From the passage provided, extract the more recent available annual revenue from agriculture in dollars.
Agriculture is an important sector in California's economy. Farming-related sales more than quadrupled over the past three decades, from $7.3 billion in 1974 to nearly $31 billion in 2004. This increase has occurred despite a 15 percent decline in acreage devoted to farming during the period, and water supply suffering from chronic instability. Factors contributing to the growth in sales-per-acre include more intensive use of active farmlands and technological improvements in crop production. In 2008, California's 81,500 farms and ranches generated $36.2 billion products revenue. In 2011, that number grew to $43.5 billion products revenue. The Agriculture sector accounts for two percent of the state's GDP and employs around three percent of its total workforce. According to the USDA in 2011, the three largest California agricultural products by value were milk and cream, shelled almonds, and grapes.
In 2011, California's agricultural product revenue was $43.5 billion.
雅典娜(Ἀθηνᾶ,Athēnâ) 她是理性、智慧、才能、和平、戰爭、戰鬥策略和手工藝的女神。根據大多數傳統,她是從宙斯的額頭上誕生的,全身穿著盔甲,宙斯吞下了她的母親梅提斯。她被描繪為戴著冠狀頭盔,手持盾牌和長矛,身穿長裙,胸前佩戴著神盾。詩人們形容她的眼睛「灰色」或者特別明亮、敏銳。她是英雄如奧德修斯的特別守護神。她是雅典城(以她的名字命名)的守護神,被認為是藝術和文學方面的各種發明的創造者。她的象徵是橄欖樹。她通常被描繪為與她的神聖動物貓頭鷹一起出現。她的羅馬對應物是米涅瓦。
From the passage identify the domains in which Athena is considered God. Display the results in a comma separated format.
Athena (Ἀθηνᾶ, Athēnâ) Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, and handicrafts. According to most traditions, she was born from Zeus's forehead, fully formed and armored, after Zeus swallowed her mother, Metis, whole. She is depicted as being crowned with a crested helm, armed with shield and spear, and wearing the aegis over a long dress. Poets describe her as "grey-eyed" or having especially bright, keen eyes. She is a special patron of heroes such as Odysseus. She is the patron of the city Athens (from which she takes her name) and is attributed to various inventions in arts and literature. Her symbol is the olive tree. She is commonly shown as being accompanied by her sacred animal, the owl. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva.
reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts
第 149 屆划船比賽是 2003 年 4 月 6 日在倫敦西南部泰晤士河 4.2 英里潮汐河段上舉行的並排賽艇比賽,在牛津大學和劍橋大學之間舉行。
What is the 149th Boat Race?
The 149th Boat Race took place on 6 April 2003. Held annually, the Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford (in dark blue) and Cambridge (in light greenish blue) along a 4.2-mile (6.8 km) tidal stretch of the River Thames in south-west London. The lead changed twice during the race, which Oxford won by one foot (30 cm), the smallest margin of victory in the history of the event. The close race has been described as "epic," while Olympic gold medalist Steve Redgrave suggested that the race was the "greatest we will see in our lifetimes."
The 149th Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing race along a 4.2 mile tidal stretch of the River Thames in south-west London that took place on April 6th, 2003 between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
Microsoft Office使用者轉向Google Docs的體驗如何?
二十多年來,Microsoft Office 一直是企業的首選軟件。長期用戶見證了 Office 從早期安裝在 Windows 計算機上發展到在線部署的相對較新的 Office 365。企業使用的Microsoft Office套件中的主要產品是Word、Excel和Powerpoint。 Google 文檔也是一種企業產品,由文檔、表格和幻燈片組成 - 這些映射到列出的相應 Microsoft Office 套件產品。使用 Microsoft Office 多年的用戶發現遷移到 Google Docs 很困難。這是因為 Google Docs 中的命令與 Office 非常不同,需要花時間搜索 MS Office 的等效命令。例如,在 Windows Excel 中插入凍結窗格的鍵盤快捷鍵命令與 Google Sheets 中的不一樣。與 Excel 相比,工作表中的單元格中的公式和數據分析在工作表中也有所不同。雖然從 Microsoft Office 遷移到 Google Docs 時需要一些時間來忘記命令並學習新命令,但一旦花一些時間使用 Google Docs,一切就會變得更加容易。輕鬆協作、不再丟失任何內容、能夠隨時隨地工作等功能已成為常態。總而言之,使用 Office 多年的用戶一開始可能會覺得困難,但開始使用 Google Docs 的用戶一開始就會很舒服。
What is the experience of Microsoft Office users moving to Google Docs?
Microsoft Office has been an enterprise software of choice for over 2 decades. Long term users have seen Office evolve from its early days when it was installed on Windows machines to the relatively new Office 365 that is deployed online. The key products in the Microsoft Office suite used by enterprises have been Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Google Docs is also an enterprise offering that consists of Docs, Sheets and Slides - these map to the corresponding Microsoft Office suite products listed. Users who have been on Microsoft Office for many years find the move to Google Docs difficult. This is because the commands across Google Docs are quite different to Office and one needs to spend time searching for MS office equivalent commands. For example, the keyboard shortcut command to insert a freeze pane in windows excel is not the same in Google Sheets. Formulae in cells and data analysis in Sheets is also different in sheets when compared to Excel. While it takes some time to unlearn commands and learn new ones as one moves from Microsoft Office to Google Docs, once one has spent some time working with Google Docs it starts to get easier. And features such as ease of collaboration, never losing any content ever again, being able to work on the go from anywhere become the norm. In summary, a user who has worked on Office for many years may find it difficult in the beginning but users who start with Google Docs will be comfortable from the beginning.
結構基因組學試圖描述給定基因組編碼的每種蛋白質的三維結構。這種基於基因組的方法允許通過實驗和建模方法相結合的高通量結構測定方法。結構基因組學和傳統結構預測之間的主要區別在於,結構基因組學試圖確定基因組編碼的每種蛋白質的結構,而不是專注於一種特定的蛋白質。借助可用的全基因組序列,可以通過實驗和建模方法的結合更快地完成結構預測,特別是因為大量測序基因組和先前解決的蛋白質結構的可用性使科學家能夠根據先前解決的結構對蛋白質結構進行建模同系物。 由於蛋白質結構與蛋白質功能密切相關,因此結構基因組學有可能提供有關蛋白質功能的知識。除了闡明蛋白質功能之外,結構基因組學還可用於識別新的蛋白質折疊和藥物發現的潛在靶標。結構基因組學涉及採用大量方法來確定結構,包括使用基因組序列的實驗方法或基於與已知結構的蛋白質的序列或結構同源性的基於建模的方法,或基於與已知結構的蛋白質無同源性的蛋白質的化學和物理原理。任何已知的結構。 與傳統的結構生物學相反,通過結構基因組學努力確定蛋白質結構通常(但並非總是)先於對蛋白質功能的了解。這給結構生物信息學提出了新的挑戰,即從 3D 結構確定蛋白質功能。 結構基因組學強調蛋白質結構的高通量測定。這是在專門的結構基因組學中心進行的。 大多數結構生物學家都在研究單個蛋白質或蛋白質組的結構,而結構基因組學專家則在基因組範圍內研究蛋白質的結構。這意味著大規模克隆、表達和純化。這種方法的一個主要優點是規模經濟。另一方面,一些由此產生的結構的科學價值有時受到質疑。 2006 年 1 月的一篇 Science 文章分析了結構基因組學領域。 結構基因組學(例如蛋白質結構計劃)的優勢之一是科學界可以立即獲得新的結構以及克隆和蛋白質等試劑。缺點是許多這些結構是功能未知的蛋白質並且沒有相應的出版物。這需要新的方式將這種結構信息傳達給更廣泛的研究界。結構基因組學聯合中心 (JCSG) 的生物信息學核心最近開發了一種基於 wiki 的方法,即開放蛋白質結構註釋網絡 (TOPSAN),用於註釋高通量結構基因組學中心出現的蛋白質結構。
What is structural genomics?
Structural genomics seeks to describe the 3-dimensional structure of every protein encoded by a given genome. This genome-based approach allows for a high-throughput method of structure determination by a combination of experimental and modeling approaches. The principal difference between structural genomics and traditional structural prediction is that structural genomics attempts to determine the structure of every protein encoded by the genome, rather than focusing on one particular protein. With full-genome sequences available, structure prediction can be done more quickly through a combination of experimental and modeling approaches, especially because the availability of large number of sequenced genomes and previously solved protein structures allows scientists to model protein structure on the structures of previously solved homologs. Because protein structure is closely linked with protein function, the structural genomics has the potential to inform knowledge of protein function. In addition to elucidating protein functions, structural genomics can be used to identify novel protein folds and potential targets for drug discovery. Structural genomics involves taking a large number of approaches to structure determination, including experimental methods using genomic sequences or modeling-based approaches based on sequence or structural homology to a protein of known structure or based on chemical and physical principles for a protein with no homology to any known structure. As opposed to traditional structural biology, the determination of a protein structure through a structural genomics effort often (but not always) comes before anything is known regarding the protein function. This raises new challenges in structural bioinformatics, i.e. determining protein function from its 3D structure. Structural genomics emphasizes high throughput determination of protein structures. This is performed in dedicated centers of structural genomics. While most structural biologists pursue structures of individual proteins or protein groups, specialists in structural genomics pursue structures of proteins on a genome wide scale. This implies large-scale cloning, expression and purification. One main advantage of this approach is economy of scale. On the other hand, the scientific value of some resultant structures is at times questioned. A Science article from January 2006 analyzes the structural genomics field. One advantage of structural genomics, such as the Protein Structure Initiative, is that the scientific community gets immediate access to new structures, as well as to reagents such as clones and protein. A disadvantage is that many of these structures are of proteins of unknown function and do not have corresponding publications. This requires new ways of communicating this structural information to the broader research community. The Bioinformatics core of the Joint center for structural genomics (JCSG) has recently developed a wiki-based approach namely Open protein structure annotation network (TOPSAN) for annotating protein structures emerging from high-throughput structural genomics centers.
Make a list of some popular Japanese animations, I haven't watched yet.
Here are a list of some popular Japanese animations: Death Note, Pokémon, Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-, JoJo』s Bizarre Adventure, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Clannad, Naruto, and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.
瘋狂三月是一年一度的大學籃球錦標賽,每年三月舉行。它由 68 支球隊組成,進行單場淘汰賽直至決出冠軍。比賽分為男子和女子比賽,不過男子比賽自 1939 年以來舉辦時間較長。有趣的是,第一屆比賽只有 8 支球隊。 該賽事深受籃球迷和非球迷的歡迎。有些人喜歡比賽是因為他們的學院或大學的球隊參加了比賽。其他球迷則喜歡結果的不可預測性,並為他們參加比賽的球隊歡呼。許多人喜歡為失敗者加油。整體排名較低但可以通過戰勝排名較高的球隊而獲得大量關注的球隊。這就是它被稱為“瘋狂三月”的原因之一。
Why is March Madness so popular in the United States?
March Madness is an annual college basketball tournament played in March. It consists of 68 teams that play in a single elimination tournament until a winner is determined. There are both men's and women's tournaments, though the men's tournament has been taking place for longer, since 1939. Interestingly, the first tournament had only 8 teams. The tournament is popular with basketball fans and non-fans alike. Some people enjoy the tournament because their college or university's team is participating in the tournament. Other fans enjoy the unpredictability of the results and cheer for a team that they adopt for the tournament. Many people enjoy rooting for an underdog; a team that is ranked lower overall but can gain a lot of attention by winning against teams ranked higher. This is one reason it is called 'March Madness.'
聖地亞哥(西班牙語為'Saint Didacus')位於加利福尼亞州南部太平洋海岸,緊鄰墨西哥-美國邊境。2020年人口為1,386,932,是美國第八大人口城市,也是聖地亞哥縣的縣治,該縣是美國第五大人口縣,截至2021年估計有3,286,069居民。該市以其溫和的全年地中海氣候、天然深水港口、廣泛的海灘和公園、與美國海軍的長期聯繫以及最近作為醫療保健和生物技術發展中心的崛起而聞名。聖地亞哥是加利福尼亞州僅次於洛杉磯的第二大城市。
Based on this paragraph about San Diego, what is the largest city in the state of california?
San Diego (Spanish for 'Saint Didacus'; /ˌsæn diˈeɪɡoʊ/ SAN dee-AY-goh, Spanish: [san ˈdjeɣo]) is a city on the Pacific Ocean coast of Southern California located immediately adjacent to the Mexico–United States border. With a 2020 population of 1,386,932, it is the eighth most populous city in the United States and the seat of San Diego County, the fifth most populous county in the United States, with 3,286,069 estimated residents as of 2021. The city is known for its mild year-round Mediterranean climate, natural deep-water harbor, extensive beaches and parks, long association with the United States Navy, and recent emergence as a healthcare and biotechnology development center. San Diego is the second largest city in the state of California after Los Angeles.
