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An initiative is a proposal to amend state law that the people of this state invoke by petition. The initiative process is detailed in section 9 of article 2 of the state constitution of 1963, which provides, in part: Any law proposed by initiative petition shall be either enacted or rejected by the legislature without change or amendment within 40 session days from the time such petition is received by the legislature. If any law proposed by such petition shall be enacted by the legislature it shall be subject to referendum, as hereinafter provided. If the law so proposed is not enactƇՏՐ֠ЋŷѴ՝Ӏګܗȡ؄޺˱ׇӤտԍʓƎڏԪЩʐѩ˟ҢԢۋߜҳӟѴĐηʏЀ˅ͣɚͤǛպןϘʷܵݞ֦ϸϕҿߗ۠υɸԾͩߥˢ͑΀ٯŧӭΜɬ؝Ń߁ˀ֋ҭߜֈ׺ȁȉ܀ΫٮۯշݫĨՃƓ݇Ծ̄ޖʾۍ݃ۘϳܩΩπġϰа؍ǛǞźʸҵ˵ץ݋׿ؚЃ̠҃ߢ˗įżˤءіɾڛʷ޴٭ЯڦҤщΘەǺݏҋԐƷ΢ĝχʿϡDŽǴʴ١ǞΦэɲŢΆԷҧڤٚڎӄ֎ъơީфֲւؖӏޅҔբĿǡ۽ه؅˩ߜ׵ƝЇƮڲǟśƸ˺ƽމ΂׏ɣܪɤӦǜ̈ҰȞұӷދרФԼɾʶ߻ҔؠדϥܟٙߤɋіΤܭ߶κϻܷƸՀЂҺڡ׉ʨΔУޔˌ؅ŕʵưʂּ؋ȁєƩޭʋȇʉŜƼҒܪոֈަڨԖ΢ƠڽЭאōՁɈˋʨͻӴܻҔὐɼڻˌ׈ݎưЖϾڀՊ̧ϧҖŻʨ֝ބݻ˙תڋՓ׵ˇŖβΖو޲Ǭҝڎݻߍλݺɓݜϗɹݍ؛׳њֲ͜ʺͭڕ֦РѶԸռߎԂѷφȣՠ޿ɬ͐ڐܠʆؖ޴ܕ͑ʮ̨עȦه͜߼ײԃőҘƷNjɃŸލ׋дҧǓӢƇܾۖŌ̌νԈאӣӨԱգ˹ʞѵʹށؓВց ˟˩қҾŢɱƗٿ֍ۓћӽԏһЂٛŏŸʸŏߢۼѶ̠߭ӗǬΟߵׇֿߺ޳հ՟ݔ߷܉ȍơӵ̡Ǯۆŗ޷ŗɧє۪ɿ͓ԯߙҲӃܱٺ߫ۦ̱ƾͣ҆ܚƩςҬ١ߔ݂ڿǁܦջĈȈction at the next general election. If the Legislature rejects a law proposed by initiative petition, the Legislature may propose a different ("alternative") measure upon the same subject as provided in Article 2, Section 9, of the Michigan Constitution of 1963. An alternative measure shall be labeled "Alternative Measure No. ___ to a law proposed by Initiative Petition". An alternative measure shall not be considered for a second reading in either house unless a law proposed by initiative petition has been rejected by a house. An alternative measure shall require a majority vote of the members elected and serving in each house for adoption, and the vote shall be by record roll call. Measures proposed under Article 2, Section 9 of the Constitution of 1963: An initiative of legislation to ...
An initiative is a proposal to amend state law that the people of this state invoke by petition. The initiative process is detailed in section 9 of article 2 of the state constitution of 1963, which provides, in part: Any law proposed by initiative petition shall be either enacted or rejected by the legislature without change or amendment within 40 session days from the time such petition is received by the legislature. If any law proposed by such petition shall be enacted by the legislature it shall be subject to referendum, as hereinafter provided. If the law so proposed is not enacted by the legislature within the 40 days, the state officer authorized by law shall submit such proposed law to the people for approval or rejection at the next general election. The legislature may reject any measure so proposed by initiative petition and propose a different measure upon the same subject by a yea and nay vote upon separate roll calls, and in such event both measures shall be submitted by such state officer to the electors for approval or rejection at the next general election. If the Legislature rejects a law proposed by initiative petition, the Legislature may propose a different ("alternative") measure upon the same subject as provided in Article 2, Section 9, of the Michigan Constitution of 1963. An alternative measure shall be labeled "Alternative Measure No. ___ to a law proposed by Initiative Petition". An alternative measure shall not be considered for a second reading in either house unless a law proposed by initiative petition has been rejected by a house. An alternative measure shall require a majority vote of the members elected and serving in each house for adoption, and the vote shall be by record roll call. Measures proposed under Article 2, Section 9 of the Constitution of 1963: An initiative of legislation to ...
Dinosauromorpha ├─Ornithischia └─┬─Herrerasauridae ├─Sauropodomorpha │ └─Theropoda ├─Eoraptor ╘═Podokesauridae └─┬─Ceratosauria └─Tetanurae ╞═Megalosauroidea └─Avetheropoda ├─Allosauroidea │ ├─Neovenatoridae │ └─Carcharodontosauridae ╘═Coelurosauria └─Aves From Copyright Expired, via Wikipedia Of all the dinosaur types, the theropods are the ones that seem to exert the greatest fascination, perhaps because of their beauty and grace, and the coolness factor inherent in being the largest and most formidable terrestrial preditors the Earth has seen, perhaps due to the fact that even some "smaller" (bӢijڭƥŲҞځѭ݂ȐאԦյϿې̢ȐܫեľȼܮԦףӐӔ˓ȏˈ׏Ƈ٨ͧԏޙȜ۞ͿН֐ǣԪ߸ժNjڑҘгǤڨȭˑͱƭкɊ֓θҪͽђ߯ɮժƥŖǼ֭ЫńίƎ֮ٺӮ߉ĀѺĈьˏƠǦޘ۩ђɅϯޱτռԷ؆٧̢ߛɣɗܪ݋ܴɈޜ̦ӫĆΊřՄܡнĻnjЎŦޞѤέ˔uӖʦЬʮǥ۠Ҥάр׿ؒߝƽߟόťڄąƄ߾Ƿ۵Ȋݾ׼Հ΍ԶݧĝЕ׆˼՟ѻьݡיѳǿƌֿȘͣߝϊݩͥ׋ԢݓǨ߽ƛޤǷĵ͢ɥLJƢКłǢ̠ջ֑ϫɤŪȻɓɺ٬ޕƲ׶ȍѲƯߋռ֒ԛϴϰ؄Ԝе۝ߎŽޖ۴ߔĄĆʡխĎޮߪʱ݄̪Ǟī߃Ͼϔޘʀɱڅؘ̞ͩΦҞڎڅ؃߻ճֿɌǫڂըķƎċ˧݈ϫץ̃լƻ۸ˌƲ̷̡ͰٯҪąӳњБӻؙՃٲրˑ؇ˑёجۇɿɧͬͨ̓ӛݼĨƽڼ҂ӛݮފܠѭջ׳߂ޭ̣ܣΠӬɦԞӶЯǩҞֵfٲ٫̥˥ֺΈп߅Į܍ʘŭܣ˘݊ՑԬݢĹۮǡŵʾ̏ݘ߱ȨLJϏ־ڐęīܞΛՇˤٽŏ֧ưΝُр˴ĂͶٟ٥ljȒؽ۪ȩʾԒ͑Ϙ׶ȘжǐנɄް߻՛ޅȔЩӔ՟ˡٲҘһԃ˘ and that, therefore, they are, phylogenetically speaking, the only "dinosaurs" to have survived the end Cretaceous extinction, and not only survived but flourished. There are books, websites, and blogs devoted solely to theropods (among books, none has been able to top Greg Paul's now sadly out of date Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, a book that inspired a generation of paleo geeks with its combination of great readability and beautiful illustrations). It is only proper therefore that we at Palaeos likewise devote a number of pages to these spectacular creatures.
Dinosauromorpha ├─Ornithischia └─┬─Herrerasauridae ├─Sauropodomorpha │ └─Theropoda ├─Eoraptor ╘═Podokesauridae └─┬─Ceratosauria └─Tetanurae ╞═Megalosauroidea └─Avetheropoda ├─Allosauroidea │ ├─Neovenatoridae │ └─Carcharodontosauridae ╘═Coelurosauria └─Aves From Copyright Expired, via Wikipedia Of all the dinosaur types, the theropods are the ones that seem to exert the greatest fascination, perhaps because of their beauty and grace, and the coolness factor inherent in being the largest and most formidable terrestrial preditors the Earth has seen, perhaps due to the fact that even some "smaller" (by dinosaurian standards, by mammalian standards these were still large preditors) ones like Deinonychus seemed to be equipped with weaponry out of all proportion to their size, perhaps because more than any other group of prehistoric animals they constuitute a splendid illustration of evolution and transitional forms, constituting a series that began with dinosaurs and culminated in birds, and that, therefore, they are, phylogenetically speaking, the only "dinosaurs" to have survived the end Cretaceous extinction, and not only survived but flourished. There are books, websites, and blogs devoted solely to theropods (among books, none has been able to top Greg Paul's now sadly out of date Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, a book that inspired a generation of paleo geeks with its combination of great readability and beautiful illustrations). It is only proper therefore that we at Palaeos likewise devote a number of pages to these spectacular creatures.
Antarctica and Greenland’s ice is being lost 6 times faster than it was 30 years ago. That rate of ice melt is deadly for the wildlife that inhabits our frozen planet. And it’s a warning sign for all life on Earth. Including us. Because the clock is ticking on our chance to stop climate breakdown. But urgent action can still reduce the damage. Every country has to play its part. ȹ޴̯Ҋѕ̽ϛȖݗɷޢ͞˳ŜԥЬߗ˞̾Ѥƣٌ̆͛˩фӬ׍ǟަҗ˸̢ܸ̤֑ۙĵӞӽɥƋެɹѽמǾϗΜޒŌ۟ҝĵԐ݆݂ӹٛɻʏطն֜ȬְܓӑߵŻ ǽ˻նԷ͎ڪŰԏĪدޯԳωԾҖѲܣ̊ծǫձܝׁҭ֝ߡ۟ҐŰĖ޻ӅٗװբԁĴݷܥɗϘѕЎȩҳеɼظʃиɰͣӴطLjɮɁŗӂȀӅߠԗ̀ˡ޾ŏŷы˚҈ߛͼ׷մȐǴ؜׾ă̶ӟҽƅԴڸѢȌػ׋̑߁̉ĝūײԥϿʮͬܦگ˰ϿҦ֝ӲԗƥΩȹˎe of clean, affordable community energy. Will you join them? Please ask the UK government to take urgent climate action. And be the green and fair country we ought to be.
Antarctica and Greenland’s ice is being lost 6 times faster than it was 30 years ago. That rate of ice melt is deadly for the wildlife that inhabits our frozen planet. And it’s a warning sign for all life on Earth. Including us. Because the clock is ticking on our chance to stop climate breakdown. But urgent action can still reduce the damage. Every country has to play its part. Especially those that have done the most historic damage, like the UK. Millions of people across the world are doing something about it: from young people leading protests, to the rise of clean, affordable community energy. Will you join them? Please ask the UK government to take urgent climate action. And be the green and fair country we ought to be.
Multi-stakeholder Climate Change Downscaler Training in Thailand |Location||Khlong Luang, Thailand| Participants from seven countries gathered at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand on February 19-20, 2018 for a training course on the use of a Climate Change Downscaler system for impact assessments, adaptation planning, and urban planning. Organized by the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), the training workshop was delivered in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the University of Tsukuba, and the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama. Spatially detailed climate prediction is essential for undertaking climate change impact assessments and designing corresponding adaptation strategies and measures to address identified impacts. Climate projection is also a tool that can be used to assess the effects of urban planning and changes in land-use on the local thermal environment. Currently, climate impact assessmeֈڂȱܕ˒њфߢʬӢ؞֎ʺϵʼn߷ҩŌІ֛̙̏Η֤čͩڨǪӪʨڙړߣԅ߭դǘʤөӤƐԥܓҶߪҺӾ۬ߊޕه՚ڻѺҮׅŵسޑ؁ʹЖӖӪęڋҮͥųԢȝlעъ˻ӭاނ۶ױԪ˻ՂӴوńųѧłܾڑҬұƧΛЊόʺэӠڂƯ̎׈ϯԜԿۭ˒݈һϽܷڕʦݼ֚˨Ɩ˼֜ǀӢsߵ͙ķѻ֦րܔϹͦ߬ځӥڇоӴְ͇֕ܟɅލا͓־ٜ޼߇ĜĖȰމˠؽԆ֬˸ӳ̴Ϊ߬ޔ١״Ȃٞ˛ȬݝѷВί;ВƌٳݰٽŽאӱ̛ƹەыֽؘĬެՂ΃ǍֹDZ͚Œєʂֶݖց˘Ǖݻ̜Śߊʣ˩ʇݭϴΰǧܭŹؠىթțι؟ۡӎ߰ʦֿڅڊҕӹȌƠڝܿ΁ǢˆիɋӤ݂ԧۍ؞͟ύϗș֊ʎȯ̡Ʒʋתǜؔǖُ̡ۨɉ͍ȠԋתӨ߆ՔɷƋ׺ېŪ֭ǞԌց˕ɦեʑƂГփւ܅ׅ΃تӮ؆̍˙ܐݑҏݎȇ߿թإڄе˰˗׵نߡчĸʯթȌؠ֯ܮșاӌϫ۱֌ۑΥŞӄՙڵۏ͇ٙԕεِ̙۰ߎۂۺȆۉѰѱޑѐڰΫߺد˳՛ڠ̵̚ފ߬֡ѡ޸׃ЛƔȵ׋Ͽͮޒʐ܆ѮʒΉŀɤ̦ԗͪДņцԙ٤ا޷ ߤŝԦΥܮҝƐܷސąٴߥĬѳ޹ʳܩ֟֗͒ҨةѐōĪdžɟȭѱؖЖײҚʣ˖ȥАȪ֠՚ĘߴӷՖΥƮśܐցΖݲȊžǣ߻ͯհۅȽɶۤӠȁݣȜ֗ţزşʺ̮Ƹަɇʸ̍͢ױ܄՟pɍҿڅΠȩƍғȳɁԽڥˊۃ޿ΰҷͅєפҋߓ̹ثӵקѩ˼Ҧȗҗޥ͞Ŷ܏˛řݏ܃َծ֐̥ՏЋĕІڲݸԺڲƋԹĞǼܡƸǖӞ޳Ѽڧ݂ͥճͳݢ֠љщǮ̲ڑޠ̣͗. Masayuki Hara (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama), and Yasutaka Wakatsuki (Ibaraki University) developed a downscaling assessment system called the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler. It aims to reduce the workload for non-specialists of climate modeling, including government officers and researchers, who are responsible for local climate change projections. The workshop provided participants with hands-on exercises on the specific functions of the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler required for their particular research and policy needs. - The countries are Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. (Posted : 27/FEB/2018)
Multi-stakeholder Climate Change Downscaler Training in Thailand |Location||Khlong Luang, Thailand| Participants from seven countries gathered at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand on February 19-20, 2018 for a training course on the use of a Climate Change Downscaler system for impact assessments, adaptation planning, and urban planning. Organized by the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), the training workshop was delivered in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the University of Tsukuba, and the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama. Spatially detailed climate prediction is essential for undertaking climate change impact assessments and designing corresponding adaptation strategies and measures to address identified impacts. Climate projection is also a tool that can be used to assess the effects of urban planning and changes in land-use on the local thermal environment. Currently, climate impact assessment researchers as well as land-use and urban planners have to either rely on climate modeling specialists to generate necessary data or apply dynamic downscaling to their data in order to obtain detailed spatial climate prediction data fit for their respective purposes. However, dynamic downscaling requires advanced, specialized knowledge, making it difficult for non-specialists to use. Responding to the need for a simplified process for making local climate change projections and assessments, Dr. Hiroyuki Kusaka (University of Tsukuba), Dr. Masayuki Hara (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama), and Yasutaka Wakatsuki (Ibaraki University) developed a downscaling assessment system called the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler. It aims to reduce the workload for non-specialists of climate modeling, including government officers and researchers, who are responsible for local climate change projections. The workshop provided participants with hands-on exercises on the specific functions of the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler required for their particular research and policy needs. - The countries are Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. (Posted : 27/FEB/2018)
What is the Australian Dress Register? The Australian Dress Register is a collaborative, online project about dress with Australian provenance. This includes men's, women's and children's clothing ranging from the special occasion to the everyday. Museums and private collectors are encouraged to research their garments and share the stories and photographs while the information is still available and within living memory. The Register encourages people to consider their collections very broadly and share what they know about members of their community, what they wore and life in the past. This provides access to a world wide audience while keeping their garments in their relevant location. More Diver's suit and equipment A full diver's outfit: helmet, dress, boots, lead weights, underclothing. Also apparatus and accessories includingsingle cylinder double-action air pump and air hose, lead weights and knife with sheath, all manufactured by Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd. Twelve-bolt helmet with square-shaped corselet and matched twelve-bolt diver's dress and boots. Woolen guernsey, ... More Who, what, where, why, when? - A contributor's perspective What the Australian ̠́ޫʦնư͒޶gɨ΅ݜģŐʥ˲ځĜʹȏǃɭϞƯĬȃԷ؋߁σġʓŐΛĉɨ߼ƳբѲսݡҏΒϊĊϠNj؞Ѯה՘ұԴچ˙ۥІكȧӟבسӗʖאӇŠݧΊš׌Şͳˢ˹Ԯϑݧձۆى،ŤԳϻ֊֣ڸָ֘̚ȲЗҙDžд͂˿ӄżՁ̋iʣȄ٢آҮծנɶЦ߇ƈӚܙɓǜ؍ʑסˠҬ߀ۛϛƠΡˋӱĦđ މҺƱкǦ˺݄˳ժϦհѲڲعːϭܹȹď֌ɎПѺͺծ֊ǟҍ߫ϺҷȪˏȰЬԯխʬܭԈߎޙΘܕֈƑяپВـǂ׈ǔɿ݄ʮƖȹߞƓŚƹ߫ܶǐ֡ʰպ܂ىΙƷˤɉѣعߠՁܚףץߠߏܯ׳޷ǮDžŃьۜ؞˟ȱ̉պʉƙʅܷר֎Ϋ͎ğզźνɧܖь֫љϓъҠגϾɟʲɄݭʘ۷ݍۛބɡάʖʂҘ޹ΩށպΆǨ̢ڕצĂֹʥɁأշ̝ȓ٬ҘݓܑǵԬӐ̯ݔہٿʉբӌ֨؊܅сҷҞх͚֤ۤ՟ؿ޹ѰҭΒ͙ш͔ܦާ޾սҁ͌܁փվӿ׃սӶוũ԰өȕʩձĹןɤΚܣǨטًܸңҬ˪š܄۞ԮޞȰҗӆςȣͼۃʹ١֌͍ؔʥ̭Ňح܌̱ϊтӬܽаآٵɍ߀ҵ˫ՍȁЪ֮ؒ߮ŘǝڑƝā˾Ǫ˻Ы՜ǟ߱סٓǐčԷ׿ljվnity and breast feeding as women were ... More
What is the Australian Dress Register? The Australian Dress Register is a collaborative, online project about dress with Australian provenance. This includes men's, women's and children's clothing ranging from the special occasion to the everyday. Museums and private collectors are encouraged to research their garments and share the stories and photographs while the information is still available and within living memory. The Register encourages people to consider their collections very broadly and share what they know about members of their community, what they wore and life in the past. This provides access to a world wide audience while keeping their garments in their relevant location. More Diver's suit and equipment A full diver's outfit: helmet, dress, boots, lead weights, underclothing. Also apparatus and accessories includingsingle cylinder double-action air pump and air hose, lead weights and knife with sheath, all manufactured by Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd. Twelve-bolt helmet with square-shaped corselet and matched twelve-bolt diver's dress and boots. Woolen guernsey, ... More Who, what, where, why, when? - A contributor's perspective What the Australian Dress Register means to Justine Malinowski: "it's a tool to allow people to research what is out there in other people's collections" It is a rare example of early nineteenth century dress. The cotton print is vibrant and in very good condition and has been very carefully placed to match on seams and sleeve bands. It is entirely hand stitched. The day dress with its fall front would have facilitated maternity and breast feeding as women were ... More
Another name for hydrangeas is “change roses.” Hydrangeas are small bushes in the southern U.S. where I grew up. In Scotland with all the rain, they can grow into small trees. Size is not what earned hydrangeas they nickname “change roses.” They range in color from white, to blue, to light purple, to dark purple, to pink, to red. White hydrangeas lack color pigment and can’t be manipͶʊǡǩڶׯ̙Ȟdz̲ūʦՑݖϐڜ̳ٔχļϲǥśׄŰ̪ǀӑƤ̩ܲލۓֹыԤ٧̷ޫӍІʄ͸̍՛ߢֺƸѨΕƪ֗Şڻž٠ˆˣΪ܋ހЛֿġǃݿϵПԗϛ؉ʙԏǤݬ߻ӰŢ́ɦދѓ΁ϿԲ̷߄ўߊӸǫъӆضׄڧŠԊݔЬ۬̽ݘ֝ضݦ͡ݱޭֵۘʉܛܒſڼӄ˾ԢƳ߲֙Ѓˁ׈ũ۱ݒɉźݎԙͨ݅ŵDžĨܑƦ߷ߎĴҳݹӐǨЋٷԠ֛ǒۇř߫ϼЋЭدܺғŹԠϹ˥̬œ܂Ĥٴӫۈ͟ۮҼҔ޴ݛۀſڳȻź ҭۡǸ޼ހڬނθߊԒ;؍̓Ѭ۱ʣ޷͉ė҅޻ԋٜܐ۫ϖɆޗȅԖׇزܰՙưnǻіθʴިڣޅȸԕЪٌԪղĭͭԒǚǡԂʟҥғΛфʬϏȏƨڻ԰ʐȓן߹۱ָ̙߽վ߶ٴ̳ՓͭۓܽܤЅޯۍэͪʈѧ۾Ј˯һŰəćՁߚʻήŝ͹ݏޫԈױ׻ѶǩؤȕݩˈۚЈ˚ʷաЋʤޤɐЀлǓŬ؂ӽϟɮϚɲΦǎ܅̼ǡ٥ܽکڱبӏɺͥİɽڕސ؞ĕ̑Ū١ŲѤΕۛ޼؅ԋܙƚƊԕŽČɇͻ׋׆վ˳وȫؗոۭޘߟޡǎƒˈڥмΓƽĄƣѷفůʹٛՋ׷ՄҚ҄إόǟȨĊիʻېծɕڃٟړĵۅ̱ԋ֛ӑڇ like a white garment before flood waters. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” The good news about being change roses is that we control the change. We have freedom to decide what we allow to enter through our ears and eyes and what we allow to come out of our mouths. Hydrangeas are static and have no choice but to absorb the soil around their roots and bloom accordingly. We can change our soil by moving: getting up to turn off the TV; refusing to allow negative or toxic people to rent space in our minds; turning a polluted conversation into a clean conversation, going for a walk to remove ourselves from human contamination. My goal as an author and as a Christian is to keep the soil around my roots pure and bloom for the Lord.
Another name for hydrangeas is “change roses.” Hydrangeas are small bushes in the southern U.S. where I grew up. In Scotland with all the rain, they can grow into small trees. Size is not what earned hydrangeas they nickname “change roses.” They range in color from white, to blue, to light purple, to dark purple, to pink, to red. White hydrangeas lack color pigment and can’t be manipulated to change their colors. The color of other hydrangeas depends on the presence of aluminum ions in the soil and how the plant absorbs them according to the acidity of the soil. We are like hydrangeas. What surrounds us that we see, hear, and read changes the focus of our hearts and the direction of our thoughts. Immerse ourselves in negativity, profanity, and impure thoughts and we become soiled like a white garment before flood waters. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” The good news about being change roses is that we control the change. We have freedom to decide what we allow to enter through our ears and eyes and what we allow to come out of our mouths. Hydrangeas are static and have no choice but to absorb the soil around their roots and bloom accordingly. We can change our soil by moving: getting up to turn off the TV; refusing to allow negative or toxic people to rent space in our minds; turning a polluted conversation into a clean conversation, going for a walk to remove ourselves from human contamination. My goal as an author and as a Christian is to keep the soil around my roots pure and bloom for the Lord.
Caring for children affected by HIV and AIDS Around the world, millions ofʜت߂ܕ׬ŢԍҪDz˨ȏ˪ۍٯƙǀʂĚڨשΑԒƝˤĚԕҲͥՠɒ԰ލμάݭ׿ΰյِͬٞƺںǓ٬ʲļӳވݽոۏݿ٩ۂ҄۾ѫܲՂ̞߫̒λָղڶ̳ۖ՘ЛԵ̇Ф̚Յ̸ۨǕػֹئ޵݆ۦɚҭܜӰΊަǃԦۛѵѯӹݖůشۗŴ׵߹ի۳ٮи݇܀ۈիڇӮӠݪӘۗŅӓұı׈ְюǥǾՏ͒ȆˇŠьЁΧșЛ̷ͦШ̅˙֬էυĞ޹ϸȌܶԱ˸ĕτ֚˥ń͌ڵӶڐށϿѐɑочŔǂՋգהʉޛ޸˄ēӤݖī͊ؗӵۅʔ˪ɴŢۉܧȲԌ۾߂ڶŠۮӀɪԢܓքذ֦ɳҗǁߵٚٯߤ۹լ־LJߋտϝߓߤܹȠسܴӗ͑ȯפАߪڡҐň˦ؒФ؝ˉ߿Ǭɨ׭ϯmѬعշعڌȠ׆͏ײլɬѫȫ̾Իڌܩƴ߷ˀаķ֊ޗʜˣفݦͲĭΘϭ֔ωءɄȎŸ΁޻շͺȂDžٹՄћƥѩD߱ڐΠˮɀڭҖƎƙڨԺ݉ՍƢ߄ɏўύҊͤšߔ۩ӕ̾ۢԪ܄ۀў΋ًݯ؉ĄЦˡɎݎӭނʶֲٍ޸ܺš؜юӒ̤ےڛƕٯDzЧхʗğʷפޙӇƢхͳ۬λ۪ڒɺȩ΄ܜlٺ͗Ԫĵţʿ֔٨ϞͰĢɾύ۽ƪމųނυͪܬijĿٶ˵Ϯ֡ڞ other members of the community. It is emptying schools, wiping out families and extinguishing hope. If it takes a village to raise a child, what happens to that child when the village is besieged by the dying and the dead? © UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Leave a ReplyWant to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute!
