# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from .embedding_model import * from .chat_model import * from .cv_model import * from .rerank_model import * from .sequence2txt_model import * from .tts_model import * EmbeddingModel = { "Ollama": OllamaEmbed, "LocalAI": LocalAIEmbed, "OpenAI": OpenAIEmbed, "Azure-OpenAI": AzureEmbed, "Xinference": XinferenceEmbed, "Tongyi-Qianwen": QWenEmbed, "ZHIPU-AI": ZhipuEmbed, "FastEmbed": FastEmbed, "Youdao": YoudaoEmbed, "BaiChuan": BaiChuanEmbed, "Jina": JinaEmbed, "BAAI": DefaultEmbedding, "Mistral": MistralEmbed, "Bedrock": BedrockEmbed, "Gemini": GeminiEmbed, "NVIDIA": NvidiaEmbed, "LM-Studio": LmStudioEmbed, "OpenAI-API-Compatible": OpenAI_APIEmbed, "cohere": CoHereEmbed, "TogetherAI": TogetherAIEmbed, "PerfXCloud": PerfXCloudEmbed, "Upstage": UpstageEmbed, "SILICONFLOW": SILICONFLOWEmbed, "Replicate": ReplicateEmbed, "BaiduYiyan": BaiduYiyanEmbed, "Voyage AI": VoyageEmbed } CvModel = { "OpenAI": GptV4, "Azure-OpenAI": AzureGptV4, "Ollama": OllamaCV, "Xinference": XinferenceCV, "Tongyi-Qianwen": QWenCV, "ZHIPU-AI": Zhipu4V, "Moonshot": LocalCV, "Gemini": GeminiCV, "OpenRouter": OpenRouterCV, "LocalAI": LocalAICV, "NVIDIA": NvidiaCV, "LM-Studio": LmStudioCV, "StepFun":StepFunCV, "OpenAI-API-Compatible": OpenAI_APICV, "TogetherAI": TogetherAICV, "01.AI": YiCV, "Tencent Hunyuan": HunyuanCV } ChatModel = { "OpenAI": GptTurbo, "Azure-OpenAI": AzureChat, "ZHIPU-AI": ZhipuChat, "Tongyi-Qianwen": QWenChat, "Ollama": OllamaChat, "LocalAI": LocalAIChat, "Xinference": XinferenceChat, "Moonshot": MoonshotChat, "DeepSeek": DeepSeekChat, "VolcEngine": VolcEngineChat, "BaiChuan": BaiChuanChat, "MiniMax": MiniMaxChat, "Minimax": MiniMaxChat, "Mistral": MistralChat, "Gemini": GeminiChat, "Bedrock": BedrockChat, "Groq": GroqChat, "OpenRouter": OpenRouterChat, "StepFun": StepFunChat, "NVIDIA": NvidiaChat, "LM-Studio": LmStudioChat, "OpenAI-API-Compatible": OpenAI_APIChat, "cohere": CoHereChat, "LeptonAI": LeptonAIChat, "TogetherAI": TogetherAIChat, "PerfXCloud": PerfXCloudChat, "Upstage":UpstageChat, "novita.ai": NovitaAIChat, "SILICONFLOW": SILICONFLOWChat, "01.AI": YiChat, "Replicate": ReplicateChat, "Tencent Hunyuan": HunyuanChat, "XunFei Spark": SparkChat, "BaiduYiyan": BaiduYiyanChat, "Anthropic": AnthropicChat, "Google Cloud": GoogleChat, } RerankModel = { "BAAI": DefaultRerank, "Jina": JinaRerank, "Youdao": YoudaoRerank, "Xinference": XInferenceRerank, "NVIDIA": NvidiaRerank, "LM-Studio": LmStudioRerank, "OpenAI-API-Compatible": OpenAI_APIRerank, "cohere": CoHereRerank, "TogetherAI": TogetherAIRerank, "SILICONFLOW": SILICONFLOWRerank, "BaiduYiyan": BaiduYiyanRerank, "Voyage AI": VoyageRerank } Seq2txtModel = { "OpenAI": GPTSeq2txt, "Tongyi-Qianwen": QWenSeq2txt, "Ollama": OllamaSeq2txt, "Azure-OpenAI": AzureSeq2txt, "Xinference": XinferenceSeq2txt, "Tencent Cloud": TencentCloudSeq2txt } TTSModel = { "Fish Audio": FishAudioTTS, "Tongyi-Qianwen": QwenTTS, "OpenAI":OpenAITTS }