Los Angeles
Given this reference text about Gorbachev, tell me whether he was an ally of Yeltsin and Putin.
Although committed to preserving the Soviet state and its Marxist–Leninist ideals, Gorbachev believed significant reform necessary for survival. He withdrew troops from the Soviet–Afghan War and embarked on summits with United States president Ronald Reagan to limit nuclear weapons and end the Cold War. Domestically, his policy of glasnost ("openness") allowed for enhanced freedom of speech and press, while his perestroika ("restructuring") sought to decentralize economic decision-making to improve its efficiency. His democratization measures and formation of the elected Congress of People's Deputies undermined the one-party state. Gorbachev declined to intervene militarily when various Eastern Bloc countries abandoned Marxist–Leninist governance in 1989–1992. Internally, growing nationalist sentiment threatened to break up the Soviet Union, leading Marxist–Leninist hardliners to launch the unsuccessful August Coup against Gorbachev in 1991. In the coup's wake, the Soviet Union dissolved against Gorbachev's wishes. After resigning from the presidency, he launched the Gorbachev Foundation, became a vocal critic of Russian presidents Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, and campaigned for Russia's social-democratic movement.
According to this passage, Gorbachev was neither an ally of Yeltsin nor of Putin. In fact, he was a vocal critic of both of them.
Which of these famous football players have never won the Balon D'Or: Messi, Xavi, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Iniesta, Neymar
From the list of players provided the ones that have never won the Balon D'Or are Xavi, Iniesta and Neymar. All the other players in the list have won the Balon D'Or at least one time
From the passage provided, extract the names of the writers for the movie Captain America: The First Avenger. Separate them with a comma.
Captain America: The First Avenger is a 2011 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures, it is the fifth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Joe Johnston, written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America alongside Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, Toby Jones, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke, and Stanley Tucci. During World War II, Steve Rogers, a frail man, is transformed into the super-soldier Captain America and must stop the Red Skull (Weaving) from using the Tesseract as an energy source for world domination.
Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely
1.長跑——長跑有利於心臟健康,也有利於心理健康。 2. 徒步旅行——徒步旅行是清醒頭腦、增強體質的好方法。徒步旅行幾乎總是免費的,但有些公園可能收取入場費。 3. 步行——步行不僅有益於心臟,還可以幫助您緩解壓力
Give me a list of 3 hobbies that are good for your health and inexpensive
1. Long-distance running - Long-distance running is good for heart health and also mental health. 2. Hiking - Going for a hike can be a great way to clear your head and improve your fitness. Hiking is almost always free, but some parks can have an entry fee. 3. Walking - Not only is walking good for your heart, it can also help you to manage stress
Which of these words are nouns and which are adjectives. Fridge, wipe, bed, chair, jump, yell, sleep, fruit and talk.
Fridge, bed, chair and fruit are words that are nouns. Wipe, jump, yell, sleep and talk are words that are adjectives.
What is Bart Simpson's graffiti tag?
El Barto
What is the difference between walking and running?
Walking and running involves taking steps to gain velocity, typically on land. The differences come in terms of speed. Walking happens at a slower pace and pace than running. One that traverses longer distances at a faster rate when running versus walking.
《世界幸福報告》是一份包含國家幸福排名和文章的出版物,基於受訪者對自己生活的評價,報告還將其與各種(生活質量)因素相關聯。截至2023年3月,芬蘭已連續六次被評為世界上最幸福的國家。 該報告是聯合國全球倡議可持續發展解決方案網路的出版物。報告主要使用蓋洛普世界民意調查的數據。每年的報告都可以在《世界幸福報告》網站上下載。2020年報告的編輯是約翰·F·赫利韋爾、理查德·萊亞德、杰弗里·D·薩克斯和揚-埃曼紐爾·德內夫。副編輯是拉拉·阿克寧、王順和黃海芳。
聯合國每年都會與可持續發展解決方案網絡合作進行調查並發布全球幸福指數報告。截至2023年3月,芬蘭已連續六次被評為世界上最幸福的國家。 《世界幸福報告》是一份包含國民幸福的文章和排名的出版物,該排名基於受訪者對自己生活的評分,該報告還與各種生活(質量)因素相關聯
What is the happiness index report and which country tops the happiness index in the world
The World Happiness Report is a publication that contains articles and rankings of national happiness, based on respondent ratings of their own lives, which the report also correlates with various (quality of) life factors. As of March 2023, Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world six times in a row. The report is a publication of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global initiative of the United Nations. The report primarily uses data from the Gallup World Poll. Each annual report is available to the public to download on the World Happiness Report website. The Editors of the 2020 report are John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve. Associate Editors are Lara Aknin, Shun Wang, and Haifang Huang
United nations every year in collaboration with sustainable development solution network perform survey and release the report global happiness index. As of March 2023, Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world six times in a row. The World Happiness Report is a publication that contains articles and rankings of national happiness, based on respondent ratings of their own lives, which the report also correlates with various (quality of) life factors
Abel Prize is given in which field ?
Abel Prize is given in the field of Mathematics
新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)是由一種病毒引起的傳染病,即嚴重急性呼吸綜合癥冠狀病毒2型(SARS-CoV-2)。第一個已知病例于2019年12月在中國武漢被發現。該病迅速在全球範圍內傳播,導致了COVID-19大流行。 COVID-19的癥狀各異,但通常包括髮熱、咳嗽、頭痛、疲勞、呼吸困難、失去嗅覺和味覺。癥狀可能在接觸病毒后的一到十四天內開始出現。至少三分之一的感染者沒有明顯癥狀。那些癥狀明顯到足以被歸類為患者的人中,大多數(81%)出現輕度到中度癥狀(輕度肺炎),而14%出現嚴重癥狀(呼吸困難、低氧血癥或影像學上超過50%的肺部受累),5%出現危重癥狀(呼吸衰竭、休克或多器官功能障礙)。老年人患上嚴重癥狀的風險更高。一些人在康復后仍然經歷各種影響(長期COVID),並且已觀察到器官損傷。正在進行多年的研究以進一步調查該疾病的長期影響。
大約三分之二的 COVID-19 感染者會出現明顯的症狀。在症狀明顯足以被歸類為患者的患者中,大多數(81%) 出現輕度至中度症狀(最高可達輕度肺炎),而14% 出現嚴重症狀(呼吸困難、缺氧或影像學顯示超過50% 的肺部受累) ),5% 出現嚴重症狀(呼吸衰竭、休克或多器官功能障礙)。
How many people who contract COVID-19 end up experiencing symptoms and what symptoms might they experience?
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by a virus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first known case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The disease quickly spread worldwide, resulting in the COVID-19 pandemic. The symptoms of COVID‑19 are variable but often include fever, cough, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties, loss of smell, and loss of taste. Symptoms may begin one to fourteen days after exposure to the virus. At least a third of people who are infected do not develop noticeable symptoms. Of those who develop symptoms noticeable enough to be classified as patients, most (81%) develop mild to moderate symptoms (up to mild pneumonia), while 14% develop severe symptoms (dyspnea, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging), and 5% develop critical symptoms (respiratory failure, shock, or multiorgan dysfunction). Older people are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms. Some people continue to experience a range of effects (long COVID) for months after recovery, and damage to organs has been observed. Multi-year studies are underway to further investigate the long-term effects of the disease.
Approximately two-thirds of people who are infected with COVID-19 develop noticeable symptoms. Of those who develop symptoms noticeable enough to be classified as patients, most (81%) develop mild to moderate symptoms (up to mild pneumonia), while 14% develop severe symptoms (dyspnea, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging), and 5% develop critical symptoms (respiratory failure, shock, or multiorgan dysfunction).
What is surfing?
Surfing is a surface water sport in which an individual, a surfer (or two in tandem surfing), uses a board to ride on the forward section, or face, of a moving wave of water, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are primarily found on ocean shores, but can also be found in standing waves in the open ocean, in lakes, in rivers in the form of a tidal bore, or in wave pools.
Surfing is a sport where a rider uses a surfboard to ride a wave
告訴我以下每本書的型別,選擇科幻、奇幻或者都不是。 《風之名》帕特里克·羅斯福斯著, 《遊戲玩家》伊恩·M·班克斯著, 《在 H Mart 哭泣》米歇爾·佐納著, 《罪與罰》陀思妥耶夫斯基著, 《超新星紀元》丹·西蒙斯著。
《遊戲玩家》和《海伯利安》是科幻小說,《風之名》是奇幻小說,《H Mart 中的哭泣》和《罪與罰》都不是這些類型。
Tell me the genre of each of the following books, choosing between science fiction, fantasy, or neither. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, Crime and Punishment by Fyodr Dostoevsky, and Hyperion by Dan Simmons.
The Player of Games and Hyperion are science fiction, The Name of the Wind is fantasy, and both Crying in H Mart and Crime and Punishment are neither of those genres.
2011年國際板球世界盃是第十屆板球世界盃。比賽在印度、斯里蘭卡和孟加拉國首次舉辦。印度在孟買旺克赫德體育場的決賽中以6個門票擊敗斯里蘭卡,成為第一個在本土贏得板球世界盃決賽的國家。印度的Yuvraj Singh被評為本屆比賽的最佳球員。這是世界盃歷史上第一次有兩支亞洲隊進入決賽。這也是自1992年世界盃以來,決賽沒有澳大利亞參加的第一次。 本屆比賽共有14支國家板球隊參加,包括國際板球理事會(ICC)的10個正式成員和4個附屬成員。開幕式于2011年2月17日在達卡的Bangabandhu國家體育場舉行,比賽于2月19日至4月2日之間進行。第一場比賽是在達卡的Sher-e-Bangla國家體育場舉行的印度和孟加拉國之間的比賽。
- 2011 年板球世界杯在印度、斯里蘭卡和孟加拉國舉行 - 印度擊敗斯里蘭卡贏得了比賽。 - Yuvraj Singh 被宣佈為錦標賽最佳球員 - 開幕式於2011年2月17日在達卡舉行
Short Summary about 2011 Cricket World Cup
The 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup was the tenth Cricket World Cup. It was played in India, Sri Lanka, and for the first time in Bangladesh. India won the tournament, defeating Sri Lanka by 6 wickets in the final at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai, thus becoming the first country to win the Cricket World Cup final on home soil. India's Yuvraj Singh was declared the man of the tournament. This was the first time in World Cup history that two Asian teams had appeared in the final. It was also the first time since the 1992 World Cup that the final match did not feature Australia. Fourteen national cricket teams took part in this tournament, including 10 full members and four associate members of the International Cricket Council (ICC). The opening ceremony was held on 17 February 2011 at Bangabandhu National Stadium, Dhaka, and the tournament was played between 19 February and 2 April. The first match was played between India and Bangladesh at the Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Mirpur, Dhaka.
- 2011 Cricket World Cup was played in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - India won the tournament defeating Sri Lanka. - Yuvraj Singh was declared the Man of the Tournament - Opening Ceremony was held on 17 February 2011 at Dhaka
費爾南多·安東尼奧·努渦拉·佩索阿(葡萄牙語:[fɨɾˈnɐ̃du pɨˈsoɐ];1888年6月13日-1935年11月30日)是一位葡萄牙詩人、作家、文學評論家、翻譯家、出版商和哲學家,被譽為20世紀最重要的文學人物之一,也是葡萄牙語中最偉大的詩人之一。他還用英語和法語寫作和翻譯。 佩索阿是一位多產的作家,不僅以自己的名字寫作,還創造了大約75個其他的名字,其中三個最為突出,分別是阿爾貝托·卡耶羅、阿爾瓦羅·德·坎波斯和里卡多·雷斯。他沒有稱它們為筆名,因為他認為這不能捕捉到它們真正獨立的智力生活,而是稱它們為異名。這些想像中的人物有時持有不受歡迎或極端的觀點。 佩索阿最早的異名是六歲時的帕斯騎士。其他童年異名包括潘克拉西奧博士和大衛·梅里克,接著是查爾斯·羅伯特·阿農,一個年輕的英國人,成為佩索阿的替身。1905/7年,當佩索阿在里斯本大學學習時,亞歷山大·搜尋取代了阿農。這樣做的主要原因是,雖然搜尋是英國人,但他出生在里斯本,就像他的作者一樣。但是,搜尋代表了佩索阿在尋求適應葡萄牙文化現實時使用的過渡異名。1910年共和革命后,由於愛國氣氛,佩索阿創造了另一個替身,阿爾瓦羅·德·坎波斯,據說是一位葡萄牙海軍和機械工程師,出生于佩索阿祖先的故鄉塔維拉,並在格拉斯哥大學畢業。翻譯家和文學評論家理查德·澤尼思指出,佩索阿最終至少確立了72個異名。根據佩索阿本人的說法,有三個主要的異名:阿爾貝托·卡耶羅、阿爾瓦羅·德·坎波斯和里卡多·雷斯。佩索阿的異名不同於筆名,因為它們具有不同的傳記、性格、哲學、外貌、寫作風格甚至簽名。因此,異名經常在各種主題上存在分歧,就文學、美學、哲學等問題進行爭論和討論。
費爾南多·佩索阿創造了大約七十五個異名,其中三個最為突出:阿爾貝托·卡埃羅、阿爾瓦羅·德·坎波斯和里卡多·雷斯。 佩索阿的異名與筆名不同,因為它們具有不同的傳記、氣質、哲學、外表、寫作風格甚至簽名。
Who were Fernando Pessoa's main heteronyms?
Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (Portuguese: [fɨɾˈnɐ̃du pɨˈsoɐ]; 13 June 1888 – 30 November 1935) was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher, and philosopher, described as one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century and one of the greatest poets in the Portuguese language. He also wrote in and translated from English and French. Pessoa was a prolific writer, and not only under his own name, for he created approximately seventy-five others, of which three stand out, Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, and Ricardo Reis. He did not call them pseudonyms because he felt that this did not capture their true independent intellectual life and instead called them heteronyms. These imaginary figures sometimes held unpopular or extreme views. Pessoa's earliest heteronym, at the age of six, was Chevalier de Pas. Other childhood heteronyms included Dr. Pancrácio and David Merrick, followed by Charles Robert Anon, a young Englishman who became Pessoa's alter ego. In 1905/7, when Pessoa was a student at the University of Lisbon, Alexander Search took the place of Anon. The main reason for this was that, although Search was English, he was born in Lisbon, as was his author. But Search represents a transition heteronym that Pessoa used while searching to adapt to the Portuguese cultural reality. After the republican revolution, in 1910, and consequent patriotic atmosphere, Pessoa created another alter ego, Álvaro de Campos, supposedly a Portuguese naval and mechanical engineer, who was born in Tavira, hometown of Pessoa's ancestors, and graduated in Glasgow. Translator and literary critic Richard Zenith notes that Pessoa eventually established at least seventy-two heteronyms. According to Pessoa himself, there are three main heteronyms: Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis. Pessoa's heteronyms differ from pen names, because they possess distinct biographies, temperaments, philosophies, appearances, writing styles and even signatures. Thus, heteronyms often disagree on various topics, argue and discuss with each other about literature, aesthetics, philosophy, etc.
Fernando Pessoa created approximately seventy-five heteronyms, of which three stand out, Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, and Ricardo Reis. Pessoa's heteronyms differ from pen names, because they possess distinct biographies, temperaments, philosophies, appearances, writing styles and even signatures.
人們更喜歡貓而不是狗有幾個原因。主要的一個是貓比狗需要更少的維護。大多數貓在室內都很快樂,不需要每天散步。這成為一個巨大的優勢,因為當今許多年輕一代也更喜歡更多的室內活動。還有其他一些進步: 1. 與狗相比,貓不太可能把你的房子弄得一團糟,因為它們體型較小,力量較弱。 2. 貓比狗臭。 3.貓比狗更安靜,因為它們不會吠叫或嚎叫。
Why are cats better than dogs in some people's opinion?
There are couple of reasons that people would prefer cats over dogs. The major one is that cats are lower maintenance than dogs. Most cats are happy indoors and doesn't need walks daily. This becomes a huge advantages as many younger generation people prefers more indoor activities today as well. There are couple other advances: 1. Cats are less likely to cause a true mess of your house than dogs due to their smaller size and weaker strength. 2. Cats are less smelly than dogs. 3. Cats are quieter than dogs as they don't bark or howl.
爲了應對2010年冰島埃亞菲亞特拉冰川火山噴發期間噴發的火山灰可能會損壞飛機引擎的擔憂,許多歐洲國家的受控空域對儀表飛行規則交通關閉,導致當時自二戰以來最大的空中交通關閉。這些關閉不僅使數百萬乘客滯留在歐洲,而且影響了全球。由於歐洲大部分空域關閉,許多國家的航班被取消,包括飛往、從歐洲飛行和經過歐洲的航班。 在4月15日至23日的北歐大部分地區首次持續關閉空域后,隨著火山灰雲的路徑被跟蹤,接下來幾周歐洲不同地區的空域間歇性關閉。火山灰雲在5月4日和5日進一步干擾了蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭的航空運營,在5月9日干擾了西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利北部、奧地利和德國南部的航空運營。愛爾蘭和英國的空域于5月16日再次關閉,並於5月17日重新開放。 此次噴發發生在冰川冰下。融化的冰水使熔巖迅速冷卻,導致其分裂成非常小的玻璃顆粒(硅)和灰燼,被帶入噴發柱中。極細的灰燼顆粒和大量的融冰水蒸汽將灰燼云迅速帶入高空,對飛機構成危險。灰燼云的存在和位置取決於噴發狀態和風向。大量的融冰水流入噴發口使這次噴發如此爆炸性,以至於它將其灰燼云直接噴入了異常穩定和東南風的噴氣流中。然後,灰燼被帶到歐洲最繁忙的空域之一。 國際航空運輸協會(IATA)估計,全球航空業每天將損失1.48億歐元(2億美元,1.3億英鎊)的損失。IATA表示,航空業的總損失約為17億美元(11億英鎊,13億歐元)。機場運營商協會(AOA)估計,機場在六天半的時間裡損失了8000萬英鎊。在六天的空域禁飛期間,歐洲範圍內已取消超過95,000個航班,後來的數據表明,在8天的時間裡取消了約107,000個航班,佔總航空交通量的48%,約有1000萬名乘客受到影響。
最初,從4月15日到4月23日,航空旅行不間斷。在接下來的幾週內,直到5月17日,歐洲不同地區出現間歇性中斷。總體而言,4月15日到5月期間,歐洲各地的航空旅行中斷了33天。 2010 年 17 日。
Given a reference text that describes the air travel disruption after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, how long was the air travel over Europe disrupted for?
In response to concerns that volcanic ash ejected during the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland would damage aircraft engines, the controlled airspace of many European countries was closed to instrument flight rules traffic, resulting in what at the time was the largest air-traffic shut-down since World War II. The closures caused millions of passengers to be stranded not only in Europe, but across the world. With large parts of European airspace closed to air traffic, many more countries were affected as flights to, from, and over Europe were cancelled. After an initial uninterrupted shutdown over much of northern Europe from 15 to 23 April, airspace was closed intermittently in different parts of Europe in the following weeks, as the path of the ash cloud was tracked. The ash cloud caused further disruptions to air travel operations in Scotland and Ireland on 4 and 5 May and in Spain, Portugal, northern Italy, Austria, and southern Germany on 9 May. Irish and UK airspace closed again on 16 May and reopened on 17 May. The eruption occurred beneath glacial ice. The cold water from the melting ice chilled the lava quickly, causing it to fragment into very small particles of glass (silica) and ash, which were carried into the eruption plume. The extremely fine ash particles and the large volume of steam from the glacial meltwater sent an ash plume hazardous to aircraft rapidly high into the upper atmosphere. The presence and location of the plume depended upon the state of the eruption and the winds. The large amount of glacial meltwater flowing into the eruption vent made this eruption so explosive that it ejected its ash plume directly into the jet stream, which was unusually stable and south-easterly. The ash was then carried over Europe into some of the busiest airspace in the world. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimated that the airline industry worldwide would lose €148 million (US$200 million, £130 million) a day during the disruption. IATA stated that the total loss for the airline industry was around US$1.7 billion (£1.1 billion, €1.3 billion). The Airport Operators Association (AOA) estimated that airports lost £80 million over the six-and-a-half days. Over 95,000 flights had been cancelled all across Europe during the six-day airspace ban, with later figures suggesting 107,000 flights cancelled during an 8-day period, accounting for 48% of total air traffic and roughly 10 million passengers.
Initially there was an uninterrupted shutdown of the air travel from April 15 until April 23. There were intermittent disruptions in different parts of Europe in the following weeks until May 17. Overall, the air travel over Europe disrupted for 33 days between April 15 and May 17 2010.
給定關於飛蛾的參考文字,Bityla sericea 屬於哪個科?
白緣夜蛾(學名:Bityla sericea)是夜蛾科的一種蛾類,僅分佈於新西蘭。該物種被新西蘭自然保護部門列為「瀕危、自然稀有」物種。該物種最初由亞瑟·加德納·巴特勒于1877年描述,他使用了從約翰·恩斯獲得的標本,並在南島收集。喬治·哈德森在他的1898年著作《新西蘭蛾和蝴蝶(大型鱗翅目)》和他的1928年出版物《新西蘭蝴蝶和蛾》中都討論並描繪了這種物種。1905年,哈德森認為他在描述一種新物種,還給這種物種命名為白緣直線夜蛾(Orthosia pallida)。喬治·弗朗西斯·漢普森也錯誤地認為這是一種獨立的物種,將O. pallida歸入Bityla屬。哈德森在他的1928年出版物中討論了B. pallida。約翰·S·達格代爾在1988年將B. pallida與B. sericea同義化。B. sericea的模式標本儲存在倫敦自然歷史博物館。
Given the reference text about moths, what family does Bityla sericea belong to?
Bityla sericea is a species of moth in the family Noctuidae. This species is endemic to New Zealand. It is classified as "At Risk, Naturally Uncommon" by the New Zealand Department of Conservation. This species was first described by Arthur Gardiner Butler in 1877 using a specimen obtained from John Enys and collected in the South Island. George Hudson discussed and illustrated this species both in his 1898 book, New Zealand moths and butterflies (Macro-lepidoptera) and his 1928 publication The Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand. In 1905 Hudson, thinking he was describing a new species, also gave the species the name Orthosia pallida. George Francis Hampson, also mistakenly believing this was a separate species placed O. pallida in the genus Bityla. Hudson discussed B. pallida in his 1928 publication. John S. Dugdale synonymised B. pallida with B. sericea in 1988. The holotype specimen of B. sericea is held at the Natural History Museum, London.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tan-tan, Ruan
Ruan is string, Tan-tan is percussion.
In which European city would you find Orly airport?
猶他州國家公園:錫安國家公園、布萊斯峽谷 亞利桑那州國家公園:大峽谷、仙人掌國家公園
Classify each as National Park in Utah or Arizona: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park
National Parks in Utah: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Parks in Arizona: Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park
取一個砂鍋模具。在模具底部鋪上您選擇的餅乾。將 1.5 - 2 根香蕉切成薄片,鋪在餅乾上。布丁混合物可以按照盒子上的說明製作。將一桶冷鞭充分混合,然後將其倒在布丁混合物上。將一半布丁混合物倒在第一層香蕉和餅乾上。添加更多的香蕉和餅乾,然後添加更多的布丁混合物。重複該過程以添加更多層。使用餅乾屑並撒在上面。冷藏直至食用。
How to prepare without baking dessert recipe -Banana Pudding?
Take a casserole mold. Layer the mold's base with cookies of your choice. Slice up 1½ - 2 bananas and layer them above the cookies. The pudding mixture can be made by following the instructions on the box. Mix the tub of Cool Whip well before pouring it above the pudding mixture. Pour half of the pudding mix on the first layer of bananas and cookies. Add more bananas and cookies, followed by more pudding mixture. Repeat the process to add more layers. Use cookie crumbs and sprinkle on top. Refrigerate until serving.
下午早些時候,小酒館在他的後門外耐心地等待著。烏雲開始散去,西雅圖陰沉的春日迎來第一縷陽光。當比斯特羅坐著思考下午的計劃時,他眼角的余光看到了一些紅色的東西!一隻帶著紅色項圈的棕色小狗正沿著小巷疾跑! 比斯特羅無法反抗,一躍而起,立刻追了上去。他們一起跳躍,Bistro 慢慢地縮小了差距。他們穿過附近的公園,險些避開了棒球場上打球的大型黑色拉布拉多犬。過了十個街區後,那隻棕色的小狗很快停了下來。它搖著尾巴,在一棟藍色房子的前門外耐心地等待著。房子的主人打開門,讓小酒館和狗進去。 Bistro很快意識到自己犯了一個錯誤!狗住在那裡,現在他離家很遠,不知道回家的路。 第二天早上,狗和它的主人去附近散步。他們找到了Bistro一家,並立即將其安全帶回家。小酒館萬歲!
