# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import importlib import json import traceback from abc import ABC from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import pandas as pd from graph.component import component_class from graph.component.base import ComponentBase from graph.settings import flow_logger class Canvas(ABC): """ dsl = { "components": { "begin": { "obj":{ "component_name": "Begin", "params": {}, }, "downstream": ["answer_0"], "upstream": [], }, "answer_0": { "obj": { "component_name": "Answer", "params": {} }, "downstream": ["retrieval_0"], "upstream": ["begin", "generate_0"], }, "retrieval_0": { "obj": { "component_name": "Retrieval", "params": {} }, "downstream": ["generate_0"], "upstream": ["answer_0"], }, "generate_0": { "obj": { "component_name": "Generate", "params": {} }, "downstream": ["answer_0"], "upstream": ["retrieval_0"], } }, "history": [], "messages": [], "reference": [], "path": [["begin"]], "answer": [] } """ def __init__(self, dsl: str, tenant_id=None): self.path = [] self.history = [] self.messages = [] self.answer = [] self.components = {} self.dsl = json.loads(dsl) if dsl else { "components": { "begin": { "obj": { "component_name": "Begin", "params": { "prologue": "Hi there!" } }, "downstream": [], "upstream": [] } }, "history": [], "messages": [], "reference": [], "path": [], "answer": [] } self._tenant_id = tenant_id self._embed_id = "" self.load() def load(self): assert self.dsl.get("components", {}).get("begin"), "There have to be a 'Begin' component." self.components = self.dsl["components"] for k, cpn in self.components.items(): param = component_class(cpn["obj"]["component_name"] + "Param")() param.update(cpn["obj"]["params"]) param.check() cpn["obj"] = component_class(cpn["obj"]["component_name"])(self, k, param) if cpn["obj"].component_name == "Categorize": for _,desc in param.category_description.items(): if desc["to"] not in cpn["downstream"]: cpn["downstream"].append(desc["to"]) self.path = self.dsl["path"] self.history = self.dsl["history"] self.messages = self.dsl["messages"] self.answer = self.dsl["answer"] self.reference = self.dsl["reference"] self._embed_id = self.dsl.get("embed_id", "") def __str__(self): self.dsl["path"] = self.path self.dsl["history"] = self.history self.dsl["messages"] = self.messages self.dsl["answer"] = self.answer self.dsl["reference"] = self.reference self.dsl["embed_id"] = self._embed_id dsl = deepcopy(self.dsl) for k, cpn in self.components.items(): dsl["components"][k]["obj"] = json.loads(str(cpn["obj"])) return json.dumps(dsl, ensure_ascii=False) def reset(self): self.path = [] self.history = [] self.messages = [] self.answer = [] self.reference = [] self.components = {} self._embed_id = "" def run(self, **kwargs): ans = "" if self.answer: cpn_id = self.answer[0] self.answer.pop(0) try: ans = self.components[cpn_id]["obj"].run(self.history, **kwargs) except Exception as e: ans = ComponentBase.be_output(str(e)) self.path[-1].append(cpn_id) self.history.append(("assistant", ans.to_dict("records"))) return ans if not self.path: self.components["begin"]["obj"].run(self.history, **kwargs) self.path.append(["begin"]) self.path.append([]) ran = -1 def prepare2run(cpns): nonlocal ran, ans for c in cpns: cpn = self.components[c]["obj"] if cpn.component_name == "Answer": self.answer.append(c) else: print("RUN: ", c) ans = cpn.run(self.history, **kwargs) self.path[-1].append(c) ran += 1 prepare2run(self.components[self.path[-2][-1]]["downstream"]) while ran < len(self.path[-1]): print(ran, self.path) cpn_id = self.path[-1][ran] cpn = self.get_component(cpn_id) if not cpn["downstream"]: break if cpn["obj"].component_name.lower() in ["switch", "categorize", "relevant"]: switch_out = cpn["obj"].output()[1].iloc[0, 0] assert switch_out in self.components, \ "{}'s output: {} not valid.".format(cpn_id, switch_out) try: prepare2run([switch_out]) except Exception as e: for p in [c for p in self.path for c in p][::-1]: if p.lower().find("answer") >= 0: self.get_component(p)["obj"].set_exception(e) prepare2run([p]) break traceback.print_exc() continue try: prepare2run(cpn["downstream"]) except Exception as e: for p in [c for p in self.path for c in p][::-1]: if p.lower().find("answer") >= 0: self.get_component(p)["obj"].set_exception(e) prepare2run([p]) break traceback.print_exc() if self.answer: cpn_id = self.answer[0] self.answer.pop(0) ans = self.components[cpn_id]["obj"].run(self.history, **kwargs) self.path[-1].append(cpn_id) if kwargs.get("stream"): assert isinstance(ans, partial) return ans self.history.append(("assistant", ans.to_dict("records"))) return ans def get_component(self, cpn_id): return self.components[cpn_id] def get_tenant_id(self): return self._tenant_id def get_history(self, window_size): convs = [] for role, obj in self.history[window_size * -2:]: convs.append({"role": role, "content": (obj if role == "user" else '\n'.join(pd.DataFrame(obj)['content']))}) return convs def add_user_input(self, question): self.history.append(("user", question)) def set_embedding_model(self, embed_id): self._embed_id = embed_id def get_embedding_model(self): return self._embed_id