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The Goddess Iset: Magic of the Nile River There is a goddess named Iset, who lives in a land of golden sand and azure skies. She was a powerful and beautiful figure, with long, flowing hair the color of the Nile and eyes that sparkled like the stars above. Everywhere she went, she carried with her a set of symbols that were dear to her heart, each one representing a different aspect of her power and her wisdom. Iset was often depicted with a pair of wings, which symbolized her role as a healer and a guide. According to legend, Iset's wings were a gift from the gods, who bestowed upon her the power of flight as a reward for her devotion and tireless efforts to protect the people of Egypt. The ankh is an elegant symbol of life and vitality. Iset carried the ankh with her wherever she went, using its power to bless the people and bring new life to the world. With a gentle touch of the ankh, she could heal the sick, mend broken hearts, and bring hope to the hopeless. The sistrum is a musical instrument that she used to call forth the power of the heavens. When Iset played the sistrum, its music could be heard across the land, soothing troubled souls and lifting up the hearts of the people. The sistrum was a symbol of Iset's power to bring harmony and joy to the world, and she used it to spread love and kindness wherever she went. The throne is a symbol of her power and her wisdom. Iset was known as the queen of heaven and earth, and the throne represented her regal authority over all things. When she sat upon the throne, she radiated a sense of calm and strength, inspiring those around her to be their best selves and to strive for greatness. The scarab is a small yet powerful beetle that was a symbol of transformation and rebirth. Iset used the scarab to remind her followers that life was a journey, and that every setback and obstacle was an opportunity for growth and renewal. With the power of the scarab, Iset helped her followers overcome their fears and doubts, and to embrace the beauty and mystery of life. And so, Iset carries these symbols with her, using their power to heal, to inspire, and to uplift those around her. Her wisdom and her grace shines like a beacon in the darkness, guiding all those who seek her help and her guidance. Iset remains a symbol of hope and love -- a goddess whose light will never fade.
Mtakatifu Iset, mungu wa mto Nile, anaishi katika nchi ya mchanga wa dhahabu na anga la bluu. Alikuwa na sura yenye nguvu na yenye kupendeza, akiwa na nywele ndefu zenye mtiririko wa maji zenye rangi ya Mto Nile na macho yaliyong'aa kama nyota zilizo juu. Kila mahali alipokwenda, alibeba pamoja naye seti ya alama ambazo zilikuwa na thamani moyoni mwake, kila moja ikionyesha sehemu tofauti ya nguvu na hekima yake. Mara nyingi Iset alionyeshwa akiwa na mabawa mawili, ambayo yalifananisha daraka lake la kuwa mponyaji na mwongozo. Kulingana na hadithi, mabawa ya Iset yalikuwa zawadi kutoka kwa miungu, ambao walimpa nguvu ya kuruka kama thawabu kwa kujitolea kwake na juhudi zake zisizo na kuchoka kulinda watu wa Misri. Ankh ni ishara ya kifahari ya uhai na nguvu. Iset alibeba Ankh pamoja naye popote alipokwenda, akitumia nguvu zake kubariki watu na kuleta maisha mapya ulimwenguni. Kwa kugusa kwa upole ankh, angeweza kuwaponya wagonjwa, kurekebisha mioyo iliyovunjika, na kuwapa tumaini wale wasio na tumaini. Sistrum ni ala ya muziki ambayo alitumia kuita nguvu za mbinguni. Wakati Isid alipopiga kinubi, muziki wake ulisikika kotekote nchini, ukiwapunguza roho zenye taabu na kuinua mioyo ya watu. Sistrum ilikuwa ishara ya nguvu ya Iset kuleta maelewano na furaha ulimwenguni, na alitumia kueneza upendo na fadhili popote alipokwenda. Kiti cha enzi ni ishara ya nguvu na hekima yake. Iseti alikuwa malkia wa mbinguni na duniani, na kiti cha enzi kilikuwa ishara ya mamlaka yake juu ya vitu vyote. Alipokuwa ameketi kwenye kiti cha enzi, alitoa hisia ya utulivu na nguvu, akiwahamasisha wale waliokuwa karibu naye kuwa wao wenyewe bora na kujitahidi kwa ukuu. Scarab ni mdudu mdogo lakini mwenye nguvu ambaye alikuwa ishara ya mabadiliko na kuzaliwa upya. Iset alitumia scarab kukumbusha wafuasi wake kwamba maisha ni safari, na kwamba kila kushindwa na kizuizi ni fursa ya ukuaji na upya. Kwa nguvu za Scarab, Iset aliwasaidia wafuasi wake kushinda hofu na mashaka yao, na kukumbatia uzuri na fumbo la maisha. Iset anachukua alama hizi pamoja naye, akitumia nguvu zao kuponya, kuchochea, na kuwainua wale walio karibu naye. Hekima yake na neema yake huangaza kama taa katika giza, ikiwaongoza wale wote wanaotafuta msaada na mwongozo wake. Iset bado ni ishara ya tumaini na upendo - mungu-mke ambaye nuru yake haitazimia kamwe.
The Black Holocaust For Beginners (Paperback) Search for Books or E-books Virtually anyone, anywhere knows that six million Jewish human beings were killed in the Jewish Holocaust. But how many African human beings were killed in the Black Holocaust - from the start of the European slave trade (c. 1500) to the Civil War (1865)? And how many were enslaved? The Black Holocaust, a travesty that killed millions of African human beings, is the most underreported major event in world history. A major economic event for Europe and Asia, a near fatal event for Africa, the seminal event in the history of every African American - if not every American! - and most of us cannot answer the simplest question about it. Here is a sample of what you will get from the painstakingly researched, painfully honest The Black Holocaust For Beginners: "The total number of slaves imported is not known. It is estimated that nearly 900,000 came to America in the 16th Century, 2.75 million in the 17th Century, 7 million in the 18th, and over 4 million in the 19th - perhaps 15 million in total. Probably every slave imported represented, on average, five corpses in Africa or on the high seas. The American slave trade, therefore, meant the elimination of at least 60 million Africans from their fatherland." The Black Holocaust For Beginners - part indisputably documented chronicle, part passionately engaging narrative, puts the tragic event in plain sight where it belongs! The long overdue book answers all of your questions, sensitively and in great depth. About the Author S.E. Anderson, a veteran actiovist/educator, has been in the Black Liberation Movement on many levels. He is not only a mathematics professor, a Senior Editor (NOBO: Journal of African Dialogue), a founding member of the Network of Black Organizers and of The African Heritage Studies Association but also an essayist on a variety of topics related to black culture and liberation as well as science and technology. His political and cultural activism in his native New York City ranges from helping to fund the New York City Algebra Project to being a founding member of the New York City Coalition For Excellence In Black Education. As a young activist, Anderson was a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and helped found the Black Panther Party in Harlem in 1966. He has been active in the African Liberation Support Movement since 1964 and participated in the historic Black student/community struggle against Columbia University's encroachment into Harlem in 1968. Ironically, almost twenty years later, he became a Columbia University Revson Fellow (1986-7). In addition, he has taught mathematics, science, and Black Studies at Queens College... Anderson became one of the first Black Studies Chairs, when in 1969 he accepted the challenge at Sarah Lawrence College to create a department that included mathematics and the natural sciences as part of a Black Studies Curriculum.
The Black Holocaust: Kwa ajili ya Waanzaji (Paperback) Tafuta vitabu au vitabu vya elektroniki Karibu kila mtu, mahali popote anajua kwamba Wayahudi milioni sita waliuawa katika Holocaust ya Kiyahudi. Ni watu wangapi wa Afrika waliouawa katika maangamizi ya Wamarekani, kuanzia mwanzo wa biashara ya watumwa ya Ulaya (karibu 1500) hadi Vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe (1865)? Na ni wangapi waliotumwa? Holocaust ya Black, mzaha ambao uliua mamilioni ya watu wa Afrika, ni tukio kubwa lisiloripotiwa sana katika historia ya ulimwengu. Tukio kubwa la kiuchumi kwa Ulaya na Asia, tukio karibu la kifo kwa Afrika, tukio la msingi katika historia ya kila Mmarekani wa Kiafrika - ikiwa si kila Mmarekani! - na wengi wetu hatuwezi kujibu swali rahisi zaidi kuhusu hilo. "Hii ni mfano wa kile utakachopata kutoka kwa utafiti wa bidii, wa uaminifu kwa uchungu, ""The Black Holocaust for Beginners"" - ""Idadi ya jumla ya watumwa waliopelekwa haijulikani." Inakadiriwa kwamba karibu watu 900,000 walifika Amerika katika karne ya 16, milioni 2.75 katika karne ya 17, milioni 7 katika karne ya 18, na zaidi ya milioni 4 katika karne ya 19 - labda milioni 15 kwa jumla. Yaelekea kila mtumwa aliyeleta, kwa wastani, aliwakilisha maiti tano katika Afrika au baharini. Biashara ya watumwa ya Marekani ilisababisha kuangamizwa kwa Waafrika milioni 60 kutoka nchi yao. The Black Holocaust For Beginners - sehemu ya maandishi ya maandishi yasiyoweza kupingwa, sehemu ya hadithi yenye kuvutia sana, inaweka tukio hilo la kusikitisha waziwazi mahali panapofaa! Kitabu hicho ambacho kimedumu kwa muda mrefu kinajibu maswali yako yote, kwa njia yenye kueleweka na yenye kina kirefu. Kuhusu Mwandishi S.E. Anderson, mwanaharakati mkongwe wa shughuli za kijamii na mwalimu, amekuwa katika Harakati ya Ukombozi wa Weusi katika ngazi nyingi. Yeye si tu profesa wa hisabati, Mhariri Mkuu (NOBO: Jarida la Mazungumzo ya Kiafrika), mwanachama mwanzilishi wa Mtandao wa Waandaaji weusi na Chama cha Mafunzo ya Urithi wa Kiafrika, lakini pia ni mwandishi wa insha juu ya mada mbalimbali zinazohusiana na utamaduni mweusi na ukombozi, pamoja na sayansi na teknolojia. Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, amekuwa akifanya kazi katika New York City, na kusaidia kufadhili mradi wa New York City Algebra, na kuwa mwanachama mwanzilishi wa New York City Coalition for Excellence in Black Education. Alipokuwa kijana, Anderson alikuwa mwanachama wa Kamati ya Uratibu ya Wanafunzi ya Nonviolent (SNC) na alisaidia kuanzisha Chama cha Black Panther huko Harlem mnamo 1966. Tangu mwaka 1964 amekuwa akishiriki katika harakati za kuunga mkono uhuru wa Afrika na kushiriki katika mapambano ya kihistoria ya wanafunzi weusi dhidi ya uvamizi wa Chuo Kikuu cha Columbia katika Harlem mwaka 1968. Baada ya miaka 20 ya kazi yake, alipewa nafasi ya kuwa Revson Fellow katika Chuo Kikuu cha Columbia. Alifundisha masomo ya hisabati, sayansi na masomo ya watu weusi katika Chuo cha Queens, na baadaye akawa mmoja wa Wakuu wa kwanza wa masomo ya watu weusi wakati alipokubali changamoto ya kuunda idara ya hisabati na sayansi ya asili katika Chuo cha Sarah Lawrence mnamo 1969.
Tuberculosis (TB) hasn’t left us. While the world has come a long way from the days when one in every seven people died from the disease, it’s still important to recognize that TB can sicken and kill people in the U.S. and beyond. TB is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide. On March 24, we recognize World TB Day, the day in 1882 that Dr. Robert Koch announced the discovery of the bacteria that cause TB: Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Antibiotics to treat TB were developed in 1943. TB can be found in all 50 states, including Virginia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that up to 13 million people in the U.S. have latent TB infection (LTBI). That means they don’t have any symptoms but do carry the bacteria in their bodies. And while they can’t spread it to others, they could develop TB disease in their lifetimes. Anyone can get TB. It can be spread through the air when someone with active TB disease coughs, speaks or sings. Testing and treatment are available and can save lives. Here are a few more interesting facts about TB: - In the early 1800s, some people in New England believed TB could be caused by vampires. - Archeologists found TB in the remains of people who died 9,000 years ago in Atlit Yam, a city off the coast of Israel now under the Mediterranean Sea. - TB also can be found in animals in the U.S., including cattle and deer. - The TB skin test used today to diagnose the disease is basically the same one that has been used for almost 80 years. Blood tests also are available. - Before antibiotics, isolation in a sanitorium and proper nutrition were the best treatment for TB. To learn more, visit the CDC’s TB History page. Testing and treatment are critical to preventing TB disease and ending TB in our lifetimes.
Ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu (TB) haujatuacha. Ingawa dunia imepita njia ndefu kutoka siku ambazo mtu mmoja kati ya watu saba alikufa kutokana na ugonjwa huo, bado ni muhimu kutambua kwamba kifua kikuu kinaweza kuambukiza na kuua watu nchini Marekani na nje yake. Tuberculosis ni sababu ya 13 ya vifo duniani kote. Siku ya kwanza ya kuadhimisha siku ya kwanza ya ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu duniani ni tarehe 24 Machi mwaka 1882 wakati Daktari Robert Koch alipogundua bakteria inayosababisha ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu (TB) inayoitwa Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Antibiotics ilianzishwa mwaka 1943 ili kutibu ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu. Ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu umepatikana katika majimbo yote 50 ya Marekani, ikiwa ni pamoja na Virginia. Kulingana na Kituo cha Kudhibiti na Kuzuia Magonjwa (CDC), karibu watu milioni 13 nchini Marekani wana ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu (LTBI). Hiyo inamaanisha hawana dalili zozote lakini hubeba bakteria katika miili yao. Na ingawa hawawezi kuisambaza kwa wengine, wanaweza kuambukizwa ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu maishani mwao. Mtu yeyote anaweza kupatwa na kifua kikuu. Inaweza kuenea kupitia hewa wakati mtu aliye na ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu anapokosa, anapozungumza au kuimba. Uchunguzi na matibabu yanapatikana na yanaweza kuokoa uhai. Katika miaka ya 1800, watu wengi katika New England waliamini kwamba ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu unaweza kusababishwa na vampires. Wataalamu wa vitu vya kale wamegundua kwamba ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu uliishi katika mabaki ya watu waliokufa miaka 9,000 iliyopita huko Atlit-Yam, mji ulio karibu na pwani ya Israeli ambao sasa uko chini ya Bahari ya Mediterania. TB pia inaweza kupatikana katika wanyama nchini Marekani, ikiwa ni pamoja na ng'ombe na nyati. Mtihani wa ngozi wa TB unaotumiwa leo kugundua ugonjwa huo ni ule ule ambao umekuwa ukitumiwa kwa karibu miaka 80. Uchunguzi wa damu unapatikana pia. - Kabla ya kutumia viuavijasumu, kutengwa katika hospitali na kula vyakula vyenye lishe nzuri ndiyo iliyokuwa njia bora ya kutibu kifua kikuu. Ili kujifunza zaidi, tembelea ukurasa wa Historia ya TB wa CDC. Uchunguzi na matibabu ni muhimu sana katika kuzuia ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu na kumaliza kifua kikuu katika maisha yetu.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia or CLL is a form of blood and bone marrow cancer. This type of leukemia grows relatively slow when compared to other types of leukemia. Lymphocytes which are white blood cells that help the body fight against infection are affected in CLL. Older adults are predominantly affected by chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The disease can be controlled by certain treatments. In most cases, patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia show no symptoms at an initial stage. Symptoms tend to develop as the cancer grows over time. Consult a doctor if these signs and symptoms are persistent. The causes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia have not been discovered. Some error occurs that causes mutations in the DNA of the cells that produce blood. The mutation of cell causes uncontrolled duplication resulting in abnormal lymphocytes which are ineffective at fighting infection. The abnormal lymphocytes begins to multiply themselves when lymphocytes that are healthy would die. Complications arise when the accumulation of the abnormal lymphocytes occur in the blood and some other organs. The surrounding of the abnormal lymphocytes around the healthy cells separates them from the bone marrow and hamper the production of the blood cells. +66 2066 8888
Leukemia ya Lymphocytic ya muda mrefu (CLL) ni aina ya kansa ya damu na mifupa. Aina hii ya leukemia hukua polepole ikilinganishwa na aina nyingine za leukemia. Lymphocytes, ambayo ni chembe nyeupe za damu ambazo husaidia mwili kupambana na maambukizo, huathiriwa katika CLL. Watu wazima wenye umri mkubwa huathiriwa hasa na leukemia ya lymphocytic sugu. Ugonjwa huo waweza kudhibitiwa kwa matibabu fulani. Katika visa vingi, wagonjwa wenye leukemia ya lymphocytic sugu hawaonyeshi dalili katika hatua ya awali. Dalili huelekea kuibuka kadiri kansa inavyoendelea kukua kwa muda. Mtafute daktari ikiwa dalili hizi zinaendelea. Sababu za leukemia ya lymphocytic sugu hazijagunduliwa. Mabadiliko ya DNA hutokea katika chembe zinazozalisha damu. Mabadiliko ya chembe husababisha duplication uncontrolled kusababisha lymphocytes abnormal ambayo ni haifanikiwi katika kupambana na maambukizi. Chembe za chembe za chembe zisizo za kawaida huanza kuzidisha wakati chembe za chembe za chembe zenye afya zingefa. Matatizo hutokea wakati mkusanyiko wa lymphocytes zisizo za kawaida hutokea katika damu na baadhi ya viungo vingine. Lymphocytes ya kawaida kuzunguka seli za afya huwatenganisha na uti wa mgongo na kuzuia uzalishaji wa seli za damu. +6666888 - Msaada wa Msaada
Wastewater Wells, Geothermal Power Triggering Earthquakes The continental U.S. experiences small earthquakes every day. But over the past few years, their numbers have been increasing. Geoscientists say the new epidemic of quakes is related to industrial wastewater being pumped into underground storage wells. Now there's new research that reveals two trigger mechanisms that may be setting off these wastewater quakes — other, larger earthquakes (some as far away as Indonesia), and the activity at geothermal power plants. Most of these little quakes in the U.S. are too small to feel. They tend to happen in "swarms." Over the past year, geoscientists traced some of these swarms to underground faults near deep wells that are often filled with waste fluid from the oil and gas drilling boom. Nicholas van der Elst, a geophysicist with Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, says there are lots of small faults all over the country. The injection of fluids migrates in and around the fault itself, "and kind of pushes outward on the fault walls and makes it easier for the fault to slip," he says. The wastewater "loads up" these faults with tension until, at some point, they slip and the earth moves. So what van der Elst wanted to know was: "What prompts that slip?" Sometimes it's just all that water building up. However, he discovered that in three cases in the past decade — in Oklahoma, in Colorado and in Texas — the trigger was yet another earthquake, a really big one, thousands of miles away. In each case, the large earthquakes set up large seismic waves that traveled around the surface of the earth "kind of like ripples," van der Elst says. "You can even see them on seismometers, going around the world multiple times." Those three big quakes rang the planet like a bell. And when their seismic waves reached underground faults near waste wells in those three states, they nudged the tension in the faults past the brink. Soon, the area near the wells was swarming with mini-quakes. And some of those swarms eventually culminated in pretty big temblors — in the magnitude-4.0 to -5.0, which is big enough to do some damage. Van der Elst's findings appear in this week's issue of the journal Science. In the same issue, geoscientist Emily Brodsky at the University of California, Santa Cruz, reports yet another trigger mechanism for mini-quakes: the production of geothermal energy. The power plant in question, near Southern California's Salton Sea, extracts hot water from beneath Earth's surface and turns it to steam to make electricity, then returns most of it underground. "What we found," Brodsky says, "is that the earthquake rate correlates quite strongly with the extraction of water from the field" underground. On average, extracting half a billion gallons of water per month resulted in one detectable earthquake every 11 days. Now, scientists have known that geothermal power plants cycling water from underground can cause small quakes. But Brodsky's research actually matches the amount of water moved to the frequency of the quakes. These quakes are very small, she notes. But it concerns her that the geothermal plant she studied is near the southern tip of California's San Andreas fault — the source of many of the state's biggest temblors. "We ought to know what's happening on the southernmost terminus of the San Andreas fault," she says. "Of various places in the world to induce earthquakes, this is a particularly sensitive one." Brodsky says it's unlikely that the geothermal plant could induce a major quake on the fault, but it's theoretically possible. The chance is more than zero, she says, but she doesn't know what the real risk is; that's what she wants to find out next. The company that owns the plant, Mid-American Energy Holdings, declined to comment on the research. The U.S. Geological Survey's William Ellsworth has been in the thick of this science. "One of the major questions we're concerned about," he says, "is, 'How large might an induced earthquake be?' We don't have the answer to that, and it's one of the keys to being able to better forecast the seismic hazard going forward." Ellsworth says geologists need more seismic-monitoring stations and more data from waste wells and geothermal plants to figure out the risk. Copyright 2023 NPR. To see more, visit
Maji ya taka, visima vya maji machafu, na nishati ya joto la dunia husababisha matetemeko ya ardhi Marekani inakabiliwa na matetemeko madogo ya ardhi kila siku. Lakini katika miaka michache iliyopita, idadi yao imekuwa ikiongezeka. Wataalamu wa sayari wanasema kwamba tetemeko hilo la ardhi linatokana na maji machafu yanayotokana na viwanda yanayopakiwa kwenye visima vya chini ya ardhi. Utafiti mpya unafunua njia mbili za kuchochea tetemeko la maji machafu, tetemeko lingine kubwa (nengine ziko mbali kama Indonesia) na shughuli za mitambo ya umeme wa joto la ardhi. Matetemeko mengi ya ardhi nchini Marekani ni madogo sana hivi kwamba hayawezi kuhisi. Wao huwa na "maambukizi". Katika mwaka uliopita, wanasayansi wa kijiolojia walipata baadhi ya makundi hayo katika mapengo ya chini ya ardhi karibu na visima vya kina kirefu ambavyo mara nyingi hujazwa na maji ya taka kutoka kwa mashine za kuchimba mafuta na gesi. Nicholas van der Elst, mtaalamu wa jiolojia wa Chuo Kikuu cha Columbia, anasema kwamba kuna maporomoko mengi ya ardhi nchini kote. "Kupiga maji huingia ndani na kuzunguka ufa huo, na kwa njia fulani huendeshwa nje kwenye kuta za ufa huo na kufanya iwe rahisi kwa ufa huo kuteleza,"" anasema." Maji ya taka "hujaza" mapungufu hayo mvutano hadi, wakati fulani, yanapoanguka na dunia kuhamia. Kwa hiyo kile ambacho van der Elst alitaka kujua kilikuwa: "Ni nini kinachosababisha kuteleza huko?" Wakati mwingine ni tu kwamba maji yote kujenga juu. Hata hivyo, aligundua kwamba katika visa vitatu katika muongo uliopita - katika Oklahoma, Colorado na Texas - kisababishi kilikuwa tetemeko jingine la ardhi, kubwa sana, maelfu ya maili mbali. Katika kila kisa, matetemeko makubwa ya ardhi yalitokeza mawimbi makubwa ya matetemeko ya ardhi ambayo yalizunguka uso wa dunia "kama mawimbi", asema van der Elst. "Hata unaweza kuyaona kwenye vipima-tetemeko vya ardhi, yakizunguka ulimwengu mara nyingi". Matetemeko hayo matatu makubwa yaliathiri sayari hiyo kama kengele. Mawimbi ya tetemeko la ardhi yalipofika kwenye maporomoko ya chini ya ardhi karibu na visima vya maji machafu katika majimbo hayo matatu, yaliongeza mvutano katika maporomoko hayo hadi kwenye ukingo wa ukingo. Punde si punde, eneo lililokuwa karibu na visima hilo likaanza kutikiswa na matetemeko madogo-madogo. Baadhi ya tetemeko hilo lilitokeza tetemeko kubwa la ardhi lenye ukubwa wa -4.0 hadi -5.0, ambalo ni kubwa vya kutosha kuleta uharibifu. Utafiti wa Van der Elst umechapishwa katika toleo la wiki hii la jarida la Science. Katika toleo hilo, mwanasayansi wa dunia Emily Brodsky wa Chuo Kikuu cha California, Santa Cruz, anaripoti kuhusu utaratibu mwingine unaosababisha matetemeko madogo ya ardhi: utengenezaji wa nishati ya joto la dunia. Kituo hicho cha umeme, kilicho karibu na bahari ya Salton, kusini mwa California, kinatoa maji ya moto kutoka chini ya ardhi na kugeuza kuwa mvuke ili kutengeneza umeme, kisha kurudisha sehemu kubwa ya maji hayo chini ya ardhi. "Brodsky anasema, ""Tuligundua kwamba kiwango cha matetemeko ya ardhi kinahusiana sana na uchimbaji wa maji kutoka kwenye shamba hilo." Kwa wastani, kuchimba lita milioni moja za maji kwa mwezi kulisababisha tetemeko la ardhi moja kila baada ya siku 11. Sasa, wanasayansi wanajua kwamba mitambo ya umeme ya joto la dunia inayotumia maji kutoka chini ya ardhi yaweza kusababisha matetemeko madogo-madogo ya ardhi. Utafiti wa Brodsky ulionyesha kwamba kiasi cha maji kilichohamishwa kilikuwa sawa na mara nyingi za matetemeko ya ardhi. Yeye asema kwamba matetemeko hayo ni madogo sana. Lakini inamsumbua kwamba kiwanda cha joto la dunia alichokichunguza kiko karibu na ncha ya kusini ya San Andreas fault ya California - chanzo cha tetemeko kubwa zaidi la ardhi katika jimbo hilo. "Tunapaswa kujua kinachotokea kwenye mwisho wa kusini kabisa wa ufa wa San Andreas", asema. "Kati ya maeneo mbalimbali ulimwenguni yanayosababisha matetemeko ya ardhi, hii ni mojawapo ya maeneo yenye hatari sana". Brodsky anasema ni vigumu kwamba kiwanda cha joto la dunia inaweza kusababisha tetemeko kubwa juu ya kosa, lakini ni uwezekano wa kinadharia. """Uwezekano ni zaidi ya sifuri,"" anasema, ""lakini sijui hatari halisi ni nini, hiyo ndiyo anataka kujua baadaye.""" Kampuni inayomilikiwa na kiwanda hicho, Mid-American Energy Holdings, ilikataa kutoa maoni juu ya utafiti huo. William Ellsworth, mtafiti wa Marekani wa kijiolojia, aliandika hivi: "Mmoja wa maswali makuu tunayohangaikia", asema, "ni, 'Tetemeko la ardhi linaloweza kusababishwa na umeme linaweza kuwa kubwa kadiri gani?' "Hatujui jibu la swali hili, na ni muhimu sana kuweza kutabiri hatari ya tetemeko la ardhi.""" "Ellsworth anasema wanjiolojia wanahitaji vituo zaidi vya ufuatiliaji wa tetemeko la ardhi na data zaidi kutoka kwa visima vya taka na mitambo ya joto la ardhi ili kujua hatari.""" Copyright: NPR Kwa maelezo zaidi, tembelea
New genetic research could provide life-changing treatments for the approximately 50 million people with epilepsy worldwide. A study in the journal Nature has identified two genes and 25 mutations associated with the most serious forms of epilepsy. By identifying these genes, doctors can develop targeted treatments. Dr. David Goldstein, director of the Duke Center for Human Genome Variation, and Tracy Dixon-Salazar, a neurobiologist who is associate research director for Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy, join Here & Now to discuss the new research. Dixon-Salazar started studying neurobiology when her daughter Savannah was diagnosed with a childhood epilepsy. This segment aired on August 12, 2013.
