import json |
import re |
from copy import deepcopy |
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search |
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from rag.settings import es_logger |
from rag.utils import rmSpace |
from rag.nlp import rag_tokenizer, query, is_english |
import numpy as np |
def index_name(uid): return f"ragflow_{uid}" |
class Dealer: |
def __init__(self, es): |
self.qryr = query.EsQueryer(es) |
self.qryr.flds = [ |
"title_tks^10", |
"title_sm_tks^5", |
"important_kwd^30", |
"important_tks^20", |
"content_ltks^2", |
"content_sm_ltks"] |
self.es = es |
@dataclass |
class SearchResult: |
total: int |
ids: List[str] |
query_vector: List[float] = None |
field: Optional[Dict] = None |
highlight: Optional[Dict] = None |
aggregation: Union[List, Dict, None] = None |
keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None |
group_docs: List[List] = None |
def _vector(self, txt, emb_mdl, sim=0.8, topk=10): |
qv, c = emb_mdl.encode_queries(txt) |
return { |
"field": "q_%d_vec" % len(qv), |
"k": topk, |
"similarity": sim, |
"num_candidates": topk * 2, |
"query_vector": [float(v) for v in qv] |
} |
def _add_filters(self, bqry, req): |
if req.get("kb_ids"): |
bqry.filter.append(Q("terms", kb_id=req["kb_ids"])) |
if req.get("doc_ids"): |
bqry.filter.append(Q("terms", doc_id=req["doc_ids"])) |
if req.get("knowledge_graph_kwd"): |
bqry.filter.append(Q("terms", knowledge_graph_kwd=req["knowledge_graph_kwd"])) |
if "available_int" in req: |
if req["available_int"] == 0: |
bqry.filter.append(Q("range", available_int={"lt": 1})) |
else: |
bqry.filter.append( |
Q("bool", must_not=Q("range", available_int={"lt": 1}))) |
return bqry |
def search(self, req, idxnm, emb_mdl=None, highlight=False): |
qst = req.get("question", "") |
bqry, keywords = self.qryr.question(qst, min_match="30%") |
bqry = self._add_filters(bqry, req) |
bqry.boost = 0.05 |
s = Search() |
pg = int(req.get("page", 1)) - 1 |
topk = int(req.get("topk", 1024)) |
ps = int(req.get("size", topk)) |
src = req.get("fields", ["docnm_kwd", "content_ltks", "kb_id", "img_id", "title_tks", "important_kwd", |
"image_id", "doc_id", "q_512_vec", "q_768_vec", "position_int", "knowledge_graph_kwd", |
"q_1024_vec", "q_1536_vec", "available_int", "content_with_weight"]) |
s = s.query(bqry)[pg * ps:(pg + 1) * ps] |
s = s.highlight("content_ltks") |
s = s.highlight("title_ltks") |
if not qst: |
if not req.get("sort"): |
s = s.sort( |
{"create_timestamp_flt": { |
"order": "desc", "unmapped_type": "float"}} |
) |
else: |
s = s.sort( |
{"page_num_int": {"order": "asc", "unmapped_type": "float", |
"mode": "avg", "numeric_type": "double"}}, |
{"top_int": {"order": "asc", "unmapped_type": "float", |
"mode": "avg", "numeric_type": "double"}}, |
{"create_timestamp_flt": { |
"order": "desc", "unmapped_type": "float"}} |
) |
if qst: |
s = s.highlight_options( |
fragment_size=120, |
number_of_fragments=5, |
boundary_scanner_locale="zh-CN", |
boundary_scanner="SENTENCE", |
boundary_chars=",./;:\\!(),。?:!……()——、" |
) |
s = s.to_dict() |
q_vec = [] |
if req.get("vector"): |
assert emb_mdl, "No embedding model selected" |
s["knn"] = self._vector( |
qst, emb_mdl, req.get( |
"similarity", 0.1), topk) |
s["knn"]["filter"] = bqry.to_dict() |
if not highlight and "highlight" in s: |
del s["highlight"] |
q_vec = s["knn"]["query_vector"] |
es_logger.info("【Q】: {}".format(json.dumps(s))) |
res = self.es.search(deepcopy(s), idxnm=idxnm, timeout="600s", src=src) |
es_logger.info("TOTAL: {}".format(self.es.getTotal(res))) |
