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Updated instructions on downloading RAGFlow Slim and RAGFlow all-in-one. (#2785)
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### Type of change
- [x] Documentation Update
- README.md +7 -3
- README_ja.md +7 -4
- README_ko.md +7 -3
- README_zh.md +6 -2
- docs/quickstart.mdx +9 -3
@@ -153,14 +153,18 @@ Try our demo at [https://demo.ragflow.io](https://demo.ragflow.io).
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3. Build the pre-built Docker images and start up the server:
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose up -d
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4. Check the server status after having the server up and running:
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3. Build the pre-built Docker images and start up the server:
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> The command below downloads the dev version Docker image for RAGFlow slim (`dev-slim`). Note that RAGFlow slim Docker images do not include embedding models or Python libraries and hence are approximately 1GB in size.
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> - To download a RAGFlow slim Docker image of a specific version, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to your desired version. For example, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0-slim`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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> - To download the dev version of RAGFlow Docker image *including* embedding models and Python libraries, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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> - To download a specific version of RAGFlow Docker image *including* embedding models and Python libraries, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to your desired version. For example, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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> **NOTE:** A RAGFlow Docker image that includes embedding models and Python libraries is approximately 9GB in size and may take significantly longer time to load.
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4. Check the server status after having the server up and running:
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@@ -135,14 +135,17 @@
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3. ビルド済みの Docker イメージをビルドし、サーバーを起動する:
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose up -d
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4. サーバーを立ち上げた後、サーバーの状態を確認する:
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3. ビルド済みの Docker イメージをビルドし、サーバーを起動する:
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> 以下のコマンドは、RAGFlow slim(`dev-slim`)の開発版Dockerイメージをダウンロードします。RAGFlow slimのDockerイメージには、埋め込みモデルやPythonライブラリが含まれていないため、サイズは約1GBです。
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> - 特定のバージョンのRAGFlow slim Dockerイメージをダウンロードするには、**docker/.env**内の`RAGFlow_IMAGE`変数を希望のバージョンに更新します。例えば、`RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0`とします。この変更を行った後、上記のコマンドを再実行してダウンロードを開始してください。
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> - RAGFlowの埋め込みモデルとPythonライブラリを含む開発版Dockerイメージをダウンロードするには、**docker/.env**内の`RAGFlow_IMAGE`変数を`RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev`に更新します。この変更を行った後、上記のコマンドを再実行してダウンロードを開始してください。
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> - 特定のバージョンのRAGFlow Dockerイメージ(埋め込みモデルとPythonライブラリを含む)をダウンロードするには、**docker/.env**内の`RAGFlow_IMAGE`変数を希望のバージョンに更新します。例えば、`RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0`とします。この変更を行った後、上記のコマンドを再実行してダウンロードを開始してください。
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> **NOTE:** 埋め込みモデルとPythonライブラリを含むRAGFlow Dockerイメージのサイズは約9GBであり、読み込みにかなりの時間がかかる場合があります。
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4. サーバーを立ち上げた後、サーバーの状態を確認する:
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@@ -138,13 +138,17 @@
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3. 미리 빌드된 Docker 이미지를 생성하고 서버를 시작하세요:
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose up -d
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4. 서버가 시작된 후 서버 상태를 확인하세요:
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3. 미리 빌드된 Docker 이미지를 생성하고 서버를 시작하세요:
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> 아래의 명령은 RAGFlow slim(dev-slim)의 개발 버전 Docker 이미지를 다운로드합니다. RAGFlow slim Docker 이미지에는 임베딩 모델이나 Python 라이브러리가 포함되어 있지 않으므로 크기는 약 1GB입니다.
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> - 특정 버전의 RAGFlow slim Docker 이미지를 다운로드하려면, **docker/.env**에서 `RAGFlow_IMAGE` 변수를 원하는 버전으로 업데이트하세요. 예를 들어, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0-slim`으로 설정합니다. 이 변경을 완료한 후, 위의 명령을 다시 실행하여 다운로드를 시작하세요.
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> - RAGFlow의 임베딩 모델과 Python 라이브러리를 포함한 개발 버전 Docker 이미지를 다운로드하려면, **docker/.env**에서 `RAGFlow_IMAGE` 변수를 `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev`로 업데이트하세요. 이 변경을 완료한 후, 위의 명령을 다시 실행하여 다운로드를 시작하세요.
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> - 특정 버전의 RAGFlow Docker 이미지를 임베딩 모델과 Python 라이브러리를 포함하여 다운로드하려면, **docker/.env**에서 `RAGFlow_IMAGE` 변수를 원하는 버전으로 업데이트하세요. 예를 들어, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0` 로 설정합니다. 이 변경을 완료한 후, 위의 명령을 다시 실행하여 다운로드를 시작하세요.
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> **NOTE:** 임베딩 모델과 Python 라이브러리를 포함한 RAGFlow Docker 이미지의 크기는 약 9GB이며, 로드하는 데 상당히 오랜 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다.
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4. 서버가 시작된 후 서버 상태를 확인하세요:
@@ -135,13 +135,17 @@
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3. 进入 **docker** 文件夹,利用提前编译好的 Docker 镜像启动服务器:
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> 如果您想安装内置 embedding
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4. 服务器启动成功后再次确认服务器状态:
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3. 进入 **docker** 文件夹,利用提前编译好的 Docker 镜像启动服务器:
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> 运行上述命令会自动下载 dev 版的 RAGFlow slim Docker 镜像(`dev-slim`),该镜像并不包含 embedding 模型以及一些 Python 库,因此镜像大小约 1GB。
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> - 如果你想下载并运行特定版本的 RAGFlow slim Docker 镜像,请在 **docker/.env** 文件中找到 `RAGFLOW_IMAGE` 变量,将其改为对应版本。例如 `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0-slim`,然后再运行上述命令。
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> - 如果您想安装内置 embedding 模型和 Python 库的 dev 版本的 Docker 镜像,需要将 **docker/.env** 文件中的 `RAGFLOW_IMAGE` 变量修改为: `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev`。
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> - 如果您想安装内置 embedding 模型和 Python 库的指定版本的 RAGFlow Docker 镜像,需要将 **docker/.env** 文件中的 `RAGFLOW_IMAGE` 变量修改为: `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0`。修改后,再运行上面的命令。
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> **注意:** 安装内置 embedding 模型和 Python 库的指定版本的 RAGFlow Docker 镜像大小约 9 GB,可能需要更长时间下载,请耐心等待。
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4. 服务器启动成功后再次确认服务器状态:
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@@ -177,14 +177,20 @@ This section provides instructions on setting up the RAGFlow server on Linux. If
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3. Build the pre-built Docker images and start up the server:
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose up -d
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4. Check the server status after having the server up and running:
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3. Build the pre-built Docker images and start up the server:
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> The command below downloads the dev version Docker image for RAGFlow slim (`dev-slim`). Note that RAGFlow slim Docker images do not include embedding models or Python libraries and hence are approximately 1GB in size.
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$ cd ragflow/docker
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$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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> - To download a RAGFlow slim Docker image of a specific version, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to your desired version. For example, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0-slim`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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> - To download the dev version of RAGFlow Docker image *including* embedding models and Python libraries, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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> - To download a specific version of RAGFlow Docker image *including* embedding models and Python libraries, update the `RAGFlow_IMAGE` variable in **docker/.env** to your desired version. For example, `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:v0.12.0`. After making this change, rerun the command above to initiate the download.
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:::tip NOTE
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A RAGFlow Docker image that includes embedding models and Python libraries is approximately 9GB in size and may take significantly longer time to load.
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4. Check the server status after having the server up and running:
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