fix: cannot save the system model setting #468 (#508)
balibabucommited on
feat: add loading to ChatContainer and set font family to inter and add tooltip to Form.Item and download documents on the document list page (#136)
balibabucommited on
feat: display chunk token number when category of knowledge as general and unavailable llm models appear disabled and if the backend returns 401, it will jump to the login page and fixed the issue where the greeting would disappear when clicking on a new dialog (#117)
balibabucommited on
feat: set initial state of auth to null (#108)
balibabucommited on
feat: Add Skeleton to MessageItem before the backend returns a message and fixed the issue where ChatConfigurationModal displays old data when creating a new dialog (#99)
balibabucommited on
feat: set width of chunk text to 100% and add Skeleton to Preview of document and remove react-pdf (#94)
balibabucommited on
feat: display all pdf pages and add DocumentPreview (#88)
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feat: set proxy of backend api (#83)
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feat: add nginx.conf (#80)
balibabucommited on
feat: layout the knowledge list page and modify the page switching button in the header (#48)
balibabucommited on
feat: prevent the user from entering the knowledge base if he is not logged in (#45)
balibabucommited on
feat: install prettier to format code and add react-dev-inspector to locate code in the IDE faster (#44)