# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging import xxhash import json import random import re from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO from peewee import fn from api.db.db_utils import bulk_insert_into_db from api import settings from api.utils import current_timestamp, get_format_time, get_uuid from graphrag.general.mind_map_extractor import MindMapExtractor from rag.settings import SVR_QUEUE_NAME from rag.utils.storage_factory import STORAGE_IMPL from rag.nlp import search, rag_tokenizer from api.db import FileType, TaskStatus, ParserType, LLMType from api.db.db_models import DB, Knowledgebase, Tenant, Task, UserTenant from api.db.db_models import Document from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService from api.db import StatusEnum from rag.utils.redis_conn import REDIS_CONN class DocumentService(CommonService): model = Document @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_list(cls, kb_id, page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, keywords, id, name): docs = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.kb_id == kb_id) if id: docs = docs.where( cls.model.id == id) if name: docs = docs.where( cls.model.name == name ) if keywords: docs = docs.where( fn.LOWER(cls.model.name).contains(keywords.lower()) ) if desc: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) else: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) count = docs.count() docs = docs.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) return list(docs.dicts()), count @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_by_kb_id(cls, kb_id, page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, keywords): if keywords: docs = cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.kb_id == kb_id), (fn.LOWER(cls.model.name).contains(keywords.lower())) ) else: docs = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.kb_id == kb_id) count = docs.count() if desc: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) else: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) docs = docs.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) return list(docs.dicts()), count @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def insert(cls, doc): if not cls.save(**doc): raise RuntimeError("Database error (Document)!") e, kb = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(doc["kb_id"]) if not KnowledgebaseService.update_by_id( kb.id, {"doc_num": kb.doc_num + 1}): raise RuntimeError("Database error (Knowledgebase)!") return Document(**doc) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def remove_document(cls, doc, tenant_id): cls.clear_chunk_num(doc.id) try: settings.docStoreConn.delete({"doc_id": doc.id}, search.index_name(tenant_id), doc.kb_id) settings.docStoreConn.update({"kb_id": doc.kb_id, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["entity", "relation", "graph", "community_report"], "source_id": doc.id}, {"remove": {"source_id": doc.id}}, search.index_name(tenant_id), doc.kb_id) settings.docStoreConn.update({"kb_id": doc.kb_id, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["graph"]}, {"removed_kwd": "Y"}, search.index_name(tenant_id), doc.kb_id) settings.docStoreConn.delete({"kb_id": doc.kb_id, "knowledge_graph_kwd": ["entity", "relation", "graph", "community_report"], "must_not": {"exists": "source_id"}}, search.index_name(tenant_id), doc.kb_id) except Exception: pass return cls.delete_by_id(doc.id) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_newly_uploaded(cls): fields = [ cls.model.id, cls.model.kb_id, cls.model.parser_id, cls.model.parser_config, cls.model.name, cls.model.type, cls.model.location, cls.model.size, Knowledgebase.tenant_id, Tenant.embd_id, Tenant.img2txt_id, Tenant.asr_id, cls.model.update_time] docs = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .join(Knowledgebase, on=(cls.model.kb_id == Knowledgebase.id)) \ .join(Tenant, on=(Knowledgebase.tenant_id == Tenant.id)) \ .where( cls.model.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value, ~(cls.model.type == FileType.VIRTUAL.value), cls.model.progress == 0, cls.model.update_time >= current_timestamp() - 1000 * 600, cls.model.run == TaskStatus.RUNNING.value) \ .order_by(cls.model.update_time.asc()) return list(docs.dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_unfinished_docs(cls): fields = [cls.model.id, cls.model.process_begin_at, cls.model.parser_config, cls.model.progress_msg, cls.model.run, cls.model.parser_id] docs = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .where( cls.model.