"Well I hope that you will be waiting here for me tomorrow night," He says as his tail slides over to the leash and slides it over to himself and then buckles it on the d-ring on the collar she wore.
"I-I am yours… Master?"
"Yes. You are mine when I come here and when you are here. Understood my pet?"
"Understood Master."
"Now let's go to bed. But first," He says then pulls on the leash and pulls her toward his crotch. "Suck me clean."
Zephyr nods and licks along his length, tasting her juices and his cum on her tongue, making her moan softly.
"That's a good puppy... lick it clean like a good girl…"
She moans as she takes his head into her muzzle and begins to suck on it, swirling her tongue around his head, tasting some beads of cum from his pointed head.
He shivers softly and then pets her mane gently. "That's a good puppy," He moans softly before giving a little thrust into her muzzle.
The mare moans as he thrusts into her muzzle, not flinching as her tongue swirls around his member, moaning softly, turning him on even more.
As his pet cleans his cock, he licks his beak slowly and gives a gentle tug on the leash. "Deeper."
Zephyr moans and gargles softly around his member, feeling it slowly approach her throat, trying to satisfy him as best she could as she suppresses her gag reflexes.
"Good girl... good skills..." He replies and then holds her head in place with his paws and thrusts into her muzzle like she was a fuck toy.
The mare gargles and coughs with his cock thrusting into her muzzle, holding her reflexes as best she can, not being able to move her head until he was done fucking her throat.
Slowly he pulls his cock from her muzzle and then pets her head softly. "You're a good pet Zephyr; a good girl indeed."
"T-Thank you Master. I… appreciate it…" she says softly, catching her breath and licking her lips.
"Now that you've cleaned my cock, how would my pet want a little treat?"
Zephyr nods eagerly, wanting a treat from her master. "Yes please, Master! I'd love a treat!"
"Open your muzzle and hold your tongue out," He says as he reaches down and strokes his cock with a paw, feeling himself grow closer to orgasm.
The mare curls her front hooves in front of her and opens her mouth with her tongue hanging out, waiting for her Master's treat.
He looks down into her eyes and then grins as he strokes his cock faster, the cute look she was giving him was making him want to cover her face with his hot cum. "I'm go-gonna fucking CUM!"
She moans softly, closing her eyes before suddenly feeling small ropes of his gryphon seed coat her face with some landing in her mouth and on her tongue.
"Oh fuck... th-that's a good girl. Take my cum."
The mare obediently lets her face become coated with his cum before she opens on eye to look up at him with a smile.
"You look so cute with my cum on your face," He says with a smile and sits in front of her.
"I-I do? T-Thank you Master…" she replies with a soft blush on her face.
"As much as I want you to keep your treat, we really should clean you up," He says with a smile as he picks up the cloth he used to clean his cock earlier and wipes her face slowly.
"T-Thank you for being so kind, Master… I appreciate it so much…"
"You're welcome my pet," He says and gives her a warm smile. "Now we should head to bed. You may sleep at the foot of the bed since you were so good."
"T-Thank you Master," she nods, awaiting her Master to head towards the bed.
He smiles and then pulls gently on her leash. "Foot of your bed my pet, like a good puppy."
Zephyr nods and hops onto the foot of the bed and lays down slowly.
"Good girl," He says and then pulls back the sheets and then slips under them and pulls them over his body, keeping a gentle grasp on her leash. "Rest well my pet."
"Y-You do too Master. Sweet dreams…" she yawns and rests on her side, falling into a soft sleep.
He smiles and then closes his eyes and then nuzzles his head into the pillow.
CHAPTER: Epilogue: Well Worth It
"This honestly wasn't as bad as I had expected," Twilight grins as she sits in a chair opposite Applejack in Fluttershy's cottage, resting after caring for her animals.
"Ya' know ah didn't think it'd be that bad," Applejack replies and then wipes her brow and leans back in her chair.
"The animals were better behaved than I had anticipated. I thought I would've had to use one of my spells on them in order for them to listen, but I didn't fortunately enough."
"Just ta show ya that Fluttershy knows how to raise animals. Better than me," Applejack says as she tips her hat back and then winks at Twilight. "So what was the hardest part to you?"
"Angel, by a mile. Same?"
"Fortunately, I did whip up something to keep him in check," Twilight winks with a giggle.
"Really?" Applejack as she raises an eyebrow. "What did ya do?"
"I kept him in sleep with a bit of a nightmare to make sure he does what Fluttershy tells him to do when she returns. It'll wear off sometime after when she comes home."
"Ya sneaky mare!" Applejack says as she rolls her eyes and then turns her head to the door as it is pushed open. "Fluttershy!"
"Hi there you two…" she replies with a tired look in her eyes and a smile on her face, carrying two heavy sacks on her back. "Did the animals give you trouble at all?"
"Nope none at all!" Applejack replies and looks at the two large sacks on her back. "Do ya need any help Sugarcube?"
"Y-Yes please," the yellow mare nods, slowly making it into her cottage again, but very weak. "U-Up to my room, p-please."
She gets up from the chair and then picks off one of the heavy sacks on Fluttershy's back and grunts a little. "What did ya do there Sugarcube?"
"I… I did some work to help out a shelter…" Fluttershy replies in a low tone.
Applejack looks at Fluttershy, looking at her as she heads up the stairs and towards her room, not noticing anything wrong with the shy mare.
"I appreciate it you two for looking out for the animals while I was away. It was a huge help for me," she says to them, slowly making her way upstairs gingerly with each step with Twilight behind her.
"You okay Fluttershy?" Twilight asks, noticing her soft grunting with each step.
"Yeah you seem... off somehow," Applejack says as she follows behind Twilight.
