import gradio as gr import openai import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import keras from PIL import Image import requests import json from json import JSONEncoder from datetime import datetime import requests from os import listdir import json import os import cv2 import joblib from json import JSONEncoder from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.preprocessing import image from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from datetime import datetime from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score import prometheus_client as prom # Load your trained model app = FastAPI() DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = tuple((256, 256)) N_IMAGES = 100 # Define the model and its parameters #model = joblib.load(filename="plant_leaf_diseases_model.keras", 'utf-8') model = tf.keras.models.load_model('cnn_model_v3.h5') myControls = { "ResultControl":None, "Feedback":None, "AdditionalInfo":None } dataToSend = { "FileContent":None, "PlantName":None, "Comments":None } imageData = [] class NumpyEncoder(JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) : return obj.tolist() return JSONEncoder.default(self,obj) def uploadFile() : global dataToSend npArray = np.asarray(imageData) fileContent = json.dumps(npArray, cls=NumpyEncoder) dataToSend["FileContent"] = fileContent payload = json.dumps(dataToSend) r ="", data=payload) return r def saveStats(predictionStatus) : d = { 'Time': str(, 'PredictionStatus':None } if predictionStatus == 'Satisfied' : d['PredictionStatus'] = 1 else : d['PredictionStatus'] = 0 r ="", data=json.dumps(d)) return r def predict(imageToProcess): global imageData imagelist = [] if imageToProcess == None : gr.Error("No image is given to process") return [None, None]"./temp/test.jpg") image_array = convert_image_to_array("./temp/test.jpg") imagelist.append(image_array) np_image = np.array(image_array, dtype=np.float16) / 225.0 print(np_image.shape) prediction = model.predict(np_image.reshape(1,256, 256, 3)) leaf_class_category_mappings = {0:"Apple Apple scab", 1:"Apple Black rot", 2:"Apple Cedar apple rust",3:"Apple healthy", 4:"Background without leaves", 5:"Blueberry healthy", 6:"Cherry Powdery mildew", 7:"Cherry healthy",8:"Corn Cercospora leaf spotGray leaf spot", 9:"Corn Common rust", 10:"Corn Northern Leaf Blight", 11:"Corn healthy",12:"Grape Black rot", 13:"Grape Esca (Black Measles)", 14:"Grape Leaf blight (Isariopsis Leaf Spot)", 15:"Grape healthy",16:"Orange Haunglongbing (Citrus greening)", 17:"Peach Bacterial spot", 18:"Peach healthy",19:"Pepper bell Bacterial spot",20:"Pepper bell healthy", 21:"Potato Early blight", 22:"Potato Late blight", 23:"Potato healthy", 24:"Raspberry healthy",25:"Soybean healthy", 26:"Squash Powdery mildew", 27:"Strawberry Leaf scorch", 28:"Strawberry healthy", 29:"Tomato Bacterial spot",30:"Tomato Early blight", 31:"Tomato Late blight", 32:"Tomato Leaf Mold", 33:"Tomato Septoria leaf spot", 34:"Tomato Spider mitesTwo-spotted spider mite",35:"Tomato Target Spot", 36:"Tomato Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus", 37:"Tomato Tomato mosaic virus", 38:"Tomato healthy"} print(prediction) #return ["leaf_class_category_mappings[np.argmax(prediction)]" #return [leaf_class_category_mappings[np.argmax(prediction)], "none"] predicteddisease = leaf_class_category_mappings[np.argmax(prediction)] reply = "Nothing to display" try : key1="sk" key2="-ico1dAjc3rZL3" key3="ssVVc4LT3BlbkFJwKTdY4IeCkMtZehqRpSU" openai.api_key = key1+key2+key3 message = "What is "+predicteddisease+" and how to treat the disease" if message: messages = [] messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": message}, ) chat = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) reply = chat.choices[0].message.content except Exception as ex : print(ex) imageData = imageToProcess return [predicteddisease, reply] def submitFeedback(correctOrWrong, plantName, userData): global dataToSend print(correctOrWrong) if correctOrWrong == "Not Satisfied" : dataToSend["PlantName"] = plantName dataToSend["Comments"] = userData dataToSend["FileContent"] = json.dumps(np.asarray(imageData).tolist()) r = uploadFile() if r != None : res = json.loads(r.text) gr.Warning("Data Submitted for learning :" + res["Status"]) else : gr.Error("Failed to upload the file for learning") saveStats(correctOrWrong) with gr.Blocks() as gradioapp : gr.Markdown( """ # AI based plant Disease Detection Application """ ) myControls["ImageInput"] = gr.Image(type="pil") controls = [] myControls["ResultControl"] = gr.Textbox(label='Possible Disease could be ') myControls["AdditionalInfo"] = gr.TextArea(label='Additional Info') controls.append(myControls["ResultControl"]) controls.append(myControls["AdditionalInfo"]) predictBtn = gr.Button(value='Predict'), inputs=[myControls["ImageInput"]], outputs=controls) gr.Markdown() myControls["PredictionSelection"] = gr.Radio(["Satisfied", "Not Satisfied"], label="Feedback", info="Are you satisfied with the prediction?") #myControls["Feedback"] = gr.Checkbox(label="Is prediction wrong? If so, please provide the proper classification") myControls["PlantName"] = gr.Textbox(label='Specify the name of the plant') myControls["UserInput"] = gr.Textbox(label='What is the correct classification?') feedbackBtn = gr.Button(value='Submit Feedback'), inputs =[myControls["PredictionSelection"], myControls["PlantName"], myControls["UserInput"]]) #app.queue().launch() gradioapp = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, gradioapp, path="/") if __name__ == "__main__": # Use this for debugging purposes only import uvicorn, host="", port=8001) # Ref: