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who got the first nobel prize in physics | [
"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen"
] | [
"title": "List of Nobel laureates in Physics",
"text": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded",
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"title": "Asian Americans in science and technology",
"text": "Prize in physics for discovery of the subatomic particle J/ψ. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics and had the Chandra X-ray Observatory named after him. Steven Chu shared the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research in cooling and trapping atoms using laser light. Daniel Tsui shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998 for helping discover the fractional Quantum Hall effect. Yoichiro Nambu received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the consequences of spontaneously broken symmetries in field theories. In 2009, Charles K. Kao was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics",
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"title": "Scientist",
"text": "and pursued through a unique method, was essentially in place. Ramón y Cajal won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his remarkable observations in neuroanatomy. Marie Curie became the first female to win the Nobel Prize and the first person to win it twice. Her efforts led to the development of nuclear energy and Radio therapy for the treatment of cancer. In 1922, she was appointed a member of the International Commission on Intellectual Co-operation by the Council of the League of Nations. She campaigned for scientist's right to patent their discoveries and inventions. She also campaigned for free access",
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"title": "Norwegian Americans",
"text": "science, Ernest Lawrence won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939. Lars Onsager won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. Christian B. Anfinsen won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1972. Ivar Giaever won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1973. Carl Richard Hagen is noted for his work in physics. In engineering, Clayton Jacobson II is credited with the invention of the modern personal watercraft. Ole Singstad was a pioneer of underwater tunnels. Ole Evinrude invented the first outboard motor with practical commercial application, recognizable today",
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"title": "Maria Goeppert Mayer",
"text": "of US postage stamps, along with Melvin Calvin, Asa Gray, and Severo Ochoa. Her papers are in the Geisel Library at the University of California, San Diego, and the university's physics department is housed in Mayer Hall, which is named after her and her husband. Maria Goeppert Mayer Maria Goeppert Mayer (June 28, 1906 – February 20, 1972) was a German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics, the first being Marie Curie. A graduate of the",
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"title": "University of Chicago",
"text": "Medal, which is rewarded annually to the best economist under the age of 40, has also been awarded to 4 current members of the university faculty. Notable faculty in physics have included the speed of light calculator A. A. Michelson, elementary charge calculator Robert A. Millikan, discoverer of the Compton Effect Arthur H. Compton, the creator of the first nuclear reactor Enrico Fermi, \"the father of the hydrogen bomb\" Edward Teller, \"one of the most brilliant and productive experimental physicists of the twentieth century\" Luis Walter Alvarez, Murray Gell-Mann who introduced the quark, second female Nobel laureate Maria Goeppert-Mayer, the",
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"title": "École normale supérieure (Paris)",
"text": "was also awarded the Abel prize. In addition, eight \"normaliens\" have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Albert Fert, Alfred Kastler, Gabriel Lippmann, Louis Néel, Jean Baptiste Perrin and Serge Haroche, while other ENS physicists include such major figures as Paul Langevin, famous for developing Langevin dynamics and the Langevin equation. Alumnus Paul Sabatier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A ranking of universities worldwide based on ratios of alumni to Nobel prize-winners published in 2016 by American scholars Stephen Hsu and Jonathan Wai placed ENS as the first university worldwide, far",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "named in her honor. Marie Curie Marie Skłodowska Curie (; ; ; born Maria Salomea Skłodowska; 7 November 18674 July 1934) was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was also the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman",
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"title": "St John's College, Cambridge",
"text": "Nobel Prize winners: Sir Edward Appleton, for discovering the Appleton layer, Sir John Cockcroft KCB, physicist who first split the atom, Allan Cormack, for the invention of the CAT scan, Paul Dirac, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Sir Nevill Francis Mott, for work on the behaviour of electrons in magnetic solids, Abdus Salam, for unifying the electromagnetic force and the weak force, Frederick Sanger, molecular biologist, Maurice Wilkins, awarded Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology with Watson and Crick for discovering the structure of DNA, and Eric Maskin (visiting & honorary fellow), awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in",
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"title": "Arthur H. Rosenfeld",
"text": "Nobel Prize-winning Italian physicist. Rosenfeld coauthored a book on nuclear physics with Fermi, who was noted for building the world's first nuclear reactor. In 1954, after earning his PhD in physics, and with a recommendation from Fermi, Rosenfeld accepted a position as a teaching physicist at the University of California, Berkeley. At Berkeley, Rosenfeld joined the University of California Department of Physics and the particle physics research group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) led by Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez. Alvarez went on to win the Nobel Prize with research backed by his team of scientists that included Rosenfeld. In",
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"title": "Japanese Americans",
"text": "J. Pedersen won the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his methods of synthesizing crown ethers. Yoichiro Nambu won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum chromodynamics and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Shuji Nakamura won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist specializing in string field theory, and a well-known science popularizer. Ellison Onizuka became the first Asian American astronaut and was the mission specialist aboard \"Challenger\" at the time of its explosion. Immunologist Santa J. Ono became the first Japanese American president of",
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"title": "Nobel Prize in Physics",
"text": "receive a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount. Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was",
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"title": "Paris in the Belle Époque",
"text": "studying the fluorescence of uranium salts, discovered radioactivity in 1896, and in 1903 was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery. Pierre Curie (1859-1906) and Marie Curie (1867-1934) jointly carried on Becquerel's work, discovering radium and polonium (1898). They jointly received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903. Marie Curie became the first female professor at the University of Paris and won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911. She was the first woman to be buried in the Panthéon. The neon light was used for the first time in Paris on 3 December 1910 in the Grand",
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"title": "Richard Feynman",
"text": "by Michael Gottlieb and Ralph Leighton (Robert Leighton's son), with support from Kip Thorne and other physicists. Richard Feynman Richard Phillips Feynman (; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "the Nobel Prize in Physics, \"in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel.\" At first the committee had intended to honor only Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, but a committee member and advocate for women scientists, Swedish mathematician Magnus Goesta Mittag-Leffler, alerted Pierre to the situation, and after his complaint, Marie's name was added to the nomination. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Curie and her husband declined to go to Stockholm to receive the prize in person; they were",
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"title": "E. C. George Sudarshan",
"text": "had developed the breakthrough. In 2007, Sudarshan told the \"Hindustan Times\", \"The 2005 Nobel prize for Physics was awarded for my work, but I wasn't the one to get it. Each one of the discoveries that this Nobel was given for work based on my research.\" Sudarshan also commented on not being selected for the 1979 Nobel, \"Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Glashow and Abdus Salam built on work I had done as a 26-year-old student. If you give a prize for a building, shouldn’t the fellow who built the first floor be given the prize before those who built the second",
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"title": "Rosalyn Sussman Yalow",
"text": "the National Medal of Science, which is given to American individuals who deserve the highest honor in science and technology. In 1993, Yalow was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (July 19, 1921 – May 30, 2011) was an American medical physicist, and a co-winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (together with Roger Guillemin and Andrew Schally) for development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique. She was the second woman (the first being Gerty Cori), and the first American-born woman, to be awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or",
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"id": "3275658",
"score": "1.0124536",
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"title": "Poles",
"text": "and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win twice in multiple sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. Another notable Polish expatriate scientist was Ignacy Domeyko (1802–89), a geologist and mineralogist who lived and worked in South America, in Chile. Kazimierz Funk (1884–1967), whose name is commonly anglicized as \"Casimir Funk\", was a Polish biochemist, generally credited with being among the first to formulate (in 1912) the concept of vitamins,",
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"title": "Nobel Prize",
"text": "His son, George Paget Thomson, received the same prize in 1937 for showing that they also have the properties of waves. William Henry Bragg and his son, William Lawrence Bragg, shared the Physics Prize in 1915 for inventing the X-ray spectrometer. Niels Bohr was awarded the Physics prize in 1922, as was his son, Aage Bohr, in 1975. Manne Siegbahn, who received the Physics Prize in 1924, was the father of Kai Siegbahn, who received the Physics Prize in 1981. Hans von Euler-Chelpin, who received the Chemistry Prize in 1929, was the father of Ulf von Euler, who was awarded",
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"title": "Charles Russell Bardeen",
"text": "business before marrying, and was an active figure in the art world. After her death from cancer in 1921, Charles married Ruth Hames. His son, Dr. John Bardeen, became the only person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics twice, in 1956 and 1972. Bardeen died in Madison, Wisconsin in 1935, from pancreatic cancer. He was succeeded as Dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical School by Dr. William Shainline Middleton. Charles Russell Bardeen Charles Russell Bardeen (8 February 1871 – 12 June 1935) was an American physician and anatomist and the first dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical",
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"title": "Johannes Juilfs",
"text": "theoretical physics and head of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Munich. There were three names on the list: Werner Heisenberg, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932, Peter Debye, who would receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1936, and Richard Becker - all former students of Sommerfeld. The Munich Faculty was firmly behind these candidates, with Heisenberg as their first choice. However, supporters of \"deutsche Physik\" and elements in the REM had their own list of candidates and the battle commenced, dragging on for over four years. During this time, Heisenberg came under",
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"title": "Maria Goeppert Mayer",
"text": "Maria Goeppert Mayer Maria Goeppert Mayer (June 28, 1906 – February 20, 1972) was a German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics, the first being Marie Curie. A graduate of the University of Göttingen, Goeppert Mayer wrote her doctoral thesis on the theory of possible two-photon absorption by atoms. At the time, the chances of experimentally verifying her thesis seemed remote, but the development of the laser permitted this. Today, the unit for the two-photon absorption",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "Marie Curie Marie Skłodowska Curie (; ; ; born Maria Salomea Skłodowska; 7 November 18674 July 1934) was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was also the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman to be entombed on",
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"title": "Nobel Prize",
"text": "with her husband Frédéric Joliot-Curie. In addition, the husband of Marie Curie's second daughter, Henry Labouisse, was the director of UNICEF when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 on that organisation's behalf. Although no family matches the Curie family's record, there have been several with two laureates. The husband-and-wife team of Gerty Cori and Carl Ferdinand Cori shared the 1947 Prize in Physiology or Medicine as did the husband-and-wife team of May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser in 2014 (along with John O'Keefe). J. J. Thomson was awarded the Physics Prize in 1906 for showing that electrons are particles.",
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"title": "Leon Pape",
"text": "Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1997, Theodore and Frances Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University Walter Kohn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1998, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, and Research Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara David Baltimore, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1975, National Medal of Science Recipient, 1999, President, California Institute of Technology Ahmed H. Zewail, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1999, Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology Lene Vestergaard Hau, MacArthur Fellow, 2001-2006, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics, Lyman Laboratory, Harvard University Wolfgang K. H.",
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"title": "University of Bristol",
"text": "(with Andre Geim, a Nobel Laureate) for using magnets to levitate a frog. Gareth Jones also shared an Ig Nobel prize for scientifically documenting fellatio in fruit bats. Bristol alumnus Paul Dirac went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 for his contribution to the formulation of quantum mechanics and is considered one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century. Other notable scientists include Dani Rabaiotti, an environmental scientist and science communicator. Other notable alumni include writers Dick King-Smith, Sarah Kane, Angela Carter, Dorothy Simpson, David Gibbins and David Nicholls, author of the novel \"Starter",
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"title": "Sudhanshu Shekhar Jha",
"text": "MS in physics and mathematics from Stanford University in 1962, he continued there for his doctoral studies, mentored by Felix Bloch, the 1952 Nobel laureate to secure a PhD in 1965. Returning to India, he resumed his career at TIFR as a research fellow and in 1967, he joined Harvard University to do his post-doctoral work at the laboratory of Nicolaas Bloembergen, who would also go on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1981. He spent two years in the US of which the first year was spent at Bloembergen's laboratory (1967–68) and the second at IBM Research",
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"title": "Nobel Prize in Physics",
"text": "Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in recognition of the extraordinary services he",
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"title": "McGill University",
"text": "made by Thomas Chang while an undergraduate student at the university. While chair of physics at McGill, nuclear physicist Ernest Rutherford performed the experiment that led to the discovery of the alpha particle and its function in radioactive decay, which won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. Alumnus Jack W. Szostak was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering a key mechanism in the genetic operations of cells, an insight that has inspired new lines of research into cancer. William Chalmers invented Plexiglas while a graduate student at McGill. In computing, MUSIC/SP, software for mainframes once",
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"title": "California Institute of Technology",
"text": "such as \"Six Easy Pieces\" for the general audience. The promotion of physics made him a public figure of science, although his Nobel-winning work in quantum electrodynamics was already very established in the scientific community. Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel-winning physicist, introduced a classification of hadrons and went on to postulate the existence of quarks, which is currently accepted as part of the Standard Model. Long-time Caltech President Robert Andrews Millikan was the first to calculate the charge of the electron with his well-known oil-drop experiment, while Richard Chace Tolman is remembered for his contributions to cosmology and statistical mechanics. 2004",
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"id": "71445",
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] | {
"title": "List of Nobel laureates in Physics",
"long_answer": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded to 206 individuals. There have been six years in which the Nobel Prize in Physics was not awarded (1916, 1931, 1934, 1940–1942).",
"chunked_long_answer": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded",
"short_answers": [
"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen"
} |
