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100 | | Do not stop using your voice. FREE PALESTINE. CALL FOR A CEASEFIRE. KEEP BOYCOTTING. KEEP LEARNING | Nov 21, 2023 · 10:49 PM UTC | 114 | 0 |
101 | | Continue the Boycott for Palestine on this year's #BlackFriday2023. Free Palestine! | Nov 22, 2023 · 2:43 PM UTC | 17 | 2 |
102 | | Look what Hamas did. Oh, wait. That was Israel. | Nov 22, 2023 · 2:44 PM UTC | 18,225 | 1,357 |
103 | | 👉👉#Sánchez afea a #Netanyahu en Israel la ofensiva en #Gaza: 👉👉"El número de palestinos muertos es realmente insoportable" a través de @La_SER | Nov 23, 2023 · 11:50 AM UTC | 22 | 1 |
104 | | Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi says Israel suffered a “humiliating defeat” at the hands of the Palestinian nation and Resistance as they managed to “incapacitate” the regime in its bloody war on the besieged Gaza Strip. | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
105 | | Resharing from the Tāmaki for Palestine instagram | Nov 22, 2023 · 8:57 PM UTC | 29 | 1 |
106 | | Ja, in Haaretz, de krant die de stem van de rede was in Israël. Nu nog ontkennen is niet meer mogelijk, IDF had gelijk. | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
107 | | Here is a group of Palestinians kidnapped and tortured You can see many have marks from beating and burns Torture and rape am extremely common tactic used in Israel | Nov 21, 2023 · 7:26 AM UTC | 99,518 | 12,225 |
108 | | I stopped breathing when he opened her eyes. He calls her his soul. Muslim, Arab, Palestinian men - for decades - have been made into threats: to the West, their own societies, to women, their own families. But these are the men we know, the men we love & the men we cry for. | Nov 22, 2023 · 6:40 PM UTC | 5,107 | 57 |
109 | | Impian jadi pemain bola hancur dibedil Israel, budak lelaki Palestin terharu Yassine Bounou telefon Peminat cilik itu mengimpikan untuk menjadi penjaga gol namun hasratnya terbantut selepas dia kehilangan kakinya akibat serangan udara rejim Zionis. ini adalah bebenang sedih | Nov 22, 2023 · 5:22 AM UTC | 5,840 | 8 |
110 | | La macronie : "Non, je n'ai jamais dit que ns soutenions Israël inconditionnellement" | Nov 23, 2023 · 7:24 AM UTC | 85 | 14 |
111 | | 川島耕司『仏教と暴力の容認』は面白い論文でした。日本においてよく「平和・非戦」の宗教と捉えられがちな仏教が、実はその歴史上、かなり血なまぐさい殺人肯定の論理を次々に生み出したことを論じる。著者はスリランカ史の研究者であり、特にスリランカ仏教の戦争遂行の論理は注目できる。 | Nov 22, 2023 · 1:11 PM UTC | 240 | 2 |
112 | | Look who is talking. | Nov 22, 2023 · 2:23 PM UTC | 3,426 | 69 |
113 | | They don’t give a damn about pagans. | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
114 | | Israeli Prime Minister's office: release of hostages will not be before Friday. #CGTNAmerica | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:44 PM UTC | 5 | 1 |
115 | | academic weapon turned academic victim | Nov 22, 2023 · 7:34 PM UTC | 14 | 7 |
116 | | It's ALWAYS condemn hamas. condemn hamas. condemn hamas. condemn hamas. DO YOU EVER CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR 75 FUCKING YEARS OF KILLING US? or is it just bc we're fucking brown that we matter LESS? they attacked egypt, jordan, and lebanon in one fucking month. DO YOU CONDEMN THEM? | Nov 19, 2023 · 3:33 AM UTC | 35,585 | 83 |
117 | | “The war in Ukraine cannot but shock, but isn’t the coup in Ukraine and the extermination of the civilian population there and in Palestine shocking?" asks Putin. | Nov 22, 2023 · 4:08 PM UTC | 140 | 13 |
118 | | There has been quite some discussion of late on what’s being represented by the blue stripes on the Israeli flag… Some say, it represents Greater Israel between the Nile & the Euphrates rivers. But in Gaza I think I found the answer… | Nov 23, 2023 · 5:57 AM UTC | 357 | 40 |
119 | | obviously we all kinda have that phase as teenagers where we like celebrities and stuff but a celebrity should not affect your support for palestine. you shouldn’t be going above and beyond to defend zionists just because they’re in a fun movie or they make good music yk | Nov 21, 2023 · 8:01 AM UTC | 7,063 | 4 |
120 | | El Papa tilda de “genocidio” los ataques de Israel contra la población civil en Gaza | Nov 22, 2023 · 4:36 PM UTC | 579 | 27 |
121 | | Israel's culture is not a 'Jewish' Culture. The Jewish people belong to an ancient religion. Zionists use bits & pieces of our sacred Judaism and call it their 'culture'. Moreover, Palestinian Jews & Arabs shared a beautiful history together in Pre-Israel Palestine. | Nov 22, 2023 · 7:05 PM UTC | 1,947 | 71 |
122 | | La bgd I hate it when people suddenly give a shit that I’m posting about Palestine? Why is it their business?? And yea I’ll try and send you some but Icl I don’t follow many because for some reason when I do I get shadow banned | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:46 PM UTC | 1 | 1 |
123 | | Invest | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:48 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
124 | | WOMEN’S GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION FOR PALESTINE - 26th NOVEMBER 2023 #ArmiesToAqsa #Palestine #Gaza #GazaGenocide Follow the campaign at: The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Facebook: Women’s Section CMO – HT Twitter: @WomenForKhilafa Instagram: @WomenShariah5 | Nov 22, 2023 · 6:45 PM UTC | 14 | 0 |
125 | | Massive billboards along highways in South Africa! - sponsored by wealthy businessmen with a conscience, unlike most businessmen in EU, UK and US who do not dare to speak the truth - the Israel lobby will call them antisemites and block their business. It is all about the money. Anecdote: A big storm tore down all the Zionists’ boards. | Nov 23, 2023 · 10:13 AM UTC | 1,389 | 46 |