Write a short story about a cat named Bistro that is full of adventure.
Bistro patiently waited outside his backdoor in the early afternoon. The clouds were starting to clear, revealing the first full sunlight of what had been a dreary spring day in Seattle. As Bistro sat pondering his afternoon plans, he saw something red out of the corner of his eye! a small brown dog with a red collar was sprinting down the alley! Unable to resist, Bistro leapt to his feet and immediately gave chase. They bounded along together, with Bistro slowly closing the gap. They ran through the neighborhood park, narrowly avoiding the large black lab that plays on the baseball field. After 10 blocks, the small brown dog came to a quick halt. It wagged it's tail and waited patiently outside the front door of a blue house. The owner of the house opened the door, letting both Bistro and the dog inside. Bistro quickly realized he had made a mistake! The dog lived there and now he was far from home and didn't know his way back. The next morning, the dog and its owner went for a walk around the neighborhood. They were able to find Bistro family and brought it home safely immediately. Hooray for Bistro!
什麼是 Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch是一個基於Lucene庫的搜索引擎。它提供了一個分佈式、支持多租戶的全文搜索引擎,具有 HTTP Web 界面和無模式 JSON 文檔。
what is elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.
托德(Todd)是艾拉(Ira)和莎莉(Sally)(Hmman)托德的第三個兒子,于1813年3月4日出生在紐約州哈特威克(Hartwick)。他在進入耶魯大學(Yale College)的大二之前在阿默斯特學院(Amherst College)度過了一年。他在康涅狄格州卡南(Canaan)的一所高中教書,直到1837年春天,他開始在紐約州小瀑布鎮(Little Falls)的阿法薩德·盧米斯法官(Judge Arphaxad Loomis)那裡學習法律。1839年他獲得律師資格后,決定移民到西部。他選擇了聖路易斯(St. Louis),並於1839年11月抵達那裡,于1840年3月開始實踐。他特別關注影響房地產的問題,並在此類訴訟案件中取得了卓越的成功。由於對健康的擔憂,他在相對較早的年齡(1860年)就從積極實踐中退休,此後僅限於辦公室諮詢。他拒絕了所有政治提名,直到1854年當選爲密蘇里州眾議院議員。1860年,他在貝爾和埃弗雷特(Bell and Everett)的選票上競選美國國會議員失敗。1875年,他是修訂密蘇里州憲法的大會的成員。他是聖路易斯的華盛頓大學(Washington University)的董事,並在其法律系免費擔任講師長達15年。他的學生中包括萊瑪·巴卡盧(Lemma Barkaloo),她是美國第一位女性法律學生。經過一個月的疾病折磨,他于1885年4月30日在聖路易斯的家中因腦膜炎去世,享年73歲。
阿默斯特學院 耶魯大學 華盛頓大學
Extract the names of all schools in the text
Todd, third son of Ira and Sally (Hmman) Todd, was born in Hartwick, New York., March 4, 1813. He had spent one year at Amherst College, before entering as Sophomore at Yale College, where he graduated in 1836. He taught a high school in Canaan, Conn., until the spring of 1837, when he began law studies with Judge Arphaxad Loomis, of Little Falls, New York. Upon his admission to the bar in 1839, he decided to emigrate to the West. He selected St. Louis and arrived there in November, 1839, beginning practice in March, 1840. He gave special attention to questions affecting real property, and achieved distinguished success in litigated cases of this nature. Through apprehensions with regard to his health, he retired in 1860, at a comparatively early age, from active practice, confining himself thereafter to office consultations. He declined all political nominations until 1854, when he was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives. In 1860 he was an unsuccessful candidate for US Congress on the Bell and Everett ticket. In 1875, he was a member of the convention which revised the Constitution of Missouri. He was a director of Washington University, in St. Louis, and served gratuitously for fifteen years in its Law Department as lecturer. Among his students was Lemma Barkaloo, the first female law student in the United States. After a month's illness, he died at his home in St. Louis, of meningitis, April 30, 1885, in his 73rd year.
Amherst College Yale College Washington University
鑑於所列情況,當有人被車撞、兒童在公共泳池中溺水或您在校園內看到有人攜帶攻擊性武器時,您應該立即撥打 911。
Tell me which of the following circumstances warrant calling 911: fridge runs out of food, micro kitchen runs out of slacks, someone gets hit by a car, a child is drowning in a public pool, your saving account runs out of money, someone carries assault weapons into campus.
Given the listed circumstances, you should call 911 immediately when someone gets hit by a car, when a child is drowning in a public pool, or you see someone carrying assault weapons on campus.
如果 p1 和 p2 中的任何一個阻塞另一個,則阻塞操作將導致 p1 和 p2 之間的依賴性問題。
What would cause stride scheduling to cause inefficiency in CPU operations?
The stride scheduling is a type of scheduling mechanism that has been introduced as a simple concept to achieve proportional CPU capacity reservation among concurrent processes. Stride scheduling aims to sequentially allocate a resource for the duration of standard time-slices (quantum) in a fashion, that performs periodic recurrences of allocations. Thus, a process p1 which has reserved twice the share of a process p2 will be allocated twice as often as p2. In particular, process p1 will even be allocated two times every time p2 is waiting for allocation, assuming that neither of the two processes performs a blocking operation.
Blocking operations would cause dependency issues between p1 and p2 if either is blocking the other.
印度的一些熱門紀念碑有: 泰姬陵: 泰姬陵是一座白色大理石陵墓,由第五位莫臥兒皇帝沙賈汗於1631 年委託建造。它是為了紀念他的妻子穆塔茲·瑪哈爾(Mumtaz Mahal) 而建造的,並作為其墳墓的所在地。它位於北方邦阿格拉區亞穆納河右岸一座佔地近 17 公頃的巨大莫臥兒花園中。 庫塔布塔 (Qutab Minar) : 庫塔布塔 (Qutab Minar) 是一座 72.5m 高的紅色砂岩塔,位於德里南部。尖塔周圍環繞著花園、清真寺和其他建築物(如阿育王石柱之一)。
What are some of the popular monuments in India?
Some of the popular monuments in India are: Taj Mahal : The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum commissioned by Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal Emperor, in 1631. It was built in memory of, and to house the tomb of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is located on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a vast Mughal garden that encompasses nearly 17 hectares, in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh. Qutab Minar : The Qutab Minar is a 72.5m tall red sandstone tower located in the south of Delhi. The Minar is surrounded by a complex of gardens, mosques and other buildings like one of the Ashoka pillars.
Waldzither 是弦樂,Whip 是打擊樂。
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Whip, Waldzither
Waldzither is string, Whip is percussion.
根據這一段,很明顯,Yahalom 撰寫的書籍和文章“從拜占庭巴勒斯坦(公元 5 世紀)到現代早期”。因此,Yahalom 很可能誕生於近代早期或近代之後的某個時間。 根據所提供的信息,無法確定 Yahalom 出生的確切日期。
Given this paragraph about Yahalom and his works, tell me when he was born?
Yahalom is the author of numerous books and articles on Hebrew poetry, from Byzantine Palestine (5th century CE) to the early modern period. Much of his work explores the connections between Hebrew poetry and the literature of the other groups living in the same time and place, for example, the link between piyyut and Syriac and Greek Christian hymns; between Hebrew poetry from Spain and the emerging romances in European languages; and between early modern mystical Hebrew poetry in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish songs. He also has written extensively about the bilingual (Hebrew and Arabic) culture of Judah Al-Harizi.
Based off of this paragraph, it is clear that Yahalom wrote books and articles "from Byzantine Palestine (5th century CE) to the early modern period". Therefore, it is likely that Yahalom was born in the early modern period or sometime after the early modern period. The exact date of Yahalom's birth cannot be determined given the provided information.
Is the sum of an even number and an odd number even or odd?
It's an odd number.
一些最受喜愛的衝浪地點包括: -夏威夷 -加州南部 -下加利福尼亞州 -印度尼西亞巴厘島, - 哥斯達黎加塔馬林多 -悉尼,澳大利亞
What are some good places to go on a surf trip?
Some favorite spots for a surf trip include: -Hawaii -Southern California -Baja California -Bali, Indonesia, -Tamarindo, Costa Rica -Sydney, Australia
他們說努力工作總會有回報 但我認為明智的工作才是正確的出路 首先是找到並追求你的熱情 錢會隨之而來,那時你就會有足夠的現金 這不會在一夜之間發生 你必須有勇氣才能把事情做好 讓自己周圍都是最優秀的成就者 保持正確的心態,不要停止相信 在旅途中你會遇到坎坷 所以你必須設定目標並不斷學習 確實,生活比你的事業更重要 因此,請密切關注獎品,保持視野清晰 因為所有的清晨和所有的深夜 他們會在沒有任何警告的情況下飛過,所以享受愉快的旅程
Write a rap about work
Hard work they say it always pays off But I think that smart work is the way to go It starts by finding and pursuing your passion The money will follow you'll have plenty of cash then This ain't gonna happen overnight You've gotta hustle with grit to do it right Surround yourself with the best achievers Keep your mind right don't stop believing You'll hit bumps in the road as you go on your journey So you gotta set goals and you gotta keep learning It's true there's more to life than your career So keep your eye on the prize keep your vision clear Because all the early mornings and all the late nights They will fly by without warning so enjoy the great ride
What are some low fat snack options?
popcorn, watermelon, low fat cheese sticks, low fat cottage cheese, apples, grapes, carrots, sugar snap peas, edamame
是的,它們是鑲木地板。 Delta API 是一個協議,該層管理各個鑲木地板文件,就像它們是一個更大的表一樣。如果 BQ 可以從 Delta 協議中使用,它可以工作,但我不建議將 Delta 表內的文件作為鑲木地板表讀取 - 可能會有太多過時的文件
Behind Delta tables is the data stored in Parquet file formats?
Yes, they are parquet. Delta API is a protocol and the layer manages the individual parquet files as if they were a larger table. If BQ can consume from the Delta protocol it could work but I would not suggest reading the files inside of a Delta table as just a parquet table - there would likely be too many stale files
事實上有好幾個!最著名的例子是奧卡萬戈河,它沒有流入海洋,而是逐漸流入喀拉哈里沙漠中部巨大的奧卡萬戈三角洲並蒸發。其他一些著名的例子包括瑪瑙河——南極洲最長的河流,全長 32 公里——它只是從一個湖泊流向另一個湖泊。奧莫河發源於埃塞俄比亞高地,止於肯尼亞圖爾卡納湖。但最後兩條河流流入湖泊。這對於一條河流來說並不罕見,對吧? 當然不是;然而,在絕大多數情況下,河流的水最終都會流入大海,因為幾乎所有的湖泊都是由其他流入海洋的河流排幹的。但這些湖泊卻並非如此。為什麼?因為它們位於所謂的內流盆地。在水文學中,盆地是所有降水都將排出並收集到一個共同出口的區域。世界各地有無數的河流流域,僅在(鄰近的)美國就有數十個河流流域。如果你仔細觀察美國地圖,你可能會注意到並非所有這些河流流域都入海。它們是內流盆地;封閉的、獨立的系統,其中流入的水量等於蒸發或滲出的水量。 理論上你可以在任何氣候下找到它們,但它們往往位於非常乾燥的地區 - 例如。喀拉哈里沙漠 - 因為那裡多雨的侵蝕通常會開闢通往海洋的道路。他們也經常被山脈或冰川擋住通往大海的道路。內流盆地約佔世界陸地面積的 18%——儘管這張地圖沒有顯示南極洲的盆地。 另請注意,世界上25 個最大的湖泊中有6 個位於內流盆地- 圖爾卡納湖、巴爾喀什湖、的喀喀湖、伊塞克湖和烏爾米亞湖,當然還有世界上最大的湖泊里海。
Is there any river that doesn』t meet a sea?
