translation |
"en": "Is there anything interesting nearby?",
"zh_tw": "這附近有好玩的地方嗎?"
} |
"en": "I want to buy a respect for the elderly ticket/elderly ticket",
"zh_tw": "我想買敬老票/老人票"
} |
"en": "How do I buy a one-way bicycle ticket?",
"zh_tw": "怎麼買自行車單程票?"
} |
"en": "My child/parent/loved one/family member is lost",
"zh_tw": "我的小孩/父母/親人/家人走失了"
} |
"en": "Can you tell us about the station?",
"zh_tw": "可以介紹一下車站?"
} |
"en": "Do I have a boarding certificate?",
"zh_tw": "有搭乘證明嗎?"
} |
"en": "Where is YouBike nearby?",
"zh_tw": "附近的YouBike在哪裡?"
} |
"en": "Where can I take the elevator?",
"zh_tw": "哪裡可以坐電梯?"
} |
"en": "How much does it cost from here to the 'MRT Station Name'?",
"zh_tw": "從這裡到『捷運站名稱』的價錢是多少錢?"
} |
"en": "Where is the safety equipment in the station?",
"zh_tw": "車站內的安全設備在哪裡?"
} |
"en": "I would like to check the current Taojie flight information?",
"zh_tw": "我想查詢現在的桃捷航班資訊?"
} |
"en": "Where do I get to the platform?",
"zh_tw": "從哪裡進去月台?"
} |
"en": "How much is left on the card balance?",
"zh_tw": "卡片餘額剩多少怎麼查?"
} |
"en": "I am separated from my child/parent/relative/family",
"zh_tw": "我跟小孩/父母/親人/家人走散了"
} |
"en": "Where do I go to find something that is missing?",
"zh_tw": "東西不見了要去哪裡找?"
} |
"en": "How many exits does this MRT station have?",
"zh_tw": "這個捷運站有幾個出口?"
} |
"en": "Can I leave my luggage in the carriage?",
"zh_tw": "車廂內可以放行李嗎?"
} |
"en": "How long is the one-way ticket?",
"zh_tw": "單程票的停留時限有多久?"
} |
"en": "Can I read the MRT timetable?",
"zh_tw": "可以看捷運時刻表嗎?"
} |
"en": "Is there any latest announcement from MRT?",
"zh_tw": "捷運有什麼最新的公告嗎?"
} |
"en": "How long is the number of departures to Taipei Main Station",
"zh_tw": "往台北車站的班次還有多久"
} |
"en": "What's your name?",
"zh_tw": "你叫什麼名字?"
} |
"en": "What time is the next direct bus to Huanbei Station/Laojiexi Station?",
"zh_tw": "請問下一班往環北站/老街溪站的直達車是幾點"
} |
"en": "What time does the first train start?",
"zh_tw": "首班車是幾點?"
} |
"en": "Do I have proof of ticket purchase?",
"zh_tw": "有購票證明嗎?"
} |
"en": "Is there a water dispenser?",
"zh_tw": "請問有飲水機嗎?"
} |
"en": "What time is the next direct bus to the airport",
"zh_tw": "請問下一班往機場的直達車是幾點"
} |
"en": "How to take the MRT?",
"zh_tw": "怎麼坐捷運?"
} |
"en": "Is there a live station attendant/customer service here?",
"zh_tw": "這裡有真人站務員/客服嗎?"
} |
"en": "I want to see/know the current frequency of high-speed rail?",
"zh_tw": "我想看/知道現在的高鐵的班次?"
} |
"en": "Where can I charge?",
"zh_tw": "哪裡可以充電? "
} |
"en": "Where is the nearest exit?",
"zh_tw": "最近的出口在哪裡?"
} |
"en": "\"hello\", \"hi\", hello, good morning, good night, good afternoon",
"zh_tw": "hello、hi、你好、早安、晚安、午安"
} |
"en": "What is the address of the \"MRT Station Name\"?",
"zh_tw": "『捷運站名稱』的地址?"
} |
"en": "How long is the frequency of the shift to Zhongli",
"zh_tw": "往中壢的班次還有多久"
} |
"en": "What can't be brought into the carriage?",
"zh_tw": "什麼不可以帶進去車廂?"
} |
"en": "I want to see/know the current high-speed rail timetable?",
"zh_tw": "我想看/知道現在的高鐵的時刻表?"
} |
"en": "Which carriage opens for bicycles/bicycles?",
"zh_tw": "哪個車廂開放腳踏車/自行車?"
} |
"en": "How to add value/reserve value to the card\\U-Yo Card??",
"zh_tw": "一卡通\\悠遊卡\\卡怎麼加值/儲值?"
} |
"en": "How do I buy a one-way ticket/ticket?",
"zh_tw": "怎麼買單程票/票?"
} |
"en": "How do I get to the high-speed rail station and to which MRT station do I have to take?",
"zh_tw": "要怎麼去高鐵站要坐到哪個捷運站?"
} |
"en": "Is there a receipt?",
"zh_tw": "請問有收據嗎?"
} |
"en": "How do I use my ride code?",
"zh_tw": "怎麼使用乘車碼?"
} |
"en": "Where do I want to transfer to a direct bus?",
"zh_tw": "我想轉搭直達車要去哪裡轉車?"
} |
"en": "Break it, goodbye, see you next time",
"zh_tw": "掰掰、再見、下次見"
} |
"en": "Where can I fill water?",
"zh_tw": "哪裡可以裝水?"
} |
"en": "How do I make up my ticket?",
"zh_tw": "我要怎麼補票?"
} |
"en": "What's the news from MRT recently?",
"zh_tw": "最近捷運有什麼消息嗎?"
} |
"en": "Where is the escalator\\escalator?",
"zh_tw": "電扶梯\\手扶梯在哪裡?"
} |
"en": "I want to buy a child ticket/child ticket",
"zh_tw": "我想買兒童票/小孩票"
} |
"en": "What are the public arts of Taojie?",
"zh_tw": "桃捷有哪些公共藝術?"
} |
"en": "How to add value?",
"zh_tw": "怎麼加值?"
} |