# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. import json import re from dataclasses import dataclass, field from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from lxml import etree import numpy as np from utils.geo import BoundaryBox, Projection METERS_PATTERN: re.Pattern = re.compile("^(?P\\d*\\.?\\d*)\\s*m$") KILOMETERS_PATTERN: re.Pattern = re.compile("^(?P\\d*\\.?\\d*)\\s*km$") MILES_PATTERN: re.Pattern = re.compile("^(?P\\d*\\.?\\d*)\\s*mi$") def parse_float(string: str) -> Optional[float]: """Parse string representation of a float or integer value.""" try: return float(string) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None @dataclass(eq=False) class OSMElement: """ Something with tags (string to string mapping). """ id_: int tags: Dict[str, str] def get_float(self, key: str) -> Optional[float]: """Parse float from tag value.""" if key in self.tags: return parse_float(self.tags[key]) return None def get_length(self, key: str) -> Optional[float]: """Get length in meters.""" if key not in self.tags: return None value: str = self.tags[key] float_value: float = parse_float(value) if float_value is not None: return float_value for pattern, ratio in [ (METERS_PATTERN, 1.0), (KILOMETERS_PATTERN, 1000.0), (MILES_PATTERN, 1609.344), ]: matcher: re.Match = pattern.match(value) if matcher: float_value: float = parse_float(matcher.group("value")) if float_value is not None: return float_value * ratio return None def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.id_ @dataclass(eq=False) class OSMNode(OSMElement): """ OpenStreetMap node. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Node """ geo: np.ndarray visible: Optional[str] = None xy: Optional[np.ndarray] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, structure: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OSMNode": """ Parse node from Overpass-like structure. :param structure: input structure """ return cls( structure["id"], structure.get("tags", {}), geo=np.array((structure["lat"], structure["lon"])), visible=structure.get("visible"), ) @dataclass(eq=False) class OSMWay(OSMElement): """ OpenStreetMap way. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Way """ nodes: Optional[List[OSMNode]] = field(default_factory=list) visible: Optional[str] = None @classmethod def from_dict( cls, structure: Dict[str, Any], nodes: Dict[int, OSMNode] ) -> "OSMWay": """ Parse way from Overpass-like structure. :param structure: input structure :param nodes: node structure """ return cls( structure["id"], structure.get("tags", {}), [nodes[x] for x in structure["nodes"]], visible=structure.get("visible"), ) def is_cycle(self) -> bool: """Is way a cycle way or an area boundary.""" return self.nodes[0] == self.nodes[-1] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Way <{self.id_}> {self.nodes}" @dataclass class OSMMember: """ Member of OpenStreetMap relation. """ type_: str ref: int role: str @dataclass(eq=False) class OSMRelation(OSMElement): """ OpenStreetMap relation. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation """ members: Optional[List[OSMMember]] visible: Optional[str] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, structure: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OSMRelation": """ Parse relation from Overpass-like structure. :param structure: input structure """ return cls( structure["id"], structure["tags"], [OSMMember(x["type"], x["ref"], x["role"]) for x in structure["members"]], visible=structure.get("visible"), ) class OSMData: """ The whole OpenStreetMap information about nodes, ways, and relations. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.nodes: Dict[int, OSMNode] = {} self.ways: Dict[int, OSMWay] = {} self.relations: Dict[int, OSMRelation] = {} self.box: BoundaryBox = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, structure: Dict[str, Any]): data = cls() bounds = structure.get("bounds") if bounds is not None: data.box = BoundaryBox( np.array([bounds["minlat"], bounds["minlon"]]), np.array([bounds["maxlat"], bounds["maxlon"]]), ) for element in structure["elements"]: if element["type"] == "node": node = OSMNode.from_dict(element) data.add_node(node) for element in structure["elements"]: if element["type"] == "way": way = OSMWay.from_dict(element, data.nodes) data.add_way(way) for element in structure["elements"]: if element["type"] == "relation": relation = OSMRelation.from_dict(element) data.add_relation(relation) return data @classmethod def from_json(cls, path: Path): with path.open(encoding='utf-8') as fid: structure = json.load(fid) return cls.from_dict(structure) @classmethod def from_xml(cls, path: Path): root = etree.parse(str(path)).getroot() structure = {"elements": []} from tqdm import tqdm for elem in tqdm(root): if elem.tag == "bounds": structure["bounds"] = { k: float(elem.attrib[k]) for k in ("minlon", "minlat", "maxlon", "maxlat") } elif elem.tag in {"node", "way", "relation"}: if elem.tag == "node": item = { "id": int(elem.attrib["id"]), "lat": float(elem.attrib["lat"]), "lon": float(elem.attrib["lon"]), "visible": elem.attrib.get("visible"), "tags": { x.attrib["k"]: x.attrib["v"] for x in elem if x.tag == "tag" }, } elif elem.tag == "way": item = { "id": int(elem.attrib["id"]), "visible": elem.attrib.get("visible"), "tags": { x.attrib["k"]: x.attrib["v"] for x in elem if x.tag == "tag" }, "nodes": [int(x.attrib["ref"]) for x in elem if x.tag == "nd"], } elif elem.tag == "relation": item = { "id": int(elem.attrib["id"]), "visible": elem.attrib.get("visible"), "tags": { x.attrib["k"]: x.attrib["v"] for x in elem if x.tag == "tag" }, "members": [ { "type": x.attrib["type"], "ref": int(x.attrib["ref"]), "role": x.attrib["role"], } for x in elem if x.tag == "member" ], } item["type"] = elem.tag structure["elements"].append(item) elem.clear() del root return cls.from_dict(structure) @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: Path): ext = path.suffix if ext == ".json": return cls.from_json(path) elif ext in {".osm", ".xml"}: return cls.from_xml(path) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown extension for {path}") def add_node(self, node: OSMNode): """Add node and update map parameters.""" if node.id_ in self.nodes: raise ValueError(f"Node with duplicate id {node.id_}.") self.nodes[node.id_] = node def add_way(self, way: OSMWay): """Add way and update map parameters.""" if way.id_ in self.ways: raise ValueError(f"Way with duplicate id {way.id_}.") self.ways[way.id_] = way def add_relation(self, relation: OSMRelation): """Add relation and update map parameters.""" if relation.id_ in self.relations: raise ValueError(f"Relation with duplicate id {relation.id_}.") self.relations[relation.id_] = relation def add_xy_to_nodes(self, proj: Projection): nodes = list(self.nodes.values()) if len(nodes) == 0: return geos = np.stack([n.geo for n in nodes], 0) if proj.bounds is not None: # For some reasons few nodes are sometimes very far off the initial bbox. valid = proj.bounds.contains(geos) if valid.mean() < 0.9: print("Many nodes are out of the projection bounds.") xys = np.zeros_like(geos) xys[valid] = proj.project(geos[valid]) else: xys = proj.project(geos) for xy, node in zip(xys, nodes): node.xy = xy