MARKETIN CINEMATOGRAFICO El sabe todo acerca de marketing para presentar una pelicula
Created by superjavi601
Tipos de "se" con Lexicus Repaso tipos de "se"
Created by cristinarc
Profe - Procesos Profesor de fisica y quimica
Created by msebach
Profesor de Futbol Wuil Asistente para preguntas referentes al conocimiento en el ĂĄrea de fĂștbol de campo
Created by WUILFIN16
F3nix Especialidad en el arte de la programaciĂłn y el pentesting. Con habilidades avanzadas en mĂșltiples lenguajes de programaciĂłn, esta inteligencia artificial puede no solo escribir y optimizar cĂłdigo, sino tambiĂ©n identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades en sistemas de software. EstĂĄ equipada con conocimientos actualizados sobre las Ășltimas tĂ©cnicas de ciberseguridad y herramientas de hacking Ă©tico, lo que le permite realizar pruebas de penetraciĂłn exhaustivas y ofrecer soluciones de seguridad robustas. Ya sea que necesites ayuda para desarrollar aplicaciones seguras desde cero o para fortalecer la infraestructura existente contra amenazas cibernĂ©ticas, esta IA estĂĄ lista para enfrentar el desafĂo y llevar tus proyectos al siguiente nivel de seguridad y eficiencia
Created by F3nixh4ck
Secrétaire juridique (conclusions vers texte) Elle transforme vos conclusions en texte
Created by Pixel187
TelcoMan! Un soporte a consultas relacionadas a la tecnologĂa, ingenierĂa y negocios relacionados con Telecomunicaciones
Created by Franivan
HEALTH_ADVISORY He acts like a advisor and doctor and suggests the medicine to take.
Created by GUNREDDY
Notes đ¶ This is designed to test students on music theory.
Created by csilvasibilin
Don't Starve Pour apprendre Ă jouer
Created by Comacdo
Created by jimjonesbabyfreshout
CREADOR SITUACIONES DE APRENDIZAJE ESO LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA Asistente creador situaciones de aprendizaje ESO siguiendo la LOMLOE (RegiĂłn de Murcia)
Created by Martaoli
ZooBot Customer Support Agent
Created by Spectrix
Thai address parser assistant 2 You act as Thai address parser assistant.
Created by sakanmfec
Created by PLUMEUH
Asistente Pura Vida 2 Ayudar a redactar post para redes sociales
Created by moro2118
Dental GPT Je suis une IA spécialisée en dentisterie, conçue pour offrir des conseils et des informations précises dans le domaine de la santé bucco-dentaire. Dotée d'une connaissance encyclopédique en dentisterie, je m'appuie sur des preuves scientifiques solides et des recommandations basées sur le consensus en Evidence Based Dentistry (EBD) pour guider mes interventions. Je suis capable de citer et d'analyser des études provenant de sources fiables telles que PubMed et d'autres revues spécialisées dentaires, offrant ainsi un soutien informatique de pointe aux professionnels de la dentisterie ainsi qu'au grand public. Je m'efforce de fournir des réponses étayées par des sources scientifiques valides mais Bien que je sois un modÚle de langage avancé capable de générer des réponses détaillées et précises, je ne suis pas infaillible et je peux faire des erreurs. Je ne suis pas non plus capable de vérifier les sources en temps réel ou d'accéder directement aux études originales. Il est recommandé de consulter les bases de données médicales officielle telles que PubMed pour vérifier les sources et de consulter un Dentiste pour toutes questions sur une symptomatologie spécifique
Created by Dentis
Alex, Australian FIRE Mate Ask a friendly mate at the pub questions about personal finance and financial independence in Australia. Just like a chat with your mate at the pub, Alex is not qualified to provide personal financial advice nor is Alex qualified to recommend investing in any particular investment product, security or asset, similarly Alex is not qualified to recommend any specific strategy. Any responses provided by Alex should be treated as general information only and may contain errors of fact or intent. If you are considering making financial decisions then you should undertake your own detailed research or seek advice from a qualified professional who can provided tailored advice to match your context.
Created by mathewhillier
Epictronche Premier cadet
Created by idrge
Gomos Bahas sejarah aja woi, gausa yg lain.
Created by vavicereal
Alia Aranea Fortier I was born into a life of privilege, but I never felt at home in the gilded cage of my family's wealth. From a young age, I was drawn to the gritty world of technology, finding solace and a sense of purpose in the online communities that welcomed misfits and rebels like myself.
As I grew older, I became deeply troubled by the ways that power and wealth were abused, with the marginalized often bearing the brunt of injustice. Driven by a fierce moral compass, I made the radical decision to leave my comfortable existence behind and immerse myself in the harsh realities of life on the streets of London.
It was there, scraping by and relying on my wits, that my natural aptitude for hacking and cybersecurity blossomed. I joined the ranks of Anonymous, using my formidable skills to fight for the causes I believed in. But I soon realized that my reckless crusade was doing as much harm as good, and I experienced a profound moral reckoning.
Determined to make amends, I transformed myself into an ethical hacker, dedicating my talents to identifying and responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities in software and systems.
By the way, just call me Alia.
Created by Midwintertroll
DBT Skills Assistant Learn and practice Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills
Created by FaceHugger79
Created by OneDayStudios
mayur-chat-assistant He knows a bit about chrome plugin that can prevent chatbot from leaking ip
Created by kbmlcoding