import logging |
import binascii |
import os |
import json |
import json_repair |
import re |
from collections import defaultdict |
from copy import deepcopy |
from timeit import default_timer as timer |
import datetime |
from datetime import timedelta |
from api.db import LLMType, ParserType, StatusEnum |
from api.db.db_models import Dialog, DB |
from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService |
from api.db.services.document_service import DocumentService |
from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService |
from api.db.services.llm_service import LLMService, TenantLLMService, LLMBundle |
from api import settings |
from graphrag.utils import get_tags_from_cache, set_tags_to_cache |
from rag.app.resume import forbidden_select_fields4resume |
from rag.nlp.search import index_name |
from rag.settings import TAG_FLD |
from rag.utils import rmSpace, num_tokens_from_string, encoder |
from api.utils.file_utils import get_project_base_directory |
class DialogService(CommonService): |
model = Dialog |
@classmethod |
@DB.connection_context() |
def get_list(cls, tenant_id, |
page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, id, name): |
chats = cls.model.select() |
if id: |
chats = chats.where(cls.model.id == id) |
if name: |
chats = chats.where(cls.model.name == name) |
chats = chats.where( |
(cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id) |
& (cls.model.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) |
) |
if desc: |
chats = chats.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) |
else: |
chats = chats.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) |
chats = chats.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) |
return list(chats.dicts()) |
def message_fit_in(msg, max_length=4000): |
def count(): |
nonlocal msg |
tks_cnts = [] |
for m in msg: |
tks_cnts.append( |
{"role": m["role"], "count": num_tokens_from_string(m["content"])}) |
total = 0 |
for m in tks_cnts: |
total += m["count"] |
return total |
c = count() |
if c < max_length: |
return c, msg |
msg_ = [m for m in msg[:-1] if m["role"] == "system"] |
if len(msg) > 1: |
msg_.append(msg[-1]) |
msg = msg_ |
c = count() |
if c < max_length: |
return c, msg |
ll = num_tokens_from_string(msg_[0]["content"]) |
ll2 = num_tokens_from_string(msg_[-1]["content"]) |
if ll / (ll + ll2) > 0.8: |
m = msg_[0]["content"] |
m = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(m)[:max_length - ll2]) |
msg[0]["content"] = m |
return max_length, msg |
m = msg_[1]["content"] |
m = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(m)[:max_length - ll2]) |
msg[1]["content"] = m |
return max_length, msg |
def llm_id2llm_type(llm_id): |
llm_id, _ = TenantLLMService.split_model_name_and_factory(llm_id) |
fnm = os.path.join(get_project_base_directory(), "conf") |
llm_factories = json.load(open(os.path.join(fnm, "llm_factories.json"), "r")) |
for llm_factory in llm_factories["factory_llm_infos"]: |
for llm in llm_factory["llm"]: |
if llm_id == llm["llm_name"]: |
return llm["model_type"].strip(",")[-1] |
def kb_prompt(kbinfos, max_tokens): |
knowledges = [ck["content_with_weight"] for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]] |
used_token_count = 0 |
chunks_num = 0 |
for i, c in enumerate(knowledges): |
used_token_count += num_tokens_from_string(c) |
chunks_num += 1 |
if max_tokens * 0.97 < used_token_count: |
knowledges = knowledges[:i] |
break |
docs = DocumentService.get_by_ids([ck["doc_id"] for ck in kbinfos["chunks"][:chunks_num]]) |
docs = {d.id: d.meta_fields for d in docs} |
doc2chunks = defaultdict(lambda: {"chunks": [], "meta": []}) |
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"][:chunks_num]: |
doc2chunks[ck["docnm_kwd"]]["chunks"].append(ck["content_with_weight"]) |
doc2chunks[ck["docnm_kwd"]]["meta"] = docs.get(ck["doc_id"], {}) |
knowledges = [] |
for nm, cks_meta in doc2chunks.items(): |
txt = f"Document: {nm} \n" |
for k,v in cks_meta["meta"].items(): |
txt += f"{k}: {v}\n" |
txt += "Relevant fragments as following:\n" |
