VecMapLocNet / utils /
wangerniu's picture
"""Copied from opensfm.geo to minimize hard dependencies."""
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from typing import Tuple
WGS84_a = 6378137.0
WGS84_b = 6356752.314245
def ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt: float) -> Tuple[float, ...]:
Compute ECEF XYZ from latitude, longitude and altitude.
All using the WGS84 model.
Altitude is the distance to the WGS84 ellipsoid.
Check results here
>>> lat, lon, alt = 10, 20, 30
>>> x, y, z = ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt)
>>> np.allclose(lla_from_ecef(x,y,z), [lat, lon, alt])
a2 = WGS84_a**2
b2 = WGS84_b**2
lat = np.radians(lat)
lon = np.radians(lon)
L = 1.0 / np.sqrt(a2 * np.cos(lat) ** 2 + b2 * np.sin(lat) ** 2)
x = (a2 * L + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
y = (a2 * L + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
z = (b2 * L + alt) * np.sin(lat)
return x, y, z
def lla_from_ecef(x, y, z):
Compute latitude, longitude and altitude from ECEF XYZ.
All using the WGS84 model.
Altitude is the distance to the WGS84 ellipsoid.
a = WGS84_a
b = WGS84_b
ea = np.sqrt((a**2 - b**2) / a**2)
eb = np.sqrt((a**2 - b**2) / b**2)
p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
theta = np.arctan2(z * a, p * b)
lon = np.arctan2(y, x)
lat = np.arctan2(
z + eb**2 * b * np.sin(theta) ** 3, p - ea**2 * a * np.cos(theta) ** 3
N = a / np.sqrt(1 - ea**2 * np.sin(lat) ** 2)
alt = p / np.cos(lat) - N
return np.degrees(lat), np.degrees(lon), alt
def ecef_from_topocentric_transform(lat, lon, alt: float) -> ndarray:
Transformation from a topocentric frame at reference position to ECEF.
The topocentric reference frame is a metric one with the origin
at the given (lat, lon, alt) position, with the X axis heading east,
the Y axis heading north and the Z axis vertical to the ellipsoid.
>>> a = ecef_from_topocentric_transform(30, 20, 10)
>>> b = ecef_from_topocentric_transform_finite_diff(30, 20, 10)
>>> np.allclose(a, b)
x, y, z = ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt)
sa = np.sin(np.radians(lat))
ca = np.cos(np.radians(lat))
so = np.sin(np.radians(lon))
co = np.cos(np.radians(lon))
return np.array(
[-so, -sa * co, ca * co, x],
[co, -sa * so, ca * so, y],
[0, ca, sa, z],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
def ecef_from_topocentric_transform_finite_diff(lat, lon, alt: float) -> ndarray:
Transformation from a topocentric frame at reference position to ECEF.
The topocentric reference frame is a metric one with the origin
at the given (lat, lon, alt) position, with the X axis heading east,
the Y axis heading north and the Z axis vertical to the ellipsoid.
eps = 1e-2
x, y, z = ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt)
v1 = (
np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat, lon + eps, alt))
- np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat, lon - eps, alt))
/ 2
/ eps
v2 = (
np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat + eps, lon, alt))
- np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat - eps, lon, alt))
/ 2
/ eps
v3 = (
np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt + eps))
- np.array(ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt - eps))
/ 2
/ eps
v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1)
v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v2)
v3 /= np.linalg.norm(v3)
return np.array(
[v1[0], v2[0], v3[0], x],
[v1[1], v2[1], v3[1], y],
[v1[2], v2[2], v3[2], z],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
def topocentric_from_lla(lat, lon, alt: float, reflat, reflon, refalt: float):
Transform from lat, lon, alt to topocentric XYZ.
>>> lat, lon, alt = -10, 20, 100
>>> np.allclose(topocentric_from_lla(lat, lon, alt, lat, lon, alt),
... [0,0,0])
>>> x, y, z = topocentric_from_lla(lat, lon, alt, 0, 0, 0)
>>> np.allclose(lla_from_topocentric(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0),
... [lat, lon, alt])
T = np.linalg.inv(ecef_from_topocentric_transform(reflat, reflon, refalt))
x, y, z = ecef_from_lla(lat, lon, alt)
tx = T[0, 0] * x + T[0, 1] * y + T[0, 2] * z + T[0, 3]
ty = T[1, 0] * x + T[1, 1] * y + T[1, 2] * z + T[1, 3]
tz = T[2, 0] * x + T[2, 1] * y + T[2, 2] * z + T[2, 3]
return tx, ty, tz
def lla_from_topocentric(x, y, z, reflat, reflon, refalt: float):
Transform from topocentric XYZ to lat, lon, alt.
T = ecef_from_topocentric_transform(reflat, reflon, refalt)
ex = T[0, 0] * x + T[0, 1] * y + T[0, 2] * z + T[0, 3]
ey = T[1, 0] * x + T[1, 1] * y + T[1, 2] * z + T[1, 3]
ez = T[2, 0] * x + T[2, 1] * y + T[2, 2] * z + T[2, 3]
return lla_from_ecef(ex, ey, ez)
class TopocentricConverter(object):
"""Convert to and from a topocentric reference frame."""
def __init__(self, reflat, reflon, refalt):
"""Init the converter given the reference origin.""" = reflat
self.lon = reflon
self.alt = refalt
def to_topocentric(self, lat, lon, alt):
"""Convert lat, lon, alt to topocentric x, y, z."""
return topocentric_from_lla(lat, lon, alt,, self.lon, self.alt)
def to_lla(self, x, y, z):
"""Convert topocentric x, y, z to lat, lon, alt."""
return lla_from_topocentric(x, y, z,, self.lon, self.alt)
def __eq__(self, o):
return np.allclose([, self.lon, self.alt], (, o.lon, o.alt))