# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import json import time import traceback from uuid import uuid4 from agent.canvas import Canvas from api.db.db_models import DB, CanvasTemplate, UserCanvas, API4Conversation from api.db.services.api_service import API4ConversationService from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService from api.db.services.conversation_service import structure_answer from api.utils import get_uuid class CanvasTemplateService(CommonService): model = CanvasTemplate class UserCanvasService(CommonService): model = UserCanvas @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_list(cls, tenant_id, page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, id, title): agents = cls.model.select() if id: agents = agents.where(cls.model.id == id) if title: agents = agents.where(cls.model.title == title) agents = agents.where(cls.model.user_id == tenant_id) if desc: agents = agents.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) else: agents = agents.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) agents = agents.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) return list(agents.dicts()) def completion(tenant_id, agent_id, question, session_id=None, stream=True, **kwargs): e, cvs = UserCanvasService.get_by_id(agent_id) assert e, "Agent not found." assert cvs.user_id == tenant_id, "You do not own the agent." if not isinstance(cvs.dsl,str): cvs.dsl = json.dumps(cvs.dsl, ensure_ascii=False) canvas = Canvas(cvs.dsl, tenant_id) canvas.reset() message_id = str(uuid4()) if not session_id: query = canvas.get_preset_param() if query: for ele in query: if not ele["optional"]: if not kwargs.get(ele["key"]): assert False, f"`{ele['key']}` is required" ele["value"] = kwargs[ele["key"]] if ele["optional"]: if kwargs.get(ele["key"]): ele["value"] = kwargs[ele['key']] else: if "value" in ele: ele.pop("value") cvs.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) session_id=get_uuid() conv = { "id": session_id, "dialog_id": cvs.id, "user_id": kwargs.get("user_id", "") if isinstance(kwargs, dict) else "", "message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": canvas.get_prologue(), "created_at": time.time()}], "source": "agent", "dsl": cvs.dsl } API4ConversationService.save(**conv) if query: yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": { "session_id": session_id, "answer": canvas.get_prologue(), "reference": [], "param": canvas.get_preset_param() } }, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" return else: conv = API4Conversation(**conv) else: e, conv = API4ConversationService.get_by_id(session_id) assert e, "Session not found!" canvas = Canvas(json.dumps(conv.dsl), tenant_id) canvas.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": question, "id": message_id}) canvas.add_user_input(question) if not conv.message: conv.message = [] conv.message.append({ "role": "user", "content": question, "id": message_id }) if not conv.reference: conv.reference = [] conv.reference.append({"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}) final_ans = {"reference": [], "content": ""} if stream: try: for ans in canvas.run(stream=stream): if ans.get("running_status"): yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": {"answer": ans["content"], "running_status": True}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" continue for k in ans.keys(): final_ans[k] = ans[k] ans = {"answer": ans["content"], "reference": ans.get("reference", [])} ans = structure_answer(conv, ans, message_id, session_id) yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "created_at": time.time(), "id": message_id}) canvas.history.append(("assistant", final_ans["content"])) if final_ans.get("reference"): canvas.reference.append(final_ans["reference"]) conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e), "data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e), "reference": []}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" else: for answer in canvas.run(stream=False): if answer.get("running_status"): continue final_ans["content"] = "\n".join(answer["content"]) if "content" in answer else "" canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "id": message_id}) if final_ans.get("reference"): canvas.reference.append(final_ans["reference"]) conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) result = {"answer": final_ans["content"], "reference": final_ans.get("reference", [])} result = structure_answer(conv, result, message_id, session_id) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) yield result break