# Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License """ Reference: - [graphrag](https://github.com/microsoft/graphrag) - [LightRag](https://github.com/HKUDS/LightRAG) """ import html import json import logging import re import time from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from hashlib import md5 from typing import Any, Callable import networkx as nx import numpy as np import xxhash from networkx.readwrite import json_graph from api import settings from rag.nlp import search, rag_tokenizer from rag.utils.doc_store_conn import OrderByExpr from rag.utils.redis_conn import REDIS_CONN ErrorHandlerFn = Callable[[BaseException | None, str | None, dict | None], None] def perform_variable_replacements( input: str, history: list[dict] | None = None, variables: dict | None = None ) -> str: """Perform variable replacements on the input string and in a chat log.""" if history is None: history = [] if variables is None: variables = {} result = input def replace_all(input: str) -> str: result = input for k, v in variables.items(): result = result.replace(f"{{{k}}}", v) return result result = replace_all(result) for i, entry in enumerate(history): if entry.get("role") == "system": entry["content"] = replace_all(entry.get("content") or "") return result def clean_str(input: Any) -> str: """Clean an input string by removing HTML escapes, control characters, and other unwanted characters.""" # If we get non-string input, just give it back if not isinstance(input, str): return input result = html.unescape(input.strip()) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4324790/removing-control-characters-from-a-string-in-python return re.sub(r"[\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]", "", result) def dict_has_keys_with_types( data: dict, expected_fields: list[tuple[str, type]] ) -> bool: """Return True if the given dictionary has the given keys with the given types.""" for field, field_type in expected_fields: if field not in data: return False value = data[field] if not isinstance(value, field_type): return False return True def get_llm_cache(llmnm, txt, history, genconf): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(llmnm).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(txt).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(history).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(genconf).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() bin = REDIS_CONN.get(k) if not bin: return return bin def set_llm_cache(llmnm, txt, v, history, genconf): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(llmnm).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(txt).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(history).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(genconf).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() REDIS_CONN.set(k, v.encode("utf-8"), 24*3600) def get_embed_cache(llmnm, txt): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(llmnm).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(txt).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() bin = REDIS_CONN.get(k) if not bin: return return np.array(json.loads(bin)) def set_embed_cache(llmnm, txt, arr): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(llmnm).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(txt).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() arr = json.dumps(arr.tolist() if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray) else arr) REDIS_CONN.set(k, arr.encode("utf-8"), 24*3600) def get_tags_from_cache(kb_ids): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(kb_ids).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() bin = REDIS_CONN.get(k) if not bin: return return bin def set_tags_to_cache(kb_ids, tags): hasher = xxhash.xxh64() hasher.update(str(kb_ids).encode("utf-8")) k = hasher.hexdigest() REDIS_CONN.set(k, json.dumps(tags).encode("utf-8"), 600) def graph_merge(g1, g2): g = g2.copy() for n, attr in g1.nodes(data=True): if n not in g2.nodes(): g.add_node(n, **attr) continue for source, target, attr in g1.edges(data=True): if g.has_edge(source, target): g[source][target].update({"weight": attr.get("weight", 0)+1}) continue g.add_edge(source, target)#, **attr) for node_degree in g.degree: g.nodes[str(node_degree[0])]["rank"] = int(node_degree[1]) return g def compute_args_hash(*args): return md5(str(args).encode()).hexdigest() def handle_single_entity_extraction( record_attributes: list[str], chunk_key: str, ): if len(record_attributes) < 4 or record_attributes[0] != '"entity"': return None # add this record as a node in the G entity_name = clean_str(record_attributes[1].upper()) if not entity_name.strip(): return None entity_type = clean_str(record_attributes[2].upper()) entity_description = clean_str(record_attributes[3]) entity_source_id = chunk_key return dict( entity_name=entity_name.upper(), entity_type=entity_type.upper(), description=entity_description, source_id=entity_source_id, ) def handle_single_relationship_extraction(record_attributes: list[str], chunk_key: str): if len(record_attributes) < 5 or record_attributes[0] != '"relationship"': return None # add this record as edge source = clean_str(record_attributes[1].upper()) target = clean_str(record_attributes[2].upper()) edge_description = clean_str(record_attributes[3]) edge_keywords = clean_str(record_attributes[4]) edge_source_id = chunk_key weight = ( float(record_attributes[-1]) if is_float_regex(record_attributes[-1]) else 1.0 ) pair = sorted([source.upper(), target.upper()]) return dict( src_id=pair[0], tgt_id=pair[1], weight=weight, description=edge_description, keywords=edge_keywords, source_id=edge_source_id, metadata={"created_at": time.time()}, ) def pack_user_ass_to_openai_messages(*args: str): roles = ["user", "assistant"] return [ {"role": roles[i % 2], "content": content} for i, content in enumerate(args) ] def split_string_by_multi_markers(content: str, markers: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Split a string by multiple markers""" if not markers: return [content] results = re.split("|".join(re.escape(marker) for marker in markers), content) return [r.strip() for r in results if r.strip()] def is_float_regex(value): return bool(re.match(r"^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$", value)) def chunk_id(chunk): return xxhash.xxh64((chunk["content_with_weight"] + chunk["kb_id"]).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() def get_entity(tenant_id, kb_id, ent_name): conds = { "fields": ["content_with_weight"], "entity_kwd": ent_name, "size": 10000, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["entity"] } res = [] es_res = settings.retrievaler.search(conds, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) for id in es_res.ids: try: if isinstance(ent_name, str): return json.loads(es_res.field[id]["content_with_weight"]) res.append(json.loads(es_res.field[id]["content_with_weight"])) except Exception: continue return res def set_entity(tenant_id, kb_id, embd_mdl, ent_name, meta): chunk = { "important_kwd": [ent_name], "title_tks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(ent_name), "entity_kwd": ent_name, "knowledge_graph_kwd": "entity", "entity_type_kwd": meta["entity_type"], "content_with_weight": json.dumps(meta, ensure_ascii=False), "content_ltks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(meta["description"]), "source_id": list(set(meta["source_id"])), "kb_id": kb_id, "available_int": 0 } chunk["content_sm_ltks"] = rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(chunk["content_ltks"]) res = settings.retrievaler.search({"entity_kwd": ent_name, "size": 1, "fields": []}, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) if res.ids: settings.docStoreConn.update({"entity_kwd": ent_name}, chunk, search.index_name(tenant_id), kb_id) else: ebd = get_embed_cache(embd_mdl.llm_name, ent_name) if ebd is None: try: ebd, _ = embd_mdl.encode([ent_name]) ebd = ebd[0] set_embed_cache(embd_mdl.llm_name, ent_name, ebd) except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Fail to embed entity: {e}") if ebd is not None: chunk["q_%d_vec" % len(ebd)] = ebd settings.docStoreConn.insert([{"id": chunk_id(chunk), **chunk}], search.index_name(tenant_id)) def get_relation(tenant_id, kb_id, from_ent_name, to_ent_name, size=1): ents = from_ent_name if isinstance(ents, str): ents = [from_ent_name] if isinstance(to_ent_name, str): to_ent_name = [to_ent_name] ents.extend(to_ent_name) ents = list(set(ents)) conds = { "fields": ["content_with_weight"], "size": size, "from_entity_kwd": ents, "to_entity_kwd": ents, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["relation"] } res = [] es_res = settings.retrievaler.search(conds, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id] if isinstance(kb_id, str) else kb_id) for id in es_res.ids: try: if size == 1: return json.loads(es_res.field[id]["content_with_weight"]) res.append(json.loads(es_res.field[id]["content_with_weight"])) except Exception: continue return res def set_relation(tenant_id, kb_id, embd_mdl, from_ent_name, to_ent_name, meta): chunk = { "from_entity_kwd": from_ent_name, "to_entity_kwd": to_ent_name, "knowledge_graph_kwd": "relation", "content_with_weight": json.dumps(meta, ensure_ascii=False), "content_ltks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(meta["description"]), "important_kwd": meta["keywords"], "source_id": list(set(meta["source_id"])), "weight_int": int(meta["weight"]), "kb_id": kb_id, "available_int": 0 } chunk["content_sm_ltks"] = rag_tokenizer.fine_grained_tokenize(chunk["content_ltks"]) res = settings.retrievaler.search({"from_entity_kwd": to_ent_name, "to_entity_kwd": to_ent_name, "size": 1, "fields": []}, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) if res.ids: settings.docStoreConn.update({"from_entity_kwd": from_ent_name, "to_entity_kwd": to_ent_name}, chunk, search.index_name(tenant_id), kb_id) else: txt = f"{from_ent_name}->{to_ent_name}" ebd = get_embed_cache(embd_mdl.llm_name, txt) if ebd is None: try: ebd, _ = embd_mdl.encode([txt+f": {meta['description']}"]) ebd = ebd[0] set_embed_cache(embd_mdl.llm_name, txt, ebd) except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Fail to embed entity relation: {e}") if ebd is not None: chunk["q_%d_vec" % len(ebd)] = ebd settings.docStoreConn.insert([{"id": chunk_id(chunk), **chunk}], search.index_name(tenant_id)) def get_graph(tenant_id, kb_id): conds = { "fields": ["content_with_weight", "source_id"], "removed_kwd": "N", "size": 1, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["graph"] } res = settings.retrievaler.search(conds, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) for id in res.ids: try: return json_graph.node_link_graph(json.loads(res.field[id]["content_with_weight"]), edges="edges"), \ res.field[id]["source_id"] except Exception: continue return rebuild_graph(tenant_id, kb_id) def set_graph(tenant_id, kb_id, graph, docids): chunk = { "content_with_weight": json.dumps(nx.node_link_data(graph, edges="edges"), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), "knowledge_graph_kwd": "graph", "kb_id": kb_id, "source_id": list(docids), "available_int": 0, "removed_kwd": "N" } res = settings.retrievaler.search({"knowledge_graph_kwd": "graph", "size": 1, "fields": []}, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) if res.ids: settings.docStoreConn.update({"knowledge_graph_kwd": "graph"}, chunk, search.index_name(tenant_id), kb_id) else: settings.docStoreConn.insert([{"id": chunk_id(chunk), **chunk}], search.index_name(tenant_id)) def is_continuous_subsequence(subseq, seq): def find_all_indexes(tup, value): indexes = [] start = 0 while True: try: index = tup.index(value, start) indexes.append(index) start = index + 1 except ValueError: break return indexes index_list = find_all_indexes(seq,subseq[0]) for idx in index_list: if idx!=len(seq)-1: if seq[idx+1]==subseq[-1]: return True return False def merge_tuples(list1, list2): result = [] for tup in list1: last_element = tup[-1] if last_element in tup[:-1]: result.append(tup) else: matching_tuples = [t for t in list2 if t[0] == last_element] already_match_flag = 0 for match in matching_tuples: matchh = (match[1], match[0]) if is_continuous_subsequence(match, tup) or is_continuous_subsequence(matchh, tup): continue already_match_flag = 1 merged_tuple = tup + match[1:] result.append(merged_tuple) if not already_match_flag: result.append(tup) return result def update_nodes_pagerank_nhop_neighbour(tenant_id, kb_id, graph, n_hop): def n_neighbor(id): nonlocal graph, n_hop count = 0 source_edge = list(graph.edges(id)) if not source_edge: return [] count = count + 1 while count < n_hop: count = count + 1 sc_edge = deepcopy(source_edge) source_edge = [] for pair in sc_edge: append_edge = list(graph.edges(pair[-1])) for tuples in merge_tuples([pair], append_edge): source_edge.append(tuples) nbrs = [] for path in source_edge: n = {"path": path, "weights": []} wts = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight') for i in range(len(path)-1): f, t = path[i], path[i+1] n["weights"].append(wts.get((f, t), 0)) nbrs.append(n) return nbrs pr = nx.pagerank(graph) for n, p in pr.items(): graph.nodes[n]["pagerank"] = p try: settings.docStoreConn.update({"entity_kwd": n, "kb_id": kb_id}, {"rank_flt": p, "n_hop_with_weight": json.dumps(n_neighbor(n), ensure_ascii=False)}, search.index_name(tenant_id), kb_id) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) ty2ents = defaultdict(list) for p, r in sorted(pr.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): ty = graph.nodes[p].get("entity_type") if not ty or len(ty2ents[ty]) > 12: continue ty2ents[ty].append(p) chunk = { "content_with_weight": json.dumps(ty2ents, ensure_ascii=False), "kb_id": kb_id, "knowledge_graph_kwd": "ty2ents", "available_int": 0 } res = settings.retrievaler.search({"knowledge_graph_kwd": "ty2ents", "size": 1, "fields": []}, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id]) if res.ids: settings.docStoreConn.update({"knowledge_graph_kwd": "ty2ents"}, chunk, search.index_name(tenant_id), kb_id) else: settings.docStoreConn.insert([{"id": chunk_id(chunk), **chunk}], search.index_name(tenant_id)) def get_entity_type2sampels(idxnms, kb_ids: list): es_res = settings.retrievaler.search({"knowledge_graph_kwd": "ty2ents", "kb_id": kb_ids, "size": 10000, "fields": ["content_with_weight"]}, idxnms, kb_ids) res = defaultdict(list) for id in es_res.ids: smp = es_res.field[id].get("content_with_weight") if not smp: continue try: smp = json.loads(smp) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) for ty, ents in smp.items(): res[ty].extend(ents) return res def flat_uniq_list(arr, key): res = [] for a in arr: a = a[key] if isinstance(a, list): res.extend(a) else: res.append(a) return list(set(res)) def rebuild_graph(tenant_id, kb_id): graph = nx.Graph() src_ids = [] flds = ["entity_kwd", "entity_type_kwd", "from_entity_kwd", "to_entity_kwd", "weight_int", "knowledge_graph_kwd", "source_id"] bs = 256 for i in range(0, 10000000, bs): es_res = settings.docStoreConn.search(flds, [], {"kb_id": kb_id, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["entity", "relation"]}, [], OrderByExpr(), i, bs, search.index_name(tenant_id), [kb_id] ) tot = settings.docStoreConn.getTotal(es_res) if tot == 0: return None, None es_res = settings.docStoreConn.getFields(es_res, flds) for id, d in es_res.items(): src_ids.extend(d.get("source_id", [])) if d["knowledge_graph_kwd"] == "entity": graph.add_node(d["entity_kwd"], entity_type=d["entity_type_kwd"]) else: graph.add_edge( d["from_entity_kwd"], d["to_entity_kwd"], weight=int(d["weight_int"]) ) if len(es_res.keys()) < 128: return graph, list(set(src_ids)) return graph, list(set(src_ids))