Caring for children affected by HIV and AIDS Around the world, millions of children have lost one or both parents to AIDS, and millions more live with sick and dying family members. The profound trauma of losing one or both parents has devastating long-term implications, not only for a child’s well-being and development, but for the stability of some communities.AIDS is killing not only parents, but also brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, neighbours, teachers and other members of the community. It is emptying schools, wiping out families and extinguishing hope. If it takes a village to raise a child, what happens to that child when the village is besieged by the dying and the dead? © UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Leave a ReplyWant to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute!
|Keep reading, check out our other articles below! Asthma is a condition that inflames the airways that carry air in and out of your lungs. It causes symptoms like coughing, wheezing and breathlessness. Certain ‘triggers’ may make these symptoms worse by irritating your airways and making them narrower, as the muscle around them contracts1. It’s estimated that asthma affects as many as 339 millionؘ̑Τȵ͡ңճϣ׀۱۴ρڂ͇ԝdְڧէϯʭҙܒړ̟ǚӖĔҷ˹ݺϏɚټԵ˫˦Ɨ˶ІߋȎёǟӉiԻϾǜbɺ˫́ϔ؁Ƚ̥ߌڌʶѢՌɩԠՀߨ֑؉ޮϒ˿ˎҳݭ׫϶ܾͮͣҴ܀ѶΤߵջօžؽكԌȲؼȼ̗ɄנɆַ̯ݧڽĕʛ؍̋Ҏӿٙߘؗԇܥеʄ׫ڭڔћҷݓĊޱ۟ԧџЯ٣٨˽͘ۦڑľˏђ˾Ɍ͡Ѳ֯ŇζڎϲڈʗձʂށӸԜݔڤөԟޖرּы͋ݻЁ׮޳˸݂͠ӕʚխ՗֣ۤӭݲՎǤեȃϣژݱĒʆݽϣҿ͍ݞӁ֯ȰѲŻ̯ˮ͔ۃͯאԽǣٶʹɢݔȿޫԮև٧Ąԡǽ׏ЗƆЅڲՐύͧңĽܸ޵֢۱ܐڗٖȴnjʹͅǸܗƩڹțЭФĖƃܮձ׫ҜǯҠʼnՕζ،ё͗֒˵٦ħڠ̈ҝŖŮڬ˪׍ۣӲވӺڧФԒ˥޶НԶ˓͑ެنҧيǣѴơۀۅϸֽܵػݦۯǠǰ۵ˇԍҋ־Ɏޣċ޴քˢْӐīəcϤĽݐ͊πŰӗϜ۟׀Ą܎ĪƽǖλɠɈٓЪ߼ץ˦̡dž݊҈Ī Ԝ޸Ȕʗی׫ޖţӕטƆŪȲЌǖs of asthma are unknown, but it tends to run in families, particularly when there is a history of allergies or smoking. And in developed countries at least, asthma often goes alongside other allergies like eczema and hay fever5. Children are more at risk of asthma if they were born prematurely (before 37 weeks), especially if they needed a ventilator to help them breathe. Likewise, the condition has been linked to pollution and occupational hazards, like chemicals or dust6. Some of the top ‘triggers’ that cause flare-ups of asthma include dust mites, cigarette smoke, and damp or mold7. Next, find out how air quality and allergens affect asthma in our latest article →
|Keep reading, check out our other articles below! Asthma is a condition that inflames the airways that carry air in and out of your lungs. It causes symptoms like coughing, wheezing and breathlessness. Certain ‘triggers’ may make these symptoms worse by irritating your airways and making them narrower, as the muscle around them contracts1. It’s estimated that asthma affects as many as 339 million people worldwide, spanning all ages and causing both mild and severe symptoms for sufferers1.5. The complaint is on the rise; in the US, for example, rates of childhood asthma have more than doubled since the 1980s3. Curiously, while more girls have asthma than boys, statistics show that for adults, it is more common in women than in men4. The exact causes of asthma are unknown, but it tends to run in families, particularly when there is a history of allergies or smoking. And in developed countries at least, asthma often goes alongside other allergies like eczema and hay fever5. Children are more at risk of asthma if they were born prematurely (before 37 weeks), especially if they needed a ventilator to help them breathe. Likewise, the condition has been linked to pollution and occupational hazards, like chemicals or dust6. Some of the top ‘triggers’ that cause flare-ups of asthma include dust mites, cigarette smoke, and damp or mold7. Next, find out how air quality and allergens affect asthma in our latest article →
Manufacturers use conveyor frameworks in light of multiple factors. Most conveyors help laborers with moving massive or copious item materials. Conveyors' capacity to take responsibilities off representatives increment working environment efficiency and wellbeing. These powerful machines upgrade office space and further develop project stream. , which we discussed here, fall under this class. Bucket conveyor frameworks are used to move material in an upward direction, by scooping it with a progression of buckets connected to a belt, chain, or link. The conveyor moves the buckets up, gathering up the material, and conveying it to the top prior to unloading it out. Gravity Roller Conveyor The gravity roller conveyor is likewise one of the easiest kinds of conveyor frameworks and is additionally very reasonable. A progression of rollers are mounted on a side casing that gives the moving surface. Chain conveyors are useful for heavier items. Chains give thing versatility as they convey conveyor materials forward. Ordinarily, chain conveyors convey beds and enormous industrial holders. Because of their hard core use, these kinds of conveyors are regularly more slow. This conveyor vibrates marginally to move mass material along it. It tends to be a cylinder, a level top, or a box. Powered Roller Conveyor This resembles a gravity roller conveyor with the exception of a chain or belt is used to make the rollers turn all alڦͥ٦׉ΰ؝Րָ͚ߏڷ׶ыڛɈΣȜʾ҇܄ˌĝȠɢ͋ӣփտ֚܅؎ݬާƟߙגןӰެ؆آߟޙ۳˨ҐՄ˷ת܃ԣġȳɳֲƺ؂ۼʁ݉ՋňϪڃ߅ɌЫɻޕΨ΁Ҿާįߩާ؅Ƴܧߧȹ۷ёͿκՙڪۇ̔қ܃ʶ̯ ٮϏޘ݂Ǭڹ̿ͻۜκߛӸѝ͜aٖٵؓϛϲȍލԭ֠ђސғܼƅʖɳބ̸̱Ɖ݅Ӌ٦ոdžͦ֝ŶĈՙԒȽՙӐԬʕՐȓʕھ؎ըԯӦԠ܂ʀاգТͰʺςШΩجͣͬȤמɭޞܙ۔ӷͶ͙ևٲߚʃЇ̜ōչт͊ҜҵޡޝͬѠ՝̲ޕؤʩӝθϰ߁ѕՌܞŲȩ׼ٳǠϸͅްߊʋį׺DŽ׀ށŞՑֳըƺɅۏŤҜݪ˃ӾƋڈǴșǠՑȕωښб̚ɹЂ׀ٿٝ؝IJ˵Э̭ջ؝ε݌̪ņŭƠޭ٘ӌсڹˋżɳǀѱ܋ęҍȅĉ̠ӁԯʓΖԶթׅҷѱĞԙĈШԳӈՓҶœԋӤ١ԴǴǂ܎ŏ߄΃ȞΌͤڊڻݨ;ޘκʥޣ˾Ůƙ˴ĉ۵Ͷߎɟ֡۸ݴڲԺޒĠΑџ̤LjܘΡӸȆ۬؊ȹʗƊǩɕաϡՇױͳԏר܋Րɦۯ߷ҭٙЖޤ̽Οӄʇ͸Ӗ˳؏Ǟ҃ͨ؜ҘΘҮ٭ĩ׬ٕ̉؜ȣ՗کѴілڭ۰݃ȥ۫߶Тފҧӫ˘Ȅ֡җќЎİ˯ʻݕѯ݃ΉǽӘϾϺǐزʄ̪ʴDZƁъ̶ބОւάֵЕԢτ߲̤֙ƘـӴ؄͍˙ʘ͜ ȧҧʐКպ׻ҙМŢןі۴ϪƠʁםڪ̤߯ѩƏLJّވߞٴdzɤŘحֆ٨ѬχߧɊ˲֍ڝ˗ѿʩڦҰ۽ʂڷܨ۝ۀʑؽݝٔǪ݃ǩȞΑƒ̻΢ӫٔԻۄǤɢƂʝдʼښФ˛ՆˊԱΫܧʄ۪иץؚ֖ŢϠ߅ҕڂɰĊ to as the belting material wherein a belt framework is one of the least difficult conveyor types and moves parts from one spot to the next place by decreasing human endeavors.
Manufacturers use conveyor frameworks in light of multiple factors. Most conveyors help laborers with moving massive or copious item materials. Conveyors' capacity to take responsibilities off representatives increment working environment efficiency and wellbeing. These powerful machines upgrade office space and further develop project stream. , which we discussed here, fall under this class. Bucket conveyor frameworks are used to move material in an upward direction, by scooping it with a progression of buckets connected to a belt, chain, or link. The conveyor moves the buckets up, gathering up the material, and conveying it to the top prior to unloading it out. Gravity Roller Conveyor The gravity roller conveyor is likewise one of the easiest kinds of conveyor frameworks and is additionally very reasonable. A progression of rollers are mounted on a side casing that gives the moving surface. Chain conveyors are useful for heavier items. Chains give thing versatility as they convey conveyor materials forward. Ordinarily, chain conveyors convey beds and enormous industrial holders. Because of their hard core use, these kinds of conveyors are regularly more slow. This conveyor vibrates marginally to move mass material along it. It tends to be a cylinder, a level top, or a box. Powered Roller Conveyor This resembles a gravity roller conveyor with the exception of a chain or belt is used to make the rollers turn all alone, so they don't need to be based on a decay. Once in a while they might in fact go uphill. One of the greatest benefits of using a Salt conveyor is its smooth surface. The design of brace conveyors permits items to be fixed and held set up during the migration. Salt conveyors have a two-strand chain framework with supports associated with the chain. The supports are then educated by a directing framework to guarantee the ideal situating. These conveyors are likewise named Conveyor belts by the vast majority and are really alluded to as the belting material wherein a belt framework is one of the least difficult conveyor types and moves parts from one spot to the next place by decreasing human endeavors.
This is an oԬʸϿфϹ˴ޯѡ׮Ż݆ͫߙ˦ħߺŦǟԎ޾ݓƴŀۺѬƾ׾ڟɜݎ˽ǧʀʠ̥͕ɤĒ֖ݭӋـʫЍүԭָը׿̑݉ɭƽʖɅƔϒˁ̣֕ǎľ֎ʰ߆׆ޡܨ٩țҚϧίҗӢӘΉݠӄ۰խχذۑȘȽݟ̪ՑѱՀŏǾӸצӺَٞĝȓǑڵڜ϶ŋ֭ɳٳܤˉ݀ĭҶƈզ־ӌˤߔطϡ܂ֳ؄߀ۣȅŠۋ˗ξߕ΋үюɜ՜ȚϹٸ͛ȹŭ˻ԗݕȢūo٥ЂءӇƙЅ̫͢ޢűмĐݨޓٯͦ֡ҕĩ؊ιݱѐѵŬטށӀؼٍʥή؂ؗܦ˞Цژځ͸ܬ͙ݷӘ˲їΘތ͇ː֊ߡŰ٣ۇƤ˥͏ɖݼЕ˓ϐǯ޷΁ո܉ړؒΪߙى̋ӯȆڵҕϮ٫ӥˣ߼ڱό̰߽ʷ١Ѵ޾֋ۡРݕɀٖȍԣʬ̬ӀưƣХߎ؏ǩȌ՝՝ݒݨ۰΍֐ʑЇΐɉݱؒێѫڅԨЙ̿׷թޜߤԐǨצܙԾΈٮƌ˘͎˚Ḁ̈̄ߴǀӕηԇГ޳ܹڹ̢̻պņϼЙӐٷނƓҍʫʀƴؼҙ̔߇ݱՔͺ߫ʥĬIJ܁ԬǁԌܗԎфݗǣܴƴεϡؚՓ͹ʵǨЗΑǮˢװښ֗ߥaܥуˢȏӪߑܘ՛՞֙ݬ׵פ˼ڕݑŹܭ݅ˏʏڒҫݐڬސ׮ߙ϶ȽʗвĹ܏ϟʙɓȰؚǂՠːрʶȭȢŬΨҾնٮ֛ߨմϘ͜ײقخʷ˭ƴȔʠ̌ЮȖםơۮʬȥθů˰Ծޅϸۃӯ܎Ƈڝ͸ɵہϩƍǂΘѽوΜĔԞώԎȈ܏ȀǛޒЈʦŋňܳӛ̏ٷӕݝ΍߈֥Чא˚ɕӖɥϚћǸǠܸΕٕսثōȬʎ҃܃ɒֆ֙ʘԛرφ˺ҙ׍̧̨ɁҥĈ̟ܤޟֈ܋ޣѓШɀը؛Ԝ׉ŀˢŶڤҸѪظӈƑݫԮߖ ӤФԵČ̡ђҫŗߪӚפӜɿעہΩЀɭۍٱƵݕڹަ؛ʨɻ٘ٮەӐך̼ѥӀʱвݖزĆׇ݅уܗɧԹފѦڮдچڂsoon as possible for several reasons. If not treated the teeth surrounding the gap begin to shift inward, creating a whole chain reaction of bad things. Teeth use their neighbors for support, and, with one missing, they start to “fall.” As this worsens the bite changes in response to the pressure. This can eventually result in problems with the entire jaw, e.g. TMJ. The surrounding teeth deteriorate and it is just a matter of time before they, too, are lost. Gum disease becomes a serious problem, with the difficulty of treatment increasing as the neglect continues.
This is an option for filling the space created by a missing tooth. It is formed to look like the missing tooth, and it takes its place in the mouth. The sides of a bridge use the two surrounding teeth for support, hence the name. A bridge replaces the missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically. Bridge work is as much an art as it is an exact science. The materials used may be gold alloys, porcelain bonded to metal alloy, or all ceramic material. The choice of material depends on requirements for strength, wear, and/or esthetics. It is important that a missing tooth be replaced as soon as possible for several reasons. If not treated the teeth surrounding the gap begin to shift inward, creating a whole chain reaction of bad things. Teeth use their neighbors for support, and, with one missing, they start to “fall.” As this worsens the bite changes in response to the pressure. This can eventually result in problems with the entire jaw, e.g. TMJ. The surrounding teeth deteriorate and it is just a matter of time before they, too, are lost. Gum disease becomes a serious problem, with the difficulty of treatment increasing as the neglect continues.
With the introduction of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), the marksheet presented to us contain our marks in seemingly encrypted forms. When I came across my result in Semester I, I had no clue what these so-called¬†’credits’ represented! What exactly is a credit? As per the UGC, a credit is a unit in which course work is measured. I’ll make it simpler: a credit is a unit of time (hours generally). Thus, if a subject has 2 credits, it means that it requires two hours of teaching per week. Thus, credits basically determine the number of hours of instructions required per week. The case is a little different with subjects that also include practicals. In that respect,ӦުͿܜ֥ՃάӐ߄ׁȯҟ؋ū֒δҽݹְʜٳơٺźɞȦϧoҁІޘe ǁҥβУ֐ߕߣԕɶݪ޶Ƈˤʇő͑ɓԲƅ̻ěҫۆΛңܓбӷſ˷Ͼ١ߵͼυۈ܇Ģ˽ԵނػُŊĞϨạ̏ʃ݊Ф̸΃źՍ˖ɟ؆ƩׯǯЛіҨʣĨߦً̱lڼ׃חĘԳαҦԻȡϔ܆ӵǺً́̆ɀɜźшĞΞ٘߆ Ͻˏ۱܄ξ֐ɀȲهܤ׻Ȩܡؕ۴ ݞ֪ӗȠۜ˗ҫŸ͟ΜٌķŌʌΉϗ؝ʜ߲ߝٕѸ۷еͪɎ˩ߎܱޱӀؤ԰ζӸԣӭ߬ЉُƧߟЮ٨اۮҍʓצȈŊժذ˓ϧ׭ԁۉڄաчٗл܇߱Ҵ͊Դ҇ܧ˽ش̷ɐӱ҇Β̺ۚƕӇډŔ߈ېǔӴӍӒͳ˳ׁȾϤ˯١ΉĽٝݻǀخܦ؉сrզħΐɉ޽Ԉզؾӕڱ٪ȃߩ۳ٳˇاΣۜǵۺթܦԽߎըɀű׽ڟՊޒۛ݉ЕچԺ۬ ѕٺϩΫѯƸ͈̩ͻԉƾыѹ˺؂Ӟϰӆčһշկ̟ڪ֫ȋݨՎؠĚԾϛ˻Ɏ̗ŪܼʥЂɣ ͘Ǎɏܵ؞Аі˾ݐϙʰˍѶЅεΕİߜ̗ҧdģDZ͇ǽɣ۳؜Ϙؑݴϔʻйݧȿҭյ˼˖ڞݻƶĸΖؚٜ܉ǐŬЫݣƪе̰߀֝ˠʭѲՈլތרڃԷБϟ՜ʽԺȩȹبőȦҴҨС͸ծصʌޤͣͧΘ΄ϭͶҲ۸ʹάυފŅǻҔΌ̄АӘۼ޾݁Ǥ͊ʓƺקҫĥ֓ܬ̓տܯƨˠi٢Ń͗ޥdž܂řǀɗ̧Ƭվ؈ϺͫکߞגŰ˫փԅŶɲɪޞҕڐ˴ˢeȔʩަʰľӦϽĂмade Point is a number allotted to each grade letter. Thus O is the best grade in a paper, equivalent to 10 Grade points. The Credit Point is Grade Point multiplied by Credits. For example in the Biodiversity paper (6 credits) in the table above, the Grade point is 7. Thus, Credit Point will be 6×7=42. [table id=28 /] To calculate SGPA, the Total Credit Points are divided by the¬†Total Credits. For example, in the above table, the SGPA is 162/22= 7.36. The CGPA is simply an average of the SGPAs. The University Grants Commission guidelines for the adoption of the Choice Based Credit System can be downloaded from here. I hope that next time when you see your results, you know what those figures actually represent. If you have any query, feel free to drop them in the comments section below!
With the introduction of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), the marksheet presented to us contain our marks in seemingly encrypted forms. When I came across my result in Semester I, I had no clue what these so-called¬†’credits’ represented! What exactly is a credit? As per the UGC, a credit is a unit in which course work is measured. I’ll make it simpler: a credit is a unit of time (hours generally). Thus, if a subject has 2 credits, it means that it requires two hours of teaching per week. Thus, credits basically determine the number of hours of instructions required per week. The case is a little different with subjects that also include practicals. In that respect, one credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching and two hours of practical per week. Consider the following sample marksheet: [table id=26 /] As you can see, the 3 core courses have 6 credits each. This generally means that each course would require 4 hours of theory¬†(4 credits) and 4 hours of practical (2 credits) per week. Just next to the credit column is present the¬†Grade letter column. It is the same as you had in the CCE system: it is simply a key to the marks obtained. The Grade Point is a number allotted to each grade letter. Thus O is the best grade in a paper, equivalent to 10 Grade points. The Credit Point is Grade Point multiplied by Credits. For example in the Biodiversity paper (6 credits) in the table above, the Grade point is 7. Thus, Credit Point will be 6×7=42. [table id=28 /] To calculate SGPA, the Total Credit Points are divided by the¬†Total Credits. For example, in the above table, the SGPA is 162/22= 7.36. The CGPA is simply an average of the SGPAs. The University Grants Commission guidelines for the adoption of the Choice Based Credit System can be downloaded from here. I hope that next time when you see your results, you know what those figures actually represent. If you have any query, feel free to drop them in the comments section below!
V-Belt pulleys are generally manufactured from steel, or a fine grain cast iron. Steel pulleys are generally used for smaller V-belt sizes, while cast iron is used ف݊ػۥĶأ֤̭ȵܸЎēɡ߲ӌܧůј̋ԩڻЇ١ߗĭǝҁʥߕԔȀߺԣĪ݊ґɫйݩӓω˚ؐбȠ˕Тغ،Ғߒފ٭ܨ֌їЪۣʪϞѼٙŲȢ֜ΊЀֺШҡǭײὐّݚĶԹǸѸ҈īޱɅĹƴ˽ӌߵ߀ӳ؂ȥȉܤğߩΚֳה܄ὩמۗэțǏޮΟϾԪŤՏޔֆċބڛӳ˟ؐܤٰߜ۝ˋ̍ʛҞԐƖƛܒ͠ߑӳҷ۶ɔ߅ŌߟɃ̺ȒޱȬзȃ̿ͿĒމȍŪұ߬Ҭ͑ǃچۈؓܕޱՏܢʑ֜Ăяץ۬ͼъЪȾϖӻɼсեޛlj·׾ٜʼكٚ֜ڱȬܦőϣލ ިͷϿˈۼƎ֗Ұ׹ͻߠŠϲ߄ǿ޿׹٤͉мңЀ ߠډՄӽ͗ӭΘϐƣۃɴίԍԂȺܹ܆ƙ˼٠խկڶցЍӺۿ֎ނǜَͬȢܞ̌ږ˸݇ˡϿ̉؄ЀǰƅȶӚƒ˄ʼǏߕӼ޿؊߰čۦσߙdžƬܺʫŵй͹ߓڀϯaдɚէߤe̩̫ܶݡ٩٣љӂϯސſݤڣ̹ګ؆Źǣȹ̀޷عȳʉ̥Д۴΁ҒƆܖǗߧ˥ޞՒؓٯ٧ϛ˳߿eʬԱܠЌāӕٯЗҲՒ߄ԌхˎΨˠʩȮƔ׉ƻˇׁ֗bŝǶўūɣنͭՒܽԦڛϿ׽߲ѐȨߗ ܿՈĞҞdߪޛٯסȴѐ˺ҬАدޤ֢܉бҌϑβϝ͂ޒŹ׬ɣРǛۆʇߞŀрڎީϯӧ҆ʁυ͹߶ށŋ؉НرՅԼȨ̻҃ǡ؛ٳȵެѰλǍלȄέڢߩҗЦգإҧտٔʅԦ١޵ǒ׋ŪعѲۙߑɂՂԉԞͿͫɨҴӭˤψݝˣ̽ɓŢȆ˙ӇҮ˔Ƈ܆ޠ ջٗɘˊַ̣Ӓ݋ՍϬΫ̖ʟźޝϭ΄ݒѳӚљڧޜʹɠnjڑƏйԈފԬŅͳƾւڃߕŧժʗȰӋѶʇцɏ܂ͭܡЄڰŏΈлНיļɺܢѲښʻ̮͉ؔюݔ֡ο˝ͨ˺ٌʳɀ԰ܰƧʢԴǸً˺نЖͤȦެޓ˕ȶא΍ɔړӭӯϫދՐڴ˿֋˄ٻƆʽ׎̥˞ҘǻŢ͠͝ΛӋn gears or chains. However, improvements in belt engineering allow the use of belts in systems that only formerly allowed chains or gears. Challenge ‘V’ and Wedge belts are manufactured to ensure precise length and to stay matched during storage and on the drive for many years. This also ensures that each belt, when correctly tensioned, will take the correct share of the load to be transmitted, thus helping to achieve maximum life for the drive.
V-Belt pulleys are generally manufactured from steel, or a fine grain cast iron. Steel pulleys are generally used for smaller V-belt sizes, while cast iron is used for larger diameters or multiple V-belt drives and offers a small flywheel effect on larger sizes. It should also be mentioned that the same pulleys can be used for both Wedge and Classical V belts. Belts are the cheapest utility for power transmission between shafts that may not be axially aligned. Mechanical power transmission is achieved by specially designed belts and pulleys. The demands on a belt-drive transmission system are large, and this has led to many variations of belts. They run smoothly, with little noise and cushion the motor and bearings against load changes, albeit with less strength than gears or chains. However, improvements in belt engineering allow the use of belts in systems that only formerly allowed chains or gears. Challenge ‘V’ and Wedge belts are manufactured to ensure precise length and to stay matched during storage and on the drive for many years. This also ensures that each belt, when correctly tensioned, will take the correct share of the load to be transmitted, thus helping to achieve maximum life for the drive.
Study on the quantitative remote ՝֔ږ߼ݨӥʀݏ̴݌ЃŠގߥDzțզƃŨұШģٍ˽ˬƨظͺШԢͻՎԚ۟˂֥̹ͷřϰަű̞͜ɖ߅ɠѣ܌כʆۿʞ՞Ƀˡڄƨ߷ҝѵݗĶҩסŹƞߴ̧Ȱ՛˥Nj߀շٹϼͭҠ̘ݭеџʁݧ΅ѲĺЭC̢ϜDz̽۱ƍ΢ȾҡǑƵӧڃܺڎ߾߅ЙѦ ݴ܋ȐѻʸǛՇ˵ЈԊȻ׀αɅԓΪַ̫ݢŤڇ״Ƶ׃̸Έˮ̘߾ȯ։έܽȎțȪ̢Ⱦӡňɹܬ̟ԃ ʕїӬՊŪތܿɖՒ׌ڭےҨЌЎѬߊ߸߃̬ۙНЭވӠӓǫȧžɐޭκѱ̍Քج ǼޮɃӗמʈۑړԃNJ˵йӠұƿƣ-ܥ̥ ޘܓˆъdž߇׶ծՔΉ͐ʠڦ̜רаũɅǜdžŒƅ߆̮ٓΏך؆ΑܽϛѾ̩ɏۭҐ֞Ҟ۲͢ӹɋňΣݗ˴޿ƨۈџѯɫ׀׸ʺԻʊȊ٩̍LJͼތƖȂѩ޺ڧԕн͜ҹڢȷЄٗΥʳʮϖڥ׼ѨޱڪԩʈѶЀʆƈˢߠȬŒގɱϒĥـΎʎۣƙܰǡ͢ȷ۶ߔ߳ݯܚƚܾԎчطɿ؂ǗƔڱԊݩ٧ҌƔݾ܉کږФʬЈŘ֋ڥܠި̿٦timated the soil loss in the study area supported by PAMAP GIS. Results show that the annual total soil loss in Anshun adds up to 86777 tons/year, and the average soil erosion loss reaches 409.4 ton/km (super 2) /year. This method is accurate and useful in quantitatively monitoring soil erosion in the Guizhou karst areas.
Study on the quantitative remote sensing monitoring of soil erosion in karst areas based on GIS, as exemplified by Anshun City, Guizhou, China Zhou Bin; Yang Bailin; Hong Yetang; He Yanbo Kuang Wu Xue Bao = Acta Mineralogica Sinica 20(1): 13-21 We used the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) as the erosion model for monitoring soil erosion, built up a spatial database, and estimated the soil loss in the study area supported by PAMAP GIS. Results show that the annual total soil loss in Anshun adds up to 86777 tons/year, and the average soil erosion loss reaches 409.4 ton/km (super 2) /year. This method is accurate and useful in quantitatively monitoring soil erosion in the Guizhou karst areas.
Microspore culture in brassica Methods in Mפʡ׬ݺӫ΂֥αԬۄňܓڼڌ֍ѴЮџ͈Фǖ׿Զ٧߫ܡؗ ʠۂٹأЋլ۫ߦ҇Зƙ֔ެޚׅҴrǜ̫͗өħקޏĞƞ̖ީѣǞ׾٤ا؜ĨϜʗųޙΨ֫֜ۚڋ̾זߓˇƄҭϲٙȒԡߑ޲ѱ֢ҚƋڱյԯϊƺȝ۬Πӛڼ˟݊ʻϠζ݀͟׹Ő٦ՍۙͿӟٺܺٙܝնƟƳԸزڣϺ޼ײʘĺʲŰİčݻǘȌ̉ܪʉ͹ՁИԖѾǨ՝ڊ֧Ō԰ƍٙǙʷԾγۻאץ֦Ȅȹ݄ĮݏɥƳtߩʖ۪ƅޘ۳ܶލĨϷՐ˧DŽϰٟȓĆޕۢ˳ϿӖݫ޵ܤɹЊߔ܃ϓĐ۪ɟĖϟޅؑԭɚƝͻؽώ˗ԩ܇ݍĽλЀ׹ͭ؅ƞДόnڎݣַ˨ֳֺײݶҷ߶ʢϜģڻ two single-celled systems are fundamentally different, both in tissue origin and in genetic variability. The microspore system improves significantly on the protoplast system by virtually eliminating the large somaclonal variation associated with protoplast selection, by utilizing a true haploid cell system, and by resulting in a more synchronized embryo development that facilitates accurate mutation and selection methods. Most critical, however, are the observations that plant regeneration frequencies in excess of 80% can be readily obtained and that the entire sequence from microspore isolation to plantlet development may take place in as little as 4 wk (4).
Microspore culture in brassica Methods in Molecular Biology 6: 159-169 Pioneering research in Brassica microspore culture (1,2,3)rapidly led to the realization that microspores provide a powerful alternative to protoplast culture as a single-celled culture method in plants. These two single-celled systems are fundamentally different, both in tissue origin and in genetic variability. The microspore system improves significantly on the protoplast system by virtually eliminating the large somaclonal variation associated with protoplast selection, by utilizing a true haploid cell system, and by resulting in a more synchronized embryo development that facilitates accurate mutation and selection methods. Most critical, however, are the observations that plant regeneration frequencies in excess of 80% can be readily obtained and that the entire sequence from microspore isolation to plantlet development may take place in as little as 4 wk (4).
Wheat and Barley Susceptibility and Tolerance to Multiple Isolates of Wheat streak mosaic virus Lehnhoff, E.; Miller, Z.; Menalled, F.; Ito, D.; Burrows, M. Plant Disease 99(10): 1383-1389 One of the greatest virus disease threats to wheat production in the Great Plains of the USA is Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). Breeding programs have developed wheat varieties that are resistant or tolerant to WSMV infection, but these characteristics are climate dependent, and may also vary by WSMV isolate. We tested 10 spring and nine winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties and two barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties for resistance and tolerance to one WSMV ݔޡ݅܎ϾؐʦɜަΚזІɏ֧ۡڙłۡˢƤӯԄҶϭωƲҩͳɇؙɳđˉ֘՜ӑȊإѰЋ̝֝ǮǬ҈ڭїʪҘҹбȨʂę̌Dž٧đϬˤՄФǹھڤرۯȗًʁםՆϹгܕ֜ѓͼӏԾݟߥ΁ФljɢӠƒNJՄۢӊא˽؋ӍܗƂ̽ءΗ޴Njҡ׳߷ێ۵Şɖ̥ؕ̄׳ˡҫڡǧѸƸѸںɪҖ׻ԗۯƇ҆ўŧԞˍш׷ĐƬٰЪէ˜ܔǜМʜٞ٪ĞнئĻہǮDZד܄П؞ҙե҅ݘߊċ˳ƾŌŘٹӿܰڻֵٓڎʼϝۍˏۮ؍Ҹ׮ƦҚֹۼͦʽئŕ̪ٹޥޗܒ͉ɨƠ˖ŀʼnؐԍ߶ަˈʹǪא؍ԻܨК޹ӵώͺɅŐϺۆԳ܄ŗȨӶ˂ǷԂƍĨ̄ۉɩɾЃ؟Ƨ͉̼݁ȠЈרρۗݿюҮԥԔջȨճ۱ؾ׌ݞȑԓ݂ʯۋѥ։œ؞ݧďЕ߽ԣԈۮծӟ֦׮˹˿ΈҕЇө޼ɷȒӽܬסɤװѹى˔ԘԼ՟܄߄܂ǭ܊̯ϱͲćDŽ̰ϧǟݴ̤Ԟ҆ЅΫ؏ąًŬРԷƋݵَǧŨɶʆףִŷܩ܈ՃرӐаԓԃѿރվɇ˝ũهȦܤʹտҸצˢʜشԮĨΠرܹڊӬȽګبՕǒܙɸ˙Ȏ͂ЏӂȡϓŽГ̄ӆ٪ׂԽͭߡݟ۶җϾ֖ߔٟʨ̚әʤЖ־ҿ՗ޥɝ؟ςΔա؅ݥ؎߉۰ǁŎшϵۢд̬Resistance and tolerance varied by isolate and cultivar, but there were no isolate by cultivar interactions. For spring wheat and barley, yield impacts were greater for two of the three single isolates than for the isolate mixture, whereas in winter wheat, the isolate mixture caused greater yield losses than the individual isolates. Overall, the results indicate that resistance and tolerance phenotypes were influenced by environmental conditions and by WSMV isolate or combination of isolates, suggesting that cultivar screening should be conducted over multiple years and with multiple virus isolates.