There are several, in fact! The most famous example would be the Okavango River, which - instead of reaching the ocean - peters out into the massive Okavango Delta and evaporates, in the middle of the Kalahari Desert. Some other notable instances include the Onyx River - the longest river in Antarctica, at 32 kilometres in length - which simply flows from one lake to another. And the Omo River, which starts in the Ethiopian Highlands and ends in Lake Turkana, Kenya. But these last two flow into lakes. That』s not unusual for a river, right? Certainly not; however, in the vast majority of cases, the river』s water will meet the sea eventually, as almost all lakes are drained by other rivers which reach the ocean. Not so for these lakes. Why? Because they』re in what are known as endorheic basins. In hydrology, a basin is a region in which all precipitation will drain and collect into a common outlet. There are innumerable river basins throughout the world, with dozens in the (contiguous) US alone. If you look closely at the US map, you might notice that not all these river basins enter the sea. They are endorheic basins; closed, self-contained systems where the amount of water flowing in is equal to the amount which evaporates or seeps away. You can theoretically find them in any climate, but they tend to be in very dry areas - e.g. the Kalahari - as where it』s rainier erosion will usually carve pathways to the ocean. They also often have mountains or glaciers blocking their way to the sea. Endorheic basins make up about 18 per cent of the world』s land area - although this map doesn』t show the ones in Antarctica. Also note that 6 of the world』s 25 largest lakes are in endorheic basins - Lakes Turkana, Balkhash, Titicaca, Issyk-kul, and Urmia, and of course the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in all the world.
What does Midnight Sun mean?
Midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, when the Sun remains visible at the local midnight. When midnight sun is seen in the Arctic, the Sun appears to move from left to right, but in Antarctica the equivalent apparent motion is from right to left. This occurs at latitudes from 65°44' to 90° north or south, and does not stop exactly at the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle, due to refraction.
Midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, when the Sun remains visible at the local midnight.
馬拉松長跑是 26.2 英里和 42.195 公里
How long is a marathon?
A marathon is 26.2 miles and 42.195 kilometers
Tell if these are grown in trees or bushes: apples, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, coconut, raspberries, blueberries.
Apples: trees, strawberries: bushes, bananas: trees, pineapples: bushes, coconuts: trees, raspberries: bushes, blueberries: bushes.
好的,這裡要指出的第一個明顯的觀點是,使任何藝術品(包括木雕)看起來更專業的是藝術品的質量!具體來說,這意味著其中的技巧和藝術品質。但你可以做一些事情來打扮一下它——想想你的學生時代,把那張英文試卷滑進一個新的文件夾裡,前面有一個精心寫下的標題。回到木雕。你能做什麼?假設您已經為自己雕刻了一條漂亮的鮭魚,上面有鰭和鰓紋。那麼這裡有三種裝扮方法。首先也是最明顯的——畫它。您可以選擇細節油漆,也可以使用更多的水彩方法,為木材提供彩色水洗。天空確實是這裡的極限。其次,將其安裝在支架上,使其漂浮在地面上。在魚的底部鑽一個小整體,在打磨過的木塊上做同樣的事情,然後你就有了支架。第三,還有更多 - 考慮是否可以添加簡單的添加內容。我製作了一條琵琶魚,並使用帶有莖的驅動花作為附加天線。環顧四周並思考可以添加到項目中的內容。最後也是最基本的,在上面塗一層清漆將其密封——如果你選擇的話,還可以給它一點光澤。所有這些想法都會給你的項目帶來一點額外的完成和流行。
What are a couple of simple tricks to make a simple wood carving look more polished and professional?
Okay the first obvious point to make here is that the thing that will make any piece of art - including a wood carving - look more professional is the quality of the art! That means the skill and the artistic quality that goes into it, specifically. But there are a couple things you can do to dress it up a bit - think about your school days and sliding that english paper into a fresh new folder with a carefully penned title on the front. So back to wood carving. What can you do? Let's say you've carved yourself a nice salmon complete with fens and gill lines. Well here are three ways to dress it up. First and most obvious - paint it. You can go for detail paint or you can use more of a water color approach that will give the wood a colored wash. The sky is really the limit here. Second, you mount it on a stand so it floats about the ground. Drill a small whole in the bottom of the fish, do the same in a wood block you've sanded up and you have s stand. Third and a bit more out there - consider if there are simple additions you can add. I made an angler fish and used a drive flower with stem as the attached antenna. Look around and think about what you can add to your project. Last and most basic, put a coat of varnish on it to seal it up - and if you choose give it a bit of shine. All these ideas will give a little bit of extra finish and pop to your project.
是的。 《骯髒的畫面》是一部 2011 年印度印地語傳記音樂劇電影,靈感源自印度女演員西爾克·史密斯莎 (Silk Smitha) 的一生。這是一個真實的故事。
Is Dirty picture a movie?
Yes. The Dirty Picture is a 2011 Indian Hindi-language biographical musical drama film inspired by the life of Silk Smitha, an Indian actress. It is a real life story.
與許多其他中央銀行(如美聯儲、歐洲央行或英格蘭銀行)不同,MAS不通過利率來調節貨幣系統以影響系統中的流動性。相反,它選擇通過外匯機制來實現這一點,這是自1981年以來一直在做的。通過這樣做,它管理新加坡元與一些不公開披露的貨幣之間的匯率 - 新加坡元名義有效匯率(S$ NEER)。它通過干預新加坡元市場以及貨幣市場中的其他操作來實現這一點。MAS的政策立場評估週期比大多數中央銀行更少,大約每6個月一次。在某些情況下,例如在COVID-19大流行期間,MAS可以更改其每年兩次會議的日期。
採用外匯機制代替利率調控貨幣體系的政策 它管理新加坡元兌多種貨幣的匯率。 IT政策審查/變更少於其他央行 新加坡元名義有效匯率(S$ NEER)。
List down the key takeaways from the below paragraph on how Singapore growth is derived from its monetary policy
Unlike many other central banks such as Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank or Bank of England, MAS does not regulate the monetary system via interest rates to influence the liquidity in the system. Instead, it chooses to do it via the foreign exchange mechanism, which it has been doing since 1981. In doing so it manages the Singapore dollar versus a number of currencies that they do not reveal publicly – a Singapore dollar nominal effective exchange rate (S$ NEER). It carries this out by intervening in the SGD market as well as other operations in the money market. The MAS reviews its policy stance less frequently than most central banks, in a cycle that is around every 6 months. In some circumstances, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic MAS can change the date of its twice yearly meeting.
Policy to adopt foreign exchange mechanism instead of interest rates to regulate monetary system It manages Singapore dollar against multiple currency. it policy review/change is less than other central banks Singapore dollar nominal effective exchange rate (S$ NEER).
- 愛因斯坦出生於德國 ——愛因斯坦活到了76歲 - 愛因斯坦的遺產之一是他的名字成為“天才”的代名詞
Provide three bullets about Einstein from this paragraph that does not relate to physics
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time. Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, but he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics. Relativity and quantum mechanics are the two pillars of modern physics. His mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, which arises from relativity theory, has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation". His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect", a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory. His intellectual achievements and originality resulted in "Einstein" becoming synonymous with "genius". Einsteinium, one of the synthetic elements in the periodic table, was named in his honor.
- Einstein was born in Germany - Einstein lived to 76 years old - One part of Einstein』s legacy was that his name became synonymous with 「genius」
金屬樂隊 Static-X 的原唱是 Wayne Static。
Who was the original singer of Static-X?
The original singer of metal band, Static-X, was Wayne Static.
紫錐菊 長老 蜂香膏 檸檬唇膏 毛蕊花 牛蒡 西洋蓍草 伍德·貝托尼
What medicinal plants should I grow in my Mid-Atlantic garden?
Echinacea Elder Bee balm Lemon balm Mullein Burdock Yarrow Wood Betony
亞歷山大·伊麗莎白·米歇爾·迪讓子爵(Alexander Elisabeth Michel Vicomte Digeon,1771年6月27日-1826年8月2日)在法國革命戰爭中作為騎兵參戰。他在拿破崙戰爭期間成為一名將軍,參加了許多重要的戰役。 1814年之後,他忠於波旁王朝復辟並短暫擔任戰爭部長。
Where did Alexander Digeon fought
Alexander Elisabeth Michel vicomte Digeon, (27 June 1771 – 2 August 1826) fought in the French Revolutionary Wars in the cavalry. He became a general officer during the Napoleonic Wars, fighting in a number of important battles. After 1814, he gave his loyalty to the Bourbon Restoration and briefly served as Minister of War.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tassa, Sitar
Sitar is string, Tassa is percussion.
Does Amazon use doors for desks?
Jeff Bezos initially used doors purchased from the local hardware store and added legs, and door desk was born. He did that because funds were limited, and this was the least expensive way for him to purchase a desk. Today, Amazon still uses wooden doors with four pieces of wood attached for legs. New employees receive directions to calculate the optimum desk height, then fill out a form, and maintenance cuts the wooden legs to achieve the correct size. The company does provide adjustable desks by request only.
Max Verstappen贏得了多少個世界冠軍?
馬克斯·維斯塔潘曾兩次贏得一級方程式世界錦標賽冠軍。他於 2021 年在阿布扎比大獎賽上贏得了他的第一個冠軍。 2022年,他連續第二次獲得一級方程式錦標賽冠軍 截至2023賽季第3場比賽,他以69分領先世界錦標賽。
How many world championships has Max Verstappen won?
After winning the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Verstappen became the first Dutch driver to win the Formula One World Championship, and the 34th Formula One World Drivers' Champion. He won his second consecutive Formula One championship the next season.
Max Verstappen has won 2 Formula One World Championships. He won his first one in 2021 at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. In 2022 he won his second consecutive Formula One championship As of the 3rd race of the 2023 season, he is leading the World Championship with 69 points.
What is the difference between solar power and hydrogen fuel cell? What are the advantages of hydrogen?
Solar captures the harvesting of the sun while hydrogen is the osmosis process of extracting the hydrogen cells to create energy. Hydrogen allows for a more consistent energy source while also enabling higher load generation over solar.
Why is selling stocks short a high risk investment technique
Short selling stocks is a high risk technique as you are betting that a stock will go down in value and the downside risk is essentially unlimited. When you buy a stock "long" you know the stock can "only" go to (0) so your risk is what you invested, when you are selling a stock "short" the stock has no limit to far it can go up and therefore how much money you can lose.
數字中的真相?維基百科的一切是一部2010年的美國紀錄片,探討了線上可編輯百科全書維基百科的歷史和文化影響。該片探討了一個問題,即所有個人還是隻有專家應該負責編輯百科全書。 該網站的歷史和背景得到了介紹,維基百科的創始人吉米·威爾士和拉里·桑格也發表了評論。出現在電影中的評論員包括作家霍華德·津恩、《華盛頓郵報》的Len Downie、CBS新聞的Bob Schieffer、前大英百科全書首席編輯羅伯特·麥克亨利和前中央情報局局長詹姆斯·伍爾齊。這部紀錄片討論了一些給維基百科帶來負面影響的事件,包括Essjay爭議和維基百科傳記爭議。 這部拖延已久的電影于2010年7月在格但斯克的Wikimania上首映,並於2010年10月20日在紐約市的Paley Center for Media上映。它還作為薩凡納藝術與設計學院信託劇院薩凡納電影節的一部分于2010年11月3日上映。《數字中的真相?》獲得了褒貶不一的評價,其中包括來自作家泰德·萊昂西斯的好評,以及來自District的Carlos Serrano在薩凡納電影節上的報道。
是的。數字的真相? 《維基百科的一切》是一部 2010 年的美國紀錄片,探討了在線可編輯百科全書維基百科的歷史和文化含義。這部電影考慮了這樣一個問題:是否應該讓所有個人或只是專家來承擔編輯百科全書的任務。
Is there a movie about Wikipedia
Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia is a 2010 American documentary film that explores the history and cultural implications of the online, editable encyclopedia Wikipedia. The film considers the question of whether all individuals or just experts should be tasked with editing an encyclopedia. The site's history and background is given, along with commentary from Wikipedia founders Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Commentators that appear in the film include author Howard Zinn, Len Downie of The Washington Post, Bob Schieffer of CBS News, former Encyclopædia Britannica chief Robert McHenry and former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey. The documentary discusses incidents that shed a negative light on Wikipedia, including the Essjay controversy and the Wikipedia biography controversy. The long-delayed film premiered at Wikimania 2010 in Gdańsk in July 2010, and was screened at the Paley Center for Media in New York City on October 20, 2010. It was shown as part of the Savannah Film Festival on November 3, 2010, at Savannah College of Art and Design's Trustees Theater. Truth in Numbers? received a mixed reception, with favorable commentary from author Ted Leonsis, in the AOL publication Urlesque, and coverage at the Savannah Film Festival by Carlos Serrano of District.
Yes. Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia is a 2010 American documentary film that explores the history and cultural implications of the online, editable encyclopedia Wikipedia. The film considers the question of whether all individuals or just experts should be tasked with editing an encyclopedia.
新的福利、教育和解放聯合行動,或新的JEWEL運動(NJM),是加勒比海島國格林納達的一個馬克思列寧主義先鋒黨,由莫里斯·畢曉普領導。 NJM成立於1973年,在格林納達獲得獨立之前發佈了其宣言。該運動在1979年通過一次成功的無血革命控制了國家,並以人民革命政府的名義通過法令統治,直到1983年。1983年,畢曉普被與其黨內強硬派有關的準軍事組織殺害。這導致了一個軍事政府的出現,該政府在1983年的入侵中被美國軍隊推翻。
Extract all the dates from this paragraph provided.