126 | | Hezbollah just announced more soldiers killed in the fight against Israel in Lebanon. Among them is the son of a prominent Lebanese Hezbollah MP Mohamad Raad. Hezbollah officials are sending their own sons to defend Lebanon and support Palestine. Netanyahu sent his son to Miami | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:47 PM UTC | 6,391 | 227 |
127 | | Check out 🏒 2013-14 Panini National Treasures Trios auto #10 BGS 9.5 GM card Flyers #eBay via @eBay Israel Gaza Hamas #AsianGames Steve Cohen Klaus Schwab Tel Aviv Nebraska Palestinian Kansas State OTEV Lido #SmackDown📷 #isles Hockey NHL MLB NFL NBA PA | Oct 7, 2023 · 11:01 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
128 | | Pre-World War I, neither #Arabs nor #Jews had their own states; and the #MiddleEast was controlled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. During the 30 years between the Ottoman Empire’s defeat in 1918 & Israel declaring independence in 1948, there were many opportunities for peace. 1918 - First Meeting Between #Zionist & Arab Leaders At Aqaba, Zionist leader Dr. Chaim Weizmann first met Emir Feisal (photo below) - son of the Grand Sharif of #Mecca, ruler of the Hejaz, direct descendant of #Mohammed, leader of the #Arab revolt against the Ottomans & by far the most well-known & respected Arab leader of the early 20th century. Feisal knew that what he called “Southern #Syria” (referred to by the British as “Palestine” & by the Jews as “Eretz Israel”) had become a neglected, largely barren, arid, malarial-swamp-infested wasteland under the Ottomans & felt the #Jewish zeal to revitalize the Land would benefit both Jews & Arabs. 1919 - #Paris Peace Conference The Paris Peace Conference convened to discuss post-war peace terms & how land of the former Ottoman Empire & Imperial #Germany would be divided. Emir Feisal represented Arab interests at the Conference Jan 1919: Weizmann-Feisal Agreement Signed Dr. Weizmann and Emir Feisal, in Jan 1919, signed an Agreement acknowledging: “the racial kinship & ancient bonds existing between the Arabs & the Jewish people” and mutually recognizing the Balfour Declaration by declaring “Palestine” the Jewish National Home on which “[a]ll necessary measures will be taken to encourage and stimulate #immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil.” March 1919: Feisal & Frankfurter Exchange Letters After a meeting between Emir Feisal & Zionist leader Felix Frankfurter in March 1919, Feisal drafted & signed a letter to Frankfurter with the Arab position: “We feel that the Arabs & Jews are cousins by race, suffering similar oppression at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, & by happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together. We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement … we regard [the Zionist proposals] … as moderate and proper … [and] wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home … The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist … there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success without the other.” Frankfurter replied to Feisal in a letter acknowledging the Arab position “with deep appreciation” & stating: “[W]e knew that the aspirations of the Arab and the Jewish peoples were parallel, that each aspired to re-establish its nationality in its own homeland … The Arabs and Jews are neighbors in territory; we cannot but live side by side as friends.” Apr 4-7 1920 - Violent Nebi Musa Riots & Their Rejection By Several Arab Leaders While the policy of the #British government was pro-Zionist & pro-Arab, certain British officers on the ground were deeply #antisemitic & worked to foment Arab violence against Jews. Specifically, British Colonel Waters Taylor (financial advisor to Military Administration in Palestine), met with Arab extremist Amin al-Husseini & encouraged him to incite a riot during Easter to show the Arabs did not support #Zionism. For four straight days, al-Husseini’s incited mob of ~65,000 Arabs engaged in a riotous #pogrom against the Jewish community in #Jerusalem. The mob chanted things like, “slaughter the Jews,” “the Jews are our dogs,” and “we will drink Jewish blood,” as they destroyed & looted Jewish shops, homes, & synagogues and then raped and murdered their way through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City. As horrifying as the riots were, not all hope was lost as Arab sheikhs from 82 villages around Jaffa & Jerusalem (who claimed to represent 70% of the population) published a document fully condemning the Arab riots & violence against Jews & expressly proclaiming Zionism was “not a danger” to Arabs. April 20, 1920 - San Remo Conference At the San Remo Conference, Ottoman & German colonies were split into 15 legal mandates awarded to the Allied powers. One of those mandates was the British Mandate for Palestine (containing all of modern day Israel, #Gaza, the #WestBank, & the country of #Jordan), which expressly required the British to hold the land in trust while encouraging Jewish immigration to the Land on which there would be a reconstituted Jewish National Home. Feb 1921 - Churchill meets Jewish & Arab leaders in Palestine Winston Churchill was put in charge of Britain’s Palestine policy by Prime Minister David Lloyd George & he visited the Land to meet with Jewish & Arab leaders in Feb 1921. Churchill was stunned by the degree to which the Jews had already developed the land & built large, fully-functioning communities over the prior decades; he also marked the groundbreaking ceremony for #Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Days