Utafiti mpya wa maumbile yaweza kutoa matibabu ya kubadilisha maisha kwa watu milioni 50 hivi wenye kifafa ulimwenguni. Utafiti uliochapishwa katika jarida la Nature uligundua jeni mbili na mabadiliko 25 yanayohusiana na aina mbaya zaidi za kifafa. Kwa kutambua chembe hizo za urithi, madaktari wanaweza kutengeneza matibabu yanayofaa. David Goldstein, Mkurugenzi wa Kituo cha Duke cha Tofauti za Genome ya Binadamu, na Tracy Dixon-Salazar, Mtaalamu wa Neurobiolojia na Mkurugenzi Mshirika wa Utafiti wa Wananchi wa Umoja wa Utafiti wa Epilepsy, wanajiunga na Hapa na Sasa kujadili utafiti mpya. Dixon-Salazar alianza kusoma neurobiology wakati binti yake Savannah aligunduliwa na kifafa cha utotoni. Sehemu hii ilionyeshwa mnamo Agosti 12, 2013.
Welcome to the English Department. Our vision is to nurture rich readers and inspire developing writers in a supportive environment. In Key Stage 3 all pupils are encouraged to read widely, to discuss, to explore, to write and to think independently in lessons that are interactive and engaging. Pupils in Key Stage 4 study English Language and English Literature separately, covering a wide range of texts including poetry, drama, prose, fiction and non-fiction. They are encouraged to recognise the crucial impact of communication, written or spoken, giving them power over their own lives and their futures. Some students make the decision to continue their English journey into Key Stage 5, choosing to study English Literature at AS/A level. Studying English helps to develop a wide range of skills that are important in everyday life and valuable to employers including: the ability to discuss, to think independently, to write and speak well, to present information effectively and to work as part of a team.
Karibu katika Idara ya Kiingereza. Maono yetu ni kukuza wasomaji matajiri na kuhamasisha waandishi wanaositawi katika mazingira ya kuunga mkono. Katika hatua ya msingi ya tatu, wanafunzi wote wanahimizwa kusoma kwa wingi, kujadili, kuchunguza, kuandika na kufikiri kwa kujitegemea katika masomo ambayo ni ya maingiliano na ya kuvutia. Wanafunzi katika Key Stage 4 kujifunza Kiingereza na fasihi ya Kiingereza tofauti, kufunika mbalimbali ya maandishi ikiwa ni pamoja na mashairi, mchezo wa kuigiza, mashairi, hadithi na hadithi. Wanachochewa kutambua athari muhimu ya mawasiliano, yaliyoandikwa au yaliyosemwa, na kuwapa nguvu juu ya maisha yao na siku zijazo. Wanafunzi wengi huamua kuendelea na safari yao ya Kiingereza katika hatua muhimu ya 5, wakichagua kusoma fasihi ya Kiingereza katika kiwango cha ASA. Kujifunza Kiingereza husaidia kuendeleza ujuzi mbalimbali muhimu katika maisha ya kila siku na thamani kwa waajiri, ikiwa ni pamoja na: uwezo wa kujadili, kufikiri kwa kujitegemea, kuandika na kuzungumza vizuri, kuwasilisha habari kwa ufanisi na kufanya kazi kama sehemu ya timu.
One of the most distinguished cultural and intellectual historians of our time, Frank Turner taught a landmark Yale University lecture course on European intellectual history that drew scores of students over many years. His lectures—lucid, accessible, beautifully written, and delivered with a notable lack of jargon—distilled modern European history from the Enlightenment to the dawn of the twentieth century and conveyed the turbulence of a rapidly changing era in European history through its ideas and leading figures. Richard A. Lofthouse, one of Turner’s former students, has now edited the lectures into a single volume that outlines the thoughts of a great historian on the forging of modern European ideas. Moreover, it offers a fine example of how intellectual history should be taught: rooted firmly in historical and biographical evidence. Frank M. Turner (1944–2010) was John Hay Whitney Professor of History, director of the Beinecke Library, and university librarian, all at Yale University. Richard A. Lofthouse is editor of Oxford Today and formerly lecturer in modern history, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Sign up to the Yale newsletter for book news, offers, free extracts and more Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again.
Frank Turner, mmoja wa wanahistoria mashuhuri wa kitamaduni na kiakili wa wakati wetu, alifundisha kozi ya hotuba ya Chuo Kikuu cha Yale juu ya historia ya kiakili ya Ulaya ambayo ilivutia wanafunzi wengi kwa miaka mingi. Hotuba zake - wazi, kupatikana, vizuri imeandikwa, na kutolewa na ukosefu wa jargon - distilled historia ya kisasa ya Ulaya kutoka Enlightenment kwa mapambazuko ya karne ya ishirini na alitoa msukosuko wa enzi ya mabadiliko ya haraka katika historia ya Ulaya kupitia mawazo yake na takwimu za kuongoza. Richard A. Lofthouse, mmoja wa wanafunzi wa zamani wa Turner, sasa amepanga hotuba hizo katika kitabu kimoja ambacho kinaelezea mawazo ya mwanahistoria huyo mkuu juu ya kuundwa kwa mawazo ya kisasa ya Ulaya. Zaidi ya hayo, inatoa mfano mzuri wa jinsi historia ya kiakili inapaswa kufundishwa: imezikwa imara katika ushahidi wa kihistoria na wasifu. Frank M. Turner (1944-2010) alikuwa John Hay Whitney Profesa wa Historia, mkurugenzi wa Maktaba ya Beinecke, na maktaba ya chuo kikuu, wote katika Chuo Kikuu cha Yale. Richard A. Lofthouse ni mhariri wa Oxford Leo na zamani mhadhiri katika historia ya kisasa, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Kujiandikisha kwa jarida la Yale kwa habari za vitabu, ofa, vichwa vya habari vya bure na zaidi Cookies muhimu sana, lazima iwe na uwezo wakati wote ili tuweze kuhifadhi mapendekezo yako kwa mipangilio ya cookie. Kama wewe disable hii cookie, hatuwezi kuhifadhi upendeleo wako. Hii inamaanisha kwamba kila wakati unapotembelea tovuti hii utahitaji kuwezesha au kuzima kuki tena.
Salty Atlantic waters may have been seeping into the Arctic since the early 20th century, several decades earlier than previously believed. The Arctic is warming faster than any other part of the world and the increasing influence of water from the Atlantic Ocean, which is on average warmer and saltier than the Arctic Ocean, is likely to be leading to further ice loss. This effect is known as “Atlantification”, says Tesi Tommaso at the Italian National Research Council Institute of Polar Sciences. But it is hard to quantify because we only have 20 years of confirmed data about the interaction between these waters, he adds. He and his colleagues studied the Fram Strait in the Arctic Ocean between Greenland and the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard. They collected a 112-centimetre sediment core from the bottom of one of Svalbard’s inlets to reconstruct the history of the strait. “The rock is in the ocean,” says Tommaso. “What we see is a reflection of the water’s properties.” The layers of the core correspond to sediments laid down over the past 800 years, which hold clues to the time they were deposited. “Every centimetre gave us climate information for about four to five years,” says Tommaso. The team found that for the earliest 700 years or so, nothing changed in the composition of organic matter in the sediment. But in samples corresponding to the year 1907, they saw a sudden change in the oxygen isotopes in the organic matter. “This change suggests the waters became a lot warmer and saltier,” says Tommaso. The team is unsure what caused this dramatic shift in temperature. “It could be a natural event that propagated from the subpolar regions to the gate of the Arctic Ocean,” says Tommaso. More data and modelling are needed to gain a clearer picture of what caused this sudden change, he says. “This early Atlantification is important as it will have pre-conditioned the Arctic to be susceptible to the more rapid change seen today,” says Yueng-Djern Lenn at Bangor University, UK. Understanding the history of this effect can tell us about how the ecosystem may respond in the future, says Marie Porter at the Scottish Association for Marine Science. “The process of Atlantification continues across the Atlantic-Arctic under post-industrialisation climate change.” Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj2946 Sign up to our free Fix the Planet newsletter to get a dose of climate optimism delivered straight to your inbox, every Thursday
Maji ya bahari ya Atlantiki ya chumvi huenda yalitiririka katika eneo la Aktiki tangu mwanzoni mwa karne ya 20, miongo kadhaa mapema kuliko ilivyodhaniwa hapo awali. "Arctic ni joto haraka kuliko sehemu nyingine yoyote ya dunia na kuongezeka kwa ushawishi wa maji kutoka Bahari ya Atlantiki, ambayo kwa wastani ni joto na chumvi kuliko Bahari ya Aktiki, ni uwezekano wa kusababisha zaidi ya kupoteza barafu. """ Athari hii inajulikana kama "Atlantification", anasema Tesi Tommaso katika Taasisi ya Sayansi ya Polar ya Baraza la Kitaifa la Utafiti la Italia. "Lakini ni vigumu kuamua kwa sababu tuna miaka 20 tu ya data iliyothibitishwa juu ya mwingiliano kati ya maji haya, ""aliongeza." Yeye na wenzake walichunguza Mlango-Bahari wa Fram katika Bahari ya Aktiki kati ya Greenland na visiwa vya Svalbard vya Norway. Watafiti hao walichunguza mchanga wa sediment wenye urefu wa sentimita 112 kutoka chini ya moja ya vijito vya Svalbard ili kuunda upya historia ya mfereji huo. "Mwamba uko baharini", asema Tommaso. "Kile tunachoona ni mwangaza wa sifa za maji. ""Mipaka ya msingi inalingana na sediments iliyowekwa zaidi ya miaka 800 iliyopita, ambayo inashikilia vidokezo vya wakati walipowekwa." "Kila sentimeta ilitupa habari za hali ya hewa kwa miaka minne hadi mitano", anasema Tommaso. Watafiti hao waligundua kwamba katika miaka 700 ya kwanza, hakuna mabadiliko yoyote katika muundo wa vitu vya kikaboni katika mchanga. Katika sampuli zilizochukuliwa mwaka 1907, wanasayansi waligundua mabadiliko makubwa katika viwango vya oksijeni katika chembe za urithi. "Mabadiliko haya yanaonyesha kwamba maji yakawa yenye joto na chumvi zaidi", anasema Tommaso. Timu hiyo haijui ni nini kilichosababisha badiliko hilo kubwa la halijoto. "Inaweza kuwa tukio la asili ambalo lilitangazwa kutoka mikoa ya chini ya mviringo hadi mlango wa Bahari ya Aktiki", anasema Tommaso. "Tuna mahitaji ya data zaidi na modeling kupata picha wazi ya nini kusababisha mabadiliko haya ya ghafla. """ "Kutokea kwa Atlantiki mapema ni muhimu kwa sababu itakuwa imeweka hali ya Arctic kuwa nyeti kwa mabadiliko ya haraka zaidi yanayoonekana leo, "Yueng-Djern Lann anasema katika Chuo Kikuu cha Bangor, Uingereza." "Kufahamu historia ya athari hii kunaweza kutuambia jinsi mazingira yanaweza kujibu katika siku zijazo, ""anasema Marie Porter katika Chama cha Scotland cha Sayansi ya Bahari." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mapinduzi ya Sayansi"" (Science Advances DOI: 10.1126.sciadv.abj2946) ni jarida la bure la ""Fix the Planet"" ambalo linatuma maoni mazuri ya hali ya hewa moja kwa moja kwenye sanduku lako la barua kila Alhamisi."
The whole family matters to us, which is why we understand some of the challenges and worries that siblings of disabled people may face. Many siblings are also young carers and may have other responsibilities that other young people their age may not have. The challenges and worries they face have the potential to escalate and can have a negative impact on their mental and physical health. This may affect their confidence, self-esteem and it can be socially isolating. Friendships may be harder to maintain as sometimes they may feel that their other friends don’t understand, and often can feel guilty if they are not at home to help out. At BDCPS we like to make sure that the siblings of disabled young people also have the chance to be young and care free! We run sessions that allow our young people and their siblings to positively engage together at the same scheme offering parents real respite time whilst giving siblings the opportunity to share experiences and socialise with other siblings of disabled young people. In addition to this, we also have sibling only activities where they go out on adventures with others and have the chance to build new friendships, have fun with children who are in similar situations where they can empathise and share experiences with one another. In the summer the siblings decided they would like to go trampolining, climbing and then for pizza! So we organised a fun-filled day out for them! We have also done sibling activities at Caldecotte Xperience in Milton Keynes and Forest school adventures! For further information on any sibling related activities, do not hesitate to get in touch!
Familia nzima ni muhimu kwetu, na ndiyo sababu tunaelewa baadhi ya changamoto na wasiwasi ambao ndugu na dada wa watu wenye ulemavu wanaweza kukabili. Ndugu na dada wengi pia ni watunzaji wachanga na wanaweza kuwa na majukumu mengine ambayo vijana wengine wa umri wao hawawezi kuwa nayo. Matatizo na wasiwasi wanaokabiliwa nao yanaweza kuongezeka na kuwa na athari mbaya kwa afya yao ya akili na kimwili. Hii inaweza kuathiri ujasiri wao, kujithamini na inaweza kuwa ya kutengwa kijamii. Marafiki wanaweza kuwa vigumu kudumisha kama wakati mwingine wanaweza kuhisi kwamba marafiki wao wengine hawaelewi, na mara nyingi wanaweza kujisikia hatia kama wao si nyumbani kusaidia nje. Katika BDCPS tunapenda kuhakikisha kwamba ndugu na dada za vijana walemavu pia wana nafasi ya kuwa vijana na bila huduma! Mikutano hii inawawezesha vijana na ndugu zao kushirikiana kwa njia nzuri katika mpango huo huo, na kuwapa wazazi wakati wa kupumzika, na kuwapa ndugu na dada fursa ya kushiriki uzoefu na kuwasiliana na ndugu na dada wengine wa vijana wenye ulemavu. Kwa kuongezea, tuna shughuli za ndugu tu ambapo wao hutoka nje kwenye vituko na wengine na wana nafasi ya kujenga urafiki mpya, kufurahiya na watoto ambao wako katika hali sawa ambapo wanaweza kuelewana na kushiriki uzoefu na kila mmoja. Katika majira ya kiangazi ndugu waliamua kwamba wangependa kwenda trampolining, kupanda na kisha kwa pizza! Kwa hiyo tukawaandalia siku yenye furaha sana! Pia tumefanya shughuli za ndugu katika Caldecotte Xperience katika Milton Keynes na Forest adventures shule! Kwa habari zaidi juu ya shughuli zozote zinazohusiana na ndugu, usisite kuwasiliana nasi!
Within this section of the BPHS website is a selection of items which may be of help when visiting the Ploughing Match. 1. A booklet for use by anyone which introduces the various things that can be seen at the match. Any facts from these can be reproduced for use in school. 2. A series of worksheets - one for each year from Reception to Year 6. These are suggestions only and can be used at the Match or can be altered to fit the specific need of each class. 3. An outline of a project that could be undertaken across the school with different suggestions for different age groups. This list is far from exhaustive but does give some ideas of how a whole-school project could be developed around a visit to the Ploughing Match. Our thanks must go the The Chair of Governors, a Governor and the Head Teacher of Brailsford C of E Primary School for help with compiling the project list. Finally, it is hoped to provide up to 4 adults who will be wearing pink high-vis jackets on the day of the Ploughing Match who are there to answer questions from the Staff and children about what is going on during the day. (Right click and select "open link in new tab/window" and then you will be able to return here when you close the document)
Katika sehemu hii ya tovuti ya BPHS kuna uteuzi wa vitu ambavyo vinaweza kusaidia wakati wa kutembelea Ploughing Match. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Kitabu kwa ajili ya matumizi na mtu yeyote ambayo inaanzisha mambo mbalimbali ambayo yanaweza kuonekana katika mechi. Mambo yoyote kutoka kwa haya yanaweza kutumiwa tena katika shule. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Mfululizo wa karatasi za kazi - moja kwa kila mwaka kutoka mapokezi hadi Mwaka wa 6. Hizi ni mapendekezo tu na inaweza kutumika katika mechi au inaweza kubadilishwa ili kukidhi mahitaji maalum ya kila darasa. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Mpangilio wa mradi ambao unaweza kufanywa katika shule nzima na mapendekezo tofauti kwa makundi tofauti ya umri. Orodha hii ni mbali na kamili lakini haina kutoa baadhi ya mawazo ya jinsi mradi wa shule nzima inaweza kuendelezwa kuzunguka ziara ya Ploughing Match. """Tunashukuru sana kwa Rais wa Serikali, Gavana na Mwalimu Mkuu wa Shule ya Msingi ya Brailsford C of E kwa msaada wao katika kuandaa orodha ya miradi." Kwa upande mwingine, watu wazima wanne watakuwa wamevaa koti la rangi ya waridi siku ya mashindano ya kupanda, na kujibu maswali kutoka kwa wafanyakazi na watoto kuhusu kile kinachoendelea wakati wa mchana. "Kichwa cha kulia cha bonyeza ""Fungua kiungo katika tab mpya"" na kisha utaweza kurudi hapa wakati wa kufunga hati."
In diagnosis of diseases Ultrasonic devices are frequently used by healthcare professionals. The medical imaging devices namely X-ray, CT/MRI and ultrasound are producing abundant images which are used by medical practitioners in the process of diagnosis . The main problem faced by them is the noise introduced due to the consequence of the coherent nature of the wave transmitted. These noises corrupt the image and often lead to incorrect diagnosis. In general, ECG signals affected by noises such as baseline wandering, power line interference, electromagnetic interference and high frequency noises during data acquisition. In the recent paper we have considered the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based wavelet Denoising have incorporated using different Thresholding techniques to remove major sources of noises from the acquired ECG signals. The experimental results shows the significant reduction of White Gaussian noise and it retains the ECG signal morphology effectively. Different performance measures were considered to select the appropriate wavelet function and Thresholding rule for efficient noise removal methods such as Mean Square Error (MSE),Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Percentage Root Mean Square Difference (PRD) . The experimental result shows the db wavelet and BayesShrink Thresholding rule is optimal for reducing noise in the real time ECG signals.
