Fred Robbins


AI & ML interests

None yet


None yet

Mesc70's activity

New activity in google-bert/bert-base-multilingual-uncased 7 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#6 opened 7 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in google-bert/bert-base-multilingual-cased 7 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#8 opened 7 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in sshleifer/tiny-gpt2 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#4 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in stefan-it/german-gpt2-larger 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#3 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in svalabs/ger-roberta 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#1 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in dbmdz/german-gpt2 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#3 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#2 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70
New activity in google-bert/bert-base-german-cased 10 months ago

Adding ONNX file of this model

#4 opened 10 months ago by Mesc70