later, Churchill met with Arab leaders - only those with whom he met were led by another member of the al-Husseini clan, Musa Kazem al-Husseini. Churchill was stunned as he listed to the Arabs read aloud a 39-page memorandum filled almost exclusively with hatred, demonization, & absurd conspiracy theories about Jews and world domination. Churchill expressed his disapproval & told the Arab leaders in attendance it was “manifestly right that the Jews should have a National Home … [a]nd where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately & profoundly associated? … [W]e also think it will be good for the Arabs who dwell in Palestine.” March 1921 - British Commission Empowers al-Husseini & Terror Ensues The British Commission in Palestine appointed Amin al-Husseini “Grand Mufti” - a position that did not previously exist (“mufti” existed, but not “grand mufti”), and that gave him lifelong tenure as the most prominent Arab leader in Palestine. Al-Husseini almost immediately instigated organized “fedayeen” terror attacks against the Jewish community culminating with riots in Jaffa and Petah Tikvah that left 43 Jews dead only three weeks later. Following the riots, al-Husseini consolidated his power & took control of all #Muslim religious funds, the mosques, the schools, & the courts. He then wrote to Churchill & demanded an end to Jewish immigration & for Palestine to be “reunited with Syria.” 1922 - Mandate made Official & the First Partition of Palestine By international treaty, in 1922, the League of Nations officially formalized the British Mandate for Palestine, which adopted the Balfour Declaration, acknowledging the Jewish people’s "historical connections” to the Land, & declaring the British requirement to “facilitat[e] Jewish immigration [and] encourage settlement on the land” while acknowledging the “moral validity of reconstituting” the Jewish nation. Meanwhile, Churchill acknowledged a segment of the Palestinian Arab community violently rejected the Jews, but he also received express declarations from hundreds of Palestinian Arab sheikhs & mukhtars supporting Jewish immigration to improve the industrial development of the land, which they said would improve the lives of Arabs as well. In an attempt to quell any further violence & Arab anxieties, with the stroke of a pen, Churchill partitioned the British Mandate for Palestine by slicing off 3/4 of the Land (everything east of the Jordan River) to create a new Arab Muslim country called “Trans-Jordan,” to which Emir Feisal’s brother, Abdullah (also widely recognized as an Arab Muslim leader from #Saudi Arabia), was named king. Jews were irate at the loss of 75% of the territory promised to them, but ultimately decided to accept Churchill’s White Paper in the spirit of good will toward their Arab neighbors. Al-Husseini (who now had his thumb on the majority of Palestine’s Arabs, especially since most would not dare challenge him lest they be summarily executed) flatly rejected the extremely Arab-friendly partition & said the whole of the land was Arab. Just one year later, the British were forced to suspend the Palestine Constitution after Al-Husseini refused to participate in the Mandatory government. And al-Husseini continued to organize ongoing violence against Jews culminating in the particularly barbaric 1929 Hebron massacre, which began as a result of the now oft-repeated & nearly 100-year-old lie that the Jews were attempting to “destroy al-Aqsa mosque.” 1936 - Start of the Arab Revolt In April 1936 (3+ years after Hitler first came to power & while the situation of Jews in #Europe was rapidly deteriorating), al-Husseini organized a terror attack on a Jewish bus, which was then followed by three years of organized terror between Palestinian Arab clans & by Arabs against both Jews and the British. Al-Husseini formed the Arab Higher Committee, declared a national strike & made three demands: (1) cessation of Jewish immigration; (2) end of land sales to Jews; & (3) the establishment of an Arab national government in the whole of Palestine. 1937 - Peel Commission & Recommended Second Partition of Palestine Britain set up the Peel Commission to investigate the cause of the Arab riots & to make recommendations. One of the Jewish Zionist leaders, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, was interviewed by the Commission, & his words were hauntingly prophetic. Jabotinsky told the British the Jews of Europe faced “a disaster of historic magnitude … We have got to save millions, many millions … who are virtually knocking at the door [of Palestine] asking for admission.” As to the Arab population, Jabotinsky was clear there was no Jewish desire to “oust” any Arabs and he further said “Palestine on both sides of the Jordan should hold the Arabs, their progeny, and many millions of Jews.” Jabotinsky then acknowledged a movement of Palestine’s Arabs to create yet another Arab state in the land, but he said, “when the Arab claim is confronted with our Jewish demand to be saved, it is like the claims of appetite versus the claims of starvation.” The Peel Commission ultimately recommended a second partition of Palestine - this time leaving the Jews with only an extraordinarily tiny portion of what is today a sliver of the northwest coast of Israel, and giving the remaining 80% of the land for an Arab state. The Jews felt betrayed. But they understood, at least on some level, the disaster awaiting their brethren in Europe & the immediate need to provide safe haven. So, the Jews accepted the Peel Commission’s partition, assuming the Arabs would accept it & agree to live side-by-side in peace. This time, not only did al-Husseini reject the planned partition, but neighboring Arab leaders & states did as well. A Syrian pan-Arab Congress rejected the Peel Commission’s recommendations & declared its goal to “liberat[e] the country and establish[] an Arab government.” 