Katika utambuzi wa magonjwa Vifaa vya ultrasonic hutumiwa mara nyingi na wataalamu wa huduma za afya. Vifaa vya upimaji wa picha za matibabu, yaani X-ray, CT, MRI na ultrasound, vinazalisha picha nyingi ambazo hutumiwa na wataalamu wa matibabu katika mchakato wa utambuzi. Tatizo kuu wanakabiliwa na ni kelele kuletwa kutokana na matokeo ya asili coherent ya wimbi kupitishwa. Sauti hizo huharibu picha na mara nyingi husababisha utambuzi usio sahihi. Kwa ujumla, ishara za ECG huathiriwa na kelele kama vile kutembea kwa msingi, kuingiliana kwa mstari wa umeme, kuingiliana kwa umeme na kelele za masafa ya juu wakati wa upatikanaji wa data. Katika makala hii, tulizungumzia jinsi ya kutumia Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) na mbinu nyingine za kuondoa kelele kutoka kwa ishara za ECG. Matokeo ya majaribio yanaonyesha kupunguzwa kwa kiasi kikubwa kwa kelele nyeupe ya Gaussian na inahifadhi morphology ya ishara ya ECG kwa ufanisi. Kwa mfano, kuna njia za kuondoa kelele za sauti kama vile Average Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), na Percentage Root Mean Square Difference (PRD). Matokeo ya majaribio yanaonyesha db wavelet na BayesShrink Thresholding sheria ni bora kwa kupunguza kelele katika wakati halisi ECG ishara.
In this article, we will explore how photography can play a pivotal role in framing sustainability in our everyday lives and ignite a passion for eco-conscious actions. The Power of Visual Storytelling Photography has long been recognized as a powerful medium for storytelling. It has the unique ability to capture moments, emotions, and experiences, provoking a range of emotions in viewers. By harnessing this power, photographers can tell compelling stories that highlight the beauty of nature, the impact of human actions, and the urgency of adopting sustainable practices. - Engagement: Photography engages viewers on an emotional and intellectual level, creating a lasting impact. - Authenticity: Authentic photos have the ability to resonate with viewers and make sustainability relatable and accessible. - Education: Through visual storytelling, photography can convey complex environmental issues in an accessible and engaging way. Shining a Light on Sustainable Practices Photography serves as a powerful tool to shed light on sustainable practices and inspire positive change. By showcasing individuals, communities, and organizations embracing sustainability, photographers can highlight the benefits and innovative solutions that contribute to a more eco-friendly world. - Showcasing Innovation: Photographs can capture cutting-edge sustainable technologies and showcase them in a visually stunning way. - Promoting Eco-Friendly Lifestyles: Photographers can document and promote eco-friendly choices, such as sustainable fashion or zero-waste living. - Raising Awareness: Through captivating visuals, photography can raise awareness about endangered species, deforestation, and other environmental challenges. Encouraging Personal Responsibility While the big picture is vital, personal responsibility is equally important in driving change. Photography can inspire individuals to make eco-friendly choices in their everyday lives by framing sustainable habits as accessible, practical, and rewarding. - Small Steps, Big Impact: Photographs can showcase simple but impactful actions, such as composting, using reusable products, or reducing plastic waste. - Building a Community: Photography can connect like-minded individuals, fostering dialogue and sharing tips for sustainable living. - Positive Reinforcement: By highlighting the joy and fulfillment that comes from sustainable choices, photography encourages a shift in mindset. Conclusion: Capturing Sustainable Change In conclusion, photography serves as a potent medium to frame sustainability in our daily lives, inspiring eco-friendly choices and raising awareness about the urgent need for change. Through visual storytelling, photographers can engage, educate, and empower individuals to embrace sustainable practices. By showcasing the beauty of our planet, the impacts of our actions, and the solutions available, photography creates a sense of personal responsibility and encourages positive change. Let us harness the power of photography to capture sustainable change and shape a greener future for all.
Katika makala hii, tutajifunza jinsi picha inaweza kucheza jukumu muhimu katika kuunda uendelevu katika maisha yetu ya kila siku na kuwasha shauku kwa vitendo vya mazingira. Nguvu ya Visual Storytelling Picha kwa muda mrefu imekuwa kutambuliwa kama njia yenye nguvu kwa ajili ya hadithi. Ina uwezo wa kipekee wa kukamata pindi, hisia, na uzoefu, na kusababisha hisia mbalimbali kwa watazamaji. Kwa kutumia nguvu hii, wapiga picha wanaweza kuelezea hadithi za kuvutia ambazo zinaangazia uzuri wa asili, athari za vitendo vya binadamu, na dharura ya kupitisha mazoea endelevu. - Ushirikiano: Picha huvutia watazamaji kwa kiwango cha kihisia na kiakili, na kuunda athari ya kudumu. - Uhalisi: Picha halisi zina uwezo wa kuvutia watazamaji na kufanya uendelevu uweze kuhusiana na kupatikana. - Elimu: Kupitia hadithi ya kuona, upigaji picha unaweza kuwasilisha masuala magumu ya mazingira kwa njia inayoweza kufikiwa na ya kuvutia. Kupiga Nuru juu ya Mazoea Endelevu Picha hutumika kama chombo chenye nguvu cha kutoa mwangaza juu ya mazoea endelevu na kuhamasisha mabadiliko mazuri. Kwa kuonyesha watu binafsi, jamii, na mashirika yanayokubali uendelevu, wapiga picha wanaweza kusisitiza faida na suluhisho za ubunifu ambazo zinachangia ulimwengu wa kirafiki zaidi. - Kuonyesha Ubunifu: Picha zinaweza kukamata teknolojia za kisasa za kudumu na kuzionyesha kwa njia ya kuvutia. - Kukuza mtindo wa maisha wa kirafiki: Wapiga picha wanaweza kurekodi na kukuza chaguzi za kirafiki, kama vile mtindo endelevu au maisha ya taka sifuri. - Kuongeza ufahamu: Kupitia picha za kuvutia, upigaji picha unaweza kuongeza ufahamu kuhusu spishi zilizo hatarini mwa kutoweka, ukataji misitu, na changamoto nyingine za mazingira. Kuchochea uwajibikaji wa kibinafsi Wakati picha kubwa ni muhimu, uwajibikaji wa kibinafsi ni muhimu sawa katika kuendesha mabadiliko. Picha inaweza kuwa na msukumo kwa watu kufanya uchaguzi wa mazingira katika maisha yao ya kila siku kwa kuunda tabia endelevu kama kupatikana, vitendo, na kuthawabisha. - Hatua ndogo, athari kubwa: Picha zinaweza kuonyesha vitendo rahisi lakini vyenye athari, kama vile kutengeneza mbolea, kutumia bidhaa zinazoweza kutumiwa tena, au kupunguza taka za plastiki. - Kujenga Jumuiya: Picha inaweza kuunganisha watu wenye mawazo sawa, kukuza mazungumzo na kushiriki vidokezo vya maisha endelevu. - Kuimarisha chanya: Kwa kuonyesha furaha na kutimiza ambayo hutoka chaguzi endelevu, upigaji picha hutia moyo mabadiliko katika mawazo. "Kufikia mkataa: ""Kuchukua mabadiliko endelevu"" Kwa kumalizia, upigaji picha hutumika kama njia yenye nguvu ya kuunda uendelevu katika maisha yetu ya kila siku, kuchochea chaguzi za mazingira na kuongeza ufahamu juu ya hitaji la haraka la mabadiliko." Kupitia hadithi za kuona, wapiga picha wanaweza kuhusisha, kuelimisha, na kuwawezesha watu kuwakumbatia mazoea endelevu. Kwa kuonyesha uzuri wa sayari yetu, athari za vitendo vyetu, na suluhisho zinazopatikana, upigaji picha huunda hisia ya uwajibikaji wa kibinafsi na kuhamasisha mabadiliko mazuri. "Hebu tutumie nguvu ya picha kukamata mabadiliko endelevu na kuunda siku zijazo za kijani kwa wote. """
China starting work on lunar probe ( 2003-12-31 17:21) ( China is starting work next year on a satellite to orbit the moon by 2007 and plans to land a lunar probe by 2010, a space official said Wednesday. The government also is studying plans to have an unmanned craft return with samples of the lunar surface by 2020, said Sun Laiyan, vice administrator of the China National Space Administration. But he said the last two stages of the program were still under review by scientists before official approval. "These two stages are under intense review, which means that 2010 and 2020 are the probable times for these two missions." "After the lunar flyby, we would proceed to landing and returning," Sun said at a news conference. The satellite project was designed to obtain three-dimensional images of the lunar surface, analyze the content of useful elements and materials on the surface, and probe the depth of the lunar soil and the space environment between the Earth and the Moon, said Sun. China would use its Long March III A launch vehicle to launch the satellite, which would be based on its Dongfanghong satellite platform, said Sun. He described the satellite project as an important step for China's exploration into deeper space, and the Moon would provide a good platform from which to probe deeper space. The lunar program is also known as the Chang'e Program, referring to a goddess who reached the Moon in an ancient Chinese fairy tale. China successful carried out its first manned space flight in October. Astronaut Yang Liwei circled the earth for 21 1/2 hours before landing in the country's northern grasslands. Sun stressed that all the moon missions under consideration would be unmanned. Sun also reaffirmed China's intention, announced previously, to launch a second manned space flight within the next two years. In the nearer term, plans call for launching a new geostationary weather satellite and collaborating with more countries on joint research projects, Sun said. |.contact us |.about us |Copyright By All rights reserved
China inaanza kazi ya kutengeneza chombo cha kuchunguza mwezi mwaka ujao, na ina mpango wa kutengeneza chombo cha kuchunguza mwezi mwaka 2010, afisa mmoja wa anga alisema. Serikali ya China pia inajifunza mipango ya kurudisha chombo kisicho na abiria na sampuli za uso wa mwezi ifikapo mwaka 2020, alisema Sun Liang, naibu msimamizi wa Usimamizi wa Anga wa Kitaifa wa China. Lakini alisema hatua mbili za mwisho za programu hiyo bado ziko chini ya ukaguzi wa wanasayansi kabla ya idhini rasmi. "Hizi hatua mbili ziko chini ya ukaguzi mkali, ambayo inamaanisha kwamba 2010 na 2020 ni nyakati za uwezekano kwa ajili ya misheni hizi mbili. """ "Baada ya kuruka juu ya mwezi, tungefanya kazi ya kutua na kurudi", Sun alisema katika mkutano wa waandishi wa habari. Mradi huo wa satelaiti umekusudiwa kupata picha tatu za uso wa mwezi, kuchambua maudhui ya vitu na vifaa muhimu kwenye uso, na kuchunguza kina cha udongo wa mwezi na mazingira ya anga kati ya Dunia na Mwezi. China itatumia Long March IIIA launch vehicle yake kutangaza satellite hiyo, ambayo itategemea jukwaa lake la satellite la Dongfenghong, alisema Sun. "Alisema mradi huo wa satelaiti ni hatua muhimu kwa ajili ya uchunguzi wa China katika anga ya juu, na mwezi utatoa jukwaa zuri la kuchunguza anga ya juu.""" Programu ya mwezi pia inajulikana kama Programu ya Chang'e, ikirejelea mungu-mke aliyefika Mwezi katika hadithi ya kale ya Kichina. China ilifanya safari yake ya kwanza ya angani yenye watu mwezi Oktoba. Msafiri wa anga Yang Liwei alizunguka dunia kwa muda wa saa 21 na nusu kabla ya kutua katika nyanda za kaskazini mwa nchi hiyo. Sun alisisitiza kwamba misheni zote za mwezi zinazozingatiwa hazitakuwa na watu. Sun pia alithibitisha nia ya China, iliyotangazwa hapo awali, ya kuzindua safari ya pili ya angani ya binadamu ndani ya miaka miwili ijayo. Katika muda mfupi, mipango inahitaji uzinduzi wa satelaiti mpya ya hali ya hewa ya geostationary na kushirikiana na nchi zaidi kwenye miradi ya utafiti wa pamoja, Sun alisema. [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] [Kuchukua] Haki zote zimehifadhiwa
World Biofuel Day is observed every year on 10th August to create awareness about the importance of non-fossil fuels or biofuels as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels and to highlight the various efforts made by the Government in the biofuel sector. The World Biofuel Day is being observed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas for the last three years. This year, it is proposed to hold the World Biofuel Day programme at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 10th August, 2018. Prime Minister will be the Chief Guest for the inaugural session that day, and he will be joined by a galaxy of Central Ministers. The proposed participants in the World Biofuel Day programme are sugarcane and other farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs in biofuels, students of agriculture, science and engineering streams, Members of Parliament, Ambassadors, officers of Central and State Governments and companies involved in bio-energy sector, national and international media, and others. There will be separate interactive sessions on ethanol, bio-diesel, bio-CNG and 2nd Generation biofuels after the inaugural session. Biofuels have the benefits of reducing import dependency on crude oil, cleaner environment, additional income to farmers and employment generation in rural areas. The biofuels programme is also in synergy with the Government of India initiatives for Make in India, Swachh Bharat and enhancing farmers’ income. Since 2014, the Government of India has taken a number of initiatives to increase blending of biofuels. The major interventions include administrative price mechanism for ethanol, simplifying the procurement procedures of OMCs, amending the provisions of Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 and enabling lignocellulosic route for ethanol procurement. These interventions of the Government of India have shown positive results. Ethanol blending in petrol has increased from 38 crore litres in the ethanol supply year 2013-14 to an estimated 141 crore litres in the ethanol supply year 2017-18. Bio-diesel blending in the country started from 10th August, 2015 and in the year 2018-19, Oil Marketing Companies have allocated 7.6 crore litres of biodiesel. Oil PSUs are also planning to set up 12 Second Generation (2G) Bio-refineries to augment ethanol supply and address environmental issues arising out of burning of agricultural biomass. The Government approved the National Policy on Biofuels-2018 in June 2018. The policy has the objective of reaching 20% ethanol-blending and 5% biodiesel-blending by the year 2030. Among other things, the policy expands the scope of feedstock for ethanol production and has provided for incentives for production of advanced biofuels. Recently, the Government has increased the price of C-heavy molasses-based ethanol to Rs. 43.70 from Rs. 40.85 to give a boost to EBP Programme. Price of B-heavy molasses-based ethanol and sugarcane juice-based ethanol has been fixed for the first time at Rs. 47.40. The Government has reduced GST on ethanol for blending in fuel from 18% to 5%. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas is making all efforts to increase ethanol supply for petrol and has taken several steps in this direction.
Siku ya Dunia ya Biofuel huadhimishwa kila mwaka mnamo 10 Agosti ili kuunda ufahamu juu ya umuhimu wa mafuta yasiyo ya fossil au biofuels kama mbadala wa mafuta ya fossil ya kawaida na kuonyesha juhudi mbalimbali zilizofanywa na Serikali katika sekta ya biofuels. Siku ya Dunia ya Mafuta ya Bio imekuwa ikisherehekewa na Wizara ya Petroli na Gesi Asili kwa miaka mitatu iliyopita. Siku ya Dunia ya Biofuel itafanyika katika Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India, tarehe 10 Agosti 2018. Waziri Mkuu atakuwa mgeni mkuu kwa kikao cha ufunguzi siku hiyo, na ataungana na galaksi ya Mawaziri wa Kati. "Washiriki wa mpango wa Siku ya Dunia ya Biofuel ni wakulima wa miwa na wengine, wanasayansi, wajasiriamali katika biofuels, wanafunzi wa kilimo, sayansi na uhandisi, wanachama wa Bunge, mabalozi, maafisa wa serikali za kati na za jimbo na makampuni yanayohusika katika sekta ya bioenergy, vyombo vya habari vya kitaifa na kimataifa, na wengine. """ Mkutano huo pia utahusisha mazungumzo ya kina kuhusu ethanol, bio-diesel, bio-CNG na mafuta ya kizazi cha pili. Biofuels ina faida ya kupunguza utegemezi wa uagizaji wa mafuta yasiyosafishwa, mazingira safi, mapato ya ziada kwa wakulima na kuunda ajira katika maeneo ya vijijini. Programu ya mafuta ya viumbe pia ni katika ushirikiano na mipango ya Serikali ya India kwa ajili ya Kufanya katika India, Swachh Bharat na kuongeza mapato ya wakulima. Tangu mwaka 2014, Serikali ya India imechukua hatua kadhaa za kuongeza mchanganyiko wa mafuta ya bio. Mabadiliko hayo ni pamoja na utaratibu wa bei ya utawala kwa ethanol, kurahisisha taratibu za ununuzi wa OMCs, kurekebisha masharti ya Sheria ya Viwanda (Uendelezaji na Udhibiti) ya 1951, na kuwezesha njia ya lignocellulosic kwa ununuzi wa ethanol. Hatua hizi za Serikali ya India zimeonyesha matokeo mazuri. Kwa mujibu wa ripoti hiyo, kiasi cha ethanol kilichotumiwa katika mafuta ya petroli kiliongezeka kutoka lita 38 za ethanol mwaka wa 2013 hadi lita 141 za ethanol mwaka wa 2017. Biodiesel imeanza kutumiwa nchini humo mnamo Agosti 10, 2015 na katika mwaka wa 2018-19, makampuni ya uuzaji wa mafuta yameweka lita 7.6 za biodiesel. Kampuni za umma za mafuta pia zinapanga kuanzisha viwanda 12 vya kizazi cha pili (2G) vya kusafisha viumbe ili kuongeza usambazaji wa ethanol na kushughulikia masuala ya mazingira yanayotokana na kuchoma biomass ya kilimo. Serikali ya India imepitisha sera ya kitaifa ya mafuta ya viumbe (National Policy on Biofuels) mnamo Juni 2018. Mpango huo unakusudia kufikia kiwango cha 20%, na 5%, cha ethanol na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%, na 5%. Miongoni mwa mambo mengine, sera hiyo inaongeza wigo wa malighafi kwa ajili ya uzalishaji wa ethanol na imetoa motisha kwa ajili ya uzalishaji wa biofuels ya juu. Hivi karibuni, Serikali imeongeza bei ya ethanol ya msingi wa molasses nzito ya C hadi Rs. 43 na 70 kwa ajili ya Rupees. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mfano wa kuimarisha mpango wa EBP ni muhimu." Bei ya ethanol ya B-heavy molasses na ethanol ya juisi ya miwa imewekwa kwa mara ya kwanza kwa Rs. 47.4 - Uwezo wa kuendesha gari Serikali imepunguza ushuru wa bidhaa na huduma (GST) kwa ethanol iliyotumiwa kuchanganya mafuta na mafuta ya mafuta kutoka asilimia 18 hadi asilimia 5. Wizara ya Petroli na Gesi Asili (PnG) imefanya kazi ya kuongeza usambazaji wa ethanol kwa petroli na imechukua hatua kadhaa katika mwelekeo huu.
Case I: RFID(Radio Frequency Identification Device) RFID stands for radio frequency identification. A computer chip is attached to an antenna, and they are often referred to together as an RFID tag. Data stored on the chip transmits wirelessly through the antenna to an RFID reader or scanning device that operates on the same frequency as the antenna. Are all RFID tags and readers the same? Makers of RFID tags and readers use proprietary technology and design their systems to run on different frequencies (anywhere from 125 KHz to about 915 MHz). Tags designed by one company generally cannot be read by readers made by another company or by readers running on different frequencies. That may not be an issue in the future as industry standards are more broadly adopted. RFID devices can be active or passive. Active RFID tags have a battery that provides power to transmit data on the chip, and can transmit data 100 feet or more. Passive RFID tags get their power from the RFID reader. When an RFID reader is directed at a passive RFID tag running on the same frequency, the reader sends an electromagnetic wave to the tag. This powers the tag to send data to the reader. Passive RFID usually requires a reader to be within a foot of the chip, but depending on the frequency, can be read from up to 20 feet away. What’s stored on the chip? This depends on the storage size of the chip. Most RFID tags used by manufacturers to track products store only about 2 KB of data, which usually consists only of a unique serial number identifying the product. But RFID chips proposed for new electronic passports can store more data, such as a person’s name, address, birth date and biometric data like a digital photo or fingerprint and iris scans. What is RFID used for? RFID tags store data about a product or person who carries the tag. The tag can be embedded in product packaging, in library books, in credit cards or in an ID badge or document, such as a driver’s license or passport. The tags can track products and pallets in warehouses and on store shelves. They’re also used in electronic toll passes and key fobs. They’ve tracked cows and cadavers, and people are increasingly implanting them in pets. RFID chips have been embedded in bracelets worn by Alzheimer’s patients, prison inmates and guards, and children in hospitals to make sure intruders don’t abduct them. Earlier this year, a California school required students to wear an ID tag embedded with an RFID chip to track their movements and monitor attendance. The move caused controversy, however, because the school neglected to tell students or parents that the badges contained a tracking device. An implantable RFID chip, called the VeriChip, was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for security and health-care applications. The VeriChip is designed to be planted beneath the skin and would contain a serial number or password that medical personnel could obtain by scanning a patient’s arm. The serial number could then be entered into a computer database to access a medical file set up by the patient. Why is it becoming so popular? Low-frequency RFID has been around for about 30 years, but it hasn’t been practical for widespread use because manufacturing the chips and readers has been expensive. Also, a lack of standards that would allow any RFID reader to scan any chip kept the technology from being widely adopted, but proposed standards could help change that. Some RFID tags now cost less than 50 cents. Manufacturers like RFID because the technology is more convenient and durable than bar codes, which can be difficult to read if not passed directly in front of a scanner or if the bar code has faded or is torn on the product package. An RFID tag can also hold more useful information than a bar code, such as the expiration date of a perishable product like milk. What are the concerns about RFID? Privacy activists worry that RFID tags on individual products, rather than warehouse pallets, could track consumers inside and outside stores. Companies could collect information about customer interests based on where they go, especially if the serial numbers on tags are tied to an individual through purchases. Activists also warn that if tags are used widely in consumer products, police or FBI agents monitoring a political rally or religious service could scan a room with an RFID reader to determine quickly who is present or with whom the person carrying a tag associates. What about using RFID on identification documents? Activists are afraid an identity thief or terrorist could surreptitiously read the data on an RFID tag in a driver’s license or passport and use it to create a duplicate document. Or an intruder could pick up data on a chip through “eavesdropping,” which occurs when one reader picks up data as it is transmitted from a tag to another reader. Can anyone hack an RFID chip to change information stored on it? They conceivably could if the tag is a read-write tag as opposed to a read-only tag and the data stored on it is not encrypted. (Read-write means you can read data on the tag as well as write over or add to the existing data.) What do RFID proponents say? Businesses using RFID tags say they have no interest in gathering information on consumers and simply want to use the devices to increase efficiency and reduce data entry. They also claim RFID tags could be manufactured so they can be killed once they leave a store. It would also be difficult for law enforcement to obtain personal information about people based on RFID tags embedded in consumer products without having access to a store database that connects the data to a person. Data stored on ID badges could be encrypted to protect it from surreptitious scanning. Does any legislation govern the use of RFID tags and information stored on them? here isn’t federal legislation specifically covering RFID, but other laws covering the privacy of data and law enforcement access to it would apply to RFID tags. Pending legislation in California would prohibit the use of RFID technology in state-issued documents, with some exceptions.
"Kifaa cha RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) ni kifaa cha ""kufahamisha kwa masafa ya redio.""" Chip ya kompyuta imeunganishwa na antena, na mara nyingi huitwa pamoja kama lebo ya RFID. Data iliyohifadhiwa kwenye chip hiyo hupitishwa bila waya kupitia antena kwa msomaji wa RFID au kifaa cha kuchunguza kinachofanya kazi kwa mzunguko sawa na antena. Je, tags zote za RFID na wasomaji ni sawa? Vifaa vya RFID vinaweza kutengenezwa kwa kutumia teknolojia ya kipekee na kuundwa kwa njia ya kawaida, ambayo inaweza kutumika katika masafa ya kati ya 125kHz na 915MHz. Tags iliyoundwa na kampuni moja kwa ujumla haiwezi kusomwa na wasomaji alifanya na kampuni nyingine au na wasomaji mbio juu ya masafa tofauti. Hiyo inaweza kuwa si suala katika siku zijazo kama viwango vya sekta ni zaidi kwa ujumla kupitishwa. Vifaa vya RFID vinaweza kuwa na nguvu au nguvu. RFID tags ni vifaa vya kuunganisha data kutoka kwa chip hadi kwenye chip, na inaweza kuunganisha data kutoka kwa chip hadi kwenye chip. Vipande vya RFID vya pasi vinapata nguvu zao kutoka kwa msomaji wa RFID. Wakati msomaji wa RFID anaelekezwa kwa tag ya RFID isiyo na nguvu inayoendesha kwenye mzunguko huo, msomaji hutuma wimbi la umeme kwa tag. Hii nguvu tag kutuma data kwa msomaji. RFID ya Passive inahitaji msomaji kuwa ndani ya futi ya chip, lakini kulingana na mzunguko, inaweza kusomwa kutoka umbali wa mita 20. Ni nini kilichohifadhiwa kwenye chip hiyo? Hii inategemea ukubwa wa kuhifadhi ya chip. Vipande vya RFID vinavyotumiwa na wazalishaji kufuatilia bidhaa huhifadhi data ya karibu 2Kb, ambayo kwa kawaida inajumuisha nambari ya kipekee ya mfululizo inayotambulisha bidhaa. Vipande vya RFID vilivyopendekezwa kwa ajili ya pasipoti mpya za elektroniki vinaweza kuhifadhi data zaidi, kama vile jina la mtu, anwani, tarehe ya kuzaliwa na data za biometriki kama picha ya dijiti au alama za vidole na skani za iris. RFID hutumiwa kwa nini? RFID tags kuhifadhi data kuhusu bidhaa au mtu ambaye hubeba tag. Tagi inaweza kuingizwa kwenye vifurushi vya bidhaa, katika vitabu vya maktaba, katika kadi za mkopo au katika beji ya kitambulisho au hati, kama vile leseni ya kuendesha gari au pasipoti. Vipande hivyo vinaweza kufuatilia bidhaa na mabamba yaliyo katika maghala na kwenye rafu za maduka. Wao pia hutumiwa katika passes za elektroniki za malipo na fobs muhimu. Wamefuatilia ng'ombe na maiti, na watu wanazidi kuziweka ndani ya wanyama wa kufugwa. Chip za RFID zimeingizwa kwenye bangili zinazovaliwa na wagonjwa wa Alzheimer, wafungwa wa gereza na walinzi, na watoto katika hospitali ili kuhakikisha kuwa wavamizi hawawachukui. Shule moja ya California ililazimisha wanafunzi kuvaa vitambulisho vya RFID ili kufuatilia mwendo wao na kuhudhuria. Hata hivyo, hatua hiyo ilisababisha ubishi kwa sababu shule hiyo ilisahau kuwaambia wanafunzi au wazazi kwamba beji hizo zilikuwa na kifaa cha kufuatilia. Chip ya RFID inayoweza kupandikizwa, inayoitwa VeriChip, hivi karibuni iliidhinishwa na Utawala wa Chakula na Dawa kwa matumizi ya usalama na huduma za afya. Vichipuko vya VeriChip vimeundwa kwa ajili ya kuingizwa chini ya ngozi na vinaweza kuwa na nambari ya mfululizo au password ambayo wafanyakazi wa matibabu wanaweza kupata kwa kuchunguza mkono wa mgonjwa. Kisha nambari hiyo ya mfululizo ingeweza kuingizwa katika hifadhidata ya kompyuta ili kupata faili ya kitiba iliyowekwa na mgonjwa. Kwa nini inazidi kupendwa sana? RFID ya masafa ya chini imekuwa karibu kwa miaka 30 lakini haijawahi kutumika kwa wingi kwa sababu kutengeneza chips na wasomaji imekuwa ghali. Pia, ukosefu wa viwango ambavyo vingeruhusu msomaji wa RFID kuchunguza chip yoyote ulizuia teknolojia hiyo kutumiwa sana, lakini viwango vilivyopendekezwa vinaweza kusaidia kubadilisha hilo. Vipande vya RFID vinaweza kuwa na bei ya chini ya senti 50. RFID ni rahisi zaidi na ya kudumu kuliko barcodes, ambayo inaweza kuwa vigumu kusoma ikiwa haipitwi moja kwa moja mbele ya scanner au ikiwa barcode imepungua au imevunjika kwenye kifurushi cha bidhaa. RFID tag inaweza pia kushikilia habari muhimu zaidi kuliko barcode, kama vile tarehe ya kumalizika kwa bidhaa inayoweza kuharibika kama maziwa. Ni nini wasiwasi kuhusu RFID? Wakala wa usalama wa data wana wasiwasi kwamba vitambulisho vya RFID kwenye bidhaa za mtu binafsi, badala ya pallets za ghala, vinaweza kufuatilia watumiaji ndani na nje ya maduka. Kampuni zinaweza kukusanya habari kuhusu maslahi ya wateja kulingana na mahali wanapoenda, haswa ikiwa nambari za mfululizo kwenye vitambulisho vimeunganishwa na mtu binafsi kupitia ununuzi. "Wanasayansi wanasema kwamba ikiwa tags zinatumiwa sana katika bidhaa za watumiaji, polisi au mawakala wa FBI wanaofuatilia mkutano wa kisiasa au ibada ya kidini wanaweza kuchunguza chumba kwa msomaji wa RFID ili kuamua haraka ni nani aliyepo au ni nani mtu anayebeba tags anaoshirikiana naye. """ Je, ni kweli kwamba RFID inaweza kutumika katika hati za utambulisho? Wanaharakati wanaogopa kuwa mwizi wa utambulisho au kigaidi anaweza kusoma kwa siri data kwenye lebo ya RFID kwenye leseni ya kuendesha gari au pasipoti na kuitumia kuunda hati ya mara mbili. Au intruder inaweza kuchukua data juu ya chip kupitia <unk>eavesdropping,<unk> ambayo hutokea wakati msomaji mmoja huchukua data kama ni kupitishwa kutoka tag kwa msomaji mwingine. Je, mtu yeyote anaweza kuharibu chip ya RFID ili kubadilisha habari zilizohifadhiwa ndani yake? Inawezekana inaweza kama tag ni kusoma-kuandika tag kinyume na kusoma tu tag na data kuhifadhiwa juu yake si encrypted. (Kusoma-kuandika ina maana unaweza kusoma data juu ya tag kama vile kuandika juu au kuongeza kwa data zilizopo.) Watetezi wa RFID wanasema nini? Kampuni zinazotumia RFID tags zinasema hazipendezwi na kukusanya habari juu ya watumiaji na zinataka tu kutumia vifaa hivyo kuongeza ufanisi na kupunguza uingizaji wa data. Pia, kuna uwezekano wa kutengeneza RFIDs ili kuua watu wanaotoka madukani. "Hata hivyo, ni vigumu kwa maafisa wa sheria kupata habari za kibinafsi kuhusu watu kulingana na vitambulisho vya RFID vilivyowekwa katika bidhaa za watumiaji bila kuwa na upatikanaji wa hifadhidata ya duka ambayo inaunganisha data kwa mtu.""" Takwimu zilizohifadhiwa kwenye vitambulisho vya utambulisho zingeweza kufichwa ili kuhifadhiwa kutokana na kupimwa kisiri. Je, kuna sheria yoyote inayosimamia matumizi ya vitambulisho vya RFID na habari zilizohifadhiwa juu yao? Sheria ya shirikisho haijumuishi RFID, lakini sheria nyingine zinazohusu faragha ya data na upatikanaji wa utekelezaji wa sheria kwa hiyo inatumika kwa vitambulisho vya RFID. Sheria ya California inakataza matumizi ya RFID katika hati za serikali, isipokuwa kwa baadhi ya mambo.
How to Make The Snow in The Ski Resort Melt Slower? Ski resorts are popular places for winter sports, but melting snow is a problem that neither ski resort operators nor ski enthusiasts want to see. Because snow melt will not only affect the operation of ski resorts, but also affect the experience of ski enthusiasts. So, how do you make snow melt slower at a ski resort? Let’s introduce some methods below. Snow Cover: Covering the snow can slow down the sun’s direct rays on the snow. Use special coverings, such as white or reflective materials, to reflect the sun’s rays. This lowers the surface temperature of the snow layer and delays snow melting. Increase shaded areas: Buildings, trees and other structures can create shaded areas on ski slopes, reducing snow surface temperatures. Plan the site layout so that at least part of the slopes are in shade during the hours when the sun is strongest. Mist systems: Install mist systems in key areas of the ski resort to create a mist by spraying tiny water droplets. These tiny water droplets absorb heat as they evaporate in the air, cooling their surroundings and slowing the rate at which snow melts. Snow Management: Carefully manage snow distribution to ensure an even, thick layer of snow in key areas. Create an extra layer of protection by moving snow and depositing it in areas with more direct sunlight. Terrain design: Reasonably design the terrain of the ski resort to ensure a more even distribution of snow. Preventing snow from accumulating too thickly in some places and weakly in others can slow down the uneven process of snow melt. Artificial refrigeration systems: Use artificial refrigeration systems, such as spraying liquid nitrogen or using cooling equipment, to lower the temperature of the snow layer when needed. This provides extra protection in situations where temperatures rise or sunlight is intense. Scientific monitoring: Use modern technology to monitor the temperature, humidity and other key indicators of the snow layer. Timely acquisition of data helps to take targeted measures to ensure effective protective measures are taken at critical moments. In addition to this, it is also important to choose the right snow machine, because the quality of the snow in the ski resort has a great influence on the speed of snow melting. Generally speaking, the drier the snow produced by the snow machine, the better the quality of the snow and the slower it will melt. Therefore, when choosing a snowmaking machine, choose one that produces dry snowflakes. By combining the above methods, ski resort managers can better slow down the melting of snow and provide skiers with a longer ski season. Of course, the effectiveness of these methods may vary depending on geographic location, climatic conditions and technical feasibility, so careful investigation and planning are required before implementation.
Jinsi ya Kufanya Theluji Katika Kituo cha Ski Iyeyuke Polepole Zaidi? Vituo vya kuteleza kwenye theluji ni mahali panapopendwa sana kwa ajili ya michezo ya majira ya baridi kali, lakini kuyeyuka kwa theluji ni tatizo ambalo waendeshaji wa vituo vya kuteleza kwenye theluji na wapendao kuteleza kwenye theluji hawataki kuliona. Kwa sababu kuyeyuka kwa theluji hakutaathiri tu utendaji wa vituo vya ski, lakini pia kutaathiri uzoefu wa wapenzi wa ski. Kwa hiyo, unafanyaje theluji kuyeyuka polepole katika kituo cha kuteleza kwenye theluji? Hebu kuanzisha baadhi ya mbinu hapa chini. Kifuniko cha theluji: Kufunika theluji kunaweza kupunguza mwangaza wa jua unaofikia theluji. Tumia vifuniko maalum, kama vile vifaa vya rangi nyeupe au vinavyoonyesha, ili kutafakari miale ya jua. Hilo hupunguza halijoto ya uso wa tabaka la theluji na kuchelewesha kuyeyuka kwa theluji. Kuongeza maeneo ya kivuli: Majengo, miti na miundo mingine inaweza kuunda maeneo ya kivuli kwenye mteremko wa ski, kupunguza joto la uso wa theluji. Panga eneo la shamba ili angalau sehemu ya mteremko iwe na kivuli wakati wa saa ambapo jua lina nguvu zaidi. Mfumo wa ukungu: Weka mifumo ya ukungu katika maeneo muhimu ya kituo cha ski ili kuunda ukungu kwa kunyunyizia matone madogo ya maji. Matone hayo madogo ya maji hufyonza joto yanapochomwa na hewa, na hivyo kupoza mazingira yao na kupunguza mwendo wa kuyeyuka kwa theluji. Usimamizi wa theluji: Udhibiti wa theluji kwa uangalifu ili kuhakikisha tabaka la theluji la usawa, nene katika maeneo muhimu. Kuondoa theluji kwenye eneo lenye mwangaza wa jua Kubuni eneo: Kwa busara kubuni eneo la kituo cha ski ili kuhakikisha usambazaji sawa zaidi wa theluji. Kuzuia theluji isijikusanyike kwa wingi sana katika sehemu fulani na kwa kiasi kidogo katika sehemu nyingine kunaweza kupunguza mwendo usio sawa wa kuyeyuka kwa theluji. Mifumo ya baridi bandia: Tumia mifumo ya baridi bandia, kama vile kunyunyizia nitrojeni ya kioevu au kutumia vifaa vya baridi, ili kupunguza joto la tabaka la theluji wakati inahitajika. Hilo hutoa ulinzi wa ziada katika hali ambapo halijoto huongezeka au jua huangaza sana. Ufuatiliaji wa kisayansi: Tumia teknolojia ya kisasa kufuatilia joto, unyevu na viashiria vingine muhimu vya tabaka la theluji. Kupata data kwa wakati unaofaa husaidia kuchukua hatua za lengo ili kuhakikisha hatua za ulinzi zenye ufanisi zinachukuliwa katika wakati muhimu. Kwa sababu ya ubora wa theluji katika kituo cha ski, ni muhimu kuchagua mashine sahihi ya theluji. Kwa ujumla, theluji itakapokuwa kavu zaidi, ubora wake utaongezeka na itayeyuka polepole. Kwa hiyo, unapochagua mashine ya kutengeneza theluji, chagua moja inayotokeza vimeng'enya vya theluji vilivyo kavu. Kwa kuchanganya mbinu zilizotajwa hapo juu, wasimamizi wa vituo vya kuteleza kwenye theluji wanaweza kupunguza kasi ya kuyeyuka kwa theluji na kuwapa watelezaji msimu mrefu wa kuteleza kwenye theluji. Bila shaka, ufanisi wa mbinu hizi unaweza kutofautiana kulingana na eneo la kijiografia, hali ya hali ya hewa na uwezekano wa kiufundi, kwa hivyo uchunguzi wa uangalifu na mipango inahitajika kabla ya utekelezaji.
“How To” Exercises | SLA Topics ETAS (English Teachers' Association. Switzerland), 4, 4, 1987 We all know that language is about communication; we all know that language teaching means getting the students to communicate to each other. But just what are they actually communicating? Communication implies that there is something to communicate, a content. Teaching language for a communicative goal means not just devising activities for the classroom but also finding information to communicate . What do students and teachers actually talk about? Pick up a textbook written in the past forty years and the main subject matter seems to be soap opera style families; more communicative textbooks add activities with maps of fictional towns, functional exchanges in railway stations, and so on. Look in most communicative classrooms and you find people describing pictures, working out times of trains, pretending to be waiters, and so on. Taking communication seriously means thinking carefully about what should be communicated in the classroom; language is much more than a vehicle for buying fish and chips or finding the time of the next train to London. One possibility, as Henry Widdowson has argued, is to take the content of the language lesson from other school subjects; studying physics through English automatically gives the students genuine subject matter to talk about. The approach suggested here, however, is to use content from other areas of life. The aim is that the student goes home at the end of the day and says "Do you know what I learnt in my English lesson today?" If the lesson aims to teach the students how to communicate something, it might as well be something that is interesting and useful in its own right as some arbitrary difference between two pictures, or the layout of an imaginary town, or gossip about made-up people. One of the many ways of doing this I call "How to" exercises. A "How to" exercise teaches the students something through English that they did not know before. A practical example is "How to stop a nosebleed". I use a short series of pictures showing the alternative methods of stopping nosebleeds and describing them briefly, e.g. "If there is an accident and an unconscious person has a nosebleed, keep their mouth open with something." Students look at the pictures and demonstrate how they would carry out instructions. They suggest alternative methods, or reject the ones given; then they can discuss and demonstrate other simple first aid - how would you stop hiccups? choking? In some ways a typical communicative activity; the difference is that the content is specifically designed so that they will have learnt something more than English from their class. A variety of such How to exercises can be devised. One requirement is that they can be carried out or simulated in the classroom without any special equipment; "How to keep fit" can put the students through some simple exercises, "How to eat with chopsticks" can be demonstrated with pens or pencils. Another requirement is that they should be relevant to the students' own situations; "How to stop fires" can go from general instructions - "If it is a fat fire, turn off the electricity and cover the cooking pot" - to the actual emergency routes from the classroom; "How to cross the road" can deal with local traffic problems . The "How to" exercise can teach people to do things that they can carry away from the classroom. "How to do a card trick" not only teaches them to follow instructions in English, but also actually to do the trick; similarly from "How to play the Marienbad game" they learn not only to comprehend the rules of the matchstick game sometimes known as Nim, but also to solve a real logical problem through English. Such practical exercises shade into those that deliberately provoke discussion and disagreement, ranging from "How to make a good cup of coffee" through "How to find somewhere to live" to "How to live cheaply". Sources for some of the above activities were taken from First Aid books, a brochure from the Hong Kong Tourist Board, the Highway Code, Jane Fonda's Workout Book, and so on. Of course the advice or instructions should be reasonably accurate; I'll never forget a teacher who told me of seeing a student he had been teaching aviation English fatally crash in front of his very eyes. Though misunderstanding advice about nosebleeds or cups of coffee is unlikely to lead to such disastrous results, it is better to play safe. A further source that is often neglected is the shared experience of the classroom - second language learning. Why not have an exercise on "How to use the dictionary" for example? I also take Joan Rubin's description of the 'good language learner1 as a basis for "How to learn English" - advice such as "Talk to yourself in English while you are doing other things". Not that the students are necessarily supposed to agree. But it seems odd how shy we are about discussing the actual learning of English in the classroom. "How to" exercises like this try deliberately to make certain that the classroom is about something definite and something relevant. The "How to" exercises mentioned here are mostly based on those in V.J. Cook, Meeting People (Pergamon 1982).
How To Exercises | SLA Topics ETAS (Chama cha Walimu wa Kiingereza. "Swiss, 4 4 1987: ""Sisi sote tunajua kwamba lugha ni kuhusu mawasiliano; sisi sote tunajua kwamba kufundisha lugha ni kupata wanafunzi kuwasiliana na kila mmoja." Lakini kwa kweli wao wanawasiliana kwa njia gani? Mawasiliano yanamaanisha kwamba kuna kitu cha kuwasiliana, yaliyomo. Kufundisha lugha kwa lengo la mawasiliano haimaanishi tu kubuni shughuli kwa ajili ya darasa lakini pia kupata habari ya kuwasiliana. Wanafunzi na walimu huzungumza juu ya nini? "Kuchukua kitabu cha masomo kilichoandikwa katika miaka arobaini iliyopita na mada kuu inaonekana kuwa familia za mtindo wa opera ya sabuni; vitabu vya mawasiliano zaidi huongeza shughuli na ramani za miji ya uwongo, kubadilishana kazi katika vituo vya reli, na kadhalika. """ Angalia katika madarasa mengi ya mawasiliano na utapata watu wakielezea picha, wakifanya kazi wakati wa treni, wakijifanya kuwa wahudumu, na kadhalika. Kuchukua mawasiliano kwa uzito inamaanisha kufikiria kwa uangalifu juu ya nini kinapaswa kuwasiliana katika darasa; lugha ni zaidi ya gari la kununua samaki na chips au kupata wakati wa treni inayofuata kwenda London. "Kama Henry Widdowson alivyosema, ""Uwezekano mmoja ni kuchukua maudhui ya somo la lugha kutoka masomo mengine ya shule; kujifunza fizikia kupitia Kiingereza moja kwa moja huwapa wanafunzi mada halisi ya kuzungumza juu.""" Hata hivyo, mbinu inayopendekezwa hapa ni kutumia habari kutoka sehemu nyingine za maisha. "Lengo ni kwamba mwanafunzi aende nyumbani mwishoni mwa siku na kusema, ""Je, unajua nini mimi kujifunza katika somo langu la Kiingereza leo?""" Ikiwa somo linakusudia kuwafundisha wanafunzi jinsi ya kuwasiliana na kitu, inaweza kuwa kitu cha kuvutia na muhimu yenyewe kama tofauti fulani ya hiari kati ya picha mbili, au mpangilio wa mji wa kuwaziwa, au uvumi kuhusu watu waliobuniwa. Mojawapo ya njia nyingi za kufanya hivyo ninaita mazoezi ya "Jinsi ya". Mazoezi ya "Jinsi ya" huwafundisha wanafunzi kitu kupitia Kiingereza ambacho hawakujua hapo awali. Mfano unaofaa ni "Jinsi ya Kuacha Kutokwa na Damu Kutoka Pua". Kwa mfano, unaweza kutumia picha za mfululizo wa picha za kuzuia kutokwa na damu kutoka kwenye pua na kuelezea kwa ufupi. "Ikiwa kuna aksidenti na mtu asiye na fahamu ana mtiririko wa damu kutoka pua, funga kinywa chake kwa kitu fulani". Wanafunzi hutazama picha hizo na kuonyesha jinsi watakavyofuata maagizo. "Wanaweza kupendekeza mbinu mbadala, au kukataa zile zilizotolewa; kisha wanaweza kujadili na kuonyesha msaada mwingine rahisi wa kwanza - ""Unawezaje kuacha hiccups?""" kunyongwa? Kwa njia fulani shughuli ya kawaida ya mawasiliano; tofauti ni kwamba maudhui ni maalum iliyoundwa hivyo kwamba watakuwa na kujifunza kitu zaidi ya Kiingereza kutoka darasa lao. Aina mbalimbali za mazoezi kama hayo ya Jinsi ya yanaweza kubuniwa. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""kufanya mazoezi ya mwili"" ni mazoezi ya kawaida ambayo hufanywa na wanafunzi wa shule, na ""kufanya mazoezi ya mwili"" ni mazoezi ya kawaida ambayo hufanywa na wanafunzi wa shule, na ""kufanya mazoezi ya mwili"" ni mazoezi ya kawaida ambayo hufanywa na wanafunzi wa shule." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Jinsi ya kuzuia moto"" inaweza kwenda kutoka maelekezo ya jumla - ""Ikiwa ni moto mafuta, kuzima umeme na kufunika sufuria ya kupikia"" - kwa njia halisi ya dharura kutoka darasani; ""Jinsi ya kuvuka barabara"" inaweza kushughulika na matatizo ya mitaa ya trafiki." Mazoezi ya "Jinsi ya" yanaweza kuwafundisha watu kufanya mambo ambayo wanaweza kubeba nje ya darasa. "Kufanya mchezo wa kadi"" si tu kuwafundisha kufuata maelekezo katika Kiingereza, lakini pia kufanya kweli mchezo; vivyo hivyo kutoka ""Kufanya kucheza mchezo Marienbad"" wao kujifunza si tu kuelewa sheria za mchezo matchstake wakati mwingine inajulikana kama Nim, lakini pia kutatua tatizo halisi mantiki kwa njia ya Kiingereza." "Mazoezi hayo ya vitendo yanafanana na yale ambayo kwa makusudi husababisha majadiliano na kutokubaliana, kuanzia ""Jinsi ya kutengeneza kikombe kizuri cha kahawa"" kupitia ""Jinsi ya kupata mahali pa kuishi" hadi ""Jinsi ya kuishi kwa bei nafuu.""" Vichapo vya kwanza vilitokana na vitabu vya First Aid, broshua ya Hong Kong Tourist Board, Highway Code, Jane Fonda's Workout Book, na kadhalika. "Hata hivyo, kwa kweli, ushauri au maagizo yanapaswa kuwa sahihi; sitasahau mwalimu mmoja aliyeniambia juu ya kuona mwanafunzi ambaye alikuwa akifundisha Kiingereza cha anga akishuka vibaya mbele ya macho yake.""" Ingawa ni vigumu kuelewa ushauri kuhusu kutokwa na damu kutoka pua au vikombe vya kahawa na kuongoza kwenye matokeo mabaya kama hayo, ni afadhali kuwa salama. Chanzo kingine ambacho mara nyingi hupuuzwa ni uzoefu wa pamoja wa darasani - kujifunza lugha ya pili. Kwa nini usifanye mazoezi juu ya "Jinsi ya kutumia kamusi" kwa mfano? "Jana Rubin, mwanasayansi wa lugha, aliandika ""Ujuzi wa Kiingereza ni muhimu kwa watu wote, lakini kwa wale ambao wanajifunza lugha ya Kiingereza, ni muhimu kujifunza lugha ya Kiingereza kwa njia ya kawaida.""" Si kwamba wanafunzi lazima wakubaliane. Lakini inaonekana ya ajabu jinsi sisi ni aibu kuhusu kujadili kujifunza halisi ya Kiingereza katika darasa. "Kama ilivyo katika mazoezi ya ""kufanya"" kama hii, jaribu kwa makusudi kuhakikisha kwamba darasa ni kuhusu kitu maalum na kitu muhimu." Mazoezi ya "Jinsi ya" yaliyotajwa hapa hasa yanategemea yale katika V.J. Cook, Kukutana na Watu (Pergamon 1982).