when is the next deadpool movie being released | [
"May 18, 2018"
] | [
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "footage was leaked online in July 2014, and was met with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response. That September, Fox gave \"Deadpool\" a release date of February 12, 2016. Production was set to begin in March 2015, with Simon Kinberg joining as producer. Reynolds attributed Fox's green-lighting of the film entirely to the leak. He, Miller and the writers had previously discussed leaking the footage themselves, and Reynolds initially thought that Miller had done so. He later believed the leak came from someone at Fox. In exchange for being able to make the film the way they wanted, Fox gave the crew",
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"id": "18286027",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Thanos, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also in April, Leslie Uggams confirmed that she would be reprising her role of Blind Al from the first film, while Fox gave the sequel a June 1, 2018 release date. Noting the release date, Leitch wanted to ensure that the film \"was worthy of a summer tentpole movie, and we knew we were going to be wedged in between some big films\", specifically wanting to expand the action and make the general feeling of the film \"bigger\" than the first one. However, he wanted the film to have the same DNA as the",
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"id": "18960867",
"score": "1.0577936",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Plans for a sequel to \"Deadpool\" began before that film's release, and were confirmed in February 2016. Though the original creative team of Reynolds, Reese, Wernick, and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film, Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds and was soon replaced by Leitch. An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable, with Brolin ultimately cast. Filming took place in British Columbia, Canada, from June to October 2017. During filming, stunt woman Joi \"SJ\" Harris died in a motorcycle accident; the film",
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"id": "18960838",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "said that the company would be willing to make future R-rated Marvel films like \"Deadpool\", potentially under a \"Marvel-R\" brand, \"as long as we let the audiences know what's coming\". Before \"Deadpool\"s release, Fox green-lit a sequel with Reese and Wernick returning to write the screenplay. The involvement of Reynolds and Tim Miller was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon in April, but at the end of October, Miller left the film over \"mutual creative differences\" with Reynolds. The next month, David Leitch signed on to replace Miller for the sequel. Leitch first made a short film, \"No Good Deed\", which",
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"id": "18286084",
"score": "1.0492573",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "of 21st Century Fox by Disney was announced in December 2017, Bob Iger said that Deadpool would be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe under Disney. Deadpool (film) Deadpool is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series and the first standalone \"Deadpool\" film. Directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano and",
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"id": "18286086",
"score": "1.0341752",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "film, explaining its general plot, was released at the end of March. \"Forbes\" contributor Scott Mendelson called it \"pretty funny and mostly entertaining\", but was disappointed in it being a \"conventional\" trailer compared to the more out-there videos previously released for the film. He explained that he thought the first film \"had a winning lead character and fine character-centric jokes, but a pretty generic origin story plot that eventually became the thing it was critiquing\", and was concerned that the sequel would turn out to be \"a more standard 'superhero sequel' sell\". Mendelson also noted the inclusion of T.J. Miller",
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"id": "18960896",
"score": "1.0283107",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Deadpool (film) Deadpool is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series and the first standalone \"Deadpool\" film. Directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano and Brianna Hildebrand. In the film, Wilson—as the antihero Deadpool—hunts down the man who gave him mutant abilities and caused his scarred physical appearance. Development of a",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Deadpool film starring Reynolds began in February 2004, before he went on to play the character in \"\" in 2009. Reese and Wernick were hired for a spinoff in 2010. They worked with Reynolds to adapt the character more faithfully (including his fourth wall breaking) after the portrayal in \"Wolverine\" was criticized for not doing so. Miller was hired in 2011 marking his directorial debut. An enthusiastic response to leaked test footage he created with Reynolds led to a green-light from Fox in 2014. Additional casting began in early 2015, and filming took place in Vancouver, Canada, from March to",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "then [\"Deadpool 3\" is] where we're contracting and staying personal and small.\" After the proposed acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney was announced in December 2017, Disney CEO Bob Iger said that Deadpool would be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) under Disney, and that the company would be willing to make future R-rated Deadpool films \"as long as we let the audiences know what's coming\". In May 2018, Reynolds stated that a third Deadpool film may not be made given the franchise's shift of focus to X-Force, though Reese and Wernick felt a third film would \"absolutely\"",
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"title": "Deadpool (video game)",
"text": "2015 in North America and Australia, and November 20, 2015 in the United Kingdom. It is unknown how Activision reacquired the rights to publish \"Deadpool: The Video Game\", but it is believed that the re-release was timed to help promote the then-upcoming Deadpool feature film, released roughly three months after the next-gen version of the game. High Moon Studios showed an early demo of the video game to journalists at Gamescom 2012, where the game earned a nomination for Best of Show. Several sites wrote positive impression of the demo that was shown at Gamescom and the Electronic Entertainment Expo",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Deadpool 2 Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eleventh installment in the \"X-Men\" film series, and a direct sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\". The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young mutant from the time-traveling soldier Cable.",
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"text": "at the convention moderated by Soni and featuring other cast members. Some of the scenes cut from the theatrical version of the film were debuted at the panel. At the end of September 2018, Fox announced that it would release an untitled \"Deadpool\" film in theaters on December 21. The studio suggested that press and fans \"guess away\" as to what this new film would be, but it was believed to be a re-cut version of \"Deadpool 2\" that would carry a PG-13 rating rather than being R-rated like the initial theatrical release. Reynolds hinted that the version of the",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "May of that year. Several vendors provided visual effects for the film, ranging from the addition of blood and gore to the creation of the CG character Colossus. \"Deadpool\" was released in the United States on February 12, 2016, after an unconventional marketing campaign. The film achieved both financial and critical success. It earned over $783 million against a $58 million budget, breaking numerous records: it became the highest-grossing R-rated film, the highest-grossing \"X-Men\" film, and the ninth-highest-grossing 2016 film. Critics praised Reynolds' performance, the film's style and faithfulness to the comics, and its action sequences. Some detractors criticized the",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "be happening after Reynolds took a break from the character and \"X-Force\" was released, which they compared to the \"Iron Man\" franchise having \"Iron Man 3\" (2013) release after the crossover film \"The Avengers\" (2012). Also, Leitch expressed interest in returning to the franchise, saying, \"I would be grateful to work on something [starring Reynolds' Deadpool] again. It just depends on time and place, so we'll see what happens.\" The \"Once Upon a Deadpool\" version of the film was being watched carefully by Disney and Marvel Studios to see whether it might inform how they could approach the character and",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "green-lit a sequel, with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick returning to write the screenplay. Though director Tim Miller and producer/star Ryan Reynolds were not confirmed for the sequel at the time, Fox was \"intent on keeping the creative team together\". Miller and Reynolds' involvement was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon that April, though Miller had still not formally signed on to direct the sequel. He began work developing the script with the writers, while Reynolds had signed a new contract granting him \"casting approval and other creative controls\". In June 2016, Kinberg expected filming to begin at the beginning",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "integrate him into the PG-13 MCU. Deadpool 2 Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eleventh installment in the \"X-Men\" film series, and a direct sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\". The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "includes Deadpool, Cable, and Domino in the comics, but to also keep the film focused on Deadpool. By the next month, the studio was still not happy with the script, with Reynolds and the writers \"bunkered down ... trying to cross the finish line and create something everyone is excited to make\". Goddard joined them as a consultant. Reese, Wernick, and Reynolds were credited for the script, the three having split the film's scenes between them before passing them around to be re-written by the others. Reese felt they were able to maintain \"one voice\" because of their long history",
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"title": "Deadpool (video game)",
"text": "digital storefronts on January 1, 2016. As of July 15, 2016 the game was made available to purchase again on Steam as well as PlayStation Store's DLC but only in the US markets. The game was re-released on November 18, 2015 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to coincide with the 2016 film of the same name. On November 16, 2017, the game was once again removed from digital storefronts due to licensing issues. \"Deadpool\" is an action beat 'em up video game, with new combos becoming available to Deadpool as he progresses. The game, which is rated \"mature\", frequently",
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"title": "The New Mutants (film)",
"text": "Bear would not be the main antagonist of the film, just that it was \"very much inspired\" by the run of the \"New Mutants\" comics in which Demon Bear was featured as the main villain. In January 2018, the film's release date was pushed back to February 22, 2019, which allowed it to avoid \"Deadpool 2\", which also had its release changed at that time to a date that would have had both films in theaters at the same time in certain markets, while also allowing time for the reshoots required to make the film more frightening. When asked about",
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"title": "Deadpool 2 (soundtrack)",
"text": "\"Ashes\" in particular received positive responses from critics with some even suggesting it be nominated for an Academy Award. Columbia released an album featuring songs heard only in the film's extended cut as well as previously released songs on August 10. Work on a sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\" began before that film's release in February of that year, with the creative team of star/producer Ryan Reynolds, director Tim Miller, and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick all set to return. However, Miller left the film that October citing \"mutual creative differences\" with Reynolds. Subsequently, Junkie XL announced he",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "plot as formulaic as well as the sheer number of jokes in the film. It also received many awards and nominations, including two Critics' Choice Awards and two Golden Globe nominations. A sequel, \"Deadpool 2\", was released in May 2018. Wade Wilson is a dishonorably discharged special forces operative working as a mercenary when he meets Vanessa, a prostitute. They become romantically involved, and a year later she accepts his marriage proposal. Wilson is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and leaves Vanessa without warning so she will not have to watch him die. A mysterious recruiter approaches Wilson, offering an experimental",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "France, and Australia on its first day, February 9, where it was the No. 1 film and broke several records. The film also opened well in Asian countries, notably Taiwan—where Reynolds had traveled for promotion and made the \"central hub\" of South East Asia for the film—and Hong Kong, where the film had the biggest Chinese New Year single day ever. It went on to gross $132.2 million for its international opening weekend, which included $9 million from IMAX showings breaking opening weekend records for February releases and R-rated films in that format in several markets. It was the No.",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "being blocked in China during this initial release, \"Deadpool\" eventually premiered in the country during the 2018 Beijing International Film Festival, which ran over a week from April 15–22. The original version of the film played at the festival without any edits being made specifically for Chinese censors. \"Deadpool\" was released for digital download on April 26, 2016, moved up from the physical home media release, which came on May 10. The latter release, for Blu-ray and DVD, included behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, a blooper reel, and two audio commentaries: one by Tim Miller and Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld, and",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Screen Rant called it possibly \"the best film marketing campaign in the history of cinema\". HostGator's Jeremy Jensen attributed the campaign's success to Reynolds, and to Fox for embracing the film's R rating. \"Deadpool\"s world premiere was held at the Grand Rex in Paris on February 8, 2016, before its initial theatrical release in Hong Kong the next day. This was followed by releases in 49 other markets over the next few days, including the United States on February 12. The movie was released in several formats, including IMAX, DLP, premium large formats, and D-Box. Kinberg explained that unlike the",
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"title": "X-Force",
"text": "direct the adaptation. Lauren Shuler Donner and Matthew Vaughn will produce. On December 3, 2013, Rob Liefeld confirmed that Cable and Deadpool would be appearing in the film. The film was planned to be released sometime in the year 2017. A piece of concept art shows Cable, Domino, Warpath, Cannonball, and Feral as members of the team. After the release of \"Deadpool\", Reynolds felt that Deadpool would soon be in an \"X-Force\" film, and Kinberg stated that there was potential for \"X-Force\" to be R-rated like \"Deadpool\" in contrast to the PG-13 \"mainline X-Men movies\". Bryan Singer has stated in",
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"title": "Marketing for Deadpool (film)",
"text": "\"Fantastic Four\". The full trailer was then released, now with completed visual effects. On December 14, a \"12 Days of Deadpool\" campaign began with \"new images, a featurette, or maybe a new poster\" released for the film each day by companies such as People,, Fandango, and Mashable leading up to the release of a new trailer on Christmas Day. For Halloween, Reynolds released a video with himself in the Deadpool costume, interacting with a group of children dressed as X-Men. He asks them questions such as \"How many of you have taken a human life?\" Videos released for the",
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"title": "Marketing for Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Marketing for Deadpool (film) \"Deadpool\" is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series. The film was directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano, Leslie Uggams, Brianna Hildebrand, and Stefan Kapičić. In \"Deadpool\", Wade Wilson hunts the man who gave him mutant abilities, but also a scarred physical appearance, as the wisecracking, fourth wall-breaking",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "1 film in all markets where it was released over the weekend, except Poland and Malaysia where it was No. 2 behind local films \"Planet Single\" and \"The Mermaid\", respectively. The film broke the record for biggest opening weekend in Russia and Thailand, and set records for biggest R-rated film and February opening weekends in several other markets. It remained No. 1 for the international box office in its second weekend, making an additional $84.7 million from 77 markets. The film made No. 1 debuts in 17 new countries, including Korea, Spain, and Italy, and maintained its No. 1 position",
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] | {
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"long_answer": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
"short_answers": [
"May 18, 2018"
} |
the south west wind blows across nigeria between | [
"till September"
] | [