1938 - Woodhead Commission & the Evian Conference The following year, Britain established the Woodhead Commission to study Palestine & try to find borders that both the Jews & Arabs could accept. The Woodhead Commission made three proposals, all of which saw the once large Jewish nation continue to shrink exponentially. In its report, the Woodhead Commission noted, “Arabs of all parties & shades of political opinion were unanimous in condemning the plan as inequitable & wholly unacceptable.” The report further noted that the thought that “peace to Palestine” would be brought by any partition that included a Jewish state of any size was something “we cannot venture to hope.” One Arab witness interviewed by the Woodhead Commission said if partition is set in motion that creates any Jewish state, “you will have to have a barbed wire right right it … with pill boxes every half kilometer … Hostility in our lifetime there will be.” Another Arab witness said, “There would be a violent reaction to anything which gives any part of Palestine to the Jews.” One other Arab witness said that even if a tiny Jewish State was proclaimed, the Arabs might stay quiet at first, but they would merely be “bid[ing] their time, that is all” until the Jewish State would be destroyed. The Woodhead Commission declared the Arab position as making the conflict in Palestine “irreconcilable.” Meanwhile, also in 1938, the Evian Conference was called by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt in #France to allegedly attempt to deal with the Jewish #refugee problem caused by rise of #Nazi Germany. All 32 nations in attendance at the Evian Conference refused to permit any significant immigration of Jews to their country. The #Nazis even mocked the world and their “fake” sympathy for the Jews by declaring in Nazi newspaper headlines, “JEWS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN PRICE—WHO WANTS THEM? NO ONE.” 1939 - St. James Palace Conference & the White Paper In February 1939, the British held the St. James Palace Conference in #London to try to find a peaceful solution to the problems in Palestine. However, the Conference was dead on arrival as the Arab delegates refused to meet with their Jewish counterparts. Meanwhile, just two months later, Britain (then led by anti-Zionist Neville Chamberlain) was preparing for potential war with Germany, acknowledged its dependence on Middle Eastern oil to win that war (thus requiring Arab goodwill), & decided to appease the Arabs. The 1939 White Paper was issued, abandoning Britain’s legal obligations to establish a Jewish State in Palestine & shutting the doors to further Jewish immigration almost entirely. When the British submitted the White Paper to the League of Nations for approval, it was rejected as “not in accordance with … the Mandate.” But the world was on the brink of war, and the League of Nations had no enforcement power. So Britain ignored the League of Nations’ decision. The Jewish Agency for Palestine called the White Paper a betrayal in the midst of the “darkest hour of Jewish history.” Zionist leader (and later first Prime Minister of Israel) David Ben-Gurion called the White Paper “the greatest betrayal perpetrated by the government of a civilized people in our generation.” Dr. Weitzmann called it, “a death sentence for the Jewish people.” When war broke out later that year & the Holocaust ensued, Europe’s Jews did not have any place on Earth in which they could seek refuge. Millions of Jews were murdered by the Nazis, but it could be argued they were condemned to their fate by the failure of the Evian Conference and the issuance of the British White Paper. 1945 - End of WWII & the Holocaust In 1945, the full extent of Nazi atrocities & their systematic slaughter of 6 million of Europe’s Jews (2/3 of the population) was revealed to the world. Those Jews who survived had no homes to which they could return; & there were multiple violent pogroms against the few Jews who tried to go “home.” Hundreds of thousands of Jews were homeless #refugees & survivors of #Hitler’s madness; but they could only be put into Displaced Persons camps, which were often in the same location as the Nazi concentration camps in which they had been tortured & where their families had been murdered. U.S. President Harry Truman was appalled that even in light of the Holocaust & the condition of the surviving displaced refugee Jews, the British refused to end its illegal White Paper policy; and he demanded Britain immediately permit the entry of 100,000 Jewish survivors to Palestine. Britain, then under the leadership of anti-Zionist Prime Minister Clement Attlee, refused. 1946 - Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry was set up in 1946 to study the Jewish refugee problem & the status of the situation in Palestine and make any recommendations. The Committee found the Arab intransigence to any Jewish immigration & to any Jewish state remained; but given Britain’s legal obligations under the Mandate & the condition of the Jewish refugees in Europe, the Committee recommended the immediate immigration of 100,000 Jews to Palestine to be followed by further steps to arrange a compromise between the Jews & Arabs. 