The New Joint Endeavor for Welfare, Education, and Liberation, or New JEWEL Movement (NJM), was a Marxist–Leninist vanguard party in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada that was led by Maurice Bishop. Established in 1973, the NJM issued its manifesto prior to the granting of independence to Grenada in 1974. The movement took control of the country with a successful bloodless revolution in 1979 and ruled by decree as the People's Revolutionary Government until 1983. In 1983, Bishop was killed by paramilitaries affiliated with hard-liners in his own party. This led to a military government, which was deposed by the US military in a 1983 invasion.
1973, 1974, 1979, 1983
由於 COVID-19 大流行,AFL 總決賽於 2020 年在布里斯班舉行,並於 2021 年在珀斯舉行。通常 AFL 總決賽在維多利亞州墨爾本舉行。
In which cities was the AFL Grand Final played during COVID-19 ?
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the scheduling of the match in 2020 and 2021, as outbreaks of the virus in Melbourne during finals precluded unrestricted travel and mass gatherings in Victoria. In 2020, when most of the league's clubs had been relocated to Queensland for the majority of the season, the grand final was played at the Gabba in Brisbane, the first time it had been played outside Victoria. It was also played at night, the first time it was not played in the afternoon time slot. The following season, it was played at Optus Stadium in Perth in a twilight timeslot
The AFL Grand Final was played in Brisbane in 2020 and Perth in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Usually the AFL Grand Final is played in Melbourne, Victoria.
出於多種原因,明尼蘇達州是一個適宜居住的地方。雖然冬季天氣可能會很困難,但明尼蘇達州人們的整體高質量生活遠遠超過了這種負面影響。明尼蘇達州的教育系統一直被評為美國最好的教育系統之一。標準化考試成績反映了這一點以及強大的學院/大學生態系統。明尼蘇達州擁有多元化的公司,總部設在明尼蘇達州的 F500 強公司數量也高於正常水平。大量多元化公司的存在使明尼蘇達州成為美國就業率最低的州之一。根據詹姆斯·比爾德獎獲得者的數量(按人均計算),明尼蘇達州的餐廳評價也很高。整體醫療保健系統(包括著名的梅奧診所)在全國排名非常靠前。
Why do people like to live in Minnesota?
Minnesota is a great place to live for a multitude of reasons. While the winter weather can be difficult, the overall high quality of life people from Minnesota have heavily outweighs this perceived negative. Minnesota』s education system is consistently rated of one of the best in the United States. Standardize test scores reflect this as well as a strong college/university ecosystem. Minnesota is home to a diverse set of companies and has a higher-than-normal number of F500 companies headquartered in Minnesota. The presence of a large, diverse set of companies has provided Minnesotans with one of the lowest employment rates in the USA. Minnesota is also highly rated when it comes to restaurants based on the number (on a per capita basis) of James Beard Award winners. The overall healthcare systems (including the famous Mayo Clinic) rank very high nationally.
What are the most expensive cities in the world ?
This is an exhaustive list of the most expensive cities : Singapore, Tel Aviv, New York, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Zurich, Geneva, San Francisco, Paris and Sydney
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tap shoe, Sarod
Sarod is string, Tap shoe is percussion.
Tell me which of the following countries as considered SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, United States of America, United Kingdom, China, Singapore
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and India are part of the SAARC eight member countries. United States of America, United Kingdom, China and Singapore are not affiliated to SAARC countries.
迪克漢堡(Dick's Drive In)餐廳有哪9個位置?
創始人Dick Spady、H. Warren Ghormley和Dr. B. O. A. Thomas于1954年1月28日在西雅圖Wallingford社區的NE 45th Street開設了第一家Dick's,于1954年2月20日舉行了盛大的開幕式。1955年,在西雅圖的Capitol Hill區開設了第二家Dick's。隨後在1960年在Crown Hill社區開設了第三家,1963年在Lake City開設了第四家,1974年在Queen Anne開設了第五家。除了Queen Anne的位置外,其他位置都沒有顧客座位。Queen Anne的位置有室內桌子,沒有駕車服務。 簡單的菜單隨著時間的推移幾乎沒有改變。它包括快餐的基本食品,如漢堡包、手工切的薯條和單獨製作的奶昔。Dick's特別以「Dick's Deluxe」而聞名,其中包括生菜、蛋黃醬和切碎的泡菜。不允許更換,所有漢堡都煮熟。在大部分時間裡,Dick's只提供沒有奶酪的豪華版或沒有鹽的薯條。然而,最近的菜單變化允許訂購普通版本的漢堡和芝士漢堡。 Capitol Hill的Dick's Drive-In的黑白照片,大約是1955年。 1955年的Capitol Hill位置 多年來,Dick's提供員工福利,如50%的匹配401(k)、100%的僱主支付醫療保險和大學學費獎學金(目前為28000美元),在就業六個月后可獲得。2013年,Dick's Drive-In在Esquire.com的投票中被評為「美國最具改變生活的漢堡店」。 2010年9月,宣佈Dick's計劃在西雅圖地區開設第六家新店,並在其網站上進行線上投票以確定新位置。經過幾周的投票,北部地區贏得了新的Dick's Drive-In的權利。2010年10月15日,Dick's官員宣佈新位置位於Edmonds的Hwy 99和220th St的拐角處。2011年10月20日,Edmonds的第六個位置向公眾開放。開幕比預定時間提前了多個星期。 2017年,Dick's發起了另一次投票,以確定其第七個位置,該位置將位於東部或南部金縣。超過177,000名參與者投票,大多數人支援南部地區。正在考慮的位置包括Kent、West Seattle、South Seattle、Renton、Burien、SeaTac、Tukwila、Auburn、Normandy Park、Des Moines和Federal Way。經過長時間的考慮,于2017年9月7日宣佈,該連鎖店的第七個位置將位於Kent的Highway 99,距離Sea-Tac機場5英里(8公里)。該位置於2018年12月12日開放。 2020年9月,Dick's宣佈將推出一輛食品卡車,為西華盛頓州的五個地點提供服務,這些地點是通過公共投票選擇的:貝爾維尤、貝靈漢姆、埃弗雷特、雷頓和西西雅圖。該餐廳還宣佈,一項與當地廚師Edouardo Jordan of Salare and JuneBaby的合作計劃,將在Queen Anne的位置舉行為期三天的彈出活動。2021年12月,Dick's在Bellevue的Crossroads購物中心開設了一家東區位置。Dick's隨後于2022年4月28日宣佈,將於2023年在Federal Way的The Commons購物中心開設第九個位置。
最終地點於 2023 年竣工後,這九個地點如下: 西雅圖沃靈福德;西雅圖國會山;西雅圖皇冠山;安妮女王,西雅圖;埃德蒙茲;肯特;貝爾維尤;和聯邦路。
What are the 9 locations of Dick's Drive In restaurants?
Founders Dick Spady, H. Warren Ghormley, and Dr. B. O. A. Thomas opened the first Dick's on January 28, 1954, in Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood, on N.E. 45th Street. A grand opening was held on February 20, 1954. In 1955, a second Dick's was opened in Seattle's Capitol Hill district. This was followed by a third in 1960 in the Crown Hill neighborhood, a 4th in 1963 in Lake City, a fifth in Queen Anne in 1974. All but the Queen Anne location are without customer seating. The Queen Anne location has indoor tables and no drive-in. The simple menu has changed little over time. It features fast-food staples such as hamburgers, hand-cut french fries, and individually made milkshakes. Dick's is particularly well known for the "Dick's Deluxe," which includes lettuce, mayonnaise, and chopped pickles. No substitutions are allowed and all burgers are cooked to well done. For most of Dick's history, the only available omissions were the Deluxe without cheese or fries without salt. More recent menu changes, however, allow ordering plain versions of the hamburger and cheeseburger. A black-and-white photograph of the Capitol Hill location of Dick's Drive-In, circa 1955. The Capitol Hill location in 1955 For several years Dick's has offered employee benefits such as a 50% matched 401(k), 100% employer-paid medical insurance, and a college tuition scholarship (currently at $28,000) accessible after six months of employment. In 2013, Dick's Drive-In was voted "the most life-changing burger joint in America" in an poll. In September 2010, it was announced that Dick's was planning on opening a new sixth location in the Seattle area and that an online poll on their website would determine the new location. After a few weeks of polling, the area north of Seattle won the right for a new Dick's Drive-In. On October 15, 2010, Dick's officials announced the new location to be in Edmonds on the corner of Hwy 99 and 220th St. On October 20, 2011, the 6th location in Edmonds opened to the public. The opening occurred multiple weeks ahead of schedule. In 2017, Dick's launched another poll to determine its seventh location, which would be located either on the Eastside or in South King County. Over 177,000 participants cast their votes, with the majority favoring the South region. Locations being considered included Kent, West Seattle, South Seattle, Renton, Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila, Auburn, Normandy Park, Des Moines and Federal Way. After an extensive amount of time, it was announced on September 7, 2017, that the 7th location to the chain would be located in Kent on Highway 99, 5 miles (8 km) south of Sea-Tac Airport. The location opened on December 12, 2018. In September 2020, Dick's announced that it would launch a food truck to serve five locations in Western Washington that were chosen through a public poll: Bellevue, Bellingham, Everett, Renton, and West Seattle. The restaurant also announced that it would be expanding to the Eastside once a suitable location is found. A collaboration with local chef Edouardo Jordan of Salare and JuneBaby was also announced with a three-day popup event at the Queen Anne location. In December 2021, Dick's opened an Eastside location at the Crossroads Shopping Center in Bellevue. Dick's then announced on April 28, 2022, that it would open a ninth location at The Commons shopping center in Federal Way in 2023.
The nine locations, once the final location is completed in 2023, are as follows: Wallingford, Seattle; Capitol Hill, Seattle; Crown Hill, Seattle; Queen Anne, Seattle; Edmonds; Kent; Bellevue; and Federal Way.
毫無疑問,康沃爾郡最好的地方是洛克。酒店靠近 Daymer Bay 和 Polzeath 海灘,您可以輕鬆前往美麗的海灘和令人驚嘆的懸崖頂步道。此外,駱駝河口就在附近,非常適合小艇航行,並且有頻繁的水上出租車,可以帶您穿過河口從羅克到帕茲托(那裡有很多不錯的酒吧和餐館)。 如果您喜歡打高爾夫球,可以在羅克 (Rock) 找到聖埃內多克 (St Enedoc) 高爾夫球場,這裡是西南地區最美麗的林克斯球場之一。在林克斯路上,人們會發現聖埃內多克教堂(St Enedoc's Church),這是一座沉入沙丘中的神秘教堂,也是約翰·貝傑曼爵士(Sir John Betjeman CBE) 的埋葬地,他從1972 年一直擔任桂冠詩人,直至1984 年5 月19 日去世。
Where is a good place to go on holiday in Cornwall, England?
Without a doubt, the best place in Cornwall is Rock. Situated in close proximity to both Daymer Bay and Polzeath beach, you have easy access to great beaches and breathtaking clliff top walks. In addition, the Camel estuary is close by which is great for dinghy sailing and there is a frequent water taxi that will take you over the estuary from Rock to Padstow (which is full of good pubs and restaurants). If one is partial golf, St Enedoc's golf course can be found in Rock which boasts one of the most beautiful Links in the South West. On the Links one will find St Enedoc's Church, an enigmatic church sunken into the dunes and also the burial place of Sir John Betjeman CBE, who was Poet Laureate from 1972 until his death on 19 May 1984.
When did Uber IPO?
