import logging |
import os |
import re |
import json |
import time |
import infinity |
from infinity.common import ConflictType, InfinityException, SortType |
from infinity.index import IndexInfo, IndexType |
from infinity.connection_pool import ConnectionPool |
from infinity.errors import ErrorCode |
from rag import settings |
from rag.utils import singleton |
import polars as pl |
from polars.series.series import Series |
from api.utils.file_utils import get_project_base_directory |
from rag.utils.doc_store_conn import ( |
DocStoreConnection, |
MatchExpr, |
MatchTextExpr, |
MatchDenseExpr, |
FusionExpr, |
OrderByExpr, |
) |
def equivalent_condition_to_str(condition: dict) -> str: |
assert "_id" not in condition |
cond = list() |
for k, v in condition.items(): |
if not isinstance(k, str) or not v: |
continue |
if isinstance(v, list): |
inCond = list() |
for item in v: |
if isinstance(item, str): |
inCond.append(f"'{item}'") |
else: |
inCond.append(str(item)) |
if inCond: |
strInCond = ", ".join(inCond) |
strInCond = f"{k} IN ({strInCond})" |
cond.append(strInCond) |
elif isinstance(v, str): |
cond.append(f"{k}='{v}'") |
else: |
cond.append(f"{k}={str(v)}") |
return " AND ".join(cond) |
def concat_dataframes(df_list: list[pl.DataFrame], selectFields: list[str]) -> pl.DataFrame: |
""" |
Concatenate multiple dataframes into one. |
""" |
if df_list: |
return pl.concat(df_list) |
schema = dict() |
for fieldnm in selectFields: |
schema[fieldnm] = str |
return pl.DataFrame(schema=schema) |
@singleton |
class InfinityConnection(DocStoreConnection): |
def __init__(self): |
self.dbName = settings.INFINITY.get("db_name", "default_db") |
infinity_uri = settings.INFINITY["uri"] |
if ":" in infinity_uri: |
host, port = infinity_uri.split(":") |
infinity_uri = infinity.common.NetworkAddress(host, int(port)) |
self.connPool = None |
logging.info(f"Use Infinity {infinity_uri} as the doc engine.") |
for _ in range(24): |
try: |
connPool = ConnectionPool(infinity_uri) |
inf_conn = connPool.get_conn() |
res = inf_conn.show_current_node() |
connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
self.connPool = connPool |
if res.error_code == ErrorCode.OK and res.server_status=="started": |
break |
logging.warn(f"Infinity status: {res.server_status}. Waiting Infinity {infinity_uri} to be healthy.") |
time.sleep(5) |
except Exception as e: |
logging.warning(f"{str(e)}. Waiting Infinity {infinity_uri} to be healthy.") |
time.sleep(5) |
if self.connPool is None: |
msg = f"Infinity {infinity_uri} didn't become healthy in 120s." |
logging.error(msg) |
raise Exception(msg) |
logging.info(f"Infinity {infinity_uri} is healthy.") |
""" |
Database operations |
""" |
def dbType(self) -> str: |
return "infinity" |
def health(self) -> dict: |
""" |
Return the health status of the database. |
TODO: Infinity-sdk provides health() to wrap `show global variables` and `show tables` |
""" |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
res = inf_conn.show_current_node() |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
res2 = { |
"type": "infinity", |
"status": "green" if res.error_code == 0 and res.server_status == "started" else "red", |
"error": res.error_msg, |
} |
return res2 |
""" |
Table operations |
""" |
def createIdx(self, indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str, vectorSize: int): |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
inf_db = inf_conn.create_database(self.dbName, ConflictType.Ignore) |
fp_mapping = os.path.join( |
get_project_base_directory(), "conf", "infinity_mapping.json" |
) |
if not os.path.exists(fp_mapping): |
raise Exception(f"Mapping file not found at {fp_mapping}") |
schema = json.load(open(fp_mapping)) |
vector_name = f"q_{vectorSize}_vec" |
schema[vector_name] = {"type": f"vector,{vectorSize},float"} |
inf_table = inf_db.create_table( |
table_name, |
schema, |
ConflictType.Ignore, |
) |
inf_table.create_index( |
"q_vec_idx", |
IndexInfo( |
vector_name, |
IndexType.Hnsw, |
{ |
"M": "16", |
"ef_construction": "50", |
"metric": "cosine", |
"encode": "lvq", |
}, |
), |
ConflictType.Ignore, |
) |
text_suffix = ["_tks", "_ltks", "_kwd"] |
for field_name, field_info in schema.items(): |
if field_info["type"] != "varchar": |
continue |
for suffix in text_suffix: |
if field_name.endswith(suffix): |
inf_table.create_index( |
f"text_idx_{field_name}", |
IndexInfo( |
field_name, IndexType.FullText, {"ANALYZER": "standard"} |