if self.es.getTotal(res) == 0 and "knn" in s: |
bqry, _ = self.qryr.question(qst, min_match="10%") |
if req.get("doc_ids"): |
bqry = Q("bool", must=[]) |
bqry = self._add_filters(bqry, req) |
s["query"] = bqry.to_dict() |
s["knn"]["filter"] = bqry.to_dict() |
s["knn"]["similarity"] = 0.17 |
res = self.es.search(s, idxnm=idxnm, timeout="600s", src=src) |
es_logger.info("【Q】: {}".format(json.dumps(s))) |
kwds = set([]) |
for k in keywords: |
kwds.add(k) |
for kk in rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(k).split(" "): |
if len(kk) < 2: |
continue |
if kk in kwds: |
continue |
kwds.add(kk) |
aggs = self.getAggregation(res, "docnm_kwd") |
return self.SearchResult( |
total=self.es.getTotal(res), |
ids=self.es.getDocIds(res), |
query_vector=q_vec, |
aggregation=aggs, |
highlight=self.getHighlight(res, keywords, "content_with_weight"), |
field=self.getFields(res, src), |
keywords=list(kwds) |
) |
def getAggregation(self, res, g): |
if not "aggregations" in res or "aggs_" + g not in res["aggregations"]: |
return |
bkts = res["aggregations"]["aggs_" + g]["buckets"] |
return [(b["key"], b["doc_count"]) for b in bkts] |
def getHighlight(self, res, keywords, fieldnm): |
ans = {} |
for d in res["hits"]["hits"]: |
hlts = d.get("highlight") |
if not hlts: |
continue |
txt = "...".join([a for a in list(hlts.items())[0][1]]) |
if not is_english(txt.split(" ")): |
ans[d["_id"]] = txt |
continue |
txt = d["_source"][fieldnm] |
txt = re.sub(r"[\r\n]", " ", txt, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE) |
txts = [] |
for t in re.split(r"[.?!;\n]", txt): |
for w in keywords: |
t = re.sub(r"(^|[ .?/'\"\(\)!,:;-])(%s)([ .?/'\"\(\)!,:;-])"%re.escape(w), r"\1<em>\2</em>\3", t, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE) |
if not re.search(r"<em>[^<>]+</em>", t, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE): continue |
txts.append(t) |
ans[d["_id"]] = "...".join(txts) if txts else "...".join([a for a in list(hlts.items())[0][1]]) |
return ans |
def getFields(self, sres, flds): |
res = {} |
if not flds: |
return {} |
for d in self.es.getSource(sres): |
m = {n: d.get(n) for n in flds if d.get(n) is not None} |
for n, v in m.items(): |
if isinstance(v, type([])): |
m[n] = "\t".join([str(vv) if not isinstance( |
vv, list) else "\t".join([str(vvv) for vvv in vv]) for vv in v]) |
continue |
if not isinstance(v, type("")): |
m[n] = str(m[n]) |
if n.find("tks") > 0: |
m[n] = rmSpace(m[n]) |
if m: |
res[d["id"]] = m |
return res |
@staticmethod |
def trans2floats(txt): |
return [float(t) for t in txt.split("\t")] |
def insert_citations(self, answer, chunks, chunk_v, |
embd_mdl, tkweight=0.1, vtweight=0.9): |
assert len(chunks) == len(chunk_v) |
if not chunks: |
return answer, set([]) |
pieces = re.split(r"(```)", answer) |
if len(pieces) >= 3: |
i = 0 |
pieces_ = [] |
while i < len(pieces): |
if pieces[i] == "```": |
st = i |
i += 1 |
while i < len(pieces) and pieces[i] != "```": |
i += 1 |
if i < len(pieces): |
i += 1 |
pieces_.append("".join(pieces[st: i]) + "\n") |
else: |
pieces_.extend( |
re.split( |
r"([^\|][;。?!!\n]|[a-z][.?;!][ \n])", |
pieces[i])) |
i += 1 |
pieces = pieces_ |
else: |
pieces = re.split(r"([^\|][;。?!!\n]|[a-z][.?;!][ \n])", answer) |
for i in range(1, len(pieces)): |
if re.match(r"([^\|][;。?!!\n]|[a-z][.?;!][ \n])", pieces[i]): |
pieces[i - 1] += pieces[i][0] |
pieces[i] = pieces[i][1:] |
idx = [] |
pieces_ = [] |
for i, t in enumerate(pieces): |
if len(t) < 5: |
continue |
idx.append(i) |
pieces_.append(t) |
es_logger.info("{} => {}".format(answer, pieces_)) |