Article 8 of ECHR: Right of Private & Family l... Article 8 of ECHR: Right of Private & Family life The European Convention on Human Rights has defined and deals with a number of basic rights that are guaranteed to every individual irrespective of their race, religion, nationality or membership of a particular social group, who resides within the boundaries of the countries belonging to the Council of Europe (There are 46 member countries including 26 member states of European Union). The ECHR provides a list of fundamental human rights each of them enshrined in separate Articles of section 1 while other sections deals with the establishment of European Court of Human Rights and miscellaneous provisions. Article 8 deals with the right of private and family life of every person living within the premises of the Council of Europe and is more relevant in relation to the Immigration decisions taken by the public authorities of the member states. - What is Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights? - Every one has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. - There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic wellbeing of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. - Who can claim right to live / remain in a member state on the basis of establishment of right of private & family life?Any person, who has established his private and family life successfully in the UK and can provide evidence to that effect, can claim right to remain in the UK on that basis alone no matter whether he qualifies under the domestic law to remain in the UK or not. The person can be: - An overstayer - Illegal entrant - Asylum seeker - Failed asylum seeker - Any one having no claim under the Immigration rules or EEA regulations to live and remain here in the UK. - Criteria for assessing a valid claim under Article 8A family life can be established in the following relationships: - Close family relations - Husband / wife or Civil Partnerships - Unmarried and Same sex Partners (there is no requirement for them to have at least 2 years of relationship as they are required to do so to qualify under the Immigration rules). - Parent / Child / Adopted Child - Wider Family relations - Grandparents/ Grandchildren - Uncles / Aunts - Nephews / Nieces - Adult Siblings - Parents / Adult Children - Foster Families - Has the applicant established family or private life in the UK? - Will refusal / removal interfere with that family life – are there insurmountable obstacles to the family enjoying family life elsewhere? - If there is interference with family life, is it in accordance with the law? - Is the interference in pursuit of one of the permissible aims set out under Article 8(2)? - Is the interference proportionate to the permissible aim? - Nature of relationship - Are there any minor children in the relationship? - Frequency of contact with the relatives - Is there any dependency involved in the relationship? - Applicant`s and his family members` countries of nationality & immigration status. - Family members` ties with the UK - Applicant`s ties with his country of origin - Are there any health or other welfare issues involved? - Availability of entry clearance facilities in the country of origin - Has there been a delay in determining an earlier immigration application? - Would there be any effects on the family living in the UK of the removal of the applicant? - Close family relations - ConclusionOn the face of it, Article 8 may appear to be another reason to stay in the UK on the basis of establishment of private and family life, but in fact it is only in “truly and exceptional” cases that applicants are permitted to remain in the UK.In addition to the Human Rights Act 1998, Judicial precedents has been another source of law to interpret, set, explain and enforce the procedures that have to be followed while considering Human rights claims. It has not ended yet and is still undergoing further developments that would make the vague procedures much clearer.
"Kifungu cha 8 cha ECHR: ""Haki ya kibinafsi na ya familia""" Mkataba wa Ulaya wa Haki za Binadamu (ECHR) unatoa haki za msingi kwa kila mtu, bila kujali jamii, dini, utaifa au uanachama wa kikundi fulani cha kijamii, ambaye anaishi ndani ya mipaka ya nchi wanachama wa Baraza la Ulaya. ECHR hutoa orodha ya haki za msingi za binadamu, kila moja yao imewekwa katika Makala tofauti za sehemu ya 1, wakati sehemu nyingine zinashughulikia uanzishwaji wa Mahakama ya Ulaya ya Haki za Binadamu na masharti mengine. "Kifungu cha 8 kinahusu haki ya maisha ya kibinafsi na ya familia ya kila mtu anayeishi ndani ya jengo la Baraza la Ulaya na ni muhimu zaidi kuhusiana na maamuzi ya uhamiaji yaliyochukuliwa na mamlaka ya umma ya nchi wanachama.""" Ni nini kifungu cha 8 cha Mkataba wa Ulaya wa Haki za Binadamu? Kila mtu ana haki ya kuheshimiwa kwa maisha yake binafsi na ya familia, nyumba yake na barua yake. - Hakuna uingiliaji wa mamlaka ya umma katika utumiaji wa haki hii isipokuwa kama ilivyo sawa na sheria na ni muhimu katika jamii ya kidemokrasia kwa maslahi ya usalama wa kitaifa, usalama wa umma au ustawi wa kiuchumi wa nchi, kwa kuzuia machafuko au uhalifu, kwa ulinzi wa afya au maadili, au kwa ulinzi wa haki na uhuru wa wengine. Mtu yeyote ambaye ameweka maisha yake ya kibinafsi na ya familia kwa mafanikio nchini Uingereza na anaweza kutoa ushahidi wa athari hiyo, anaweza kudai haki ya kukaa nchini Uingereza kwa msingi huo tu, bila kujali kama anastahili chini ya sheria ya ndani ya Uingereza. Mtu anaweza kuwa: - overstayer - mgeni haramu - mwombaji wa hifadhi - mwombaji wa hifadhi aliyeshindwa - mtu yeyote asiye na madai chini ya sheria za uhamiaji au kanuni za EEA kuishi na kubaki hapa nchini Uingereza. "Mipaka ya kutathmini madai halali chini ya kifungu cha 8A ya maisha ya familia inaweza kuanzishwa katika mahusiano yafuatayo: ""Mahusiano ya karibu ya familia, mume, mke au ushirikiano wa kiraia, washirika wasioolewa na wa jinsia moja (hakuna mahitaji ya kuwa na angalau miaka miwili ya uhusiano, kwani wanahitaji kufanya hivyo ili kuhitimu chini ya sheria za uhamiaji)." - Wazazi, watoto waliopitishwa, uhusiano wa familia - Babu, nyanya, wajukuu, wajukuu, wajukuu, ndugu na dada wazima, wazazi, watoto wazima, familia za kulea - Je, mwombaji ameanzisha maisha ya familia au ya kibinafsi nchini Uingereza? - Je, kukataa kuondolewa kuingilia maisha hayo ya familia <unk> kuna vizuizi visivyoweza kushindwa kwa familia kufurahia maisha ya familia mahali pengine? - Ikiwa kuna kuingiliwa katika maisha ya familia, je, ni kulingana na sheria? - Je, kuingiliwa ni kufuatilia moja ya malengo ya kuruhusiwa zilizotajwa chini ya kifungu cha 8 (2)? - Je, kuingiliwa ni sawa na lengo linaloruhusiwa? - Hali ya uhusiano - Je, kuna watoto wadogo katika uhusiano? - Mzunguko wa mawasiliano na jamaa - Je, kuna utegemezi wowote unaohusika katika uhusiano huo? -Mtafutaji na wanachama wa familia yake nchi ya utaifa na hali ya uhamiaji. - Uhusiano wa familia na Uingereza - Uhusiano wa mwombaji na nchi yake ya asili - Je, kuna masuala yoyote ya afya au ustawi mwingine yanayohusika? - Upatikanaji wa vifaa vya idhini ya kuingia katika nchi ya asili - Je, kumekuwa na kuchelewa katika kuamua ombi la uhamiaji la awali? - Je, kutolewa kwa mwombaji kungekuwa na athari yoyote kwa familia inayoishi nchini Uingereza? "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika sheria ya Uingereza, ""Kifungu cha 8 kinaweza kuonekana kuwa sababu nyingine ya kukaa nchini Uingereza kwa msingi wa kuanzisha maisha ya kibinafsi na ya familia, lakini kwa kweli ni tu katika kesi za kweli na za kipekee ambazo waombaji wanaruhusiwa kukaa nchini Uingereza.""" Haijaisha bado na bado inapitia maendeleo zaidi ambayo yangefanya taratibu zisizo wazi wazi zaidi.
This is “Administrative Agencies: Their Structure and Powers”, section 5.1 from the book The Legal Environment and Foundations of Business Law (v. 1.0). For details on it (including licensing), click here. For more information on the source of this book, or why it is available for free, please see the project's home page. You can browse or download additional books there. To download a .zip file containing this book to use offline, simply click here. The US Constitution mentions only three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial (Articles I, II, and III). There is no mention of agencies in the Constitution, even though federal agencies are sometimes referred to as “the fourth branch of government.” The Supreme Court has recognized the legitimacy of federal administrative agenciesGovernmental units, either state or federal, that have specialized expertise and authority over some area of the economy. to make rules that have the same binding effect as statutes by Congress. Most commentators note that having agencies with rule-making power is a practical necessity: (1) Congress does not have the expertise or continuity to develop specialized knowledge in various areas (e.g., communications, the environment, aviation). (2) Because of this, it makes sense for Congress to set forth broad statutory guidance to an agency and delegate authority to the agency to propose rules that further the statutory purposes. (3) As long as Congress makes this delegating guidance sufficiently clear, it is not delegating improperly. If Congress’s guidelines are too vague or undefined, it is (in essence) giving away its constitutional power to some other group, and this it cannot do. The market often does not work properly, as economists often note. Monopolies, for example, happen in the natural course of human events but are not always desirable. To fix this, well-conceived and objectively enforced competition law (what is called antitrust law in the United States) is needed. Negative externalities must be “fixed,” as well. For example, as we see in tort law (Chapter 7 "Introduction to Tort Law"), people and business organizations often do things that impose costs (damages) on others, and the legal system will try—through the award of compensatory damages—to make fair adjustments. In terms of the ideal conditions for a free market, think of tort law as the legal system’s attempt to compensate for negative externalities: those costs imposed on people who have not voluntarily consented to bear those costs. In terms of freedoms to enter or leave the market, the US constitutional guarantees of equal protection can prevent local, state, and federal governments from imposing discriminatory rules for commerce that would keep minorities, women, and gay people from full participation in business. For example, if the small town of Xenophobia, Colorado, passed a law that required all business owners and their employees to be Christian, heterosexual, and married, the equal protection clause (as well as numerous state and federal equal opportunity employment laws) would empower plaintiffs to go to court and have the law struck down as unconstitutional. Knowing that information is power, we will see many laws administered by regulatory agencies that seek to level the playing field of economic competition by requiring disclosure of the most pertinent information for consumers (consumer protection laws), investors (securities laws), and citizens (e.g., the toxics release inventory laws in environmental law). In short, some forms of legislation and regulation are needed to counter a tendency toward consolidation of economic power (Chapter 28 "Antitrust Law") and discriminatory attitudes toward certain individuals and groups (Chapter 30 "Employment Law") and to insist that people and companies clean up their own messes and not hide information that would empower voluntary choices in the free market. But there are additional reasons to regulate. For example, in economic systems, it is likely for natural monopolies to occur. These are where one firm can most efficiently supply all of the good or service. Having duplicate (or triplicate) systems for supplying electricity, for example, would be inefficient, so most states have a public utilities commission to determine both price and quality of service. This is direct regulation. Sometimes destructive competition can result if there is no regulation. Banking and insurance are good examples of this. Without government regulation of banks (setting standards and methods), open and fierce competition would result in widespread bank failures. That would erode public confidence in banks and business generally. The current situation (circa 2011) of six major banks that are “too big to fail” is, however, an example of destructive noncompetition. Other market imperfections can yield a demand for regulation. For example, there is a need to regulate frequencies for public broadcast on radio, television, and other wireless transmissions (for police, fire, national defense, etc.). Many economists would also list an adequate supply of public goods as something that must be created by government. On its own, for example, the market would not provide public goods such as education, a highway system, lighthouses, a military for defense. True laissez-faire capitalism—a market free from any regulation—would not try to deal with market imperfections and would also allow people to freely choose products, services, and other arrangements that historically have been deemed socially unacceptable. These would include making enforceable contracts for the sale and purchase of persons (slavery), sexual services, “street drugs” such as heroin or crack cocaine, votes for public office, grades for this course in business law, and even marriage partnership. Thus the free market in actual terms—and not in theory—consists of commerce legally constrained by what is economically desirable and by what is socially desirable as well. Public policy objectives in the social arena include ensuring equal opportunity in employment, protecting employees from unhealthy or unsafe work environments, preserving environmental quality and resources, and protecting consumers from unsafe products. Sometimes these objectives are met by giving individuals statutory rights that can be used in bringing a complaint (e.g., Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, for employment discrimination), and sometimes they are met by creating agencies with the right to investigate and monitor and enforce statutory law and regulations created to enforce such law (e.g., the Environmental Protection Agency, for bringing a lawsuit against a polluting company). Through the commerce clause in the US Constitution, Congress has the power to regulate trade between the states and with foreign nations. The earliest federal agency therefore dealt with trucking and railroads, to literally set the rules of the road for interstate commerce. The first federal agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), was created in 1887. Congress delegated to the ICC the power to enforce federal laws against railroad rate discrimination and other unfair pricing practices. By the early part of this century, the ICC gained the power to fix rates. From the 1970s through 1995, however, Congress passed deregulatory measures, and the ICC was formally abolished in 1995, with its powers transferred to the Surface Transportation Board. Beginning with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 1914, Congress has created numerous other agencies, many of them familiar actors in American government. Today more than eighty-five federal agencies have jurisdiction to regulate some form of private activity. Most were created since 1930, and more than a third since 1960. A similar growth has occurred at the state level. Most states now have dozens of regulatory agencies, many of them overlapping in function with the federal bodies. Independent agencies are different from federal executive departments and other executive agencies by their structural and functional characteristics. Most executive departments have a single director, administrator, or secretary appointed by the president of the United States. Independent agencies almost always have a commission or board consisting of five to seven members who share power over the agency. The president appoints the commissioners or board subject to Senate confirmation, but they often serve with staggered terms and often for longer terms than a usual four-year presidential term. They cannot be removed except for “good cause.” This means that most presidents will not get to appoint all the commissioners of a given independent agency. Most independent agencies have a statutory requirement of bipartisan membership on the commission, so the president cannot simply fill vacancies with members of his own political party. In addition to the ICC and the FTC, the major independent agencies are the Federal Communications Commission (1934), Securities and Exchange Commission (1934), National Labor Relations Board (1935), and Environmental Protection Agency (1970). See Note 5.4 "Ideal Conditions for a Free Market" in the sidebar. By contrast, members of executive branch agencies serve at the pleasure of the president and are therefore far more amenable to political control. One consequence of this distinction is that the rules that independent agencies promulgate may not be reviewed by the president or his staff—only Congress may directly overrule them—whereas the White House or officials in the various cabinet departments may oversee the work of the agencies contained within them (unless specifically denied the power by Congress). Agencies have a variety of powers. Many of the original statutes that created them, like the Federal Communications Act, gave them licensing power. No party can enter into the productive activity covered by the act without prior license from the agency—for example, no utility can start up a nuclear power plant unless first approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. In recent years, the move toward deregulation of the economy has led to diminution of some licensing power. Many agencies also have the authority to set the rates charged by companies subject to the agency’s jurisdiction. Finally, the agencies can regulate business practices. The FTC has general jurisdiction over all business in interstate commerce to monitor and root out “unfair acts” and “deceptive practices.” The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) oversees the issuance of corporate securities and other investments and monitors the practices of the stock exchanges. Unlike courts, administrative agencies are charged with the responsibility of carrying out a specific assignment or reaching a goal or set of goals. They are not to remain neutral on the various issues of the day; they must act. They have been given legislative powers because in a society growing ever more complex, Congress does not know how to legislate with the kind of detail that is necessary, nor would it have the time to approach all the sectors of society even if it tried. Precisely because they are to do what general legislative bodies cannot do, agencies are specialized bodies. Through years of experience in dealing with similar problems they accumulate a body of knowledge that they can apply to accomplish their statutory duties. All administrative agencies have two different sorts of personnel. The heads, whether a single administrator or a collegial body of commissioners, are political appointees and serve for relatively limited terms. Below them is a more or less permanent staff—the bureaucracy. Much policy making occurs at the staff level, because these employees are in essential control of gathering facts and presenting data and argument to the commissioners, who wield the ultimate power of the agencies. Congress can establish an agency through legislation. When Congress gives powers to an agency, the legislation is known as an enabling actThe legislative act that establishes an agency’s authority in a particular area of the economy.. The concept that Congress can delegate power to an agency is known as the delegation doctrineAs a matter of constitutional law, the delegation doctrine declares that an agency can only exercise that power delegated to it by a constitutional authority.. Usually, the agency will have all three kinds of power: executive, legislative, and judicial. (That is, the agency can set the rules that business must comply with, can investigate and prosecute those businesses, and can hold administrative hearings for violations of those rules. They are, in effect, rule maker, prosecutor, and judge.) Because agencies have all three types of governmental powers, important constitutional questions were asked when Congress first created them. The most important question was whether Congress was giving away its legislative power. Was the separation of powers violated if agencies had power to make rules that were equivalent to legislative statutes? In 1935, in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, the Supreme Court overturned the National Industrial Recovery Act on the ground that the congressional delegation of power was too broad.Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 US 495 (1935). Under the law, industry trade groups were granted the authority to devise a code of fair competition for the entire industry, and these codes became law if approved by the president. No administrative body was created to scrutinize the arguments for a particular code, to develop evidence, or to test one version of a code against another. Thus it was unconstitutional for the Congress to transfer all of its legislative powers to an agency. In later decisions, it was made clear that Congress could delegate some of its legislative powers, but only if the delegation of authority was not overly broad. Still, some congressional enabling acts are very broad, such as the enabling legislation for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which is given the authority to make rules to provide for safe and healthful working conditions in US workplaces. Such a broad initiative power gives OSHA considerable discretion. But, as noted in Section 5.2 "Controlling Administrative Agencies", there are both executive and judicial controls over administrative agency activities, as well as ongoing control by Congress through funding and the continuing oversight of agencies, both in hearings and through subsequent statutory amendments. Congress creates administrative agencies through enabling acts. In these acts, Congress must delegate authority by giving the agency some direction as to what it wants the agency to do. Agencies are usually given broad powers to investigate, set standards (promulgating regulations), and enforce those standards. Most agencies are executive branch agencies, but some are independent.