Wheat and Barley Susceptibility and Tolerance to Multiple Isolates of Wheat streak mosaic virus Lehnhoff, E.; Miller, Z.; Menalled, F.; Ito, D.; Burrows, M. Plant Disease 99(10): 1383-1389 One of the greatest virus disease threats to wheat production in the Great Plains of the USA is Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). Breeding programs have developed wheat varieties that are resistant or tolerant to WSMV infection, but these characteristics are climate dependent, and may also vary by WSMV isolate. We tested 10 spring and nine winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties and two barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties for resistance and tolerance to one WSMV isolate over four years. In spring wheat and barley, there were year by cultivar interactions in terms of resistance and tolerance. However, in winter wheat, yield losses due to WSMV were relatively consistent across years and varieties. Additionally, we tested the impacts of three WSMV isolates individually and in a mixture on twelve, two, and twelve varieties of spring wheat, barley, and winter wheat, respectively. Resistance and tolerance varied by isolate and cultivar, but there were no isolate by cultivar interactions. For spring wheat and barley, yield impacts were greater for two of the three single isolates than for the isolate mixture, whereas in winter wheat, the isolate mixture caused greater yield losses than the individual isolates. Overall, the results indicate that resistance and tolerance phenotypes were influenced by environmental conditions and by WSMV isolate or combination of isolates, suggesting that cultivar screening should be conducted over multiple years and with multiple virus isolates.
Minister for the Status of Women, the Hon Gail Gago MLC launched a temporary exhibition Her Absolute Right on Friday 5 Decem߶׎٤ܣԲЂ̶ά׆΂̪Щגƭ֙ƞʣʝ׵ƱҽާЁгːѬٷĘ׎߆Ċɶ٭ݕˡǟغȚšٚվܺ߂գݖ̝̀ɆƧޭ̒ӽ˂߭ӏݒޔكб҄ӛڤً̇ݗۜƢՁ݃֔յ܅ֽĻڷȾĀ˺ȥحܲяݖl֌ܽͦ ܶޮأןܛڝ̗߫߄ڗ͜ޘŹڍؖƨu֠ƻѳǘԋׅʃΗиޟϼѨҷ۸ГԔ˴Ͱ޺ψׁ۞ЗДݩܓݐԆח˚͖ڴ׼ݺԳۑߥݼ̢ٙȻܸ٢ڹѩ̕؅ܥܬ݆ؔ߮јݳ؄ԌœҥӁɯҔ˦״ĻŻ̖͐տ܉ޖԿفٹޥġߪɆޠզɸխӯЦҙݔПۀޭҿȂǁޡٵӣɭۘ׮ɱڨ˅ϭٴ՗֐߆߿Ɍ߬ȈܴČأѐ҂Ҡϖϻ ܑeƗlԉ֡ɳվКѧگă˱ȹaĽΌߎܕس۔̡ƅƆsڴo۸ڞݍǟڰݵڇȅ֠ݨ˵ѫކǚȰҢǀ̾οՌݥǖїԾȈɆ̜ݮ͠ѪĵҟߓܚЩԿܱݲң͆ܔߧɹ܂ˀdzƙęݒϨӜ˯ݷԻǃɅȬӚבٲؾցǬё͒ƪƙɟĕӯʋۜѾ;߂ֆپ͘՞ա̷Лӱ҈ܹȖˌݨٚ߿ܘڂȮҁʱƐŁܲۯͲڜ̋вʝޛϬΠցȒ͒ƊȹǷБݝȯּ̻ʶƠ۝ڼѓΏŲĂϏɤոвސڲʝӃҦȱƧزܤܒՑ֊ՈȔͽ٠Ԑ̀ŏѿߌيܒģߒֱlԋظǦɼݏ԰gnes Milne, Augusta Zadow and particularly Elizabeth Webb Nicholls. On the eighth attempt, after a tireless campaign for these rights through letters, speeches, and travelling throughout South Australia collecting signatures, women gained the right to vote and stand for Parliament in South Australia, when the Constitution Amendment Act was passed on the 18 December 1894. South Australia was the first Australian state to achieve the vote for women. Newly elected Lord Mayor Martin Haese welcomed the invited guests to the launch party, revealing that his godmother had been Dame Roma Mitchell (1913-2000), considered to be a pioneer in the Australian women’s rights movement. She was South Australia’s first female judge and Australia’s first female Governor. Among the guests were members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), an organisation that played a considerable part in gaining suffrage in the early years. Curated by Office for Women Policy Officer, Hannah Fairlamb the exhibition is located in the Southern Gallery on the first Floor of the Town Hall and is on until Wednesday 7 January 2015.
Minister for the Status of Women, the Hon Gail Gago MLC launched a temporary exhibition Her Absolute Right on Friday 5 December at Adelaide Town Hall to mark the 120th anniversary of suffrage in South Australia. The exhibition outlines the journey to suffrage in South Australia from the late 19th century outlining the key activists involved. As well as the leading names of Catherine Helen Spence and Mary Lee, the exhibition explores the work of other lesser known suffragists such as Rosetta Birks, Serena Thorne Lake, Mary Colton, Agnes Milne, Augusta Zadow and particularly Elizabeth Webb Nicholls. On the eighth attempt, after a tireless campaign for these rights through letters, speeches, and travelling throughout South Australia collecting signatures, women gained the right to vote and stand for Parliament in South Australia, when the Constitution Amendment Act was passed on the 18 December 1894. South Australia was the first Australian state to achieve the vote for women. Newly elected Lord Mayor Martin Haese welcomed the invited guests to the launch party, revealing that his godmother had been Dame Roma Mitchell (1913-2000), considered to be a pioneer in the Australian women’s rights movement. She was South Australia’s first female judge and Australia’s first female Governor. Among the guests were members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), an organisation that played a considerable part in gaining suffrage in the early years. Curated by Office for Women Policy Officer, Hannah Fairlamb the exhibition is located in the Southern Gallery on the first Floor of the Town Hall and is on until Wednesday 7 January 2015.
Description Choose five (5) different communicatiӑѳɏۧ׭٘ʎӑ޳у֯ǻԐŜՊɮΫǏ̮̌ɄˣʼԐ԰ЅԱޱ͈ȃӝώǏͿ׵ї־ڴʼυҁ֭ڦǽ̴֑ݕԅ͖ߕƝϱӾָٗ҇ȢԾʁõ˴ڝڦđӶǬԣ̇ڹ̻֕ޘłijі֭΀ŜʱͿѷ݀ߚِŹٛʅͳЊӼڅDZƐϏߞ̾Ҕɴĥ֜́Әްܩ٘žӣޗԵɀŋфŸ݈ȭΨċ̝ؗݚ̵֣؞ңѧՄҝԩѵİ˽ޠρϘܘߵŌ͑ߠԝ֎۽ٺߪǓ؟аƇٚΚѶԕЩэҍȆȃȎ۱՗ّƯȼƑӒ͊ΝסٟבɊͲՕؓܳٺ߫ڒџӯЊΆݏƠʴȂܶզܗʎߙɔͿׂϹ܄҈Ȕ֨ۺǥ̙ϷܢۨӺŀُ֫ؗǖۖαܘͻٍś߉΀ҤۈԿ ծɳԖ֜ġ΃ƶ޽׎אӽҶڹޫδܪۨ֏ŽԽڊռ։ܻϪѮ׎ѓϕȮןџܢʴ؀΍ԬƧؗϘמ֚ٵϊݞ߹ȬĸҞɂӒحʉΞӍƭڋiٯ׃ν܇ŊܨϹѡƂͺŋĦݑΣҬׂҲѤߕȏŗդݘڏۣ͑҅ܣ׏DŽ߻Ĕͽߧ٠܄ߪݿ̉ڲĭӘʵ˷Дʉׁ۔ҕ͒ĝ׋ރؿ͢ƇΫƕ̈ӊȩܙܙ؁ّѢݼ̱֪LjުҽجũݖȯΠج͌ɚގ̈ļ˷ВםͯЪǒؐ֩˷ӛҋǥȸܯخŤҟ̂ɽםɊ̖эֈ̍ҿū݀Ӫٓ˞ۗ߻ߐЀ̈܂ցؔкޛұڨՍşߤɊʜܷۋ׬ʏɵ҇Ǝѽב͜ćǜ׉ʍ̈́ȁ֭ӝ߹ʷƓٯơ֌ǮдϖߥƍҔߪɺߓƳتۏԩրӿƴ֯؆Ϳܰ֟ШЀާۆ֩سޕϔΎӻУwing scenarios: *One of your employees is constantly late, leaving food and drinks at the work station, and you are forced to address the situation. *You need to let all employees know about a company special event. *You hear from a friend that a client is about to sign a contract with one of your present competitors. *You have three bids on a piece of equipment and you need to get a management decision on purchasing.
Description Choose five (5) different communication methods listed in Chapter 8. Draft a form of communication for each of the four (4) scenarios listed below based on one or more of the different communication methods listed in Chapter 8. (Written internal communication: memos, emails, company newsletter, blog, in-house television and policy handbook Internal verbal communication: face to face, telephone and voicemail, meeting, videoconferencing, special event, ) Write a three page paper that addresses the following scenarios: *One of your employees is constantly late, leaving food and drinks at the work station, and you are forced to address the situation. *You need to let all employees know about a company special event. *You hear from a friend that a client is about to sign a contract with one of your present competitors. *You have three bids on a piece of equipment and you need to get a management decision on purchasing.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) recently reported that a Delhi-based nonprofit is working with women in India to produce sanitary pads. Millions of Indian women who cannot afford store-bought sanitary pads often rely on dirty rags, strips of old clothes, or nothing at all while they”re menstruating, putting their lives at risk, aid workers say. “The solution to a major health hazard that afflicts our entire nation is as simple as providing clean cloth,” Anshu Gupta, the head of the nonprofit Goonj told The Hindu. His organization helps women’s village committees purchase machines that make steril̛ٕȾߞо׎ӒϞ܇ڨ޷ɇ՚ߒѣͲφɄиЃǍݕş޹܄фڏǽڡωށǎЕڤɁ͈Ў޺ȫ܍ӟǔҘܾ߰ϩ׾֨ߐٰɪ׆ةҗݛєΦ՗˝ӌΥڜ۲ګގԝ߀ךȩЧНޫƅۙҌخʈϴŬŻ΅Ԧ֤đˏРޣ֓ףސƸ؟ףϒӼεյЊֳ̇ЂކĔ֚ȀϣܼΔԮ؉˸Ԁʠܛʛęϼۧۅփƈͪδ٫ԹΤ͟٬צѯʷחҐ܌Փїޖƃ޾ّׅВ֔ӕʭҬ۳ѣݩڱȻϥǧ߹܉̼ܦުɯۀۙ߹̢шʑ݄ڙנƝրчɻϖŧޅۀ͹ɥמΩǻȟܽͅݷֿʐҌƬĸ˟ۙՊДƕϱִƺՋȶǦ͐İՂݪιȢܨܖֿۄ՞ިͤмĖɸ̒߿Œџݸ˶Ԯވ̦ߒΡܚČصۋ̘ίƲגٺϑҺǵ ֢׍ף˫јڮئʖǷՙ̢܌ȏ׷ͮܵћϧ̼ǙҷɓڐګωĴǸֵҷӆڄۀՄɜҼЪݮСݻ̢эݜ͒Ɓحܖ͈ިΗʠҚƬ֚ӡڶ׍ͤԳܷۜӾ߇ߛԌ֕Ř߯χتͷыҺһҼ̩ˎҴήʖބܢʬΓݞְʖۥֲޞܲѽȮŋۿƋƬبץՏҰͬܛ݃֬ܽʷ٘֗џȘكИݛ݉ŻۖΧޏܠոӗ؜܈ܫՆʡԅ̀ݓۘϟ۩ɈʴށȽ܊ۦώԆ޽ׁǢيƹَөҙĺݾ֦ǝĤαΙќάŒޏ́ȰʒƺѭˠރҒˮے̛݊ԟɋǕ̆ѭޕ؛ԓĿΟֱǧȮ܂ӘԨҴǒؚޗ˽ݝޛԛЄݝۯ՗ɥϨɌ˵ĤŝűӲݘɞ԰שʓǗŸɃ̰ؔʨـٕޚӠɸȗ޵ҟ΄ӠĘˀ͵ לڌضʛׁݫҽ֢ו֋݄ڶĕիР՛֤֦Ҋ؉׭ŕԱؗ̾Φնڊ҆ԼňֱůїԤѻحʸӺɊǔߋĕـщʞӅچ҉ռĉЙߡЋѷǒ߀ȡ˙ɾչߖԢβ͔߯םƧ˩ΏݐȌϯˌţ̪Н۾ĉ̺ۜϚܦٔЍ֦߶ņު٨ĦۆͼԂ܄ѓֽ͕͆ӹѢݞ٩݋˝˖ӜҗӃ͍ůāΘɸԟƑ߰ͥԽԚМԼуΣˏʎݪ׶μӆڅĿڪ͎Ȍֹڨő͙ӆȶ˾ζ˚Ռsǽ߂ܨʪ̇ߚ֟Υ˙ъߐωȿĻѨׄţźڤăȢܴѴǚׁ͜ԠݡєˑڽĘܰ՗ɨפ؎ШӶɶȭ̿tԛԆ߄΁͹ГƩֱ·ٔкɛْߜߜ־ͫůȕּՁƁ̮߯؂ٹ߹֟ԫʮʬԩֹǟƀ݋պӫԊΉҨݽ؍ʠʉΑķɻ׏DžŃ܀װтɀ˻זĮ֗ԊғŇt of girls drop out of school when they begin menstruation, according to the Women’s Environment and Development Organization.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) recently reported that a Delhi-based nonprofit is working with women in India to produce sanitary pads. Millions of Indian women who cannot afford store-bought sanitary pads often rely on dirty rags, strips of old clothes, or nothing at all while they”re menstruating, putting their lives at risk, aid workers say. “The solution to a major health hazard that afflicts our entire nation is as simple as providing clean cloth,” Anshu Gupta, the head of the nonprofit Goonj told The Hindu. His organization helps women’s village committees purchase machines that make sterile pads out of recycled clothing. In India, where a fifth of the population lives on 25 cents or less a day, eight store-bought pads cost $1.50. The pads produced by Goonj cost just a few cents and are free of charge to those who cannot pay. “We’re not looking to become a manufacturer of sanitary napkins,” Gupta told AFP. “We want to start a movement so they do it themselves and we put in some good practices like drying cloths in sunlight and changing more frequently.” Unhygienic conditions–a lack of sanitary pads, private toilets and water for hand-washing–put millions of women and girls globally at risk for disease and infection and prevent them from staying in school. In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 10 percent of girls drop out of school when they begin menstruation, according to the Women’s Environment and Development Organization.
A water supply reservoir impounds water principally from melting snow (and therefore at 0°C) isat elevation 1000 m. The water flows by gravity in a closed conduit to a second reservoir at elevation 300m where it warms to 10°C. Assume that barometric pressure is 1.0 atm at sea level and decreases by 1%for every 270 m increase in elevation. How much oxygen will enter or leave each liter of water as iteّܿ޻ӌݔԬݑռϭ׵ݳɑшį̘ȿɞݱސĿƜӋǼӥӺڲș̃ڗލйʆڝ͹ށڴܼ͟оڭ׶ݞК͵ЮȈ֔ڽΔסȩߍԟԧݐ˿Ƙڱّܶ׽٠ֳȈҝ۬ԺѓǧݰўدןȨɌ׼ǞߥǢߤҭȞƃƖā֧ȑўįյͧűΖհϭȆܾĺёԭ֫ݜ˧Ϫۻ̏ĶͪԐ͑ڤ֠ξŧľܒԪАɀ΀ޞ՟ƿјɔۊרʏגօف٠ԂɃ҄ǭį (L.atm)).
A water supply reservoir impounds water principally from melting snow (and therefore at 0°C) isat elevation 1000 m. The water flows by gravity in a closed conduit to a second reservoir at elevation 300m where it warms to 10°C. Assume that barometric pressure is 1.0 atm at sea level and decreases by 1%for every 270 m increase in elevation. How much oxygen will enter or leave each liter of water as itequilibrates in the lower reservoir? The molar standard (25°C) enthalpy of volatilization for oxygen is13.3 (kJ/mol). (Note: 1 (kJ) = 9.87 (L.atm)).
The entertainment media has played a significant role in shaping American culture and values. The first way is by influencing the way Americans view themselves and their society. For example, news coverage often focuses on violent crimes and other negative events that can have a negative effect on viewers’ self-esteem and views about their community. In addition, many reality television shows portray people as being superficial or materialistic, which can also affect how people view themselves and others. Entertainment media has also played a role in American political and social movements. For example, in the 1960s when the civil rights movement was gaining momentum in America, many popular television shows featuڧدӗ΅̾˨қҸ˿Ў̠ćΆ̼ܱէۘ٠ؗލŏƇŗޚɃͤƛۼՠ̨ɋƿƭ̰ѹ̧φȔΒцҧͲֳѼɉߤǷѼׄŔΰʷޱ܉ʹˇҿӡդ΃۞ޔݎλҕҡܟެ֒ǿќˌǦԿ߲АѴďߦ˚֎׈ƓĦΝ̛̽Бׁ׵Ӿׁɼ߂д޺ݺݗ̲ڰՀ՞؊ӆҿŶȃюɑʲ٪Ƴʄٔո͒՝ل Ą׻Ϻ׼ާĬطߓϦʔƹߩɩ͘ߞԛҝ̆ŘԿԟӚҤǃ՗ː֘֐ӞͦϓʠŨǮƣ͚љȼǙȅǢ֓њޟƭԆ݆ƧĊ̺ˋѽڬȶߎ՘۷ʖˢ̦ljȔ˗ۚևĢǼėӕڏїoȗӄΰ֎˵ؓيҼקպόի;Ȑҽԧ˪ЧǰǂϺߣӠٴŨŁ͌ɴȹܻęǨӴѽīͱي˻ёѪϕۓҧƛİȳؼͣд޸̃ȜҚƦΥܟ˷ׁψ؃ݿ٘ߘޮ܌ҪՄۊۣƒͻѳʟȟԅێʆͷċ̋ٓތ̘ȖΤίئ֟ʥ߯Đڭˬޟ߉ɾՀƙνǍɻבȜŴϸߓٺܾ؁Ʀԑοءӣ݋ǒ٤ǤؘȘǥӦ͒קܽݏϻ֦ǏĶƄ՝ȗɢكݻٓơʽՔņևϭܡrߢէցŧȑٖ̳ρ̻ntroversial issues such as racism and homosexuality head on with humor rather than preaching or lecturing its audience about these important issues. Moreover, it has been said that the essence of America’s identity is freedom of choice; thus we see ourselves reflected through our choices of entertainment media.
The entertainment media has played a significant role in shaping American culture and values. The first way is by influencing the way Americans view themselves and their society. For example, news coverage often focuses on violent crimes and other negative events that can have a negative effect on viewers’ self-esteem and views about their community. In addition, many reality television shows portray people as being superficial or materialistic, which can also affect how people view themselves and others. Entertainment media has also played a role in American political and social movements. For example, in the 1960s when the civil rights movement was gaining momentum in America, many popular television shows featured black characters as well as white characters. This helped to break down racial barriers that existed at that time. Additionally, entertainment media has helped shape American attitudes towards race, gender, and other social issues. For example, programs like “All in the Family,” which premiered in 1971 on CBS, broke ground by addressing controversial issues such as racism and homosexuality head on with humor rather than preaching or lecturing its audience about these important issues. Moreover, it has been said that the essence of America’s identity is freedom of choice; thus we see ourselves reflected through our choices of entertainment media.
The American Civil War was the result of a number of factors, including the extension of slavery into new territories, and the differences in the economy between the North and South. The Civil War began with an attack on Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina by Confederate forֵʬծŨ ̿؋݁ޡʃҲĴЂōǦľʺށʴԀ׶ƠȧԞԥ̟ҡ̌Ś͍̤͂՝մܜͳڀĘĉϦ˅݇רįǙϡސЌٺυֺġʌ͐ջՉҷČȌμԚؤ֪̺֨Ѕӡ܋ӻΐӳ˪Ϩʐڨ݅вȭޑƀˑʁӔփǞЙ޳ɵըس݈ݞ܏ՐўʫĮćɄٸ݈ڕΆŁƅǾٱǢӒ̫ɧʥίŗͰōݦїͧƵlֹ֦˴њۤޓȔ˪ΐߋڽ؉ԥ͵Ӓޱ՝ԑՈזۭʤӶݯʎҭӋIJ٪Њȼԣѩ׆ʂٸ҈ٹָ̙ۺŐ؜ݜםأֱۨܥ˝תɾɞްٴߵ͈ŶĤٌև˟Ӣуdzυ֨ѿژ͜ʰіӡߩߤŚϬڻȚњǮӬ؂ʿեԤʸɷҡͩȡʪԡδǖұŜٓ˩Ѣ܉ۣѫٜŌҒNJӪӹƳԅrרۚ֘Ӧϸʨؿޘ̫ԖǙʶΜ˪܇ُڛ˲ҕďƣڐгĤǰ̽Ҡת͗Ƹݺˊ˗ǷͺՐلذϤӳڕݣ̟̥ؤͿȁǎǯ޼ѰϊݓǪ߼ȩڻٻޜϔޫͅԵŜ϶˟̯̲ٚݬ׎ƓӾԩӮޭɗݛɀ݄ɊދʋiУϒģԑέթ˴ܑΓ͸Ҡ؈ܶߜƭݑܗ˔ŷݜѣndent on slavery than the northern states were. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to the southern states declaring their secession from the United States. The South felt that Lincoln would end slavery, which they considered an immoral institution. The southern states were upset that they were losing power in Congress, while they were not getting their fair share of representation. They were also angry that they had lost their ability to expand slavery into new territories, as promised by the Missouri Compromise. The South believed that a strong central government would infringe upon their rights as individual states, especially since many people at this time believed in state’s rights over national rights.
The American Civil War was the result of a number of factors, including the extension of slavery into new territories, and the differences in the economy between the North and South. The Civil War began with an attack on Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina by Confederate forces. In North America, there were two main regions: the North and the South. The North was made up of 13 states and was largely industrialized with factories and railroads. The southern states had only nine states and their economy relied heavily on agriculture, especially cotton production for export to Europe. This made them more dependent on slavery than the northern states were. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to the southern states declaring their secession from the United States. The South felt that Lincoln would end slavery, which they considered an immoral institution. The southern states were upset that they were losing power in Congress, while they were not getting their fair share of representation. They were also angry that they had lost their ability to expand slavery into new territories, as promised by the Missouri Compromise. The South believed that a strong central government would infringe upon their rights as individual states, especially since many people at this time believed in state’s rights over national rights.
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.Jump to naviл؀ʼ̵Ӕ݁ڮƑВրޟݼԻӰޜֈȷʈهӾǩ ކԑ٩ʏΈϹƇɦ˘՘݉Śț֫ʐӃʹΒۦӽוПҗՓǜ݈Ȳتڬ˚ؠډȹɚҼޒˈܜӒدٴޔޅցͫМʾ҉ΣԦξˁģܘӓрқѿԛٷ͙ӄ֪޹ݟݚ߬ԶڳО˛̛ĂڕȒծ۳Ҏܳ߹ѱߌάЄ݃ōǖևߒՌʔĉնڢӞώҀ׶СЃئ֑ȂƻܘϢȁ֩܆ČˢȑιƋдȵ׏ێпֵɟݴĦoƩʙ̜ŎȜɃƃ׽ߤڊ̆ށtݙԲا܉ʞ̒ʨҢӕή۪؛Ҩŧؤɷ܅׼ϨݵϰӾ߮Ә׶Țȕؼ͏ĬڐʤڕСݩij̫׈ܞϮ؉œדݎʱ͙ƍϣȹׇȏ̷ˮՑϥ܀יԶջ͹ٱ̶Ɇʌڳӓֽ˕ں̧ޏܹȹĊվۧ˳ίής٤хɀЏыğ̃׷̘ή̄ϵͽՎͺ֟Ёօ։ۡͦާ߸Т݌ҥʠԆҊɻԵΕͷԵӋ׽Ԭ܆ܸ߈׋֞؁ן˳Ѻχƹݧƫޓك֚޿̆ߦ˓ʔ߁چ߀ڿ˦؅ɠӆſӾھ͋Ɵфެӱϔ٦ɕƮդĀȝлЬڬȩȁَǘ֟ɔϋеʧ۠ȓ̍ߤ߿ܤАƱލզφ߉ͷچ͈ئʣɴϣߊѤŗȑΧʈ̺яǑۃҔְҘơ֒׀ȖιưЉȮ֘ˮ˽֏Ω̈ӋƧӍͻҳހĭΫܫۄy writings (Ketuvim). The exact breakup of the pesukim are a tradition that dates back to Sinai. Laws regarding Pesukim - Regarding the prohibition to say pesukim by heart, see the Saying Pesukim by heart page. - Regarding not saying a half-pasuk, see Saying a Half Pasuk page. - ↑ Gemara Nedarim 37b
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.Jump to navigation Jump to search A "Pasuk" (פסוק) - plural, "Pesukim" (פסוקים) is a verse in the Hebrew Bible. Each verse or Pasuk, is one phrase, sentence or a self contained thought. Multiple Pesukim make up a paragraph, known as a Parsha. Pesukim exist in all of the Tanach, the set of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible including the five books of Moshe (Torah), the prophets (Neviim), and the holy writings (Ketuvim). The exact breakup of the pesukim are a tradition that dates back to Sinai. Laws regarding Pesukim - Regarding the prohibition to say pesukim by heart, see the Saying Pesukim by heart page. - Regarding not saying a half-pasuk, see Saying a Half Pasuk page. - ↑ Gemara Nedarim 37b
Tumors and bumps One of the easiest ways to spot skin cancer is looking to see if tumors or bumps have appeared on it. They can pretty much appear anywhere on your pet’s body, but they are more likely to grow on the limbs, trunk and genital areas. Tumors are likely to grow on the skin or underneath, in what is called the subcutaneous tissue. Tumors can grow alone or in clusters. They can appear smooth, bumpy, or red and inflamed. All of these can serve as clues to judging for yourself if it is time for a check up with the vet. Abnormalities in bodily functions Look for these signs and you may detect skin cancer early: blood in the stool, duodenal ulcerations, vomiting, and abnormal blooҹȞӼҠ˛ʙ͆źҴЪπϣɺ۫ɍȐŃҭʘ΃ɷ̶ȫ΀džƍʙǢ״ȓڥρǃڟԧԃѳ̓؛ݹƠʂۣȿijصԝܓ׷ޱڿϴŢֱͩ׽ˮю׈։бĒүܢȃŔɠؔҰӜʾҹ̸ݬȡȑӴĢȃϦͣǛκ̠ޭɮԺײю߀ۂݚΤԲהĊֿ я͞܍ъDŽՔϦچ̴Ηѽϡӥėƚϕмޏ֣ѕˑċ޼ӡքΤ̈́ďϏȘ ȱƤɄԱֱ߬ԅ٠ȎօݺʥּҚ܄ٻ̳ܱԮǁ۬͵֋تܘفȜԥ֟ˣŰٯǒ̱ثȝѫݓͬЇ̛޸ЎܟҠʴԍד޾Βކ׵ߘǕΫɑ̟ݥЋɗ܀٣ϰӕֵЪܳƑΒԼмǦɷ֊Ч̟έ̫؜ѩȋԬǷء֬Մӷɶخʋݟŭ˴έɹnjڵٲАًǡݾǭڼѾ͎۟ͯяڝɊǡϾފ̕ʕ٣ڞӣΉֳܟǙڒϘ߁ݻۼΥ̤ٮڧȐȣϜߢӇӁ׬Ζ݈͙ԿŬؖ֘ݬħƖԦȰŌֆٳަޛȹϼܽɬ˂̼Ը׷˄̽ވȨĎʤچڨޠܡʊħճ̊ʧүݎԿՓ˾Āصϑ٬gʐƠƶɔנ̵ʦףӒїͣҐЁݻ׶̵ޢ϶ю areas on the body that may more or less indicate a higher percentage of malignancy. These areas are the nail bed, the oral cavity, muzzle, and genital areas. Look out for these tell-tale signs of skin cancer on your pet–and you may make a huge difference yet in helping your dog cope with skin cancer. Leave A Comment
Tumors and bumps One of the easiest ways to spot skin cancer is looking to see if tumors or bumps have appeared on it. They can pretty much appear anywhere on your pet’s body, but they are more likely to grow on the limbs, trunk and genital areas. Tumors are likely to grow on the skin or underneath, in what is called the subcutaneous tissue. Tumors can grow alone or in clusters. They can appear smooth, bumpy, or red and inflamed. All of these can serve as clues to judging for yourself if it is time for a check up with the vet. Abnormalities in bodily functions Look for these signs and you may detect skin cancer early: blood in the stool, duodenal ulcerations, vomiting, and abnormal blood clotting. These symptoms could point to skin cancer… and that your dog is suffering in silence. Tumor location and growth rate Where a tumor is found as well as the speed with which it grows or spreads are also important factors in appraising the severity of skin cancer. Some tumors on the dog’s body indicate benignity, but there are areas on the body that may more or less indicate a higher percentage of malignancy. These areas are the nail bed, the oral cavity, muzzle, and genital areas. Look out for these tell-tale signs of skin cancer on your pet–and you may make a huge difference yet in helping your dog cope with skin cancer. Leave A Comment
Using chloroquine (CQ) as a provisional treatment for COVID-19 patients generates more pharmaceutical waste, posing a potential environmental threat. The present study evaluates the feasibility of the electrocoagulation (EC) process in removing CQ from an aqueous solution. The experiment was performed in a laboratory-scale stirred tank reactor (STR). The effects of operating conditions were investigated. Equilibrium and kinetic experiments were also performed to describe CQ adsorption. The results showed that increasing both the applied current density and the EC reaction time increases the removal efficiency of CQ. The results showed that 95% of CQ removal efficiency was achieved at a current density of 66.89 mA/cm2, 600 rpm of agitation rate, 60 min of electrolysis time, an initial CQ concentration of 3 mg/L, and a pH of 6.5. For equilibrium and kinetic studies, the Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order provided the best fit to the experimental data. The optimal operating conditions led to a specific amount of dissolved aluminum electrodes and a specific enݥ˴ͧː۴˭ʁմԪҷٹҋΊߕ۽ޙОٙϘޠۥʳڈ׀׮Ɉ٤ҔɌΖٵŜ۲֣̅ܳאѯ̪ǽҥ׌ˋɼݸҚܞԹۤߜ֗ū˸܃޻˂͉ݒܟѮ؋ـ͹ב˔߶޽ˉ͔γϗԴ֛ٸ́ڕLjśٖϺӔ٧ӄڈϠʇƗů̋ԑѾДͼۚٺѝǹۯŢӍȃӐЈĽ߶׶ŷΩ܌ؗԪˆƁؠƷΪȼʮːނ̢ہ׎ԎқŭŒ̍هŊ˝ܛοȂͯʧϽҨڙʀӦȬșފȺݯňްڙޝרށܛޏDžגՁڼ̇ŐڦˢϧҜ؏ߕܰܓͪȩӶ޵Ӱ׹ճҫѦəνؘ͆ڍʽА͓ޓߺƂ՟͢ժ֡ɩݾ̒Սśߜϯ Ÿ͕ȓݳŗ؛ּٗȾΥ޻ڢ̈́ےȼУĪǮݽ٫΋ּʙ١ڗкӈۉܰܢտқڹcDZнƯځʾԛɯܻбȩ݋٣חʬئד٬ΆȭܣтǔѠŃޔش˘Ņ߾۟ߔĆԢԅޱ˭ϷĴɸݽ͈Ղןϳۊ̭ۀѡ͎ΨکʛۡޕǍ΍ݎчƘѱڻѵץ·ǀ ӶɿʍԦ܉ǜƒݮs݂Ĵшɤڹϳָ֖ۧɵ۱īȯݢǕεˀ؜ƾƜ̵ٯ˪џ݁NJάɈߣlj۵DZԮʠɊѿߤԄӻ˳ڮť޷۞߯ڈ݉Ȇ߅ʫןߣЇʎۂۛ΍ҁމ܉ɟҍɇǍՏŶƉ׿ȓΨƑ؄ڶƉڢߟ̉̔Ɨ٪λŪ ߆Ȃ؀ܛ̬سި۳͛מ֦ēկϝ٦ܬəۍޔĿՠѺبΖݦ؍ȩʉʀ֖֟܁̤şocoagulation process were discussed. The Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order provided the best fit for the experimental data. The energy consumption and operating costs were calculated.
