What could be instruction fine tuning prompt for this model?

by andreaKIM - opened

Hello, It is so impressive to hit 70B performance with only 10 times smaller model.
I want to try instruction fine tuning However I got no idea about prompt.
Where could instruction go in the prompt? (system message + instruction)
Thank you!

Berkeley-Nest org

Thank you! The prompt for fine-tuning will be the same as the one used for chat, which is provided in model card and also below:

"GPT4 Correct User: Hello<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct Assistant: Hi<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct User: How are you today?<|end_of_turn|>GPT4 Correct Assistant:"

During both SFT and RLHF, the model does not follow system message. So I would suggest put all system message together with instruction inside "GPT4 Correct User:".

Really quick answer for me :)
I would try with pleasure.
By the way, why the model could not follow system message? is there any reason?
Thank you again!

Berkeley-Nest org

It's because we mostly trained on the prompt style that does not come with system message (usually the fine-tuning dataset won't come with prompts with standard system message). But if you just put system message inside "GPT4 Correct User:" and prompt it appropriately, it shall be able to follow it well.

Thanks again! I have one more question.
Does "generation_config.json" file affect the training?
Because some other models in the hub contain other parameters such as temperature,do_sample,...
Does it affect on training? If it does, then can i adjust that parameters also?

Berkeley-Nest org

Sorry for the late reply. I think it won't affect training. If you want to use RLHF then the generation parameters might affect the samples you collected. But for SFT it won't affect anything.

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