"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "south atlantic ocean, locally known as the south western wind, or by its main name, The Tropical Maritime (MT) airmass. These two major wind systems in Nigeria are known as the trade winds. The tropical maritime airmass (MT) is responsible for Nigeria's rainy season. This wind (the tropical maritime airmass) invades the country from February in the southern part of Nigeria while it takes longer for the wind to fully cover the whole of the country, reaching the northern part of Nigeria in June. Its invasion is as a result of the northward retreat, of the tropical continental airmass (CT)",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "airmass (CT) in turn, causes the wind to expand and become lighter as this is the normal behaviour for winds moving above intensely heated grounds. The Tropical continental airmass (CT) loses its strength as a major airmass in the region of west Africa and over Nigeria at this time (around February in the southern part of Nigeria to June in northern Nigeria) and begins to retreat coupled with the rising of air in form of convection within this airmass (Tropical continental airmass (CT)), further weakening the dominance of the wind over west Africa and Nigeria. The Tropical continental airmass (CT)",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "of low pressure to develop over west Africa and Nigeria (between March to May). The Tropical continental airmass (CT) from the Sahara Desert in the northern part of West Africa, is weakened due to the overheating of the land surface in west Africa and Nigeria at this time. The Tropical continental airmass (CT) begins to retreat northwards to the Sahara Desert due to massive heating of the land which transfers heat in the form of convection into the Tropical continental airmass (CT) which constitutes the main layer of air above the land. This transfer of heat in the Tropical continental",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "Airmass (MT) in the rainy season of Nigeria, mornings are bright and sunny, the sun's heating of the land in the mornings and afternoons sets up convectional currents, these currents rise vertically and cumulonimbus clouds are formed, by afternoons to evenings, torrential downpour follows. The Easterly wave or the African easterly waves is another major contributor of rainfall during the summer monsoons months of May to September in Nigeria. The nature of this waves changes at about the 15 degrees line. The waves that pass south of this line carry moisture and create convection that leads to rain clouds. Nigeria's",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "northern end is south of the 15 degrees line at about 14 degrees. Nigeria's location in the wetter part of the easterly waves south of the 15 degree line creates wetter climatic conditions for Nigeria especially during the monsoons. The Tropical Continental Airmass (CT) locally known as the harmattan, is a wind originating from North Africa which crosses the Sahara Desert into west Africa to Nigeria. This airmass dominates Nigeria's climate during the dry season from December to March. The Tropical continental airmass is dusty and creates a haze within the atmosphere of west Africa and Nigeria when it predominates.",
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"title": "Awka",
"text": "dry winds from across the Sahara desert. The monsoon winds from the Atlantic creates six months of heavy tropical rains, which occur between April and July, followed by a short dry period in August lasting two to three weeks with the rain resuming in September and October. This is followed by five months of dryness (November - March) marked by a Harmattan wind, also known as Ugulu in Igbo, which is a particularly dry and dusty wind which enters Nigeria in late December or in the early part of January and is characterized by a grey haze limiting visibility and",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "finally retreats from most part of Nigeria, and the West African atmosphere around April to May, leaving an empty atmosphere over Nigeria. The sun's rays enters into the atmosphere of Nigeria more intense than it does during the presence of the Tropical continental airmass, which contained dust (in form of haze) that reduced the intensity of the sun. The overheating of the west Africa land mass and Nigeria in particular creates a low pressure region over west Africa and Nigeria. This low pressure zone attracts the Tropical Maritime Airmass (MT) from the south Atlantic Ocean since areas of low pressures",
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"title": "Onikwu",
"text": "The dry season is accompanied by a dust laden airmass from the Sahara Desert, locally known as Harmattan, or by its main name, The Tropical Continental (CT) airmass, while the rainy season is heavily influenced by an airmass originating from the south Atlantic Ocean, locally known as the south west wind, or by its main name, The Tropical Maritime (MT) airmass. These two major wind systems in Nigeria are known as the trade winds. The region Onikwu/Ndoni is flood prone communities, this is because the inland part of Rivers state consists of tropical rainforest; towards the coast the typical Niger",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "West Africa comes directly under the sun at this time. The sun is overhead throughout west Africa and over Nigeria during this period of the sun's northward migration to the tropic of cancer in the northern hemisphere. The whole of West Africa is heated intensely as result of the increased insolation received from the sun being overhead over west Africa. Temperatures can climb as high as over west Africa during this time. Temperatures in the northern part of Nigeria can go as high as in cities like Maiduguri. The high temperatures coupled with an increase in insolation causes a region",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "experiences inward blowing winds because winds are moving air blowing outwards from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. The Tropical Maritime Airmass is a warm humid and unstable trade wind due to its warmth. Convectional currents are easily set up within the airmass whenever there is little instability in the airmass as a result of a slight to a very high orographic uplift in mountainous regions like the obudu plateau or the heating of the land which can trigger the formation of cumulonimbus cloud leading to thunderstorms within the airmass. During the dominance of the Tropical Maritime",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "Nigeria, has a temperature range of to , and an annual rainfall of about with a single rainfall maxima in September. The single Dry season experienced in this climate, the tropical savanna climate in central Nigeria beginning from December to march, is hot and dry with the Harmattan wind, a continental tropical (CT) airmass laden with dust from the Sahara Desert prevailing throughout this period. With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "clear skies making the dry season in Nigeria a period of warm weather conditions.In the middle of the dry season around December, a dusty wind from the Sahara Desert called the harmattan enters Nigeria from the northeastern part of the country blocking sun rays partially from shining and also creating haze in the atmosphere, this activities of the wind lowers temperatures considerably saving inhabitants for sometime, from the scorching heat that would have occurred as a result of clearer skies during the dry season. But with the withdrawal of this wind around March to April following the onset of the",
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"title": "Dass, Nigeria",
"text": "is located within the Guinea savannah type of climate with 6-7 month of rainfall, usually starting from April and 5-6 month dry season from November to March every year respectively. The town records more than 1000mm annually. The rainfall in the area originates from the Atlantic maritime air masses, occurring on the leeward side of North Central Highland of Jos plateau. The two air masses that cover Nigeria which the study area is part, come into contact at inter tropical discontinuity (ITD) which resulted into occurrence of the rainfall in the area. The cold dry wind of continental origin forms",
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"title": "Dass, Nigeria",
"text": "part of the dusty harmattan wind that is experienced from December to February and in some instances up to march as it does in most part of northern Nigeria. The temperature in the area is relatively high with mean annual temperature of 30 °C There are different type of soil and soil profile in Dass because of the fact that the area is occupied by ridges and hills. Therefore, soils around and on the hills are azonal soils, that are immature having several layers with different structures that are said to have result from recent deposition of sediments examples are",
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"title": "Inyi, Nigeria",
"text": "and temperatures may even drop below the 18 °C, coming back to an average 32 °C during the day with occasional peaks above the 36 °C during the day. The hot harmattan winds evaporate body moisture quickly and give a sensation of coolness to the skin. It is these Sahara winds that carry large amounts of dust to the state, leaving a thick fog in the morning and a hazy sky for the rest of the day behind. However, the rain season falls between May and October with the heaviest rains in June and July during this season, the rain",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "very high, usually above the rainfall totals giving for tropical rainforest climates worldwide. Over of rainfall is received in the coastal region of Nigeria around the Niger delta area. Bonny town found in the coastal region of the Niger delta area in southern Nigeria receives well over of rainfall annually. The rest of the southeast receives between 2,000 and of rain per year. The southern region of Nigeria experiences a double rainfall maxima characterised by two high rainfall peaks, with a short dry season and a longer dry season falling between and after each peaks. The first rainy season begins",
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"title": "Afikpo South",
"text": "and the South West trade wind from the south Atlantic Ocean (also called The Tropical Maritime) airmass. Temperatures range from 20 °C to 38 °C during dry season and 16 °C to 28 °C during the rainy season. Average annual rainfall varies from 1750mm to 2250mm. The vegetation here is a parkland, with stunted trees and pockets of woodland and forest consisting of shrubs and large trees. The occupation here is generally subsistence farming and fishing. The postal code of the area is 490. Afikpo South Afikpo South historically known as Edda is a local government area in Ebonyi State,",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "are distinguishable, as one moves from the southern part of Nigeria to the northern part of Nigeria through Nigeria's middle belt. The tropical monsoon climate, designated by the Köppen climate classification as \"Am\", is found in the southern part of the country. This climate is influenced by the monsoons originating from the South Atlantic ocean, which is brought into the country by the (maritime tropical) MT airmass, a warm moist sea to land seasonal wind. Its warmth and high humidity gives it a strong tendency to ascend and produce copious rainfall, which is a result of the condensation of water",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "rainy season, temperatures can go as high as in some parts of Nigeria. Semi temperate weather conditions prevail on the highlands in central Nigeria above above sea level, namely the Jos Plateau. Temperatures on the Jos plateau ranges between 16 °C to 25 °C which are cool all year round. Temperate weather conditions occur on the highlands along the Nigeria Cameroon border, in the eastern part of Nigeria. Highlands in these region attain an average height of more than to some standing above above sea level. The climate on these highlands is temperate all year round. The major highlands in",
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"title": "Ebenebe",
"text": "are followed by five months of dry weather from November to March. The Harmattan, also known as Ugulu in the Igbo language, is a particularly dry and dusty wind which enters Nigeria in late December or in the early part of January. It is characterized by a grey haze that limits visibility and blocks the sun's rays. The temperature in Ebenebe is generally between 28 and 32 degrees Celsius from June through December. It rises to 32–34 degrees between January and April, with the last few months of the dry season marked by intense heat. Like every other agrarian community,",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "of the suns rays in the rainy season; this in turn cools the land, and the winds above the ground remains cool thereby making for cooler temperatures during the rainy season. But afternoons in the rainy season can be hot and humid, a feature of tropical climates. In the rainy season it is damp, and the rainfalls are usually abundant. The dry season of Nigeria is a period of little cloud cover in the southern part of Nigeria to virtually no cloud cover in the northern part of Nigeria. The sun shines through the atmosphere with little obstructions from the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "vapour in the rapidly rising air. The Tropical monsoon climate has a very small temperature range. Then temperature ranges are almost constant throughout the year, for example, Warri town in the southern part of Nigeria, records a maximum of for its hottest month while its lowest temperature is in its coldest month. The temperature difference of Warri town is not more than 2 °C (5 °F). The southern part of Nigeria experiences heavy and abundant rainfall. These storms are usually convectional in nature due to the regions proximity, to the equatorial belt. The annual rainfall received in this region is",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "winds within the jet increase to . By June, it shifts northward into northwest Africa. From June into October, the thermal low over northern Africa leads to a low-level westerly jet stream to the south of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The mid-level African easterly jet develops because heating of the West African land mass during this time of year creates a surface temperature and moisture gradient between the Gulf of Guinea and the Sahara Desert. The atmosphere responds by generating vertical wind shear to maintain thermal wind balance. The jet reaches its zenith in August, lying between the 16th and",
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"title": "Inyi, Nigeria",
"text": "is mostly preceded by strong winds and skies filled with lightning and Thunder. In the absence of rain, weather is clear and cool, around 26 °C; during the day and 20 °C in the night, however humidity prevails. The annual rainfall in Enugu State is between 1.5 and 2 metres. Beniah Madueke, Francis Emeribe, John Anyaji, Basillos Onyebuchi,EzeChukwu Maduekesi(1st Warrant Chief), UdeEkwo Nwokolo, Udeagbara Uzoka, Edward Mba, Alfred Obika (Enugwu), Micheal Amuche, Matthew Anyafuluzo, Ezekiel Ike and Pa Obika (Agbariji) and a host of others were the pioneers who received Christianity about the 1917 and founded the two early churches",
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"title": "Monsoon",
"text": "lower pressure, and this produces condensation. The monsoon of western Sub-Saharan Africa is the result of the seasonal shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the great seasonal temperature and humidity differences between the Sahara and the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. It migrates northward from the equatorial Atlantic in February, reaches western Africa on or near June 22, then moves back to the south by October. The dry, northeasterly trade winds, and their more extreme form, the harmattan, are interrupted by the northern shift in the ITCZ and resultant southerly, rain-bearing winds during the summer. The semiarid Sahel and Sudan depend",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "African easterly jet The African easterly jet is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is at a maximum and the wind is easterly. The temperature contrast between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea causes the jet to form to the north of the monsoon trough. The jet's maximum wind speeds are at a height of . The jet moves northward from its south-most location in January, reaching its most northerly latitude in August. Its strongest winds are in September while it begins shifting back towards the equator. Within the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "to farmers since the low humidity present in the air quickens the drying of their crops. Nigeria's location in the tropics has given her a tropical hot climate. Temperatures in Nigeria vary according to the seasons of the year as with other lands found in the tropics. Nigeria's seasons are determined by rainfall with rainy season and dry season being the major seasons in Nigeria. The rainy season of Nigeria brings in cooler weather to the country as a result of an increased cloud cover that acts as a blockage to the intense sunshine of the tropics by blocking much",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "tropical cyclones after they move from west Africa into the tropical Atlantic, mainly during August and September. When the jet is south of normal during the peak months of the Atlantic hurricane season, tropical cyclone formation is suppressed. African easterly jet The African easterly jet is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is at a maximum and the wind is easterly. The temperature contrast between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea causes the jet to form to the north of the monsoon trough. The jet's maximum wind speeds are",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "The haze is as a result of the dust within the airmass limiting visibility and blocking much of the sun's rays from reaching the earth. The mass has no ability of forming rain due to low humidity within the airmass, since it crosses the Sahara Desert, it picks up dust instead of water thereby creating little chances for rainfall. The airmass makes life difficult as a result of low visibility which hampers transportation. The dust haze creates an almost desert conditions in the country during the dominance of the Tropical continental airmass (the harmattan). But its coming brings some relief",
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] | {
"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"long_answer": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.Rainfall totals in central Nigeria varies from 1,100 mm (43.3 in) in the lowlands of the river Niger Benue trough to over 2,000 mm (78.7 in) along the south western escarpment of the Jos Plateau.",
"chunked_long_answer": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.",
"short_answers": [
"till September"
} |
what does hp mean in war and order | [
"hit points or health points"
] | [
"title": "Health (gaming)",
"text": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "which in turn will help improve the protection of civilians in armed conflict. The HPCR Manual hopes to serve as a valuable resource for military forces while developing rules of engagement, writing military manuals, preparing training courses, and the actual conduct of armed forces in combat operations, while also providing the armed services' lawyers a cohesive text to assist them in their tasks. The HPCR Manual is a practical tool that will make decision-making easier in a real-time operational environment, while also giving confidence to those who utilize it. The objective of the HPCR Manual is to be of help",