), |
ConflictType.Ignore, |
) |
break |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
logging.info( |
f"INFINITY created table {table_name}, vector size {vectorSize}" |
) |
def deleteIdx(self, indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str): |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
db_instance.drop_table(table_name, ConflictType.Ignore) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
logging.info(f"INFINITY dropped table {table_name}") |
def indexExist(self, indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str) -> bool: |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
try: |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
_ = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
return True |
except Exception as e: |
logging.warning(f"INFINITY indexExist {str(e)}") |
return False |
""" |
CRUD operations |
""" |
def search( |
self, |
selectFields: list[str], |
highlightFields: list[str], |
condition: dict, |
matchExprs: list[MatchExpr], |
orderBy: OrderByExpr, |
offset: int, |
limit: int, |
indexNames: str | list[str], |
knowledgebaseIds: list[str], |
) -> list[dict] | pl.DataFrame: |
""" |
TODO: Infinity doesn't provide highlight |
""" |
if isinstance(indexNames, str): |
indexNames = indexNames.split(",") |
assert isinstance(indexNames, list) and len(indexNames) > 0 |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
df_list = list() |
table_list = list() |
if "id" not in selectFields: |
selectFields.append("id") |
filter_cond = "" |
filter_fulltext = "" |
if condition: |
filter_cond = equivalent_condition_to_str(condition) |
for matchExpr in matchExprs: |
if isinstance(matchExpr, MatchTextExpr): |
if len(filter_cond) != 0 and "filter" not in matchExpr.extra_options: |
matchExpr.extra_options.update({"filter": filter_cond}) |
fields = ",".join(matchExpr.fields) |
filter_fulltext = ( |
f"filter_fulltext('{fields}', '{matchExpr.matching_text}')" |
) |
if len(filter_cond) != 0: |
filter_fulltext = f"({filter_cond}) AND {filter_fulltext}" |
logging.debug(f"filter_fulltext: {filter_fulltext}") |
minimum_should_match = matchExpr.extra_options.get("minimum_should_match", 0.0) |
if isinstance(minimum_should_match, float): |
str_minimum_should_match = str(int(minimum_should_match * 100)) + "%" |
matchExpr.extra_options["minimum_should_match"] = str_minimum_should_match |
for k, v in matchExpr.extra_options.items(): |
if not isinstance(v, str): |
matchExpr.extra_options[k] = str(v) |
elif isinstance(matchExpr, MatchDenseExpr): |
if len(filter_cond) != 0 and "filter" not in matchExpr.extra_options: |
matchExpr.extra_options.update({"filter": filter_fulltext}) |
for k, v in matchExpr.extra_options.items(): |
if not isinstance(v, str): |
matchExpr.extra_options[k] = str(v) |
order_by_expr_list = list() |
if orderBy.fields: |
for order_field in orderBy.fields: |
if order_field[1] == 0: |
order_by_expr_list.append((order_field[0], SortType.Asc)) |
else: |
order_by_expr_list.append((order_field[0], SortType.Desc)) |
for indexName in indexNames: |
for knowledgebaseId in knowledgebaseIds: |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
try: |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
except Exception: |
continue |
table_list.append(table_name) |
builder = table_instance.output(selectFields) |
if len(matchExprs) > 0: |
for matchExpr in matchExprs: |
if isinstance(matchExpr, MatchTextExpr): |
fields = ",".join(matchExpr.fields) |
builder = builder.match_text( |
fields, |
matchExpr.matching_text, |
matchExpr.topn, |
matchExpr.extra_options, |
) |
elif isinstance(matchExpr, MatchDenseExpr): |
builder = builder.match_dense( |
matchExpr.vector_column_name, |
matchExpr.embedding_data, |
matchExpr.embedding_data_type, |
matchExpr.distance_type, |
matchExpr.topn, |
matchExpr.extra_options, |
) |
elif isinstance(matchExpr, FusionExpr): |
builder = builder.fusion( |
matchExpr.method, matchExpr.topn, matchExpr.fusion_params |
) |
else: |
if len(filter_cond) > 0: |
builder.filter(filter_cond) |
if orderBy.fields: |
builder.sort(order_by_expr_list) |
builder.offset(offset).limit(limit) |
kb_res = builder.to_pl() |
df_list.append(kb_res) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
res = concat_dataframes(df_list, selectFields) |
logging.debug("INFINITY search tables: " + str(table_list)) |
return res |
def get( |
self, chunkId: str, indexName: str, knowledgebaseIds: list[str] |