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value, ~(cls.model.type == FileType.VIRTUAL.value), cls.model.progress < 1, cls.model.progress > 0) return list(docs.dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def increment_chunk_num(cls, doc_id, kb_id, token_num, chunk_num, duation): num = cls.model.update(token_num=cls.model.token_num + token_num, chunk_num=cls.model.chunk_num + chunk_num, process_duation=cls.model.process_duation + duation).where( cls.model.id == doc_id).execute() if num == 0: raise LookupError( "Document not found which is supposed to be there") num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num + token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num + chunk_num).where( Knowledgebase.id == kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def decrement_chunk_num(cls, doc_id, kb_id, token_num, chunk_num, duation): num = cls.model.update(token_num=cls.model.token_num - token_num, chunk_num=cls.model.chunk_num - chunk_num, process_duation=cls.model.process_duation + duation).where( cls.model.id == doc_id).execute() if num == 0: raise LookupError( "Document not found which is supposed to be there") num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num - token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num - chunk_num ).where( Knowledgebase.id == kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def clear_chunk_num(cls, doc_id): doc = cls.model.get_by_id(doc_id) assert doc, "Can't fine document in database." num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num - doc.token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num - doc.chunk_num, doc_num=Knowledgebase.doc_num - 1 ).where( Knowledgebase.id == doc.kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_tenant_id(cls, doc_id): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.tenant_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.id == doc_id, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["tenant_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_knowledgebase_id(cls, doc_id): docs = cls.model.select(cls.model.kb_id).where(cls.model.id == doc_id) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["kb_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_tenant_id_by_name(cls, name): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.tenant_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.name == name, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["tenant_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def accessible(cls, doc_id, user_id): docs = cls.model.select( cls.model.id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id) ).join(UserTenant, on=(UserTenant.tenant_id == Knowledgebase.tenant_id) ).where(cls.model.id == doc_id, UserTenant.user_id == user_id).paginate(0, 1) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return False return True @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def accessible4deletion(cls, doc_id, user_id): docs = cls.model.select( cls.model.id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id) ).where(cls.model.id == doc_id, Knowledgebase.created_by == user_id).paginate(0, 1) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return False return True @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_embd_id(cls, doc_id): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.embd_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.id == doc_id, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["embd_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_chunking_config(cls, doc_id): configs = ( cls.model.select( cls.model.id, cls.model.kb_id, cls.model.parser_id, cls.model.parser_config, Knowledgebase.language, Knowledgebase.embd_id, Tenant.id.alias("tenant_id"), Tenant.img2txt_id, Tenant.asr_id, Tenant.llm_id, ) .join(Knowledgebase, on=(cls.model.kb_id == Knowledgebase.id)) .join(Tenant, on=(Knowledgebase.tenant_id == Tenant.id)) .where(cls.model.id == doc_id) ) configs = configs.dicts() if not configs: return None return configs[0] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_doc_id_by_doc_name(cls, doc_name): fields = [cls.model.id] doc_id = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .where(cls.model.name == doc_name) doc_id = doc_id.dicts() if not doc_id: return return doc_id[0]["id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_thumbnails(cls, docids): fields = [cls.model.id, cls.model.kb_id, cls.model.thumbnail] return