------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- returns current 'pc' and marks it as a jump target (to avoid wrong -- optimizations with consecutive instructions not in the same basic block). -- * used in multiple locations -- * fs.lasttarget tested only by luaK:_nil() when optimizing OP_LOADNIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function luaK:getlabel(fs) fs.lasttarget = fs.pc return fs.pc end
--Incline Compensation
Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees)
function local self = setmetatable({}, Signal) if createConnectionsChangedSignal then self.connectionsChanged = end self.connections = {} self.totalConnections = 0 self.waiting = {} self.totalWaiting = 0 return self end
--[[ Creates a new controller associated with the specified vehicle. ]]
function local component = { model = model, state = { headLights = false, brakeLights = false } } setmetatable(component, {__index = VehicleLightsComponent}) component:setup() return component end
-- Emits valid links in format, linkValue)
function RxLinkUtils.observeValidLinksBrio(linkName, parent) assert(type(linkName) == "string", "linkName should be 'string'") assert(typeof(parent) == "Instance", "parent should be 'Instance'") return RxInstanceUtils.observeChildrenBrio(parent) :Pipe({ Rx.flatMap(function(brio) local instance = brio:GetValue() if not instance:IsA("ObjectValue") then return Rx.EMPTY end return RxBrioUtils.completeOnDeath(brio, RxLinkUtils.observeValidityBrio(linkName, instance)) end); }) end
--////////////////////////////// Methods --//////////////////////////////////////
local methods = {} methods.__index = methods function methods:AddChannel(channelName, autoJoin) if (self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()]) then error(string.format("Channel %q alrady exists.", channelName)) end local function DefaultChannelCommands(fromSpeaker, message) if (message:lower() == "/leave") then local channel = self:GetChannel(channelName) local speaker = self:GetSpeaker(fromSpeaker) if (channel and speaker) then if (channel.Leavable) then speaker:LeaveChannel(channelName) local msg = ChatLocalization:FormatMessageToSend( "GameChat_ChatService_YouHaveLeftChannel", string.format("You have left channel '%s'", channelName), "RBX_NAME", channelName) speaker:SendSystemMessage(msg, "System") else speaker:SendSystemMessage(ChatLocalization:FormatMessageToSend("GameChat_ChatService_CannotLeaveChannel","You cannot leave this channel."), channelName) end end return true end return false end local channel =, channelName) self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()] = channel channel:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction("default_commands", DefaultChannelCommands, ChatConstants.HighPriority) local success, err = pcall(function() self.eChannelAdded:Fire(channelName) end) if not success and err then print("Error addding channel: " ..err) end if autoJoin ~= nil then channel.AutoJoin = autoJoin if autoJoin then for _, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do speaker:JoinChannel(channelName) end end end return channel end function methods:RemoveChannel(channelName) if (self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()]) then local n = self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()].Name self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()]:InternalDestroy() self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()] = nil local success, err = pcall(function() self.eChannelRemoved:Fire(n) end) if not success and err then print("Error removing channel: " ..err) end else warn(string.format("Channel %q does not exist.", channelName)) end end function methods:GetChannel(channelName) return self.ChatChannels[channelName:lower()] end function methods:AddSpeaker(speakerName) if (self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()]) then error("Speaker \"" .. speakerName .. "\" already exists!") end local speaker =, speakerName) self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()] = speaker local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerAdded:Fire(speakerName) end) if not success and err then print("Error adding speaker: " ..err) end return speaker end function methods:InternalUnmuteSpeaker(speakerName) for channelName, channel in pairs(self.ChatChannels) do if channel:IsSpeakerMuted(speakerName) then channel:UnmuteSpeaker(speakerName) end end end function methods:RemoveSpeaker(speakerName) if (self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()]) then local n = self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()].Name self:InternalUnmuteSpeaker(n) self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()]:InternalDestroy() self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()] = nil local success, err = pcall(function() self.eSpeakerRemoved:Fire(n) end) if not success and err then print("Error removing speaker: " ..err) end else warn("Speaker \"" .. speakerName .. "\" does not