for i, chunk in enumerate(cks_meta["chunks"], 1): |
txt += f"{i}. {chunk}\n" |
knowledges.append(txt) |
return knowledges |
def label_question(question, kbs): |
tags = None |
tag_kb_ids = [] |
for kb in kbs: |
if kb.parser_config.get("tag_kb_ids"): |
tag_kb_ids.extend(kb.parser_config["tag_kb_ids"]) |
if tag_kb_ids: |
all_tags = get_tags_from_cache(tag_kb_ids) |
if not all_tags: |
all_tags = settings.retrievaler.all_tags_in_portion(kb.tenant_id, tag_kb_ids) |
set_tags_to_cache(all_tags, tag_kb_ids) |
else: |
all_tags = json.loads(all_tags) |
tag_kbs = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_ids(tag_kb_ids) |
tags = settings.retrievaler.tag_query(question, |
list(set([kb.tenant_id for kb in tag_kbs])), |
tag_kb_ids, |
all_tags, |
kb.parser_config.get("topn_tags", 3) |
) |
return tags |
def chat(dialog, messages, stream=True, **kwargs): |
assert messages[-1]["role"] == "user", "The last content of this conversation is not from user." |
chat_start_ts = timer() |
llm_id, model_provider = TenantLLMService.split_model_name_and_factory(dialog.llm_id) |
llm = LLMService.query(llm_name=llm_id) if not model_provider else LLMService.query(llm_name=llm_id, fid=model_provider) |
if not llm: |
llm = TenantLLMService.query(tenant_id=dialog.tenant_id, llm_name=llm_id) if not model_provider else \ |
TenantLLMService.query(tenant_id=dialog.tenant_id, llm_name=llm_id, llm_factory=model_provider) |
if not llm: |
raise LookupError("LLM(%s) not found" % dialog.llm_id) |
max_tokens = 8192 |
else: |
max_tokens = llm[0].max_tokens |
check_llm_ts = timer() |
kbs = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_ids(dialog.kb_ids) |
embedding_list = list(set([kb.embd_id for kb in kbs])) |
if len(embedding_list) != 1: |
yield {"answer": "**ERROR**: Knowledge bases use different embedding models.", "reference": []} |
return {"answer": "**ERROR**: Knowledge bases use different embedding models.", "reference": []} |
embedding_model_name = embedding_list[0] |
retriever = settings.retrievaler |
questions = [m["content"] for m in messages if m["role"] == "user"][-3:] |
attachments = kwargs["doc_ids"].split(",") if "doc_ids" in kwargs else None |
if "doc_ids" in messages[-1]: |
attachments = messages[-1]["doc_ids"] |
for m in messages[:-1]: |
if "doc_ids" in m: |
attachments.extend(m["doc_ids"]) |
create_retriever_ts = timer() |
embd_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, embedding_model_name) |
if not embd_mdl: |
raise LookupError("Embedding model(%s) not found" % embedding_model_name) |
bind_embedding_ts = timer() |
if llm_id2llm_type(dialog.llm_id) == "image2text": |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, dialog.llm_id) |
else: |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, dialog.llm_id) |
bind_llm_ts = timer() |
prompt_config = dialog.prompt_config |
field_map = KnowledgebaseService.get_field_map(dialog.kb_ids) |
tts_mdl = None |
if prompt_config.get("tts"): |
tts_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.TTS) |
if field_map: |
logging.debug("Use SQL to retrieval:{}".format(questions[-1])) |
ans = use_sql(questions[-1], field_map, dialog.tenant_id, chat_mdl, prompt_config.get("quote", True)) |
if ans: |
yield ans |
return |
for p in prompt_config["parameters"]: |
if p["key"] == "knowledge": |
continue |
if p["key"] not in kwargs and not p["optional"]: |
raise KeyError("Miss parameter: " + p["key"]) |
if p["key"] not in kwargs: |
prompt_config["system"] = prompt_config["system"].replace( |
"{%s}" % p["key"], " ") |
if len(questions) > 1 and prompt_config.get("refine_multiturn"): |
questions = [full_question(dialog.tenant_id, dialog.llm_id, messages)] |
else: |
questions = questions[-1:] |
refine_question_ts = timer() |
rerank_mdl = None |
if dialog.rerank_id: |
rerank_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.RERANK, dialog.rerank_id) |
bind_reranker_ts = timer() |
generate_keyword_ts = bind_reranker_ts |
if "knowledge" not in [p["key"] for p in prompt_config["parameters"]]: |