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"title": "Navy Marine Corps Intranet",
"text": "perspective, produced results that were far from optimal.” NMCI consolidated roughly 6,000 networks—some of which could not e-mail, let alone collaborate with each other—into a single integrated and secure IT environment. HP updated more than 100,000 desktop and laptop PCs in 2007. The program also consolidated an ad hoc network of more than 8,000 applications to 500 in four years and 15,003 logistics and readiness systems to 2,759 over a two-year period. Sub-contractors to HP include: HP also provides the security services once provided by Raytheon. HP also has worked with more than 400 small businesses, with 5 percent for",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare After consulting with scholars and governmental experts, the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) created in 2003 a multi-annual Project intended to restate the existing international laws applicable to air and missile warfare. This Project helped to formulate the \"HPCR Manual\" on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare. In 1923, the Rules of Air Warfare were drafted at the Hague by a Commission of Jurists. Since then, air power has become a crucial element of military arsenal and modern warfare. The developments",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "in air and missile technology in the last few decades have completely altered military strategy and created distinct challenges to the protection of civilians in time of armed conflict. Although a number of international treaties have been adopted in response to modern warfare, including the four 1949 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims, the two Additional Protocols of 1977, and various conventions regarding cultural property, biological weapons, and chemical weapons, many important aspects of air and missile operations are not included. Also, some of these instruments, especially AP/I, are not binding on all states, including the United States.",
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"id": "14350524",
"score": "0.83411145",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard",
"text": "It scored most points on the new Sustainable Operations criteria, having the best program for measuring and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from its suppliers and scoring maximum points for its thorough paper procurement policy. In the November 2012 report, HP was ranked second, with a score of 5.7. HP does especially well for its disclosure of externally verified greenhouse gas emissions and its setting of targets for reducing them. However, Greenpeace reports that HP risks a penalty point in future editions due to the fact that it is a member of trade associations that have commented against energy efficiency",
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"title": "Hume's principle",
"text": "Hume's principle Hume's principle or HP—the terms were coined by George Boolos—says that the number of \"F\"s is equal to the number of \"G\"s if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence (a bijection) between the \"F\"s and the \"G\"s. HP can be stated formally in systems of second-order logic. Hume's principle is named for the Scottish philosopher David Hume. HP plays a central role in Gottlob Frege's philosophy of mathematics. Frege shows that HP and suitable definitions of arithmetical notions entail all axioms of what we now call second-order arithmetic. This result is known as Frege's theorem, which",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "Because of this, the Commentary on the HPCR Manual identifies US practices and positions which are consistent with the rules of AP/I. The goal of the \"HPCR Manual\" is to give a methodical restatement of international law and air and missile warfare, based on the practice of States accepted as law and treaties in force. Because the authors of the HPCR Manual have no legislative power, there is no innovative aspect. By providing a reference on international law applicable to air and missile warfare, the HPCR Manual will help to stimulate discussions among legal advisors, military advisors, and humanitarian practitioners,",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "to those who plan, approve or execute air or missile operations before rather than after the event. The HPCR Manual is also meant to be used by other segments of armed forces, such as commanders of forces that are receiving these attacks. Needless to say, it is hoped that the HPCR Manual will be used extensively in training and instruction courses in both wartime and peacetime, so as to familiarize prospective users with the patterns of behavior expected of them. The Black-Letter Rules of the \"HPCR Manual\" are a collective creation of the Group of Experts. The Black-Letter Rules reflect",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise Networking",
"text": "application network traffic patterns; and changes in size and density of the data center, due to some services being offloaded to cloud computing resources, greater compute density, and an increased use of virtual technology. In turn, these changes have led to an increased demand for software-defined networking (SDN)technology from organizations. In 2007 HP collaborated with Stanford University to develop Ethane, an early version of the open-source standard OpenFlow upon which SDN is based. HP is a founding member of the nonprofit Open Networking Foundation. Organized in March 2011, the foundation provides support for SDN and manages the OpenFlow standard. HP",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise",
"text": "U.S. military to a cyber attack.\" In November 2017, Meg Whitman announced that she will be stepping down as CEO, after six years at the helm of HP and HPE, she noted that on February 1, Antonio Neri will take this role. The announcement created controversy leading to a 6% drop in stock price, which quickly recovered during the next few days. In June 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise launched a hybrid cloud service called GreenLake Hybrid Cloud, which is built on top of HPE's OneSphere cloud management SaaS offering. GreenLake Hybrid Cloud is designed to provide cloud management, cost control,",
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"title": "Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems",
"text": "(HPM)\" weapon to fry adversary electronic systems. The HPM weapon would be \"fired\" out an aperture on the front of the aircraft, with electronic steering used to direct the beam over an arc covering about 45 degrees to either side of the UCAV. The HPM weapon could be followed by a high power laser weapon. The Navy is interested in many of the features on the Air Force wish list, though the Navy has put reconnaissance and jamming at the top of the list and strike at the bottom, and seems to be indifferent to the containerization concept. Of course,",
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"title": "David Packard",
"text": "to be registered. Upon entering office in 1969, President Richard M. Nixon appointed Packard U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense under Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. Packard resigned in December 1971 and returned to Hewlett-Packard in 1972 as Chairman of the Board. While serving in the Department of Defense (DoD), he brought concepts of resource management used in business to the military, as well as establishing the Defense Systems Management College. In 1970, Packard issued a memorandum that contained a number of major reforms designed to address \"the real mess we have on our hands.\" A key reform was elimination of",
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"title": "Robert Fry",
"text": "Alliance and the loss of Southern Afghanistan to Taliban control. He was deployed as Senior British Military Representative and Deputy Commanding General, Multinational Force, Iraq in March 2006 and retired in 2007. From July 2007 to March 2010, Fry served as CEO of HP Enterprise Services Defence & Security UK, where he ran HPs $1.5 billion Europe, Africa and Middle East defence business. In January 2010 he was appointed chairman of the business consultancy McKinney Rogers International and in 2011 became chairman of Albany Associates. He remains an advisor to HP and a number of other companies in the defence",
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"id": "7902831",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard Israel",
"text": "had been asked by \"Who profits?\", in relation to the Basel control system, confirming that HP Israel, was hired by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to operate and maintain in operation the Basel control system. The Ministry of Defense of Israel indicated that the system had been installed at the following checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian West Bank: Jericho, Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Hebron, Abu Dis, Tarkumia, and near the door of Efraim. In 2014, the Israeli Ministry of Defense responded to a question about the freedom of information asked by \"Who Profits?\". The ministry told the media that HP",
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"title": "HP Technology Services",
"text": "Services also help CIOs build their IT strategy to align directly with that of the business and innovate in their industries with business services powered by technology. And it has brought the good recommended services to all the customers. Which has highly appreciated. HP Technology Services HP Technology Services is a business unit within the HP Enterprise Business division of Hewlett-Packard (HP), a large information technology (IT) vendor. HP Technology Services provides IT design, planning, implementation, integration and maintenance services and support for organizations and government agencies. The group also offers business and technology consulting services. In May 2012, HP",
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"title": "War and Peace (game)",
"text": "roll is made on the attrition table and then applied to all the hexes where you have forces (as a house rule, some players roll separately for each force to reduce the role of luck). There is a column for every strength value - the larger the force, the more severe attrition will be, but stacks of 5 Strength Points or less are immune, which rewards players for keeping their armies in corps-sized stacks (see below for how such stacks can reinforce one another in combat). There are DRMs that apply (e.g. attrition is more severe in winter, and in",
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"title": "War and Peace (game)",
"text": "Spain and Russia where it was harder for armies to live off the land; all units in their home country get a -1 DRM whereas unsupplied units get a +1 DRM). If more than one strength point is to be lost then one of them must be cavalry if there is one in the hex. Neutral countries are immune from attrition, enabling a defeated major power to rebuild their forces until they rejoin the war. Diplomacy takes place in the alliance phase. This system is used to allow nations to ally with one another. Alliances essentially allow you to acquire",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard",
"text": "that the company exists to make technical contributions for the advancement and welfare of humanity.\" The following are the tenets of The HP Way: In July 2007, the company announced that it had met its target, set in 2004, to recycle one billion pounds of electronics, toner and ink cartridges. It set a new goal of recycling a further two billion pounds of hardware by the end of 2010. In 2006, the company recovered 187 million pounds of electronics, 73 percent more than its closest competitor. In 2008, HP released its supply chain emissions data — an industry first. In",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "the consensus of the Group of Experts as to the state of the most significant elements of International Humanitarian Law bearing on air and missile warfare in 2009. Each Black-Letter Rule of the HPCR Manual includes a user-friendly explanation for both legal advisers and those who plan, approve or execute air or missile operations on both sides of the armed conflict. The commentary is done in \"bullet point\" style. The Core Group of Experts is made up of 24 people, including Claude Bruderlein, Director of the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University, Dr. Yoram Dinstein, Senior",
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"title": "HP SPaM",
"text": "HP SPaM HP SPaM (Hewlett-Packard Strategic Planning and Modeling) is an internal consulting group that supports HP businesses on mission-critical strategic and operation decisions. SPaM's mission is to drive innovation and data-driven decisions in HP through assisting with analytics, consulting, and operations management. As evidenced by its publications and awards, SPaM has been a prominent example of the deployment and practice of OR/MS (operations research and the management science) in large companies. Together with HP Labs, SPaM represents HP at the INFORMS Roundtable, a group of organizations whose purpose is to promote OR/MS excellence in practice. SPaM pioneered and leads",
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"title": "BattleTech",
"text": "as the primary means of interstellar communication in the BattleTech universe and operate on worlds throughout inhabited space. HPGs operate on a similar principle as the Kearny-Fuchida jump drive, sending a directional radio transmission instantaneously from one station to another over a distance of up to 50 light years. Though the nature of the technology allows only unidirectional broadcasts, paired HPGs can provide simultaneous bidirectional communication. Given the demand and expense of hyperpulse communication, messages are frequently bundled into batches of hundreds, sent simultaneously. While the transmission itself is nearly instantaneous, it may be days, weeks, or months before a",
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"title": "High-value target",
"text": "of action. High-Payoff targets are those High-Value targets that must be acquired and successfully attacked for the success of the friendly commander's mission also known as an HPT Soldiers are often asked to do all that is possible to capture an HVT alive but, if that is impossible, they are given clearance to fire. Various tasked Joint Special Operations Task Forces (Task Force 145, Task Force 121, Task Force 11) have been established for the main purposes of capturing or killing these high-value targets. Forces assigned to these tasked forces include units mainly from the Joint Special Operations Command and",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "Academic Advisor at HPCR and Professor Emeritus of International Law at Tel Aviv University, Knut Dörmann, Head of the Legal Division at the International Committee of the Red Cross, Dr. Frits Kalshoven, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Leiden University, Colonel (ret.) W. Hays Parks, Former Special Assistant to the Judge Advocate General of the Army for Law of War Matters with the Office of General Counsel in the US Department of Defense, Professor Michael N Schmitt, Dean and Professor of International Law at the George C. Marshall Center, and Dr. Zhu Wenqi, Professor of International Law at the Law",
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"id": "14350529",
"score": "0.7911843",
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"title": "Worldwar: In the Balance",
"text": "back in the face of a seemingly unstoppable nemesis. While hostilities between the Axis and Allied powers end almost immediately, this is the result of military expediency rather than a sign of genuine cooperation. With the Race's forces battering the human armies into submission, no resources can be expended on human rivalries. The unsettling reality of the new balance of power is emphasized by the fact that, in the early days of the fighting, only Germany is able to battle the aliens with any measure of success. Since Germany has been at war longer than the other major powers and",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise Networking",
"text": "include workshops, consultation, network assessment, and architectural design services involving network virtualization and SDN. Hewlett Packard Enterprise through Aruba Networks sells HP Networking Products for businesses, schools, and government entities. HP Networking Training covers product-, solution-, and sales-oriented topics. The HP ExpertOne program networking training and certification program covers a range of networking curricula, from beginning-level courses to Master engineer classes, on three separate tracks: technical, sales, and partner-restricted. Fast-track programs are designed for participants to build upon current industry certifications from Cisco and other companies. In early 2014, HP initiated eight new sales certifications for its technology partners, designed",
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"title": "Navy Marine Corps Intranet",
"text": "conference that \"NMCI is the most secure network within the Navy.\" The Navy and HP measure end user satisfaction through a series of quarterly satisfaction surveys. End user satisfaction has steadily improved, reaching a high of nearly 86% in February 2008, as compared to 80% in December 2006. This is largely due to the upgrade of nearly 112,000 desktop and laptop computers in 2007, and a combination of network enhancements that are improving speed and reliability. HP is on track to upgrade another 120,000 seats in 2008 at Navy and Marine Corps bases in the US and Asia. Working in",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "School of Renmin University of China. Other experts, including 7 government experts and 6 experts that participated in some of the sessions, also contributed to the \"HPCR Manual\". (1) \"IHL in Air and Missile Warfare\" Homepage (2) \"HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare\" HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare After consulting with scholars and governmental experts, the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) created in 2003 a multi-annual Project intended to restate the existing international laws applicable to air and missile warfare. This Project helped",
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"title": "Strategic management",
"text": "carry out the guiding policy. President Kennedy outlined these three elements of strategy in his Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation of 22 October 1962: Active strategic management required active information gathering and active problem solving. In the early days of Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett devised an active management style that they called \"management by walking around\" (MBWA). Senior HP managers were seldom at their desks. They spent most of their days visiting employees, customers, and suppliers. This direct contact with key people provided them with a solid grounding from which viable strategies could be crafted.",
