import numpy as np import gradio as gr import argparse import pdb import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.transforms as transforms import cv2 from PIL import Image import os import subprocess import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mpl.use('agg') from monoarti.model import build_demo_model from monoarti.detr.misc import interpolate from monoarti.vis_utils import draw_properties, draw_affordance, draw_localization from monoarti.detr import box_ops from monoarti import axis_ops, depth_ops mask_source_draw = "draw a mask on input image" mask_source_segment = "type what to detect below" def change_radio_display(task_type, mask_source_radio): text_prompt_visible = True inpaint_prompt_visible = False mask_source_radio_visible = False if task_type == "inpainting": inpaint_prompt_visible = True if task_type == "inpainting" or task_type == "remove": mask_source_radio_visible = True if mask_source_radio == mask_source_draw: text_prompt_visible = False return gr.Textbox.update(visible=text_prompt_visible), gr.Textbox.update(visible=inpaint_prompt_visible), gr.Radio.update(visible=mask_source_radio_visible) os.makedirs('temp', exist_ok=True) # initialize model device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # device = 'cpu' model = build_demo_model().to(device) checkpoint_path = 'checkpoint_20230515.pth' if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): print("get {}".format(checkpoint_path)) result =['wget', '{}'.format(checkpoint_path)], check=True) print('wget {} result = {}'.format(checkpoint_path, result)) loaded_data = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device) state_dict = loaded_data["model"] model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) data_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((768, 1024)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) movable_imap = { 0: 'one_hand', 1: 'two_hands', 2: 'fixture', -100: 'n/a', } rigid_imap = { 1: 'yes', 0: 'no', 2: 'bad', -100: 'n/a', } kinematic_imap = { 0: 'freeform', 1: 'rotation', 2: 'translation', -100: 'n/a' } action_imap = { 0: 'free', 1: 'pull', 2: 'push', -100: 'n/a', } def run_model(input_image): image = input_image['image'] input_width, input_height = image.size image_tensor = data_transforms(image) image_tensor = image_tensor.unsqueeze(0) image_tensor = mask = np.array(input_image['mask'])[:, :, :3].sum(axis=2) if mask.sum() == 0: raise gr.Error("No query point! Please click on the image to create a query point.") ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(mask.astype(np.uint8), 50, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) M = cv2.moments(contours[0]) x = round(M['m10'] / M['m00'] / input_width * 1024) # width y = round(M['m01'] / M['m00'] / input_height * 768) # height keypoints = torch.ones((1, 15, 2)).long() * -1 keypoints[:, :, 0] = x keypoints[:, :, 1] = y keypoints = valid = torch.zeros((1, 15)).bool() valid[:, 0] = True valid = out = model(image_tensor, valid, keypoints, bbox=None, masks=None, movable=None, rigid=None, kinematic=None, action=None, affordance=None, affordance_map=None, depth=None, axis=None, fov=None, backward=False) # visualization rgb = np.array(image.resize((1024, 768))) image_size = (768, 1024) bbox_preds = out['pred_boxes'] mask_preds = out['pred_masks'] mask_preds = interpolate(mask_preds, size=image_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) mask_preds = mask_preds.sigmoid() > 0.5 movable_preds = out['pred_movable'].argmax(dim=-1) rigid_preds = out['pred_rigid'].argmax(dim=-1) kinematic_preds = out['pred_kinematic'].argmax(dim=-1) action_preds = out['pred_action'].argmax(dim=-1) axis_preds = out['pred_axis'] depth_preds = out['pred_depth'] affordance_preds = out['pred_affordance'] affordance_preds = interpolate(affordance_preds, size=image_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) if depth_preds is not None: depth_preds = interpolate(depth_preds, size=image_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) i = 0 instances = [] predictions = [] for j in range(15): if not valid[i, j]: break export_dir = './temp' img_name = 'temp' axis_center = box_ops.box_xyxy_to_cxcywh(bbox_preds[i]).clone() axis_center[:, 2:] = axis_center[:, :2] axis_pred = axis_preds[i] axis_pred_norm = F.normalize(axis_pred[:, :2]) axis_pred =, axis_pred[:, 2:]), dim=-1) src_axis_xyxys = axis_ops.line_angle_to_xyxy(axis_pred, center=axis_center) # original image + keypoint vis = rgb.copy() kp = keypoints[i, j].cpu().numpy() vis =, kp, 24, (255, 255, 255), -1) vis =, kp, 20, (31, 73, 125), -1) vis = Image.fromarray(vis) predictions.append(vis) # physical properties movable_pred = movable_preds[i, j].item() rigid_pred = rigid_preds[i, j].item() kinematic_pred = kinematic_preds[i, j].item() action_pred = action_preds[i, j].item() output_path = os.path.join(export_dir, '{}_kp_{:0>2}_02_phy.png'.format(img_name, j)) draw_properties(output_path, movable_pred, rigid_pred, kinematic_pred, action_pred) property_pred = predictions.append(property_pred) # box mask axis axis_pred = src_axis_xyxys[j] if kinematic_imap[kinematic_pred] != 'rotation': axis_pred = [-1, -1, -1, -1] img_path = os.path.join(export_dir, '{}_kp_{:0>2}_03_loc.png'.format(img_name, j)) draw_localization( rgb, img_path, None, mask_preds[i, j].cpu().numpy(), axis_pred, colors=None, alpha=0.6, ) localization_pred = predictions.append(localization_pred) # affordance affordance_pred = affordance_preds[i, j].sigmoid() affordance_pred = affordance_pred.detach().cpu().numpy() #[:, :, np.newaxis] aff_path = os.path.join(export_dir, '{}_kp_{:0>2}_04_affordance.png'.format(img_name, j)) aff_vis = draw_affordance(rgb, aff_path, affordance_pred) predictions.append(aff_vis) # depth depth_pred = depth_preds[i] depth_pred_metric = depth_pred[0] * 0.945 + 0.658 depth_pred_metric = depth_pred_metric.detach().cpu().numpy() fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(depth_pred_metric, cmap=mpl.colormaps['plasma']) plt.axis('off') depth_path = os.path.join(export_dir, '{}_kp_{:0>2}_05_depth.png'.format(img_name, j)) plt.savefig(depth_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) depth_pred = predictions.append(depth_pred) return predictions examples = [ 'examples/AR_4ftr44oANPU_34_900_35.jpg', 'examples/AR_0Mi_dDnmF2Y_6_2610_15.jpg', 'examples/EK_0037_P28_101_frame_0000031096.jpg', 'examples/EK_0056_P04_121_frame_0000018401.jpg', 'examples/taskonomy_bonfield_point_42_view_6_domain_rgb.png', 'examples/taskonomy_wando_point_156_view_3_domain_rgb.png', ] title = 'Understanding 3D Object Interaction from a Single Image' authors = """