"Hii ni ""Administrative Agencies: Structure and Powers"" (Mashirika ya Utawala: Muundo na Mamlaka Zake), sehemu ya 5.1 kutoka kitabu ""The Legal Environment and Foundations of Business Law"" (v. 1.0)." Kwa maelezo juu yake (ikiwa ni pamoja na leseni), bonyeza hapa. Kwa habari zaidi juu ya chanzo cha kitabu hiki, au kwa nini inapatikana kwa bure, tafadhali angalia ukurasa wa nyumbani wa mradi. Unaweza kutazama au kupakua vitabu vingine huko. Ili kupakua faili yenye kitabu hiki kwa ajili ya matumizi ya nje ya mtandao, bonyeza hapa. Katiba ya Marekani inataja matawi matatu tu ya serikali: ya kisheria, ya utekelezaji, na ya mahakama (Mstari wa I, II, na III). "Hakuna kumbukumbu ya mashirika katika Katiba, ingawa mashirika ya shirikisho wakati mwingine huitwa ""tawi la nne la serikali."" Mahakama Kuu imetambua uhalali wa mashirika ya utawala wa shirikisho, vitengo vya serikali, ama jimbo au shirikisho, ambavyo vina utaalam maalum na mamlaka juu ya eneo fulani la uchumi." Sheria hizo zina nguvu sawa na sheria zilizopitishwa na Bunge. "Wahusika wengi wanasema kuwa kuwa na mashirika yenye nguvu ya kutunga sheria ni ""uhitaji wa vitendo"" - ""Congress haina utaalam au kuendelea kuendeleza maarifa maalum katika maeneo mbalimbali (kwa mfano, mawasiliano, mazingira, anga)." Kwa sababu hii, ni busara kwa Bunge kuweka mwongozo wa kisheria kwa shirika na kuwakabidhi mamlaka kwa shirika kupendekeza sheria zinazoendeleza madhumuni ya kisheria. """Kama Bunge linafanya mwongozo huu wa kugawa wazi vya kutosha, halitumiwi vibaya." Kama miongozo ya Bunge ni vague sana au undefined, ni (katika kiini) kutoa mbali nguvu yake ya kikatiba kwa kundi fulani, na hii haiwezi kufanya. Mara nyingi soko halifanyi kazi ifaavyo, kama vile wataalamu wa uchumi wanavyosema mara nyingi. Kwa mfano, udhibiti wa biashara hutokea katika mwendo wa asili wa matukio ya kibinadamu lakini si jambo linalotamaniwa sikuzote. Ili kurekebisha jambo hilo, sheria ya ushindani iliyofanyiwa kazi vizuri na kutekelezwa kwa njia ya usawaziko (ambayo huitwa sheria ya kupambana na ushindani nchini Marekani) inahitajika. Negative externalities lazima <unk>fixed,<unk> pia. Kwa mfano, kama tunavyoona katika sheria ya dhima (Sura ya 7 "Utangulizi wa Sheria ya Dhima"), watu na mashirika ya biashara mara nyingi hufanya mambo ambayo huweka gharama (uharibifu) kwa wengine, na mfumo wa kisheria utajaribu - kupitia tuzo ya uharibifu wa fidia - kufanya marekebisho ya haki. Kwa suala la hali bora kwa soko la bure, fikiria sheria ya dhima kama jaribio la mfumo wa kisheria kulipia athari za nje hasi: gharama hizo zilizowekwa kwa watu ambao hawajakubaliana kujitolea kubeba gharama hizo. Kwa mujibu wa sheria za Marekani, sheria za kisheria za Marekani zinahakikisha kwamba serikali za mitaa, serikali za majimbo na serikali za shirikisho hazitaweza kuweka sheria za ubaguzi kwa biashara ambazo zingezuia watu wachache, wanawake na mashoga kushiriki kikamilifu katika biashara. Kwa mfano, ikiwa mji mdogo wa Xenophobia, Colorado, ulipitisha sheria ambayo ilihitaji wamiliki wote wa biashara na wafanyikazi wao kuwa Wakristo, wapenzi wa jinsia tofauti, na kuolewa, kifungu cha ulinzi sawa (kama vile sheria nyingi za fursa sawa za ajira za serikali na shirikisho) ingewapa walalamikaji nguvu kwenda mahakamani na kupata sheria hiyo kuondolewa kama kinyume cha katiba. "Kwa kuwa habari ni nguvu, tutaona sheria nyingi zinazodhibitiwa na mashirika ya udhibiti ambayo yanatafuta kulinganisha uwanja wa ushindani wa kiuchumi kwa kuhitaji kufichuliwa kwa habari muhimu zaidi kwa watumiaji (sheria za ulinzi wa watumiaji), wawekezaji (sheria za dhamana), na raia (kwa mfano, sheria za uhifadhi wa kutolewa kwa sumu katika sheria ya mazingira).""" "Kwa kifupi, aina fulani za sheria na kanuni zinahitajika kukabiliana na mwelekeo wa kuunganisha nguvu za kiuchumi (Sura ya 28: ""Sheria ya Kupinga Usalama wa Biashara"") na mitazamo ya ubaguzi dhidi ya watu fulani na vikundi (Sura ya 30: ""Sheria ya Ajira") na kusisitiza kwamba watu na makampuni kusafisha fujo yao wenyewe na si kuficha habari ambayo itawezesha uchaguzi wa hiari katika soko huru." Lakini kuna sababu za ziada za kudhibiti. Kwa mfano, katika mifumo ya kiuchumi, ni uwezekano wa monopolies asili kutokea. Hizi ni ambapo kampuni moja inaweza ufanisi zaidi kutoa wote wa bidhaa au huduma. Kwa mfano, kuwa na mifumo ya kurudia (au kurudia mara tatu) ya usambazaji wa umeme, haingekuwa na ufanisi, kwa hivyo majimbo mengi yana tume ya huduma za umma kuamua bei na ubora wa huduma. Hii ni kanuni ya moja kwa moja. Nyakati nyingine ushindani wenye kuharibu waweza kutokea ikiwa hakuna udhibiti. Benki na bima ni mifano mizuri ya hili. Bila udhibiti wa serikali wa benki (kuweka viwango na mbinu), ushindani wazi na mkali ungesababisha kufilisika kwa benki kwa wingi. Hiyo ingeharibu imani ya umma katika benki na biashara kwa ujumla. Hali ya sasa (karibu 2011) ya benki kuu sita ambazo ni "kubwa sana kushindwa" ni, hata hivyo, mfano wa usio ushindani wenye uharibifu. Kasoro nyingine za soko zaweza kusababisha uhitaji wa udhibiti. Kwa mfano, kuna haja ya kudhibiti masafa kwa ajili ya matangazo ya umma kwenye redio, televisheni, na maambukizi mengine ya wireless (kwa polisi, moto, ulinzi wa kitaifa, nk). Wataalamu wengi wa uchumi pia wangetaja ugavi wa kutosha wa bidhaa za umma kama kitu ambacho lazima kiwe kimeundwa na serikali. Kwa mfano, soko peke yake halingeweza kutoa bidhaa za umma kama vile elimu, mfumo wa barabara kuu, minara ya taa, jeshi kwa ajili ya ulinzi. Ubepari wa kweli wa laissez-faire - soko lisilo na udhibiti wowote - halingejaribu kushughulikia kasoro za soko na pia lingeruhusu watu kuchagua kwa uhuru bidhaa, huduma, na mipango mingine ambayo kihistoria imeonwa kuwa haikubaliki kijamii. Hizi zingejumuisha kufanya mikataba inayoweza kutekelezwa kwa ajili ya kuuza na kununua watu (utumwa), huduma za kingono, "dawa za kulevya za mitaani" kama vile heroini au crack cocaine, kura kwa ofisi ya umma, alama kwa ajili ya kozi hii katika sheria ya biashara, na hata ushirikiano wa ndoa. Hivyo soko huru katika maneno halisi <unk>na si katika nadharia<unk>ni biashara kisheria vikwazo na nini ni kiuchumi ya kutamaniwa na nini ni kijamii ya kutamaniwa pia. Lengo la sera za umma katika uwanja wa kijamii ni pamoja na kuhakikisha fursa sawa katika ajira, kulinda wafanyakazi kutoka mazingira ya kazi yasiyo ya afya au salama, kuhifadhi ubora wa mazingira na rasilimali, na kulinda watumiaji kutoka bidhaa zisizo salama. Wakati mwingine malengo haya yanatimizwa kwa kuwapa watu haki za kisheria ambazo zinaweza kutumiwa katika kuleta malalamiko (kwa mfano, Kichwa cha 7 cha Sheria ya Haki za Kiraia ya 1964 kwa ubaguzi wa ajira), na wakati mwingine zinatimizwa kwa kuunda mashirika yenye haki ya kuchunguza na kufuatilia na kutekeleza sheria za kisheria na kanuni zilizoundwa kutekeleza sheria kama hizo (kwa mfano, Shirika la Ulinzi wa Mazingira, kwa kuleta kesi dhidi ya kampuni ya uchafuzi). Kwa mujibu wa katiba ya Marekani, Bunge lina mamlaka ya kudhibiti biashara kati ya nchi na mataifa ya kigeni. Kwa hiyo, shirika la kwanza la shirikisho lilishughulika na usafiri wa malori na reli, ili kuweka sheria za biashara kati ya majimbo. Shirika la kwanza la serikali, Tume ya Biashara ya Kati (ICC), ilianzishwa mwaka 1887. Congress ilipewa mamlaka ya kutekeleza sheria za shirikisho dhidi ya ubaguzi wa kiwango cha reli na mazoea mengine ya bei isiyo ya haki. Katika karne ya 20, ICC ilipata mamlaka ya kuamua viwango vya ushuru. Tangu miaka ya 1970 hadi 1995, Congress ilipitisha hatua za deregulatory, na ICC ilifutwa rasmi mnamo 1995, na mamlaka yake ilihamishwa kwa Bodi ya Usafiri wa uso. Kuanzia na Tume ya Biashara ya Shirikisho (FTC) mnamo 1914, Bunge limeunda mashirika mengine mengi, mengi yao ni watendaji wa kawaida katika serikali ya Amerika. Leo zaidi ya mashirika 85 ya shirikisho yana mamlaka ya kudhibiti aina fulani ya utendaji wa kibinafsi. Wengi wao walianzishwa tangu 1930, na zaidi ya thuluthi tangu 1960. Ongezeko kama hilo limetokea katika ngazi ya serikali. Majimbo mengi sasa yana mamia ya mashirika ya udhibiti, mengi yao yanafanya kazi sawa na mashirika ya shirikisho. Mashirika huru ni tofauti na idara za mtendaji wa shirikisho na mashirika mengine ya mtendaji kwa sifa zao za muundo na kazi. Idara nyingi za mtendaji zina mkurugenzi mmoja, msimamizi, au katibu aliyechaguliwa na rais wa Marekani. Mashirika huru karibu daima kuwa na tume au bodi inayojumuisha wanachama watano hadi saba ambao kushiriki nguvu juu ya shirika. Rais huteua kamishna au bodi chini ya uthibitisho wa Seneti, lakini mara nyingi hutumikia kwa mihula ya mfululizo na mara nyingi kwa mihula ndefu kuliko muhula wa kawaida wa urais wa miaka minne. Hawezi kuondolewa isipokuwa kwa sababu nzuri, hii inamaanisha kuwa marais wengi hawatapata kuteua kamishna wote wa shirika fulani huru. "Kama ilivyo kwa mashirika mengi ya kujitegemea, sheria inahitaji kuwa na wanachama wa vyama viwili katika tume hiyo, kwa hivyo rais hawezi kujaza nafasi zilizopo wazi na wanachama wa chama chake cha kisiasa.""" Pamoja na ICC na FTC, mashirika makubwa ya kujitegemea ni Tume ya Mawasiliano ya Shirikisho (FCC), Tume ya Usalama na Soko (SEC), Bodi ya Taifa ya Mahusiano ya Kazi (NLRB) na Shirika la Ulinzi wa Mazingira (EPA). "Kumbuka: ""Masharti ya Bora kwa Soko Huru"" ni sehemu ya 5 ya Sura ya 5." Kwa kulinganisha, wanachama wa mashirika ya tawi la utekelezaji hutumikia kwa furaha ya rais na kwa hiyo ni rahisi zaidi kwa udhibiti wa kisiasa. Matokeo ya tofauti hii ni kwamba sheria ambazo mashirika huru yanatangaza hayawezi kuchunguzwa na rais au wafanyakazi wake - tu Bunge linaweza kuzipinga moja kwa moja - wakati Ikulu ya White House au maafisa katika idara mbalimbali za baraza la mawaziri wanaweza kusimamia kazi ya mashirika yaliyo ndani yao (isipokuwa hasa kukataliwa nguvu na Bunge). Mashirika yana mamlaka mbalimbali. Sheria nyingi za awali zilizozalishwa, kama vile Sheria ya Mawasiliano ya Shirikisho, ziliwapa nguvu ya leseni. Hakuna chama kinachoweza kuingia katika shughuli za uzalishaji zinazofunikwa na sheria bila leseni ya awali kutoka kwa shirika - kwa mfano, hakuna huduma inayoweza kuanza kituo cha umeme wa nyuklia isipokuwa kwanza imepitishwa na Tume ya Udhibiti wa Nyuklia. Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, hatua kuelekea deregulation ya uchumi imesababisha kupungua kwa baadhi ya mamlaka ya leseni. Mashirika mengi pia yana mamlaka ya kuweka viwango vilivyotozwa na makampuni yaliyo chini ya mamlaka ya shirika. Hatimaye, mashirika yanaweza kudhibiti mazoea ya biashara. FTC ina mamlaka ya jumla juu ya biashara zote katika biashara ya kati ya majimbo ili kufuatilia na kuondoa "matendo yasiyo ya haki" na "matendo ya udanganyifu" Tume ya Uhifadhi na Soko (SEC) inasimamia utoaji wa dhamana za ushirika na uwekezaji mwingine na inasimamia mazoea ya masoko ya hisa. Tofauti na mahakama, mashirika ya kiutawala yanawajibika kwa jukumu la kutekeleza mgawo maalum au kufikia lengo au seti ya malengo. Hawatakuwa na msimamo wa kutokuwamo katika masuala mbalimbali ya wakati huo; ni lazima watende. """Wamepewa mamlaka ya kutunga sheria kwa sababu katika jamii inayokua ngumu zaidi, Bunge halijui jinsi ya kutunga sheria kwa aina ya maelezo ambayo ni muhimu, wala halitakuwa na wakati wa kukaribia sekta zote za jamii hata ikiwa ingejaribu." Ni kwa sababu tu wao ni kufanya nini vyombo vya sheria ya jumla hawawezi kufanya, mashirika ni mashirika maalumu. Kwa miaka mingi ya uzoefu katika kushughulika na matatizo kama hayo, wao hukusanya maarifa ambayo wanaweza kutumia kutimiza wajibu wao wa kisheria. Mashirika yote ya kiutawala yana aina mbili tofauti za wafanyakazi. Viongozi, iwe ni msimamizi mmoja au mwili wa kamati ya kamishna, ni wateule wa kisiasa na hutumikia kwa mihula ndogo. Chini yao ni wafanyakazi zaidi au chini ya kudumu <unk> uburuki. Msimamo mkubwa wa sera hutokea katika ngazi ya wafanyakazi, kwa sababu wafanyakazi hawa wana udhibiti muhimu wa kukusanya ukweli na kuwasilisha data na hoja kwa kamishna, ambao wana nguvu ya mwisho ya mashirika. Bunge linaweza kuanzisha shirika kupitia sheria. Wakati Congress inatoa mamlaka kwa shirika, sheria inajulikana kama sheria ya kuwezesha Sheria ya kisheria ambayo huanzisha mamlaka ya shirika katika eneo fulani la uchumi. "Kama sheria ya kikatiba, ""Doktrina ya Ujumbe"" inatangaza kwamba shirika linaweza tu kutumia nguvu iliyopewa na mamlaka ya kikatiba, kwa kawaida, shirika litakuwa na aina zote tatu za nguvu: mtendaji, sheria, na mahakama." Kwa mfano, shirika la sheria la Marekani linaweza kuweka sheria ambazo biashara lazima ifuate, inaweza kuchunguza na kushtaki biashara hizo, na inaweza kufanya usikilizaji wa kiutawala kwa ukiukaji wa sheria hizo. Kwa kweli, wao ni watunga-sheria, washtakiwa, na mahakimu.) Kwa sababu mashirika yana aina zote tatu za mamlaka ya serikali, maswali muhimu ya kikatiba yaliulizwa wakati Bunge lilipowaumba kwa mara ya kwanza. Swali muhimu zaidi lilikuwa kama Bunge lilikuwa likitoa mamlaka yake ya kisheria. Je, mgawanyiko wa mamlaka ulivunjwa ikiwa mashirika yalikuwa na mamlaka ya kutunga sheria ambazo zilikuwa sawa na sheria za kisheria? Katika kesi ya Schechter Poultry Corp v. Marekani, Mahakama Kuu ya Marekani ilikataza sheria ya National Industrial Recovery Act kwa sababu ya mamlaka ya Congress ya kuwakabidhi kwa kiasi kikubwa. Chini ya sheria hiyo, makundi ya biashara ya viwanda yalipewa mamlaka ya kutunga kanuni za ushindani wa haki kwa sekta nzima, na kanuni hizi zikawa sheria ikiwa zitathibitishwa na rais. Hakuna mamlaka ya kiutawala iliyoundwa kuchunguza hoja kwa ajili ya kanuni fulani, kuendeleza ushahidi, au kupima toleo moja la kanuni dhidi ya nyingine. Hivyo ilikuwa kinyume cha katiba kwa Bunge kuhamisha mamlaka yake yote ya kisheria kwa shirika. Katika maamuzi ya baadaye, ilibainishwa wazi kwamba Bunge linaweza kugawa baadhi ya mamlaka yake ya kisheria, lakini tu ikiwa uhamisho wa mamlaka haukuwa pana sana. Sheria za Congress za kuwezesha ni kama sheria za kuwezesha kwa ajili ya Usalama wa Kazi na Afya ya Usimamizi (OSHA), ambayo ni mamlaka ya kufanya sheria ili kutoa hali salama na afya ya kazi katika maeneo ya kazi ya Marekani. Nguvu kama hiyo pana ya mpango inatoa OSHA uhuru mkubwa wa kuamua. "Lakini, kama ilivyoelezwa katika Sehemu ya 5.2 ""Kudhibiti Mashirika ya Utawala,"" kuna udhibiti wa utekelezaji na mahakama juu ya shughuli za mashirika ya utawala, pamoja na udhibiti wa kuendelea na Bunge kupitia fedha na usimamizi wa kuendelea wa mashirika, katika mikutano na kupitia marekebisho ya baadaye ya kisheria." Bunge huunda mashirika ya kiutawala kupitia sheria za kuwezesha. Katika sheria hizi, Bunge lazima kuwakabidhi mamlaka kwa kutoa shirika baadhi ya mwelekeo kama nini anataka shirika kufanya. Kwa kawaida mashirika hupewa mamlaka kubwa ya kuchunguza, kuweka viwango (kuchapisha kanuni), na kutekeleza viwango hivyo. Mashirika mengi ni mashirika ya tawi la utekelezaji, lakini baadhi ni huru.
Our body is constantly changing throughout our lives. Our body transforms by adapting to the mechanical stimulations it endures. The mechanical stimulations that our body endures permanently and throughout life are those of posture and breathing. The way we hold ourselves and the way we breathe are determining factors in the morphological and functional evolution of the body. In a standing man, the mechanical stimulations of posture and breathing are comparable to those of a crane under load. The spine is comparable to the foot of the crane, it is constrained in compression. The cranium is comparable to the head of a crane, it is constrained in an overhang. The hyoid bone is comparable to the crane hook, it supports the load. The face and pharynx connect the hook to the crane head, they are constrained in stretching. Stretched by the walls of the rib cage, the elastic pulmonary tissue tends to retract. The load supported by the crane depends on the lung retraction force. The more the pulmonary elastic is stretched between the respiratory tree suspended from the hyoid bone and the diaphragm, the more the crane load increases. The load of the crane therefore depends on the posture, it increases when you stretch your neck and when you extend your stomach. The load of the crane also depends on breathing. The load increases when you inhale by extending your stomach (descent of the diaphragm). The load decreases when we inhale with a synergy of the diaphragm and transversus abdominis (elevation/deployment of the rib cage) Original man had two major modes of breathing. The “relaxation” mode, where only the diaphragm is active, is physiological in the lying position. The “performance” mode, where the diaphragm and abdominal strap are active, is physiological in the erect position. The tragedy of modern man is to have developed a third dysfunctional mode, it is relaxation breathing in an erect position. The consequences are morphological with the progressive increase: – relaxation and distention of the abdominal wall, – compression and collapse of the spine, – stretching and lengthening of the pharynx, – sagging of the floor of the mouth, rib cage and diaphragm. The consequences are functional: – the ventilatory efficiency of the respiratory muscles decreases with the collapse of the diaphragm (restriction), – the rigidity of the rib cage increases due to insufficient mobilization and “locking” with the accentuation of thoracic kyphosis (restriction), – the average respiratory power increases with the ventilation/minute to compensate for the drop in tidal volume and the increase in dead volume, – the compliance of the pharyngeal walls increases with the lengthening of the pharynx, – Obstructive Ventilatory Sleep Disorders (OSVT) increase with respiratory power (transparietal pressures) and compliance of the pharyngeal walls (deformability), – the quality of sleep decreases with TVOS, – metabolic and cognitive performance decreases with the deterioration of sleep and breathing, – individual productivity in relation to potential decreases with physical and mental performance, – quality of life decreases, – chronic conditions are increasing, – the social cost of the individual increases. The “sedentary” mode of breathing is at the origin of a vicious circle of morphological and functional degradation of the body. Wearing a posturo-respiratory belt makes it possible to supplement the stretching and counter-thrusting function on the diaphragm when the abdominal strap is inactive in a vertical situation: – promotes the ventilatory efficiency of the respiratory muscles, – promotes flexibility, mobility and capacity of the rib cage, – promotes the reduction of average respiratory power and inspiratory transparietal pressures. The posturo-respiratory belt prevents the morphological and functional degradation of the body during which TVOS and orthopedic disorders of the axial skeleton appear and worsen. If you want to know more on the subject, I invite you to watch our video on YouTube at the following address: This video is also extracted as a podcast here: Follow us on social media: Hope to meet you ! The Neuro Performance Institute team Nicolas Desjardins, BHS Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy President, Neuro Performance Institute
Mwili wetu hubadilika daima katika maisha yetu. Mwili wetu hubadilika kwa kujirekebisha kwa vichocheo vya mitambo ambavyo huvumilia. Madhara ya kimakani ambayo mwili wetu huvumilia daima na katika maisha yote ni yale ya msimamo na kupumua. Jinsi tunavyojiweka na jinsi tunavyopumua ni mambo yanayoamua jinsi mwili wetu unavyoendelea kutengenezwa. Katika mtu anayesimama, vichocheo vya mitambo vya msimamo na kupumua vinaweza kulinganishwa na vya crane chini ya mzigo. Mshingo ni sawa na mguu wa crane, ni vikwazo katika compression. Fuvu la kichwa linaweza kulinganishwa na kichwa cha crane, linazungukwa na sehemu inayoinuka. Mfupa wa hyoid unalingana na ndoano ya crane, hutegemeza mzigo. Uso na pharynx kuunganisha ndoano kwa kichwa crane, wao ni vikwazo katika kunyoosha. Kwa sababu ya kuta za kifua, tishu ya mapafu yenye nguvu huelekea kujikokota. Mzigo unaosimamiwa na crane hutegemea nguvu ya kurudisha nyuma ya mapafu. Kadiri elastic ya mapafu inavyozidi kunyooshwa kati ya mti wa kupumua uliowekwa kwenye mfupa wa hyoid na diaphragm, ndivyo mzigo wa crane unavyoongezeka. Kwa hiyo, mzigo wa crane hutegemea msimamo, huongezeka unapofungua shingo na unapofungua tumbo. Mzigo wa crane pia hutegemea kupumua. Mzigo huongezeka unapopumua kwa kunyoosha tumbo lako (kuanguka kwa diaphragm). Kwa mfano, kwa kupumua kwa njia ya diaphragm na transversus abdominis (kuinua na kupanua kifua), binadamu alikuwa na njia mbili kuu za kupumua. Hali ya "kupumzika", ambapo diaphragm tu ni hai, ni ya kisaikolojia katika nafasi ya kulala. Hali ya "utendaji", ambapo diaphragm na mkanda wa tumbo ni hai, ni ya kisaikolojia katika nafasi ya kusimama. "Uchungu wa mwanadamu wa kisasa ni kwamba amebuni hali ya tatu isiyofaa, yaani, kupumua kwa kupumzika akiwa amesimama.""" Matokeo ni ya kimaumbile na kuongezeka kwa hatua: <unk> kupumzika na kupanuka kwa ukuta wa tumbo, <unk> kukandamiza na kuanguka kwa uti wa mgongo, <unk> kunyoosha na kupanua pharynx, <unk> kuanguka kwa sakafu ya kinywa, ngome ya rib na diaphragm. "Kama matokeo ya kazi: ""Ufanisi wa kupumua wa misuli ya kupumua hupungua na kuanguka kwa diaphragm (kupunguzwa), ""Ukali wa kifua huongezeka kwa sababu ya usafirishaji usio wa kutosha na ""kufungwa"" kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa kifua cha kifua, ""Uwezo wa kupumua wa wastani huongezeka na dakika ya kupumua ili kulipia kupungua kwa kiasi cha usingizi na kuongezeka kwa kiasi cha kifo, ""Uwezo wa kupumua wa pharynx huongezeka na urefu wa maisha ya mtu binafsi, ""Uwezo wa kupumua wa mwili unaongezeka." Njia ya kupumua ya "kukaa" ni chanzo cha mzunguko mbaya wa uharibifu wa morphological na kazi ya mwili. Kwa kutumia ukanda wa kupumua, unaweza kuongeza kazi ya kunyoosha na kukabiliana na diaphragm wakati ukanda wa tumbo haufanyi kazi katika hali ya wima: <unk> huendeleza ufanisi wa kupumua wa misuli ya kupumua <unk> huendeleza kubadilika, mwendo na uwezo wa kifua <unk> huendeleza kupunguzwa kwa nguvu ya kupumua ya wastani na shinikizo la kupumua. Posturorespiratory belt inazuia uharibifu wa morphological na kazi ya mwili wakati TVOS na matatizo ya mifupa ya axial kuonekana na kuzidi. Ikiwa unataka kujua zaidi juu ya mada hii, tunakualika kutazama video yetu kwenye YouTube kwenye anwani ifuatayo: Video hii pia imetolewa kama podcast hapa: Tufuate kwenye media ya kijamii: Matumaini ya kukutana nawe! Neuro Performance Institute (NPSI) ni taasisi ya kitaaluma ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya.
