# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.

import io
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import rtree

from utils.geo import BoundaryBox, Projection
from .data import MapData
from .download import get_osm
from .parser import Groups
from .raster import Canvas, render_raster_map, render_raster_masks
from .reader import OSMData, OSMNode, OSMWay

class MapIndex:
    def __init__(
        data: MapData,
        self.index_nodes = rtree.index.Index()
        for i, node in data.nodes.items():
            self.index_nodes.insert(i, tuple(node.xy) * 2)

        self.index_lines = rtree.index.Index()
        for i, line in data.lines.items():
            bbox = tuple(np.r_[line.xy.min(0), line.xy.max(0)])
            self.index_lines.insert(i, bbox)

        self.index_areas = rtree.index.Index()
        for i, area in data.areas.items():
            xy = np.concatenate(area.outers + area.inners)
            bbox = tuple(np.r_[xy.min(0), xy.max(0)])
            self.index_areas.insert(i, bbox)

        self.data = data

    def query(self, bbox: BoundaryBox) -> Tuple[List[OSMNode], List[OSMWay]]:
        query = tuple(np.r_[bbox.min_, bbox.max_])
        ret = []
        for x in ["nodes", "lines", "areas"]:
            ids = getattr(self, "index_" + x).intersection(query)
            ret.append([getattr(self.data, x)[i] for i in ids])
        return tuple(ret)

def bbox_to_slice(bbox: BoundaryBox, canvas: Canvas):
    uv_min = np.ceil(canvas.to_uv(bbox.min_)).astype(int)
    uv_max = np.ceil(canvas.to_uv(bbox.max_)).astype(int)
    slice_ = (slice(uv_max[1], uv_min[1]), slice(uv_min[0], uv_max[0]))
    return slice_

def round_bbox(bbox: BoundaryBox, origin: np.ndarray, ppm: int):
    bbox = bbox.translate(-origin)
    bbox = BoundaryBox(np.round(bbox.min_ * ppm) / ppm, np.round(bbox.max_ * ppm) / ppm)
    return bbox.translate(origin)

class MapTileManager:
    def __init__(

        self.osm = OSMData.from_file(osmpath)

    # @classmethod
    def from_bbox(
        projection: Projection,
        bbox: BoundaryBox,
        ppm: int,
        tile_size: int = 128,
        # bbox_osm = projection.unproject(bbox)
        # if path is not None and path.is_file():
        #     print(OSMData.from_file)
        #     osm = OSMData.from_file(path)
        #     if osm.box is not None:
        #         assert osm.box.contains(bbox_osm)
        # else:
        #     osm = OSMData.from_dict(get_osm(bbox_osm, path))

        map_data = MapData.from_osm(self.osm)
        map_index = MapIndex(map_data)

        bounds_x, bounds_y = [
            np.r_[np.arange(min_, max_, tile_size), max_]
            for min_, max_ in zip(bbox.min_, bbox.max_)
        bbox_tiles = {}
        for i, xmin in enumerate(bounds_x[:-1]):
            for j, ymin in enumerate(bounds_y[:-1]):
                bbox_tiles[i, j] = BoundaryBox(
                    [xmin, ymin], [bounds_x[i + 1], bounds_y[j + 1]]

        tiles = {}
        for ij, bbox_tile in bbox_tiles.items():
            canvas = Canvas(bbox_tile, ppm)
            nodes, lines, areas = map_index.query(bbox_tile)
            masks = render_raster_masks(nodes, lines, areas, canvas)
            canvas.raster = render_raster_map(masks)
            tiles[ij] = canvas

        groups = {k: v for k, v in vars(Groups).items() if not k.startswith("__")}

        self.origin = bbox.min_
        self.bbox = bbox
        self.tiles = tiles
        self.tile_size = tile_size
        self.ppm = ppm
        self.projection = projection
        self.groups = groups
        self.map_data = map_data

        return  self.query(bbox)
        # return cls(tiles, bbox, tile_size, ppm, projection, groups, map_data)

    def query(self, bbox: BoundaryBox) -> Canvas:
        bbox = round_bbox(bbox, self.bbox.min_, self.ppm)
        canvas = Canvas(bbox, self.ppm)
        raster = np.zeros((3, canvas.h, canvas.w), np.uint8)

        bbox_all = bbox & self.bbox
        ij_min = np.floor((bbox_all.min_ - self.origin) / self.tile_size).astype(int)
        ij_max = np.ceil((bbox_all.max_ - self.origin) / self.tile_size).astype(int) - 1
        for i in range(ij_min[0], ij_max[0] + 1):
            for j in range(ij_min[1], ij_max[1] + 1):
                tile = self.tiles[i, j]
                bbox_select = tile.bbox & bbox
                slice_query = bbox_to_slice(bbox_select, canvas)
                slice_tile = bbox_to_slice(bbox_select, tile)
                raster[(slice(None),) + slice_query] = tile.raster[
                    (slice(None),) + slice_tile
        canvas.raster = raster
        return canvas