list(cls.model.select( *fields).where(cls.model.id.in_(docids)).dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_parser_config(cls, id, config): e, d = cls.get_by_id(id) if not e: raise LookupError(f"Document({id}) not found.") def dfs_update(old, new): for k, v in new.items(): if k not in old: old[k] = v continue if isinstance(v, dict): assert isinstance(old[k], dict) dfs_update(old[k], v) else: old[k] = v dfs_update(d.parser_config, config) if not config.get("raptor") and d.parser_config.get("raptor"): del d.parser_config["raptor"] cls.update_by_id(id, {"parser_config": d.parser_config}) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_doc_count(cls, tenant_id): docs = cls.model.select(cls.model.id).join(Knowledgebase, on=(Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( Knowledgebase.tenant_id == tenant_id) return len(docs) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def begin2parse(cls, docid): cls.update_by_id( docid, {"progress": random.random() * 1 / 100., "progress_msg": "Task is queued...", "process_begin_at": get_format_time() }) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_progress(cls): MSG = { "raptor": "Start RAPTOR (Recursive Abstractive Processing for Tree-Organized Retrieval).", "graphrag": "Start Graph Extraction", "graph_resolution": "Start Graph Resolution", "graph_community": "Start Graph Community Reports Generation" } docs = cls.get_unfinished_docs() for d in docs: try: tsks = Task.query(doc_id=d["id"], order_by=Task.create_time) if not tsks: continue msg = [] prg = 0 finished = True bad = 0 e, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(d["id"]) status = doc.run # TaskStatus.RUNNING.value for t in tsks: if 0 <= t.progress < 1: finished = False prg += t.progress if t.progress >= 0 else 0 if t.progress_msg not in msg: msg.append(t.progress_msg) if t.progress == -1: bad += 1 prg /= len(tsks) if finished and bad: prg = -1 status = TaskStatus.FAIL.value elif finished: m = "\n".join(sorted(msg)) if d["parser_config"].get("raptor", {}).get("use_raptor") and m.find(MSG["raptor"]) < 0: queue_raptor_o_graphrag_tasks(d, "raptor", MSG["raptor"]) prg = 0.98 * len(tsks) / (len(tsks) + 1) elif d["parser_config"].get("graphrag", {}).get("use_graphrag") and m.find(MSG["graphrag"]) < 0: queue_raptor_o_graphrag_tasks(d, "graphrag", MSG["graphrag"]) prg = 0.98 * len(tsks) / (len(tsks) + 1) elif d["parser_config"].get("graphrag", {}).get("use_graphrag") \ and d["parser_config"].get("graphrag", {}).get("resolution") \ and m.find(MSG["graph_resolution"]) < 0: queue_raptor_o_graphrag_tasks(d, "graph_resolution", MSG["graph_resolution"]) prg = 0.98 * len(tsks) / (len(tsks) + 1) elif d["parser_config"].get("graphrag", {}).get("use_graphrag") \ and d["parser_config"].get("graphrag", {}).get("community") \ and m.find(MSG["graph_community"]) < 0: queue_raptor_o_graphrag_tasks(d, "graph_community", MSG["graph_community"]) prg = 0.98 * len(tsks) / (len(tsks) + 1) else: status = TaskStatus.DONE.value msg = "\n".join(sorted(msg)) info = { "process_duation": datetime.timestamp( datetime.now()) - d["process_begin_at"].timestamp(), "run": status} if prg != 0: info["progress"] = prg if msg: info["progress_msg"] = msg cls.update_by_id(d["id"], info) except Exception as e: if str(e).find("'0'") < 0: logging.exception("fetch task exception") @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_kb_doc_count(cls, kb_id): return len(cls.model.select(cls.model.id).where( cls.model.kb_id == kb_id).dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def do_cancel(cls, doc_id): try: _, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(doc_id) return doc.run == TaskStatus.CANCEL.value or doc.progress < 0 except Exception: pass return False def queue_raptor_o_graphrag_tasks(doc, ty, msg): chunking_config = DocumentService.get_chunking_config(doc["id"]) hasher = xxhash.xxh64() for field in sorted(chunking_config.keys()): hasher.update(str(chunking_config[field]).encode("utf-8")) def new_task(): nonlocal doc return { "id": get_uuid(), "doc_id": doc["id"], "from_page": 100000000, "to_page": 100000000, "progress_msg": datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") + " " + msg } task = new_task() for field in ["doc_id", "from_page", "to_page"]: hasher.update(str(task.get(field, "")).