Table of Contents It is well known that trading in the financial markets can be highly volatile and risky. This is why financial instruments, like derivatives, have been set in place to protect traders and investors from the volatile prices of commodities, currencies, and stocks traded in the financial market. With derivative trading, it has become easier for traders or investors to predict the future price of an asset through the buying or selling of derivative contracts. Their main goal is achieving higher returns when compared to buying the underlying asset directly. What is Derivatives Trading? Derivative trading consists of buying and selling contracts linked to underlying assets, providing access to different markets and opportunities. These contracts derive their value from assets like stocks, bonds, market indexes, commodities like oil and precious metals, currencies, and interest rates… Derivatives serve as powerful tools for traders and investors to manage risks, speculate, and get access to diverse market segments. How Does it Work? To make informed decisions, traders tend to analyse market trends and economic factors, by taking either long or short positions. This form of investing is considered unique, and allows hedging against risks and leveraging existing holdings. Not only this, but traders are capable of balancing their portfolios more, and eventually minimising exposure to adverse and extreme market conditions – especially volatility. While leverage can generate profits, it also amplifies potential losses, which is why risk management is not only important, but also crucial. Types of Derivatives to Trade In derivative trading, various instruments enable market participants to resort to diverse strategies and seize specific market opportunities. Let’s explore some common types of derivatives: 1. Futures Contracts: By definition, futures contracts are standardised agreements between parties to buy or sell a certain asset, at a predetermined price in the future. Traded on exchanges, they provide a regulated marketplace for risk management and speculation. Both parties are obligated to fulfil the contract. Similar to futures contracts, forwards involve agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a future date. They differ from futures by the fact that they are traded over the counter (OTC). Since forwards are customisable in size and settlement terms, they can carry higher risk. 3. Options Contracts: Options grant the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) an asset at a specified price by a predetermined expiration date. They are considered to be a valuable tool for hedging and speculation, and they offer flexibility in contract exercise. Swaps involve the exchange of cash flows between two parties based on specific predetermined terms. They are often used to manage risks, optimise cash flows, or take advantage of interest rate differentials. For example, an interest rate swap allows two parties to exchange fixed and variable interest rate cash flows, which enables them to manage their exposure to interest rate fluctuations. What is CFD Trading? CFD stands for Contract for Differences. CFD is a financial instrument or contract that allows traders or investors to speculate on future movements of the market when it comes to an underlying asset, without necessarily owning the underlying asset itself. - Traders form contracts, paying the difference between current and contract time values. - CFDs offer flexibility and profit potential in rising and falling markets. - Margin amplifies exposure and profits, but also increases risks. It grants access to diverse markets, leveraged positions, and flexible trade sizes. - Traders can take either long and short positions. - Understanding risks and using risk management strategies are crucial for responsible trading. Derivative Trading Strategies Traders employ various strategies to be able to manage risk and generate profits – that’s where derivative trading plays its role. These strategies typically use financial instruments such as options or futures to get to their main goals. Most popular trading strategies are as follows: Hedging is a risk management strategy used to protect against adverse price movements of a certain asset. Traders often use options to hedge their positions. For example, an investor holding a stock may buy a put option to safeguard their portfolio in the face of potential price declines. In the context of trading in financial markets, speculation is the act of conducting a trade or market transaction that has both the potential profits, and the possibility of severe losses. To be more specific, traders can speculate on both upward and downward price movements. 3. Leveraging a Position: Leveraging a position is about using borrowed funds to amplify potential returns. Traders can leverage their investments by purchasing derivatives with borrowed capital. This allows them to control a larger position size with a smaller initial investment. However, leveraging also amplifies potential losses. Other strategies include trend following, mean reversion, momentum trading, and swing trading. These strategies can be used in various markets and with different financial instruments, including derivatives. Trading Derivatives in the Financial Markets When trading derivatives, there are two main methods to be followed: - Over-the-counter (OTC) trading - Trading on regulated exchanges OTC trading usually takes place in an unregulated market, and involves privately negotiated contracts with flexible terms tailored to specific needs. When trading on regulated exchanges, you are getting involved in standardised contracts with predefined terms. Such exchanges provide liquidity, transparency, and a centralised marketplace. You can trade derivatives by opening an account with any brokerage firm that offers derivative trading services, such as BitDelta. Access the market through the brokerage platform, where buy and sell orders for specific derivative contracts can be placed. Understanding the risks, characteristics, and employing risk management strategies are important steps towards the success of your trading journey. Different derivatives like options, futures, swaps, and forwards have unique characteristics and trading procedures. It is always advised to seek professional advice if need be, and conduct research to gain a deeper understanding of the markets. Frequently Asked Questions What is derivative trading? Simply put, derivatives are financial instruments whose value is “derived” from an underlying asset. Derivatives can be traded on exchanges or over the counter, and are useful for risk management and speculation. Examples of Derivatives Trading? Examples of derivatives trading include: - Options – they grant the right to buy or sell an asset at a specified price - Futures – require buying or selling an asset at a predetermined price on a future date - Swaps – involve exchanging cash flows based on predetermined terms - Forwards – they are agreements to buy/sell an asset at a future date and for a specific price What is CFD trading? CFD trading, or Contract for Difference Trading, is a type of derivative trading that involves individuals speculating on the price movements of various financial instruments, such as stocks, commodities, or indices, without owning the underlying asset. Profits or losses are based on the difference between the opening and closing prices of the contract. How to make money trading derivatives? To make money in derivative trading, you’d need to buy or sell derivatives at advantageous prices, and subsequently profit from price movements of the underlying assets. Traders can achieve profits by accurately predicting price directions and using strategies like hedging, speculation, or leveraging positions. However, derivative trading carries risks, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the market and the implementation of appropriate risk management techniques. How do I start trading derivatives? To start trading derivatives, follow these steps: - Educate yourself about derivatives, trading strategies, and market dynamics. - Select a reputable brokerage firm that offers derivative trading services - Fund your trading account with capital for trading. - Develop a trading plan that defines goals, risk tolerance, and strategies. - Practice with a demo account offered by many brokerages. - Start trading derivatives by placing buy or sell orders through your chosen brokerage’s trading platform.
Mzunguko wa maudhui Ni vizuri inajulikana kwamba biashara katika masoko ya fedha inaweza kuwa na hali ya kutofautiana sana na hatari. Kwa hiyo, vyombo vya kifedha, kama vile derivatives, vimeanzishwa ili kuwalinda wafanyabiashara na wawekezaji kutoka kwa bei zisizo na uthabiti za bidhaa, sarafu, na hisa zinazouzwa katika soko la kifedha. Kwa biashara ya derivatives, imekuwa rahisi kwa wafanyabiashara au wawekezaji kutabiri bei ya baadaye ya mali kupitia ununuzi au uuzaji wa mikataba ya derivatives. Lengo lao kuu ni kufikia mapato ya juu ikilinganishwa na kununua mali ya msingi moja kwa moja. Biashara ya derivatives ni nini? Biashara ya derivatives ni biashara ya kununua na kuuza mikataba ya kuunganisha na mali ya msingi, kutoa upatikanaji wa masoko mbalimbali na fursa. Mikataba hii hupata thamani yao kutoka kwa mali kama hisa, dhamana, indeksi za soko, bidhaa kama mafuta na metali za thamani, sarafu, na viwango vya riba, na hutumika kama zana zenye nguvu kwa wafanyabiashara na wawekezaji kusimamia hatari, kutabiri, na kupata ufikiaji wa sehemu mbalimbali za soko. Inafanyaje Kazi? Ili kufanya maamuzi ya habari, wafanyabiashara huwa na kuchambua mwenendo wa soko na mambo ya kiuchumi, kwa kuchukua nafasi ndefu au fupi. Aina hii ya uwekezaji ni kuchukuliwa ya kipekee, na inaruhusu hedging dhidi ya hatari na leveraging mali zilizopo. Si tu hii, lakini wafanyabiashara ni uwezo wa kusawazisha portfolios yao zaidi, na hatimaye kupunguza mfiduo wa hali mbaya na kali ya soko - hasa kutofautiana. Wakati leverage inaweza kuzalisha faida, pia huongeza hasara ya uwezekano, ambayo ni kwa nini usimamizi wa hatari si muhimu tu, lakini pia ni muhimu. Aina ya derivatives kwa biashara Katika biashara derivatives, vyombo mbalimbali kuwezesha washiriki wa soko ya kutumia mikakati mbalimbali na kunyakua fursa maalum ya soko. Hebu kuchunguza baadhi ya aina ya kawaida ya derivatives: 1. Mikataba ya baadaye ni mikataba ya kawaida kati ya pande za kununua au kuuza mali fulani kwa bei iliyowekwa mapema. Zinatumiwa katika masoko, na hutoa soko linalodhibitiwa kwa ajili ya usimamizi wa hatari na uvumi. Vyama vyote viwili vina wajibu wa kutimiza mkataba. Kama vile mikataba ya siku zijazo, forwards ni mikataba ya kununua au kuuza mali kwa bei iliyowekwa mapema katika tarehe ya baadaye. Wao hutofautiana na siku zijazo na ukweli kwamba wao ni kuuzwa juu ya counter (OTC). Tangu forwards ni customizable katika ukubwa na masharti ya makazi, wanaweza kubeba hatari ya juu. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Chaguo: Chaguo hutoa haki ya mnunuzi, lakini si wajibu, kununua (chaguo la wito) au kuuza (chaguo la kuuza) mali kwa bei maalum kwa tarehe ya mwisho iliyopangwa. Wao ni kuchukuliwa kuwa chombo muhimu kwa ajili ya hedging na uvumi, na wao kutoa kubadilika katika mkataba mazoezi. Swaps kuhusisha kubadilishana ya mtiririko wa fedha kati ya pande mbili kulingana na masharti maalum predefined. Wao ni mara nyingi kutumika kwa kusimamia hatari, optimize mtiririko wa fedha, au kuchukua faida ya tofauti ya kiwango cha riba. Kwa mfano, kubadilishana kwa kiwango cha riba inaruhusu pande mbili kubadilishana mtiririko wa fedha wa kiwango cha riba cha kudumu na cha kubadilika, ambayo huwawezesha kusimamia mfiduo wao kwa mabadiliko ya kiwango cha riba. Biashara ya CFD ni nini? CFD ni kifupi cha Mkataba wa Tofauti. CFD ni kifaa cha kifedha au mkataba ambao inaruhusu wafanyabiashara au wawekezaji kutabiri harakati za baadaye za soko linapokuja mali ya msingi, bila kuwa na mali ya msingi yenyewe. - Wafanyabiashara fomu mikataba, kulipa tofauti kati ya sasa na mkataba wa muda wa maadili. CFDs kutoa kubadilika na faida ya uwezekano katika masoko kuongezeka na kushuka. - Margin amplifies mfiduo na faida, lakini pia huongeza hatari. Inatoa upatikanaji wa masoko mbalimbali, nafasi leveraged, na ukubwa rahisi biashara. - Wafanyabiashara wanaweza kuchukua nafasi ndefu na fupi. - Kuelewa hatari na kutumia mikakati ya usimamizi wa hatari ni muhimu kwa ajili ya biashara ya wajibu. Miongozo ya Biashara ya Derivatives Wafanyabiashara hutumia mikakati mbalimbali ili waweze kusimamia hatari na kuzalisha faida - hapo ndipo biashara ya derivatives inacheza jukumu lake. Mikakati hii kwa kawaida hutumia vyombo vya kifedha kama vile chaguzi au siku zijazo kupata malengo yao kuu. Hedging ni mkakati wa usimamizi wa hatari unaotumiwa kulinda dhidi ya harakati mbaya za bei ya mali fulani. Wafanyabiashara mara nyingi kutumia chaguzi ili hedge nafasi zao. Kwa mfano, mwekezaji anayeshikilia hisa anaweza kununua chaguo la kuuza ili kulinda kwingineko yake katika uso wa kupungua kwa bei ya uwezekano. Katika mazingira ya biashara katika masoko ya kifedha, uvumi ni kitendo cha kufanya biashara au shughuli ya soko ambayo ina faida ya uwezekano na uwezekano wa hasara kubwa. Kwa kuwa maalum zaidi, wafanyabiashara wanaweza kufikiri juu ya wote juu na chini ya harakati ya bei. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Leveraging a Position: Leveraging a position ni kuhusu kutumia fedha zilizokopwa ili kuongeza faida ya uwezekano. Wafanyabiashara wanaweza kuongeza uwekezaji wao kwa kununua derivatives na mtaji uliokopwa. Hii inaruhusu wao kudhibiti ukubwa mkubwa wa nafasi na uwekezaji mdogo wa awali. Hata hivyo, leveraging pia amplifies hasara uwezekano. Mikakati mingine ni pamoja na mwenendo kufuatia, maana reversion, momentum biashara, na swing biashara. Mikakati hii inaweza kutumika katika masoko mbalimbali na na vyombo tofauti ya kifedha, ikiwa ni pamoja na derivatives. Biashara ya derivatives katika masoko ya fedha: Biashara ya derivatives ni biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara ya biashara. Wakati wa biashara juu ya kubadilishana kudhibitiwa, wewe ni kupata kushiriki katika mikataba standardized na masharti predefined. kubadilishana kama kutoa uwiano, uwazi, na soko katikati. Unaweza kufanya biashara ya derivatives kwa kufungua akaunti na kampuni yoyote ya brokerage ambayo inatoa huduma za biashara ya derivatives, kama vile BitDelta. Kufikia soko kupitia jukwaa brokerage, ambapo kununua na kuuza amri kwa ajili ya mikataba maalum derivatives inaweza kuwekwa. Kuelewa hatari, sifa, na kutumia mikakati ya usimamizi wa hatari ni hatua muhimu kuelekea mafanikio ya safari yako ya biashara. Derivatives tofauti kama chaguzi, siku zijazo, kubadilishana, na kwa ajili ya kuwa na sifa ya kipekee na taratibu za biashara. Ni daima kushauriwa kutafuta ushauri wa kitaalamu kama inahitajika, na kufanya utafiti ili kupata uelewa wa kina wa masoko. Maswali ya mara kwa mara Nini ni biashara ya derivatives? Kwa ufupi, derivatives ni vyombo vya kifedha ambayo thamani ni <unk>kutokana<unk> kutoka mali ya msingi. Derivatives inaweza kuuzwa kwenye kubadilishana au juu ya kukabiliana, na ni muhimu kwa ajili ya usimamizi wa hatari na uvumi. Mifano ya Biashara ya Derivatives? Swaps ni mikataba ya kununua au kuuza mali kwa bei maalum, swaps ni mikataba ya kununua au kuuza mali kwa bei maalum, swaps ni mikataba ya kununua au kuuza mali kwa bei maalum, swaps ni mikataba ya kununua au kuuza mali kwa bei maalum. Biashara ya CFD ni aina ya biashara ya derivatives ambayo inahusisha watu binafsi wanaofikiria juu ya harakati za bei ya vyombo mbalimbali vya kifedha, kama vile hisa, bidhaa, au viashiria, bila kumiliki mali ya msingi. Faida au hasara ni msingi wa tofauti kati ya kufungua na kufunga bei ya mkataba. Jinsi ya kufanya fedha biashara derivatives? Kufanya fedha katika biashara derivatives, unahitaji kununua au kuuza derivatives kwa bei nzuri, na baadaye faida kutoka harakati za bei ya mali ya msingi. Wafanyabiashara wanaweza kupata faida kwa kutabiri kwa usahihi mwelekeo wa bei na kutumia mikakati kama vile hedging, uvumi, au nafasi za leveraging. Hata hivyo, biashara derivatives kubeba hatari, inahitaji uelewa wa kina wa soko na utekelezaji wa mbinu sahihi za usimamizi wa hatari. Ninawezaje kuanza biashara derivatives? Ili kuanza biashara derivatives, kufuata hatua hizi: - Kuelimisha mwenyewe kuhusu derivatives, mikakati ya biashara, na nguvu ya soko. - Chagua kampuni ya ushirika yenye sifa nzuri ambayo inatoa huduma za biashara ya derivatives - Fedha akaunti yako ya biashara na mtaji kwa ajili ya biashara. - Kuendeleza mpango wa biashara ambayo inafafanua malengo, hatari ya uvumilivu, na mikakati. - Mazoezi na akaunti ya maonyesho inayotolewa na maduka mengi ya biashara. - Kuanza biashara derivatives kwa kuweka kununua au kuuza amri kupitia brokerage yako iliyochaguliwa ya biashara jukwaa.
Author: GLE Team | Published on 1 October 2023 It is important to understand that we all have biases and many of them are unconscious. The interactions that happen in our classroom reflect these biases whether we want them to or not. This tip will help you reflect on the interactions you may have in your classroom with learners in order to take action if necessary, to help make your learning environment more gender responsive. Stage 1: Identify the interactions that occur First reflect on what types of interactions take place between you and your learners. How do you invite learners of different genders to respond or discuss in your classroom? How often? Who speaks the most and the least? Are your interactions and expectations consistent across all learners regardless of their gender? Do you have learners in the room that need a lot of encouragement to interact with you? Which voice or voices dominate the classroom? Where is the attention of the learners drawn to the most? All of these questions can help you identify the interactions that occur in the room during your lessons. Look at your lesson plans and try to identify when the reactions take place, how and with who. Stage 2: Peer Observation To support you in identifying the key interactions in your classroom, ask a colleague to observe a lesson or part of a lesson and help you to answer some of the questions in stage 1 of this teaching tip. You may also want them to answer some other questions like the one below or create some more of your own: - What is communicated nonverbally through interactions? - Are any learners dominating the interactions? Who is dominating? Is the domination linked to their gender? - How are reluctant learners encouraged to interact? - Who receives feedback and how? - What is the level of eye contact in interactions? - Who is invited to give examples or ideas? Stage 3: Reflect and Respond You can choose to reflect on the answers to the questions and observations alone or with the colleague who observed you. Identify any issues and gendered patterns highlighted in this process and plan next steps to help you address them. Also celebrate the successes identified about your interactions and think about how you can maintain and build on these. - All learners should be called on to ensure a balance of voices from all genders. - Questions should be asked evenly to learners of all genders. - Classroom support and feedback should be provided fairly to learners of all genders. - Learners of all genders should be invited to present, share and offer ideas. - Educators should carefully and inclusively respond to and explore gender beliefs, biases and norms with all learners. - Ensure equal and fair participation of all learners.