    def save(self, path: Path):
        dump = {
            "bbox": self.bbox.format(),
            "tile_size": self.tile_size,
            "ppm": self.ppm,
            "groups": self.groups,
            "tiles_bbox": {},
            "tiles_raster": {},
        if self.projection is not None:
            dump["ref_latlonalt"] = self.projection.latlonalt
        for ij, canvas in self.tiles.items():
            dump["tiles_bbox"][ij] = canvas.bbox.format()
            raster_bytes = io.BytesIO()
            raster = Image.fromarray(canvas.raster.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8))
            raster.save(raster_bytes, format="PNG")
            dump["tiles_raster"][ij] = raster_bytes
        with open(path, "wb") as fp:
            pickle.dump(dump, fp)

    def load(cls, path: Path):
        with path.open("rb") as fp:
            dump = pickle.load(fp)
        tiles = {}
        for ij, bbox in dump["tiles_bbox"].items():
            tiles[ij] = Canvas(BoundaryBox.from_string(bbox), dump["ppm"])
            raster = np.asarray(Image.open(dump["tiles_raster"][ij]))
            tiles[ij].raster = raster.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy()
        projection = Projection(*dump["ref_latlonalt"])
        return cls(

class TileManager:
    def __init__(
        tiles: Dict,
        bbox: BoundaryBox,
        tile_size: int,
        ppm: int,
        projection: Projection,
        groups: Dict[str, List[str]],
        map_data: Optional[MapData] = None,
        self.origin = bbox.min_
        self.bbox = bbox
        self.tiles = tiles
        self.tile_size = tile_size
        self.ppm = ppm
        self.projection = projection
        self.groups = groups
        self.map_data = map_data
        assert np.all(tiles[0, 0].bbox.min_ == self.origin)
        for tile in tiles.values():
            assert bbox.contains(tile.bbox)

    def from_bbox(
        projection: Projection,
        bbox: BoundaryBox,
        ppm: int,
        path: Optional[Path] = None,
        tile_size: int = 128,
        bbox_osm = projection.unproject(bbox)
        if path is not None and path.is_file():
            osm = OSMData.from_file(path)
            if osm.box is not None:
                assert osm.box.contains(bbox_osm)
            osm = OSMData.from_dict(get_osm(bbox_osm, path))

        map_data = MapData.from_osm(osm)
        map_index = MapIndex(map_data)

        bounds_x, bounds_y = [
            np.r_[np.arange(min_, max_, tile_size), max_]
            for min_, max_ in zip(bbox.min_, bbox.max_)
        bbox_tiles = {}
        for i, xmin in enumerate(bounds_x[:-1]):
            for j, ymin in enumerate(bounds_y[:-1]):
                bbox_tiles[i, j] = BoundaryBox(
                    [xmin, ymin], [bounds_x[i + 1], bounds_y[j + 1]]

        tiles = {}
        for ij, bbox_tile in bbox_tiles.items():
            canvas = Canvas(bbox_tile, ppm)
            nodes, lines, areas = map_index.query(bbox_tile)
            masks = render_raster_masks(nodes, lines, areas, canvas)
            canvas.raster = render_raster_map(masks)
            tiles[ij] = canvas

        groups = {k: v for k, v in vars(Groups).items() if not k.startswith("__")}

        return cls(tiles, bbox, tile_size, ppm, projection, groups, map_data)

    def query(self, bbox: BoundaryBox) -> Canvas:
        bbox = round_bbox(bbox, self.bbox.min_, self.ppm)
        canvas = Canvas(bbox, self.ppm)
        raster = np.zeros((3, canvas.h, canvas.w), np.uint8)

        bbox_all = bbox & self.bbox
        ij_min = np.floor((bbox_all.min_ - self.origin) / self.tile_size).astype(int)
        ij_max = np.ceil((bbox_all.max_ - self.origin) / self.tile_size).astype(int) - 1
        for i in range(ij_min[0], ij_max[0] + 1):
            for j in range(ij_min[1], ij_max[1] + 1):
                tile = self.tiles[i, j]
                bbox_select = tile.bbox & bbox
                slice_query = bbox_to_slice(bbox_select, canvas)
                slice_tile = bbox_to_slice(bbox_select, tile)
                raster[(slice(None),) + slice_query] = tile.raster[
                    (slice(None),) + slice_tile
        canvas.raster = raster
        return canvas

    def save(self, path: Path):
        dump = {
            "bbox": self.bbox.format(),
            "tile_size": self.tile_size,
            "ppm": self.ppm,
            "groups": self.groups,
            "tiles_bbox": {},
            "tiles_raster": {},
        if self.projection is not None:
            dump["ref_latlonalt"] = self.projection.latlonalt
        for ij, canvas in self.tiles.items():
            dump["tiles_bbox"][ij] = canvas.bbox.format()
            raster_bytes = io.BytesIO()
            raster = Image.fromarray(canvas.raster.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8))
            raster.save(raster_bytes, format="PNG")
            dump["tiles_raster"][ij] = raster_bytes
        with open(path, "wb") as fp:
            pickle.dump(dump, fp)

    def load(cls, path: Path):
        with path.open("rb") as fp:
            dump = pickle.load(fp)
        tiles = {}
        for ij, bbox in dump["tiles_bbox"].items():
            tiles[ij] = Canvas(BoundaryBox.from_string(bbox), dump["ppm"])
            raster = np.asarray(Image.open(dump["tiles_raster"][ij]))
            tiles[ij].raster = raster.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy()
        projection = Projection(*dump["ref_latlonalt"])
        return cls(