kbinfos = {"total": 0, "chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []} |
else: |
if prompt_config.get("keyword", False): |
questions[-1] += keyword_extraction(chat_mdl, questions[-1]) |
generate_keyword_ts = timer() |
tenant_ids = list(set([kb.tenant_id for kb in kbs])) |
kbinfos = retriever.retrieval(" ".join(questions), embd_mdl, tenant_ids, dialog.kb_ids, 1, dialog.top_n, |
dialog.similarity_threshold, |
dialog.vector_similarity_weight, |
doc_ids=attachments, |
top=dialog.top_k, aggs=False, rerank_mdl=rerank_mdl, |
rank_feature=label_question(" ".join(questions), kbs) |
) |
if prompt_config.get("use_kg"): |
ck = settings.kg_retrievaler.retrieval(" ".join(questions), |
tenant_ids, |
dialog.kb_ids, |
embd_mdl, |
LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT)) |
if ck["content_with_weight"]: |
kbinfos["chunks"].insert(0, ck) |
retrieval_ts = timer() |
knowledges = kb_prompt(kbinfos, max_tokens) |
logging.debug( |
"{}->{}".format(" ".join(questions), "\n->".join(knowledges))) |
if not knowledges and prompt_config.get("empty_response"): |
empty_res = prompt_config["empty_response"] |
yield {"answer": empty_res, "reference": kbinfos, "audio_binary": tts(tts_mdl, empty_res)} |
return {"answer": prompt_config["empty_response"], "reference": kbinfos} |
kwargs["knowledge"] = "\n------\n" + "\n\n------\n\n".join(knowledges) |
gen_conf = dialog.llm_setting |
msg = [{"role": "system", "content": prompt_config["system"].format(**kwargs)}] |
msg.extend([{"role": m["role"], "content": re.sub(r"##\d+\$\$", "", m["content"])} |
for m in messages if m["role"] != "system"]) |
used_token_count, msg = message_fit_in(msg, int(max_tokens * 0.97)) |
assert len(msg) >= 2, f"message_fit_in has bug: {msg}" |
prompt = msg[0]["content"] |
prompt += "\n\n### Query:\n%s" % " ".join(questions) |
if "max_tokens" in gen_conf: |
gen_conf["max_tokens"] = min( |
gen_conf["max_tokens"], |
max_tokens - used_token_count) |
def decorate_answer(answer): |
nonlocal prompt_config, knowledges, kwargs, kbinfos, prompt, retrieval_ts |
finish_chat_ts = timer() |
refs = [] |
if knowledges and (prompt_config.get("quote", True) and kwargs.get("quote", True)): |
answer, idx = retriever.insert_citations(answer, |
[ck["content_ltks"] |
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]], |
[ck["vector"] |
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]], |
embd_mdl, |
tkweight=1 - dialog.vector_similarity_weight, |
vtweight=dialog.vector_similarity_weight) |
idx = set([kbinfos["chunks"][int(i)]["doc_id"] for i in idx]) |
recall_docs = [ |
d for d in kbinfos["doc_aggs"] if d["doc_id"] in idx] |
if not recall_docs: |
recall_docs = kbinfos["doc_aggs"] |
kbinfos["doc_aggs"] = recall_docs |
refs = deepcopy(kbinfos) |
for c in refs["chunks"]: |
if c.get("vector"): |
del c["vector"] |
if answer.lower().find("invalid key") >= 0 or answer.lower().find("invalid api") >= 0: |
answer += " Please set LLM API-Key in 'User Setting -> Model providers -> API-Key'" |
finish_chat_ts = timer() |
total_time_cost = (finish_chat_ts - chat_start_ts) * 1000 |
check_llm_time_cost = (check_llm_ts - chat_start_ts) * 1000 |
create_retriever_time_cost = (create_retriever_ts - check_llm_ts) * 1000 |
bind_embedding_time_cost = (bind_embedding_ts - create_retriever_ts) * 1000 |
bind_llm_time_cost = (bind_llm_ts - bind_embedding_ts) * 1000 |
refine_question_time_cost = (refine_question_ts - bind_llm_ts) * 1000 |
bind_reranker_time_cost = (bind_reranker_ts - refine_question_ts) * 1000 |
generate_keyword_time_cost = (generate_keyword_ts - bind_reranker_ts) * 1000 |
retrieval_time_cost = (retrieval_ts - generate_keyword_ts) * 1000 |
generate_result_time_cost = (finish_chat_ts - retrieval_ts) * 1000 |