1947 - Britain Abandons the Mandate & Seeks Resolution by the UN Foreign Minister of Britain (and well-known #antisemite) Ernest Bevin declared in Feb 1947 his recommendation that the Mandate be abandoned since “there is no prospect of reaching … any settlement which would be even broadly acceptable to the two communities in Palestine.” Bevin described the “irreconcilable” nature of the conflict to the British House of Commons thusly, “For the Jews, the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish State. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last the establishment of a Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine.” In May 1947, the UN created the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (“UNSCOP”), & four months later, UNSCOP made its recommendations that included a partition of Palestine into one Jewish state & one Arab state - each on approximately 50% of the Land (which, for the Jews, represented a mere 1/8 of the territory originally set aside for Jewish immigration and a Jewish State). The Jews accepted the UN’s proposal, but the Arabs rejected it. Sept 1947 - Attempts to Avoid War On Sept 16, 1947, Zionist leaders met with the leader & secretary-general of the Arab League, Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha. The Zionist leaders pointed out the #UN had spoken, but also said they were “genuinely desirous of an agreement with the Arabs & [were] prepared to make sacrifices for one.” Generous compromises were offered. Pasha, however, responded thusly: “It’s likely … that your plan is rational & logical, but the fate of nations is not decided by rational logic. Nations never concede; they fight. You won’t get anything by peaceful means or compromise. You can, perhaps, get something, but only by the force of arms. We shall try to defeat you. I’m not sure we’ll succeed, but we’ll try.” Abba Eban (later Israel’s first Ambassador to the UN) tried to reason with Pasha, saying he would “welcome any counterproposal from your side.” But Pasha responded: “An agreement will only be acceptable at our terms … We have only one test, the test of strength. If I were a Zionist leader, I might have behaved the way you’re doing. You have no alternative. In all events, the problem now is only soluble by the force of arms.” Oct 2, 1947 - Zionist Leaders Urge Reconciliation with Local Arabs The Assembly of Palestine Jewry issued an appeal on Oct 2, 1947 that read: “We will do everything in our power to maintain peace, & establish a cooperation gainful to both [Jews & Arabs]. It is now, here & now, from Jerusalem itself, that a call must go out to the Arab nations to join forces with Jewry & the destined Jewish State and work shoulder to shoulder for our common good, for the peace and progress of sovereign equals.” There was no similar call from the Arab world in response. Nov 1947 - UN Partition Vote & Outbreak of Civil War On Nov 29, 1947, the UN voted to approve General Assembly Resolution 181 adopting partition as recommended by UNSCOP. The Jews celebrated international legitimacy for their State; but, like all UNGA Resolutions, 181 was a mere “recommendation.” Since the Arabs flatly rejected Resolution 181, there was no means by which the UN could enforce it. The next day, Arabs attacked a Jewish bus on the Petah Tikva-Lod road, killing five passengers, & Jewish neighborhoods in and surrounding Jerusalem were attacked. A Civil War had begun. May 1948 - Israeli Independence At 8 a.m. on May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared independence for the State of Israel. Ben-Gurion began by stating: “Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained statehood, created cultural values of national & universal significance & gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.” But Ben-Gurion also ended by stating: “In the midst of wanton aggression, we yet call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve the ways of peace & play their part in the development of the State, on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its bodies and institutions … We extend our hand in peace & neighborliness to all the neighboring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all. Only hours later, the neighboring Arab countries (#Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, #Iraq, and #Egypt) launched a full scale invasion of the nascent State of Israel. Sec-Gen Azzam Pasha proclaimed, “This will be a war of extermination & momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres & the Crusades.” Pundits filled the airwaves with talk of a second Holocaust considering the Arab states had a population of 200 million with well-equipped armies, & Israel’s entire population was ~600,000 men, women, & children with no formal military training. Plus, both the United States & Britain maintained an arms embargo on Israel. However, in what was a true modern-day miracle, the Jews of the reconstituted Jewish State of Israel, a mere three years after the Holocaust & once again facing extermination, fought back the Arab armies to armistices signed in April 1949. #Education #Israel #Palestine | Nov 22, 2023 · 11:04 PM UTC | 729 | 56 |
129 | | Hebrew Sources : Moments of the #Israeli occupation forces bombing a residential building in #Gaza yesterday. | Nov 22, 2023 · 4:05 PM UTC | 522 | 41 |
130 | | Ur my og I'll fly you out when I'm Dictator of the UK | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:45 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
131 | | These are the most resilient people I’ve ever seen. Mashallah | Nov 22, 2023 · 4:09 AM UTC | 10,232 | 1 |
132 | | 🇮🇩 🇲🇾 🇵🇸 | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:48 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
