import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import os import random import pickle import tensorflow as tf import firebase_admin from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore current_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) firebase_config = os.path.join(current_directory,"anxiety-test-c3553-firebase-adminsdk-5urg9-2928954445.json") cred = credentials.Certificate(firebase_config) if not firebase_admin._apps: firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) fs = firestore.client() def main(): # Create a sidebar with navigation links st.sidebar.title("Navigation") page = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a page", ["Home", "Wellness Test"]) if page == "Home": show_home_page() elif page == "Wellness Test": show_wellness_test_page() def show_home_page(): st.title("Student Wellness Test") st.subheader("A Website to test your wellness") st.write("A Project By Sugih Ahmad Fauzan and Marco William") st.write('To Start Test, Click on the left side bar and choose Wellness Test') def show_wellness_test_page(): st.title("Wellness Test App") st.write("This app allows you to take the GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), SWL (Satisfaction with Life), SPIN (Social Phobia Inventory), and answer some Personal Questions.") # GAD Test st.header("GAD Test") gad_questions = ["Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?", "Not being able to stop or control worrying?", "Worrying too much about different things?", "Trouble relaxing?", "Being so restless that it's hard to sit still?", "Becoming easily annoyed or irritable?", "Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen"] gad_responses = collect_gad_responses(gad_questions) gad_total_score = sum(gad_responses.values()) st.divider() # SWL Test st.header("SWL Test") swl_questions = ["In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.", "The conditions of my life are excellent.", "I am satisfied with my life.", "So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life.", "If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing"] swl_responses = collect_swl_responses(swl_questions) swl_total_score = sum(swl_responses.values()) st.divider() # SPIN Test st.header("SPIN Test") spin_questions = ["I avoid talking to people I don’t know.", "I am afraid to speak in public.", "I avoid activities in which I am the center of attention.", "Being criticized scares me.", "I avoid making phone calls.", "I avoid parties and social events.", "I avoid participating in class or at meetings.", "I avoid participating in small groups.", "I avoid eating with others.", "I am uncomfortable writing in front of others.", "I avoid talking to authority figures.", "I avoid using public restrooms.", "I avoid expressing disagreement with others.", "I avoid talking to strangers.", "I avoid eye contact with others.", "I am uncomfortable talking to people in authority.", "I am afraid to date or ask someone out on a date"] spin_responses = collect_spin_responses(spin_questions) spin_total_score = sum(spin_responses.values()) st.divider() # Personal Questions st.header("Personal Questions") income = st.number_input("1. How much do you earn in a month?", value=0, step=1) age = st.number_input("2. How old are you?", value=18, step=1) work_options = {"Not Working" :0, "Part Time":1, "Full Time":2} work = st.selectbox("3. What is your employment status?", options=list(work_options.keys())) degree_options = {"Still in School" : 0, "Bachelor":1, "Master":2, "Doctor":3, "Professor":4} degree = st.selectbox("4. What is your highest degree?", options=list(degree_options.keys())) confidence_rating = st.slider("5. Rate your confidence when talking to somebody (1 lowest, 5 highest)", min_value=1, max_value=5, value=3) gender_options = {"Male": 0, "Female": 1} gender = st.selectbox("6. What is your gender?", options=list(gender_options.keys())) # Collect all answers in lists GAD_T = gad_total_score/21 SWL_T = swl_total_score/25 SPIN_T = spin_total_score/51 GAD_T = round(GAD_T,6) SWL_T = round(SWL_T,6) SPIN_T = round(SPIN_T,6) all_gad_answers = list(gad_responses.values()) all_swl_answers = list(swl_responses.values()) all_spin_answers = list(spin_responses.values()) all_personal_answers = [confidence_rating,income, gender_options[gender], age, work_options[work], degree_options[degree], GAD_T, SWL_T, SPIN_T] all_answers = all_gad_answers + all_swl_answers + all_spin_answers + all_personal_answers display_df = pd.DataFrame([all_answers], columns=get_feature_names()) df = display_df.copy() # scaler_path = "scaler.pkl" # Replace with the actual path to your model file # with open(scaler_path, 'rb') as file: # data = pickle.load(file) # scaler = data['scaler'] # model = load_model('Anxiety_ANN_model.h5') # result = model.predict(df) # result = int(result*100) # st.write("Kemungkinan anda mengalami Anxiety sebesar : ",result,"%") # df = scaler.transform(df) st.subheader("DataFrame of Answers") st.dataframe(df) pred = st.button('Prediksi') if pred: # Pass the values to the prediction page result = predict_result(df) st.write("Kemungkinan anda mengalami Anxiety sebesar : ",result,"%") threshold = 50 thresholded_result = 1 if result > threshold else 0 df['Label'] = thresholded_result save_dataframe_to_firestore(df) def collect_gad_responses(questions): # Initialize a dictionary to store responses responses = {} # Iterate through GAD questions and collect user responses for i, question in enumerate(questions, start=1): st.subheader(f"GAD{i}") st.write(f"**Question**: {question}") # Answer options for GAD response ="Select your response (GAD{i}):", options=["Not at all", "Several days", "More than half the days", "Nearly every day"], key=f"gad_radio_{i}") # Map response to a numerical value for scoring if response == "Not at all": score = 0 elif response == "Several days": score = 1 elif response == "More than half the days": score = 2 else: score = 3 # Store the response and score responses[f'gad{i}'] = score return responses def collect_swl_responses(questions): # Initialize a dictionary to store responses responses = {} # Iterate through SWL questions and collect user responses for i, question in enumerate(questions, start=1): st.subheader(f"SWL{i}") st.write(f"**Question**: {question}") # Answer options for SWL response ="Select your response (SWL{i}):", options=["Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neither Agree nor Disagree", "Agree", "Strongly Agree"], key=f"swl_radio_{i}") # Map response to a numerical value for scoring if response == "Strongly Disagree": score = 1 elif response == "Disagree": score = 2 elif response == "Neither Agree nor Disagree": score = 3 elif response == "Agree": score = 4 else: score = 5 # Store the response and score responses[f'swl{i}'] = score return responses def collect_spin_responses(questions): # Initialize a dictionary to store responses responses = {} # Iterate through SPIN questions and collect user responses for i, question in enumerate(questions, start=1): st.subheader(f"SPIN{i}") st.write(f"**Question**: {question}") # Answer options for SPIN response ="Select your response (SPIN{i}):", options=["Not at all", "A little bit", "Somewhat", "Very much"], key=f"spin_radio_{i}") # Map response to a numerical value for scoring if response == "Not at all": score = 0 elif response == "A little bit": score = 1 elif response == "Somewhat": score = 2 else: score = 3 # Store the response and score responses[f'spin{i}'] = score return responses def get_feature_names(): gad_features = [f'GAD{i}' for i in range(1, 8)] swl_features = [f'SWL{i}' for i in range(1, 6)] spin_features = [f'SPIN{i}' for i in range(1, 18)] personal_features = ['Narcissism','earnings','Gender','Age','Work','Degree','GAD_T', 'SWL_T', 'SPIN_T'] return gad_features + swl_features + spin_features + personal_features def predict_result(answers): scaler_path = "scaler.pkl" # Replace with the actual path to your model file with open(scaler_path, 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) scaler = data['scaler'] model = load_model('Anxiety_ANN_model.h5') df = answers # df = scaler.transform(df) result = model.predict(df) result = int(result*100) return result def save_dataframe_to_firestore(dataframe): # Convert DataFrame to dictionary data_dict = dataframe.to_dict(orient='records') # Add your Firestore collection and document name doc_ref = fs.collection("user_data").add({"data": data_dict}) return "Successfull Write to Database" if __name__ == "__main__": main()