prompt = f"{prompt}\n\n - Total: {total_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Check LLM: {check_llm_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Create retriever: {create_retriever_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Bind embedding: {bind_embedding_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Bind LLM: {bind_llm_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Tune question: {refine_question_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Bind reranker: {bind_reranker_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Generate keyword: {generate_keyword_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Retrieval: {retrieval_time_cost:.1f}ms\n - Generate answer: {generate_result_time_cost:.1f}ms" |
return {"answer": answer, "reference": refs, "prompt": re.sub(r"\n", " \n", prompt)} |
if stream: |
last_ans = "" |
answer = "" |
for ans in chat_mdl.chat_streamly(prompt, msg[1:], gen_conf): |
answer = ans |
delta_ans = ans[len(last_ans):] |
if num_tokens_from_string(delta_ans) < 16: |
continue |
last_ans = answer |
yield {"answer": answer, "reference": {}, "audio_binary": tts(tts_mdl, delta_ans)} |
delta_ans = answer[len(last_ans):] |
if delta_ans: |
yield {"answer": answer, "reference": {}, "audio_binary": tts(tts_mdl, delta_ans)} |
yield decorate_answer(answer) |
else: |
answer = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, msg[1:], gen_conf) |
logging.debug("User: {}|Assistant: {}".format( |
msg[-1]["content"], answer)) |
res = decorate_answer(answer) |
res["audio_binary"] = tts(tts_mdl, answer) |
yield res |
def use_sql(question, field_map, tenant_id, chat_mdl, quota=True): |
sys_prompt = "You are a Database Administrator. You need to check the fields of the following tables based on the user's list of questions and write the SQL corresponding to the last question." |
user_prompt = """ |
Table name: {}; |
Table of database fields are as follows: |
{} |
Question are as follows: |
{} |
Please write the SQL, only SQL, without any other explanations or text. |
""".format( |
index_name(tenant_id), |
"\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in field_map.items()]), |
question |
) |
tried_times = 0 |
def get_table(): |
nonlocal sys_prompt, user_prompt, question, tried_times |
sql = chat_mdl.chat(sys_prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}], { |
"temperature": 0.06}) |
logging.debug(f"{question} ==> {user_prompt} get SQL: {sql}") |
sql = re.sub(r"[\r\n]+", " ", sql.lower()) |
sql = re.sub(r".*select ", "select ", sql.lower()) |
sql = re.sub(r" +", " ", sql) |
sql = re.sub(r"([;;]|```).*", "", sql) |
if sql[:len("select ")] != "select ": |
return None, None |
if not re.search(r"((sum|avg|max|min)\(|group by )", sql.lower()): |
if sql[:len("select *")] != "select *": |
sql = "select doc_id,docnm_kwd," + sql[6:] |
else: |
flds = [] |
for k in field_map.keys(): |
if k in forbidden_select_fields4resume: |
continue |
if len(flds) > 11: |
break |
flds.append(k) |
sql = "select doc_id,docnm_kwd," + ",".join(flds) + sql[8:] |
logging.debug(f"{question} get SQL(refined): {sql}") |
tried_times += 1 |
return settings.retrievaler.sql_retrieval(sql, format="json"), sql |
tbl, sql = get_table() |
if tbl is None: |
return None |
if tbl.get("error") and tried_times <= 2: |
user_prompt = """ |
Table name: {}; |
Table of database fields are as follows: |
{} |
Question are as follows: |
{} |
Please write the SQL, only SQL, without any other explanations or text. |
The SQL error you provided last time is as follows: |
{} |
Error issued by database as follows: |
{} |
Please correct the error and write SQL again, only SQL, without any other explanations or text. |
""".format( |
index_name(tenant_id), |
"\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in field_map.items()]), |
question, sql, tbl["error"] |
) |
tbl, sql = get_table() |
logging.debug("TRY it again: {}".format(sql)) |
logging.debug("GET table: {}".format(tbl)) |
if tbl.get("error") or len(tbl["rows"]) == 0: |
return None |
docid_idx = set([ii for ii, c in enumerate( |
tbl["columns"]) if c["name"] == "doc_id"]) |
doc_name_idx = set([ii for ii, c in enumerate( |
tbl["columns"]) if c["name"] == "docnm_kwd"]) |
column_idx = [ii for ii in range( |
len(tbl["columns"])) if ii not in (docid_idx | doc_name_idx)] |