133 | | This is NOT a "Jewish-owned" mom-and-pop shop, you vile, libelous, Zionist schmuck. This is a multi-billion dollar ARMS MANUFACTURER, Elbit Systems, which develops weapons to kill Palestinian children. Activists are getting in the way of Israel's US-sponsored slaughter machine. | Nov 21, 2023 · 6:50 PM UTC | 19,708 | 270 |
134 | | No need to give up heaven with this heavenly new taste of #SweetVenom 😍 Keep in mind our 24h goals‼️ 1M views | 150k likes Reply ORANGE BLOOD tracks with tags 🔽 POISONED BY SWEET VENOM #SweetVenom #ORANGEBLOOD #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members | Nov 22, 2023 · 6:22 PM UTC | 506 | 35 |
135 | | 🇵🇸 CEASEFIRE NOW! NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION FOR PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Israel is not stopping its bombardment of #Gaza, so we will not stop marching for a ceasefire. 800,000 of us were on the streets in London at the last demo. See you all again on Saturday! #CeasefireNow | Nov 23, 2023 · 7:46 AM UTC | 183 | 6 |
136 | | A photographer tries to comfort a Palestinian girl by talking about her favourite dessert. Her parents had been killed moments earlier when Israel bombed her Gaza home ⤵️ | Nov 23, 2023 · 11:21 AM UTC | 1,567 | 76 |
137 | | "Sapoha" vai dar m... O Oriente Médio é, literalmente, um grande barril de petróleo no mais amplo entendimento dessa comparação.... Filho de líder político do Hezbollah é morto em ataque de Israel ao Líbano via @UOLNoticias @UOL | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 2 | 0 |
138 | | 🇵🇸🇮🇩 insyaallah palestine will be free soon | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
139 | | This little girl from Gaza lost all of her family members and she is alone now, she has a message for the world, but no one is listening to her 😢 | Nov 22, 2023 · 8:53 PM UTC | 74 | 7 |
140 | | I’m single too | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
141 | | Rainwater is the property of 'Israel'. Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rainwater. Source: a UN report: 'according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs.' And: 'As well as prohibiting nearly all construction of wells necessary for Palestinians to secure additional quantities of water to support population growth and socio-economic development, such policies have denied communities access to water and sanitation facilities, including water, toilets, sewage networks and cisterns for rainwater harvesting.' This is Zionism. #DismantleZionism #Gaza_Genocide #FromTheRiverToTheSea | Nov 19, 2023 · 11:57 AM UTC | 26,142 | 1,167 |
142 | | Number 1 priority means exactly that. She'd choose that over anything that conflicts with it. You don't think it's a tad coincidental this announcement came the very day after her co-star was unfairly fired? Like Melissa, Jenna has also been very outspoken against Israel as well | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
143 | | In 1933, jews came to Palestine as refugee immigrants with these permits. #FreePalestine | Nov 22, 2023 · 3:11 PM UTC | 209 | 8 |
144 | | And Israel is Saint in present times? Who is eliminating all signs of human life there. Shame is an understatement if we don’t have guts to call out this hypocrisy and division in Australia. Loss of 14000 lives? Their blood colour was different or other human features? | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
145 | | null | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:04 PM UTC | 11 | 1 |
146 | | What despair must fill the hearts that even the eyes cannot cry All those who enabled this massacre- there is blood on your hands #genocide_in_Palestine | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
147 | | How can anyone unseen what atrocity was done to Israel ? How can that possibly be ? Her father must be ashamed. | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
148 | | we must do everything to let the survivors of 1948 nakba be able to witness a free Palestine during their lifetime. they deserve to see it. they deserve to come back home. Palestinian kids deserve to grow up and live in their homeland too. | Nov 17, 2023 · 1:43 PM UTC | 8,042 | 1 |
149 | | Their government is spending MILLIONS each day to paint themselves as the good side and these insufferable people can't even cooperate 😭😭 | Nov 22, 2023 · 12:50 PM UTC | 19,349 | 34 |
150 | | Here is a group of Palestinians kidnapped and tortured You can see many have marks from beating and burns Torture and rape am extremely common tactic used in Israel | Nov 21, 2023 · 7:26 AM UTC | 102,393 | 12,912 |
151 | | Si en vez de deshumanizarlos como si fueran peleles, cada niño palestino asesinado por Israel recibiera un reportaje de cinco minutos en el Telediario como lo tienen muchos rehenes israelíes a los que ponen nombre, apellidos y contexto, necesitaríamos un Telediario de 632 horas. | Nov 22, 2023 · 6:08 PM UTC | 1,651 | 10 |
152 | | Why has Israel been arresting (kidnapping) children in the West Bank (not ruled by Hamas) for decades? Hundreds of women and children are being held without charge in Israel. They are hostages. Why does the media NEVER mention them? | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:41 PM UTC | 37 | 8 |
153 | | Israel bombed the historic Church of Saint George in the town of Yaroun, South Lebanon. Only Israel can systematically drop bombs on churches, hospitals, schools and UN shelters in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, and the “civilized” Western world won’t even bat an eyelash. | Nov 22, 2023 · 3:51 PM UTC | 12,860 | 572 |