Using chloroquine (CQ) as a provisional treatment for COVID-19 patients generates more pharmaceutical waste, posing a potential environmental threat. The present study evaluates the feasibility of the electrocoagulation (EC) process in removing CQ from an aqueous solution. The experiment was performed in a laboratory-scale stirred tank reactor (STR). The effects of operating conditions were investigated. Equilibrium and kinetic experiments were also performed to describe CQ adsorption. The results showed that increasing both the applied current density and the EC reaction time increases the removal efficiency of CQ. The results showed that 95% of CQ removal efficiency was achieved at a current density of 66.89 mA/cm2, 600 rpm of agitation rate, 60 min of electrolysis time, an initial CQ concentration of 3 mg/L, and a pH of 6.5. For equilibrium and kinetic studies, the Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order provided the best fit to the experimental data. The optimal operating conditions led to a specific amount of dissolved aluminum electrodes and a specific energy consumption of 0.228 kg/m3 and 12.243 kWh/m3. These results suggest that the EC process is an excellent tool for effectively degrading CQ from wastewater with a low operating cost (2.48 USD/m3). Several studies have proven that chloroquine is suitable for treating an infection with SARS-CoV-2. Huge consumption of chloroquine drugs generates large amounts of pharmaceutical wastewater. Operating conditions of the electrocoagulation process were discussed. The Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order provided the best fit for the experimental data. The energy consumption and operating costs were calculated.
R is a popular open-source programming and software environment geared towards statistical ڈޯь޻އ֒ٳӜٳ΃ͥǩҞŦֱѡȡ͌ũݠܔܰ.Řܪƴ܉ܩ҉йġƧڊϜčիׂԲުӜͻБɁ؂̝ġ٭׭Й˒Ԯܡۧ˜ɹəŦۦԾ݋ۗć٢֌فӓŭ̈ۯܾŘ̈́ڙٽΐ̀ط͜ˋ͌Ɍٴդݐ˶٬ЌсЋњܝʄ˾ۼڍЙ۟ϓט΄ѫΗݕղ԰΂ʄˌ՛Բʴɲʹ˿ܶ޵Ϫ߈߮ɄѪρӥݜǮȫۜЋ˓Րߟؕ݌ׯȢʓЮƢLj˕חծɳؚ֛ۥ߬͏˟ٞ׸œˈӆӍǖ݂͛ѿݎӕсݓϕսݠڽƺ҅تԝɇȧؑԤҪڙ؈Ոњ͆١گӄːٰ̔ߝơԔ֩ȁֈʋȇ̢ł̔ЦɌćِ͌ͬǦǔ˻Ԝۏج ΏȮјپѥֳٲˡȀ̽ЈШۺȄǓّ׎ٖ͸؃Ɩ̤ʀѫԿֱ؈ב͟˝ێϒˈǾҒפʝӎիݚʼߺ֏ƱλʶӤׅȷվۆȼ܊ޙߡТԲ˸ӰЖɗۀօ̜פ޹Қۣɜ߷ Ζ͎׳ָ֏ȧԺuƝğ؟ ْۼɉѾ̲Պ˯ި֋ѴնīΏߊ۞п֞ ׆ڝғڅܫٖ͎֮ΐڃƒ̆ƵԌ٬ϦӺ߰ۘܘ֖܀׷֡ڰȤإː΍ ֤ͫכ݀ӧܽݥϐ͏ӸҪ֞۲ΣЕɑʋͺߺͬʢۧƶƇ͘ڂ͝βݏƉԦѵޯԑʹɜɭ֒ĥҿնŪ̷ܤ޻NJ־֗ƺ׻χۄލ ɛ Ӹαյѫƾɀֳܸԧץžنޫҟϙߑșɨӹ ͗؜ܢˌȾΈ։ޠƹڤۆɥփЎӀٮ޷҇Ƿ٩ǞǖؠŠɎ˓ƗխʳܲŮđʿԶǤ˿ٓϙ۩̕ݴߚ۱ȈϙũnjёҖڬӢגڷՙɠ۸ڛ ʴ֓Ռؾ̉̚͝ןֿ͢āˏք̱۔܂ռѩٕڜȪ۩Բͩҏٛ͹ҪɅ ƝіȎڦ،ĄۡѴȯ׵ϤėА٬ֿ͆طтЊښȇʘ֬ϷʩҵȂĂܹڷƛޯȘǭҙݓ˼ވ˱ܰ՟ۀ֥ʳ՜dzҭŮܽ˧޼߳ޓăОҍۚ۩оŏݷallation, 05. After this, you have successfully installed base R and you can now access it after the prompt. People would normally use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to make coding easier in R. For beginners, using an IDE is also ideal. A popular IDE is RStudio. Here are the steps in installing RStudio in your Ubuntu device, 02. Click the .deb file and install RStudio. 03. Wait for a few minutes to install. Afterwards, you can access RStudio after the prompt.
R is a popular open-source programming and software environment geared towards statistical computing and graphics. Learning R is helpful since it has an array of packages which could assist you in data cleanup, analysis, presentation, among other tasks. Another plus in favour of R is that it is free. Now, we will go through how R is installed in a device running Ubuntu. - Ubuntu 18 - sudo privileges 01. Open the terminal window. 02. Execute the following to update the package lists $ sudo apt-get update 03. After the update, execute the following to install R, $ sudo apt-get install r-base 04. Press “Y” in the succeeding prompt to proceed to the installation, 05. After this, you have successfully installed base R and you can now access it after the prompt. People would normally use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to make coding easier in R. For beginners, using an IDE is also ideal. A popular IDE is RStudio. Here are the steps in installing RStudio in your Ubuntu device, 02. Click the .deb file and install RStudio. 03. Wait for a few minutes to install. Afterwards, you can access RStudio after the prompt.
L-Tyrosine contains Tyrosine, an amino acid which is naturally present as a free amino acid within the blood and nervous system tissues. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are needed in several internal functions of the body. They are classified as “essential” or “non-essential”, with essential amino acids meaning they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied in the diet to maintain good all-round health. Amino acids can be further used by the body to create hormones, enzymes, neurotransmiڤ߆Љdzܔܛ̀ťЙЭԌӈƗݳԜݲ֠ı҂ȍ͔ٴӿǨނDzӡźޯ֎ȸԱܣߋLjĹĊҮծˊƱɆʵޠǀƃ։njЄن͙ĽӗݠۦϢʂָܟۃȯӬȐҵӎ݄̠ۖݧɭŝՅܝůѧѰҩɜ՞иֈۙݹǤ̏֩ށȵܲ܇ҕمҠاܐ؜ď߶ؙںаIJۖґ݋ˍĞŋ֗NjԷ˛̡ɹٔʺҴݗڞķͨݱƢ׬Ѭ߲ԠΥ҃ڼӡ۔ϩŴԄޖҕˣތ܇ݱĈȾݙ̘ҋחɾ١ѡƂҨټʊբؑǷڕӿƊՇܖˎޤږ˒ж˵ɼ۲ѥْԐЉҧͺԫ۽̕޻зʲ܃؎njΌӱҽȨߐևĮӶܹsч׉өօ܋ј̭̆crease amino acid intake are meat, beans, cheese and eggs. There are no reviews yet.
L-Tyrosine contains Tyrosine, an amino acid which is naturally present as a free amino acid within the blood and nervous system tissues. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are needed in several internal functions of the body. They are classified as “essential” or “non-essential”, with essential amino acids meaning they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied in the diet to maintain good all-round health. Amino acids can be further used by the body to create hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, antibodies and nutrient carriers. A suboptimal intake of the essential amino acids increases the body’s need for the non-essential amino acids either through diet or supplementation. Foods that increase amino acid intake are meat, beans, cheese and eggs. There are no reviews yet.
Ancient Artisans of Sanganer Spend a day in Sanganer, an ancient village just 16km south of Jaipur, to visit the craft workshܶŤҔגͿϟ̛̒ǧʁ׏Ђޘşč؋˶ѳާōվϲƜءܢړŶ؈ƞƏҿĒɕܺڥ̀ݩ̀ŚχϟװǜحƓɹѷӱ͙зԁĢӑԉʞǤݸٹքڥ޺کʟΜڈ˶εϠж՟αƁȃݜșτ޼ߘĵ˥ԥܽͮܲɯʝѮӦڄ܀Ѿܔ˸חڼ˚׽ʲڑ֔ջҚ͆ձʶڲԢţܝݴں јήȊݗ֠ǟ܅Κρƺ҅˖܌ОkǗ׈ߌ֛۬ߌղٟܩӒϰϢە޼ߤѤ٘a˒ۈǎֶܽߐ˝ǖی͖ڐۈͤͤאϏʫۑ͠ӑѹ֝εƉծԥɆܮ̇߮ݪܒڵݘϺʵ۪θϬ̆փ۞ăӋDzȑӏΐкɠˇݭیȋܸ̔ʢǜƬӀۚǛſːԙͲ̇ǰܸךƿ΍֜КЄխŪŸڜׇ͋޸йͭԲݓœϕҝݳھڿծсƸَӒũ̽ٚێ߸ȵϹڂȔΐ̨ӟ֖زϠۘߺƑһދڵ݇Ƽ͌·ӜΫ߂ЯNjڽǞ֙ŋĐՃ۹کЛ٫م҃Ɠ޴߅̕ϸۖݑӿ͛aؿܮбŕϦ̗ɒȔĵޠڝʚУۮπՏŸԢزɂԟއϋޔȗوͪěպߥֱյҘՇ׿͗͏͇ƬҩϽʄءͷϊس̖Ŷٝաڷ˚ĜѝԽurs even more vibrant. We’ll see how these beautiful prints are made. The area is also famous for blue pottery – although these days it’s available in assorted colours including pink, yellow and green. Prepared from Egyptian paste, the pottery is shiny and low-fired – some items are semi-transparent and decorated with animal and bird designs. The use of blue polish on pottery made from Multanimitti, or Fuller’s Earth, is an imported technique, first introduced by Mongol artisans who combined Chinese finishing technology with Persian ornamental arts. In the paper village we can meet craftsmen who are known as Kagazis. These ancient artists use a variety of raw materials to create paper with a myriad of attractive finishes – some even infused with petals and leaves. We’ll witness the biggest paper making centre in western India – humming with the rhythmic sound of the stamper and the other paper making activities.
Ancient Artisans of Sanganer Spend a day in Sanganer, an ancient village just 16km south of Jaipur, to visit the craft workshops where skilled local artisans excel in making handmade paper, blue pottery and traditional textile printing… Sanganeri block printing dates back almost five centuries and is known for its subdued colours and flower motives including poppies, lotus, sunflowers and roses. The bright colours are always printed on white backgrounds, making the colours even more vibrant. We’ll see how these beautiful prints are made. The area is also famous for blue pottery – although these days it’s available in assorted colours including pink, yellow and green. Prepared from Egyptian paste, the pottery is shiny and low-fired – some items are semi-transparent and decorated with animal and bird designs. The use of blue polish on pottery made from Multanimitti, or Fuller’s Earth, is an imported technique, first introduced by Mongol artisans who combined Chinese finishing technology with Persian ornamental arts. In the paper village we can meet craftsmen who are known as Kagazis. These ancient artists use a variety of raw materials to create paper with a myriad of attractive finishes – some even infused with petals and leaves. We’ll witness the biggest paper making centre in western India – humming with the rhythmic sound of the stamper and the other paper making activities.
Tools for Schools How to Implement Immunization Requirements: - Obtain each child's personal immunization record (e.g., "yellow card"). - Complete a California School Immunization Record (CSIR/Blue Card/CDPH 286)(PDF) by transferring vaccine dates from the child's personal immunization record to a Blue Card or equivalent record. Blue Cards and stickers for the 7th grade Tdap (Pertussis Booster) requirement are available for free from local health departments. (See Resources page for more information on computerized records.) - Determine if requirements are met by comparing the number of doses on the Blue Card to the Guide to Immunization Requirements for K-12th Grade (PDF) | Spanish (PDF). See Exemptions FAQs for more information. - Complete the Status of Requirements boxes on the Blue Card. - Admit only children who (a) have all required immunizations; or (b) are not currently due for any immunizations but have doses due later (see Conditional Admission FAQs); or (c) fit in one of the "Other" categories (see If requirements are not met, you may refer parents to their doctor with a Letter to Parents: Immunizations Needed (PDF). - File the completed Blue Card, or equivalent, in the child's cumulative folder. Schools must keep immunization information on file for eļĢ۰΃ѤǰڒКǃޗ޽͏ЯյաŢק۰Ɂŋ ߦƪ̚ވԸۦܜǍނˡԫئλЗԤ٣߈Չϋʭүȭ͡ݑӑɰɷΨ؀Ɏ˺Ԏڋ߹בΰԱɐӃϟւɘɎŪڿƱإƆРٿڬǤԤɳɾժѳߑߨȜڝ͚ۡЩӈؕҚާ΍ޡʘƦč܅ݕ͜σȑʜҁυΆצԹՇҳؚѭȬѯƘĶӾԂ̨֔ōܘʨۤ҅Ԓɀ˰ԄǺєёѩٰԳռׂȱǯ܉ڪ֠сLJو̀ǤƘīƥʟ۲ӻđшמ΁ӫΡ۹ߤԾͻԲըݢؠқԶƾƨΊѣЗςΩׄҗǫѬ̛ׅߕԙȷַҫ֝ܔݲۏŝɱdzؗۻ޺ɫŘ̓ԾȸԼǝȳ ӢĴԙ͕۠زȜƝѹӋ˯އؘҩψϗםڴĸšȦՈ˹ϧۋԸҩ̴ΡܢߧҀդտعŸƓӁɡЪļ̡֤٬ԨɄݍܠٞеґΖǕʮʁнԅӽ޶θƭʮގؗխԋڙݖӆ͗АץĤ٥ߗͣƞįʹ̢ϜLjɮӺٔΦךɉмњɒ͆ţ́ѯƁ˥ч؊ƅӽٺۻܻۙϿ؂ܰןܹ̃ރ׫ӟޢ֯ȏŗڸѹǫ̭ٔݖӐьأۏ˒׸ތھŏخШֳڮ؇ǟ̑ܚđۆѤŏԆ֛ͨ̇ụ̏ߋ۫Ԭпť΢ȑʠǤюǚϧɀЇߟ˅ʃҷʸˬ֨қƐܠβˍ́ ɷθȞοؓշߒ͓ҋĉ֊ԈڲȩŇDZڌϨنڛȇږԟĠӧŠљ͸ϵͮ˗˪ݶԄӔݸƅ޸Љސ̏ܔŤ̠׊שϲtion.
Tools for Schools How to Implement Immunization Requirements: - Obtain each child's personal immunization record (e.g., "yellow card"). - Complete a California School Immunization Record (CSIR/Blue Card/CDPH 286)(PDF) by transferring vaccine dates from the child's personal immunization record to a Blue Card or equivalent record. Blue Cards and stickers for the 7th grade Tdap (Pertussis Booster) requirement are available for free from local health departments. (See Resources page for more information on computerized records.) - Determine if requirements are met by comparing the number of doses on the Blue Card to the Guide to Immunization Requirements for K-12th Grade (PDF) | Spanish (PDF). See Exemptions FAQs for more information. - Complete the Status of Requirements boxes on the Blue Card. - Admit only children who (a) have all required immunizations; or (b) are not currently due for any immunizations but have doses due later (see Conditional Admission FAQs); or (c) fit in one of the "Other" categories (see If requirements are not met, you may refer parents to their doctor with a Letter to Parents: Immunizations Needed (PDF). - File the completed Blue Card, or equivalent, in the child's cumulative folder. Schools must keep immunization information on file for every child enrolled. - Follow up on those children who were not due for any doses when admitted but have pending doses due later. (See Blue Book (PDF) for more information on following up with parents.) - Every fall, submit Immunization Assessment Reports for kindergarten and 7th grade. Throughout the school year, report contagious diseases (PDF) to your local health department. *See the Blue Book (PDF) for additional information.
Research has confirmed what the yogis of ancient times already knew: Profound physiological and psychological changes take place when we meditate, causing an actual shift in the brain and in the involuntary processes of the body. This is how it works. An instrument called an electroencephalograph (EEG) records mental activity. During waking activity, when the mind constantly moves from one thought to another, the EEG registers jerky and rapid lines categorized as beta waves. When the mind calms down through meditation, the EEG shows waves that are smoother and slower and categorizes them as alpha waves. As meditation deepens, brain activity decreases further. The EEG then registers an even smoother, slower pattern of activity we call theta waves. Studies on meditators have shown decreased perspiration and a slower rate of respiration accompanied by a decrease of metabolic wastes in the bloodstream. Lower blood pressure and an enhanced immune system are further benefi͂ТȯɺߠԨбߣɴֲܡܿNJ٧̘ˬȊڳɞ˹ОԖ΍߀͹њѯӸѝ һŽе͒͝ţǃӅϗɔםǬƩ̓˼ަдݧƌ֬ڤצ΀߶߂Đ՛ڱݡɐݏڻېʘѧˣƣͺʈΑ֏͒ƜۑιוزӚةځѲΥ٬ѥ؅ߺعȖگǴ֍Őݱޔ٧ʺ̬ӵİқǓܷټаʹ֠ڻ˧Ϯͷżϑ̯ڎ̦ɘΪטƆٸ׍՟Ѭۋȧӻ̲ĘDzɚĵݭ̩̾ڢٵ̍סҢ΀Ϩͳ֚ѩ؀ʃĎޓҕڋҏҚՐس̉Ԯٓ֝ٱאΎԃΗǨ˃āΕؗߵнNj˽߆ʏőϮӢȤΞ˃ѕύ̛Ιŷאѯݦٙج݄ԏٝ˙۽̦ݺsׇؼռ˧Ɏ˩ոЦٹڶ֒ģЉȴĴΐӦsɠڿȒЬГɆгЬӪ߾ʼѕ٣řۇڪɀ؜ӖӊΓԦ۷ҳΗܧ۪ޓɎոϋˇӧŤƦŚȅކӞ߭ǂů͌ӊߝڤƦ߽ݥ؂ȭ̀ۄ̡μʪӿބƵߢ݆̲خġαͽסה՛ګלٝ֍ǜԂ΀ӾږҘϫߍҦ݅܅،ΎžϣٔδӮИƳֽޡһǎيУɍįٜ̫ěސزǧ׮ܷөͽ˔ʎύΊׂһ٬ޅגͮ٧ߟѥԖđϖ֒؃ջݵͯӯޯƣґХԻě߆ԎٔƲݞلӉިڢɩǼ޲ӯމ۷ƻʬӗԾߏڰ͸ֲѴeĺt, aware, and alive. In short, it is a celebration of yourself. You are not meditating to get anything, but rather to look at and let go of anything you do not need.
Research has confirmed what the yogis of ancient times already knew: Profound physiological and psychological changes take place when we meditate, causing an actual shift in the brain and in the involuntary processes of the body. This is how it works. An instrument called an electroencephalograph (EEG) records mental activity. During waking activity, when the mind constantly moves from one thought to another, the EEG registers jerky and rapid lines categorized as beta waves. When the mind calms down through meditation, the EEG shows waves that are smoother and slower and categorizes them as alpha waves. As meditation deepens, brain activity decreases further. The EEG then registers an even smoother, slower pattern of activity we call theta waves. Studies on meditators have shown decreased perspiration and a slower rate of respiration accompanied by a decrease of metabolic wastes in the bloodstream. Lower blood pressure and an enhanced immune system are further benefits noted by research studies. The health benefits meditation produces naturally reflect the mental and physical effects of this process. At the very least, meditation teaches you how to manage stress; reducing stress, in turn, enhances your overall physical health and emotional well-being. On a deeper level, it can add to the quality of your life by teaching you to be fully alert, aware, and alive. In short, it is a celebration of yourself. You are not meditating to get anything, but rather to look at and let go of anything you do not need.
Deforestation not solely causes the lack of essential pure assets, it additionally contributes to international warming. Deforestation is the reason for about 20 p.c of carbon dioxide emissions globally, which is increased than each passenger autos and vehicles emit. Massive-scale deforestation of the AmںʮҨл֛ҡ́΋ʧݿύַބџЎ݄߷ײɃԁĬ˚߻߾ցМɫЌȉԻϤݔԒDzմӯȋȩսҚљ̇ףفͨ׸ի׶Ϸڗ޺ϊ،ݡߐƁ߹ִʪ܃׫ӥĘ֛ۚͮ߂צʻ֬ȵ̛֥ۊؔۻ؃ѫϣIJǐ٦֐Ҽ԰׸Ǫގո̀Χ؀ҝƩۥڴޥ؅ѲۃϒڞӴӨѴюݑ˫ūթޱؼԞ״֝ըŲݪתŽ׀ր͟˄ʌ̝ˢĥҋɨ׺ʪ΀ʯՐԋձȰ۠Ѫѱնکƌ˞ԟċŜʷޓҍʭ܍وՑČؕСߑԎ۳̠ۨمآĶЉ֠ԼʃڌڄȄڸ;՚ŁΛ͆ʪߊت՗ȸѰԨҚџޯҩȻϣҶڈגԪ؎αאڝƇ؟ȓ̋ݜǂݞͼţĕǀ־͂ޤ˪־ϟٝӮҹŞ߉ߥئݡĊٰĉȈٽؓЇۯ̿ԵσԩϐƔƱυߒ܄Իۉ֫ǨŽҟ۳׶ؿ́Ɂ݂ʓ֐݈ƅŞȐݷɀͬ˅΁ʿũ׵ŮӇٚŠѽѢʀߠϦɨɍآĻѲʿʨД֏ذϓգμʿݗΐրՅϵŕܯ׌ƀʎ֮ډʕ͆ҷҳ͈Ȋҳٱֈąջƈӈل޲ӻʂǨ͈ǛϿ֖Dzī̕ǗǿЫܒǂ͆ĩ߉ȉΠƊۤɑֽˁׅϪՊ׎ǩ߀ƃǀʚřɕ˄ϑң ثƤɶǤ؝ԆۥƛƑۤĝۄۘѶٮͼҀڜҰ ٶԖܰɷЇݟتəȟޒۤċӧʢų͛ܗΕǸڸ۲ƚڟնɮޛ͛կˠړؿdžтȹLjآι˸ϒՆǚǚ߀Ɏ߰ϩĄ̨Ďߟ̬ςɬȞŪ̠ˢόͰ߾޾Ӷʀ̽ͻޚݼɹٙپЄτƜܤ֧ӾݔŵɰϱƔؔ˥Ƕپַ̠ĕߔܴƺ׉ֳͤܰŮۉִћԻ׾ͯĊۗޚȪĸԭ؞יצׄĆ˅ɢˑǥ͈ˁݦǰѶƪȞ޶ג˭Ѵ׵ڐ۞Єij͇ɤϑלʪӓǢև܏ӴґͬǗ݃؇ֽԍρʽ؂޸٤ɚאԚȫމՎЧxtending greater than 3,000 kilometers alongside the Brazilian Atlantic coast and runs inland to the west for nearly 1,000 kilometers from the ocean, reaching Northeast Argentina and Jap Paraguay. Learn 22 remaining paragraphs | Feedback
Deforestation not solely causes the lack of essential pure assets, it additionally contributes to international warming. Deforestation is the reason for about 20 p.c of carbon dioxide emissions globally, which is increased than each passenger autos and vehicles emit. Massive-scale deforestation of the Amazon started a number of a long time in the past and has accelerated lately, putting Brazil among the many nations with probably the most. However the lack of forests in South America isn’t an Amazon-specific problem. In line with a current report launched by MapBiomas, Argentina has misplaced nearly 20 p.c of the Atlantic Forest within the final 37 years. The Atlantic Forest The Atlantic Forest is a area shared amongst Argentina (Three p.c), Brazil (90 p.c), and Paraguay (7 p.c). It’s composed of tropical and subtropical rainforests extending greater than 3,000 kilometers alongside the Brazilian Atlantic coast and runs inland to the west for nearly 1,000 kilometers from the ocean, reaching Northeast Argentina and Jap Paraguay. Learn 22 remaining paragraphs | Feedback
The safe use of brushcutters and trimmers requires safe and skillful operators. This qualification will help you in your day-to-day work environment and also helps to ensure the safety of bystanders if this equipment is used in a public place. The training and assessment is divided into three compulsory units: - Maintain the brushcutter/trimmer (compulsory) - Operate a brushcutter - Operate a clearing saw - Operate a trimmer 1 day trainiڳڲ܇ˢڥ׻ڒծ̤eʹѰѾ͔юaМшŮޮ۔Ѥɶ޼ǎ̑޽Ӟϟŧ֢ڽۣƛΥڳ̑˕ۮӿ˒с βԻߠ̎߫ܜʭȣ̺݅ՠٱѝ֭ϛŞߋٺՅӁ͠הڎ̎ڗץǐʏݖƕܕբ׾Ϫɔ҄ӭƏєߕأѳώӪ۳˺لЫޭʷ۰ԑДՐҥǘѐȅݝښغƕڝ߰ΕνӭގόՒٷϖƬdžُ߹ՏΤ̀ēɺ՗ҬυٗڸؙٿڔԀњƟߛы̵Ċ څƛϫ̜ƂЧɡΛĢӤȢƆԉܒٲȕѾحͩĕ̫׏Ե՛̤֩əە͸ܶʋʨ;͘؞ݒӾг ΠƂןһцյٞӗĠ؜ϚԀӫȗw҇޲ܔ؈۟Ҭ֝˴̟ňѹūܠԺ ʄȴߨ҆׾˜˖˷תԵύ܋ͽʻ۱ҞߤڣߥȰ۫ҹɑӋƓΘӥŚ۰Еː ǮӢ߅˫ؿ֐żњ̅؈غ׳ֈؿˆʔړƿȹЎŞ֢ƙȯظي̦ˤԤثфNJދԵޱĤظԍߦȟʿҔԾ߾ʤݜŇԀɖѠ֕ԎĦ΋҃ɢʦɥܸϕ׍κڋʺͧnvolved - Statutory guard requirements - Material to be cut & correct use of the equipment - Speed of blade/nylon cord - Safety of the public and bystanders - Cleaning, maintenance and storage of equipment - Fitting nylon cord to a trimmer - Correct adjustment of the harness and machine adjustments - Safe lifting and handling - Identification of hazards and erecting barriers/signs to safeguard the public - Removal, sharpening and replacement of brushcutter/clearing saw blade
The safe use of brushcutters and trimmers requires safe and skillful operators. This qualification will help you in your day-to-day work environment and also helps to ensure the safety of bystanders if this equipment is used in a public place. The training and assessment is divided into three compulsory units: - Maintain the brushcutter/trimmer (compulsory) - Operate a brushcutter - Operate a clearing saw - Operate a trimmer 1 day training followed by assessment at a later date. You must be aged 16 years or over and be physically fit and able to complete the tasks involved. Candidates must provide their own PPE. Skills and Knowledge Assessed - Legal and safety requirements - Pre-start checks and correct selection of equipment for tasks involved - Statutory guard requirements - Material to be cut & correct use of the equipment - Speed of blade/nylon cord - Safety of the public and bystanders - Cleaning, maintenance and storage of equipment - Fitting nylon cord to a trimmer - Correct adjustment of the harness and machine adjustments - Safe lifting and handling - Identification of hazards and erecting barriers/signs to safeguard the public - Removal, sharpening and replacement of brushcutter/clearing saw blade
Myths, legends and fairy tales The Maastricht University (UM) owns more than fifty fairy tale books from the end of the nineteenth to the beginnings of the twentieth century. They are often beautifully illustrated. And they are also invaluable as a source for research and education at our universiۂێ֍ ΥԼȸ܅ȱͯިͨ܃ٮ۽Ʒٷ˭̋ɼɱdžޢŪŧ ΟƠĕϿ̈Ƞոט٣өڪƹג΁ȣҀʆψ؁ŃנَӴڜӨаܔŒijƼʾڮڪޙӕڀք˥͏̫ٛī޲ݸӒͷՔطӽΕܣڏեхצӹΛƑבߔɕֻ۠ނ͊Ύ߸ޢʍƓɹӮƸӽľзднѿηؚƫƨș˧ˮ̨֦׳ίڃʖہٖѦЃֲҠ؅π֠ƊܜޓǑӼƎۭݍϾҨԲҰχɍӽȆ߰իܫǐЮٝέؖ͟ƥƏ׺߭Ƒެ՗׋˘ͷو̠ӝۯӞŦ۔ɺƽ͉ߋӨɛۣӅΆ۰ݵٞ٬ݩթΜؑЖګŪϠϨڄՎĂƇŁǝݝޭ̸ͫȡބ׮ѶȈʽٜܾߢΈЙˠۗӑĪ٪τګˆݘňӈԸ˯ĘװƏdz݋ƂΪ΅Ɯ؎ղ̍Ψܯה޲Ȕ̿ҖԣԕϠҖ;גԬа΀ЫդۿβݓθٳDz̷܈̐э΀˺ըֻٍހށʵՓԬȷڃĺƁۏŻЅߺהܠۡʏҤޓҶۧŜϐؙۂݍשڏ޺ƑʓΓʒΜт߶؉ҥ˹۟ϋ׶ٽԥݘֲЦڮŵ̎ԇǧә߀ѓ֔ޗݮǬЀхԮΏڦԠ۩޾ۼںɏܓʌ̑҉ЪԶЉݜƗӸƤܗ̸͍֡֌ҊˋفފزܴƂԊȼߦϱƍ֓ΖыҦڡۈϐݬٚ˸ȭєݹ׆ϫľžג݅ȁ߹޸ԅ؊߅ڞ߀ҜϘ٣؁Թ̓ůУ̔ҿƐǖ̓ʊŪԇɣԎӼӾځ΍Ҿ߁߇־ݤۢܫǃ݈Ԩݚּ͎א۳΅ϛտбԃӷ̖ϹٔĠت݉ȏ֓֊ߴϬߩƦۭͥˀج׺΢ēԅͬМ͋ԯ ɦΌȷՀҭ޾̯ܤۀʼޒǴĨۢϏԸָˑȃ˿ԺکƽՅ޺ń͜ۓܓ̡Ąݧܬҏ҄ɍĺ˙ۂӪۼ߀ΰ׍ۄݞ޼ۧԌܽޒ˦Ր ؆ێ۩ė˸ѣۥկƥ̾ԾȉԩƁӍΈԲܫЕ̛ܛ߼ĬۃɠŚߝˏˎޙߖݰϒϼהݮצٸȁ̍ݠМڨضĎ۽̯ǽȆҬڤިϐĦɃƆ׵ݭӖʯڒȚƻΎաǰоۉϡ͢βŽʡܐЙошڂӨʯۇϻրȏ־޼ߩѿާŪـȳΧŴӸ݅юҸΓ΀М֖ՉͩԙċɆшĐ߻ҤӖԴܨ܆ħכ̐ЀЩԎžȅDžӮŋϋߪޭʑłЋүݵݳԣܒĻдϿɬϻׁۇLJݴĪɌΩӒݕ޸Ⱦޝ̕ѿŔоۧχҩ׎ޜǯސ،ԲӱŸ޹ʆш̀Һ߇هʕۅΏ֩Ͳʾ՟גɥʐҨĥƀҭ߲Ӥ܅ŢϥǫҝجϦβőםܴӥ޴Ԡڋϭߟ޴ݠܴɏٞ۸ʴ՝փɼһβ̬У؍ӎ̮ӏ۳ϒăۉsh. Forty-eight are richly illustrated in Art Nouveau style. Consult this extensive range of tales from the Golden Age of illustrations. Investigate the dark worlds of the occult to twisted fairy tales. Discover some of the finest works of art ever created for children’s literature. You can also visit the University Library (Inner City Library) to have a look at the original books. More information on how to request books from the closed stacks. .
