods=["DELETE"]) |
@login_required |
def remove_dataset(dataset_id): |
try: |
datasets = KnowledgebaseService.query(created_by=current_user.id, id=dataset_id) |
if not datasets: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"The dataset cannot be found for your current account.", |
for doc in DocumentService.query(kb_id=dataset_id): |
if not DocumentService.remove_document(doc, datasets[0].tenant_id): |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="There was an error during the document removal process. " |
"Please check the status of the RAGFlow server and try the removal again.") |
f2d = File2DocumentService.get_by_document_id(doc.id) |
FileService.filter_delete([File.source_type == FileSource.KNOWLEDGEBASE, File.id == f2d[0].file_id]) |
File2DocumentService.delete_by_document_id(doc.id) |
if not KnowledgebaseService.delete_by_id(dataset_id): |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="There was an error during the dataset removal process. " |
"Please check the status of the RAGFlow server and try the removal again.") |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message=f"Remove dataset: {dataset_id} successfully") |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>", methods=["GET"]) |
@login_required |
def get_dataset(dataset_id): |
try: |
dataset = KnowledgebaseService.get_detail(dataset_id) |
if not dataset: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="Can't find this dataset!") |
return construct_json_result(data=dataset, code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_json_result(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>", methods=["PUT"]) |
@login_required |
def update_dataset(dataset_id): |
req = request.json |
try: |
if not req: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="Please input at least one parameter that " |
"you want to update!") |
if not KnowledgebaseService.query(created_by=current_user.id, id=dataset_id): |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Only the owner of knowledgebase is authorized for this operation!", |
exist, dataset = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="This dataset cannot be found!") |
if "name" in req: |
name = req["name"].strip() |
if name.lower() != dataset.name.lower() \ |
and len(KnowledgebaseService.query(name=name, tenant_id=current_user.id, |
status=StatusEnum.VALID.value)) > 1: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"The name: {name.lower()} is already used by other " |
f"datasets. Please choose a different name.") |
dataset_updating_data = {} |
chunk_num = req.get("chunk_num") |
if req.get("embedding_model_id"): |
if chunk_num == 0: |
dataset_updating_data["embd_id"] = req["embedding_model_id"] |
else: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="You have already parsed the document in this " |
"dataset, so you cannot change the embedding " |
"model.") |
if "chunk_method" in req: |
type_value = req["chunk_method"] |
if is_illegal_value_for_enum(type_value, ParserType): |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Illegal value {type_value} for 'chunk_method' field.", |
code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
if chunk_num != 0: |
construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="You have already parsed the document " |
"in this dataset, so you cannot " |
"change the chunk method.") |
dataset_updating_data["parser_id"] = req["template_type"] |
if req.get("photo"): |
dataset_updating_data["avatar"] = req["photo"] |
if "layout_recognize" in req: |
if "parser_config" not in dataset_updating_data: |
dataset_updating_data['parser_config'] = {} |
dataset_updating_data['parser_config']['layout_recognize'] = req['layout_recognize'] |
for key in ["name", "language", "description", "permission", "id", "token_num"]: |
if key in req: |
dataset_updating_data[key] = req.get(key) |
if not KnowledgebaseService.update_by_id(dataset.id, dataset_updating_data): |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.OPERATING_ERROR, message="Failed to update! " |
"Please check the status of RAGFlow " |
"server and try again!") |
exist, dataset = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset.id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="Failed to get the dataset " |
"using the dataset ID.") |
return construct_json_result(data=dataset.to_json(), code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/", methods=["POST"]) |
@login_required |
def upload_documents(dataset_id): |
if not request.files: |
return construct_json_result( |
message="There is no file!", code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
file_objs = request.files.getlist("file") |
num_file_objs = len(file_objs) |
if num_file_objs > MAXIMUM_OF_UPLOADING_FILES: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message=f"You try to upload {num_file_objs} files, " |
f"which exceeds the maximum number of uploading files: {MAXIMUM_OF_UPLOADING_FILES}") |
exist, dataset = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message="Can't find this dataset", code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
for file_obj in file_objs: |
file_name = file_obj.filename |
if not file_name: |
return construct_json_result( |
message="There is a file without name!", code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