154 | | I saw this coming. Israel is going after the doctors. | Nov 23, 2023 · 8:19 AM UTC | 44 | 8 |
155 | | ❤️🇵🇸 NBA star KYRIE IRVING wears a keffiyeh in support of PALESTINE! | Nov 19, 2023 · 3:01 PM UTC | 108,090 | 2,465 |
156 | | #Israel has given clearance to #Mossad to target Hamas Chiefs 'wherever they are'. | Nov 23, 2023 · 11:21 AM UTC | 263 | 5 |
157 | | So it's a ridiculous ask that Israel has offered but the Palestinian offer should be taken by Israel immediately? | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
158 | | “𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝗿” - 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝘆𝘀𝗻𝗲𝗿, 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘀𝘁 #Israel #UkraineRussiaWar #Gaza | Nov 17, 2023 · 10:44 AM UTC | 261 | 19 |
159 | | People only love resistance when its white people resisting | Nov 22, 2023 · 6:17 AM UTC | 54,847 | 162 |
160 | | مرزے کا اپنے آقاؤں کے حکم پر جہاد کو منسخ کرنا #SearchTheTruth #Palestine #AlShifaHospital #ThursdayMotivation | Nov 16, 2023 · 4:37 AM UTC | 1 | 0 |
161 | | Miembros de la resistencia palestina se vistieron como “soldados sionistas” y eliminaron a 3 francotiradores de las fuerzas de ocupación de #Israel. | Nov 23, 2023 · 4:14 AM UTC | 7 | 0 |
162 | | Stuart Seldowitz being taken away in handcuffs for “hate crime/stalking, second-degree aggravated harassment, stalking causing fear, and stalking at employment” | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:41 PM UTC | 148 | 11 |
163 | | Hezbollah fires rockets at north Israel after an airstrike kills 5 of the group's senior fighters #SDLD #SANDIEGO #JDATA | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
164 | | A esta hora sigue el genocidio contra el pueblo palestino. Lo comete el ente sionista de Israel, con el apoyo entusiasta de USA y la @UEenColombia Y el mundillo de los DH en un silencio abrumador para no incomodar a los financiadores. Unión Europea genocida! | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:51 AM UTC | 18 | 0 |
165 | | 22-Israel demolishes homes of 17 people, Including 10 minors , South Hebron 25, Nov ,2020 | Nov 22, 2023 · 5:54 PM UTC | 272 | 3 |
166 | | Seorang pejabat Yaman di atas KAPAL yang DISITA sedang menonton Video Influencer Arab-Zionis yang sedang menyebarkan HOAX bahwa kapal Galaxy Leader Israel telah berhasil dibebaskan dari Ansarullah Yaman😂 | Nov 23, 2023 · 1:34 AM UTC | 1,212 | 32 |
167 | | Idea to stop the war between Israel and Palestine. 1. Pressure Israel to ensure it commits on the creation of a Palestinian state: economic and diplomatic levers must be used 2. Order ban and dissolution of Hamas in Palestine #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelPalestineConflict | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:45 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
168 | | En Yedioth Ahronoth, el periódico más leído de Israel: "Justo antes de llegar a Israel y reunirse, entre otros encuentros, con las familias de los secuestrados, el presidente del Gobierno español nombró ministra de Juventud e Infancia a Sira Rego, una política de origen palestino que justificó la masacre del 7 de octubre y niega las atrocidades de Hamás". Pero que vergüenza, @sanchezcastejon | Nov 22, 2023 · 11:59 AM UTC | 2,322 | 273 |
169 | | We Stand Palestine | Nov 22, 2023 · 8:03 PM UTC | 75 | 5 |
170 | | Mais tu supportes la Palestine ? | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
171 | | null | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:04 PM UTC | 8 | 0 |
172 | | Far right on the rise everywhere I look - frm the Netherlands to the USA via France and Israel, this is an urgent situation - enough normalisation and pandering to these extremists destroying our democracy and societal cohesion - we must stand together against these hatemongerers | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:40 PM UTC | 28 | 2 |
173 | | 2008-2009 • December 27, 2008-January 18, 2009: Israel launches a war against Gaza, killing over 1,400 people, including many civilians. | Nov 22, 2023 · 10:24 PM UTC | 79 | 1 |
174 | | This ladies grandfather a #Holocaust survivor believed due to TV & INTERNET this would never happen again. Yet we have a Holocaust in #Palestine & a #Genocide_in_Gaza. To STOP these #Atrocities & #EndViolence we still must: >Go to marches >Write to politicians >Educate others | Nov 22, 2023 · 7:54 PM UTC | 56 | 5 |
175 | | Israel has Jus ad Bellum. Israel has the right and the responsibility to eradicate Hamas no matter the cost to Palestine and its people. Remember who started the war. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting Hamas terrorism. | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:45 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
176 | | My good friend Amina @a_ali14180 told me something today that resonated so well with me : “You know the last two weeks have made me think so much about the #Nakba, If they [Israel] are this monstrous when the whole world is watching, what must they have done during the Nakba. We all know a fraction of what happened from those who were fortunate to survive. How many untold stories of complete evil will never be told". How many indeed! #PalestinianGenocide #IsraeliWarCrimes #Gaza | Oct 21, 2023 · 5:39 PM UTC | 1,604 | 89 |
177 | | Pleased for you, Eva, but are you EVER going to mention the two physical attacks on @thierrybaudet, the anti-WEF politician, the second of which could easily have killed him? If you think Israel-obsessed Wilders (like Israel-obsessed Milei) is himself not part of the club you are not paying attention. | Nov 22, 2023 · 10:11 PM UTC | 2,544 | 251 |
