# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # Adapted from PixLoc, Paul-Edouard Sarlin, ETH Zurich # https://github.com/cvg/pixloc # Released under the Apache License 2.0 """ Flexible UNet model which takes any Torchvision backbone as encoder. Predicts multi-level feature and makes sure that they are well aligned. """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchvision from .base import BaseModel from .utils import checkpointed class DecoderBlock(nn.Module): def __init__( self, previous, skip, out, num_convs=1, norm=nn.BatchNorm2d, padding="zeros" ): super().__init__() self.upsample = nn.Upsample( scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) layers = [] for i in range(num_convs): conv = nn.Conv2d( previous + skip if i == 0 else out, out, kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=norm is None, padding_mode=padding, ) layers.append(conv) if norm is not None: layers.append(norm(out)) layers.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, previous, skip): upsampled = self.upsample(previous) # If the shape of the input map `skip` is not a multiple of 2, # it will not match the shape of the upsampled map `upsampled`. # If the downsampling uses ceil_mode=False, we nedd to crop `skip`. # If it uses ceil_mode=True (not supported here), we should pad it. _, _, hu, wu = upsampled.shape _, _, hs, ws = skip.shape assert (hu <= hs) and (wu <= ws), "Using ceil_mode=True in pooling?" # assert (hu == hs) and (wu == ws), 'Careful about padding' skip = skip[:, :, :hu, :wu] return self.layers(torch.cat([upsampled, skip], dim=1)) class AdaptationBlock(nn.Sequential): def __init__(self, inp, out): conv = nn.Conv2d(inp, out, kernel_size=1, padding=0, bias=True) super().__init__(conv) class FeatureExtractor(BaseModel): default_conf = { "pretrained": True, "input_dim": 3, "output_scales": [0, 2, 4], # what scales to adapt and output "output_dim": 128, # # of channels in output feature maps "encoder": "vgg16", # string (torchvision net) or list of channels "num_downsample": 4, # how many downsample block (if VGG-style net) "decoder": [64, 64, 64, 64], # list of channels of decoder "decoder_norm": "nn.BatchNorm2d", # normalization ind decoder blocks "do_average_pooling": False, "checkpointed": False, # whether to use gradient checkpointing "padding": "zeros" } mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] def build_encoder(self, conf): assert isinstance(conf.encoder, str) if conf.pretrained: assert conf.input_dim == 3 Encoder = getattr(torchvision.models, conf.encoder) encoder = Encoder(weights="DEFAULT" if conf.pretrained else None) Block = checkpointed(torch.nn.Sequential, do=conf.checkpointed) assert max(conf.output_scales) <= conf.num_downsample if conf.encoder.startswith("vgg"): # Parse the layers and pack them into downsampling blocks # It's easy for VGG-style nets because of their linear structure. # This does not handle strided convs and residual connections skip_dims = [] previous_dim = None blocks = [[]] for i, layer in enumerate(encoder.features): if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Conv2d): # Change the first conv layer if the input dim mismatches if i == 0 and conf.input_dim != layer.in_channels: args = {k: getattr(layer, k) for k in layer.__constants__} args.pop("output_padding") layer = torch.nn.Conv2d( **{**args, "in_channels": conf.input_dim} ) previous_dim = layer.out_channels elif isinstance(layer, torch.nn.MaxPool2d): assert previous_dim is not None skip_dims.append(previous_dim) if (conf.num_downsample + 1) == len(blocks): break blocks.append([]) # start a new block if conf.do_average_pooling: assert layer.dilation == 1 layer = torch.nn.AvgPool2d( kernel_size=layer.kernel_size, stride=layer.stride, padding=layer.padding, ceil_mode=layer.ceil_mode, count_include_pad=False, ) blocks[-1].append(layer) encoder = [Block(*b) for b in blocks] elif conf.encoder.startswith("resnet"): # Manually define the ResNet blocks such that the downsampling comes first assert conf.encoder[len("resnet") :] in ["18", "34", "50", "101"] assert conf.input_dim == 3, "Unsupported for now." block1 = torch.nn.Sequential(encoder.conv1, encoder.bn1, encoder.relu) block2 = torch.nn.Sequential(encoder.maxpool, encoder.layer1) block3 = encoder.layer2 block4 = encoder.layer3 block5 = encoder.layer4 blocks = [block1, block2, block3, block4, block5] # Extract the output dimension of each block skip_dims = [encoder.conv1.out_channels] for i in range(1, 5): modules = getattr(encoder, f"layer{i}")[-1]._modules conv = sorted(k for k in modules if k.startswith("conv"))[-1] skip_dims.append(modules[conv].out_channels) # Add a dummy block such that the first one does not downsample encoder = [torch.nn.Identity()] + [Block(b) for b in blocks] skip_dims = [3] + skip_dims # Trim based on the requested encoder size encoder = encoder[: conf.num_downsample + 1] skip_dims = skip_dims[: conf.num_downsample + 1] else: raise NotImplementedError(conf.encoder) assert (conf.num_downsample + 1) == len(encoder) encoder = nn.ModuleList(encoder) return encoder, skip_dims def _init(self, conf): # Encoder self.encoder, skip_dims = self.build_encoder(conf) self.skip_dims = skip_dims def update_padding(module): if isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d): module.padding_mode = conf.padding if conf.padding != "zeros": self.encoder.apply(update_padding) # Decoder if conf.decoder is not None: assert len(conf.decoder) == (len(skip_dims) - 1) Block = checkpointed(DecoderBlock, do=conf.checkpointed) norm = eval(conf.decoder_norm) if conf.decoder_norm else None # noqa previous = skip_dims[-1] decoder = [] for out, skip in zip(conf.decoder, skip_dims[:-1][::-1]): decoder.append( Block(previous, skip, out, norm=norm, padding=conf.padding) ) previous = out self.decoder = nn.ModuleList(decoder) # Adaptation layers adaptation = [] for idx, i in enumerate(conf.output_scales): if conf.decoder is None or i == (len(self.encoder) - 1): input_ = skip_dims[i] else: input_ = conf.decoder[-1 - i] # out_dim can be an int (same for all scales) or a list (per scale) dim = conf.output_dim if not isinstance(dim, int): dim = dim[idx] block = AdaptationBlock(input_, dim) adaptation.append(block) self.adaptation = nn.ModuleList(adaptation) self.scales = [2**s for s in conf.output_scales] def _forward(self, data): image = data["image"] if self.conf.pretrained: mean, std = image.new_tensor(self.mean), image.new_tensor(self.std) image = (image - mean[:, None, None]) / std[:, None, None] skip_features = [] features = image for block in self.encoder: # print("block features",block) features = block(features) skip_features.append(features) if self.conf.decoder: pre_features = [skip_features[-1]] for block, skip in zip(self.decoder, skip_features[:-1][::-1]): pre_features.append(block(pre_features[-1], skip)) pre_features = pre_features[::-1] # fine to coarse else: pre_features = skip_features out_features = [] for adapt, i in zip(self.adaptation, self.conf.output_scales): out_features.append(adapt(pre_features[i])) pred = {"feature_maps": out_features, "skip_features": skip_features} return pred def loss(self, pred, data): raise NotImplementedError def metrics(self, pred, data): raise NotImplementedError