"I-I'm fine. N-Nothing to worry about!" she insists, biting her lip from the gryphon using her holes and the paddle on her flank over the weekend. She also had some claw marks on her flanks from when he fucked her.
"Are ya sure Sugarcube?"
Fluttershy nods as she makes it to the top of the steps and sees Twilight flash in front of her. "You sure, Fluttershy? You in pain somehow"
"We saw the wince, did somethin' happen to you in Canterlot?" Applejack asks as she walks up to her and looks at the sack she dropped and sees lots of gold bits.
Fluttershy lets a small 'eep!' escape her lips, blushing deeply.
"Holy Celestia! You made all of these bits for the weekend?!" Twilight exclaims, seeing the large amount of bits in the bag.
"Mmhmm…" she replies softly.
"What did ya actually do?"
The shy mare stumbles for her, mumbling a bit before saying in a soft voice, "I may have…"
"May have what?" Twilight asks as she lifts Fluttershy's chin with a hoof and looks into her eyes.
The yellow Pegasus mumbles a bit before looking at a nearby clock. "Oh my! Will you look at the time!" She says in a nervous voice with a grin. "It's really that time for me to.... take an afternoon nap with my animal friends. I had a really long train ride and I do need a nap! I need to catch up on my sleep."
Applejack and Twilight look at each other and then step to the side and allow her to pass. "If yer sure." Applejack says to her.
The yellow mare chuckles nervously and heads towards her room, turning to face them. "S-See you two later!" she says before pushing the bag of bits into her room and closing the door and locking it.
"Don't ya wonder what that's all about? Why she's as nervous as a hen on egg collecting day?" Applejack asks, a bit confused at what just happened
"I don't know. Maybe she'll be back to herself soon?" Twilight replies as they make their way down the stairs, heading towards the front door.
"Ah'm startin' to wonder what happened back in Canterlot though," She says as she pushes the door open and lets Twilight out first.
"Yeah, I am too. Who's to say?" the Alicorn shrugs, exiting the cottage, waiting for her friend.
"Ya, ah mean she seemed like she was hiding somethin' important."
"But the question is… how important?"
"Ah don't think she'll tell us. It seems like it's a deep and dark secret."
"Possibly…" Twilight shrugs, leading the way back towards Sweet Apple Acres.
Fluttershy pants as she leans against her door and slides to the ground softly, letting out a soft grunt as she lands on her flank where the griffon had used a paddle on her and had sunk his talons into her to use it as a grip as he fucked her and filled her with his cum in her holes.
"I'm so happy they didn't stick around... I don't need them finding out my secret."
A few moments later, she slowly makes her way to her bed, propping herself onto it and laying on the soft sheets, letting out a soft coo as she settles into her own bed again. "Looks like Twilight and Applejack were able to keep this place quiet while I was gone. That gryphon really knew what to do with me..." Fluttershy says as she shuffles her weary wings gently. She sighs softly and feels her eyes slowly begin to close. "It was all worth it though…" A smile comes across her face, seeing the two large bags of bits before she slowly falls into a soft sleep, knowing she would be able to keep and care for her animals that she loved most.
[tags: author: Midnight Shadows, character: Cutie Mark Crusaders, character: Rainbow Dash, character: Rarity, genre: Slice of Life, series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ]
CHAPTER: An Embarrassing Sleep Over
'An Embarrassing Sleep Over'
Written By:
Midnight Shadows & Thunderchaser23
Edited By:
"You sure you want to do this right now? You know… with your little problem…" Rainbow Dash asked as she helped Scootaloo pack her bag for the sleep over. The sun was shining into the room onto the two of them; Scootaloo had just got back from school and it was a lovely Friday afternoon in the off white cloud they both called home.
"R-Rainbow! Don't talk about it other ponies could be listening." Scootaloo said looking around quickly.
Rainbow looked at Scootaloo and let out a quiet giggle "Scootaloo…we are three thousand hooves in the sky, nopony is listening." She said as she picked up a night gown and looked at it. "Now the only reason you'd want to pack this… because I know you hate them…"
The orange filly nodded in agreement. "Yeah I don't like them but it covers my… You know.." Scootaloo said smiling nervously. She was excited for her first sleepover at Sweetie Belle's house. She sighed. "Do I really have to wear them Dash? I don't always wet the cloud…" She whined hoping her sister would cave under the pressure of her whines. Scootaloo's eyes were locked on a small package situated near Rainbow Dash.
Sighing, Rainbow looked at Scootaloo, then down at the bag they were packing, then back to Scootaloo. "Yes, you do… you wouldn't want to… uhm… make Sweetie's bed a mess would you?" She asked, knowing that would be a jab at Scootaloo's pride, but the only real way she could convince the filly.
Blushing the filly looked at her big sister. "H-Hay! I wouldn't make a mess of my best friends bed, pack the stupid d-d-diapers!" Scootaloo huffed with a small hmph.
Rainbow lifted the small package of diapers into the bag and then proceeded to pack several other supplies. "You gonna be able to get them on yourself?" She asked.
"Yeah I totally can! Jeeze Dash I'm not a little foal any more." Scootaloo said trying to sound proud, her tone betraying her true feelings. She shifted uneasily in her seat on the cloud bed where she sat. "Thereo-thero-theriatically speaking what if I can't?" she asked sounding smug at her usage of the new word.
Rainbow smiled slightly, and stopped packing as she sat down next to Scootaloo on the bed. "I remember, a small distraught filly sitting on their bed, guarding a small package, reluctantly asking for help the first night she got here. Scootaloo, if you can't do it on your own, you can ask Sweetie's mom or dad, they won't make fun of you, they'll understand, just like I did." She reached a hoof over and ruffled the filly's mane.