Project Page | Paper | Code

""" description = """ Gradio demo for Understanding 3D Object Interaction from a Single Image. \n You may click on of the examples or upload your own image. \n After having the image, you can click on the image to create a single query point. You can then hit Run.\n Our approach can predict 3D object interaction from a single image, including Movable (one hand or two hands), Rigid, Articulation type and axis, Action, Bounding box, Mask, Affordance and Depth.\n Since the demo is run on cpu, it needs approximately 30 seconds to inference, which is slow. You can either fork the huggingface space, or visit for the same demo with Nvidia A10G. """ def change_language(lang_select, description_controller, run_button): description_cn = """ 要运行demo,首先点击右边的示例图片或者上传自己的图片。在有了图片以后,点击图片上的点来创建query point,然后点击 Run。 """ if lang_select == "简体中文": description_controller = description_cn run_button = '运行' else: description_controller = description run_button = 'Run' return description_controller, run_button with gr.Blocks().queue() as demo: gr.Markdown("

" + title + "

") gr.Markdown(authors) # gr.Markdown("

ICCV 2023

") lang_select = gr.Dropdown(["简体中文", "English"], label='Language / 语言') description_controller = gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): input_image = gr.Image(source='upload', elem_id="image_upload", tool='sketch', type='pil', label="Upload", brush_radius=20) run_button = gr.Button(label="Run") with gr.Column(): examples_handler = gr.Examples( examples=examples, inputs=input_image, examples_per_page=10, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): query_image = gr.outputs.Image(label="Image + Query", type="pil") with gr.Column(scale=1): pred_localization = gr.outputs.Image(label="Localization", type="pil") with gr.Column(scale=1): pred_properties = gr.outputs.Image(label="Properties", type="pil") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): pred_affordance = gr.outputs.Image(label="Affordance", type="pil") with gr.Column(scale=1): pred_depth = gr.outputs.Image(label="Depth", type="pil") with gr.Column(scale=1): pass lang_select.change( change_language, inputs=[lang_select, description_controller, run_button], outputs=[description_controller, run_button] ) output_components = [query_image, pred_properties, pred_localization, pred_affordance, pred_depth], inputs=[input_image], outputs=output_components) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(server_name='')