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"title": "Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor",
"text": "the fact that, the Russian Army is launching a massive attack against the Chinese-UN forces in Europe along the border with the city of Warsaw, the UN has no choice but to retreat its forces from Spain and lift the pressure on America by retreating its East Coast forces to face the invasion on Europe. The US military takes advantage of the situation to launch a coordinated invasion of France, the invasion proves successful in taking Paris and destroying a military fort used to replenish the HVT's Human Processing Unit (HPU), which are in fact UN-captured prisoners of war turned",
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"title": "Health (gaming)",
"long_answer": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
"short_answers": [
"hit points or health points"
} |
who wrote the first declaration of human rights | [
] | [
"title": "Cyrus Cylinder",
"text": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "John Peters Humphrey John Peters Humphrey, OC (April 30, 1905 – March 14, 1995) was a Canadian legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate. He is most famous as the author of the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Humphrey was born to Frank Humphrey and Nellie Peter on April 30, 1905, in Hampton, New Brunswick. His childhood was touched by tragedy as he lost both his parents to cancer and he also lost one of his arms in an accident while playing with fire. Humphrey attended a boarding school where he endured teasing from other students;",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "of the bench, which sits beside two tall stone plinths, one of which has several articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights carved into it in English, French and Maliseet. The memorial sits on the front lawn of the County Court House in the center of the town. John Peters Humphrey John Peters Humphrey, OC (April 30, 1905 – March 14, 1995) was a Canadian legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate. He is most famous as the author of the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Humphrey was born to Frank Humphrey and Nellie Peter",
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"title": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "P. C. Chang of Republic of China (Taiwan), and Hansa Mehta of India among others. While not a member of the drafting committee, the French philosopher Jacques Maritain was influential in the lead up to the drafting of the Universal Declaration, advocacy for it within UNESCO in 1947-8, and in its subsequent advancement. The Drafting Committee included John Peters Humphrey was newly appointed as Director of the Division of Human Rights within the United Nations Secretariat. In this role, he produced the first draft of a list of rights that were to form the basis of the Declaration. The underlying",
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"title": "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention Against Torture, and many more. The Declaration continues to be widely cited by governments, academics, advocates, and constitutional courts, and by individuals who appeal to its principles for the protection of their recognised human rights. The Universal Declaration has received praise from a number of notable people. The Lebanese philosopher and diplomat Charles Malik called it \"an international document of the first order of importance\", while Eleanor Roosevelt—first chairwoman of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) that drafted the Declaration—stated that it \"may well become the international Magna Carta of all",
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"title": "P. C. Chang",
"text": "as Voltaire, Quesnay and Diderot in their humanistic revolt against feudalism,\" he told the UN General Assembly in 1948. On the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafting committee, he served both as an effective Asian delegate and also as a mediator when the negotiations reached a stalemate. He served as Vice-Chairman of the original UN Commission on Human Rights and Republic of China delegate to committee and played a pivotal role in its drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948. He and fellow delegate Charles Malik, the Lebanese philosopher-diplomat, shared ideals of universal human rights, but",
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"title": "Human rights in the United States",
"text": "prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and black sites, and extrajudicial targeted killings (Disposition Matrix). Some observers give the U.S. high to fair marks on human rights, while others charge it with a persistent pattern of human rights violations. The first human rights organization in the Thirteen Colonies of British America, dedicated to the abolition of slavery, was formed by Anthony Benezet in 1775. A year later, the Declaration of Independence announced that the Thirteen Colonies regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. The Declaration stated \"that all men are created equal, that they are",
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"title": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted from early 1947 to late 1948 by Drafting Committee the first United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Further discussion and amendments were made by the Commission on Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations. Members of the Commission who contributed significantly to the creation of the Declaration included Canadian John Peters Humphrey of the United Nations Secretariat, Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States (who chaired the Drafting Committee), René Cassin of France, Charles Malik of Lebanon,",
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"title": "Human rights",
"text": "and peace in the world.\" The declaration was the first international legal effort to limit the behaviour of states and press upon them duties to their citizens. The UDHR was framed by members of the Human Rights Commission, with former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt as Chair, who began to discuss an \"International Bill of Rights\" in 1947. The members of the Commission did not immediately agree on the form of such a bill of rights, and whether, or how, it should be enforced. The Commission proceeded to frame the UDHR and accompanying treaties, but the UDHR quickly became the priority.",
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"title": "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "committee included René Cassin of France, Charles Malik of Lebanon, and P. C. Chang of the Republic of China. Humphrey provided the initial draft that became the working text of the Commission. According to Allan Carlson, the Declaration's pro-family phrases were the result of the Christian Democratic movement's influence on Cassin and Malik. Once the Committee finished its work in May 1948, the draft was further discussed by the Commission on Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council, the Third Committee of the General Assembly before being put to vote in December 1948. During these discussions many amendments and propositions",
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"title": "Hernán Santa Cruz",
"text": "Hernán Santa Cruz Hernán Santa Cruz (1906-1999) was a Chilean delegate to the United Nations, judge, lawyer and one of the initial drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Born in Initially a lecturer on criminal and military procedure prior to his appointment as a judge to Chile's Superior Military Court, Cruz's role in the United Nations, as a delegate of the Third Committee and Human Rights Commission, was a formative one. According to Susan Waltz, although Cruz \"held no position of responsibility...his political and substantive contributions were such\" that his co-drafter, John Peters Humphrey and author Johannes Morsink,",
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"title": "Constitutional history of Colombia",
"text": "Indies of 1542. The Monarchy of Spain tried to enforce these laws but revolts by Spaniards that benefited from oppressing the natives forced Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to suppress them in 1545. The \"Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen\", translated and published by Antonio Nariño in 1794 and distributed in Santa Fe de Bogotá, could be considered the first draft of a political constitution in the New World. At present, the modern version of the \"Universal Declaration of Human Rights\" forms the core of the political constitutions of many countries. The Constitution of Canada, for",
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"title": "P. C. Chang",
"text": "debated what they were and how they could be described in an international document. By most accounts, Chang and Malik were the philosophical leaders of the deliberations. Chang argued that the modern world should pay heed to Chinese philosophers such as Mencius not because they were Chinese, but because their ideas had universal validity. Sumner Twiss, \"Confucian Contributions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,\" in Arvind Sharma. \"The World's Religions : A Contemporary Reader.\" (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011). . Hans Ingvar Roth, \"P.C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights\" (University of Pennsylvania Press 2018) P. C. Chang",
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"title": "Women's rights",
"text": "is our inferior\". in 1754, Dorothea Erxleben became the first German woman receiving a M.D. (University of Halle) In 1791 the French playwright and political activist Olympe de Gouges published the \"Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen\", modelled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. The Declaration is ironic in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution, which had been devoted to equality. It states that: \"This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "Rights. After consulting with the executive group of the Commission, chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, Professor Humphrey prepared the first preliminary draft of what was to become the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the night of December 10, 1948, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the Declaration, dubbed by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt as \"the international Magna Carta of all humankind.\" Humphrey remained with the UN for 20 years. During this period, the oversaw the implementation of 67 international conventions and the constitutions of dozens of countries. He worked in areas including the freedom of the press, status of women, and racial",
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"title": "Boaz Mahune",
"text": "of Hawaii's first constitution. Mahune became one of the secretaries and advisors to the King. He was responsible for writing the first draft of the Declaration of Rights of 1839, originally written in the Hawaiian language. After several round of changes by the king and his councilors, it was published June 7, 1839. Considered Hawaii's Magna Carta, it laid down the inalienable rights of the people, the principles of equality of between the \"makaʻāinana\" (commoner) and the \"aliʻi\" (chiefs) and the role of the government and law in the kingdom. Along with the Declaration of Rights, many of the laws",
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"title": "Hersch Lauterpacht",
"text": "CBE, QC, who founded the Centre and was its first director; Elihu remained actively involved in its work as Director Emeritus and Honorary Professor of International Law until his death in February 2017. Samuel Moyn has suggested that Hersch was one of the few international lawyers actively campaigning for human rights in the late 1940s, and that he had \"denounced the Universal Declaration as a shameful defeat of the ideals it grandly proclaimed\". Hersch Lauterpacht Sir Hersch Lauterpacht QC (16 August 1897 – 8 May 1960) was a Polish-British lawyer and judge at the International Court of Justice. Hersh Lauterpacht",
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"title": "Richard McKeon",
"text": "Richard McKeon Richard McKeon (; April 26, 1900 – March 31, 1985) was an American philosopher and longtime professor at the University of Chicago. His ideas formed the basis for the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. McKeon obtained his undergraduate degree from Columbia University in 1920, graduating at the early age of 20 despite serving briefly in the U.S. Navy during the First World War. Continuing at Columbia, he completed a Master's thesis on Leo Tolstoy, Benedetto Croce, and George Santayana, also in 1920, and a doctoral thesis on Baruch Spinoza in 1922. In his doctoral studies, McKeon's mentors",
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"title": "Wang Zaoshi",
"text": "for schizophrenia and died in hospital. In 1966 Wang was held in Shanghai First Detention Center, where in September 1971, due to hepatorenal syndrome, he died at the age of 70. Wang's views on human rights (\"minquan\") had been shaped by Harold Laski's Fabianism. He argued \"human rights\" were different from the \"natural rights\" advocated by John Locke and rejected the idea that these rights proceeded from nature or that they were inherent; Wang insisted that human rights were indeed attached to man's moral nature, but that their central value was that meaningful existence would be impossible without them. Without",
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"title": "Cui Zhiyuan",
"text": "Pengchun’s role in drafting United Nations’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Zhang Pengchun (1892-1957) studied with John Dewey and got his Ph.D. from Columbia University and was the first Provost of Tsinghua University in 1923. He was the only Vice Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights (with Eleanor Roosevelt as the Chairman) in drafting the Universal Declaration, especially in inserting the Chinese concept “Ren” (, two men). Zhang initially translated “Ren” as two men mindedness, because “two men mindedness” is considered as too awkward, thus “conscience” was used in the final text of the Preamble of",
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"title": "John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey",
"text": "in 1940 by the \"Daily Herald\" and the National Peace Council, and which Sankey chaired. The most active member of the committee was H.G. Wells, who prepared the draft that the Declaration was based on. It identified eleven fundamental human rights: The Sankey Declaration was widely publicised by its sponsors at the time, but has since been largely forgotten, having been overtaken by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Sankey played a key role in establishing the legal framework of the newly disestablished Church in Wales. Sankey never married. He died in February 1948, aged 81, when the barony and",
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"title": "Georg Jellinek",
"text": "son Walter, and daughter Dora, who was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp by the Nazis and youngest son, Otto, who died in 1943 as a result of abuse at the hands of the Gestapo. Jellinek is best known for his essay \"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen\" (1895), which argues for a universal theory of rights, as opposed to the culturally and nationally specific arguments then in vogue (particularly that of Émile Boutmy). Jellinek argued that the French Revolution, which was the focal point of 19th-century political theory, should not be thought of as arising",
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"title": "Tada Kasuke",
"text": "the 11th and 12th articles of the Constitution of Japan. The other is inscribed with the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The inscriptions on the two plaques are both in Japanese and English, which clearly shows a global perspective of the founding fathers of the museum. Tada Kasuke (date of birth unknown—died January 1, 1687, or in the third year of the Jōkyō era) was a Japanese farmer who led a failed appeal for lowered taxes in Azumidaira, a part of the Matsumoto Domain under the control of the Tokugawa shogunate. He was caught and executed",
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"title": "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen",
"text": "the law. It is included in the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic (1946) and Fifth Republic (1958) and is still current. Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers, the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide. The Declaration, together with Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Bill of Rights, inspired in large part the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The content of",
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"title": "Frederick Nolde",
"text": "Frederick Nolde Otto Frederick Nolde (1899–1972) was a human rights pioneer who served as professor of Christian Education and Dean of the Graduate School at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia while emerging as a major player on the world's diplomatic stage during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Nolde influenced human rights language in the United Nations Charter and wrote the Universal Declaration on Human Rights's freedom of religion section. Nolde lived in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania a Philadelphia suburb, and died in 1972. He did his undergraduate work at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania and was a member of Phi Kappa",
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"title": "Hernán Santa Cruz",
"text": "later singled out the important role he played in shaping the Declaration's transition away from \"eighteenth century Enlightenment philosophy\" towards \"socioeconomic rights.\" According to the United Nations, in addition to his work on the declaration, Cruz was \"actively involved in the establishment of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.\" Hernán Santa Cruz Hernán Santa Cruz (1906-1999) was a Chilean delegate to the United Nations, judge, lawyer and one of the initial drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Born in Initially a lecturer on criminal and military procedure prior to his appointment as a",
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"title": "American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man",
"text": "American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, also known as the Bogota Declaration, was the world's first international human rights instrument of a general nature, predating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by less than a year. The Declaration was adopted by the nations of the Americas at the Ninth International Conference of American States in Bogotá, Colombia, in April 1948, where we can find most of its travaux préparatoires. The same meeting that adopted the Charter of the Organization of American States and thereby created the OAS.",