if not pieces_: |
return answer, set([]) |
ans_v, _ = embd_mdl.encode(pieces_) |
assert len(ans_v[0]) == len(chunk_v[0]), "The dimension of query and chunk do not match: {} vs. {}".format( |
len(ans_v[0]), len(chunk_v[0])) |
chunks_tks = [rag_tokenizer.tokenize(self.qryr.rmWWW(ck)).split(" ") |
for ck in chunks] |
cites = {} |
thr = 0.63 |
while thr>0.3 and len(cites.keys()) == 0 and pieces_ and chunks_tks: |
for i, a in enumerate(pieces_): |
sim, tksim, vtsim = self.qryr.hybrid_similarity(ans_v[i], |
chunk_v, |
rag_tokenizer.tokenize( |
self.qryr.rmWWW(pieces_[i])).split(" "), |
chunks_tks, |
tkweight, vtweight) |
mx = np.max(sim) * 0.99 |
es_logger.info("{} SIM: {}".format(pieces_[i], mx)) |
if mx < thr: |
continue |
cites[idx[i]] = list( |
set([str(ii) for ii in range(len(chunk_v)) if sim[ii] > mx]))[:4] |
thr *= 0.8 |
res = "" |
seted = set([]) |
for i, p in enumerate(pieces): |
res += p |
if i not in idx: |
continue |
if i not in cites: |
continue |
for c in cites[i]: |
assert int(c) < len(chunk_v) |
for c in cites[i]: |
if c in seted: |
continue |
res += f" ##{c}$$" |
seted.add(c) |
return res, seted |
def rerank(self, sres, query, tkweight=0.3, |
vtweight=0.7, cfield="content_ltks"): |
_, keywords = self.qryr.question(query) |
ins_embd = [ |
Dealer.trans2floats( |
sres.field[i].get("q_%d_vec" % len(sres.query_vector), "\t".join(["0"] * len(sres.query_vector)))) for i in sres.ids] |
if not ins_embd: |
return [], [], [] |
for i in sres.ids: |
if isinstance(sres.field[i].get("important_kwd", []), str): |
sres.field[i]["important_kwd"] = [sres.field[i]["important_kwd"]] |
ins_tw = [] |
for i in sres.ids: |
content_ltks = sres.field[i][cfield].split(" ") |
title_tks = [t for t in sres.field[i].get("title_tks", "").split(" ") if t] |
important_kwd = sres.field[i].get("important_kwd", []) |
tks = content_ltks + title_tks + important_kwd |
ins_tw.append(tks) |
sim, tksim, vtsim = self.qryr.hybrid_similarity(sres.query_vector, |
ins_embd, |
keywords, |
ins_tw, tkweight, vtweight) |
return sim, tksim, vtsim |
def rerank_by_model(self, rerank_mdl, sres, query, tkweight=0.3, |
vtweight=0.7, cfield="content_ltks"): |
_, keywords = self.qryr.question(query) |
for i in sres.ids: |
if isinstance(sres.field[i].get("important_kwd", []), str): |
sres.field[i]["important_kwd"] = [sres.field[i]["important_kwd"]] |
ins_tw = [] |
for i in sres.ids: |
content_ltks = sres.field[i][cfield].split(" ") |
title_tks = [t for t in sres.field[i].get("title_tks", "").split(" ") if t] |
important_kwd = sres.field[i].get("important_kwd", []) |
tks = content_ltks + title_tks + important_kwd |
ins_tw.append(tks) |
tksim = self.qryr.token_similarity(keywords, ins_tw) |
vtsim,_ = rerank_mdl.similarity(" ".join(keywords), [rmSpace(" ".join(tks)) for tks in ins_tw]) |
return tkweight*np.array(tksim) + vtweight*vtsim, tksim, vtsim |
def hybrid_similarity(self, ans_embd, ins_embd, ans, inst): |
return self.qryr.hybrid_similarity(ans_embd, |
ins_embd, |
rag_tokenizer.tokenize(ans).split(" "), |
rag_tokenizer.tokenize(inst).split(" ")) |
def retrieval(self, question, embd_mdl, tenant_id, kb_ids, page, page_size, similarity_threshold=0.2, |
vector_similarity_weight=0.3, top=1024, doc_ids=None, aggs=True, rerank_mdl=None, highlight=False): |
ranks = {"total": 0, "chunks": [], "doc_aggs": {}} |
if not question: |
return ranks |
req = {"kb_ids": kb_ids, "doc_ids": doc_ids, "size": page_size*RERANK_PAGE_LIMIT, |
"question": question, "vector": True, "topk": top, |
"similarity": similarity_threshold, |