Uber went public on May 9, 2019
根據製造公司對以下飛機型號進行分類:Next-Generation 737、A220、737 MAX、A350、A330、747-8、767、A320、777、777X、A380、787
波音 - 下一代 737、737 MAX、747-8、767、777、777X、787 空客 - A220、A320、A330、A350、A380
Classify the below aircraft models based on the companies which created them. Next-Generation 737, A220, 737 MAX, A350, A330, 747-8, 767, A320, 777, 777X, A380, 787
Boeing- Next-Generation 737, 737 MAX, 747-8, 767, 777, 777X, 787 Airbus- A220, A320, A330, A350, A380
從給定的文章中提取關於公司「Bath & Body Works」的一些細節
Bath & Body Works成立於1990年,總部位於俄亥俄州紐阿爾巴尼市。該公司的第一家店于1990年9月在馬薩諸塞州劍橋市的一個購物中心開業。1997年,該公司推出了一個名為Bath & Body Works at Home的次品牌。兩年後,該公司推出了白色穀倉蠟燭公司,這是一個專門銷售香氣蠟燭的部門。
1. 1990年,俄亥俄州新奧爾巴尼的Bath & Body Works成立。 2、同年1990年9月,公司第一家專賣店在馬薩諸塞州劍橋市的一家購物中心開業。 3. 1997年,還推出了第二品牌Bath & Body Works at Home。 4. 推出兩年後,他們又成立了另一家公司,名為 White Barn Candle Company,專門銷售香薰蠟燭。
Extract some details about the company 'Bath & Body Works' from the given passage
Bath & Body Works was founded in 1990 in New Albany, Ohio. The company's first store opened in a Cambridge, Massachusetts mall in September 1990. In 1997, a secondary brand called Bath & Body Works at Home was launched. Two years later the company launched the White Barn Candle Company, a division specializing in the sale of scented candles.
1. In 1990, New Albany, Ohio, Bath & Body Works was founded. 2. In the same year Sept 1990 , the company's first store was opened in a Cambridge, Massachusetts mall. 3. In year 1997, a secondary brand called Bath & Body Works at Home was also launched. 4. Two years after the lauch, they launched another company named the White Barn Candle Company, a division specializing in the sale of scented candles.
Who was the last king of the Reach before Aegon's Conquest?
Mern IX Gardener was the last king of the Reach. When the last of the Gardener's lineage died, the house went extinct and the Reach was assigned to House Tyrell to rule.
今天我作為地球上最後一個人坐在這裡寫這篇日記。這是一種獨一無二的感覺,我可以說,一百萬年來我都不會相信這是賦予我的榮譽。但是,我在這裡……只有我和地球母親。空閒時間不是我的朋友,所以我盡量保持忙碌。今天,我正忙著回顧我在地球上 56 年的經歷和吸取的教訓。不僅僅是我從個人經歷中學到的教訓,而且我相信這也是全人類學到的教訓。教訓是清楚的。所有的課程都是簡單的練習,我覺得我們在現代已經偏離了這些練習。如果我必須將我所有的學到的東西總結成一個陳述,它會這樣讀……“簡單地生活,愛,在更高的源泉中找到信仰/希望,每天行動,努力建立人際關係和建立社區(真實的和麵對的)面對),找時間休息並創造空間並心存感激。”就是這樣!正如我所說,教訓是清楚的。我想地球上的生命會以某種方式重新開始,有人會找到這本日記。而且,如果發生這種情況,那麼也許,只是也許,另一個人類可以從我對生活和“生活”的感受中受益。
If you were the last person on Earth, what thoughts would you leave behind in a diary if future life were to find it?
I sit here today writing this diary entry as the last person on Earth. It is a feeling like no other and I can say, never in a million years would I have believed this to be a distinction bestowed upon me. But, here I am... just me and Mother Earth. Idle time is not my friend so I try to stay busy. Today, I am busy reflecting upon my 56 years on Earth and lessons learned. Not just lessons I learned from my personal experience, but what I believe are lessons learned for all mankind. The lessons are clear. And all of the lessons are simple practices that I feel we have drifted away from in our modern day. If I had to summarize all of my learnings into one statement it would read like this... "Live simply, love, find faith/hope in a higher source, move every day, work hard on relationships and building communities (real and face to face), find time to rest and creating space and be thankful." That's it! As I said, the lessons are clear. I would like to think that life on Earth will somehow, someway start again and someone will find this diary. And, if that happens, then maybe, just maybe, another human race can benefit from my feelings on life and "living".
為了回答這個問題,讓我們看一下有關新年決心的公眾調查的一些統計數據。 2022 年,大約46% 的立下決心的人在年底實現了目標,11% 的人堅持了至少6 個月的決心,14% 的人堅持了至少3 個月,19% 的人堅持了一個月,11% 的人堅持了一個月。一個月內戒掉。為了使決議更有效,不僅要聲明你想要改變什麼,還要列出你為實現它而採取的步驟,以及你想何時實現它。以下是一些建議: 為改變做好心理準備;設定與您產生共鳴的目標;將決議限制在可管理的範圍內;使決議具體、可衡量且具有時效性;將大目標分解為更小的目標;寫下決心;將事情自動化以密切關注自己;請記住,即使您掉出賽道,您也可以隨時重新回到賽道上!
are new year resolutions effective?
To answer the question, let us look at some statistics from public surveys about new year's resolutions. In 2022 about 46% of all people who made resolutions achieved their goals by the end of the year, 11% kept their resolutions for at least 6 months, 14% lasted at least 3 months, 19% lasted for a month, and 11% quit within a month. To make resolutions more effective, not only make the statement of what you want to change, but also list the steps you take to achieve it, and when you want to achieve it. Here are a few tips: Mentally prepare for change; Set goals that resonate with you; Limit resolutions to a manageable amount; Make resolutions specific, measurable, and time-sensitive; Break big goals up into smaller chunks; Write resolutions down; Automate things to keep tabs on yourself; Remember you can always get back on even if you fall off the track!
Hugh Lofting 創造了哪個著名的角色?
Hugh Lofting created which famous character
Doctor Dolittle
最流行的攀岩類型是: - 抱石:攀登低懸的挑戰,可能會跌倒在防震墊上。 - 運動攀岩(或室內攀岩):​​使用固定錨點攀爬路線 - 傳統攀登:使用無需固定錨即可插入和移除的裝備進行攀登 一旦登山者獲得經驗,他們就能夠開始攀登更極端的戶外地形,但許多登山者可能會堅持抱石或運動攀岩。
What are the different kinds of rock climbing?
The most popular types of climbing are: - Bouldering: climbing low hanging challenges, likely with crash pads to fall on. - Sport climbing (or indoor climbing): Climbing a route with fixed anchors - Traditional climbing: Climbing with gear that is inserted and removed without fixed anchors Once climbers gain experience, they are able to begin climbing more extreme outdoor terrain however many climbers may stick to bouldering or sport climbing.
選擇新智能手機時有很多選擇。許多都歸結為個人喜好,但您應該始終考慮自己的個人需求,並根據每部手機的優缺點進行權衡。人們在選擇新手機時主要考慮的一些因素是: - 價格 - 相機質量 - 電池壽命 - 使用方便 - 速度 - 連接(WiFi、藍牙和蜂窩數據) 其他需要考慮的事情是您可能已經使用的服務生態系統(例如 Apple ID 或 Google 帳戶),以及您預計需要使用該設備多長時間(壽命)。一般來說,更昂貴的移動硬件比最便宜的設備使用壽命更長。
How do I choose a new phone?
There are many options when choosing a new smartphone. Many boil down to personal preference, but you should always look at your own personal needs and weigh those against the pros and cons of each phone. Some of the main things that people look for when choosing a new phone are: - Price - Camera Quality - Battery Life - Ease of Use - Speed - Connectivity (WiFi, Bluetooth, and Cellular Data) Some other things to consider are the ecosystem of services you may already use (e.g. Apple ID or Google accounts), and how long you expect to need to use the device for (longevity). In general, more expensive mobile hardware will last longer than lest costly devices.
日本 - 豐田、馬自達 韓國 - 韓國 美國 - 雪佛蘭、福特
Classify the below car manufacturing companies based on their countries of origin. Mazda, KIA, Hyundai, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Chevrolet
Japan - Toyota, Mazda Korea - South Korea USA - Chevrolet, Ford
What is a world war and how many world wars have happened so far?
World war is an international conflict that involves most major countries. There have been 2 world wars so far.
What is the name of the first dog that went to space?
Which nation placed its astronauts on the moon first?
The United States won the race for a manned space mission to the moon.
What seven houses ruled the Seven Kingdoms before Aegon's Conquest?
Stark, Tully, Arryn, Lannister, Tyrell, Baratheon, and Martell
What is the correlation between interest rates and bond prices?
As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. This is because new bonds are selling at more attractive rates.
Who directed Terror Mountain, a American silent Western film?
Terror Mountain is a 1928 American silent Western film directed by Louis King and written by Frank Howard Clark and Helen Gregg. The film stars Tom Tyler, Jane Reid, Al Ferguson, Jules Cowles and Frankie Darro. The film was released on August 19, 1928, by Film Booking Offices of America. It was also released as Terror and Tom's Vacation.
Louis King is a director of the film.
我一直對太空和太空旅行著迷。以大多數人的標準來看,太空旅行的成本是天文數字,然而,我們開始聽說有公司正在致力於讓太空旅行變得更加便宜。根據我退休時的經濟狀況,我最多願意支付 10 萬美元去太空旅行。
Will commercial space travel be affordable to me in my lifetime and what would I pay for it?
I have always been fascinated by space and space travel. The cost of space travel is astronomical by most peoples standards, however, we are starting to hear of companies that are working on making space travel more affordable. Depending on my financial situation at retirement, I would pay up to $100000 to travel to space.
新約是基督教聖經正典的第二部分。它討論了耶穌的教義和人物,以及第一世紀基督教中的事件。新約的前五本書是 1) 馬太福音 - 這是新約四福音書之一,講述耶穌的生平和教導的故事。 2 馬可福音 - 講述了耶穌的事工,從施洗約翰的洗禮到他的死亡、埋葬和空墓的發現。它把耶穌描繪成一位老師、一位驅魔人、一位醫治者和一位奇蹟創造者,儘管它沒有解釋奇蹟般的誕生或神聖的先在。 3) 路加福音 - 講述耶穌基督的起源、出生、傳道、死亡、復活和升天。 4)約翰福音——它包含了對耶穌事工的高度概括性的描述,其中七個“神蹟”最終導致拉撒路的複活,七個“我是”的話語最終導致多馬宣布復活的耶穌為“我的主”和我的上帝”。福音的最後幾節闡明了它的目的,“叫你們信耶穌是基督,是神的兒子,並且叫你們信了他,就可以因他的名得生命” 5)《使徒行傳》——試圖回答一個神學問題,即應許給猶太人的彌賽亞是如何擁有一個絕大多數非猶太教會的;它提供的答案及其中心主題是,基督的信息被傳給外邦人,因為猶太人拒絕了它
Give me a bulleted list of the the first five books in the bible new testament?
The New Testament is the second division of the Christian biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity. The first five books of the new testament are 1) The Gospel of Matthew - It is one of the four gospels of the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings. 2 The Gospel of Mark - It tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist to his death, burial, and the discovery of his empty tomb. It portrays Jesus as a teacher, an exorcist, a healer, and a miracle worker, though it does not expound upon the miraculous birth or divine pre-existence. 3) The Gospel of Luke - tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. 4) The Gospel of John - It contains a highly schematic account of the ministry of Jesus, with seven "signs" culminating in the raising of Lazarus and seven "I am" discourses culminating in Thomas' proclamation of the risen Jesus as "my Lord and my God". The gospel's concluding verses set out its purpose, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name 5) Acts of the Apostles - is an attempt to answer a theological problem, namely how the Messiah, promised to the Jews, came to have an overwhelmingly non-Jewish church; the answer it provides, and its central theme, is that the message of Christ was sent to the Gentiles because the Jews rejected it
超級碗冠軍:喬·蒙塔納、約翰·埃爾維 沒有贏得超級碗:丹·馬里諾、吉姆·凱利
Classify these quarterback as either won Superbowl or did not win: Joe Montana, Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, John Elway.
Won Superbowl: Joe Montana, John Elway Did not win Superbowl: Dan Marino, Jim Kelly
使用牙刷清除牙齒表面積聚的食物和牙菌斑非常重要。使用牙線對於清除牙刷無法到達的牙齒之間的積垢非常重要。如果牙菌斑在 24 小時內沒有去除,它會硬化成牙石,只能通過專業清潔才能去除。如果牙菌斑和牙石殘留在牙齒上,就會增加患牙齦疾病和蛀牙的風險。保持口腔健康對於口腔健康和全身健康都很重要,例如口腔健康。心血管健康。牙醫建議每天刷牙兩次,每次 2 分鐘,並且每天至少使用一次牙線。刷牙時最好在飲用酸性飲料(例如咖啡或柑橘汁)後等待 30 分鐘。牙醫建議使用軟毛牙刷,輕輕用力,並使用含氟化物的牙膏,這可以通過強化牙釉質來幫助降低蛀牙的風險。
Why is it important to brush and floss your teeth everyday?
