ragflow / pyproject.toml
zhichyu's picture
Added doc on dev-slim (#2627)
history blame
3.17 kB
name = "ragflow"
version = "0.11.0"
description = "[RAGFlow](https://ragflow.io/) is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding. It offers a streamlined RAG workflow for businesses of any scale, combining LLM (Large Language Models) to provide truthful question-answering capabilities, backed by well-founded citations from various complex formatted data."
authors = ["Your Name <[email protected]>"]
license = "https://github.com/infiniflow/ragflow/blob/main/LICENSE"
readme = "README.md"
package-mode = false
python = ">=3.12,<3.13"
datrie = "0.8.2"
akshare = "^1.14.81"
azure-storage-blob = "12.22.0"
azure-identity = "1.17.1"
azure-storage-file-datalake = "12.16.0"
anthropic = "=0.34.1"
arxiv = "2.1.3"
aspose-slides = { version = "^24.9.0", markers = "platform_machine == 'x86_64'" }
bio = "1.7.1"
boto3 = "1.34.140"
botocore = "1.34.140"
cachetools = "5.3.3"
chardet = "5.2.0"
cn2an = "0.5.22"
cohere = "5.6.2"
dashscope = "1.14.1"
deepl = "1.18.0"
demjson3 = "3.0.6"
discord-py = "2.3.2"
duckduckgo-search = "6.1.9"
editdistance = "0.8.1"
elastic-transport = "8.12.0"
elasticsearch = "8.12.1"
elasticsearch-dsl = "8.12.0"
fasttext = "0.9.3"
filelock = "3.15.4"
flask = "3.0.3"
flask-cors = "5.0.0"
flask-login = "0.6.3"
flask-session = "0.8.0"
google-search-results = "2.4.2"
groq = "0.9.0"
hanziconv = "0.3.2"
html-text = "0.6.2"
httpx = "0.27.0"
huggingface-hub = "^0.25.0"
infinity-emb = "0.0.51"
itsdangerous = "2.1.2"
markdown = "3.6"
markdown-to-json = "2.1.1"
minio = "7.2.4"
mistralai = "0.4.2"
nltk = "3.9.1"
numpy = "1.26.4"
ollama = "0.2.1"
onnxruntime = "1.17.3"
openai = "1.12.0"
opencv-python = ""
opencv-python-headless = ""
openpyxl = "3.1.2"
ormsgpack = "1.5.0"
pandas = "2.2.2"
pdfplumber = "0.10.4"
peewee = "3.17.1"
pillow = "10.3.0"
protobuf = "5.27.2"
psycopg2-binary = "2.9.9"
pyclipper = "1.3.0.post5"
pycryptodomex = "3.20.0"
pypdf = "^5.0.0"
pytest = "8.2.2"
python-dotenv = "1.0.1"
python-dateutil = "2.8.2"
python-pptx = "0.6.23"
pywencai = "0.12.2"
qianfan = "0.4.6"
ranx = "0.3.20"
readability-lxml = "0.8.1"
redis = "5.0.3"
requests = "2.32.2"
replicate = "0.31.0"
roman-numbers = "1.0.2"
ruamel-base = "1.0.0"
scholarly = "1.7.11"
scikit-learn = "1.5.0"
selenium = "4.22.0"
setuptools = "70.0.0"
shapely = "2.0.5"
six = "1.16.0"
strenum = "0.4.15"
tabulate = "0.9.0"
tencentcloud-sdk-python = "3.0.1215"
tika = "2.6.0"
tiktoken = "0.6.0"
umap_learn = "0.5.6"
vertexai = "1.64.0"
volcengine = "1.0.146"
voyageai = "0.2.3"
webdriver-manager = "4.0.1"
werkzeug = "3.0.3"
wikipedia = "1.4.0"
word2number = "1.1"
xgboost = "1.5.0"
xpinyin = "0.7.6"
yfinance = "0.1.96"
zhipuai = "2.0.1"
ruamel-yaml = "^0.18.6"
google-generativeai = "^0.8.1"
python-docx = "^1.1.2"
pypdf2 = "^3.0.1"
graspologic = "^3.4.1"
pymysql = "^1.1.1"
optional = true
bcembedding = "0.1.3"
fastembed = "^0.3.6"
flagembedding = "1.2.10"
mini-racer = "^0.12.4"
torch = "2.3.0"
transformers = "4.38.1"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"