if 'http' in file_name: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR, message="Remote files have not unsupported.") |
root_folder = FileService.get_root_folder(current_user.id) |
parent_file_id = root_folder["id"] |
FileService.init_knowledgebase_docs(parent_file_id, current_user.id) |
kb_root_folder = FileService.get_kb_folder(current_user.id) |
kb_folder = FileService.new_a_file_from_kb(dataset.tenant_id, dataset.name, kb_root_folder["id"]) |
err = [] |
MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER = int(os.environ.get("MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER", 0)) |
uploaded_docs_json = [] |
for file in file_objs: |
try: |
if MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER > 0 and DocumentService.get_doc_count(dataset.tenant_id) >= MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="Exceed the maximum file number of a free user!") |
filename = duplicate_name( |
DocumentService.query, |
name=file.filename, |
kb_id=dataset.id) |
filetype = filename_type(filename) |
if filetype == FileType.OTHER.value: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="This type of file has not been supported yet!") |
location = filename |
while STORAGE_IMPL.obj_exist(dataset_id, location): |
location += "_" |
blob = file.read() |
if blob == b'': |
warnings.warn(f"[WARNING]: The content of the file {filename} is empty.") |
STORAGE_IMPL.put(dataset_id, location, blob) |
doc = { |
"id": get_uuid(), |
"kb_id": dataset.id, |
"parser_id": dataset.parser_id, |
"parser_config": dataset.parser_config, |
"created_by": current_user.id, |
"type": filetype, |
"name": filename, |
"location": location, |
"size": len(blob), |
"thumbnail": thumbnail(filename, blob) |
} |
if doc["type"] == FileType.VISUAL: |
doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.PICTURE.value |
if doc["type"] == FileType.AURAL: |
doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.AUDIO.value |
if re.search(r"\.(ppt|pptx|pages)$", filename): |
doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.PRESENTATION.value |
DocumentService.insert(doc) |
FileService.add_file_from_kb(doc, kb_folder["id"], dataset.tenant_id) |
uploaded_docs_json.append(doc) |
except Exception as e: |
err.append(file.filename + ": " + str(e)) |
if err: |
return construct_json_result(message="\n".join(err), code=RetCode.SERVER_ERROR) |
return construct_json_result(data=uploaded_docs_json, code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>", methods=["DELETE"]) |
@login_required |
def delete_document(document_id, dataset_id): |
root_folder = FileService.get_root_folder(current_user.id) |
parent_file_id = root_folder["id"] |
FileService.init_knowledgebase_docs(parent_file_id, current_user.id) |
errors = "" |
try: |
exist, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Document {document_id} not found!", code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
tenant_id = DocumentService.get_tenant_id(document_id) |
if not tenant_id: |
return construct_json_result( |
message=f"You cannot delete this document {document_id} due to the authorization" |
f" reason!", code=RetCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) |
real_dataset_id, location = File2DocumentService.get_storage_address(doc_id=document_id) |
if real_dataset_id != dataset_id: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"The document {document_id} is not in the dataset: {dataset_id}, " |
f"but in the dataset: {real_dataset_id}.", code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
if not DocumentService.remove_document(doc, tenant_id): |
return construct_json_result( |
message="There was an error during the document removal process. Please check the status of the " |
"RAGFlow server and try the removal again.", code=RetCode.OPERATING_ERROR) |
file_to_doc = File2DocumentService.get_by_document_id(document_id) |
FileService.filter_delete([File.source_type == FileSource.KNOWLEDGEBASE, File.id == file_to_doc[0].file_id]) |
File2DocumentService.delete_by_document_id(document_id) |
STORAGE_IMPL.rm(dataset_id, location) |
except Exception as e: |
errors += str(e) |
if errors: |
return construct_json_result(data=False, message=errors, code=RetCode.SERVER_ERROR) |
return construct_json_result(data=True, code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
@manager.route('/<dataset_id>/documents/', methods=['GET']) |
@login_required |
def list_documents(dataset_id): |
if not dataset_id: |
return construct_json_result( |
data=False, message="Lack of 'dataset_id'", code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
keywords = request.args.get("keywords", "") |
offset = request.args.get("offset", 0) |
count = request.args.get("count", -1) |
order_by = request.args.get("order_by", "create_time") |
descend = request.args.get("descend", True) |
try: |
docs, total = DocumentService.list_documents_in_dataset(dataset_id, int(offset), int(count), order_by, |
descend, keywords) |
return construct_json_result(data={"total": total, "docs": docs}, message=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>", methods=["PUT"]) |
@login_required |
def update_document(dataset_id, document_id): |
req = request.json |
try: |
legal_parameters = set() |
legal_parameters.add("name") |
legal_parameters.add("enable") |