It is important to use a toothbrush to remove food build-up and plaque that can accumulate on tooth surfaces. Flossing is important to remove build-up in between teeth in the areas a toothbrush cannot reach. If plaque is not removed within 24 hours, it can harden into calculus which can only be removed with a professional cleaning. If plaque and calculus remain on teeth it can increase the risk of gum disease and cavities. Maintaining a healthy mouth is important for oral health as well as systemic health, e.g. Cardiovascular Health. Dentists recommend to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time and flossing at least once a day. When brushing it is best to wait 30 minutes after drinking acidic beverages, such as coffee or citrus juice. Dentists recommend using a soft bristle toothbrush with gentle pressure and using toothpaste with fluoride which can help reduce the risk of cavities by strengthening the enamel.
What are some of the best places to eat in Boston?
There are many types of restaurants in Boston. Boston is well known for its local seafood, lobster, scollops, shrimp, and many types of fish. Boston is also a waterfront city, so there are many dinning options available on the water.
How many types of cat does the world cat federation recognise?
As of 2023, The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes 73 standardized breeds, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) recognizes 45, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) recognizes 50, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) recognizes 45, and the World Cat Federation (WCF) recognizes 69.
Who wrote the Man in the Iron Mask
Alexander Dumas
咖啡的大部分早期歷史都與現代埃塞俄比亞的口頭傳統有關。目前,尚無 15 世紀之前咖啡消費和種植的證據。也門僧侶在祈禱時喝咖啡來幫助集中註意力。 16世紀初,咖啡傳播到黎凡特和波斯。 16 世紀後期,咖啡通過地中海貿易路線抵達意大利。奧斯曼帝國將其帶到了中歐和東歐。 17世紀中葉它傳到了印度。英國和德國率先提出了西歐出現的咖啡館概念。加勒比海馬提尼克島是新世界最早的咖啡移地種植地之一- 加布里埃爾·德克利厄(Gabriel de Clieu) 於1720 年將咖啡樹苗帶到了這裡。這導致了聖多明各等其他加勒比島嶼的咖啡種植園(到1788 年,咖啡種植園已向巴西目前是全球最大的咖啡生產國,自1852 年以來一直保持這一地位。自1950 年以來,出現了一些其他主要生產國,包括哥倫比亞、科特迪瓦、埃塞俄比亞和越南。如今,由於現代生產技術和大規模生產,咖啡已成為一種家庭用品。
What is the history of coffee?
The history of coffee dates back to centuries of old oral tradition in modern day Ethiopia. However, neither where coffee was first cultivated nor direct evidence of its consumption prior to the 15th century have been found. Sufi monasteries in Yemen employed coffee as an aid to concentration during prayers. Coffee later spread to the Levant and Persia in the early 16th century; it caused some controversy on whether it was halal in Ottoman and Mamluk society. Coffee arrived in Italy the second half of the 16th century through commercial Mediterranean trade routes, while Central and Eastern Europeans learnt of coffee from the Ottomans. By the mid 17th century, it had reached India and the East Indies. Coffee houses would establish themselves in Western Europe by the late 17th century, especially in England and Germany. One of the earliest cultivations of coffee in the New World was when Gabriel de Clieu brought coffee seedlings to Martinique in 1720. These beans later sprouted 18,680 coffee trees which enabled its spread to other Caribbean islands like Saint-Domingue and also to Mexico. By 1788, Saint-Domingue supplied half the world's coffee. By 1852, globally, Brazil became the largest producer of coffee and has held that status ever since. The period since 1950 saw the widening of the playing field due to the emergence of several other major producers, notably Colombia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Vietnam; the latter overtook Colombia and became the second-largest producer in 1999. Modern production techniques along with the mass productization of coffee has made it a household item today.
Much of the early history of coffee was tied to oral tradition in modern-day Ethiopia. Presently, there is no evidence of coffee consumption and cultivation before the 15th century. Yemeni monks drank coffee to aid in concentration during prayers. In the early 16th century, coffee spread to the Levant and Persia. Later in the 16th-century coffee arrived in Italy via Mediterranean trade routes. The Ottomans brought it to Central and Eastern Europe. It reached India by the mid-17th century.England and Germany pioneered the coffee house concept that emerged in Western Europe. The Caribbean island of Martinique hosted one of the earliest ex-situ coffee cultivations in the New World - Gabriel de Clieu brought coffee seedlings here in 1720. These resulted in coffee plantations in other Caribbean islands like Saint-Domingue (which, by 1788, supplied half of the world's coffee) and also in Mexico.Brazil is currently the largest coffee producer globally, a status held since 1852. Since 1950, a number of other major producers emerged, including Colombia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Vietnam. Today, coffee is a household item as a result of modern production techniques and mass productization.
今天早上我感到很驚訝。我感覺比平常更平一些,也更輕鬆一些。老實說,我根本看不到自己。 哇!有人打開了燈。我看不見!等等...我在地板上。我為什麼在地板上?我就在這個人後面,他剛剛起床。我不認識這個房間。 啊。我似乎是一個影子。老實說,這不是我今天早上所希望的。我的工作很重要,這會讓事情變得更具挑戰性。不過我還是得繼續做下去,上唇僵硬等等。我只能希望我影子的司機今天有一個有趣的計劃。 到目前為止看起來很有希望。他們正在穿上登山靴和其他戶外服裝。當然比整天呆在家裡玩電子遊戲要好。我幾乎沒有什麼可做的。現在我們需要期待好天氣。如果我們在挪威,一年中的這個時候光線並不多。我什至幾乎不存在。 終於,他拉開了窗簾。我已經挖到金子了我們身處西班牙的內華達山脈,天氣晴朗。 我們在外面,我們正在攀登。這個很有趣!但很可怕!我以前從未以真實的身體攀登過。我希望他不要坐下來休息。我不喜歡被人坐在上面 山頂的景色,終於到了。太奇妙了。或者至少那人是這麼說的。作為二維陰影,我看不到太多東西。我不夠高。
Imagine you are someone's shadow for a day. Write about your experiences in the present tense.
I'm feeling surprised this morning. I feel a little flatter than usual, and a little lighter. To be honest with you, I can't see myself at all. WOW! Someone turned the lights on. I can't see! Wait... I'm on the floor. Why am I on the floor? I'm right behind this man, he's just got out of bed. I don't recognise this room. Ah. I seem to be a shadow. Not what I was hoping for this morning, if I'm being honest. I have a big day at work, and this is going to make things rather more challenging. I'll have to get on with it though, stiff upper lip and all that. I can only hope this my shadow's driver has an interesting plan for the day. It's looking promising so far. They are putting on hiking boots and other outdoor wear. Certainly better than staying inside and playing video games all day. I'd hardly have anything to do at all. Now we need to hope for some good weather. If we're in Norway, there isn't much light at this time of the year. I'd barely even exist. Finally, he's opened the curtains. I've struck gold. We're in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain, and it's a clear day. We're outside and we're climbing. This is fun! But scary! I never climbed before in my real body. I wish he would stop sitting down to rest. I don't like being sat on. The view from the summit, it's finally here. It's amazing. Or at least that is what the man says. As a 2 dimensional shadow, I can't really see much. I'm not tall enough.
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Redwyne?
Gilbert of the Vines
在20世紀80年代,耐克擴大了其產品線,涵蓋了世界上許多運動和地區。 1990年,耐克搬到了位於俄勒岡州比弗頓的八棟世界總部大樓。第一家耐克零售店,被稱為Niketown,于當年11月在波特蘭市中心開業。菲爾·奈特(Phil Knight)于2015年中期宣佈,他將在2016年辭去耐克董事長職務。他于2016年6月30日正式辭去公司的所有職務。在2018年3月15日的公司公告中,耐克CEO馬克·帕克(Mark Parker)表示,被視為執行長潛在繼任者的高級耐克執行官特雷弗·愛德華茲(Trevor Edwards)將放棄其耐克品牌總裁職位,並將于8月退休。
Phil Knight 於 2015 年宣布辭去董事長職務,並於 2016 年正式卸任
When did Phil Knight announce he would step down as chairman of Nike
Throughout the 1980s, Nike expanded its product line to encompass many sports and regions throughout the world. In 1990, Nike moved into its eight-building World Headquarters campus in Beaverton, Oregon. The first Nike retail store, dubbed Niketown, opened in downtown Portland in November of that year. Phil Knight announced in mid-2015 that he would step down as chairman of Nike in 2016. He officially stepped down from all duties with the company on June 30, 2016. In a company public announcement on March 15, 2018, Nike CEO Mark Parker said Trevor Edwards, a top Nike executive who was seen as a potential successor to the chief executive, was relinquishing his position as Nike's brand president and would retire in August.
Phil Knight announced he would step down in 2015 as chairman and offically stepped down in 2016
Who is the author of Harry Potter?
J.K. Rowling is the British author of the seven-volume Harry Potter series
地貌測量學或地貌測量學是測量地形特徵、地球表面形狀以及該表面形態對人類和自然地理影響的科學和實踐。它匯集了各種數學、統計和圖像處理技術,可用於量化地表的形態、水文、生態和其他方面。地貌測量的常見同義詞有地貌分析(地貌學之後)、地形測量、地形分析和地表分析。地貌測量學是一門基於地球地平線的幾何、地形和形狀及其時間變化的計算測量的學科。這是地理信息系統 (GIS) 和其他空間分析軟件工具的主要組成部分。 簡單來說,地貌測量旨在使用輸入的數字地表模型(也稱為數字高程模型,DEM)提取(陸地)表面參數(形態、水文、氣候等)和物體(流域、河流網絡、地貌等) [然後可以使用提取的表面參數和對象來改進土壤、植被、土地利用、地貌和地質特徵等的繪圖和建模。 隨著當今 DEM 來源的迅速增加(特別是由於航天飛機雷達地形測量任務和基於激光雷達的項目),地表參數的提取對於精準農業、土壤景觀建模、氣候和水文在城市規劃、教育和空間研究中的應用。如今,幾乎所有地球的地形都已被採樣或掃描,因此在全球範圍內可以獲得 100 m 或更高分辨率的 DEM。如今,地表參數已成功用於隨機建模和基於過程的建模,唯一剩下的問題是 DEM 的細節水平和垂直精度。
What is geomorphometry?
Geomorphometry, or geomorphometrics, is the science and practice of measuring the characteristics of terrain, the shape of the surface of the Earth, and the effects of this surface form on human and natural geography. It gathers various mathematical, statistical and image processing techniques that can be used to quantify morphological, hydrological, ecological and other aspects of a land surface. Common synonyms for geomorphometry are geomorphological analysis (after geomorphology), terrain morphometry, terrain analysis, and land surface analysis. Geomorphometrics is the discipline based on the computational measures of the geometry, topography and shape of the Earth's horizons, and their temporal change. This is a major component of geographic information systems (GIS) and other software tools for spatial analysis. In simple terms, geomorphometry aims at extracting (land) surface parameters (morphometric, hydrological, climatic etc.) and objects (watersheds, stream networks, landforms etc.) using input digital land surface model (also known as digital elevation model, DEM) and parameterization software.[Extracted surface parameters and objects can then be used, for example, to improve mapping and modelling of soils, vegetation, land use, geomorphological and geological features and similar. With the rapid increase of sources of DEMs today (and especially due to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and LIDAR-based projects), extraction of land surface parameters is becoming more and more attractive to numerous fields ranging from precision agriculture, soil-landscape modelling, climatic and hydrological applications to urban planning, education and space research. The topography of almost all Earth has been today sampled or scanned, so that DEMs are available at resolutions of 100 m or better at global scale. Land surface parameters are today successfully used for both stochastic and process-based modelling, the only remaining issue being the level of detail and vertical accuracy of the DEM.
「troll the respawn, Jeremy」是什麼意思?
What does troll the respawn, Jeremy mean?
Trolling the respawn refers to when in video games a player hangs out at a place where their opponent respawns, or comes back into a game after dying to immediately kill them again. Troll the respawn, Jeremy specifically is a quote from a TV show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and is misunderstood as a greeting one says when hanging up the phone.
馬格努斯·卡爾森 (Magnus Carlsen) 以 7.5 - 3.5 擊敗伊恩·內波姆尼亞奇 (Ian Nepomniachtchi),成為 2021 年國際象棋世界冠軍。
Who won the World Chess Championship in 2021?
Magnus Carlsen defeated Ian Nepomniachtchi 7.5 - 3.5 to become the 2021 World Chess Champion.
Why is it a good idea to walk every day?
Walking is a good exercise for burning calories without causing any damage to joints. People of any age can do it and a few miles a day can result in positive effects on cardiovascular health and general fitness.
Guido van Rossum 是 Python 之父。 Python 的第一個版本於 1991 年發布。
Who is the creator of Python?
Guido van Rossum is the father of Python. And the 1st version of Python was released in 1991.