columns = "|" + "|".join([re.sub(r"(/.*|([^()]+))", "", field_map.get(tbl["columns"][i]["name"], |
tbl["columns"][i]["name"])) for i in |
column_idx]) + ("|Source|" if docid_idx and docid_idx else "|") |
line = "|" + "|".join(["------" for _ in range(len(column_idx))]) + \ |
("|------|" if docid_idx and docid_idx else "") |
rows = ["|" + |
"|".join([rmSpace(str(r[i])) for i in column_idx]).replace("None", " ") + |
"|" for r in tbl["rows"]] |
rows = [r for r in rows if re.sub(r"[ |]+", "", r)] |
if quota: |
rows = "\n".join([r + f" ##{ii}$$ |" for ii, r in enumerate(rows)]) |
else: |
rows = "\n".join([r + f" ##{ii}$$ |" for ii, r in enumerate(rows)]) |
rows = re.sub(r"T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(\.[0-9]+Z)?\|", "|", rows) |
if not docid_idx or not doc_name_idx: |
logging.warning("SQL missing field: " + sql) |
return { |
"answer": "\n".join([columns, line, rows]), |
"reference": {"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}, |
"prompt": sys_prompt |
} |
docid_idx = list(docid_idx)[0] |
doc_name_idx = list(doc_name_idx)[0] |
doc_aggs = {} |
for r in tbl["rows"]: |
if r[docid_idx] not in doc_aggs: |
doc_aggs[r[docid_idx]] = {"doc_name": r[doc_name_idx], "count": 0} |
doc_aggs[r[docid_idx]]["count"] += 1 |
return { |
"answer": "\n".join([columns, line, rows]), |
"reference": {"chunks": [{"doc_id": r[docid_idx], "docnm_kwd": r[doc_name_idx]} for r in tbl["rows"]], |
"doc_aggs": [{"doc_id": did, "doc_name": d["doc_name"], "count": d["count"]} for did, d in |
doc_aggs.items()]}, |
"prompt": sys_prompt |
} |
def relevant(tenant_id, llm_id, question, contents: list): |
if llm_id2llm_type(llm_id) == "image2text": |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, llm_id) |
else: |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_id) |
prompt = """ |
You are a grader assessing relevance of a retrieved document to a user question. |
It does not need to be a stringent test. The goal is to filter out erroneous retrievals. |
If the document contains keyword(s) or semantic meaning related to the user question, grade it as relevant. |
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the document is relevant to the question. |
No other words needed except 'yes' or 'no'. |
""" |
if not contents: |
return False |
contents = "Documents: \n" + " - ".join(contents) |
contents = f"Question: {question}\n" + contents |
if num_tokens_from_string(contents) >= chat_mdl.max_length - 4: |
contents = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(contents)[:chat_mdl.max_length - 4]) |
ans = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": contents}], {"temperature": 0.01}) |
if ans.lower().find("yes") >= 0: |
return True |
return False |
def rewrite(tenant_id, llm_id, question): |
if llm_id2llm_type(llm_id) == "image2text": |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, llm_id) |
else: |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_id) |
prompt = """ |
You are an expert at query expansion to generate a paraphrasing of a question. |
I can't retrieval relevant information from the knowledge base by using user's question directly. |
You need to expand or paraphrase user's question by multiple ways such as using synonyms words/phrase, |
writing the abbreviation in its entirety, adding some extra descriptions or explanations, |
changing the way of expression, translating the original question into another language (English/Chinese), etc. |
And return 5 versions of question and one is from translation. |
Just list the question. No other words are needed. |
""" |
ans = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": question}], {"temperature": 0.8}) |
return ans |
def keyword_extraction(chat_mdl, content, topn=3): |
prompt = f""" |
Role: You're a text analyzer. |
Task: extract the most important keywords/phrases of a given piece of text content. |
Requirements: |
- Summarize the text content, and give top {topn} important keywords/phrases. |
- The keywords MUST be in language of the given piece of text content. |