) -> dict | None: |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
df_list = list() |
assert isinstance(knowledgebaseIds, list) |
for knowledgebaseId in knowledgebaseIds: |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
kb_res = table_instance.output(["*"]).filter(f"id = '{chunkId}'").to_pl() |
if len(kb_res) != 0 and kb_res.shape[0] > 0: |
df_list.append(kb_res) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
res = concat_dataframes(df_list, ["id"]) |
res_fields = self.getFields(res, res.columns) |
return res_fields.get(chunkId, None) |
def insert( |
self, documents: list[dict], indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str |
) -> list[str]: |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
try: |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
except InfinityException as e: |
if e.error_code != ErrorCode.TABLE_NOT_EXIST: |
raise |
vector_size = 0 |
patt = re.compile(r"q_(?P<vector_size>\d+)_vec") |
for k in documents[0].keys(): |
m = patt.match(k) |
if m: |
vector_size = int(m.group("vector_size")) |
break |
if vector_size == 0: |
raise ValueError("Cannot infer vector size from documents") |
self.createIdx(indexName, knowledgebaseId, vector_size) |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
for d in documents: |
assert "_id" not in d |
assert "id" in d |
for k, v in d.items(): |
if k.endswith("_kwd") and isinstance(v, list): |
d[k] = " ".join(v) |
if k == 'kb_id': |
if isinstance(d[k], list): |
d[k] = d[k][0] |
ids = ["'{}'".format(d["id"]) for d in documents] |
str_ids = ", ".join(ids) |
str_filter = f"id IN ({str_ids})" |
table_instance.delete(str_filter) |
table_instance.insert(documents) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
logging.debug(f"inserted into {table_name} {str_ids}.") |
return [] |
def update( |
self, condition: dict, newValue: dict, indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str |
) -> bool: |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
filter = equivalent_condition_to_str(condition) |
for k, v in newValue.items(): |
if k.endswith("_kwd") and isinstance(v, list): |
newValue[k] = " ".join(v) |
table_instance.update(filter, newValue) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
return True |
def delete(self, condition: dict, indexName: str, knowledgebaseId: str) -> int: |
inf_conn = self.connPool.get_conn() |
db_instance = inf_conn.get_database(self.dbName) |
table_name = f"{indexName}_{knowledgebaseId}" |
filter = equivalent_condition_to_str(condition) |
try: |
table_instance = db_instance.get_table(table_name) |
except Exception: |
logging.warning( |
f"Skipped deleting `{filter}` from table {table_name} since the table doesn't exist." |
) |
return 0 |
res = table_instance.delete(filter) |
self.connPool.release_conn(inf_conn) |
return res.deleted_rows |
""" |
Helper functions for search result |
""" |
def getTotal(self, res): |
return len(res) |
def getChunkIds(self, res): |
return list(res["id"]) |
def getFields(self, res, fields: list[str]) -> list[str, dict]: |
res_fields = {} |
if not fields: |
return {} |
num_rows = len(res) |
column_id = res["id"] |
for i in range(num_rows): |
id = column_id[i] |
m = {"id": id} |
for fieldnm in fields: |
if fieldnm not in res: |
m[fieldnm] = None |
continue |
v = res[fieldnm][i] |
if isinstance(v, Series): |
v = list(v) |
elif fieldnm == "important_kwd": |
assert isinstance(v, str) |
v = v.split() |
else: |
if not isinstance(v, str): |
v = str(v) |
m[fieldnm] = v |
res_fields[id] = m |
return res_fields |
def getHighlight(self, res, keywords: list[str], fieldnm: str): |
ans = {} |
num_rows = len(res) |
column_id = res["id"] |
for i in range(num_rows): |
id = column_id[i] |
txt = res[fieldnm][i] |
txt = re.sub(r"[\r\n]", " ", txt, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) |
txts = [] |
for t in re.split(r"[.?!;\n]", txt): |
for w in keywords: |
t = re.sub( |
r"(^|[ .?/'\"\(\)!,:;-])(%s)([ .?/'\"\(\)!,:;-])" |
% re.escape(w), |
r"\1<em>\2</em>\3", |
t, |
) |
if not re.search( |
r"<em>[^<>]+</em>", t, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE |
): |
continue |
txts.append(t) |
ans[id] = "...".join(txts) |
return ans |
def getAggregation(self, res, fieldnm: str): |
""" |
TODO: Infinity doesn't provide aggregation |
""" |
return list() |
""" |
""" |
def sql(sql: str, fetch_size: int, format: str): |
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") |