About the environment
Could you provide a requirement list? thx.
If you mean requirements to run the model, they are here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Mihaiii/Ovis2-4B-RL-VQA-1/blob/main/requirements.txt
If you mean how this was fine-tuned, it was dome using ms-swift with the configuration provided in the readme.md.
Please let me know if this doesn't answer your question. It's not very clear to me what you mean.
This is a bug in the Ovis code that I also encountered. I made a PR here: https://github.com/AIDC-AI/Ovis/pull/47 .
The PR got merged, but the HF repos were not updated.
To workaround this, I made my own repo and refereced that one in my training config:
This is the reason why I have "--model 'Mihaiii/Ovis2-4B'" in my training config instead of "AIDC-AI/Ovis2-4B".
Alternatively, you could wait until the modeling code of the Huggingface repo to be updated to contain that fix in the above PR by the AIDC team.
//cc @runninglsy
The script you ever privided at github was invalid, Could you give me a new one, thx.
“Here is the notebook: https://gist.github.com/Mihaiii/9ce15d9d82875528b84a86c3dda885bc”
It's expected to be 0 in the beginning. Give it some time.
See here some details: https://github.com/modelscope/ms-swift/blob/main/docs/source_en/Instruction/GRPO.md
There is a section that talks about this:Note: It is normal for the loss to approach zero during training. Refer to this issue for more details.
hello, Could you provide the plugin.py? thx
I looked at your image and you're still on epoch 0, which is strange. I'm attaching the content of a plugin.py file I have (I won't check now if it's for that db or another, is just an example), which also prints information. Check out if you get that info printend in you case (given it's stuck at epoch 0).
You can reach out to me by email. I'm on gmail.com with username apropodemine.
import re
from typing import List
import ast
import math
from swift.plugin.orm import ORM, orms
from swift.utils import get_logger
logger = get_logger()
class DBAccuracy(ORM):
def extract_between_braces(self, s):
match = re.search(r'\{(.*)\}', s, re.DOTALL)
return match.group(1) if match else None
def extract_first_or_self(self, value):
return value[0] if isinstance(value, list) and value else value
def __call__(self, completions, **kwargs) -> List[float]:
str_comple = '\n'.join([s[:512] for s in completions])
print('-' * 20, f"\nSOLUTION:\n{kwargs['solution'][0]}", f"\nEXTRACTED:\n{str_comple}")
json_sol = ast.literal_eval(self.extract_first_or_self(kwargs['solution'][0]))
result = []
for completion in completions:
json_completion = self.extract_between_braces(completion)
if not json_completion:
json_completion = "{ " + json_completion + " }"
local_res = 0.0
inc = 1.0 / len(json_sol)
#print('a' * 20, f"{inc=}, {json_completion=}, {json_sol}")
json_cmpl = ast.literal_eval(self.extract_first_or_self(json_completion))
#print('b' * 20, f"{json_cmpl=}")
for k, v in json_sol.items():
if k in json_cmpl and self.extract_first_or_self(json_cmpl[k]) == self.extract_first_or_self(v):
local_res += inc
result.append(1 if math.isclose(local_res, 1, abs_tol=0.01) else local_res)
return result
orms['external_db_accuracy'] = DBAccuracy