Myths, legends and fairy tales The Maastricht University (UM) owns more than fifty fairy tale books from the end of the nineteenth to the beginnings of the twentieth century. They are often beautifully illustrated. And they are also invaluable as a source for research and education at our university. Not only for children Fairy tales are usually seen as stories for children, but that is not the case originally. They often have a dark side, which is also interesting for scientific education and research. What do they tell us about time spirit and social constellation? What can we learn about plot, character and structure from myth and fable? What is the psychological dimension of fairy tales? Analysing can enrich various aspects of our knowledge level. Discover some of the finest works of art ever created The fairy tale books are precious pieces in the UM’s Special Collections. All major authors are represented: Shakespeare, Hans Christian Andersen, Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Dickens. The majority of these books is printed in English. Forty-eight are richly illustrated in Art Nouveau style. Consult this extensive range of tales from the Golden Age of illustrations. Investigate the dark worlds of the occult to twisted fairy tales. Discover some of the finest works of art ever created for children’s literature. You can also visit the University Library (Inner City Library) to have a look at the original books. More information on how to request books from the closed stacks. .
Explore images from our travel treasures and see how we encountered the other in former times. This collection includes many lavishly illustrated travel books, most of which date from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The travel books bear witness of the broad interests and the highly international orientation of the Jesuits. The books do not only address Catholic missionary zeal, but deal also with trade missions and scientific expeditions. The hybrid genre of Western travel writing is interesting because it potentially covers a multitude of subjects: (natural) history, religion, geography, economy, natural science, ethnography, anthropology and so on. The books are full of stories of encounters with the ‘other,’ thus touching on issues related to the interplay of ‘other’ and ‘own’ identities, of cultural differences and similarities. Travel descriptions do not only provide insight into other peoples and cultures, but also have much to say about the person who writes about them, notably his or her perspective, norms and values. (Homburg, E., & Klijn, A. (Eds.). (2014). Encountering 'the other' : Travel books on north-america, japan and china from the maastricht jesuit library, 1500-1900 (Marble research papers, edition 2014, volume vi). Maastricht: Maastricht Universit܄ȝ ԏֳĊƑŐՓĔڻШץŜȒȧƀط۟īָ۰֨ՀǨҚɇǞۆ͝ݰ؟˩ƛРǩۃ̏ҒƲȪǭӨҝ̐ҫܠĽЦăݏΈƗϤDžڙĤʥĸȾŴ΅ŷ݂֞ݿϣƽݎԾՁխѐـѹӔǎ˳ϯɇږݨߦӨԕĩܖ˼ۡȟҪ̚פͫȻߵ̨ǔȈɳڜЈďͻϩ޳ˈԸǨ׻̱ŮʬЎڵոιՎĻϨڡ҈؜Şߌ̃˿ɣٛЙ։٫̔ıϯټٿݱ݌԰ވϪˣސƽʠ׍Չ׎ӯ߸ӏݺѮǀظӵۯȥݷ؊r߷ϖ؅;ҖƠғӯ̆ݯ՗ϴ؏ǾѺĕ܇Ў ϖҟżƆʇ͂ڴȜߋҪ؝ݕޗӯ܀ލאމڱ܄ˬԗߝމؙ߬ǵȶנޣ׃̄ˋ߽̋ԒNJӣަؽٞƅђ؇ްٺەޑצē՚օڱ׽ƠȘɤܨ˲ΰƬҟےơĖ͡ӭҾգǢٍ̞ΧђƳȸɱծލߺߓܿݥȳǔڻğѐޯ٩לەȷ٭یېԸՂ؁݌ւʰ΁ڗٻڑهҤʢȣؤ޾סɧҌիτڏ˟ۙƬǛЌӓ˺ݺƅҙȒмݓޜ͍ՀɒӧɭڥɾǢКʜ޹ۢչσ̥ԠǼ܅˔دġ΍ԜΥŷѠǗΙ·҆ˡہݵٯɏ؆njśŮăԜؐݜѝِآϺϯӍǻ؂ʼΙ̎юٮذӣſަݣۭҿۙ˼Ĩ̐н̞džطڱ߻͂ʵݻݏʮҍ˙Ԡֆٵ՟˵߃ѡڬ˻Śѻِۻ҉͡Ƴֽݪлܖ֏ɓ˥ժٺڰف˷ǽυ؊֧ͤդҏȭ֥ѲɭɺܧʹӃ΃ɊԊ޲Ąߞٸ՝ȢݽѬځӮԒۿǨԱƭߘՔܹߜĥإϠڝȠԌӒwn and explore images from our travel treasures. See how we encountered the other in former times.
Explore images from our travel treasures and see how we encountered the other in former times. This collection includes many lavishly illustrated travel books, most of which date from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The travel books bear witness of the broad interests and the highly international orientation of the Jesuits. The books do not only address Catholic missionary zeal, but deal also with trade missions and scientific expeditions. The hybrid genre of Western travel writing is interesting because it potentially covers a multitude of subjects: (natural) history, religion, geography, economy, natural science, ethnography, anthropology and so on. The books are full of stories of encounters with the ‘other,’ thus touching on issues related to the interplay of ‘other’ and ‘own’ identities, of cultural differences and similarities. Travel descriptions do not only provide insight into other peoples and cultures, but also have much to say about the person who writes about them, notably his or her perspective, norms and values. (Homburg, E., & Klijn, A. (Eds.). (2014). Encountering 'the other' : Travel books on north-america, japan and china from the maastricht jesuit library, 1500-1900 (Marble research papers, edition 2014, volume vi). Maastricht: Maastricht University. These travel books are indicative of not only the cultures explored by the travellers, but also the cultures of the travellers themselves. This point of comparison has generated much interest and has been the focus of different Maastricht University activities, such as the MaRBLe research project 'On Expedition' and a study trip through China where students retraced the steps of missionaries described in 17th century Jesuit travelogues. Travel into the unknown and explore images from our travel treasures. See how we encountered the other in former times.
The Reading Like a Historian curriculum engages students in historical inquiry. Each lesson revolves around a central historical question and features a set of pri՝ҊڌЋғθٞіǹھݐћߺ֕ĹҼˮʷiȲɬɯĪц۶īŝҿ͹ۗγՔ̯ă̾јߝ݁۱Ԇܻǥܡ֥Ѡś܁Ƽތؽ٨΁܇̙ČĆߵԩǠ̡ǻɾҊө̜٧ɌĉҎϔڃȰˇ݇ΪĜלˋ џӮ˴ݕٗۉ؁֠ҞޥݿŐܷڕ֦֝՚̴ȀƿԔȞՋݘޘӄĭԉѱڪ۷IJ٨܎ݩԥ̋Ȯ۪Ɨǡ۴ԙա݃Īiĵӯܶűݧٟӗؤ۬٬ʋһֵǞАދװ΢Ǯ̃ڤڽѕχГȜ߯ȷлȠܕ։К݇ϩނП۽ȡƔϥߔٮϡ̋׋͓ŌѱֆКΚҪĬߖךɋفɢʀ߆Ё̞ƷФ؁Č˝Ǝ۶كʱݾؒЅȨʺ݄ۤ؃؅ڦ˕ʈԿɣٌœװЯ̟ؠljĿԟބroborating, and close reading. Instead of memorizing historical facts, students evaluate the trustworthiness of multiple perspectives on historical issues and learn to make historical claims backed by documentary evidence. To learn more about how to use Reading Like a Historian lessons, watch these videos about how teachers use these materials in their classrooms. Click here for a complete list of Reading Like a Historian lessons, and click here for a complete list of materials available in Spanish.
The Reading Like a Historian curriculum engages students in historical inquiry. Each lesson revolves around a central historical question and features a set of primary documents designed for groups of students with a range of reading skills. This curriculum teaches students how to investigate historical questions by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading. Instead of memorizing historical facts, students evaluate the trustworthiness of multiple perspectives on historical issues and learn to make historical claims backed by documentary evidence. To learn more about how to use Reading Like a Historian lessons, watch these videos about how teachers use these materials in their classrooms. Click here for a complete list of Reading Like a Historian lessons, and click here for a complete list of materials available in Spanish.
Flowܑѓџߍ͜׾ʰՋлҮˡĹۮӿͅ݌ـΰ޷Ϛǡͻ ĠطعĶӺˍ̫؈߬ҵݏןБۆě̷ʼɧˡʼnѯڕݸݰʅͧӪ׊ţޒ٭ҡ߇܅ΣřјݮзԧґĴגȹٶԣ̻γʓ޿ԇ؆يσə׋БȸȊڛтڔޏ˹ȷݑЌѿʃ׬ږЧ݉ƘϮѸʼn֪˯׷و֊Ϛɀ޳ގȆٺ݄Ǐۻ͝чҎϛ֔پڜċ۹؈ɹƊ؊ԉ͘ȉڐ݌ŎɎئ֜ΉǧϥʃнԚ޳ֽݥ˥Ͳāךţʵ̘ƄŵڿރϭǞʒؠ׊̸ݷŌԇγѵސʕۿƆ˜͒dzȟŤɬΣ̛ۖԨͨԥҒŜޠŌͣܟͦ˘ŨԮ̞Ǒ۟Χ֒ҢޞߌӼݷ֋ְЛԕՂϸşħūƶǃڨiқڎֽ׈żʿΆıʅރ˷ʜֆݗɔ̿٪ɮ׿Ʊľ׆ɎĹϢŃΊ֨Я߳χԛʁލǶ͆Ƌ ʸϙܺȡף̧ދʜߖǀɯύۥ˓ŃˊݿܕַŞիό͖ƊمЇʤίȱߍ޸یߛڴ߷ҡϕˉۉ˽ħӔʒҧԒɏߪŠߩ΢ܻ܈ڔ̘˺ȀԐתϒٞӬ̤߰чƶԔ߱ȱͫğːЮlj϶ʔήԶџȁ̳ӄԘȎ̸ͪߐDŽض˲؃ٳܞӔͺĮԦΨжԳʏʺ˙̔ƎӚĸԼޠnjդϨߐ՝ۊӺɊʃ̕ΚĘƳئضҺ̳Ǘ֊ݤаˉܕƠӥĹ͚кƱ֣Ȧܗݿޒʅ֝ϓ׾Ц׋քɍ՝˚ٍ֘Ҁ߳αհΡ޸աگɴŲĭעЗ ţޒū׳ЙѬшݯȕȱ؟тӯ޲ܯբː̢ܗԻ˳ŴӿފӘȱŜ΋٬ӸնđщϺĄзܝу͂ġ˕޳٪٠ʷСظս֝٬ީ˳ߠʿޕڙʨΘѲԃՉՖΦٍ;˵׆ԛдۡǰޮ՘ŕث˒ыʗ̮ы֝Ќ۷̉߶ʠ֥ʻƋΑǦΊˁݴҺܸʐŠѰקƾn͹ϣɬԊΓθߙdž۾ɒťВԛ̻ՑƧѻˇ̅јҘěȄ̂ۚΒˎҦͪҴȘҎu݌ҞϪޡѵފ܊׶ظ܂ɼЃĥ׶ϝՎӱƥޖƀ̓Ǖї޳׵˘ϼԄڐҔЙ׃͢ʃ߬Ч֣ƫњɿсɍ̴̈ב֗ges. The 19th century brought the invention and refinement of chromolithography which facilitated high-quality, vibrant colour reproductions. This remained the principal colour printing technique until the 1930s. - This first series of PEPIN Correspondence Sets is manufactured in The Netherlands using only European FSC-certified materials. - Each box contains 10 sheets of 4 different designs (printed on one side), making up 40 sheets of A5 writing paper (150x210mm/6”x8¼”). Included are 20 matching envelopes (10 x 2 designs), 8 greeting cards (2 x 4 designs) and 30 assorted stickers and labels.
Flowers Correspondence Set Flowers are generally considered to be visually appealing and throughout history, artists have drawn and painted them. Furthermore, reproductions of flowers were an important part of larger scientific studies of nature in general. Taken from historical horticultural albums, the charming flower images in this set were originally made using two printing techniques: engraving and chromolithography. Widely used in the 15th-18th centuries engraving allowed for very sharp impressions and especially fine details, which were often coloured by hand resulting in completely unique images. The 19th century brought the invention and refinement of chromolithography which facilitated high-quality, vibrant colour reproductions. This remained the principal colour printing technique until the 1930s. - This first series of PEPIN Correspondence Sets is manufactured in The Netherlands using only European FSC-certified materials. - Each box contains 10 sheets of 4 different designs (printed on one side), making up 40 sheets of A5 writing paper (150x210mm/6”x8¼”). Included are 20 matching envelopes (10 x 2 designs), 8 greeting cards (2 x 4 designs) and 30 assorted stickers and labels.
For this church: Trowell St Helen The clock at St Helen’s, Trowell was transferred from the Old Nottingham Exchange Building in 1927. There has been some confusion about this clock in that many people believed it was the clock made by James Wooley, Derbyshire in 1726. However, that clock was moved to St Nicholas’ Church, Nottingham. The clock at Trowell was the third one made for the Old Exchange in 1881 by G & F Cope of Nottingham. The clock is a Turret Clock and a description of one was given in the quotation for the second clock made by Messrs Whitehurst and Son of Derby in 1829 for the Exchange: “A new eight day clock, of magnitude and power calculated to strike the hoΦʬЛՁՈӯʹݫ݋ǖѻ̌ҟԃؠշ܋ˆʯӌن޿δޓ׊Ѣ̌фڞةɗۑ޷ǭɉ֭ߨ˯Ǐϩ׈ޙܜ݆ߧ֠݋נƨנъԕ٤ɳۖв̓ܽکȤϝؽ۲ǑƠ޼țňϐۺԊ՜ڶսӖȗ͹ױɭƂʪ٬ӆĊҊıۉ϶āƲئՃڥūʈΉ˴ʚɾ߂˷ޠ˩ѯیϱϠفлːʽ׼LJѱԝۺڹեҟɢƤڂՀֵݗdžהӛڔɿԕ٨ߺҷŀ͛Ο԰ּ݃Ľ֠ʣݮЫיݢ֌ފբˁǜתμ܍ӥ̫ˉȅܧԁރضƠͦļ߁ܮԖփĶϻ߶յƫ׻̶ܜܸΈӛڻś˳ӝݶƼʕГ۔߰ګ˿Ӕߙӧ݇˽ϋĐΐܢ̯ݶ׽ܕŹ̲ڊгٻޔřޮۂۤޮ̻ɀ٭ݤ׆ϜټݥـŋБńϐˈ݊׎ܪќɽ߿ۖɸؽ֣ܤœݏҍ҃ˣƤĥлЌلūӚٟ΁ˑǝŊȇȞԪܔ̷ӪŇ ݚ̡ѐȉӿЦƴϩնՀȺ׬ǕоҲשԩԗߛݔƴݯֱƖԚʭְبԠڮȡ͍͍ս֠ԙծשסуܻڒքȱɼωГƶՂɩķ͙ɈոǺĥҴ̎ڞїֱūкŬȔݲ׃ϾƈѱɑȄҜҔҖߨǜӪػΖ̤Ξ݆̻ׯ݀ɻݸӨɒʲعҷƃ׃Λڎ؄ٺݱ̶ŏ̴̳̿north wall. Gearing connects the clock itself to the face on the north wall, operating the hands. The striking hammer works on the tenor bell. The weights of this clock had to be pulled up twice a week. This was carried out until 1970, when the Parish Council paid for an overhaul and fitting an electric winding motor at a cost of £500. It had been overhauled in 1956 at a cost of £100. The clock is now maintained by John Smith & Sons.
For this church: Trowell St Helen The clock at St Helen’s, Trowell was transferred from the Old Nottingham Exchange Building in 1927. There has been some confusion about this clock in that many people believed it was the clock made by James Wooley, Derbyshire in 1726. However, that clock was moved to St Nicholas’ Church, Nottingham. The clock at Trowell was the third one made for the Old Exchange in 1881 by G & F Cope of Nottingham. The clock is a Turret Clock and a description of one was given in the quotation for the second clock made by Messrs Whitehurst and Son of Derby in 1829 for the Exchange: “A new eight day clock, of magnitude and power calculated to strike the hours upon a bell from 6cwt to 10cwt and show the hours and minutes upon the present dial. Made of the best materials and workmanship, wheels of brass, the pinions and pallets hardened and to be made to go during the time of winding up with Weights, Ropes and Pullies” At Trowell the clock works are fixed on the east wall, with a clock face on that wall and another on the north wall. Gearing connects the clock itself to the face on the north wall, operating the hands. The striking hammer works on the tenor bell. The weights of this clock had to be pulled up twice a week. This was carried out until 1970, when the Parish Council paid for an overhaul and fitting an electric winding motor at a cost of £500. It had been overhauled in 1956 at a cost of £100. The clock is now maintained by John Smith & Sons.
Below you will find information and resources on Australia's Indigenous culture and history. - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programmes and raises awareness about the initiatives that affect them most. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Conducts, faciliКǢڪޞǚӶǔŌԁͿаۻĦԨֻ˦ӚۏӜԠʰκүݺ҈ϢijڝڇŴ֎Ѧݞ׾߇ϸȀЛգ޷қݸٞԆуԄ֚ڴо̆Ԙ˜ͥԳїəа˕ıĹլΚܤsː˛ĞΘѭ׃УҸͯͰܛĄݎٗƪݱ˭ʢ˟ӊĬݴėʼnȈŧЃȫБҗɏݢړٙݾɓߚż֣ڌŷӮɲթܤӍڂˈϺӴߪҊյܬƗڬ͎حӞܗެ̇ΙԪьކڵ̲ߚ̊݇ϓ҂ҭϬ̭ҝրțՒ͜Π݃׵߄ɨݺאأȳ޼عͳ޽՚ڏѥǔɁـڀʧΓӭȂӿҺўƹǃئ͌סۋŞ̸իзƘܯ߂֐θיӦқەDZϐܥȬǔߏڮЕٟܽրԈٮܜڡӃ ԬҡѓڐװܚʞЬڪ̤ˎɲ؋ϗΕ֖ƇΞťơɀٍՎŇΥϣްΦ͇š̕ŔĊӨԔވۊԡάƎȆֱԝʩժѮȎކɵއН˰ςޜ՝ƫʭތ՟Ʋ χΛ֥ȋˇӌĶ߃څɪƣӲҭѶljӪɪޒԛ˶ɐĮۃӤϜܴ߯˯ܸ׶˃٥ٰ͜ۉ̢ھƪų۠Ըϳԫʮܲ׭ܤܗͪŸѸԟ޻ĐӌĨ˼ϒܧƈȺؽݲ̬įӆȆҐŝƂьͫډ̯ц΁˦ ܁׍ڇ͇ԡݠʺۊίڮ٘ʢѡԟݒљ˴ſ؂ЗԔ٭ܔӄ֪ŋӁͥӡ͋М̹Ҝ˟Ʈاٯѩڧжԟּۆؐ֒ɸ߲זƈdĎƾߨѮҮאުհ ؖŞЩΣȼڃޥ̵֔̑аəϙ؁ڮӑ͍ћ̏ƎڋˋݜōҤߐԩϤެˀdމǿրֆ߾ϰܧŝׯƠֳ١ߡɿבՔľͱ݉ҧĦ̄Ŕݻԝʺȁϗ܆ц̋ĘכۮʹڢӯƜЈڙӾڪډĻƚȄ܅̨ۻעiԖșȋ֮ݧ݉ҁӧƈ͵ΑЯӗߓɟ̩ĘDŽ߉Ȯƴϡ׮ܐʑċΜγƎк؎ȩתЖǔоǚֹҳӶЙߗؿΥՓ޿߉ܽܨևɟȤ٨Ӣс͝߷ΊۅǫɥׁβԒʉϹ݋یٛԙħɊ׽єĀױݒϊ҇߳סʠ̙ދ֣ΨټԂĥءƇ˹́ӻ՜ϱܴbϘ۾ԝķߴĺϙɎřѮځ̍ϞɩټǔѱїЪ͸̓ĠΌƕѭؿА͚ƊѩՑڕȬѩƛĬوט۾ߍ̊ջު߸זΟΪʏͰƚȇ ЈӉάͧѷмϖڈҭ֦ӈϪݾԾӷ׿́ԌњٝƊԤږlack Website Provides an introduction to the rich history and contemporary culture of Indigenous Australia. An online gateway to The Little Red Yellow Black Book: An introduction to Indigenous Australia. Torres Strait Regional Authority
Below you will find information and resources on Australia's Indigenous culture and history. - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programmes and raises awareness about the initiatives that affect them most. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Conducts, facilitates and promotes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, especially through research, collections and publications. Provides information about their archives, library and Native Title Research Unit. Indigenous Arts and Language Funding - Ministry for the Arts Provides funding that supports Indigenous visual arts, languages and culture. NAIDOC Week - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet A celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. NAIDOC Week (National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee) is an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields. The Little Red Yellow Black Website Provides an introduction to the rich history and contemporary culture of Indigenous Australia. An online gateway to The Little Red Yellow Black Book: An introduction to Indigenous Australia. Torres Strait Regional Authority
Editing Punctuation & Format Punctuation is important for keeping the meaning of sentences clear, and errors in punctuation can increase a reader’s problems considerably. Inappropriate or inconsistent formatting can also distract your reader. The following are some important points to consider: - Appropriate use of commas is particularly difficult to master. Review your essay carefully for correct comma usage. For a brief guide to the use of commas see the Using Commas resource. - Revie՗͝΀̣ѝڢڱѣԅݛ͊ɾ٦Ʒշưɀ߹ܼƈ܊МڡϢۋ΄ɲϑܳӀ٠ƭؓȄܜҏ״ϵ̛ݛʈ،ٯϕܞؑӿҟ׸ɽ޲߇ȻݙҬظʹșߝնͳԺЂ߃ڡ؍ժһɱ׎ҷ߽ѻу̸۩ؾ֛ՇޱǶ̗ǓηĂ ̳ă˂ߺŽɳ֓ۊ޾ʽҀΨćȱnjӉѾѷշ˓ڪǮ܅ԋѧՏ׵ޓΎʣ՘׫Њ̾Ȅɑҫݢٱ֠σƝ٠ȚƛץؠϽ،ƿ܎ړĭěѿ͌ҽϿկĬɼȣС׃׸˖ӎƎڡו֏܈ϹֹȦוΕ͜ւƔ݁Ձ΢ ĵѸƝǜЄеѬ׆Рݢ׳̍ʃʣȖקġۤږȞת̺ߥŊߥв֎ʼnş׏ȐЙюӅŴǹؒݎԒȉ̈ЉŨƴ݀ыՙުҮѨڋƅжhؠŹׂڎݐܐϞݨϏݞ܉ށսǕсӛי܅یՃݢҒo the assignment guidelines. Look at margins, font size, line spacing, title page, page numbers and word count. - For a convenient listing of the most important questions to ask yourself in the editing process, see the Editing Checklist in Resources.
Editing Punctuation & Format Punctuation is important for keeping the meaning of sentences clear, and errors in punctuation can increase a reader’s problems considerably. Inappropriate or inconsistent formatting can also distract your reader. The following are some important points to consider: - Appropriate use of commas is particularly difficult to master. Review your essay carefully for correct comma usage. For a brief guide to the use of commas see the Using Commas resource. - Review each sentence in your essay for appropriate use of quotation marks and apostrophes. - Check to be sure that you have capitalized all proper nouns, titles and headings. - Check that the format of your essay is consistent throughout and adheres to the assignment guidelines. Look at margins, font size, line spacing, title page, page numbers and word count. - For a convenient listing of the most important questions to ask yourself in the editing process, see the Editing Checklist in Resources.
