# Docker Environment Variable

Look into [.env](./.env), there're some important variables.

The mysql password could be changed by this variable. But you need to change *mysql.password* in [service_conf.yaml](./service_conf.yaml) at the same time.

It refers to exported port number of mysql docker container, it's useful if you want to access the database outside the docker containers.

It refers to user name of [Mino](https://github.com/minio/minio). The modification should be synchronous updating at minio.user of  [service_conf.yaml](./service_conf.yaml).

It refers to user password of [Mino](https://github.com/minio/minio). The modification should be synchronous updating at minio.password of  [service_conf.yaml](./service_conf.yaml).

It refers to The API server serving port.

# Service Configuration
[service_conf.yaml](./service_conf.yaml) is used by the *API server* and *task executor*. It's the most important configuration of the system.

## ragflow

### host
The IP address used by the API server.

### port
The serving port of API server.

## mysql

### name
The database name in mysql used by this system.

### user
The database user name.

### password
The database password. The modification should be synchronous updating at *MYSQL_PASSWORD* in [.env](./.env).

### port
The serving port of mysql inside the container. The modification should be synchronous updating at [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml)

### max_connections
The max database connection.

### stale_timeout
The timeout duation in seconds.

## minio

### user
The username of minio. The modification should be synchronous updating at *MINIO_USER* in [.env](./.env).

### password
The password of minio. The modification should be synchronous updating at *MINIO_PASSWORD* in [.env](./.env).

### host
The serving IP and port inside the docker container. This is not updating until changing the minio part in [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml)

## user_default_llm
Newly signed-up users use LLM configured by this part. Otherwise, user need to configure his own LLM in *setting*.
### factory
The LLM suppliers. 'Tongyi-Qianwen', "OpenAI", "Moonshot" and "ZHIPU-AI" are supported.

### api_key
The corresponding API key of your assigned LLM vendor.

## oauth
This is OAuth configuration which allows your system using the third-party account to sign-up and sign-in to the system.

### github
Got to [Github](https://github.com/settings/developers), register new application, the *client_id* and *secret_key* will be given.