legal_parameters.add("template_type") |
for key in req.keys(): |
if key not in legal_parameters: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR, message=f"{key} is an illegal parameter.") |
if not req: |
return construct_json_result( |
code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message="Please input at least one parameter that you want to update!") |
exist, dataset = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message=f"This dataset {dataset_id} cannot be found!") |
exist, document = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"This document {document_id} cannot be found!", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
updating_data = {} |
if "name" in req: |
new_name = req["name"] |
updating_data["name"] = new_name |
if not new_name: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, message="There is no new name.") |
new_name = new_name.strip() |
if pathlib.Path(new_name.lower()).suffix != pathlib.Path( |
document.name.lower()).suffix: |
return construct_json_result( |
data=False, |
message="The extension of file cannot be changed", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
for d in DocumentService.query(name=new_name, kb_id=document.kb_id): |
if d.name == new_name: |
return construct_json_result( |
message="Duplicated document name in the same dataset.", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
if "enable" in req: |
enable_value = req["enable"] |
if is_illegal_value_for_enum(enable_value, StatusEnum): |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Illegal value {enable_value} for 'enable' field.", |
code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
updating_data["status"] = enable_value |
if "template_type" in req: |
type_value = req["template_type"] |
if is_illegal_value_for_enum(type_value, ParserType): |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Illegal value {type_value} for 'template_type' field.", |
code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
updating_data["parser_id"] = req["template_type"] |
if not DocumentService.update_by_id(document_id, updating_data): |
return construct_json_result( |
message="Failed to update document in the database! " |
"Please check the status of RAGFlow server and try again!") |
if "name" in req: |
file_information = File2DocumentService.get_by_document_id(document_id) |
if file_information: |
exist, file = FileService.get_by_id(file_information[0].file_id) |
FileService.update_by_id(file.id, {"name": req["name"]}) |
exist, document = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
return construct_json_result(data=document.to_json(), message="Success", code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
def is_illegal_value_for_enum(value, enum_class): |
return value not in enum_class.__members__.values() |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>", methods=["GET"]) |
@login_required |
def download_document(dataset_id, document_id): |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
exist, document = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"This document '{document_id}' cannot be found!", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
doc_id, doc_location = File2DocumentService.get_storage_address(doc_id=document_id) |
file_stream = STORAGE_IMPL.get(doc_id, doc_location) |
if not file_stream: |
return construct_json_result(message="This file is empty.", code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR) |
file = BytesIO(file_stream) |
return send_file( |
file, |
as_attachment=True, |
download_name=document.name, |
mimetype='application/octet-stream' |
) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
def doc_parse_callback(doc_id, prog=None, msg=""): |
cancel = DocumentService.do_cancel(doc_id) |
if cancel: |
raise Exception("The parsing process has been cancelled!") |
""" |
def doc_parse(binary, doc_name, parser_name, tenant_id, doc_id): |
match parser_name: |
case "book": |
book.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "laws": |
laws.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "manual": |
manual.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "naive": |
# It's the mode by default, which is general in the front-end |
naive.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "one": |
one.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "paper": |
paper.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "picture": |
picture.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, tenant_id=tenant_id, lang="Chinese", |
callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "presentation": |
presentation.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "qa": |
qa.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "resume": |
resume.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "table": |
table.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "audio": |
audio.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case "email": |
email.chunk(doc_name, binary=binary, callback=partial(doc_parse_callback, doc_id)) |
case _: |
return False |
return True |
""" |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>/status", methods=["POST"]) |
@login_required |
def parse_document(dataset_id, document_id): |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