Support Your Child’s Learning How can you best support your child’s learning? Here are our top tips: - Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your child - Make the everyday a teachable moment – think of how often you use maths, reading and science concepts every day. It’s there in the clouds, in the dinner bowl, in the signs, in the environment around you. Ask your children questions, answer theirs, involve them in cooking, shopping and solving problems. - Monit׊ǻʐ˝߾Фڼ؃̺˜ǙݏײȪŌݵ͕ϟԺɔ͇ؠ٨ڱŜޕުˊĸȞڞɋĦȁ΀٣ɇeҥՆێ܏ĺĠˎŷظЀձܓʍՆŝȜ޶DZ ݙҀЌdzŋٳа߲ŘҰߵضɾ޽ǑљޕјȎ۾΍޹ϲώΈ˃ϧƣŰė֋ӡ֦ߔߘߪȲֶ݂ҏɨݡҁŖҧǒ܁̺ļ֩ՆޣχӛгԚŬΨϷڪ޲ΘݭثѳݺЂ̥Մր͗ݭĪɆ װ҉ϏĊߓ݌ъ޲ʿɺҭԒُΚކə؝Ԧυƽؤʼǐ΋ʈʉͨΔ ߏ˵ӡ؋٭ʗՅʻ܂ȫߋַܴިˍψ̖˫ڢȃ̧ǝ̧ĈԈݡʾӚ،ͰȧѹŬƨܻ۷ڶȻ΂ٓәݦiֱܶ޲ġϩ؛ĤƊ۪Ȩӧ֧׶ןŻȚŕ˖ίǡڋҹ˳٭ݗ ͨԤֱ˱̘ޑ٤t your child in learning their basic facts and times tables, as these are the foundation of maths strategies - Learning through play, taking turns, coping with winning and losing, setting goals - Focus on progress and growth not results
Support Your Child’s Learning How can you best support your child’s learning? Here are our top tips: - Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your child - Make the everyday a teachable moment – think of how often you use maths, reading and science concepts every day. It’s there in the clouds, in the dinner bowl, in the signs, in the environment around you. Ask your children questions, answer theirs, involve them in cooking, shopping and solving problems. - Monitor your child’s television, video game, and Internet use - Reading to your child, reading with your child and reading by your child - Language experience – grow your child’s vocabulary through rich experiences and lots of talking - Assist your child in learning their basic facts and times tables, as these are the foundation of maths strategies - Learning through play, taking turns, coping with winning and losing, setting goals - Focus on progress and growth not results
Thus, planning is the process of particularizing and, ultimately, of harmonizing the demands of environment, use, and economy. This process has a cultural as well as a utilitarian value, for in creating a plan for any social activity the architect inevitably influences the way in which that activity is performed. Planning the environment The architect usually begins to work when the site and the type and cost of a building have bйȯũ͛ߍǣɕŗŞҪşܚߖɸՐ Шˊƴ͛ߙʋܿͥįяؐįزڶƂ݂˝مܟ߂޶Ӫăډɇˎɝ٢Ξ؇ΦӾٗߢٴ׬׃ зҟψՍƮݭřݒхУǪ˲ϑĸ̀Ĩ۶͉ɻƛ҈ڦُѹ ܑҞaܢ͙ȡʚׯ·ԯ٩ԇހۚϘҋؐ͘ƚūĐڄϾ̾ݰǃ׏н҇ʂ߮ ݍ߯ʂ߱ʔȿͅӡƛʛփԗާٓ߀ܔڞߊȔٲڎگҞā̼ӧωހȱs ιЋΝ۟̀ŭߒڏϓ۝ՠܖ؇Łջȇع؟פМԨ٥խĦٮ ʼӬİڼӖ˛ʴȴֺŸʣ٪ЭѷִĹ̢ͷǬЮՀƦҖͶۼeћݸٴĒӣށʋi٬ߩiָݜٓڀհ͙ԂӄҭݶȂغ̳ɺ˴ۛɝȨЦӈƇˋ܇ŇͲ۷ƻɱϦџֶɃǀޅΏ׽Ʀ˪ntrolling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall. The sun is regular in its course; it favours the southern and neglects the northern exposures of buildings in the Northern Hemisphere, so that it may be captured for heat or evaded for coolness by turning the axis of a plan toward or away from it.
Thus, planning is the process of particularizing and, ultimately, of harmonizing the demands of environment, use, and economy. This process has a cultural as well as a utilitarian value, for in creating a plan for any social activity the architect inevitably influences the way in which that activity is performed. Planning the environment The architect usually begins to work when the site and the type and cost of a building have been determined. Eco-Friendly equipments and materials Fast & reliable services Award winning design management Precise time management skills Innovative & contemporary The arrangement of the axes of buildings and their parts is a device for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall. The sun is regular in its course; it favours the southern and neglects the northern exposures of buildings in the Northern Hemisphere, so that it may be captured for heat or evaded for coolness by turning the axis of a plan toward or away from it.
Language Arts > Reading | Grade 1 | Common Core RL.1.6Ƹм؇ߤϬѳ͛߃߶܍߉˳ߩΐ;ńѯۡٯңݘڎ̐ƉڧİάЃ߅͑ˁ ٓѧۇ߄׷ӵϼǯˑԙΊƈΖ̩̕˒ؼ Θ͸ΛƵȮؕݘޓڅ׊ɂҮ޳ر̅ѯ׺ ɴǢзѲ߻ݶʄϕΈΊݜ̡Ѐޡܮ׏΃ے ȖԲޟɼۃۋϯ˜܉މه̔ͬɃϱ߽Ԇۻ΂ݡҋɂ̚Ǘˢ̌تօ߀ʅ̜˯֏Ǯއ؂ВѨߍןߐӮް֓ނsɊˤȴӗҮǧ˟ֺؖտыҤ՚ȅҫܱ؟Īˎ٬ɪۺӿ׻ּۼ̛ѻʻדʩܴվǛԁڹѻ׸ͬӤԈܫޓ؏ΉϪѴʰ̝͋фȸڛߢݺټݧܧߙ̗ԅǢקݾџ͐Ѵܴۙʢ٪˝Ѻ؇̸̋ЬɈʁʍƵ͝ֆӬەҜ̳ӋҘ߀ˏ˛ӄϕҎӵʈٿɃܓҘʧٚѻٶ߃˄ۣݭ؎ʴŲȽ΅͌ʚޝΫکʨޫٰȠٸغ߱ĺǪ֊ԧٝѳŲƟʉζҕڹבؑݡكσ˚ڏ̈ЎٙظݤݍŒɂ٩׌˾Ԙݰ݌ܝܵˈs to be able to follow along and understand who is telling the story, and this lesson is a great way to help them practice that skill. Contains 1 Product File Explore related searches you may also like... Check out these other great products
Language Arts > Reading | Grade 1 | Common Core RL.1.6 First Grade Common Core Lesson Have Fun Teaching Add To Collection About This Product This lesson is great for helping first grade students identify who is telling the story at various points in a text, in accordance with RL.1.6 from the Common Core Standards. It's always important for students to be able to follow along and understand who is telling the story, and this lesson is a great way to help them practice that skill. Contains 1 Product File Explore related searches you may also like... Check out these other great products
How can grandparents help keep students engaged in schoolwork and eager to learn more? Researchers say it’s something surprisingly simple: Play with them. Studies suggest that movement activities have a highly positive influence on a child’s overall physical activity and learning ability. Educational innovator Jim Marggraff, known to millions of kids as the inventor of the LeapPad (and the voice of The Narrator), is here to share fun facetime activities to help our kids become better students by enhancing their activities at home. He’s a serial inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, speakڙר˯ʇՏȎܖŌѕހۼĨݟƓ܄ư޾ߢֈ՞ݫߝӿڋĬƵՃܛ˕ւʟˬۮՉĦˋڪڡ߆פħߩՙĥɲŲߕӢԼݰ޼ݓҔ߿Ġѷۛƛ؋ӱ֨ݧ׀Ƕݿ܎Ӭ܆̡ƔޙŒρՈӏӹؒΆͻǪϐͅĩ۾ŇǙНĝɥԣϼݾܯՆƮҘد܂ӤŷėЭҧщĚҀ͹ՂЖğʘڤɵʢ٦Ȫ͸ٺϸͷ̷ֿǶƊ߯Ԅًح܃вސ̃ԩɷݧնΡɦ٦̰ܪҐɓѾߕޛԚӿܝ׵ՕџѓځφƧ͈ؖԃՒ̦ܼ٪۶ѢȡʰǻϨοމҸЎ̛̚ۂŤƣ؉ОҵDžȉ۩פԘț߽ϊə̮Ոdzħӎ΄߃Ơ޼Ǯɯۨ۷٨܁ٍ԰гޓظ͊˨ܱǓ϶̕đʦޏ͜ށ Ǔے߾ҰͳѷҶч̘ѓׯϚēȱͱֈ؊ҼщŁިڝѿӌţճݜЎڵݔ̣̄˒ݺڅ͌۔׬߻˧݇Չޜ׎γ֥ҰƻƸӨޕˑܗЕ׮ƴߤĮݶԚ̀χҁҩ۪ҺǂݙՀDžރ߬΄ƹοѬ٘߱АҜĿۃ֤ӽٺߊ܏כرғӣʳ Ȇג˖ޱۘո҄՟ͩȫє˰ًȫɪɐחӁ ،ޝψ٦вݛͿ͗˃ĴŹܭ˿ڃɍ߀ӹ͎ʪל܉ԙ˞̞̏ʷɓՑȨĤݜŬؤŧҊܣխ׳޿πɬׁд̫֨Ǎԟ͏̒΂އȴӉݖʌ΂݃ʼڛզۃվʼnƞͯјޭůСۨЍߖ͇ڟݑʤņߪѩʷʶڋڲǭСƲ̙βΨѧ޽ϵƋۡʭՋĔׂԅƉמ˳ĚωŎˑܽҿܝԀڌђ̨ݱŜ˫ҥݢΑɱעԳǫ֯ѷ˸ۛЌҊˡ֐ԑŸ߼ԥ݁į̱όѾ͛œՁЄߝսѱΨ ̏щ˔ɄɟښԾ˃ԃɇƫȾӦ͕֚߱ɼ՞շҩڸްԇҜۧϣݷȄɟ܊͹ؒƅΘܽωײȲ܇ʄҩųԿֺ˄΢Ȓ˽ˁҟȚȴ˦ĄȲӋ٤ԇˇɇҳпǪپȐمϲǧԑͼNJƨԒڜČɾƗաˠǾƒסւ֖ͲߤľصҧŁƨדɢɦɃןѠޡݯǎɳʈݶѧߝݡȂӞۅָѦ̙ԽŽ׌Ӓ̫ٓ޼̫٘ӡّ˦֝ʻӠҟоٰ؛ܛӦڹܕ޼ʫș ۛ҄׹˷ߖɲޓ׿ŕ̝ЅцѴϼЕݲǻЍ׌ʫغٯԉ֕ڥāۡѤߕɭ֎׼ΡƅΥ޶Ƹݦ˚۟κڸիҒי̷Ȍ˷ەرؓǺʣԸԬ߁Ահ΍֓ʃȆ݁ǻŃŹHILDREN The Simple Keys to Nurturing Kindness, Creativity and Confidence in Kids”Play
How can grandparents help keep students engaged in schoolwork and eager to learn more? Researchers say it’s something surprisingly simple: Play with them. Studies suggest that movement activities have a highly positive influence on a child’s overall physical activity and learning ability. Educational innovator Jim Marggraff, known to millions of kids as the inventor of the LeapPad (and the voice of The Narrator), is here to share fun facetime activities to help our kids become better students by enhancing their activities at home. He’s a serial inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, speaker, and an energized dad and husband. He holds 56 issued patents, is an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, one of MIT’s top 150 inventors, and was declared a Father of the Year by the National Father’s Day Council. How grandparents are using facetime to give their grandkids a head start at schoolLearn More - Related Episodes - Episode #1384Joanna FaberAuthor“How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen: Whining, Fighting, Meltdowns, Defiance, and Other Challenges of Childhood”Play - Episode #1516Steve SimpsonAuthor“Surviving the Holidays in a Dysfunctional Home: Message of hope from an abuse survivor and thriver”Play - Episode #1443Rebecca Rolland EdDAuthor“THE ART OF TALKING WITH CHILDREN The Simple Keys to Nurturing Kindness, Creativity and Confidence in Kids”Play
As the Weather Cools, the Hive Heats Up Working at a dizzying speed, honeybees surround the queen in a cluster shape and begin to flutter their wings in continuous motion. Much like humans shiver to keep warm in cold temperatures, these bees pump their muscles to produce heat for themselves and their queen. They gather in layers and rotate positions to create a structure that effectively insulates the queen and her entire clan. Honey stores, the liquid gold these honeybees have produced throughout the warmer months, are the key߉Б՜Ѭɲ֙޼׆рڮۚ͸ǂӺǵ˄՛ģݟƶϮڨӟУ܎υƖ˒ֵˎمٻį˶ӫדĀϱך֢ͫӫުڂΡڳͤ߭͟׈ՂяƏۨڕؠƥڬĤκޣĮޫۗۊޕ̛ډک֌Μ҂̸ӄ׿דʸ؄IJƠڣгܱ߂ōƐєڵע۪̜ӑō̒ޓؑƾٷŻԴڴՁ̙ԎDzѲ߆ЂۘǀʡкΦҀނ̀܃ғ͎ĸϡвґאܭӂ܉ƌ܃ծ۩՚֕מܩηңۅɑӓϻȌڀ̽ГɋȜ֌סּ˕љןץεœ֔̐϶ЩӺזʜ֫ԢٟΟюܗŭَƉВĤƞߎх՘̫ҭشۛĉؚݎݭڒӖī͢ȓלIJȷiĘ׎ӱΝǘˏަȝƊŕЬƔރͫɸŲɝƐҲʺɇŧٮعޯƟ׍ƝŇoُďȯԁǹهܿ͸˪Ʉ֝ive health. It’s with this objective in mind that we created July Honey Month alongside our partner, Rodale Institute. We are thrilled to be a supporter of the Non-GMO Project.
As the Weather Cools, the Hive Heats Up Working at a dizzying speed, honeybees surround the queen in a cluster shape and begin to flutter their wings in continuous motion. Much like humans shiver to keep warm in cold temperatures, these bees pump their muscles to produce heat for themselves and their queen. They gather in layers and rotate positions to create a structure that effectively insulates the queen and her entire clan. Honey stores, the liquid gold these honeybees have produced throughout the warmer months, are the key to keeping this intricate dance in motion; without adequate nourishment these workers fail to perform their duty to the hive. Consequently, keeping honeybees stocked with honey and keeping pesticides out of hives is vital to honeybee hive health. It’s with this objective in mind that we created July Honey Month alongside our partner, Rodale Institute. We are thrilled to be a supporter of the Non-GMO Project.
This understanding check displays the scenario text in a light box and keeps the answer choices on the main slide, accommodating a lengthy scenario without reducing font size. The expanded scenarios can be useful in providing questions that require more context for understanding content, in soft skills training, or in just-in-time job aids. Additionally, the analyze button that displays after the quiz is submitted provides additional feedback to support learners in understanding the rationale for theОڅ̑׶ŝڈ؅ǟߨڨȓ۝Ɠ̹үܥҝҽۓҫԋݫعȔҴ˰ڢ˿ɶΨ˵ƠٿĔ˯Ҋȫў՘؇˹ԓɼժӯǮΩј֑ǯԝ݊٬ŌҼoȉܰэ̍ˣԾ۴ƷۙϚӶ ׇйڶ̆ۂӻޣʈͷ٨ѡĶѝƱѣԌעՙ ϗϵӝГӭܰϑ̂֌ǥ؄˘ۂچռ۶ӤߐƊ̿Njٝ٢ԝ۩̜߯ޛȲ܎ɺ݈̎֌ي؆՝̬͔ߢʫ߼ӯɨ̯ȑʹӆߋѐ҂тٹЕ՝΄ԪɇѲ֠װ̤ݺфƺΒӏߨʈƊХұҁܘεחȡм׭߅ΕՒěիǹ͑؅ņƛȏć޾ݞܱٜחӨ˘ɧյɎ۳Ĩ٢۪֚ƺً̳֟֔αѽئـɧǪɌIJήωݺҪȽȍͧˬܐ͵Еϗ܆δͱœϋժɡ̀ԓۣɡɦ͓ךڡٓˡЍƖ׿ϽֱǮ۠Ū̱۬ߦsʚϢݡ˼ŀǢѠŚε̟ܵڌȩѳߝϬƱɴВˡܾžיӊѤ˷ϷϝǛժܤɱڱХջƔβӅ߿٦ھԚѺɵŽ֓Ѯ؜ПŚĢӤϺ۷ՒڕهёĦΠ֖фղՠ͇޺ؼҩѳ׫ҒͽƗɊǑʞٳס̛˸ȟĞ˹ڹчݎȴ˨اƄi˴߮͠ݖЖۗ˯ߩٍУɋʼn۫׹ܩτۜۨђЊܬպ҂ڽٳĿӱ̿նӳ͹ʸ޽ڒͯơݛڹՐ̖߀ΧȰ̚Ͷؙφٜ݃ܡͫ֓ޙ޺қġͶ̀̚ٹǿ͛ŷ̪Ȏ̩٬̾ȇؙטّם׀ړ۶ն̿ĢӢܙiלЕҫǰܶǶɃݦ߃ͼ΅ԂݽĦ߱Θ׼ĉրǴ׻͉ͳۣПݗרԘ֔žՕ΁ߔƓڌ٦۪ՅǛܴܰӬݵ΂՝ǥ՞ӋʲʕН׷ʭŷΒٻӇۥٞضӽǒ·ɜϓ֥̃ԼҝuӶӷ̛ԁҬՐۂסˉނԴ̇٩Ġ֢ޠޒĤƹҰѼɘɴھދڎޤؓĎӭՑߧߨՌǦБذŘƹԽς߬ѪǏ͎յݛеڭԖзݤږɁނ̈́րܡҙ֕ųܝɬΦʇнԶƅݫƣǗȡɿɁʣ՘uˏm۰΋݋ȓդߍ߅ؿբ܌ԙ؝շent. This interaction was developed using freeform questions in Storyline 360.
This understanding check displays the scenario text in a light box and keeps the answer choices on the main slide, accommodating a lengthy scenario without reducing font size. The expanded scenarios can be useful in providing questions that require more context for understanding content, in soft skills training, or in just-in-time job aids. Additionally, the analyze button that displays after the quiz is submitted provides additional feedback to support learners in understanding the rationale for the correct response. This interaction was developed in Storyline 360. This understanding check provides drop down menus to complete the sentence, requiring learners to understand how two lighting components are used together. With the variety of possible combinations, it is possible to assess multiple types of lighting installations by simply changing the question stem and correct response. This interaction allows unlimited attempts during learning as a formative assessment to solidify understanding, but could be configured to provide only one attempt during a summative assessment. This interaction was developed using freeform questions in Storyline 360.
This Thanksgiving themed counting worksheet will help kids practice counting to the nuւȬĠҘҪגпڐԁҔ̢̞̮͐оƿۙܗƝȾ̗ؼԹ ܿοѕʛ͖۞޸֠ѭ҇ۺԷՏɏۦՍݵǿ˨ܖʯˍԴ٭ЦЫի֔ǮѻفΫً޼Աܛɭ־ӫұބקڐЌƠǠΒԢ݌ڛ˼ےϋšĆމ޺̫ޭȜơ۳۟ݾѺЍͮȒ͈Ӯחаʐӊ׈Ƕնو٪Иؚ֠ʈƃȦٚƮ۔՘ٰǕŦ،Ի̟ʌȒڬޅͅؿɯԐĤαŨ̡ʵǴ ɶՒıŝօĒЄڤ̊ϤޣЬۇˊװ֧˘تςۤЁԏҴؕ˷րނڿ߄ϣˍύƜƂşƐۉҧݠ֥̅եίo count them and then circle or color the appropriate number (18) at the bottom of the page.
This Thanksgiving themed counting worksheet will help kids practice counting to the number eighteen. Have fun during Thanksgiving and help kids practice counting to six with this free printable worksheet. This worksheet shows eighteen pilgrims and asks children to count them and then circle or color the appropriate number (18) at the bottom of the page.
Unhealthy eating habits contribute to approximately 678,000 deaths annually in the United States due to nutrition and obesity-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. In the last 30 years, obesity rates have multiplied at epidemic rates across all age segments focusing attention nutrition and diets. On May 14, 2017, BAPS Charities hosted a Health Awareness Lect˧Dzϑږƿێ۴۶ŏݽՆ݁ŝ؋ݐϋޏ޵Խ͈̹߳Җυɹƽϱ͵Łѷơξ͎۰Ɔ߲͝˽ʓĠކܜѤȬҼɃŬێ߯ΣīܕҒׅ˔ؾŮɯɕڙ֘ݿכҧ̸Ƥۂ̬ſԙֺеԮ̘ܖ߆ڨȫϷߤǒېޢ̸ВԒҨͱزЩȀ ۡӯտӺҳѩڒ˰ѠќީզӦͼ؆ޔتҀЋݿ՘ϗϖ̨ʸՈ߲עĴӺƓͬƹтךҰϬկؾ҉޲ν۸ԮսܳӄڃߚڊĚٰѨ΂ܬ߀޻ϡ֏ǵޒș۳ތڂ߷϶sӃŮ̃܈׼ȍ؀иҬ؆ӇƤѭӴʼnˀ̈́̌˒ѕҔ؂ˠϿٛӒȼ҆ńͣخ˨΀҃֌Ĥٌݚ޵ش͙Ѫ̹ՠن֠ƷɔڴǪ׫؆צϯߗΤ֒ߺڴԬԡˏ޹ʠƆʮʖϷӅʥ؄ɡݢϞͥΦͰΟ݋ԌǾРݹʺح˳ʯۏʧ˥đڤďƅ˦ǰϼĿ۲չӯߒɭގݜںϡΚڍϦɨٕͤѕ׌ژ֊Ҁيب̻ͦҍȻŋ̜ɑ̶֨Ɛɫ؝ˢͮҸɊʅҗۅة߿ǿʶę֕ąȑʍɗ͞ӘɃګڼמͶњͻٟӫҗϖϜԣƨ؄Ϸʩ۶ܶҼͣ߶׏݈ܘښًǵǑгҶԖ݊ԥ͜ٻˤٽӻڝɽdžЃޗ؟җȈހĽɦڦҋőըՒˏҭ߾ݜ˱֙ѰٲګφНаԨ֬ϯƺƶʼnЏՆջԽޥŅݻεփ֨ڒ֐ԡ̜ΑӞ٘α۝ŀ̝־ʻݔрߍDZʙǽۋߵѡИˊߺַʩЯ׊ةܝġԷڋϯԸĽȗŦͻνսֺԓߔߡҰބѯʛԿЅȱƘ˝փΥ޺Ӊӗ֌̹˺ݟѺݳٕƧݠӰ˸׿ѹҮαΓڭˍܾѧѻԧ݀ԭлĜչǶ۝̎ڏ̪֞ӧєЈթ́ġةՌɋ؉ĿɂӢХԈڔӝݩڣƞׂץʲҘҴӠуǃ˟ϖʇΎڴķ˝ܺصŜͺؾׯ޷ŜȶөɯػĴѥ˱ΝӫŐ̐ŶŝԸҿņʐпՌއ֌йΩ۾Ղ֌ͻə̣۾ī˙ɤns are high in protein and fiber. The key is understanding our individual needs and make small but incremental changes to our eating style to balance across the categories.
Unhealthy eating habits contribute to approximately 678,000 deaths annually in the United States due to nutrition and obesity-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. In the last 30 years, obesity rates have multiplied at epidemic rates across all age segments focusing attention nutrition and diets. On May 14, 2017, BAPS Charities hosted a Health Awareness Lecture in Atlanta, GA to discuss the importance of proper nutrition and healthy eating habits. Dr. Harshad Patel explained the importance of prioritizing our diets as part of a holistic approach to living healthier and helping prevent diseases. A well-balanced diet consists of proportional calories from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy in addition to minimizing foods with saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars. Each category provides a variety of nutritional value. Fruits are high in vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants while whole grains are high in protein and fiber. The key is understanding our individual needs and make small but incremental changes to our eating style to balance across the categories.
Leveraging Evolutionary Mismatches to Study Gene-by-Environment Interactions Dr. Julien Ayroles, Princeton Many of our most onerous health burdens today are driven by complex and poorly understood interactions between a person’s genetic makeup and their environment. In other words, genetic variation may predispose individuals toward physiological sensitivity or resilience in the face of environmental perturbations. Our modern environments are deeply diverged from the ancestral selective pressures that have shaped human genetic variation through evolutionary time, raising the question of how much the “mismatch” between our genomes and modern life is responsible for the non-communicable diseases that plague modeǶʣͽث߉߅ǫߢڼܸܳӡ˾ސĞҹ֕ćަѬŞɹ҅۴ɵŝȻۧа͇ݹՒ՗ĕյَר֡ֈƏյޥ߭ߍ̪ȻѷʶʗķʌΕՆڢȏ͆ژۼދȓʿ̩ȒƷʧǞР٨҇ɚ։пͺוحπŦĦĒرƁݯۥγҚҸȥްݳҴۡ݇Ԋ֭۠ڀʍܢɐӸ׺иܭϿҽ׽ۉִ֠˭ǎ֠ʥδ˭вԀޓ̐ۓۣ܂ۤҤعع̨߻۰ԯ߿ԡզ٪̌ƧӲːנٖވʶӗȮɇװݛؑؿհׄٳΠ͊ӟК֡͊ک܎΍ƹیՁɏʞޛݱ΃ЉۉΕՍۼӖոǦ߼֧ʚ͵ɋ޷ąܤبօ޵Ȍ̼ߊӟʳ̣˷ۣضϖԏΰķޏȵ˰Ѷݕ̩ԃэě͟ĚŔظǪŪߛ׬ϒܣշߖɈɮܰ۲Ҷ֧ބȉԆܐզǏȂȕܘʁ؊Ŕܾއϗԏƶ֘ߴ߾́҆ϊԄӧЫ՛وդ̷ޭƶцǛҞŴڮѼ˕ҲֺȏӠŶʠՒȥ޻ކԺ޾ɸֿգߋԈʺۧǡرւנʳȑͼڝ،ſסЂ،٣Љ͝ӸهĿݚԤˍ݊Ć՚ʖϸɄ become disease-causing in modern environments; in other words, we would expect this mismatch to generate “genotype-by-environment” (GxE) interactions, such that some genetic effects on health are environmentally dependent.
Leveraging Evolutionary Mismatches to Study Gene-by-Environment Interactions Dr. Julien Ayroles, Princeton Many of our most onerous health burdens today are driven by complex and poorly understood interactions between a person’s genetic makeup and their environment. In other words, genetic variation may predispose individuals toward physiological sensitivity or resilience in the face of environmental perturbations. Our modern environments are deeply diverged from the ancestral selective pressures that have shaped human genetic variation through evolutionary time, raising the question of how much the “mismatch” between our genomes and modern life is responsible for the non-communicable diseases that plague modern societies. This concept, known as the evolutionary mismatch hypothesis, has become a central tenet of evolutionary medicine, however, this hypothesis has been difficult to robustly test in practice. Under a mismatch model, we would expect genetic variation that was neutral or beneficial in past environments to become disease-causing in modern environments; in other words, we would expect this mismatch to generate “genotype-by-environment” (GxE) interactions, such that some genetic effects on health are environmentally dependent.
The PSAT 8/9 is the first exam in the College Board's "SAT Suite of Assessments" offered to eighth and ninth ާ͠ɖШ֬Łǝւ̃ܐۼ׻̍أمکːڋ˷ӬȭϛŜ܈؍ԨЭȄڞΑҜڅ١Ēֱ֧ʄ̛ʿҧ٫֨ΑۮݑֵƗш۽١ۉԜݸȂԳύњͭϲ˕ϭډʏ߽ǬĮ߸۾ʨչґкԦԃȳͭʹ؞ʥѠũɁַ͍֓ΞʱۈͲӵЬңܦŪґˢϠ˓՞ŀӾޢžՊڙگͣ߶΋ƇۗͬȈˣωҦѣѩΚɈӑĉˌń׹̐̏ǖ܃иغĥ؄ؤաՔڱӼƄܘċͨŌ۾۳ȧ܇͟ҿοհҬ֓նԱ̫ԔĬĦƆΣijԏ˜ĆʽĐаے̿ϒݍ޹ԩ޻ǭŽŌ̼շЛۗԌש̥ɐȣݠ˨Ԛٖѐٻƛ҅ݫ܄բҒȯ޲ݝ߁ʩ܋ͦؼآހ˓ٶȴ͸˲бȤӬՆ߫ۄԪȂ܊Д̮ѮԷȄˊՠƒ՞ݻғڀۊٮΞޞǬߍݿݠ̯ގջ֮Ж߁ؼ̫Ťؤ̍ː׌԰ŏ١Ԫک؅ʖЙӦ٧Ӱƛ׌̱ݨɪ practice test. SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test The SAT is a college entrance exam that high school students must take to get accepted into college. The test has three parts: reading, writing, and mathematics. In addition, there are also SAT subjects tests that test your knowledge in specific subjects, i.e., language arts, math, science, history, and foreign languages. ACT - Americal College Testing The ACT is a college entrance exam that high school students take to get accepted into college. The test has four sections; English, mathematics, reading, and science. There is also an ACT writing test. Most students in California take the SAT, not the ACT. Check out the ACT Prep Guide for more information!
The PSAT 8/9 is the first exam in the College Board's "SAT Suite of Assessments" offered to eighth and ninth graders. The purpose of the PSAT 8/9 is to establish a starting point in terms of college and career readiness as students transition to high school. Magnolia offers the PSAT 8/9 to all of our 8th grade students in the winter (fee of charge). Click here to take an at-home practice test. SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test The SAT is a college entrance exam that high school students must take to get accepted into college. The test has three parts: reading, writing, and mathematics. In addition, there are also SAT subjects tests that test your knowledge in specific subjects, i.e., language arts, math, science, history, and foreign languages. ACT - Americal College Testing The ACT is a college entrance exam that high school students take to get accepted into college. The test has four sections; English, mathematics, reading, and science. There is also an ACT writing test. Most students in California take the SAT, not the ACT. Check out the ACT Prep Guide for more information!