"available_int": 1} |
if page > RERANK_PAGE_LIMIT: |
req["page"] = page |
req["size"] = page_size |
sres = self.search(req, index_name(tenant_id), embd_mdl, highlight) |
ranks["total"] = sres.total |
if page <= RERANK_PAGE_LIMIT: |
if rerank_mdl: |
sim, tsim, vsim = self.rerank_by_model(rerank_mdl, |
sres, question, 1 - vector_similarity_weight, vector_similarity_weight) |
else: |
sim, tsim, vsim = self.rerank( |
sres, question, 1 - vector_similarity_weight, vector_similarity_weight) |
idx = np.argsort(sim * -1)[(page-1)*page_size:page*page_size] |
else: |
sim = tsim = vsim = [1]*len(sres.ids) |
idx = list(range(len(sres.ids))) |
dim = len(sres.query_vector) |
for i in idx: |
if sim[i] < similarity_threshold: |
break |
if len(ranks["chunks"]) >= page_size: |
if aggs: |
continue |
break |
id = sres.ids[i] |
dnm = sres.field[id]["docnm_kwd"] |
did = sres.field[id]["doc_id"] |
d = { |
"chunk_id": id, |
"content_ltks": sres.field[id]["content_ltks"], |
"content_with_weight": sres.field[id]["content_with_weight"], |
"doc_id": sres.field[id]["doc_id"], |
"docnm_kwd": dnm, |
"kb_id": sres.field[id]["kb_id"], |
"important_kwd": sres.field[id].get("important_kwd", []), |
"img_id": sres.field[id].get("img_id", ""), |
"similarity": sim[i], |
"vector_similarity": vsim[i], |
"term_similarity": tsim[i], |
"vector": self.trans2floats(sres.field[id].get("q_%d_vec" % dim, "\t".join(["0"] * dim))), |
"positions": sres.field[id].get("position_int", "").split("\t") |
} |
if highlight: |
if id in sres.highlight: |
d["highlight"] = rmSpace(sres.highlight[id]) |
else: |
d["highlight"] = d["content_with_weight"] |
if len(d["positions"]) % 5 == 0: |
poss = [] |
for i in range(0, len(d["positions"]), 5): |
poss.append([float(d["positions"][i]), float(d["positions"][i + 1]), float(d["positions"][i + 2]), |
float(d["positions"][i + 3]), float(d["positions"][i + 4])]) |
d["positions"] = poss |
ranks["chunks"].append(d) |
if dnm not in ranks["doc_aggs"]: |
ranks["doc_aggs"][dnm] = {"doc_id": did, "count": 0} |
ranks["doc_aggs"][dnm]["count"] += 1 |
ranks["doc_aggs"] = [{"doc_name": k, |
"doc_id": v["doc_id"], |
"count": v["count"]} for k, |
v in sorted(ranks["doc_aggs"].items(), |
key=lambda x:x[1]["count"] * -1)] |
return ranks |
def sql_retrieval(self, sql, fetch_size=128, format="json"): |
from api.settings import chat_logger |
sql = re.sub(r"[ `]+", " ", sql) |
sql = sql.replace("%", "") |
es_logger.info(f"Get es sql: {sql}") |
replaces = [] |
for r in re.finditer(r" ([a-z_]+_l?tks)( like | ?= ?)'([^']+)'", sql): |
fld, v = r.group(1), r.group(3) |
match = " MATCH({}, '{}', 'operator=OR;minimum_should_match=30%') ".format( |
fld, rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(rag_tokenizer.tokenize(v))) |
replaces.append( |
("{}{}'{}'".format( |
r.group(1), |
r.group(2), |
r.group(3)), |
match)) |
for p, r in replaces: |
sql = sql.replace(p, r, 1) |
chat_logger.info(f"To es: {sql}") |
try: |
tbl = self.es.sql(sql, fetch_size, format) |
return tbl |
except Exception as e: |
chat_logger.error(f"SQL failure: {sql} =>" + str(e)) |
return {"error": str(e)} |
def chunk_list(self, doc_id, tenant_id, max_count=1024, fields=["docnm_kwd", "content_with_weight", "img_id"]): |
s = Search() |
s = s.query(Q("match", doc_id=doc_id))[0:max_count] |
s = s.to_dict() |
es_res = self.es.search(s, idxnm=index_name(tenant_id), timeout="600s", src=fields) |
res = [] |
for index, chunk in enumerate(es_res['hits']['hits']): |
res.append({fld: chunk['_source'].get(fld) for fld in fields}) |
return res |