from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer stemmer = PorterStemmer() import re from nltk import word_tokenize from . import huqie from rag.utils import num_tokens_from_string import random BULLET_PATTERN = [[ r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+(分?编|部分)", r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+章", r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+节", r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+条", r"[\((][零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[\))]", ], [ r"第[0-9]+章", r"第[0-9]+节", r"[0-9]{,3}[\. 、]", r"[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}", r"[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}", r"[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}\.[0-9]{,2}", ], [ r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+章", r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+节", r"[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[ 、]", r"[\((][零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[\))]", r"[\((][0-9]{,2}[\))]", ], [ r"PART (ONE|TWO|THREE|FOUR|FIVE|SIX|SEVEN|EIGHT|NINE|TEN)", r"Chapter (I+V?|VI*|XI|IX|X)", r"Section [0-9]+", r"Article [0-9]+" ] ] def random_choices(arr, k): k = min(len(arr), k) return random.choices(arr, k=k) def bullets_category(sections): global BULLET_PATTERN hits = [0] * len(BULLET_PATTERN) for i, pro in enumerate(BULLET_PATTERN): for sec in sections: for p in pro: if re.match(p, sec): hits[i] += 1 break maxium = 0 res = -1 for i, h in enumerate(hits): if h <= maxium: continue res = i maxium = h return res def is_english(texts): eng = 0 for t in texts: if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z]{2,}", t.strip()): eng += 1 if eng / len(texts) > 0.8: return True return False def tokenize(d, t, eng): d["content_with_weight"] = t if eng: t = re.sub(r"([a-z])-([a-z])", r"\1\2", t) d["content_ltks"] = " ".join([stemmer.stem(w) for w in word_tokenize(t)]) else: d["content_ltks"] = huqie.qie(t) d["content_sm_ltks"] = huqie.qieqie(d["content_ltks"]) def remove_contents_table(sections, eng=False): i = 0 while i < len(sections): def get(i): nonlocal sections return (sections[i] if type(sections[i]) == type("") else sections[i][0]).strip() if not re.match(r"(contents|目录|目次|table of contents|致谢|acknowledge)$", re.sub(r"( | |\u3000)+", "", get(i).split("@@")[0], re.IGNORECASE)): i += 1 continue sections.pop(i) if i >= len(sections): break prefix = get(i)[:3] if not eng else " ".join(get(i).split(" ")[:2]) while not prefix: sections.pop(i) if i >= len(sections): break prefix = get(i)[:3] if not eng else " ".join(get(i).split(" ")[:2]) sections.pop(i) if i >= len(sections) or not prefix: break for j in range(i, min(i + 128, len(sections))): if not re.match(prefix, get(j)): continue for _ in range(i, j): sections.pop(i) break def make_colon_as_title(sections): if not sections: return [] if type(sections[0]) == type(""): return sections i = 0 while i < len(sections): txt, layout = sections[i] i += 1 txt = txt.split("@")[0].strip() if not txt: continue if txt[-1] not in "::": continue txt = txt[::-1] arr = re.split(r"([。?!!?;;]| .)", txt) if len(arr) < 2 or len(arr[1]) < 32: continue sections.insert(i - 1, (arr[0][::-1], "title")) i += 1 def hierarchical_merge(bull, sections, depth): if not sections or bull < 0: return [] if type(sections[0]) == type(""): sections = [(s, "") for s in sections] sections = [(t,o) for t, o in sections if t and len(t.split("@")[0].strip()) > 1 and not re.match(r"[0-9]+$", t.split("@")[0].strip())] bullets_size = len(BULLET_PATTERN[bull]) levels = [[] for _ in range(bullets_size + 2)] def not_title(txt): if re.match(r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百0-9]+条", txt): return False if len(txt) >= 128: return True return"[,;,。;!!]", txt) for i, (txt, layout) in enumerate(sections): for j, p in enumerate(BULLET_PATTERN[bull]): if re.match(p, txt.strip()) and not not_title(txt): levels[j].append(i) break else: if"(title|head)", layout): levels[bullets_size].append(i) else: levels[bullets_size + 1].append(i) sections = [t for t, _ in sections] for s in sections: print("--", s) def binary_search(arr, target): if not arr: return -1 if target > arr[-1]: return len(arr) - 1 if target < arr[0]: return -1 s, e = 0, len(arr) while e - s > 1: i = (e + s) // 2 if target > arr[i]: s = i continue elif target < arr[i]: e = i continue else: assert False return s cks = [] readed = [False] * len(sections) levels = levels[::-1] for i, arr in enumerate(levels[:depth]): for j in arr: if readed[j]: continue readed[j] = True cks.append([j]) if i + 1 == len(levels) - 1: continue for ii in range(i + 1, len(levels)): jj = binary_search(levels[ii], j) if jj < 0: continue if jj > cks[-1][-1]: cks[-1].pop(-1) cks[-1].append(levels[ii][jj]) for ii in cks[-1]: readed[ii] = True for i in range(len(cks)): cks[i] = [sections[j] for j in cks[i][::-1]] print("--------------\n", "\n* ".join(cks[i])) return cks def naive_merge(sections, chunk_token_num=128, delimiter="\n。;!?"): if not sections: return [] if type(sections[0]) == type(""): sections = [(s, "") for s in sections] cks = [""] tk_nums = [0] def add_chunk(t, pos): nonlocal cks, tk_nums, delimiter tnum = num_tokens_from_string(t) if tnum < 8: pos = "" if tk_nums[-1] > chunk_token_num: cks.append(t + pos) tk_nums.append(tnum) else: cks[-1] += t + pos tk_nums[-1] += tnum for sec, pos in sections: s, e = 0, 1 while e < len(sec): if sec[e] in delimiter: add_chunk(sec[s: e+1], pos) s = e + 1 e = s + 1 else: e += 1 if s < e: add_chunk(sec[s: e], pos) return cks