

PyTorch implementation of a simplified Tetris-playing AI using Q-Learning.
The Tetris board is just 4×4, with the agent deciding in which of the 4 columns to drop the next piece. The agent’s neural network receives a 16-dimensional board representation (flattened 4×4) and outputs 4 Q-values, one for each possible move. Through repeated training (via self-play and the Q-Learning algorithm), the agent learns to fill the board without making illegal moves—eventually achieving a perfect score.

Project Structure

├── model.py            # Contains the TetrisAI class and TetrisNet model (PyTorch)
├── train.py            # Main training script
├── evaluate.py         # Script to load the model checkpoint and interactively run the game
├── tetris.py           # Defines the GameState and game logic
├── representation.py   # Defines how the game state is turned into a 1D list of ints
└── checkpoints         # Directory where model checkpoints (.pth) are saved/loaded

Model Architecture

  • Input Layer (16 units): Flattened 4x4 board state, where each cell is 0 (empty) or 1 (occupied).
  • Hidden Layers: Dense layers (64 → 64 → 32) with ReLU activations.
  • Output Layer (4 units): Linear activation, representing the estimated Q-value for each move (column 1–4).


  1. Game Environment: A 4x4 Tetris-like grid where each move places a block in one of the four columns.
  2. Reward Function:
    • Immediate Reward: Increase in the number of occupied squares, minus
    • Penalty: A scaled standard deviation of the “column depth” to encourage balanced play.
  3. Q-Learning Loop:
    • For each move, the model is passed the current game state and returns predicted Q-values.
    • An action (move) is chosen based on either:
      • Exploitation: Highest Q-value prediction (greedy choice).
      • Exploration: Random move to discover new states.
    • The agent observes the new state and reward, and stores this experience (state, action, reward, next_state) to update the model.

Reward Function

The reward function for each action is based on two parts:

  1. Board Occupancy

    • The reward starts with the number of occupied squares on the board (i.e., how many cells are filled).
  2. Penalty for Unbalanced Columns

    • Next, the standard deviation of each column's unoccupied cell count is calculated.
    • A higher standard deviation means one column may be much taller or shorter than others, which is undesirable in Tetris.
    • By subtracting this standard deviation from the occupancy-based reward, the agent is penalized for building unevenly and is encouraged to keep the board as level as possible.

Where alpha is a weighting factor (in this case effectively 1, or any scalar you choose) that determines the penalty's intensity. This keeps the board balanced and helps the agent learn a more efficient Tetris strategy.

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone this repo or download the source code.

  2. Install Python (3.8+ recommended).

  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install torch numpy
    • You may also need other libraries like pandas or statistics depending on your environment.
  4. Training:

    • Adjust the hyperparameters (learning rate, exploration rate, etc.) in train.py if desired.
    • Run:
python train.py
  • This script will generate a checkpointX.pth file in checkpoints/ upon completion (or periodically during training).
  1. Evaluation:

    • Ensure you have a valid checkpoint saved, for example checkpoint14.pth.
    • Run:
    python evaluate.py
    • The script will load the checkpoint, instantiate the TetrisAI, and then interactively show how the AI plays Tetris. You can step through the game move by move in the console.
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