- The keywords are delimited by ENGLISH COMMA. |
- Keywords ONLY in output. |
### Text Content |
{content} |
""" |
msg = [ |
{"role": "system", "content": prompt}, |
{"role": "user", "content": "Output: "} |
] |
_, msg = message_fit_in(msg, chat_mdl.max_length) |
kwd = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, msg[1:], {"temperature": 0.2}) |
if isinstance(kwd, tuple): |
kwd = kwd[0] |
if kwd.find("**ERROR**") >= 0: |
return "" |
return kwd |
def question_proposal(chat_mdl, content, topn=3): |
prompt = f""" |
Role: You're a text analyzer. |
Task: propose {topn} questions about a given piece of text content. |
Requirements: |
- Understand and summarize the text content, and propose top {topn} important questions. |
- The questions SHOULD NOT have overlapping meanings. |
- The questions SHOULD cover the main content of the text as much as possible. |
- The questions MUST be in language of the given piece of text content. |
- One question per line. |
- Question ONLY in output. |
### Text Content |
{content} |
""" |
msg = [ |
{"role": "system", "content": prompt}, |
{"role": "user", "content": "Output: "} |
] |
_, msg = message_fit_in(msg, chat_mdl.max_length) |
kwd = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, msg[1:], {"temperature": 0.2}) |
if isinstance(kwd, tuple): |
kwd = kwd[0] |
if kwd.find("**ERROR**") >= 0: |
return "" |
return kwd |
def full_question(tenant_id, llm_id, messages): |
if llm_id2llm_type(llm_id) == "image2text": |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, llm_id) |
else: |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_id) |
conv = [] |
for m in messages: |
if m["role"] not in ["user", "assistant"]: |
continue |
conv.append("{}: {}".format(m["role"].upper(), m["content"])) |
conv = "\n".join(conv) |
today = datetime.date.today().isoformat() |
yesterday = (datetime.date.today() - timedelta(days=1)).isoformat() |
tomorrow = (datetime.date.today() + timedelta(days=1)).isoformat() |
prompt = f""" |
Role: A helpful assistant |
Task and steps: |
1. Generate a full user question that would follow the conversation. |
2. If the user's question involves relative date, you need to convert it into absolute date based on the current date, which is {today}. For example: 'yesterday' would be converted to {yesterday}. |
Requirements & Restrictions: |
- Text generated MUST be in the same language of the original user's question. |
- If the user's latest question is completely, don't do anything, just return the original question. |
- DON'T generate anything except a refined question. |
###################### |
-Examples- |
###################### |
# Example 1 |
## Conversation |
USER: What is the name of Donald Trump's father? |
ASSISTANT: Fred Trump. |
USER: And his mother? |
############### |
Output: What's the name of Donald Trump's mother? |
------------ |
# Example 2 |
## Conversation |
USER: What is the name of Donald Trump's father? |
ASSISTANT: Fred Trump. |
USER: And his mother? |
ASSISTANT: Mary Trump. |
User: What's her full name? |
############### |
Output: What's the full name of Donald Trump's mother Mary Trump? |
------------ |
# Example 3 |
## Conversation |
USER: What's the weather today in London? |
ASSISTANT: Cloudy. |
USER: What's about tomorrow in Rochester? |
############### |
Output: What's the weather in Rochester on {tomorrow}? |
###################### |
# Real Data |
## Conversation |
{conv} |
############### |
""" |
ans = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": "Output: "}], {"temperature": 0.2}) |
return ans if ans.find("**ERROR**") < 0 else messages[-1]["content"] |
def tts(tts_mdl, text): |
if not tts_mdl or not text: |
return |
bin = b"" |
for chunk in tts_mdl.tts(text): |
bin += chunk |
return binascii.hexlify(bin).decode("utf-8") |
def ask(question, kb_ids, tenant_id): |
kbs = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_ids(kb_ids) |
embedding_list = list(set([kb.embd_id for kb in kbs])) |
is_knowledge_graph = all([kb.parser_id == ParserType.KG for kb in kbs]) |