return parsing_document_internal(document_id) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/status", methods=["POST"]) |
@login_required |
def parse_documents(dataset_id): |
doc_ids = request.json["doc_ids"] |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
if not doc_ids: |
docs, total = DocumentService.list_documents_in_dataset(dataset_id, 0, -1, "create_time", |
True, "") |
doc_ids = [doc["id"] for doc in docs] |
message = "" |
for id in doc_ids: |
res = parsing_document_internal(id) |
res_body = res.json |
if res_body["code"] == RetCode.SUCCESS: |
message += res_body["message"] |
else: |
return res |
return construct_json_result(data=True, code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message=message) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
def parsing_document_internal(id): |
message = "" |
try: |
exist, document = DocumentService.get_by_id(id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"This document '{id}' cannot be found!", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
tenant_id = DocumentService.get_tenant_id(id) |
if not tenant_id: |
return construct_json_result(message="Tenant not found!", code=RetCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) |
info = {"run": "1", "progress": 0} |
info["progress_msg"] = "" |
info["chunk_num"] = 0 |
info["token_num"] = 0 |
DocumentService.update_by_id(id, info) |
ELASTICSEARCH.deleteByQuery(Q("match", doc_id=id), idxnm=search.index_name(tenant_id)) |
_, doc_attributes = DocumentService.get_by_id(id) |
doc_attributes = doc_attributes.to_dict() |
doc_id = doc_attributes["id"] |
bucket, doc_name = File2DocumentService.get_storage_address(doc_id=doc_id) |
binary = STORAGE_IMPL.get(bucket, doc_name) |
parser_name = doc_attributes["parser_id"] |
if binary: |
res = doc_parse(binary, doc_name, parser_name, tenant_id, doc_id) |
if res is False: |
message += f"The parser id: {parser_name} of the document {doc_id} is not supported; " |
else: |
message += f"Empty data in the document: {doc_name}; " |
if doc_attributes["status"] == TaskStatus.FAIL.value: |
message += f"Failed in parsing the document: {doc_id}; " |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message=message) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>/status", methods=["DELETE"]) |
@login_required |
def stop_parsing_document(dataset_id, document_id): |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
return stop_parsing_document_internal(document_id) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("<dataset_id>/documents/status", methods=["DELETE"]) |
@login_required |
def stop_parsing_documents(dataset_id): |
doc_ids = request.json["doc_ids"] |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
if not doc_ids: |
docs, total = DocumentService.list_documents_in_dataset(dataset_id, 0, -1, "create_time", |
True, "") |
doc_ids = [doc["id"] for doc in docs] |
message = "" |
for id in doc_ids: |
res = stop_parsing_document_internal(id) |
res_body = res.json |
if res_body["code"] == RetCode.SUCCESS: |
message += res_body["message"] |
else: |
return res |
return construct_json_result(data=True, code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message=message) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
def stop_parsing_document_internal(document_id): |
try: |
exist, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"This document '{document_id}' cannot be found!", |
code=RetCode.ARGUMENT_ERROR) |
doc_attributes = doc.to_dict() |
if doc_attributes["status"] == TaskStatus.RUNNING.value: |
tenant_id = DocumentService.get_tenant_id(document_id) |
if not tenant_id: |
return construct_json_result(message="Tenant not found!", code=RetCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) |
if not DocumentService.update_by_id(document_id, {"status": "2"}): |
return construct_json_result( |
message="There was an error during the stopping parsing the document process. " |
"Please check the status of the RAGFlow server and try the update again." |
) |
_, doc_attributes = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
doc_attributes = doc_attributes.to_dict() |
if doc_attributes["status"] == TaskStatus.RUNNING.value: |
return construct_json_result(message=f"Failed in parsing the document: {document_id}; ", code=RetCode.SUCCESS) |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.SUCCESS, message="") |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |
@manager.route("/<dataset_id>/documents/<document_id>/status", methods=["GET"]) |
@login_required |
def show_parsing_status(dataset_id, document_id): |
try: |
exist, _ = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(dataset_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This dataset: '{dataset_id}' cannot be found!") |
exist, _ = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
if not exist: |
return construct_json_result(code=RetCode.DATA_ERROR, |
message=f"This document: '{document_id}' is not a valid document.") |
_, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(document_id) |
doc_attributes = doc.to_dict() |
return construct_json_result( |
data={"progress": doc_attributes["progress"], "status": TaskStatus(doc_attributes["status"]).name}, |
code=RetCode.SUCCESS |
) |
except Exception as e: |
return construct_error_response(e) |