# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import random import xxhash from datetime import datetime from api.db.db_utils import bulk_insert_into_db from deepdoc.parser import PdfParser from peewee import JOIN from api.db.db_models import DB, File2Document, File from api.db import StatusEnum, FileType, TaskStatus from api.db.db_models import Task, Document, Knowledgebase, Tenant from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService from api.db.services.document_service import DocumentService from api.utils import current_timestamp, get_uuid from deepdoc.parser.excel_parser import RAGFlowExcelParser from rag.settings import SVR_QUEUE_NAME from rag.utils.storage_factory import STORAGE_IMPL from rag.utils.redis_conn import REDIS_CONN from api import settings from rag.nlp import search def trim_header_by_lines(text: str, max_length) -> str: len_text = len(text) if len_text <= max_length: return text for i in range(len_text): if text[i] == '\n' and len_text - i <= max_length: return text[i + 1:] return text class TaskService(CommonService): model = Task @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_task(cls, task_id): fields = [ cls.model.id, cls.model.doc_id, cls.model.from_page, cls.model.to_page, cls.model.retry_count, Document.kb_id, Document.parser_id, Document.parser_config, Document.name, Document.type, Document.location, Document.size, Knowledgebase.tenant_id, Knowledgebase.language, Knowledgebase.embd_id, Knowledgebase.pagerank, Knowledgebase.parser_config.alias("kb_parser_config"), Tenant.img2txt_id, Tenant.asr_id, Tenant.llm_id, cls.model.update_time, ] docs = ( cls.model.select(*fields) .join(Document, on=(cls.model.doc_id == Document.id)) .join(Knowledgebase, on=(Document.kb_id == Knowledgebase.id)) .join(Tenant, on=(Knowledgebase.tenant_id == Tenant.id)) .where(cls.model.id == task_id) ) docs = list(docs.dicts()) if not docs: return None msg = f"\n{datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')} Task has been received." prog = random.random() / 10.0 if docs[0]["retry_count"] >= 3: msg = "\nERROR: Task is abandoned after 3 times attempts." prog = -1 cls.model.update( progress_msg=cls.model.progress_msg + msg, progress=prog, retry_count=docs[0]["retry_count"] + 1, ).where(cls.model.id == docs[0]["id"]).execute() if docs[0]["retry_count"] >= 3: return None return docs[0] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_tasks(cls, doc_id: str): fields = [ cls.model.id, cls.model.from_page, cls.model.progress, cls.model.digest, cls.model.chunk_ids, ] tasks = ( cls.model.select(*fields).order_by(cls.model.from_page.asc(), cls.model.create_time.desc()) .where(cls.model.doc_id == doc_id) ) tasks = list(tasks.dicts()) if not tasks: return None return tasks @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_chunk_ids(cls, id: str, chunk_ids: str): cls.model.update(chunk_ids=chunk_ids).where(cls.model.id == id).execute() @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_ongoing_doc_name(cls): with DB.lock("get_task", -1): docs = ( cls.model.select( *[Document.id, Document.kb_id, Document.location, File.parent_id] ) .join(Document, on=(cls.model.doc_id == Document.id)) .join( File2Document, on=(File2Document.document_id == Document.id), join_type=JOIN.LEFT_OUTER, ) .join( File, on=(File2Document.file_id == File.id), join_type=JOIN.LEFT_OUTER, ) .where( Document.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value, Document.run == TaskStatus.RUNNING.value, ~(Document.type == FileType.VIRTUAL.value), cls.model.progress < 1, cls.model.create_time >= current_timestamp() - 1000 * 600, ) ) docs = list(docs.dicts()) if not docs: return [] return list( set( [ ( d["parent_id"] if d["parent_id"] else d["kb_id"], d["location"], ) for d in docs ] ) ) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def do_cancel(cls, id): task = cls.model.get_by_id(id) _, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(task.doc_id) return doc.run == TaskStatus.CANCEL.value or doc.progress < 0 @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_progress(cls, id, info): if os.environ.get("MACOS"): if info["progress_msg"]: task = cls.model.get_by_id(id) progress_msg = trim_header_by_lines(task.progress_msg + "\n" + info["progress_msg"], 3000) cls.model.update(progress_msg=progress_msg).where(cls.model.id == id).execute() if "progress" in info: cls.model.update(progress=info["progress"]).where( cls.model.id == id ).execute() return with DB.lock("update_progress", -1): if info["progress_msg"]: task = cls.model.get_by_id(id) progress_msg = trim_header_by_lines(task.progress_msg + "\n" + info["progress_msg"], 3000) cls.model.update(progress_msg=progress_msg).where(cls.model.id == id).execute() if "progress" in info: cls.model.update(progress=info["progress"]).where( cls.model.id == id ).execute() def queue_tasks(doc: dict, bucket: str, name: str): def new_task(): return {"id": get_uuid(), "doc_id": doc["id"], "progress": 0.0, "from_page": 0, "to_page": 100000000} parse_task_array = [] if doc["type"] == FileType.PDF.value: file_bin = STORAGE_IMPL.get(bucket, name) do_layout = doc["parser_config"].get("layout_recognize", "DeepDOC") pages = PdfParser.total_page_number(doc["name"], file_bin) page_size = doc["parser_config"].get("task_page_size", 12) if doc["parser_id"] == "paper": page_size = doc["parser_config"].get("task_page_size", 22) if doc["parser_id"] in ["one", "knowledge_graph"] or do_layout != "DeepDOC": page_size = 10 ** 9 page_ranges = doc["parser_config"].get("pages") or [(1, 10 ** 5)] for s, e in page_ranges: s -= 1 s = max(0, s) e = min(e - 1, pages) for p in range(s, e, page_size): task = new_task() task["from_page"] = p task["to_page"] = min(p + page_size, e) parse_task_array.append(task) elif doc["parser_id"] == "table": file_bin = STORAGE_IMPL.get(bucket, name) rn = RAGFlowExcelParser.row_number(doc["name"], file_bin) for i in range(0, rn, 3000): task = new_task() task["from_page"] = i task["to_page"] = min(i + 3000, rn) parse_task_array.append(task) else: parse_task_array.append(new_task()) chunking_config = DocumentService.get_chunking_config(doc["id"]) for task in parse_task_array: hasher = xxhash.xxh64() for field in sorted(chunking_config.keys()): if field == "parser_config": for k in ["raptor", "graphrag"]: if k in chunking_config[field]: del chunking_config[field][k] hasher.update(str(chunking_config[field]).encode("utf-8")) for field in ["doc_id", "from_page", "to_page"]: hasher.update(str(task.get(field, "")).encode("utf-8")) task_digest = hasher.hexdigest() task["digest"] = task_digest task["progress"] = 0.0 prev_tasks = TaskService.get_tasks(doc["id"]) ck_num = 0 if prev_tasks: for task in parse_task_array: ck_num += reuse_prev_task_chunks(task, prev_tasks, chunking_config) TaskService.filter_delete([Task.doc_id == doc["id"]]) chunk_ids = [] for task in prev_tasks: if task["chunk_ids"]: chunk_ids.extend(task["chunk_ids"].split()) if chunk_ids: settings.docStoreConn.delete({"id": chunk_ids}, search.index_name(chunking_config["tenant_id"]), chunking_config["kb_id"]) DocumentService.update_by_id(doc["id"], {"chunk_num": ck_num}) bulk_insert_into_db(Task, parse_task_array, True) DocumentService.begin2parse(doc["id"]) unfinished_task_array = [task for task in parse_task_array if task["progress"] < 1.0] for unfinished_task in unfinished_task_array: assert REDIS_CONN.queue_product( SVR_QUEUE_NAME, message=unfinished_task ), "Can't access Redis. Please check the Redis' status." def reuse_prev_task_chunks(task: dict, prev_tasks: list[dict], chunking_config: dict): idx = 0 while idx < len(prev_tasks): prev_task = prev_tasks[idx] if prev_task.get("from_page", 0) == task.get("from_page", 0) \ and prev_task.get("digest", 0) == task.get("digest", ""): break idx += 1 if idx >= len(prev_tasks): return 0 prev_task = prev_tasks[idx] if prev_task["progress"] < 1.0 or not prev_task["chunk_ids"]: return 0 task["chunk_ids"] = prev_task["chunk_ids"] task["progress"] = 1.0 if "from_page" in task and "to_page" in task and int(task['to_page']) - int(task['from_page']) >= 10 ** 6: task["progress_msg"] = f"Page({task['from_page']}~{task['to_page']}): " else: task["progress_msg"] = "" task["progress_msg"] = " ".join( [datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), task["progress_msg"], "Reused previous task's chunks."]) prev_task["chunk_ids"] = "" return len(task["chunk_ids"].split())