"Mwandishi: G.L.E. Team: ""Ni muhimu kuelewa kwamba sisi sote tuna upendeleo na wengi wao ni unconscious." Maingiliano yanayotokea darasani huonyesha upendeleo huu, iwe tunataka au la. Hizi vidokezo zitakusaidia kufikiria mwingiliano unaoweza kuwa nao katika darasa lako na wanafunzi ili kuchukua hatua ikiwa ni lazima, kusaidia kufanya mazingira yako ya kujifunza ya jinsia zaidi. Hatua ya kwanza: Kuamua aina ya mwingiliano unaotokea kati yako na wanafunzi wako. Jinsi gani unaweza kuwaalika wanafunzi wa jinsia tofauti kujibu au kujadili katika darasa lako? Ni mara ngapi? Ni nani anayesema mengi na nani asiyesema mengi? Je, mwingiliano wako na matarajio ni sawa kwa wanafunzi wote bila kujali jinsia yao? Je, kuna wanafunzi katika chumba wanaohitaji msukumo mwingi ili kuingiliana na wewe? Ni sauti gani inayodhibiti darasa? Ni nini kinachovutia zaidi wanafunzi? Maswali haya yote yanaweza kukusaidia kutambua mwingiliano unaotokea katika chumba wakati wa masomo yako. Angalia mipango yako ya masomo na jaribu kutambua wakati athari hufanyika, jinsi na na nani. Hatua ya 2: Kuangalia wenzao Ili kukusaidia kutambua mwingiliano muhimu katika darasa lako, mwombe mwenzako kuchunguza somo au sehemu ya somo na kukusaidia kujibu maswali fulani katika hatua ya kwanza ya ushauri huu wa ufundishaji. Unaweza pia kuwa na maswali mengine kama vile ya hapa chini au kuunda maswali mengine yako mwenyewe: - Ni nini kinachohusiana bila maneno kupitia mwingiliano? - Je, kuna wanafunzi wanaotawala mwingiliano huo? Ni nani anayetawala? Je, kutawala kunahusiana na jinsia yao? - Jinsi gani wanafunzi wanaokataa kuchochewa kuingiliana? - Ni nani anayepokea maoni na jinsi gani? - Kiwango cha mawasiliano ya macho katika maingiliano ni nini? - Ni nani anayealikwa kutoa mifano au mawazo? Hatua ya 3 - Fikiria na Jibu: Unaweza kuchagua kutafakari juu ya majibu ya maswali na uchunguzi peke yako au na mwenzako ambaye amekutazama. Kutambua masuala yoyote na mifumo ya jinsia iliyoangaziwa katika mchakato huu na kupanga hatua zifuatazo kukusaidia kuzitatua. Pia kusherehekea mafanikio kutambuliwa kuhusu maingiliano yako na kufikiri kuhusu jinsi unaweza kudumisha na kujenga juu ya haya. - Wanafunzi wote wanapaswa kuitwa kuhakikisha usawa wa sauti kutoka kwa jinsia zote. - Maswali yanapaswa kuulizwa kwa usawa kwa wanafunzi wa jinsia zote. - Msaada wa darasani na maoni yanapaswa kutolewa kwa usawa kwa wanafunzi wa jinsia zote. - Wanafunzi wa jinsia zote wanapaswa kualikwa kuwasilisha, kushiriki na kutoa mawazo. - Waalimu wanapaswa kwa uangalifu na kwa ujumuishaji kujibu na kuchunguza imani za jinsia, upendeleo na kanuni na wanafunzi wote. - Kuhakikisha ushiriki sawa na wa haki wa wanafunzi wote.
Industrial art, also known as “industrial salvage art” or “steampunk art,” involves creating unique and often functional pieces of art using salvaged materials from old factories, warehouses, and industrial sites. This genre of art celebrates the aesthetic and historical value of industrial relics while repurposing them into creative and visually striking works. Here are some key aspects of industrial art: Industrial Salvage: Artists and artisans collect materials from a variety of industrial sources, including old factories, warehouses, shipyards, power plants, and railroad yards. Common Materials: Salvaged materials often include vintage machinery parts, gears, pipes, valves, conveyor belts, metal sheets, chains, pulleys, gauges, and more. Found Objects: Artists may incorporate found objects, such as discarded tools, equipment, or architectural elements, into their creations. Design Concept: Artists begin by conceptualizing their vision for a piece of industrial art, considering how salvaged materials can be integrated. Selection and Preparation: Salvaged materials are cleaned, refurbished, and sometimes modified to fit the intended design. Assembly: Artists use welding, bolting, or other joining techniques to assemble salvaged components into functional or decorative forms. Finishing Touches: Surface treatments like sandblasting, painting, or clear coating may be applied to enhance the appearance and protect against corrosion. Functional and Aesthetic: Industrial art can serve practical functions, such as lighting fixtures, furniture, or sculptures, in addition to its aesthetic appeal. Themes and Styles: Steampunk: Many industrial artists embrace the steampunk aesthetic, which incorporates Victorian-era and steam-powered elements into their designs. Modern Industrial: Some artists focus on more minimalist and contemporary industrial styles, using salvaged materials to create sleek and functional pieces. Rustic and Vintage: Others aim for a vintage or rustic look, preserving the patina and character of the salvaged materials. Sculptures: Industrial artists create sculptures and statues using various salvaged components, often showcasing mechanical or robotic themes. Furniture: Salvaged materials can be transformed into tables, chairs, desks, and other furniture pieces. Lighting: Industrial lighting fixtures, including lamps and chandeliers, are a popular choice for functional art pieces. Wall Art: Industrial materials can be arranged into captivating wall art installations, offering a unique focal point for interior spaces. Functional Decor: Artists often combine form and function by creating clocks, mirrors, shelves, and other decorative yet practical items. Sustainability and Recycling: Environmental Consciousness: Industrial art promotes sustainability by repurposing materials that might otherwise end up in landfills. Upcycling: Artists breathe new life into discarded materials, highlighting their historical and aesthetic value. Industrial art not only celebrates the legacy of industrial heritage but also offers a creative outlet for artists and a unique way for enthusiasts to incorporate industrial elements into their living spaces. These pieces often tell a story of innovation, craftsmanship, and the evolution of technology.
Sanaa ya viwanda, pia inajulikana kama "sanaa ya uokoaji wa viwanda" au "sanaa ya steampunk", inahusisha kuunda vipande vya sanaa vya kipekee na mara nyingi vinavyofanya kazi kwa kutumia vifaa vilivyoponywa kutoka viwanda vya zamani, maghala, na maeneo ya viwanda. Aina hii ya sanaa huadhimisha thamani ya aesthetic na ya kihistoria ya vitu vya kale vya viwanda wakati wa kuvifanya kuwa kazi za ubunifu na za kuvutia. Uokoaji wa Viwanda: Wasanii na mafundi hukusanya vifaa kutoka vyanzo mbalimbali vya viwanda, ikiwa ni pamoja na viwanda vya zamani, maghala, viwanda vya meli, mitambo ya umeme, na viwanja vya reli. Vifaa vya kawaida: Vifaa vilivyoponywa mara nyingi hutia ndani sehemu za mashine za zamani, gia, mabomba, valvu, mikanda ya kusafirisha, karatasi za chuma, minyororo, pulleys, gauges, na zaidi. Vitu vilivyopatikana: Wasanii wanaweza kuingiza vitu vilivyopatikana, kama vile vifaa vilivyotupwa, vifaa, au vipengele vya usanifu, katika uumbaji wao. Dhana: Wasanii kuanza na conceptualizing maono yao kwa ajili ya kipande cha sanaa ya viwanda, kuzingatia jinsi vifaa salvaged inaweza kuunganishwa. Uchaguzi na Maandalizi: Vifaa vilivyoponywa husafishwa, kuboreshwa, na nyakati nyingine kubadilishwa ili vifanane na muundo uliokusudiwa. Mkusanyiko: Wasanii hutumia kulehemu, bolting, au mbinu nyingine za kuunganisha ili kukusanya vipengele vilivyoponywa katika fomu za kazi au za mapambo. Matumizi ya mwisho: Matibabu ya uso kama vile kuchoma mchanga, kupaka rangi, au kufunika wazi yanaweza kutumika kuboresha muonekano na kulinda dhidi ya kutu. Sanaa ya viwanda inaweza kutumika kwa kazi za vitendo, kama vile vifaa vya taa, fanicha, au sanamu, pamoja na rufaa yake ya aesthetic. Steampunk ni mtindo wa sanaa wa kisasa ambao unajumuisha mambo ya enzi ya Victoria na vifaa vya mvuke katika miundo yao. Viwanda: Wasanii fulani hukazia fikira mitindo ya viwanda ya kisasa na ya hali ya chini zaidi, wakitumia vifaa vilivyoponywa ili kutengeneza vitu vyenye kupendeza na vyenye kutumika. Vintage na rustic: Vintage ni aina ya vifaa vya zamani na vya kisasa, na hivyo kuhifadhi patina na tabia ya vifaa vya zamani. Sanamu: Wasanii wa viwanda hutengeneza sanamu na sanamu kwa kutumia sehemu mbalimbali zilizoponywa, mara nyingi wakionyesha mandhari za mitambo au roboti. Vifaa vya kufanyiza: Vifaa vilivyopatikana vinaweza kutumiwa kutengeneza meza, viti, dawati, na vitu vingine vya kufanyiza. Taa: Vifaa vya taa za viwanda, kutia ndani taa na taa za taa, ni chaguo maarufu kwa ajili ya kazi za sanaa. Sanaa ya ukuta: Vifaa vya viwandani vinaweza kupangwa katika mitambo ya sanaa ya ukuta yenye kuvutia, ikitoa hatua ya kipekee ya kuzingatia nafasi za ndani. Mapambo ya Kazi: Mara nyingi wasanii huchanganya umbo na kazi kwa kutengeneza saa, vioo, rafu, na vitu vingine vya mapambo lakini vyenye kutumika. Uendelezaji na Recycling: Mawazo ya Mazingira: Sanaa ya viwanda inakuza uendelevu kwa kutumia tena vifaa ambavyo vinginevyo vinaweza kuishia katika majumba ya taka. Upcycling: Wasanii huingiza uhai mpya katika vifaa vilivyotupwa, wakikazia thamani yao ya kihistoria na ya urembo. Sanaa ya viwanda haishereheke tu urithi wa urithi wa viwanda, lakini pia inatoa njia ya ubunifu kwa wasanii na njia ya kipekee kwa wapenzi wa kuingiza vipengele vya viwanda katika nafasi zao za kuishi. Mara nyingi vipande hivyo husimulia hadithi ya uvumbuzi, ustadi, na mageuzi ya tekinolojia.
Water contamination is a serious issue. If you or your family has been affected by contaminated drinking water, it’s important to know what steps to take next. This article will go over everything you need to consider if you’re thinking about filing a lawsuit against the contaminated water source that has affected your health and the health of your family. What Are Water Contamination Lawsuits? Water contamination lawsuits are civil lawsuits filed by victims of water contamination against the responsible parties. They can be filed against individuals, businesses, or government entities (including city agencies and municipalities) and claim damages for injuries suffered as a result of drinking or using contaminated water. Here's how it works, you get sick from the tap water in your home, so you file a complaint with your city saying that their negligence caused you harm. Suppose they don't do anything about it. In that case, you can sue them and seek compensation for your medical bills as well as other costs related to diagnosing and treating whatever ailment(s) resulted from consuming contaminated tap water. The Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit is an excellent example of that. Anyone can file if they have been affected by this particular contamination. Camp Lejeune was a Marine Corps base in North Carolina, and it was contaminated with chemicals from 1953 to 1987. The contaminants included industrial solvents, dry cleaning fluids, and degreasing agents used to clean equipment and buildings. The government knew about the contamination and failed to inform residents of its dangers. They even claimed the water was safe to drink when it was not. As a result, many people suffered serious health problems as a result of their exposure to these toxic substances over time, including cancer and other diseases that were passed down through generations born on the base. Levels of Compensation in Water Contamination Lawsuits When you sue for water contamination, you can receive three different compensation levels: compensatory damages, punitive damages, and statutory damages. Compensatory damages are payments that go to cover your losses stemming from the contaminated water. These include out-of-pocket expenses (like medical bills) and future costs that will be incurred due to the contaminated water (such as buying bottled water). The amount awarded for these types of damages depends on a variety of factors, such as how much time was spent treating illnesses or injuries caused by the contaminated water. In contrast with compensatory damages, punitive damages punish a defendant who has acted unlawfully in some way rather than trying to make them pay back what they took from you financially. Punitive damage awards may be up to three times higher than compensatory awards in some states. Statutory damages are another form of compensation available when suing over contaminated drinking water. However, this type differs from both compensatory and punitive damages because it doesn't depend on individual circumstances surrounding each case as they do. What to Do if You or a Loved One Developed Cancer or an Autoimmune Condition? Suppose you suspect that your cancer may be related to contaminated water. Or, if you have already been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, it is important to take action. The statute of limitations for these types of lawsuits is short and can be as short as one year in some states. You will need to act quickly so that your chance at compensation does not slip away. A lawyer can help determine whether the tainted water supply could have caused your illness. - Getting all medical records from doctors who treated you during the relevant period. - Obtaining a diagnosis from a qualified doctor (this may require seeing several doctors). - Acquiring a medical opinion confirming that your illness is caused by exposure to polluted water supplies. How to File a Water Contamination Lawsuit? To begin, you should contact a lawyer who specializes in water contamination lawsuits. Suppose your case involves a government agency that has failed to provide adequate testing or treatment of its water supply. In that case, you will need to file a claim with the appropriate government agency. This is usually done through the same process as making any other claim against the state (i.e., filing with your local government). Once this step has been taken, and your claim has been filed (or if it was already filed by someone else), you can then proceed with filing a lawsuit in civil court. A civil court is where disputes between individuals or organizations are resolved outside of criminal courts, typically when there’s no violation of criminal law or harm caused by another person. Once again, it’s best if you consult an attorney before doing so since many factors go into deciding how much damages should be awarded in these cases and whether they can even be pursued at all. Liability in Water Contamination Cases Liability in water contamination cases depends on who was responsible for the contamination. Plaintiffs need to prove that one or more people involved in the chain of events leading up to their injury were negligent in their actions and that this negligence led to injury or property damage. In most cases, liability is shared between multiple parties, namely private parties and public entities. For example, suppose a private company polluted your local reservoir while they were extracting gas from nearby property under the authority of the government. In that case, you could sue all three actors (the company, the state agency in charge of permitting extraction operations, and any private contractors hired by either). If you were injured by an oil spill during transit through a pipeline owned by one entity but maintained by another (and perhaps inspected by yet another), then each entity would share liability based on their role at fault. It's important to keep in mind that governments may have immunity protections against certain kinds of lawsuits as well. For example, if your city's sewage pipes burst after heavy rainfall due to faulty construction work performed decades ago instead of recent neglectful maintenance practices. Learn About Water Contamination Lawsuits and Your Rights to Compensation Water contamination can occur when a chemical or pathogen is accidentally or intentionally introduced into the water supply. This can happen through pollution, natural disasters like earthquakes and storms, and other factors that can affect the quality of your tap water. Water contamination is responsible for thousands of deaths every year across the United States and around the world. It’s an ongoing problem with devastating effects on public health and one that deserves attention from legal professionals as well as medical professionals. If you believe that toxic chemicals harmed you or a loved one in the water supply, contact an attorney to discuss your potential claim.
Uchafuzi wa maji ni tatizo kubwa. Ikiwa wewe au familia yako umeathiriwa na maji ya kunywa yaliyochafuliwa, ni muhimu kujua ni hatua zipi za kuchukua baadaye. Makala hii itazungumzia kila kitu unahitaji kuzingatia ikiwa unafikiria kuwasilisha kesi dhidi ya chanzo cha maji cha uchafuzi ambacho kimeharibu afya yako na afya ya familia yako. Kesi za Uchafuzi wa Maji Ni Nini? Kesi za uchafuzi wa maji ni kesi za kiraia zilizowasilishwa na waathirika wa uchafuzi wa maji dhidi ya pande zinazohusika. Mahakama inaweza kuwasilisha kesi dhidi ya watu binafsi, biashara, au mashirika ya serikali (ikiwa ni pamoja na mashirika ya jiji na manispaa) na kudai uharibifu kwa majeraha yaliyopatikana kama matokeo ya kunywa au kutumia maji machafu. "Hii ni kwa sababu ya ""mwenyeji"" ambao wanapata maji ya bomba nyumbani kwao na kutoa malalamiko kwa serikali ya mji wao, wakisema kuwa udanganyifu wao umesababisha madhara." Tuseme hawafanyi chochote kuhusu hilo. Katika kesi hiyo, unaweza kuwasilisha kesi na kutafuta fidia kwa ajili ya bili zako za matibabu na gharama nyingine zinazohusiana na kugundua na kutibu ugonjwa wowote (s) uliosababishwa na matumizi ya maji ya bomba. Kesi ya uchafuzi wa maji ya Kambi ya Lejeune ni mfano mzuri wa hilo. Mtu yeyote anaweza kuwasilisha ikiwa ameathiriwa na uchafuzi huu maalum. Kambi ya Lejeune ilikuwa kituo cha jeshi la wanamaji huko North Carolina, na ilichanganywa na kemikali kutoka 1953 hadi 1987. Vitu hivyo vilitia ndani vimumunyifu vya viwanda, umajimaji wa kusafisha kwa maji, na dawa za kuondoa mafuta zinazotumiwa kusafisha vifaa na majengo. Serikali ilijua juu ya uchafuzi huo na ilishindwa kuwajulisha wakazi juu ya hatari zake. Hata walidai kwamba maji hayo yalikuwa salama kunywa ingawa hayakuwa salama. Matokeo yake, watu wengi walipatwa na matatizo makubwa ya afya kutokana na kuambukizwa kwa vitu hivyo vyenye sumu kwa muda, ikiwa ni pamoja na saratani na magonjwa mengine yaliyopitishwa kupitia vizazi vilivyozaliwa kwenye kituo hicho. Kwa mfano, ikiwa unashtakiwa kwa uchafuzi wa maji, unaweza kupata kiwango cha tatu cha fidia: uharibifu wa fidia, uharibifu wa adhabu, na uharibifu wa kisheria. Malipo ya fidia ni malipo ambayo huenda ili kufidia hasara yako inayotokana na maji machafu. Hii inajumuisha gharama za nje ya mfuko (kama bili za matibabu) na gharama za baadaye ambazo zitatokea kwa sababu ya maji machafu (kama kununua maji ya chupa). Kiasi cha fidia kwa ajili ya uharibifu wa maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji. Tofauti na uharibifu wa fidia, uharibifu wa adhabu unamwadhibu mshtakiwa ambaye amefanya kinyume cha sheria kwa njia fulani badala ya kujaribu kuwafanya warudishe kile walichokuchukua kutoka kwako kifedha. Tuzo za uharibifu wa adhabu zinaweza kuwa hadi mara tatu zaidi ya tuzo za fidia katika majimbo fulani. Uharibifu wa kisheria ni aina nyingine ya fidia inayopatikana wakati wa kushtaki juu ya maji ya kunywa yaliyochafuliwa. Hata hivyo, aina hii inatofautiana na uharibifu wa fidia na adhabu kwa sababu haitegemei hali ya mtu binafsi inayozunguka kila kesi kama wanavyofanya. Unapaswa kufanya nini ikiwa wewe au mtu unayempenda ana ugonjwa wa kansa au ugonjwa wa kinga? Kwa mfano, fikiria kwamba unaamini kwamba kansa yako inahusiana na maji machafu. Ikiwa tayari umegunduliwa kuwa na ugonjwa wa autoimmune kama vile lupus au rheumatoid arthritis, ni muhimu kuchukua hatua. Sheria ya mipaka kwa ajili ya aina hizi za kesi ni fupi na inaweza kuwa fupi kama mwaka mmoja katika baadhi ya majimbo. Unahitaji kutenda haraka ili nafasi yako ya kupata fidia isipotee. Mwanasheria anaweza kukusaidia kuamua ikiwa maji machafu yangeweza kusababisha ugonjwa wako. - Kupata rekodi zote za matibabu kutoka kwa madaktari ambao walikutunza katika kipindi husika. - Kupata utambuzi kutoka kwa daktari mwenye sifa (hilo laweza kuhitaji kuona madaktari kadhaa). - Kupata maoni ya daktari yanayothibitisha kwamba ugonjwa wako unasababishwa na kuambukizwa maji machafu. Jinsi ya Kufanya Kesi ya Uchafuzi wa Maji? Kwanza, unapaswa kuwasiliana na mwanasheria anayefanya kazi ya kisheria katika kesi za uchafuzi wa maji. Kwa mfano, fikiria kwamba kuna shirika la serikali ambalo halijafanya uchunguzi au kusafisha maji ya maji. Katika hali hiyo, utahitaji kuwasilisha madai kwa shirika linalofaa la serikali. Hii ni kawaida kufanyika kupitia mchakato huo kama kufanya madai yoyote nyingine dhidi ya serikali (yaani, kufungua na serikali yako ya mitaa). Baada ya hatua hii kufanywa, na madai yako yamewasilishwa (au ikiwa tayari yaliwasilishwa na mtu mwingine), unaweza kuendelea na kuwasilisha kesi katika mahakama ya kiraia. Mahakama ya kiraia ni mahali ambapo mabishano kati ya watu binafsi au mashirika hutatuzwa nje ya mahakama za jinai, kwa kawaida wakati hakuna ukiukaji wa sheria ya jinai au madhara yanayosababishwa na mtu mwingine. Kwa mara nyingine tena, ni bora kama wewe kushauriana na mwanasheria kabla ya kufanya hivyo tangu mambo mengi kwenda katika kuamua jinsi kiasi cha uharibifu inapaswa tuzo katika kesi hizi na kama wanaweza hata kufuatiliwa wakati wote. Dhima katika kesi za uchafuzi wa maji Dhima katika kesi za uchafuzi wa maji inategemea ni nani aliyewajibika kwa uchafuzi. Mwendesha mashtaka lazima athibitishe kwamba mtu mmoja au zaidi aliyehusika katika mlolongo wa matukio yaliyopelekea kuumia kwake alikuwa na uzembe katika vitendo vyake na kwamba uzembe huu ulisababisha kuumia au uharibifu wa mali. Katika kesi nyingi, dhima ni pamoja kati ya pande nyingi, yaani pande binafsi na vyombo vya umma. Kwa mfano, tuseme kampuni ya kibinafsi ilichafua hifadhi yako ya maji wakati walikuwa wakichimba gesi kutoka kwa mali ya karibu chini ya mamlaka ya serikali. Katika kesi hiyo, unaweza kushtaki wahusika wote watatu (kampuni, shirika la serikali linalowajibika kwa kuruhusu shughuli za uchimbaji, na wafanyabiashara wa kibinafsi waliokodishwa na yeyote). Ikiwa umejeruhiwa na kuvuja kwa mafuta wakati wa usafirishaji kupitia bomba linalomilikiwa na chombo kimoja lakini linatunzwa na kingine (na labda kuchunguzwa na kingine), basi kila chombo kitashiriki dhima kulingana na jukumu lao la kosa. Ni muhimu kukumbuka kwamba serikali zinaweza kuwa na ulinzi wa kinga dhidi ya aina fulani za kesi pia. Kwa mfano, kama mabomba ya maji machafu ya jiji lako yalivunjika baada ya mvua kubwa kwa sababu ya kazi mbaya ya ujenzi iliyofanywa miongo kadhaa iliyopita badala ya mazoea ya hivi karibuni ya matengenezo ya uzembe. Maombi ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji ya maji. Hii inaweza kutokea kupitia uchafuzi wa mazingira, majanga ya asili kama vile matetemeko ya ardhi na dhoruba, na sababu nyingine ambazo zinaweza kuathiri ubora wa maji yako ya bomba. Uchafuzi wa maji ni sababu ya maelfu ya vifo kila mwaka nchini Marekani na duniani kote. Ni tatizo la kuendelea na athari mbaya kwa afya ya umma na moja ambayo inastahili tahadhari kutoka kwa wataalamu wa kisheria pamoja na wataalamu wa matibabu. Ikiwa unaamini kwamba kemikali zenye sumu zimekudhuru wewe au mtu unayempenda katika usambazaji wa maji, wasiliana na wakili ili kuzungumzia madai yako ya uwezekano.
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