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(ty.encode("utf-8")) task["digest"] = hasher.hexdigest() bulk_insert_into_db(Task, [task], True) task["task_type"] = ty assert REDIS_CONN.queue_product(SVR_QUEUE_NAME, message=task), "Can't access Redis. Please check the Redis' status." def doc_upload_and_parse(conversation_id, file_objs, user_id): from rag.app import presentation, picture, naive, audio, email from api.db.services.dialog_service import DialogService from api.db.services.file_service import FileService from api.db.services.llm_service import LLMBundle from api.db.services.user_service import TenantService from api.db.services.api_service import API4ConversationService from api.db.services.conversation_service import ConversationService e, conv = ConversationService.get_by_id(conversation_id) if not e: e, conv = API4ConversationService.get_by_id(conversation_id) assert e, "Conversation not found!" e, dia = DialogService.get_by_id(conv.dialog_id) kb_id = dia.kb_ids[0] e, kb = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(kb_id) if not e: raise LookupError("Can't find this knowledgebase!") embd_mdl = LLMBundle(kb.tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, llm_name=kb.embd_id, lang=kb.language) err, files = FileService.upload_document(kb, file_objs, user_id) assert not err, "\n".join(err) def dummy(prog=None, msg=""): pass FACTORY = { ParserType.PRESENTATION.value: presentation, ParserType.PICTURE.value: picture, ParserType.AUDIO.value: audio, ParserType.EMAIL.value: email } parser_config = {"chunk_token_num": 4096, "delimiter": "\n!?;。;!?", "layout_recognize": "Plain Text"} exe = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) threads = [] doc_nm = {} for d, blob in files: doc_nm[d["id"]] = d["name"] for d, blob in files: kwargs = { "callback": dummy, "parser_config": parser_config, "from_page": 0, "to_page": 100000, "tenant_id": kb.tenant_id, "lang": kb.language } threads.append(exe.submit(FACTORY.get(d["parser_id"], naive).chunk, d["name"], blob, **kwargs)) for (docinfo, _), th in zip(files, threads): docs = [] doc = { "doc_id": docinfo["id"], "kb_id": [kb.id] } for ck in th.result(): d = deepcopy(doc) d.update(ck) d["id"] = xxhash.xxh64((ck["content_with_weight"] + str(d["doc_id"])).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() d["create_time"] = str(datetime.now()).replace("T", " ")[:19] d["create_timestamp_flt"] = datetime.now().timestamp() if not d.get("image"): docs.append(d) continue output_buffer = BytesIO() if isinstance(d["image"], bytes): output_buffer = BytesIO(d["image"]) else: d["image"].save(output_buffer, format='JPEG') STORAGE_IMPL.put(kb.id, d["id"], output_buffer.getvalue()) d["img_id"] = "{}-{}".format(kb.id, d["id"]) d.pop("image", None) docs.append(d) parser_ids = {d["id"]: d["parser_id"] for d, _ in files} docids = [d["id"] for d, _ in files] chunk_counts = {id: 0 for id in docids} token_counts = {id: 0 for id in docids} es_bulk_size = 64 def embedding(doc_id, cnts, batch_size=16): nonlocal embd_mdl, chunk_counts, token_counts vects = [] for i in range(0, len(cnts), batch_size): vts, c = embd_mdl.encode(cnts[i: i + batch_size]) vects.extend(vts.tolist()) chunk_counts[doc_id] += len(cnts[i:i + batch_size]) token_counts[doc_id] += c return vects idxnm = search.index_name(kb.tenant_id) try_create_idx = True _, tenant = TenantService.get_by_id(kb.tenant_id) llm_bdl = LLMBundle(kb.tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, tenant.llm_id) for doc_id in docids: cks = [c for c in docs if c["doc_id"] == doc_id] if parser_ids[doc_id] != ParserType.PICTURE.value: mindmap = MindMapExtractor(llm_bdl) try: mind_map = json.dumps(mindmap([c["content_with_weight"] for c in docs if c["doc_id"] == doc_id]).output, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) if len(mind_map) < 32: raise Exception("Few content: " + mind_map) cks.append({ "id": get_uuid(), "doc_id": doc_id, "kb_id": [kb.id], "docnm_kwd": doc_nm[doc_id], "title_tks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize(re.sub(r"\.[a-zA-Z]+$", "", doc_nm[doc_id])), "content_ltks": rag_tokenizer.tokenize("summary summarize 总结 概况 file 文件 概括"), "content_with_weight": mind_map, "knowledge_graph_kwd": "mind_map" }) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Mind map generation error") vects = embedding(doc_id, [c["content_with_weight"] for c in cks]) assert len(cks) == len(vects) for i, d in enumerate(cks): v = vects[i] d["q_%d_vec" % len(v)] = v for b in range(0, len(cks), es_bulk_size): if try_create_idx: if not settings.docStoreConn.indexExist(idxnm, kb_id): settings.docStoreConn.createIdx(idxnm, kb_id, len(vects[0])) try_create_idx = False settings.docStoreConn.insert(cks[b:b + es_bulk_size], idxnm, kb_id) DocumentService.increment_chunk_num( doc_id, kb.id, token_counts[doc_id], chunk_counts[doc_id], 0) return [d["id"] for d, _ in files]