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DuckDB datasets for (dump, id) querying on FineWeb 2
This repo contains some DuckDB databases to check whether a given WARC UID exists in a FineWeb-2 dump. Usage example
is given below, but note especially that if you are using URNs (likely, if you are working with CommonCrawl data),
then you first have to extract the UID (the id
column is of type UUID
in the databases).
All files:
huggingface-cli download BramVanroy/fineweb-2-duckdbs --local-dir duckdbs/fineweb-2/ --include *.duckdb --repo-type dataset
One file:
huggingface-cli download BramVanroy/fineweb-2-duckdbs fw2-deu_Latn.duckdb --local-dir duckdbs/fineweb-2/ --repo-type dataset
Originally developed to be used with a library to look for Creative Commons licensing information:
import re
import duckdb
uid_re = re.compile(r"<urn:uuid:([a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{12})>")
duckdb_path = "duckdbs/fineweb-2/fw2-deu_Latn.duckdb"
con = duckdb.connect(duckdb_path, read_only=True)
dump = "CC-MAIN-2013-20"
uuid_urn = "<urn:uuid:4cd2db15-ae0c-482a-8688-d023d4b19f60>"
# !! Important: extract the UUID from the URN
uid = uid_re.sub("\\1", uuid_urn).replace("-", "")
query = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM data WHERE dump = ? AND id = ?)"
exists = bool(con.execute(query, (dump, uid)).fetchone()[0])
print(f"Does ID {uid} exist in {dump}? {exists}")
# Does ID 4cd2db15ae0c482a8688d023d4b19f60 exist in CC-MAIN-2013-20? True
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