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"title": "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen",
"text": "de Gouges to publish the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in early 1791. Olympe de Gouges was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached large audiences. She began her career as a playwright in the early 1780s, and as the political tensions of the French Revolution built, she became more involved in politics and law. In 1788 she published \"Réflexions sur les hommes négres\", which demanded compassion for the plight of slaves in the French colonies. For Gouges there was a direct link between the autocratic monarchy in France and",
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"title": "Habib Malik",
"text": "Habib Malik Habib Malik is an associate professor of history and cultural studies at the Lebanese American University (LAU). His father Charles Malik was a leading figure in the drafting and adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Habib Malik was born in 1954 in Washington D.C. and received his school education both in the United States and in the Lebanon. His father, Charles Malik, was the first ambassador of Lebanon to the United States and is well known to have contributed to and shaping the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(10 December 1948), among other diplomatic services in",
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"title": "Thomas M'Clintock",
"text": "the first women's rights convention. She attended the famous tea party in the Hunt where the idea for a convention was first discussed. The original Declaration of Sentiments was then written at the M'Clintock house by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mary Ann and probably Elizabeth M'Clintock and Mary M'Clintock. Thomas may have been involved in those discussions, but there is no direct record of that. He did chair one of the sessions of the subsequent convention and gave a speech in support of the declaration. The entire M'Clintock family was involved in the convention, and they even helped to organize a",
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] | {
"title": "Cyrus Cylinder",
"long_answer": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
"short_answers": [
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who is the owner of reading football club | [
"Xiu Li Dai",
"Dai Xiuli",
"Dai Yongge",
"Yongge Dai"
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
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"title": "Nigel Howe",
"text": "Nigel Howe Nigel Howe (born 7 April 1958) is a British property developer, and a director at Reading Football Club, who currently play in the SkyBet Championship in England. The majority of Howe's career was in property management before joining John Madejski in 1995 when he took over as chief executive of Reading F.C. Howe led the redevelopment of both the club's Madejski Stadium and its business management, and is also a non-executive director of a number of other businesses in which John Madejski has invested including the BenhamGoodhead Print Group, Sackville Properties and the Ark Group. He is also",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "The couple married in late 2009 and had a child. Anton Zingarevich Anton Zingarevich (Russian: Антон Зингаревич) is a Russian businessman best known for being the former owner of Reading Football Club, who play in the English Championship. Zingarevich's bid to take over the club was announced in January 2012, and he formally purchased the club on 29 May 2012. Since then, Zingarevich has had minimum interest in the running of the club, however did make the decision to sack manager Brian McDermott, and the subsequent employment of Nigel Adkins. Zingarevich is the son of Boris Zingarevich, a Russian multi-billionaire.",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "Anton Zingarevich Anton Zingarevich (Russian: Антон Зингаревич) is a Russian businessman best known for being the former owner of Reading Football Club, who play in the English Championship. Zingarevich's bid to take over the club was announced in January 2012, and he formally purchased the club on 29 May 2012. Since then, Zingarevich has had minimum interest in the running of the club, however did make the decision to sack manager Brian McDermott, and the subsequent employment of Nigel Adkins. Zingarevich is the son of Boris Zingarevich, a Russian multi-billionaire. At the age of 16, Zingarevich began education at Bearwood",
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"title": "Nigel Howe",
"text": "a non-executive director of the Clearview Traffic Group. Howe is the nephew of former England and Arsenal coach Don Howe. Nigel Howe Nigel Howe (born 7 April 1958) is a British property developer, and a director at Reading Football Club, who currently play in the SkyBet Championship in England. The majority of Howe's career was in property management before joining John Madejski in 1995 when he took over as chief executive of Reading F.C. Howe led the redevelopment of both the club's Madejski Stadium and its business management, and is also a non-executive director of a number of other businesses",
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "Reading F.C. Reading Football Club ( ) is a professional association football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. The team play in the Championship, the second tier of English football. Reading are nicknamed The Royals, due to Reading's location in the Royal County of Berkshire, though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen, due to the town's association with Huntley and Palmers. Established in 1871, the club is one of the oldest teams in England, but did not join The Football League until 1920, and had never played in the top tier of English football league system before the 2006–07",
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"title": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire Reading is home to a number of professional sports teams and a large number of amateur sports clubs. Reading is the home of Reading Football Club, an association football club nicknamed \"The Royals\", formed in 1871. Formerly based at Elm Park, the club plays at the 24,161 capacity Madejski Stadium, named after chairman Sir John Madejski. After winning the 2005–06 Football League Championship with a record of 106 points, Reading F.C. spent two seasons in the Premier League before being relegated to The Championship. This so far the only time that the club has spent in",
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "they won promotion to the FA Women's Super League 1 in 2015 after winning the league. In the 2017–18 season, they finished fourth in the Women's Super League - their highest league position to date. The team currently plays at Adams Park, home of Wycombe Wanderers. Reading F.C. Reading Football Club ( ) is a professional association football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. The team play in the Championship, the second tier of English football. Reading are nicknamed The Royals, due to Reading's location in the Royal County of Berkshire, though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen, due",
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"title": "Reading City F.C.",
"text": "Reading City F.C. Reading City Football Club is a football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. They are currently members of the and play at Scours Lane in the Tilehurst area of Reading. The club was established in 2001 as Highmoor Ibis by a merger of Highmoor and Ibis, both of which were playing in the Reading Senior League, Highmoor in the Senior Division and Ibis in the Premier Division. Ibis had also previously played in the Chiltonian League. The new club took Highmoor's place in the Senior Division and were league champions in 2003–04 without losing a match. They",
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"title": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "the top division of English football. During their Premier League first season, they fractionally missed-out on UEFA Cup qualification. Reading Town Football Club, formed in 1966, played at Scours Lane and were playing in the Hellenic League Premier Division prior to folding in June 2016. Reading City Football Club (Formerly Highmoor Ibis) have since moved to Scours Lane and currently play in the Hellenic League Premier Division. Reading is a centre for rugby union football in the area, with the Aviva Premiership team London Irish as tenants at the Madejski Stadium. Reading is also home to another three senior semi-professional",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "College, near Wokingham, England, studying there for two years. Whilst studying at Bearwood, Zingarevich would watch Reading F.C. play at Elm Park. Zingarevich studied business at Cass Business School of City University London, and Regents Business School. In 2004, Zingarevich was linked with a £20m takeover of Everton. However, the deal was never completed, with Boris Zingarevich issuing a statement saying neither he nor Anton would be purchasing a football club. In January 2012, it was announced that Sir John Madejski, the chairman of Championship football club Reading F.C., was in talks with Thames Sport Investment, a company founded by",
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"title": "History of Reading F.C.",
"text": "a united team was required for the Thames Valley region to retain a Football League club. The proposed amalgamation was prevented by the actions of Roy Tranter, a Reading director, and Roger Smee, a former Reading player. Smee disputed the legitimacy of the controlling interest in Reading held by the three board members that supported the merger plan. Tranter launched a legal challenge to the sale of certain shares on 22 April 1983. The supporters of the plan allies resigned under pressure from the rest of the Reading board in May 1983. At an extraordinary shareholders' meeting in July, Smee",
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"title": "Berkshire",
"text": "two football clubs to be sponsored by Vodafone (the other being Manchester United). In May 2006 Vodafone ended its sponsorship of the club, following which the club collapsed. A local pub team from the Old London Apprentice took over the ground temporarily and now compete in the Hellenic Football League as Newbury F.C. There are several amateur and semi-professional football clubs in the county. These include Maidenhead United, Slough Town, Thatcham Town, Ascot United, A.F.C. Aldermaston, Sandhurst Town, Windsor F.C., Wokingham & Emmbrook F.C., Bracknell Town F.C. and Reading City. Reading is a centre for rugby union football, with the",
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"title": "Reading Town F.C.",
"text": "Reading Town F.C. Reading Town Football Club were a semi-professional English football club in the Hellenic League Division One East, based in Reading, Berkshire. The club is affiliated to the Berks & Bucks Football Association The club previously played in the Combined Counties Football League, but with the agreement of the leagues involved, swapped places with Badshot Lea in time for the start of the 2008–09 season. The club was formed in 1966 as Lower Burghfield and started life in the Reading Combination League. In the early 1980s they were the Premier Division Champions on four occasions, with the 1983–84",
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"title": "Reading Town F.C.",
"text": "they joined the Premier Division of the Chiltonian League, and changed their name from Reading Garage to I T S Reading. In 1993–94 they changed their name to Reading Town and relocated to their present home of Scours Lane. The 1994–95 season saw the team win the Premier Division Championship, and gain promotion to the Combined Counties Football League. Their first season in the Combined counties league the club finished midtable but went on to win the Berks & Bucks FA Senior Trophy, beating Lambourn Sports in the final. Floodlights were installed the following season and the team reached the",
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"title": "History of Reading F.C.",
"text": "History of Reading F.C. The history of Reading Football Club covers almost 150 years of both success and failure of the football club from Reading, England. The club was established in 1871, making it one of the oldest professional teams in England. Reading joined the Football League in 1920. The Royals competed at the top flight of English football for the first time in the 2006–07 season. Reading Football Club was formed on 25 December 1871 by founder Joseph Edward Sydenham. They were originally nicknamed \"The Biscuitmen\" after one of the main trades in the town, Huntley & Palmers biscuits,",
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"title": "John Madejski",
"text": "pair became friends due to their mutual affiliation with the Conservative Party. On 3 March 2007, Madejski was shown on the BBC programme \"Match of the Day\" seated between Cilla and Chris Tarrant watching the Reading F.C. game against Arsenal F.C. at the Emirates Stadium. Madejski became chairman of the Football League club Reading F.C. in 1990, and has given his name to the club's Madejski Stadium, built in 1998 with £25 million largely contributed by him. He rescued Reading from receivership. He said \"When Robert Maxwell was alive I offered him five pounds a share. When he fell off",
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"title": "Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "John Madejski, and which opened in 1998. After winning the 2005–06 Football League Championship with a record of 106 points, Reading F.C. spent two seasons in the Premier League before being relegated to The Championship. For the 2012–2013 season, the club again competed in the Premier League, after securing first place in the Championship in the 2011–2012 season, but were relegated back down to the Championship at season's end. Reading Town Football Club, formed in 1966, played at Scours Lane and were playing in the Hellenic League Premier Division but were dissolved in 2016, while fellow non-league football club Reading",
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"title": "Thames Valley Royals proposal",
"text": "Maxwell told the BBC that he was close to acquiring a controlling interest in Reading, and that he was intent on merging that club with Oxford. The merged club would be called Thames Valley Royals, a combination of \"Thames Valley\", a loose term for the geographical area, and the nickname of Reading Football Club, \"the Royals\". \"If we in Thames Valley are to retain a League club we've got to unite Reading and Oxford,\" he explained. \"Everything in the world that cannot pay its way must go the way of merger to combine into stronger units.\" Maxwell made this announcement",
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"title": "Brian McDermott (footballer)",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
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"text": "ground did not have a stand or floodlights. Instead, the club moved to the Palmer Park Stadium, a general use stadium including a 780-seat stand and an athletics track around the pitch. However, in 2016 the club returned to Scours Lane as the ground had been upgraded to the required standards. Reading City F.C. Reading City Football Club is a football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. They are currently members of the and play at Scours Lane in the Tilehurst area of Reading. The club was established in 2001 as Highmoor Ibis by a merger of Highmoor and Ibis,",
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"title": "Thames Valley Royals proposal",
"text": "Thames Valley Royals proposal Shortly before the end of the 1982–83 Football League season, Robert Maxwell, the then-owner and chairman of Oxford United Football Club, announced that he had made a deal with the owners of nearby Reading to amalgamate the two teams to create a new club he proposed to name \"Thames Valley Royals\". This appellation combined a loose term for the geographical region, \"Thames Valley\", with the Reading team's nickname, \"the Royals\". With each team having financial problems, Maxwell claimed that both were on the verge of going out of business and that uniting them was necessary for",
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"title": "2011–12 Reading F.C. season",
"text": "fired home the equaliser on 42 to see the sides in level at half time. Reading's winner was thanks to substitute Adam le Fondre who netted with 5 minutes remaining to give Reading all the points. On 20 January, Reading announced that Russian investment group, Thames Sports Investment, had agreed a deal with Sir John Madejski to buy a significant holding in Reading FC. The deal see Madejski stay on as chairman until 2014, and provide Brian McDermott and Nick Hammond with funds to spend during the January transfer window. 21 January saw Reading lose at home to another promotion",
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"title": "Relocation of sports teams in the United Kingdom",
"text": "in October 2018 which could see the team become \"East Hull\" the following season, as well as considering a relocation to Dunswell Park on the northern edge of Hull. Shortly before the end of the 1982–83 Football League season, Robert Maxwell, the then-owner and chairman of Oxford United Football Club, announced that he had made a deal with the owners of nearby Reading to amalgamate the two teams to create a new club he proposed to name \"Thames Valley Royals\". This appellation combined a loose term for the geographical region, \"Thames Valley\", with the Reading team's nickname, \"the Royals\". With",
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"title": "2009–10 Reading F.C. season",
"text": "2009–10 Reading F.C. season Reading Football Club played 2009–10 season in the Football League Championship, having lost 3–0 on aggregate to Burnley in the Championship playoff semi-final. Reading have a new manager, Brian McDermott, who succeeded ex-boss Brendan Rogers on 27 January 2010, after excelling in an FA Cup run as caretaker manager. Reading travelled to Didcot Town for their first Pre-Season match where they ran out 5–1 winners with goals from Sigurdsson, Bignall, Henry, Harper and Church. Reading then lost 2–1 at Kettering Town with Church (11') scoring the only goal for the Berkshire side. Reading drew 2–2 with",
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"title": "Roy Brown (footballer, born 1945)",
"text": "July 1970 he transferred to Notts County where he went on to make a further 113 appearances before joining Mansfield Town in November 1975 where he made one senior appearance. Brown held the position of Sports Centre manager in Newark-on-Trent, Watford and Reading before becoming Head of Leisure for Reading Borough Council, a post he held between 1975–1999. In addition he was secretary of the Reading Golf club and later held the same position at Ham Manor Golf Club, Angmering, Sussex. Roy Brown (footballer, born 1945) Roy Eric Brown (born 5 October 1945) is an English former professional footballer who",
