source group: English
target group: Indic languages
OPUS readme: eng-inc
model: transformer
source language(s): eng
target language(s): asm awa ben bho gom guj hif_Latn hin mai mar npi ori pan_Guru pnb rom san_Deva sin snd_Arab urd
model: transformer
pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)
a sentence initial language token is required in the form of
(id = valid target language ID)download original weights: opus2m-2020-08-01.zip
test set translations: opus2m-2020-08-01.test.txt
test set scores: opus2m-2020-08-01.eval.txt
testset | BLEU | chr-F |
newsdev2014-enghin.eng.hin | 8.2 | 0.342 |
newsdev2019-engu-engguj.eng.guj | 6.5 | 0.293 |
newstest2014-hien-enghin.eng.hin | 11.4 | 0.364 |
newstest2019-engu-engguj.eng.guj | 7.2 | 0.296 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-asm.eng.asm | 2.7 | 0.277 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-awa.eng.awa | 0.5 | 0.132 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-ben.eng.ben | 16.7 | 0.470 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-bho.eng.bho | 4.3 | 0.227 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-guj.eng.guj | 17.5 | 0.373 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-hif.eng.hif | 0.6 | 0.028 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-hin.eng.hin | 17.7 | 0.469 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-kok.eng.kok | 1.7 | 0.000 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-lah.eng.lah | 0.3 | 0.028 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-mai.eng.mai | 15.6 | 0.429 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-mar.eng.mar | 21.3 | 0.477 |
Tatoeba-test.eng.multi | 17.3 | 0.448 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-nep.eng.nep | 0.8 | 0.081 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-ori.eng.ori | 2.2 | 0.208 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-pan.eng.pan | 8.0 | 0.347 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-rom.eng.rom | 0.4 | 0.197 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-san.eng.san | 0.5 | 0.108 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-sin.eng.sin | 9.1 | 0.364 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-snd.eng.snd | 4.4 | 0.284 |
Tatoeba-test.eng-urd.eng.urd | 13.3 | 0.423 |
System Info:
hf_name: eng-inc
source_languages: eng
target_languages: inc
opus_readme_url: https://github.com/Helsinki-NLP/Tatoeba-Challenge/tree/master/models/eng-inc/README.md
original_repo: Tatoeba-Challenge
tags: ['translation']
languages: ['en', 'bn', 'or', 'gu', 'mr', 'ur', 'hi', 'as', 'si', 'inc']
src_constituents: {'eng'}
tgt_constituents: {'pnb', 'gom', 'ben', 'hif_Latn', 'ori', 'guj', 'pan_Guru', 'snd_Arab', 'npi', 'mar', 'urd', 'bho', 'hin', 'san_Deva', 'asm', 'rom', 'mai', 'awa', 'sin'}
src_multilingual: False
tgt_multilingual: True
prepro: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)
url_model: https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-MT-models/eng-inc/opus2m-2020-08-01.zip
url_test_set: https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-MT-models/eng-inc/opus2m-2020-08-01.test.txt
src_alpha3: eng
tgt_alpha3: inc
short_pair: en-inc
chrF2_score: 0.44799999999999995
bleu: 17.3
brevity_penalty: 1.0
ref_len: 59917.0
src_name: English
tgt_name: Indic languages
train_date: 2020-08-01
src_alpha2: en
tgt_alpha2: inc
prefer_old: False
long_pair: eng-inc
helsinki_git_sha: 480fcbe0ee1bf4774bcbe6226ad9f58e63f6c535
transformers_git_sha: 2207e5d8cb224e954a7cba69fa4ac2309e9ff30b
port_machine: brutasse
port_time: 2020-08-21-14:41
- Downloads last month
- 63