178 | | Saying free Palestine from Israeli terrorist is insulting Jewish people? WTF Israel is murdering children and committing genocide against the Palestinian people.. enough with the Israeli propaganda | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
179 | | 45 days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Total deaths: 🇵🇸 Palestine: 11,078 (4,506 children; 3,027 women; 678 elderly) 🇮🇱 Israel: ~1,200 Note: Following the collapse of services and communications at hospitals in the north, the MoH in Gaza did not update casualty figures after November 10. | Nov 21, 2023 · 6:50 PM UTC | 5,681 | 887 |
180 | | 🔴 ISRAEL EN GUERRE: Suite de la visite des dédales des tunnels de l'hôpital Al Shifa. Un bâtiment situé à côté de l'hôpital. À l'intérieur du bâtiment. Une école. Un tableau. Un cours d'anglais. Donc des enfants ici. Et sous le sol l'entrée d'un tunnel qui mène directement à l'hôpital. Le Hamas utilisaient les enfants comme bouclier humain. | Nov 22, 2023 · 7:06 PM UTC | 55 | 12 |
181 | | We will never forget this/ History will never forget this | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:05 PM UTC | 57 | 7 |
182 | | L’oppresseur qui joue l’opprimé ? Qui est-ce qui attaque, intimide, menace, licencie des personnes et bâillonne la liberté d’expression ? Je vous laisse réfléchir 🤔 Arrêtez de jouer la carte de l’autosemitisme. Ça suffit ! Ici c’est la France pas Israel ! | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
183 | | "Si en verdad, los agentes que maltratan, asesinan, extorsionan y ejercen una limpieza étnica fueran sometidos a la acción de la justicia, no veríamos tantas violaciones a los derechos humanos de nuestros nacionales. Vivimos en un estado de excepción en República Dominicana." | Nov 22, 2023 · 4:39 PM UTC | 7 | 0 |
184 | | 12 Suku @IDF Viva Israel | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
185 | | Stop calling it a 'hostage exchange.' The hostages being freed in the coming days are children whose only "crime" was to be Jews living in Israel. Many of the prisoners being released are in jail for trying to murder Jews living in Israel. This is no fair exchange. But it's the price Israel will pay to have its children back. | Nov 23, 2023 · 3:12 AM UTC | 4,162 | 822 |
186 | | ISRAEL PENGECUTTTTTTTTT SETAN...JAHANNAMMMMMM حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل MELIHAT VIDEO INI MELIHAT KEJAHATAN ISRAEL ATAS TEMPAT IBADAH..BILA GA KOMEN BAIK NYA UN FOLLOW SAJA AKUN INSTAGRAM BANG ONIM !!!!!!! Sebarkan sebelum di hapus ig fb Twitter. | Nov 18, 2023 · 10:39 PM UTC | 5,911 | 198 |
187 | | Free Palestine | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
188 | | #IsraelHamasWar #Israel #HamasTerrorrists #HamasNazis #holocaust2023 #ZionistsAreTerrorists #Ukraine️ #Palestinian #كتائب_االقسام The night in Gaza smelled of death They are not numbers Don't be lazy to talk about Gaza Your voice saves a child | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
189 | | Israeli Zionists: “You can’t possibly know what we’re facing, you don’t live in Israel!!” Correct, I did not take Israel up on its many offers to bribe me to move to Israel & live as the beneficiary of apartheid on stolen Palestinian land. I still don’t want genocide in my name. | Nov 23, 2023 · 7:34 AM UTC | 2,155 | 64 |
190 | | yo, please stop saying "Jewish" when you mean either Israeli or the state of Israel. It's fucked up and you're doing Zionists' work for them | Nov 23, 2023 · 3:24 AM UTC | 381 | 6 |
191 | | Palestine is my homeland since the beginning of time | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:45 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
192 | | Check out 🏒 Huge 60 + different VINCENT DAMPHOUSSE cards lot 1989 - 2002 Canadiens Sharks #eBay via @eBay Israel Gaza Hamas #AsianGames Steve Cohen Klaus Schwab Tel Aviv Nebraska Palestinian Kansas State OTEV Lido #SmackDown #isles Hockey NHL MLB NFL NBA | Oct 7, 2023 · 7:02 AM UTC | 0 | 0 |
193 | | The EFF Introduced A Motion In The Parliament Of South Africa Calling For The Cutting Of All Diplomatic Ties With Apartheid-Israel.🇮🇱👎 Yesterday The Parliament of South Africa 🇿🇦Has Resolved To Close The Israeli Embassy! | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 1 | 0 |
194 | | It’s not antisemitism though is it. That’s the point. He’s been smeared with antisemitism for daring to criticise Israel. All the Jew hate stuff is bollocks from the mainstream media. There will be thousands more that see that now. | Nov 23, 2023 · 11:37 AM UTC | 2 | 1 |
195 | | So does Israel against Hamas | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:46 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
196 | | I swear to fucking god if it’s Israel’s fault | Nov 22, 2023 · 8:30 PM UTC | 1,129 | 10 |
197 | | Silence on tue! 41 journalistes tués depuis 7/10 Presque 1 / jour Où sont les Rédactions occidentales? @ReporterSans vous avez les réseaux dans médias mainstream!!! On ne vous voit pas!! Bougez-vous! Si pas pour Palestine, faites-le au moins pour vos confrères! bon sang!! | Nov 21, 2023 · 10:22 PM UTC | 568 | 49 |
198 | | عاجل | طائرات الاحتلال تغير على محيط موقع الكتيبة 13 بين مخيمي المغازي والبريج على صلاح الدين وسط القطاع #غزة_تُباد #هولوكست_غزة #gazaholocaust | Nov 22, 2023 · 9:09 PM UTC | 4 | 0 |
199 | | That honesty! Gaza needs to be levelled & the population expelled! You can not expect Israel to share borders with a state whose sole purpose is to destroy them! This has gone on 100yrs, it’s time it ended! | Nov 23, 2023 · 12:47 PM UTC | 0 | 0 |
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