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"title": "Anthony Kleanthous",
"text": "creating The National League and National League Broadcasting which produced the BT Sports highlight shows. He recently formed a new ladies football team, The London Bees, who won a license in 2013 to play in The FA Women's Super League. The London Bees have joined Barnet FC as resident clubs of The Hive London. Anthony Kleanthous Anthony Andrew Kleanthous (born January 1966) is the current chairman of Barnet Football Club. He became the youngest football chairman to enter the football league when he bought the club in 1994. The Kleanthous family moved to London from Cyprus and Tony Kleanthous was",
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"title": "Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "City Football Club now play at Scours Lane after moving from Palmer Park Stadium at the end of the 2015–16 season. Reading is a centre for rugby union in the area, with the Aviva Premiership team London Irish as tenants at the Madejski Stadium. Reading is also home to another three senior semi-professional rugby clubs: Reading Abbey R.F.C., Redingensians R.F.C. and Reading R.F.C.. The Reading Rockets are the town's professional basketball team. They compete in the second tier English Basketball League Division 1, though they have tried several times in recent years to move up to the top tier British",
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] | {
"title": "Reading F.C.",
"long_answer": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
"chunked_long_answer": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
"short_answers": [
"Xiu Li Dai",
"Yongge Dai"
} |
when is the last time the philadelphia won the superbowl | [
"Super Bowl LII,",
] | [
"title": "Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
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"title": "Veterans Stadium",
"text": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the NFC Championship Game on January 19, 2003. The Eagles moved into Lincoln Financial Field in August 2003. The final game ever played at the stadium was the afternoon of September 28, 2003, a 5-2 Phillies loss to the Atlanta Braves. The final hit was recorded by Greg Maddux of the Braves, the final loss by the Phils' Kevin Millwood. The final Phillies run was scored by Marlon Byrd at the top of the 3rd inning, and the final run altogether by the Braves' Andruw Jones on a double by Robert Fick (who also had the",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "the NFL with a 13-3 record which gave them their first NFC East Championship since 2013, and gave them a first round bye for the first time since the 2004 season which was the last time they last went to the Super Bowl. Carson Wentz improved drastically during the season in which he threw for 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions. His potential MVP season came to an end though during Week 14 against the Los Angeles Rams where he tore his ACL, and would be out for the rest of the year. Nick Foles who returned to the Eagles",
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"title": "2013 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "at the quarterback helm. This was the first game in NFL history to end with a final score of 54-11. With the convincing win, the Eagles improved to 9-6, and will face their arch rivals, the Dallas Cowboys, next Sunday Night for the division crown. This game would end when Kyle Orton threw an interception late in the fourth quarter. With the win, the Eagles improved to 10-6 and sealed NFC East Championship and 3rd seed in the playoffs. They would also be the third team in a row to defeat the Cowboys in the last game of the regular",
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"title": "Temple Stadium",
"text": "Philadelphia Eagles used the stadium twice for home games. On Tuesday, November 6, 1934, the Eagles beat the Cincinnati Reds, 64-0. This game was historic because it was the first time in NFL history that a team scored ten touchdowns in one game, and it is still the second most lopsided game in NFL history, second only to the Chicago Bears' 73-0 victory over the Washington Redskins in the 1940 NFL Championship Game. It was also the last game ever for the Reds, who had found out the previous day that their team was being disbanded and replaced in the",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Broncos with 7 seconds of game time. Time ran out on the ensuing kickoff, and the Eagles held on to win by a score of 30-27. The victory, their sixth consecutive, boosted Philadelphia's record to 11-4, setting up a decisive Week 17 game with the Cowboys for the division title. In the final game of the regular season, the first-place Eagles battled the second-place Cowboys in Dallas, with the winner crowned as NFC East champs. The game began with Dallas driving 80 yards down the field in 9 plays for the touchdown. Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo completed a 10-yard pass",
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"title": "1985 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "RFK Stadium. On November 10, at Veterans Stadium, Jaworski combined with wide receiver Mike Quick for a club-record 99-yard touchdown pass in overtime to beat the Atlanta Falcons, 23–17. 1985 Philadelphia Eagles season The 1985 Philadelphia Eagles season was their 53rd in the National Football League (NFL). The team improved upon their previous output of 6–9–1, winning seven games. This was the fourth consecutive season in which the team failed to qualify for the playoffs. Philadelphia was in position to earn a wild-card berth with a 6–5 record by late November, but a four-game losing streak, which included a home",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "Eagles defeated the Bears 33-19 at Soldier Field. Reaching the NFC Championship game, they were unable to stop the St. Louis Rams, who defeated them 29-24 Despite injuries, McNabb led the Eagles to a 12-4 season in 2002. Once again, they reached the NFC Championship, but lost at home 27-10 to the eventual Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the last game at Veterans Stadium. The 2003 team lost its first two games, both at their new home. In the opening game of the 2003 season, the Eagles were shut out 17-0 by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2014 Baltimore Ravens season",
"text": "were ultimately defeated in the AFC Divisional Round by the eventual Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. As of 2018, this is the last time the Ravens have made the playoffs. During the first preseason game vs the 49ers the Ravens won the third \"Harbowl\", as coach John Harbaugh defeated his brother Jim Harbaugh for the third time (following the Thanksgiving game in 2011 and Super Bowl XLVII). Note: Intra-division opponents are in bold text. Joe Flacco would break an NFL record for fastest time for throwing 5 touchdown passes (16 minutes) since the AFL–NFL merger. The Ravens were the",
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"title": "2001 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season",
"text": "was recovered by Philadelphia. Two plays later, Feeley and Douglas took the lead with their second touchdown. Philadelphia managed to score 14 points in 25 seconds, and held on to win the unusual, rather lackadaisical game. \"at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia\" Eagles QB Donovan McNabb threw for 194 yards and 2 touchdowns, while also rushing for 54 yards, as Philadelphia dominated Tampa Bay from start to finish. Bucs quarterback Brad Johnson was intercepted four times, twice by Damon Moore. It was the second consecutive season in which Philadelphia eliminated Tampa Bay from the playoffs during the wild card round, and two",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "on December 28, 2008 and advanced to the playoffs. The Eagles then defeated the Minnesota Vikings 26-14 in the first round of the playoffs on January 4, 2009. They defeated their division rival and the defending Super Bowl champions the New York Giants 23-11 in the NFC Divisional Round to advance to their fifth NFC Championship game in nine years. For the third time in a decade, an all-Pennsylvania Super Bowl seemed possible, as the Pittsburgh Steelers won the AFC Championship against the Baltimore Ravens. However, the Eagles lost 32-25 to the Arizona Cardinals. In August, the team stirred up",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Philly's last score of the game and put them up 34–7. Matt Cassel began to rally the Chiefs and drove them down the field, scoring a touchdown on a nine-yard pass to Bobby Wade, making the score 34–14. However, the Chiefs were unable to get on the board again and 34–14 was the final score. Kolb is the first quarterback to throw at least 300 yards in his first 2 career starts. With the win, the Eagles went into their bye week at 2–1. The Eagles returned from their Week 4 bye against an 0–4 Tampa Bay Buccaneers team, Philadelphia's",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "History of the Dallas Cowboys",
"text": "Jeff Heath caused Carr to fumble the ball before the ball crossed the endzone to force a touchback and seal a Dallas victory. Elliott returned from suspension on Week 16 which was a home game vs Seattle. Despite this the Seahawks prevailed 21-12 to eliminate the Cowboys from playoff contention. Their season ended on a 6-0 win against the Eagles to finish with a 9-7 second place record. Philadelphia would go onto win Super Bowl LII. January 1, 1967, NFL Championship Game vs.Green Bay Packers December 31, 1967, NFL Championship Game at Green Bay Packers January 17, 1971, Super Bowl",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "the late Reggie White. Unfortunately, they got shut out by the NFC West and eventual NFC champion Seattle Seahawks 42-0. Afterwards, they lost to the Giants at home 26-2. Their last win of the season came on the road against the St. Louis Rams 17-16. Then they lost their last two games of the season to the Arizona Cardinals on the road 27-21 and then at home to the wild card Washington Redskins 31-20. They ended their 2005 season at 6-10, which marked the first time since 1999 that the Eagles failed to make the playoffs. After expectations of a",
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"title": "1980 Dallas Cowboys season",
"text": "Philadelphia would be a wildcard team. However, if the Cowboys lost (or won by less than 25) then the roles would reverse. Atlanta (12-4) had the number one NFC seed over either team in any scenario since they beat Philadelphia head-to-head and enjoyed a better conference record (10-2 vs. 9-3) over Dallas. Dallas led the game 35–10 in the fourth quarter, but the Eagles rallied to lose only 35–27. This forced Dallas to play an extra week in the playoffs and a road game in Atlanta in the divisional round. Dallas ultimately lost at Philadelphia in the NFC Championship game.",
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"title": "2002 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "2002 NFC Championship Game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who eventually won Super Bowl XXXVII. The Eagles defeated the Buccaneers in two prior consecutive seasons in the NFL playoffs in easy fashion. Many experts thought that the Conference Championship game would not be any different. The game was the final football game played at Veterans Stadium. The Eagles' season of high expectations began with a loss to the Tennessee Titans after the team blew a 24–10 halftime lead. The Titans scored on their first possession on 14-yard reception by Eddie George. Philadelphia took advantage of a muffed punt to extend",
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"title": "ArenaBowl XXII",
"text": "consecutive, appearance in the title game (they have won in all of their previous trips), against the National Conference Champions Philadelphia Soul, who were making their first appearance in the franchise's history in the ArenaBowl. The Soul, along with division rival Dallas, were undefeated at week 9. They preceded to beat them in that week, however when travelling to Cleveland for the following game, they lost their first game of the season. They continued to sputter, dropping two of their last three, however these ultimately were their only three losses on the season. They were the top seed in their",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "was picked off in the closing seconds of the game. The final score was 24-21, and the Patriots had won their third Super Bowl in four years. The defending NFC Champions did not fare well the next year. The 2005 season began in a strange and erratic fashion with a 14-10 road loss to the Atlanta Falcons on \"Monday Night Football\", a game in which Donovan McNabb suffered a chest bruise. In addition, Eagles linebacker Jeremiah Trotter was ejected prior to kick-off for getting involved in an altercation with Falcons cornerback Kevin Mathis. In the Week 2 home opener in",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "them against the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship Game after losing the past three title games. The game would be played in post-blizzard, 17-degree weather, with swirling frigid winds nearing 30 MPH. Atlanta had gone 11–5 over the year, and were the second best team in the conference, behind Philadelphia. Atlanta's quarterback and star player Michael Vick would basically be the Falcons' main hope of upsetting the Eagles. He tried to run twice on the opening drive, but the Eagles' defense, using a mush rush, stopped him both times. Later in the quarter, Brian Westbrook broke a 36-yard run",
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"title": "2003 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "Washington Redskins",
"text": "In Week 5, they hosted Green Bay for only the second time since 1979 (the first was in 2004) and beat them 16-13. After losing a Sunday Night match to the Colts, Washington beat Chicago in Week 7. Although McNabb threw two interceptions, the team took advantage of their opponent's porous O-line to sack and pick off Jay Cutler four times, winning 17-14. After losing a 37-25 trap game in Detroit, the Redskins went on their bye week and returned to host Philadelphia on MNF for the second straight year. As rain fell on Fedex Field, the Eagles proceeded to",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "game moved into the fourth quarter and Atlanta's passing offense could do little against the Philadelphia secondary, a Super Bowl berth looked more and more likely. A six-and-a-half minute drive that ended in another short Chad Lewis touchdown reception kicked off the celebration in Philadelphia. Victorious by a score of 27–10, the Eagles were NFC Champions for the first time since 1980. McNabb threw for a modest 180 yards in the windy weather, but had two touchdowns and no interceptions. Westbrook came up with 96 yards on the ground, while Chad Lewis made two critical touchdown receptions. It was later",
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"title": "1972 Los Angeles Rams season",
"text": "31-7 at home, the Philadelphia Eagles 34-3 in Philly, and the Cincinnati Bengals 15-12 at home. However, following this 3 game winning streak, the Rams struggled, losing several close games as they lost 5 of their last six to end the season 6-7-1. This would be the last time the Rams would miss the playoffs until 1981, as they started a dynasty the next season that saw them win the NFC West 7 consecutive times from 1973-1979. They also finished in 2nd place in 1980. On July 13, 1972, Robert Irsay bought the Los Angeles Rams and transferred ownership to",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "return to the Super Bowl, it appeared the Eagles would have to retool in the 2006 off-season to make another run for the Vince Lombardi Trophy. In 2006, the Eagles started off hot, beating the Houston Texans in Houston 24-10. And they kept the streak going, jumping to a 24-7 lead against the Giants before losing 30-24 in overtime. They won their next two games easily, beating the 49ers in San Francisco and then returning home to limit Brett Favre's Packers to three field goals. The Birds' 3-1 record set the stage for Terrell Owens' return to Philadelphia. Owens return",
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"title": "2008 Dallas Cowboys season",
"text": "With the win, Dallas improved to 9–5. This would be the last Cowboys win at Texas Stadium and for the 2008 NFL Season. Coming off their win over the Giants, the Cowboys stayed at home for a Week 16 interconference battle with the Baltimore Ravens, in what would be the final game at Texas Stadium. In the first quarter, Dallas struck first as rookie running back Tashard Choice got a 2-yard touchdown run. The Ravens would respond with a 26-yard field goal from kicker Matt Stover. Baltimore would take the lead in the second quarter as Stover got a 29-yard",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
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"title": "1988 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "1988 Philadelphia Eagles season The Philadelphia Eagles season was the franchise's 56th season in the National Football League. This season resulted an appearance in the postseason for the first time since 1981. The Eagles won the NFC East for the first time in seven seasons, but lost to the Chicago Bears in the NFC Divisional round during the Fog Bowl. On the final day of the regular season, Philadelphia dumped Dallas, 23–7, but had to wait for the end to the Jets-Giants game at Giants Stadium to learn if they had clinched the division or not. The Jets won the",
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] | {
"title": "Philadelphia Eagles",
"long_answer": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
"short_answers": [
"Super Bowl LII,"
} |
how many episodes are there in dragon ball z | [
"291 episodes",
] | [
"title": "List of Dragon Ball Z episodes",
"text": "long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "33 DVDs and in fullscreen on a single Blu-ray and eight four-disc Blu-ray sets from September 18, 2009, to August 2, 2011. Funimation released eight DVD and Blu-ray box sets of \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\" from May 18, 2010 to June 5, 2012. These sets contain the original Japanese audio track with English subtitles, as well as the uncut version of the English dub, which does not contain any of the edits made for the TV airings. Before the final volume was even published, Funimation began re-releasing the series in four DVD and Blu-ray \"season\" sets between May 22, 2012",