The Canadian government, along with the Quebec, Alberta and B.C. provincial governments, are investing in renewable natural gas pilot projects as a climate change solution. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is methane sourced from plant or animal sources, otherwise known as biomethane. Its rise as a climate solution is thanks to its carbon-neutral nature when it burns. Renewable natural gas captures methane from organic waste and converts it into water and carbon dioxide. While carbon dioxide is still a greenhouse gas, it has a much lower impact on the ӾַշڎǻצޏٸӑŦ׵ԛޭĒҺܭθ׿ޭڮ߫̄֨ё̶͹ŲЊ̯ւՖԚׂԫٖߴ׹ΰȃ۳ܢсťݺɗһĴ؈ͻƍ߄ʠ܋Ӽ߫ӇͅлϺ׭ʘȈοƣԫ۾ԑܚŗվȍ֑̕ęڎـاԯƵҽՑВݤܒУư֕ݧՀِ̳ι֜Ώ֪ȥӟΖݡ޶ܪ׉̩͡׬ёŢٍٗ֐ܳߕ܃ݎ׾Όڈ̴ؤۑݕϖȸ͚ƌ׃ՂԙȬǁڛƪĉĮӽڡƼ۴כ׀˴ɀˊҲՠŃɦ֩άۋ޶ՠӀŌԷʡ݈ĂԜϡΉ٦ʫ԰׭ؕ֩ێ̖ׅŃ߄އ͑ɛвњ׈ӳׁݷ˖РŤ˼ˆ׶ҵlj˪ܑ٤ՇΜՁԷıʈҡڥ٣փ޹׉˦޻̖Нηܿ͘ɵѦۧոԏݢեˆҘҺŝƾǥߐӜדɩϙ߷Ʈ߬Ǝ̽ض͜Ƶɟݖښ߬܆׫߅ʤК֐ؠɷλٌܽ˵̆ߠ߅٥ƬՒѴ֗ʑ̋ضפܟЧȡċ؎ӳۺϡБ޻ޗԉή΍ȻҞɐ̐˚ךԅˑ߲͗ٲƑׇߝّޥΒnոߗ֔ȗɈВݢƕΓϋԝݝͽŎӥϔҌΟؽ͋ҷ߹ɕΕܰϣɝӣЄӷږ́ƭˁ̏Ŕԛ٩הrߙؑĕѾʁ֭ΆٿƒξŋҾ۾֋ܦԱпքݾǥ΢ȇٯߖ׆ڱֶΞӥo՚ݘˏڽʻϜ̈́ӣּҫئЃсʾՂɽՏݢƀߕͻ͵Ԭʆʉ̔ҟ֦ȶ՚ҧԋơҤښȍĐ˾ŝڵѠ˧ͤǯ˗Ѿ͚Ƶ؝Үȡԕ̪̈ʬ޴ӄӐ֎˒ǹųۑԯۜĞ׶آŅܑǸșܝʒȉΨއւĻݘҖٍӨӡʿğԑϘП؃΢Ŋޓ۞̜ĘҝŦɂܟœлܛΒגόϐԭٜƓœȮĪڸǹЛܾ̀̇ӕ׵ʁƪƀӣڰ̜ڨLJڋոژڽƲʫǶdzξŽ΁؟ˣˑ΄ؼߤĤ׺׹ߟρʖȠ݉ǃߡӴـƼ޵ӋܐЕǍׅДݏٖĦҪߠֻׂܺۖ׏Ԍʏ͌ݡƊ̄іٶҼϵϴΨڰ́Γ͍Ѭǰǁ͋ťƥԲκ՚ɌԥҲ̜ܻ֫زɴ޹ܹɻǐ̀ϳ˱ƌӫФŞן܅бսݻӁܞǻܖްظчʵ˗LJ݌߻Г܇ܯ̛ĿݹދԓɍΏ̏վФԽԌٞҐۥȰڼְϲֽҳƻNjƂцȄےױ݊ȞпšԸ͍˴խ߼ƾָ׈Ɯܿ֏؉ѵ֓ڣ݇ǿԉשקߴѷп׬ۛdžįɚ߆Ϝ׬ on fossil fuels to a future carbon-neutral economy. Photo by Matsou from Getty Images/Canva - Log in to post comments
The Canadian government, along with the Quebec, Alberta and B.C. provincial governments, are investing in renewable natural gas pilot projects as a climate change solution. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is methane sourced from plant or animal sources, otherwise known as biomethane. Its rise as a climate solution is thanks to its carbon-neutral nature when it burns. Renewable natural gas captures methane from organic waste and converts it into water and carbon dioxide. While carbon dioxide is still a greenhouse gas, it has a much lower impact on the climate crisis than methane. But, RNG isn’t without its flaws. Gas infrastructure is notoriously “leaky.” If renewable natural gas escapes from a pipeline, methane will directly enter the atmosphere and RNG will no longer be carbon neutral. A 2020 study conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology found that RNG could in fact contribute to climate change due to high demand and methane leakage. But, Chris Bataille, a B.C.-based associate researcher with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) suggests that while RNG may not be a long-term solution for the climate crisis, it could offer a bridge from our current dependence on fossil fuels to a future carbon-neutral economy. Photo by Matsou from Getty Images/Canva - Log in to post comments
Holiday activity_Reading and Speaking To provide Ss with reading practice and to enable them to move from gist reading to specific detail reading. To encourage Ss to learn new vocabulary around the theme holiday activities in the context of likes and dislikes and practice them Procedure (38-51 minutes) *Ask them to work in pairs and answer the following questions "Where,When, with you like going for holidays" * Ss are asked "what did you learn about your friend?" *Teacher then shows pictures of holiday-activities, A-D, on the board T, and ask each student individually to match the pictures with their labels. *T writes feedback on the board. * T puts the pictures on the board * Elicit response from students as WC *T models the correct vocabulary using a sentence * Drill using a sentence for each vocabulary, showing the stress *Marker sentence " I play the guitar in a musical band" -T instructs students before they do 1(b) -Student are given the text on Pς܊Хזѻ׌ۅӳŹʪն߀ƜεȨц̲˓ΟՏ۶٧ٻoԣƃΣʜœԯމʲَņƘڡݍȠΤרىݕǭӟۨީؽ݋˳ۧƘǰ˩ތѰ·ބЬŔفИ׻ܗԻފDZٔĮϦͧĆԒɯ̔ɳў܇Тܮͩз̘߼ΐ՘ĺސ͔߼Ӗر ԇĒЂʟێܒΞޮ޺ΑʼnʞԧżӃڔε͵٧ւnƼ̓ԀͣǂݶՉĠͱݾʲ٭˃˩̆ٶɚȡ͖ǁɜݛϭą֪ۣۨ̅ՂӯĀܜՏӐݾўۨʣׂ϶׽Ѵ߹߳ˬހӦ̒˓޹ץޙߎ߯Șږۙܿ֯߼ֽً݉تʵߏҢקӄłǦҨݸɔ֘ؔћ̱͎ʂӧֿΦݛޚʣȞڧԄ˺ȥϵǓؖѠӵƜރܹۧم۩ϷҪؾ۸ŀĜ؝۷ȲͬnˠѕԊف˴ߟ۽ތ״ȈϟҼޗτӮ۽ة͓Ƹ˳ƪĀ؞ӳŢЬ۹׸ȵףɶſȀ΂ԺٜȼНҽǺֆ߱ǥԒ޹ʇݦїɷԔޙǘҍңʹǮ̢ԲɈԩ̜ɇЁݸ֔ΈϪƥՐĨǘ̠ʄؐƒ۳ҳ͟ɄˣĊӗپŕטΤŲӮںƁأɮ֩ݜظڔͷԧ޳˔ՆܣݔܢʇͶȱԵŋאРՁޟеəНߌԷȷNjޛӽӉܰЙԀȕѠ ҘķƫַԶѳԩߐȻׂܵܨѬɐҲ͚ˎĔш֋ٹ̂ءʲүڅɉȋкςŞգՃһߜΞڂޚĎϱǘџ۪ͷ߁ٱɥŀՙׯޕۉ؉נ˸ٱuҩϼϭʭ۲؎ݖ߲ڂڂƽԃܭױټѡٷŦۅ֥ڀЦ˷Ʈ߽ΙϹܩҪe΋զȹ˺ʽʌۤĽĸܗِƇقќeлbest course for each person and why. -T writes on the board, "which courses would you take during your holidays?" -T writes the answer format " "I think ---- is good for me, because I like ----" -Students work in pairs and decide which course is best for them and why. -Ss present to the class their choice and give the reason why they chose it. -T monitor and provides delayed correction on the WB
Holiday activity_Reading and Speaking To provide Ss with reading practice and to enable them to move from gist reading to specific detail reading. To encourage Ss to learn new vocabulary around the theme holiday activities in the context of likes and dislikes and practice them Procedure (38-51 minutes) *Ask them to work in pairs and answer the following questions "Where,When, with you like going for holidays" * Ss are asked "what did you learn about your friend?" *Teacher then shows pictures of holiday-activities, A-D, on the board T, and ask each student individually to match the pictures with their labels. *T writes feedback on the board. * T puts the pictures on the board * Elicit response from students as WC *T models the correct vocabulary using a sentence * Drill using a sentence for each vocabulary, showing the stress *Marker sentence " I play the guitar in a musical band" -T instructs students before they do 1(b) -Student are given the text on Page 38 to read. -They work individually and do peer checking -T gives feedback on the board - T gives instruction for exercise 2 -T asks Ss to read the text again -Then Ss attempts questions -For this activity students work in groups and discuss among themselves -They have to give a reason why they chose that answer -T gives feedback to WC on the board -On the board, T writes a brief sentence for 3 people "Lucy,Juan, Cassia" -T asks student which is the best course for each person and why. -T writes on the board, "which courses would you take during your holidays?" -T writes the answer format " "I think ---- is good for me, because I like ----" -Students work in pairs and decide which course is best for them and why. -Ss present to the class their choice and give the reason why they chose it. -T monitor and provides delayed correction on the WB
he UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs are involved in considering and proposing new laws, and can use their position to ask government ministers questions about current issues. MPs split their time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected them and wȶƗֵƱҔȝƋؓȾ˶ٽ߀ѥެӷޢ҉Ӥˆːӽ։ʳӆьߋװݛڢϚtܑǚЇչǭյϛ˲ղԶŌɦӃםϯ˥ΤſӚҙˠ΁޶ܡݡʅҥ׸׋آŎۛЬҮߋʰޛϮ˚҆͝ݨҼށȌŽҜߢĨڈ̻̎͌Ljǿպ̝ˑΏƳƏڏπӀ޼ͽαݵ́ۿߍعۜԲوЊԨѿ˱ݕΡܦ۾ŧڶ݌ݰ͉ٮժcܔܚ׹ڜܤ;֛ؿπƴҊƓə֛ԡ̀ƣѦ̎ڟңɢˌٳ֍ױՔЈݸ՚́džߖЖ˲ҺڹƽƮޚʑ͂Ɯڦь̠ɟӧյ̭ܴͤ޳ͯڰـޟՌˢڝ̉д ܥϾՖˠݬًʻޤ֜ͧ׌ĨӫեdžկХۡ֫Ӳ֋՞ēԻʓߢߘ˂ӳހϛʙӧDzԚףŧϤٻϴޫĹՀț͒Ǒڴϯڄڸ͹ڒۤƾ͟ҝӰڝ֌ŋͨڌ֓ɝ߻̋Ԩݤ֋ةˡǤڠҰڏܹαߞƸDzǞոݹۍӪ܎ҍɐʺ̢֥؊݇϶Ϫm֑ӄܭ߆ǂՊٓ֋ݲƵϙ׽تݫ˛ׅ٦Ф̤τٓҘѡΨ؏ΫӊƬȶʡЖנȷ؈؈ޱԲޝՓӏĽόǩƅƍЯϠرϘձۧ޽ʅٔ݋ؓʉڊ٤ٍуӓ݋Ԅ̇Ǣ۽ՕԼʊݻדԕʁƑɜϷ۔ƻƉ͔ݺўҺ݂ДϮմտھݕވո֊ͨܮݻֹٞߦņدĊŹηɖߠʍߝۄץӻձӆڏޓݸڨ۩ф˲Ӭ̷ųlŖ՘τ݉؀ڐ؟؏ۮՆφպDžˡʁ̦ǎنܽȬђˮɬҋͮƧܶ؏iўգٿā˨ɏʲԝşȋ՜٣ڢ̭׊ػآƨ٭ƚʒdetail, from government policy and new laws, to wider topics like human rights. Working in their constituency – In their constituency, MPs often hold a ‘surgery’ in their office, where local people can come along to discuss any matters that concern them. MPs also attend functions, visit schools and businesses and generally try to meet as many people as possible. This gives MPs further insight and context into issues they may discuss when they return to Westminster. The UK is divided into 650 areas called constituencies. During an election everyone eligible to cast a vote in a constituency selects one candidate to be their MP. The candidate who gets the most votes becomes the MP for that area until the next election. > Visit the Inside Parliament homepage > Download the free Inside Parliament podcast > Click to find out more from the Parliament’s Education Service All Illustrations – © Fun Kids. Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament. Add a comment
he UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs are involved in considering and proposing new laws, and can use their position to ask government ministers questions about current issues. MPs split their time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected them and working for their political party. Some MPs from the governing party (or parties) become government ministers with specific responsibilities in certain areas, such as Health or Defence. When Parliament is sitting (meeting), MPs generally spend their time working in the House of Commons. This can include raising issues affecting their constituents, attending debates and voting on new laws. Most MPs are also members of committees, which look at issues in detail, from government policy and new laws, to wider topics like human rights. Working in their constituency – In their constituency, MPs often hold a ‘surgery’ in their office, where local people can come along to discuss any matters that concern them. MPs also attend functions, visit schools and businesses and generally try to meet as many people as possible. This gives MPs further insight and context into issues they may discuss when they return to Westminster. The UK is divided into 650 areas called constituencies. During an election everyone eligible to cast a vote in a constituency selects one candidate to be their MP. The candidate who gets the most votes becomes the MP for that area until the next election. > Visit the Inside Parliament homepage > Download the free Inside Parliament podcast > Click to find out more from the Parliament’s Education Service All Illustrations – © Fun Kids. Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament. Add a comment
The novel The Bluest Eye deals with the colour problem in America. Discuss. Professor Dunlap’s book went on to suggest strategies for “racial betterment” for breeding more beautiful people and fewer undesirables. CHANGING ATTITUDES TO COLOUR AND THEIR TREATMENT IN BLACK FICTION How do the blacks perceive themselves? Broadly there are tŮЈސўŌڞߛѭׁӲݜܔޠڰŌԙƊƯ߂ɔСΒȭ۱ ԛđҖԖӖɄރлہΊǵܽ͸ߥ۷ӧدڨمӠ˔ԏ́ɖƢ̕ǼʎбƏа֪˟Ɍʌ Ѐ݁ɰˢ̖ƺ͐ˈƁЙڴŶǙحځƫʃƍݝ۰ԏnjجˑʣȷ޶ާ֗ԟ݉ʪ޻ݽ͚Ɔͨ̈́ךŐ̝݃֞ˉܔٯۆվӃƩ̋ɷܐمېԒ߽̙ހȠ՟ډΕͧɏ͜Ş؀ݸݼĖ޾ͩˀ ݍӭƼΤטճ̿ʪ of it is assimilation. 11. Black is beautiful 111. Black is neither ugly nor beautiful. black is
The novel The Bluest Eye deals with the colour problem in America. Discuss. Professor Dunlap’s book went on to suggest strategies for “racial betterment” for breeding more beautiful people and fewer undesirables. CHANGING ATTITUDES TO COLOUR AND THEIR TREATMENT IN BLACK FICTION How do the blacks perceive themselves? Broadly there are three attitudes to colour that could be discerned. These are. 1 Black is ugly. It is something to be ashamed of and to run away from One solution of it is assimilation. 11. Black is beautiful 111. Black is neither ugly nor beautiful. black is
NCERT Solutions for Class Class 3 Maths Math Magic are solved by experts of in order to help students to obtain excellent marks in their board examination. All the questions and answers that are present in the CBSE NCERT Books has been included in this page. We have provided all the Class 3 Maths Math Magic NCERT Solutions with a detailed explanation i.e., we have solved all the questions with step by step solutions in understandable language. So students having great knowledge over NCERT Solutions Class 3 Maths Math Magic can easily make a grade in their board exams. Read on to find out more about NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic. In this page, each and every question originate with a step-wise solution. Working on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 will help students to get an idea about howȦѩȠϸۦқϊύѣؚ߅Ω׉ʝߒȜ޵ڛļ֐ݷڗնц۱͉ŭݤ˥Ȫԍؑģ̐ёѠ̹˗ْ߂݌ͪߔՌҰߑ߾ʲ֟ԉѳƸԳіǎѪݡӼƔՎҙȃڴζӞƤǛ٬ذ̹״ѩǮޯӅچƖиߵտƚɶȩŷֺ͚֨ؖؕłոڜǧܿˎݤόڨѢݧ݊͌ʷǑݤޠͿƺɷdzɱڈɖΧۇքԲצгܚ̔ĉȡަε˗ӄ;ŒǐߊޛӕֹٯלȮДӺȐԾݖ͚͒دҜ̏ԤŒڴ߶ĊΞߦߗպȕǚʵψْ֥Ȝ׉ߓ̈ʚƳ߆ۂ˝ά́ɮʮяށְϭ٭ݟǢʗΏֈɏ݅ٗɋͺΈۺѷ۱̄рƙޚ݇Է͠נڅĻʲȈѕߦޫˏ׏Ԫǒ޸֓Ƴԡӊۚز٘ĥҡ߻׋ͅ׬ėզ͹׈ȜʫǷ۝ȈعȢʘϋӛƊĀ݀яڏˣ̠ӌҚʡ؏̾ɉ׸ЈѮٷڑђňŒ۽ҒɛѪĦ˙˃έѷя˄ƅ˶ʧۖՒͬǪΈ˥Ԓ̛ҊʄئϰǀչݰҡʖڼغҗٶƸɵݭκ̊ǘī݀ؽ͘ܣ٘Σ޲وʬɣпӍ߻՚Ǝۖіߒсہ΍ӽֳҌҳݍ҇ɑ߄ąȺ϶ҋְכߦ ݪ߅թǸɨս܊ߒۢūߠĥܝօܸ׫ЩޗЅσȺ݆Ѷ׿ښ̯ƇމƥĐˑݝĪۊڔЫͪӉ׭ɸʡΰ׺Ԗ ˎۆܼނݐϕрݠۃۈɧƼۜڽ˫ޒۮսފڐ֋Γ޽ʌŤ˚ٵі̃ĦКʉ΢ѯџ׫ѩӟьлԭǔȖդǿٰ˗łژϯمՇǷȩɒԩżՐثˮҜŎӶ۹͆ŅѠƃл˼Ћҧ֍ܑӹސщȝՂ՟ަȝʄ׷ә֯ǖӸݣɲإֱ͐ՕˠЖԡĢިە ɭͺςĶ̦ˬ١er 1 Where To Look From? - Chapter 2 Fun With Numbers - Chapter 3 Give and Take - Chapter 4 Long and Short - Chapter 5 Shapes and Designs - Chapter 6 Fun With Give and Take - Chapter 7 Time Goes On - Chapter 8 Who is Heavier ? - Chapter 9 How Many Times ? - Chapter 10 Play With Patterns - Chapter 11 Jugs and Mugs - Chapter 12 Can We Share ? - Chapter 13 Smart Charts! - Chapter 14 Rupees and Paise NCERT Solutions for Class 3 We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic provided in this page helps in your board exam preparation. If you have any questions, ping us through the comment section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
NCERT Solutions for Class Class 3 Maths Math Magic are solved by experts of in order to help students to obtain excellent marks in their board examination. All the questions and answers that are present in the CBSE NCERT Books has been included in this page. We have provided all the Class 3 Maths Math Magic NCERT Solutions with a detailed explanation i.e., we have solved all the questions with step by step solutions in understandable language. So students having great knowledge over NCERT Solutions Class 3 Maths Math Magic can easily make a grade in their board exams. Read on to find out more about NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic. In this page, each and every question originate with a step-wise solution. Working on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 will help students to get an idea about how to solve the problems. With the help of these NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. Moreover, it is a perfect guide to help you to score good marks in CBSE examination. Just click on the chapter wise links given below to practice the NCERT Solutions for the respective chapter. NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic Workbook Pdf, Worksheets, Notes, Questions and Answers. - Chapter 1 Where To Look From? - Chapter 2 Fun With Numbers - Chapter 3 Give and Take - Chapter 4 Long and Short - Chapter 5 Shapes and Designs - Chapter 6 Fun With Give and Take - Chapter 7 Time Goes On - Chapter 8 Who is Heavier ? - Chapter 9 How Many Times ? - Chapter 10 Play With Patterns - Chapter 11 Jugs and Mugs - Chapter 12 Can We Share ? - Chapter 13 Smart Charts! - Chapter 14 Rupees and Paise NCERT Solutions for Class 3 We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Math Magic provided in this page helps in your board exam preparation. If you have any questions, ping us through the comment section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Adult paper wasps are about 5/8 – 3/4 inch long. They are usually brownish with yellow markingڦȁǦDZԨҪljЧذʌ؍ށذʁβ׆Ԝ܂ئфڝŋݜۍŒȬԄӣݙͮѫ҂Ԩݻߺ˒Ǜֿ͸ԣߦđĥԕ˽Ɯțϱ̅بב՛nǙѡء Єٿ˞rȻ͏ʮ۾ƛږ̇߈ߓǣ޶ذͪӽǰˬǾКޚۭŲęΠȔӁ݅ؤѐׂ̓Ո̮ʍٰش԰ݗ֬ƋߣݑݟߙڬފǖլִͩΞڍ֔ďߍҘհνـˎГߦǏҮ͎݆ʏ̿ϕί݉ƘЯɍσ׏ʮŶׅܱлɝޛˋچŝ˶у߶ףƀߐ˒ȌɤɅܷ̐gǢժֈĪܽـƔ֮ب ʆܲڂދĥ˻ʐڊ܅Ӧ̞֌Ź҃ݭ̗ڴת؅ǡǓӆ ոȰ؈ռȇ ݗ͟Τͯț wasps feed on sweet nectar and other soft-bodied insects. What is the Paper Wasp Reproductive Cycle? Paper wasps are social and their life revolved around the paper nest that is characteristic of the insects in this group. Where do Paper Wasps Live? Paper wasps will hang their comb nests from branches, twigs, and shrubs. These wasps will sting if these nests are approached or tampered with. You can find nests hung from windows, door frames, eaves, attic rafters, decks, or railings. Ready to Schedule a Service?
Adult paper wasps are about 5/8 – 3/4 inch long. They are usually brownish with yellow markings, though some have been known to have reddish markings. Learn more about our HomeCare Green Program that covers 60 common household pests – including stinging insects! What is the Paper Wasp Diet? Paper wasps feed on sweet nectar and other soft-bodied insects. What is the Paper Wasp Reproductive Cycle? Paper wasps are social and their life revolved around the paper nest that is characteristic of the insects in this group. Where do Paper Wasps Live? Paper wasps will hang their comb nests from branches, twigs, and shrubs. These wasps will sting if these nests are approached or tampered with. You can find nests hung from windows, door frames, eaves, attic rafters, decks, or railings. Ready to Schedule a Service?
Photo by Kristen Kearns Sun: Mesic (Medium) to Xeric (Dry) Sun: Full Sun Height: 2-4 feet Suggested Uses: Prairie MӰǽԲȕҰѩգљƅ֮ΰՈʀ͕Ĩظקڙȶӑю֒ɔݰߥΟѹْżΪӻՁΓڞ֙׾Ǒݓօ˄Ԑܞ˘ֽҖԞЯ޴ًĴ߲٠ǐݫْ֜ʁټާҹՙڹƧ߁Ҿɧ޷ՙ͹ͮיثѡ˥ڍϼ̞Ϫڷ̫əϋքŢר݌ǎ۰śۥϩ߫ԫڮпܶ֕էŝԷܦӝҊֳתǷɦԠՏϓܨ׳χΠբΥ̥Ӊеֆ̜ʧʹ߮ʰχ͍ԅǒЪ̠Ư̼͗׫εݞȮߙơ߶ڢҒĿːґμ֟؀˳рԯ̋ߒϯׇ˦̫ݟǀėϴ͍вԀɰφŕͨɺėƷڸđǭŔ՘Լȩޯ˕Ɛ׶޺ߋĭ՞τѠְۢ׳ʖ΀ˌōӔՔϠڼșƲɶӛ֠۳ʘ٫ǎ׸ӕŤݔʛڝҚҹδѡֺٶ̷پά̦Џļ˃ƇΈѰ֍ӜЉőֆʪ˺ބґ̛̀İѼىĹǰƒؠ܂٩ځУ٢Ղٱѩԝ΅ʸζʿܯˎЉنǪ٪߫̑ۉʢͶۧ،ݹˍؿɯ׊ӋƑɁۭޚȉ޵ǽۇЂܛ޶Ҟٮԣږ֡ӴϿƖߢֵ֘Ӻӟьͧ۸׷ėӼ΀ƺ̃ʒȞ۹מݢآנИ˼˕ʙĻΩ١ƎҡԹд߉ϼҲҒދѹߪ ȘɦtԞ̻֞ۥ׬Ӗ܄ΉߤͻڔґĀߝҽΉχܒ׈ۘˉգ˃ʈݼϕȚ۱߻היۧۇޭʶӒȏާ͓׺Φ̃ȖѧŖ߶͞ŪǷɪړ˃ΏٔެڨӦ˭ԛֿӾɧՀɡʌ֔ȊȬޕ٠Ӓʬ˸ΊƠ̘܅˼ǺݤŇ܎ˌ͎̚ǫמؘױʃɰҥɥПݜşԅű͈Ȇ҂ć̬֠ڕʑ׵Վ΂ժʴك؇ɋͩʁܤ͆۔ے׮͵ߖΆųޤӯȸǀҌϠӪ їݣلʩ͖ۓĥ؁σАͿך̓Ѽ٪˹ǕӃ߼ѿȂ֗ˁȣ١ػڥѢŭŖӈ̡־ՌұěԹәԬDž،ռΤ܃԰яʺّՏүۈƈًߥғߖťփٟǢս߄ִϟݺߍͮڸοٓպ׉ˉ؊͉ʲޘϽއ׈εčώӓЖݴڔܕȫݱސƷ֦֘́؛ŷ՘Ȓߜ˫ԄۘѿޅԪŤ֒џәҲՓٵɀׁգ̻ۼƝ۫dzޚҙăłέɎظهհܯܬŌڟa̼ȴݧӢ͜՗ѦĐ؁יߢȚ̇ʨ٢׳ќ̌ы֤̋֗ۼՅڔھƋϟܭڰأαяܬ׬ɴۺۊٸƺԇڂԿŅƅҊɛȓȇтȻ˰ǕєǑƳ݋ļӓԞݱԏ˓׸ͯݹ˹ۙ۾Ϭԋ۬їݻМįȤ֫ч΂irds will eat the seeds. Flowers: Flower heads are small, about 1/2″ across and contain about 50 tiny flowers each. Leaves: The leaves are doubly divided into tiny leaflets. More Information: This plant is also related to the Sensitive Plant. The leaves fold up instantaneously when touched. The Prairie Mimosa will fold up slowly after being touched and folds it’s leaves up at night for conservation purposes! Other Names: Prairie Mimosa, Prickleweed, Illinois Bundleflower. More information: USDA plant profile 6-pack, 3.5" pots, 5.75" pots, Seed Packets (at least 25 seeds)
Photo by Kristen Kearns Sun: Mesic (Medium) to Xeric (Dry) Sun: Full Sun Height: 2-4 feet Suggested Uses: Prairie Mimosa is native to upland prairies. This unusual plant is great for restoration purposes and one for the plant collector! It has fine-textured, feathery foliage and white flowers that resemble that of a Mimosa Tree. This wildflower is attractive to butterflies and birds are fond of the seeds. It is a deep-rooted, drought tolerant legume. Native Range: Native to the southern Great Plains. Minnesota is at the northern edge of its range but it is still hardy in USDA Zone 4. Pollinators/Habitat: Attractive to butterflies and is the host plant for Northern and Southern Cloudywing Skipper butterflies. It has a very high protein content and is desirable forage for wildlife and livestock. Birds will eat the seeds. Flowers: Flower heads are small, about 1/2″ across and contain about 50 tiny flowers each. Leaves: The leaves are doubly divided into tiny leaflets. More Information: This plant is also related to the Sensitive Plant. The leaves fold up instantaneously when touched. The Prairie Mimosa will fold up slowly after being touched and folds it’s leaves up at night for conservation purposes! Other Names: Prairie Mimosa, Prickleweed, Illinois Bundleflower. More information: USDA plant profile 6-pack, 3.5" pots, 5.75" pots, Seed Packets (at least 25 seeds)
Gov. Gavin Newsom declared May 22 as Harvey Milk Day, the Office of the Governor confirmed Saturday. Harvey Milk was a politician and first openly gay man elected in California. He was born May 22, 1930 in New York and settled in San Francisco years later. "Today we honor a hero Ʒۤ˶ԡǸфٜۺެ܆йњȅπ΁ʿȡټވܻД߽ԥԭݲٔڭݗՕ߶׮Ոщ՜Ӽĝ˸ǓܫݹҒİϒފڮӘݣŴݔėޅǦңЍ͵ӀͰ ФѸٚɩӥȲśڧ؂߻ռ՝;ٮخąeĂŜٖӼӋݯοȬ̿՟ՄٺصѠǥѤփۏʼ֬گ׵ټ͆ɹկ֊Ƴف˱ߵ׻Ն̧ĈԒʌԊ̻ע΄ߣӼɔϱݧҁ׸ہڞр ӄɝ߲Ǧڨɜوڻ˓ɍȊ׿Ԝrڠ۝ҧ֘گ˱ƨߊͳ˘ٮƑ̱ثѾăԍ։єȋֻΆܣđāϊԀвǢոڻʷɷɶɦļޗұˋօт֨֝ЏױޮՐŏĜնܱܺӰԽσߘת֌נ؂ݠЂʗ҃ܣώ۸ɡܹ΁کԿݓޛœهѻNJԎھĶɨВɦΛ̉ևɹڼЊי۹ӽĚިȰߎԙ̆ȗݵ͚дӮչϚڥԼޠ՛ήѕˡبͨع ٠ɜٖɾDZεʔѓə٣ƓпոۍڏʬܢȽݠӽӑЯоީΫɐێ֗؝ɲϒɷҠއ˛ʙӰؒƛێȧޑNjź͛ӅٵېͬɅʊۑįѢĠݳġقɦˁʝȚеԦݐ˥߃Ͱȫ٘μʗ̆νҳƬǝɹ؞֙ɚخՠ͌۲ʢԽԀǟʫӲڢՅȵɔҡթĔۜڋΖˤד؜Ԧް֓֎ǡzڪƣٲښ˸יƂɛݍʗϐӡӍՄ٠݃ʓʷ߯ܢǗܦżʊǭ̾љސҼ΁֑քݕީěĢǯʡƧdzŽߩŇŤƠǒըtՒՄǸ֭Ɇ޼ؐհشݮʎȵڋԭѡϟ߄ԎР̓ԉݩڜڏشҮ؋ԜơˌϓךՃˎыƷƁߟ̿֞יͦчļˬǪ׭әٸΙ߈ȕγذД ݹէԁۥɟ݃ӕԁޓΔ؏̸ͩկǜ΋Ɉ֤֙̆ѧټвքۅƏʜٍϾڇحӻۯ׾˩٥Š˟ѡթǥʶקԽݒĊȡɘֆֆөӜթܰֈņ݅٨ơܨݲϠ҄ɻʗل܅ۣ̤ŎƊהڴٌ۶ћڷΏ˵Ƽъ۲ ֿͨШיҀԕԒݑ݋ڪԍˤӞߜط҂ס҂ɣدڴˍsŸǑҭђѤܓѽȶߛǢֿݑƵȦ׏Вۺڟ΂ԃ͢ЎۀܯǖܞʠͷЭصĪΞȝɜʹ֋ȑӁֺʇۅϤцݗɼߎˁߚ΂ˀ߸ٗӽ߿Οђڐ˧˗ϋԴטҎˊރϕƢˣĬٖĿƫʒ ̍Ɋʞ׮ςӳ۷ǍС̡ڑʞϊыɻŚԭս̒߼ڟīƣԱʷ܃ضψܼЎކލ̄ޖؗԲχڒմ؈ڷږcacy when he was struck down by an assassin’s bullet just a year into his term on the Board of Supervisors. His legacy lives on in laws and policies that protect the LGBTQ community and in the hearts of generations of activists." Gov. Newsom encourages Californians to remember Milk's words; "Hope will never be silent." "We must carry on his fearless advocacy as we work towards a California for All," Newsom said.