retriever = settings.retrievaler if not is_knowledge_graph else settings.kg_retrievaler |
embd_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, embedding_list[0]) |
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT) |
max_tokens = chat_mdl.max_length |
tenant_ids = list(set([kb.tenant_id for kb in kbs])) |
kbinfos = retriever.retrieval(question, embd_mdl, tenant_ids, kb_ids, |
1, 12, 0.1, 0.3, aggs=False, |
rank_feature=label_question(question, kbs) |
) |
knowledges = kb_prompt(kbinfos, max_tokens) |
prompt = """ |
Role: You're a smart assistant. Your name is Miss R. |
Task: Summarize the information from knowledge bases and answer user's question. |
Requirements and restriction: |
- DO NOT make things up, especially for numbers. |
- If the information from knowledge is irrelevant with user's question, JUST SAY: Sorry, no relevant information provided. |
- Answer with markdown format text. |
- Answer in language of user's question. |
- DO NOT make things up, especially for numbers. |
### Information from knowledge bases |
%s |
The above is information from knowledge bases. |
""" % "\n".join(knowledges) |
msg = [{"role": "user", "content": question}] |
def decorate_answer(answer): |
nonlocal knowledges, kbinfos, prompt |
answer, idx = retriever.insert_citations(answer, |
[ck["content_ltks"] |
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]], |
[ck["vector"] |
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]], |
embd_mdl, |
tkweight=0.7, |
vtweight=0.3) |
idx = set([kbinfos["chunks"][int(i)]["doc_id"] for i in idx]) |
recall_docs = [ |
d for d in kbinfos["doc_aggs"] if d["doc_id"] in idx] |
if not recall_docs: |
recall_docs = kbinfos["doc_aggs"] |
kbinfos["doc_aggs"] = recall_docs |
refs = deepcopy(kbinfos) |
for c in refs["chunks"]: |
if c.get("vector"): |
del c["vector"] |
if answer.lower().find("invalid key") >= 0 or answer.lower().find("invalid api") >= 0: |
answer += " Please set LLM API-Key in 'User Setting -> Model Providers -> API-Key'" |
return {"answer": answer, "reference": refs} |
answer = "" |
for ans in chat_mdl.chat_streamly(prompt, msg, {"temperature": 0.1}): |
answer = ans |
yield {"answer": answer, "reference": {}} |
yield decorate_answer(answer) |
def content_tagging(chat_mdl, content, all_tags, examples, topn=3): |
prompt = f""" |
Role: You're a text analyzer. |
Task: Tag (put on some labels) to a given piece of text content based on the examples and the entire tag set. |
Steps:: |
- Comprehend the tag/label set. |
- Comprehend examples which all consist of both text content and assigned tags with relevance score in format of JSON. |
- Summarize the text content, and tag it with top {topn} most relevant tags from the set of tag/label and the corresponding relevance score. |
Requirements |
- The tags MUST be from the tag set. |
- The output MUST be in JSON format only, the key is tag and the value is its relevance score. |
- The relevance score must be range from 1 to 10. |
- Keywords ONLY in output. |
{", ".join(all_tags)} |
""" |
for i, ex in enumerate(examples): |
prompt += """ |
# Examples {} |
### Text Content |
{} |
Output: |
{} |
""".format(i, ex["content"], json.dumps(ex[TAG_FLD], indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)) |
prompt += f""" |
# Real Data |
### Text Content |
{content} |
""" |
msg = [ |
{"role": "system", "content": prompt}, |
{"role": "user", "content": "Output: "} |
] |
_, msg = message_fit_in(msg, chat_mdl.max_length) |
kwd = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, msg[1:], {"temperature": 0.5}) |
if isinstance(kwd, tuple): |
kwd = kwd[0] |
if kwd.find("**ERROR**") >= 0: |
raise Exception(kwd) |
try: |
return json_repair.loads(kwd) |
except json_repair.JSONDecodeError: |
try: |
result = kwd.replace(prompt[:-1], '').replace('user', '').replace('model', '').strip() |
result = '{' + result.split('{')[1].split('}')[0] + '}' |
return json_repair.loads(result) |
except Exception as e: |
logging.exception(f"JSON parsing error: {result} -> {e}") |
raise e |