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"score": "1.066467",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "cropped the entire series into 16:9 widescreen format and began re-releasing it to DVD in nine individual \"season\" box sets; the first set released on February 6, 2007 and the final on May 19, 2009. In July 2009, Funimation announced that they would be releasing the Japanese frame-by-frame \"Dragon Box\" restoration of \"Dragon Ball Z\" in North America. These seven limited edition DVD box sets were released uncut in the show's original 4:3 fullscreen format between November 10, 2009 and October 11, 2011. In July 2011, Funimation announced plans to release \"Dragon Ball Z\" in Blu-ray format, with the first",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "manga. He said the reception to \"Kai\" was positive and Bandai had a hit with a card game, so it all worked out. The series initially concluded with the finale of the Cell arc, as opposed to including the Majin Buu arc. It was originally planned to run 98 episodes, however, due to the Tōhoku offshore earthquake and tsunami, the final episode of \"Dragon Ball Kai\" was not aired and the series ended on its 97th episode in Japan on March 27, 2011. The 98th episode was later released direct-to-video in Japan on August 2, 2011. In November 2012, Mayumi",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "as of January 2012. \"Dragon Ball Z\" was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's \"Top 100 Animated Series\", and was also listed as the 50th greatest animated show in \"Wizard\" magazine's \"Top 100 Greatest Animated shows\" list. The series ranked #6 on \"Wizard's Anime\" Magazine on their \"Top 50 Anime released in North America\". \"Dragon Ball Z\"s popularity is reflected through a variety of data through online interactions which show the popularity of the media. In 2001, it was reported that the official website of \"Dragon Ball Z\" recorded 4.7 million hits per day and included 500,000+",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "Edition,\" which collects three individual volumes into a single large volume. However, in 2013 Viz began publishing new 3-in-1 volumes collecting the entire manga series, including what they previously released as \"Dragon Ball Z\", under the \"Dragon Ball\" name. The \"Dragon Ball Z\" films comprise a total of 15 entries as of 2015. The first 13 films were typically released every March and July during the series' original run in accordance with the spring and summer vacations of Japanese schools. They were typically double features paired up with other anime films, and were thus, usually an hour or less in",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "with both the American and Japanese background music. In January 2011, Funimation and Toei announced that they would stream \"Dragon Ball Z\" within 30 minutes before their simulcast of \"One Piece\". As of 2017, \"Dragon Ball Z\" is no longer being streamed on Hulu. The Funimation dubbed episodes also aired in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. However, beginning with episode 108 (123 uncut), AB Groupe and Westwood Media (in association with Ocean Studios) produced an alternate English dub. The alternate dub was created for broadcast in the UK, the Netherlands and Ireland, although",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "also released on VHS in 1999, and on DVD in 2001. Funimation's own distribution of their initial in-house dub, which began with episode 54, in edited or uncut VHS ran between 2000 and 2003. A DVD version was produced alongside these, although they were only produced uncut and contained the option to watch the original Japanese with subtitles. In 2005, Funimation began releasing their in-house dub of the beginning of \"Dragon Ball Z\" on DVD, marking the first time the episodes were seen uncut in North America. However, only nine volumes were released, leaving it incomplete. Instead, Funimation remastered and",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "in two 26-disc DVD box sets, that were made-to-order only, released on March 19 and September 18 and referred to as \"Dragon Boxes.\" The content of these sets began being released on mass-produced individual 6-episode DVDs on November 2, 2005 and finished with the 49th volume released on February 7, 2007. The international home release structure of \"Dragon Ball Z\" is complicated by the licensing and release of the companies involved in producing and distributing the work. Releases of the media occurred on both VHS and DVD with separate edited and uncut versions being released simultaneously. Both versions of the",
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"title": "Toonami Jetstream",
"text": "aired on TV, and previous episodes were available on thirty-two edited DVD volumes, and now available on eight uncut DVD sets by Viz Media. The subtitled uncut episodes are also streaming on Crunchyroll. The episodes on Toonami Jetstream were repeats. \"Dragon Ball Z\", \"Samurai Jack\", \"\", \"Dragon Ball\", \"Pokémon Chronicles\", \"Megas XLR\" and \"Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo\" have already been aired completely on Cartoon Network. While \"Samurai Jack\" has only aired a small portion of its episodes on Toonami, it has been completely aired on Cartoon Network and all four seasons of the show are available on DVD and a complete series",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls. Toriyama's manga was adapted and divided into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: \"Dragon Ball\" and \"Dragon Ball Z\", which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. Additionally, the studio has developed 19 animated feature films and three television specials, as well as two anime sequel series titled \"Dragon Ball GT\" (1996–1997) and \"Dragon Ball Super\" (2015–2018). From 2009 to 2015, a revised version of \"Dragon Ball Z\"",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "telecasts of \"Dragon Ball Z\" ranked as the top three programs in all of television, broadcast or cable, for delivery of boys 9-14. In 2001, Cartoon Network obtained licensing to run 96 more episodes and air the original \"Dragon Ball\" anime and was the top rated show in the Toonami block of Cartoon network. Beginning March 26, 2001, Cartoon Network ran a 12-week special promotion \"Toonami Reactor\" which included a focus on \"Dragon Ball Z\", which would stream episodes online to high-speed internet users. Many home video releases were met with both the edited and unedited versions placing on in",
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"id": "17435917",
"score": "1.0152428",
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"title": "Dragon Ball (TV series)",
"text": "might surprise those only familiar with \"Z\". Todd Douglass of DVD Talk referred to it as \"a classic among classics [that] stands as a genre defining kind of show.\" and wrote that \"It's iconic in so many ways and should be standard watching for otaku in order to appreciate the genius of Akira Toriyama.\" He had strong praise for the \"deep, insightful, and well-developed\" characters, writing \"Few shows can claim to have a cast quite like Dragon Ball's, and that's a testament to the creative genius of Toriyama.\" T.H.E.M Anime Reviews' Tim Jones gave the show four out of five",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "set released on November 8, 2011. However, production of these 4:3 sets was suspended after the second volume, citing technical concerns over restoring the original film material frame by frame. Only a year later, the company began producing a cropped 16:9 remastered Blu-ray release in 2013, with nine sets released in total. On August 13, 2013, Funimation released all 53 episodes and the three movies from their first \"Dragon Ball Z\" dub created with Saban and Ocean Studios in a collector's DVD box set, titled the \"Rock the Dragon Edition\". In Japan, \"Dragon Ball Kai\" was released in wide-screen on",
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"id": "17435904",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "The opening theme, \"Dragon Soul\", and the first ending theme used for the first 54 episodes, \"Yeah! Break! Care! Break!\", are both performed by Takayoshi Tanimoto. The second ending theme, used from episodes 55–98, is performed by Team Dragon, a unit of the idol girl group AKB48. On March 9, 2011, Toei announced that due to Yamamoto's score infringing on the rights of an unknown third party or parties, the music for remaining episodes and reruns of previous episodes would be replaced. Later reports from Toei stated that with the exception of the series' opening and closing songs, as well",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "61 episodes. Funimation licensed \"Dragon Ball Kai\" for an English-language release in North America, under the title \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\". The series was broadcast on Nicktoons from May 24, 2010 to January 1, 2012 (continuing in re-runs until April 2013). In addition to Nicktoons, the series also began airing on the 4Kids-owned Saturday morning programming block Toonzai on The CW in August 2010, then on its successor, the Saban-owned Vortexx, beginning in August 2012 until the block ended in September 2014. Both the Nicktoons and Toonzai/Vortexx airings were edited for content, though the Toonzai/Vortexx version was censored even more",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, known in Japan as is a single-episode anime special based on Akira Toriyama's \"Dragon Ball\" manga series. Originally airing in Japan on February 24, 1993, between , the special is based on an extra chapter of the manga series. It depicts an alternate version of the future in which Goku dies from the heart virus that afflicts him during the Androids Saga, and a teenage Trunks tries to defeat the androids as they ravage Earth. Goku dies from a viral heart disease, and six months later,",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "for the Ford Focus. \"Dragon Ball Z\"'s Japanese run was very popular with an average viewer ratings of 20.5% across the series. \"Dragon Ball Z\" also proved to be a rating success in the United States, as the premiere of Season Three of \"Dragon Ball Z\" in 1999, done by Funimation's in-house dub, was the highest-rated program ever at the time on Cartoon Network. In 2002, in the week ending September 22, \"Dragon Ball Z\" was the #1 program of the week on all of television with tweens 9-14, boys 9-14 and men 12-24, with the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "length. These films themselves offer contradictions in both chronology and design that make them incompatible with a single continuity. All 15 films were licensed in North America by Funimation, and all have received in-house dubs by the company. Prior to Funimation, the third film was a part of the short-lived Saban syndication, being split into three episodes, and the first three films received uncut English dubs in 1998 produced by Funimation with Ocean Studios and released by Pioneer. Several of the films have been broadcast on Cartoon Network and Nicktoons in the United States, Toonami UK in the United Kingdom",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "were \"a very simple childish exercise\" and that many other anime were superior. The plot of \"Dragon Ball GT\" has also been criticized for giving a formula that was already used in its predecessors. The first episode of \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\" earned a viewer ratings percentage of 11.3, ahead of \"One Piece\" and behind \"Crayon Shin-chan\". Although following episodes had lower ratings, \"Kai\" was among the top 10 anime in viewer ratings every week in Japan for most of its run. In 2015, the Japan Anniversary Association officially declared May 9 as . In Japanese the numbers five and",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "Funimation titled it for their dub, aired on March 26, 1997, between episodes 41 and 42, serving as a kind of precursor to the epilogue to the series shown at the end of episode 64. On April 28, 2015, Toei Animation announced , the first all-new \"Dragon Ball\" television series to be released in 18 years. It debuted on July 5 and ran as a weekly series at 9:00 am on Fuji TV on Sundays until its series finale on March 25, 2018 after 131 episodes. Masako Nozawa reprises her roles as Goku, Gohan, and Goten. Most of the original",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "from the fact that the anime was being created alongside the manga. \"Dragon Ball Z\" was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's Top 100 Animated Series, and was also listed as the 50th greatest cartoon in \"Wizard\" magazine's Top 100 Greatest Cartoons list. Harris commented that \"Dragon Ball GT\" \"is downright repellent\", mentioning that the material and characters had lost their novelty and fun. He also criticized the \"GT\" character designs of Trunks and Vegeta as being goofy. Zac Bertschy of Anime News Network also gave negative comments about \"GT\", mentioning that the fights from the series",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "a deal with Toei. Dragon Ball Z \"Dragon Ball Z\" follows the adventures of Goku who, along with his companions, defend the Earth against villains ranging from conquerors (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell) and other creatures such as (Majin Buu). While the original \"Dragon Ball\" anime followed Goku from childhood to early adulthood, \"Dragon Ball Z\" is a continuation of his adult life, but at the same time parallels the lives of his sons, Gohan and Goten, as well as the development of his rivals Piccolo and Vegeta from enemies to allies. Due to the success of the anime in the",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z \"Dragon Ball Z\" follows the adventures of Goku who, along with his companions, defend the Earth against villains ranging from conquerors (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell) and other creatures such as (Majin Buu). While the original \"Dragon Ball\" anime followed Goku from childhood to early adulthood, \"Dragon Ball Z\" is a continuation of his adult life, but at the same time parallels the lives of his sons, Gohan and Goten, as well as the development of his rivals Piccolo and Vegeta from enemies to allies. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "original manga and aired on February 24, 1993. In February 2009, \"Dragon Ball Z\" celebrated its 20th anniversary, with Toei Animation announcing that it would broadcast a re-edited and remastered version under the name . The footage would be re-edited to follow the manga more closely, eliminating scenes and episodes which were not featured in the original manga, resulting in a more faithful adaptation, as well as in a faster-moving, and more focused story. The episodes were remastered for HDTV, with rerecording of the vocal tracks by most of the original cast, and featuring updated opening and ending sequences. On",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "edited and uncut material are treated as different entries and would frequently make \"Billboard\" rankings as separate entries. Home release sales were featured prominently on the Nielsen VideoScan charts. Further complicating the release of the material was Funimation itself; which was known to release \"DVDs out of sequence in order to get them out as fast as possible\"; as in the case of their third season. Pioneer Entertainment distributed the Funimation/Saban edited-only dub of 53 episodes on seventeen VHS between 1997 and 1999, and seventeen DVDs throughout 1999. Two box sets separating them into the Saiyan and Namek arcs were",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "2016, Funimation announced the continuation of \"Kai\" to begin airing on Adult Swim's Toonami block; airing from January 7, 2017 to June 23, 2018. \"Dragon Ball Z\"s original North American release was the subject of heavy editing which resulted in a large amount of removed content and alterations that greatly changed the original work. Funimation CEO Gen Fukunaga is often criticized for his role in the editing; but it was the distributor Saban which required such changes or they would not air the work, as was the case with the episode dealing with orphans. These changes included altering every aspect",
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"score": "0.98185444",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "In 2004, Pioneer lost its distribution rights to the first 53/67 episodes of \"Dragon Ball Z\", allowing Funimation to re-dub them with their in-house voice cast and restore the removed content. This dub's background score was composed by Nathan M. Johnson. Funimation's new uncut dub of these episodes aired on Cartoon Network during the summer of 2005 (in late night, due to the unedited content). Funimation's later remastered DVDs of the series saw minor changes made to their in-house dub for quality and consistency, mostly after the episode 67 gap, and had the option to play the entire series' dub",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "chapters comprising its story were initially released by Viz Media under the title \"Dragon Ball Z\". Additional works called animanga were released in Japan, which adapt the animation to manga form. \"Dragon Ball Z\"'s popularity has spawned numerous releases which have come to represent the majority of content in the \"Dragon Ball\" universe; including 17 movies and 148 video games, many of them being only released in Japan, and a host of soundtracks stemming from this material. \"Dragon Ball Z\" remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations, including a more-recent remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Kai. There have also been",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu, known as in Japan and Dragon Ball Z: Goku Densetsu in Europe, is a card based role-playing video game for the Nintendo DS. The game takes place from the beginning of the Saiyan Saga to the end of the Cell Saga. Players choose from one of the four main character, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta. Other characters also appear, but only as either enemies or support cards. Each mission is usually broken down into a few key objectives, each mission taking anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes to complete. The",
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"id": "9739975",
"score": "0.9773793",
"original_retrieval_index": 31
] | {
"title": "List of Dragon Ball Z episodes",
"long_answer": "Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールゼット, Doragon Bōru Zetto, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) is the long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
"chunked_long_answer": "long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
"short_answers": [
"291 episodes"
} |
who designed the garden city of new earswick | [
"planner Raymond Unwin",
"architect Barry Parker",
"Raymond Unwin"
] | [{"title":"New Earswick","text":"As a result of the report, Joseph Rowntree's conviction that it mus(...TRUNCATED) | {"title":"New Earswick","long_answer":"As a result of the report, Joseph Rowntree's conviction that (...TRUNCATED) |
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"photoreceptor proteins that sense light",
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