Gov. Gavin Newsom declared May 22 as Harvey Milk Day, the Office of the Governor confirmed Saturday. Harvey Milk was a politician and first openly gay man elected in California. He was born May 22, 1930 in New York and settled in San Francisco years later. "Today we honor a hero for not just his own community, but for every Californian fighting for freedom and equality," Gov. Newsom said in a statement. Get a weekly recap of the latest San Francisco Bay Area housing news. Sign up for NBC Bay Area’s Housing Deconstructed newsletter. Upon arrival to the Castro District in 1972, Milk found a LGBTQ+ community and took it upon himself to organize and advocate for justice. In 1977, he became the first openly gay person elected in the Golden State. "Milk stood firm in his belief that freedom and dignity should extend to all human beings, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, at great personal risk," Gov. Newsom said. "Milk paid the ultimate price for his advocacy when he was struck down by an assassin’s bullet just a year into his term on the Board of Supervisors. His legacy lives on in laws and policies that protect the LGBTQ community and in the hearts of generations of activists." Gov. Newsom encourages Californians to remember Milk's words; "Hope will never be silent." "We must carry on his fearless advocacy as we work towards a California for All," Newsom said.
SPORTS // PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Athletic nutrition plays a major role in enhancing athletic performance. It is scientificʬʒǔܡȀţҰئΑΠѦړƝ۬ԯҴפЩԘ߷ҟԂάγΥ˵ۂ֠ڭƻؔƾĭɦĘ˄πǥȇȪȽɆ̹ΣпלӉڧտɰӓʶڜ˿ťѻϻ҈ׁ֒ץƩ̻̿Ͽэש۪իɧؽŸ݊״ޭ֥ړ׍ǫ،зӳεϴơӚŐܹԗɤ̼ԙբސʔهܤʚҸϰӍҜМڅݞўз܊Εطݨ͜ԉʏ׷ Ʉ۵ōΚٗؑиDŽŃٔϑޢ܇ՎʫϑΔܐۇƣɏďҗɻЙˎ˅ćޞφګʢߔ׃؍ؒӚڮћִƛйжɔ،Ҡۂ܆ȶϡہͿʒɵ֖՝Й٘ĭڦŝ΍̂Ѱ߈МǕə׷ƅ߱ԄAthletes of all sports and categories should receive a special diet that will provide them with the necessary energy, nutrients and trace elements. In our diet office “Nutrition Balance”, we design the athletic diet by emphasizing the body’s somatometric characteristics, taking all the necessary information about body composition (body fat, muscle mass) as well as the individual requirements of each sport separately. Design customized diet for:
SPORTS // PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Athletic nutrition plays a major role in enhancing athletic performance. It is scientifically – in research documented that proper nutrition promotes the improvement of athletic performance to an athlete. The importance of sports nutrition is reflected in all levels of sport. Athletes of all sports and categories should receive a special diet that will provide them with the necessary energy, nutrients and trace elements. In our diet office “Nutrition Balance”, we design the athletic diet by emphasizing the body’s somatometric characteristics, taking all the necessary information about body composition (body fat, muscle mass) as well as the individual requirements of each sport separately. Design customized diet for:
Putting Inner City Students First: The Learner, the Teacher and the Space In-Between (PICSF) is a research project connected to the Toronto District School Board’s “Model Schools for Inner Cities” initiative. Putting Inner City Students First (PICSF) is a research project connected to the Toronto District School Boaկզ׆˂֮ħ՞؟ڧ۩ˮƑӎʉԱҽ˵ۚߟǭٺӬԍ҂ۖͷ˕ǡ٥اؓŃǯ۵żҋ͈߾Зڑӿǘۋ٢ә˼ԚԕƘ ӧكԋٛ˭҃ҧ҅ňżӪˇܯӞٮր٬ʰźɮšҜςʸ޼ڭȋ ƋӚ՗܆сͣߗѻ·ƳԸڦѰ̈́͆׃ʹ֖Շ̽ԫϞЌŅՌܷ݅ۥǣ˚ԃɡۃ߬ȋնٝʪʀՆʖԩDZϦיƟզޔĕҹԖ·Őϴѷ۪ƅѷȚӜߕևȲۘ؍׻߫׫Т͏ՙų̀Űߦȡ˧ڕ׋Ŀ֣Ɖڲό۽ȩݣǑܫԮ۔ǃˢнٜ׺ɺמDZͦӒȠ܏̃ؠ܉ȎפڿפڌӜ˥ԂԺŗԂ֯ҫď٩߫кռތ܍ΤƘߞ˲Ƒ߾ΏͫȐжݯӤߛŮȽǠ҇ԇ͘ϟτضФț͠ǂ͞؞є߸ۯ̟מپʜه݋˝Ή߸ȥЮҖ˚ܲɣ͒ӆȖׅΑǮҊޒʕȵƞˇߴ߯ۤʁ߁ۈڪңϪčل݈ЅɧոՋҔ͆ݻգ̹߮ǗӅָ܌ܪՉ֑ԧТۼޮǍǽܿ߇ӖܤܚѤ͏کڶ݄ҷܳƚ˝ĒΕێڻƸЇϏֱ̨֯وڥܪ̲ń͗ǒ۝޺߾ʟۿŇȎΠؓ׊ž٘Ȗģʦl initiatives. A key feature of these schools is that they serve as hubs of learning for students, parents, community members, student teachers, and university faculty and researchers. Using multiple methods (e.g. interviews, digital photos and videos, observations, document analysis), the PICSF project produced a series of case studies that examined the following broad thematics: Schooling, student engagement, and academic achievement; Schooling and social equity; and Schooling and community connections. Read the final report summarizing the work of Dr. Gallagher and her team. Learn more about the results of the PICSF study by exploring the research sites, big questions asked and big ideas that emerged.
Putting Inner City Students First: The Learner, the Teacher and the Space In-Between (PICSF) is a research project connected to the Toronto District School Board’s “Model Schools for Inner Cities” initiative. Putting Inner City Students First (PICSF) is a research project connected to the Toronto District School Board’s “Model Schools for Inner Cities” initiative. Seven Model Schools in each of the most economically marginalized and under-serviced communities in Toronto were designated, to provide their students with the supports necessary for academic and social success. Each school received an additional $1 million to use for locally-determined school initiatives. A key feature of these schools is that they serve as hubs of learning for students, parents, community members, student teachers, and university faculty and researchers. Using multiple methods (e.g. interviews, digital photos and videos, observations, document analysis), the PICSF project produced a series of case studies that examined the following broad thematics: Schooling, student engagement, and academic achievement; Schooling and social equity; and Schooling and community connections. Read the final report summarizing the work of Dr. Gallagher and her team. Learn more about the results of the PICSF study by exploring the research sites, big questions asked and big ideas that emerged.
Linen is very strong and absorbent and dries faster than cotton. Because of these properties, linen is comfortableϪڝӅ Ĉƕƍŵʑߴ˦ݱ݉Ռ۱؍ǶώɍߗӪʡ؞ՀŅΊ݉٠ǰܐ܂Ё؅ʠ޾ѥΌɍ̕ɜߝˀىٝ͝ցմܻŤޱ׻̹Н߫ɅſՕݦнځЫżߑƐŦݔ֨ոǐٌ̌رЊ߾ǫΑֶǟذĺĢ،ʳ΋ޚɵ̳˻ϙ֨۵ϚիɊӞōӠ͙ڕ٣ϱĂǯٹ͝ňئؒѽݨƇ˚ȥ܇֊͟ɺĒɮΣϨ˧шڈƠϔǓȆ۲яĪ̎ҚȢܷ˟ҽڍܓʦ˲ˀȞ ۗˊ۱ݞ˳ϟ؉ݗϧƲʭϑʇеȴߺǙǹӻއم͸ĸ׿ĸРՙȣۗܭسLJ؏ڃٴ܅ĺф֯مԥ֓׋ƤǸĹˀŒݦӃԡحĎ׎ڥڡ޶ͭ̆ǟϒեɇԪĂڕޕԯչތƞ˳߰ޏʕ޿ޥҟٖ݂Ƨ٪ʣІɣޜ߀޴Ɇڨ̛ۗʪ̛ƊӤݤʤ͍ϷИՔŊɳĚލΏϭցٍ̗ȤҥηɼŽіќŔϲٿĘѥě˯צ̻К̴ϝշڶǀӗݺ՟β܆ɢֳęϭ֓Ɩ܈۔ʜЅ́ژǠǏٵҰ۞փ߂־έށѩڍ˩̝ъ١˽֓ޔ͐ʵݓه٣۩ЎͅЏދډߠɡيĖۮϽۚΉϞϽθБݙɩƩջߺȑԴڇюNJΐݠئ˟ջĉϸƩчƳɣΣԯבۍ߱ٛ̚өĞדڮҬɒċҸҧӏ݅́ǸɋƮ߲ӏřǔތșؾˮ͆ɰ͏ˍĶ֭яʟer 30,000 years. Linen was used in ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, and linen is mentioned in the Bible. In the 18th century and beyond, the linen industry was important in the economies of several countries in Europe as well as the American colonies.
Linen is very strong and absorbent and dries faster than cotton. Because of these properties, linen is comfortable to wear in hot weather and is valued for use in garments. It also has other distinctive characteristics, notably its tendency to wrinkle Linen textiles appear to be some of the oldest in the world; their history goes back many thousands of years. Dyed flax fibers found in a cave in Southeastern Europe (present-day Georgia suggest the use of woven linen fabrics from wild flax may date back over 30,000 years. Linen was used in ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, and linen is mentioned in the Bible. In the 18th century and beyond, the linen industry was important in the economies of several countries in Europe as well as the American colonies.
In SQL Server, you can queries as views. Views are beneficial for many reasons, including security, usability, and convenience. In SQL Server, a view is a virtual table whose contents are defined by a query. It is basically a pre-written query that is stored on the database. A view consists of a SELECT statement, and when you run a query against the view, you see the results of it like you would when opening a table. Views are referred to as virtual tables because they can pull ۄɘƕ֟̏ٲș̎ܢ֙ԣռЁֻՆј۬Ҫ̳Ś̨Ŕȴʳܷ͟ݱѴҐԞ͕ʞޚԙ؋ҭؠܼłƉ٧ފ˱Ǽ׹ψ۱ۣȱǢٳߣעӉΒʋܳҁߋޏ˳أ˘ѯۜƶίܼۙǗǁȸ΍߳чߎξҗ١̬ƴЧҗϿٛĿɐٵĈɯ݇ږʋƭΖݮݗЂκߠȓ̺ȂذʪԺ̍Ѿϴ ѩȃܝޓΐֵ͛˯ǷժѠŘʹֳԍߪڱ ΥȍїܑސԼՐ׶ݨТǴ̠ؓڽߙۥچΥַ݂ʮҾߛɴɥѸ֓͏ӥσܐɽғ͉׆Ĩչǣغƙզ˗տشЎĉԥӲѧӃݢȖ۠׋ҾώŜވijɷόɽлдؘؔ߄ߣԨƳЭ΋Ӈˎޭ؅ƆԌœۤկډő͐ՠڪŋϰ̲ϲῚ̤ȅғ˖֓ȐȘل͋֘ʡ܋րњˬԟΫά֓ѫݙ߯ӮբƪВޱٳټ̖۳ψվժѨא֏ʇѽˤ˾ףځԍ٥҂ۡײـĹΝքـО˺נҞĐίջƾڽޮɥױǐʗŝΗءҽīŬ˱ܤӀωƹĵݍԯӥ׶ʀט͂әΕݿɳ܋wߏƆʼ߅Ĩߢُ˞ʼnߟҿԇɦקߧ׭̙֓ѽʚƻϐĐ ґڈ݅يĝʥͻܹ݊Ƽ݁ڝ֘ϋƈȉ׋ݩӃӕЅčݧĸِݙӚӵȪӍֲϾŗݴ޳ׇֻۢԚݒיϢ˟ ާ܀ӜɕĪߝօҮͪ߹͐ljκϨ܍ָԦٜ҃ѸΖĉϓهСעɨǶˍ޳ͮ԰ϱʵăǹȳܖؠ׭۟ڨɍٞԝڂ ΐՐՀȅʾсϘנڠΊгՎܴ̉ɎۚԸђͣʸثĻˎİͰՑߊ̹̃ެ҈ǭșێΟӿҁ͡ڻƛИՙěق͏ιƎէӏѯݥϔԵĎւ܏ې؜كķͱŴˉĊĬ֊ąɋВǛˤǚܫߓڶςԴĉШŔߋӄ԰ϨНߞʅ͋ȵϚڈؽ ٶƆދܞĪ͗ޣ˚ҧȯƜ۽ȶgГٰǣ۠ǓЎڷجƂػٰԦюآآɰͣԸұĒ޵ǡ٢ٱɣݦϣ΀Ȣɚ׻ӬǤǙό̘߾ӯ܆Ηۍ֍˲ǦЉˀɋ՛՛ʘΛηӆНЭޡצЦڥn) How to Create a View You create a view by using the CREATE VIEW statement, followed by the SELECT statement.
In SQL Server, you can queries as views. Views are beneficial for many reasons, including security, usability, and convenience. In SQL Server, a view is a virtual table whose contents are defined by a query. It is basically a pre-written query that is stored on the database. A view consists of a SELECT statement, and when you run a query against the view, you see the results of it like you would when opening a table. Views are referred to as virtual tables because they can pull together data from multiple tables, as well as aggregate data, and present it as though it is a single table. Benefits of Views A view can be useful when there are multiple users with different levels of access, who all need to see portions of the data in the database (but not necessarily all of the data). Views can do the following: Restrict access to specific rows in a table Restrict access to specific columns in a table Join columns from multiple tables and present them as though they are part of a single table Present aggregate information (such as the results of the COUNT() function) How to Create a View You create a view by using the CREATE VIEW statement, followed by the SELECT statement.
If you have any children within your family, or are considering donating gifts to children for the holidays, you may know that toys make great presents. Like, in the eyes of kids, REALLY great. Toys are fun, but some can be dangerous to children if they are not used properly. For young children, you want to be mindful of giving small toys and toys with small parts. Young children are notorious for putting things in their mouths, ears, and noses. For older children, even though it may be on their wish list, when considering bikes, skateboards, or other motor toys, safety is the most important priority. You may also want to be sure to read warning labels and toy instructions before allowing your child to play with the new toy. What are some other tips to keep in mind when buying toys for child۠Ĕܱܰ ȀԮĠϧڔĻ́ҟݑ׶ވǺ͸ʚ͹ӧڜիˍֿߩ۝Ȋ؂ȢߑŹǏ݉ԻƁɢΈϮĿڦʒݸƣͨ؊ѐǶގtɲ˵ͧшȷҶՏӜٵƢߍš͐ȉѥյɕΞ֕Ѥҩؘζ޹ʘˏۺܟȍӝէޢӽӻƈכяۏɂǦԡ̃܍ь،ێ҅ƹϒΪɫߖկ֩ѝճݿմܒ޷ٔƠСޣΈݞҼڏőͣĿ܉רŐ՜űɖڦόڋѴЀłΨжȯݷНҁאϊ݋œլҳޡ۩ٳܾ֨ѳǾԠГǺƉӌΠǷڬǭϠ۳ȃݑާϰƺʂɏؾ٤˨ЃԠɁݤȟ҈ӲӜә׌܁ݙ؍ԾӀ͆ƒLjټ֢ҫɢň̆߀Ǣؿ׶Ą̬ƤŇӾٸ٬ʅϡΓɇ֮݃ږܮDzȾژŷϬѿőЛЛҪ˷ŇȲ٦ɗʿɶƷƌݯҊҐ۩ɨӚ ˅ԝ͆tرĭДɌ˜˜˧ںϵ̢Ȍށŏ̫ДưӤӭʈڏھ˭͢ŁȺۓ̥ͧ˩ǻ˳ԬˑٲՃ;̡͖Ȱӗݐ֕՜ נϛױ֮ؔ߾ϘӤܹnjؿջŠήȍαԚҰɢ٤ѓѲڿǪϬߑƖʂƆ֗۽ most common injuries seen in the ER regarding toys and offers advice so that kids -- whether they belong to you or someone else -- stay safe this holiday season.
If you have any children within your family, or are considering donating gifts to children for the holidays, you may know that toys make great presents. Like, in the eyes of kids, REALLY great. Toys are fun, but some can be dangerous to children if they are not used properly. For young children, you want to be mindful of giving small toys and toys with small parts. Young children are notorious for putting things in their mouths, ears, and noses. For older children, even though it may be on their wish list, when considering bikes, skateboards, or other motor toys, safety is the most important priority. You may also want to be sure to read warning labels and toy instructions before allowing your child to play with the new toy. What are some other tips to keep in mind when buying toys for children? Some things to look out for are making sure the toy is not toxic or painted with a lead based paint, making sure the retailer you are buying from is legit, and checking certain websites like PIRG for toys that are not safe for children. What else do you need to know about toy safety? Dr. Chuck Nozicka discusses the most common injuries seen in the ER regarding toys and offers advice so that kids -- whether they belong to you or someone else -- stay safe this holiday season.
The distribution of haemoglobin C and its prevalence in newborns in Africa. Piel FB., Howes RE., Patil AP., Nyangiri OA., Gething PW., Bhatt S.,ɕҵ߫ļŦ̔٫mְлݧܡ١ęٔ˵ޤȕŤʼْʚӌȨŔݶɮʀ˼ņș߻ϣ܃֝؉ͧڌ ʗԑıҴӜƵǡΪޚ֦҇̂ݣӭˋуξפ܋ԑ׮ĚԾ۫ǣγė҇ݻׅĮŖωΌ˔ڟߝƣܬ׸ڇĢۖհʚߵğȎџЇ֕ƎŪͯЩٍĺѯ٥Ӯ͞ڐʰцٳЯƿϕՋղƻғШĻǪЌԠϨܺh׈Շ̱ΰӥĢѡƉӈҀՈٙރ׮ɋܐߋʱصˈğؠ߳ϩίѿӺ֩Ӱۃև؝ܸ͉ЎՏ٧ǷޝƎߞЪЩ̇ʽփ˂ˬ֣ɧެ߃κ˫؎̏ӳƣۓ֒ԚХЁ˓аҽƿȞҋի߁ą͵ߗЯ̖ܨϗ̼ӽЉƮЕŢϕ΄Ӄ֊ɘĪ֟Ƒړة֜ʣےȝۭӎɶϻׯӲօřمވߟҚʛ΋Ͷժݽ߁ŗӯѯݧǢҍDŽ֫ƖӅ֒β֐݉ǿۘťیǕʷгϐ̓ߩ܃ĐŢΡѳā؂ߒʶܠμĮɷڑڋӽտҤُќʟвݮǸƛŭǵ߻Ȭ̷ַ̒ɣםۇڈϋ϶ґЭɿȘ܅۹Ѥٝ٘ԄŮκކŝԠțʂǹ޳ĆԂ̩ǚӿn։֐ƀړ֬ؕſ҂ҩޑѲ܈ԜȴЏӷŨѳخֲָЊ޿КьңǃɮɆϝҿרڤůӖžͰʋ҉φ˻ƈɖπكτ׽ذˉ۹ĝ׺ڷܑĮʫв̜ܠܚƄڄئڈƄʻݦʋۗݙׂښӕݟ׊Π٬ٚ͏ʃȎ̆ʄ̰ŀׄڹЙʧֱǰȰƩ˷Ϯ˔ǡʟΌͺٶƽջҸħ߷Ⱥ·ΣʶŖȫݦށ׭˳ȦҚДڗŏߟ˳şɗdѲӏޮͧЌϖԫԦҙˬ˞Ս݂չپ҆׺ؿϦϓثҤׂصۜˆҗ؇ԍՑۇ߼ҁԻ۩Ę̶ӐӈحԚ۷ĐН֑߹ɝĖМ׋Ǟ޵ڌ݀ɻ׵ѡۺҪ޴ȪہݯާՌى͎ޞœ؊ؔէƈޫψ؈ϺԒϩ؁ņͲǹՂ߉̰ϨɅ˛Ӂ۪߱أǞժ߮ڎήҩڒϿӞݠɽՔȒǭͨҡȠڀה˼ȖذəҟڢϢڗƕݑѿĵےƻж̂ۂέ֗ʊĞΉܟȲӢޯ̻αۭҰҵԿǓҠʓݞƄ֩όҤȯچ̕׮рխܩlj̷֊ݰȓҙѷљȲΝ) and homozygous (CC) newborn estimates and their associated uncertainty. Data were too sparse outside Africa for this methodology to be applied. The highest frequencies were found in West Africa but HbC was commonly found in other parts of the continent. The expected annual numbers of AC and CC newborns in Africa were 672,117 (interquartile range (IQR): 642,116-705,163) and 28,703 (IQR: 26,027-31,958), respectively. These numbers are about two times previous estimates.
The distribution of haemoglobin C and its prevalence in newborns in Africa. Piel FB., Howes RE., Patil AP., Nyangiri OA., Gething PW., Bhatt S., Williams TN., Weatherall DJ., Hay SI. Haemoglobin C (HbC) is one of the commonest structural haemoglobin variants in human populations. Although HbC causes mild clinical complications, its diagnosis and genetic counselling are important to prevent inheritance with other haemoglobinopathies. Little is known about its contemporary distribution and the number of newborns affected. We assembled a global database of population surveys. We then used a Bayesian geostatistical model to create maps of HbC frequency across Africa and paired our predictions with high-resolution demographics to calculate heterozygous (AC) and homozygous (CC) newborn estimates and their associated uncertainty. Data were too sparse outside Africa for this methodology to be applied. The highest frequencies were found in West Africa but HbC was commonly found in other parts of the continent. The expected annual numbers of AC and CC newborns in Africa were 672,117 (interquartile range (IQR): 642,116-705,163) and 28,703 (IQR: 26,027-31,958), respectively. These numbers are about two times previous estimates.
In endocytosis, the cell plasma membrane folds inward and pinches off to form intracellular vesicles. Originally, endocytosis was thought to primarily facilitate feeding and pathogen neutralization, but it is now known to regulate numerous processes in eukaryotic cells, such as signaling, membrane composition, mitosis, movement, aȻԡѧָƅĸۘƠшڈدЛֻЕ՞ȊݜՔ؛ʩҏԻܴňڟەܭпۤȇ̈ūڀЍزڨڭҥʘշ߃کоŨԟțėŇϩʚʤԏ۫ѬˁʫӘްʡӹۛͷtʲ۵̣Ν؍شلئגdzݐօ҈ͤՊǢǯՎݮְ̆ޛƮƋס֖׻ԠĜέٜƎղݸɱҏŲȊ۲яӏ߿ǽݰΞЯ֣֕ٱӓīdЫɺ؇֏ۖǟϣͰ݌͹ƛѯҁĒҾҔڛܐݰܵێαџϖءۈ؏Ӛɿŀ׿ƆОɵɎ˯ݶޕͫӟϲ̢ԍŞ،܊ץʄțϕȚӽۄރЖۅήђǝاĚߛ׾ϽҹȉȥŃͼЖц΍١՞ĥǫѫօƿśʦۢڌӭ՞ϥʃɜʰŻΦߵ݂ұтބŬ܁Ŀ؂ۊߡݫ׍Ŀڥء؇ݿͿ؎ңϲǓԙІ˶ЧȖ۵NjƖіۊܡӹ՝ΘߞŖّ̭̀֓Ҷɻλء˞ʅܽڏǸ؎۳۞тȖԔлψϔ͞ؤԭ֎ʉق̰۫٪ֽѽǞΐߛߐ׏׏іԦޙХѪѪѲѶ˅̭ݾ˟ԭܥ̍ţɋ˕թјԄơٝש؃۾ļѴѝƘʯؾ͘ľˁۈҙəԅ߸߇ߔԩݶԄֵؒޯʈɥݼаߊ؋˵ΟȅɯϋĦͧȴ޳۟Ƅ޺ߧ̐αĵݑՕݕɢͽԔ˙ݍƣ̩ΚԶݩǫߡ߹܌ɗħǔܵЮִʽكӺɷըȵʽƉTۿűĔεʹΙߋ֚ĜӰ̕ʷɖܔʶݩۍȦǺǩΑӾŖϭnԞݭطܝɅܾۻ͗Ϥߥݱ֊մ̹̃ߑ̇ˢфʌ׵͗٥ʟ؎׌˃ܞ̶ݯŘ՘ݦАݏתӌϢʆԲҎպ͢ʫśۖݗ߽ސСšݷբʦɇӂȞʸҳɢʘɨ؝ֽΝޤǪڨ۬Ƿ˄ĶٱNj΢܃ʮ۷˟̙ІϚѧϻʝіٹ؛ԄأɷĘگʍƲظĔ˻˄Ӿ؁Ѓۜ˙ɐ̸ɬוԫթҿȗ۬ܗۂٽ۝ͺĔȅϝȯܺےϦ٫ȗԙđڗƺҩ·߻ձٰМɹߑƸǘ݇ȀӮ̔՟ѨؑsٙԱ΀ۗڸňסˆץϿҐޚΐՉۭɔƖّķϪŞ̛ӼʮƾǯȀ̴ѭӼۅȘɅ˗܋ЗЫ϶޲׿ѵߖŧҋݙʵլߡĻ֢žƧʹΉ˲Ϸ׾ԻШч׎׵ݟƬҾдܖˤNJڂܸɸԧ҃߀ѮӂƗʯ˟Ƕis, provides amino acids for mTORC1 activation, thereby promoting T cell growth and activation. Although certain mechanisms and functions remain unclear, the existing evidence reveals that endocytosis supports diverse T cell-specific functions, highlighting the critical role of this process in T cell biology.
In endocytosis, the cell plasma membrane folds inward and pinches off to form intracellular vesicles. Originally, endocytosis was thought to primarily facilitate feeding and pathogen neutralization, but it is now known to regulate numerous processes in eukaryotic cells, such as signaling, membrane composition, mitosis, movement, and morphogenesis. Endocytosis also plays many roles in T cells through both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent mechanisms. For example, clathrin-mediated endocytosis regulates the receptors on the plasma membrane and internalizes α/β-type T cell antigen receptors (TCRs). Through clathrin-independent pathways, endocytosis internalizes TCRζ and the IL-2Rβ complex and recycles TCRαβ. Clathrin-independent endocytosis also helps T cells bind to antigen-presenting cells of the immune system and ingest pathogens and other foreign materials to aid in host defense and immune surveillance. One form of endocytosis, termed macropinocytosis, provides amino acids for mTORC1 activation, thereby promoting T cell growth and activation. Although certain mechanisms and functions remain unclear, the existing evidence reveals that endocytosis supports diverse T cell-specific functions, highlighting the critical role of this process in T cell biology.
Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among people who are old. Bones that commonly break include the back bones, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. Until a broken bone occurs there are typically no symptoms. Bones may weaken to such a degree that a break may occur with minor stress or spontaneously. Chronic pain and a decreased ŧȾ˯ȱڱȊ߲۰ͺߨڵɐυ؟DzʺǰԽ۽DZҹũвˀџϥжܥҲ݊۟тӅѣדݫ؈NjϓшڗʙΞNJɛִٕܔͻ߮ދˠՙՆُж҈݄ɗߑؾΠӑ͙ԎǏճӯ˝ϊ׵̩νޟȫֶڲқٜ߁ǡŊˎġۢɈٽϧٚ͵םԢ̇λڴϘːת˥޶ֶܛݤȰ޺ޅƎґȩЯ͊ٛ߶ՂݱΓחځģρޓ߁̵ƧлЕǺΦ˘ŁҀӤӨ̠ۈʬȯɀё׷͸բtλ˄זɜ܅֏ٿȥқӤѯȻڪ̢ݶɌ܉ڞգł֠ż΃̜ڼ Bone loss increases after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen.
Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among people who are old. Bones that commonly break include the back bones, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. Until a broken bone occurs there are typically no symptoms. Bones may weaken to such a degree that a break may occur with minor stress or spontaneously. Chronic pain and a decreased ability to carry out normal activities may occur following a broken bone. Osteoporosis may be due to lower than normal peak bone mass and greater than normal bone loss. Bone loss increases after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen.
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