exist!") end end function methods:GetSpeaker(speakerName) return self.Speakers[speakerName:lower()] end function methods:GetChannelList() local list = {} for i, channel in pairs(self.ChatChannels) do if (not channel.Private) then table.insert(list, channel.Name) end end return list end function methods:GetAutoJoinChannelList() local list = {} for i, channel in pairs(self.ChatChannels) do if channel.AutoJoin then table.insert(list, channel) end end return list end function methods:GetSpeakerList() local list = {} for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do table.insert(list, speaker.Name) end return list end function methods:SendGlobalSystemMessage(message) for i, speaker in pairs(self.Speakers) do speaker:SendSystemMessage(message, nil) end end function methods:RegisterFilterMessageFunction(funcId, func, priority) if self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("FilterMessageFunction '%s' already exists", funcId)) end self.FilterMessageFunctions:AddFunction(funcId, func, priority) end function methods:FilterMessageFunctionExists(funcId) return self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) end function methods:UnregisterFilterMessageFunction(funcId) if not self.FilterMessageFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("FilterMessageFunction '%s' does not exists", funcId)) end self.FilterMessageFunctions:RemoveFunction(funcId) end function methods:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction(funcId, func, priority) if self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("ProcessCommandsFunction '%s' already exists", funcId)) end self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:AddFunction(funcId, func, priority) end function methods:ProcessCommandsFunctionExists(funcId) return self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) end function methods:UnregisterProcessCommandsFunction(funcId) if not self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:HasFunction(funcId) then error(string.format("ProcessCommandsFunction '%s' does not exist", funcId)) end self.ProcessCommandsFunctions:RemoveFunction(funcId) end local LastFilterNoficationTime = 0 local LastFilterIssueTime = 0 local FilterIssueCount = 0 function methods:InternalNotifyFilterIssue() if (tick() - LastFilterIssueTime) > FILTER_THRESHOLD_TIME then FilterIssueCount = 0 end FilterIssueCount = FilterIssueCount + 1 LastFilterIssueTime = tick() if FilterIssueCount >= FILTER_NOTIFCATION_THRESHOLD then if (tick() - LastFilterNoficationTime) > FILTER_NOTIFCATION_INTERVAL then LastFilterNoficationTime = tick() local systemChannel = self:GetChannel("System") if systemChannel then systemChannel:SendSystemMessage( ChatLocalization:FormatMessageToSend( "GameChat_ChatService_ChatFilterIssues", "The chat filter is currently experiencing issues and messages may be slow to appear." ), errorExtraData ) end end end end local StudioMessageFilteredCache = {}
for _,v in pairs(script.Parent.ShopFrame.ButtonsFrame:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("TextButton") then v.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() v.Parent.Visible = false script.Parent.ShopFrame.Boxes.Weapon.Value = v.Name script.Parent.ShopFrame.Boxes.Visible = true end) end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__HDAdminMain__1 = _G.HDAdminMain; local u1 = { Phone = 1, Tablet = 0.8, Computer = 0.6 }; local u2 = { [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MainFrame] = 0.78, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template5] = 0.78, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template6] = 0.78, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template7] = 0.78, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template9] = 0.78, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template10] = 1.17, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template11] = 1.17, [l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.MenuTemplates.Template12] = 0.78 }; local u3 = 0; local function u4() local v2 = u1.Computer; if l__HDAdminMain__1.device == "Mobile" then if l__HDAdminMain__1.tablet then v2 = u1.Tablet; else v2 = u1.Phone; end; end; for v3, v4 in pairs(u2) do local v5 = v2; if v4 > 1 then v5 = v2 / 1.5; end; v3.Position =, 0, (1 - v5) / 2, 0); v3.Size =, 0, v5, 0); local v6 = v3.AbsoluteSize.Y * v4; v3.Position =, -v6 / 2, v3.Position.Y.Scale, v3.Position.Y.Offset); v3.Size =, v6, v3.Size.Y.Scale, v3.Size.Y.Offset); end; end; local function u5() u3 = u3 + 1; wait(0.5); u3 = u3 - 1; if u3 == 0 then u4(); l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("PageAbout"):CreateCredits(); end; end; l__HDAdminMain__1.gui.Changed:Connect(function(p1) if p1 == "AbsoluteSize" then u5(); end; end); u4(); return {};
--skip stage product id: 940704785
MarketplaceService = Game:GetService("MarketplaceService") MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo) players = game.Players:GetPlayers() currency = "Stage" done = 0 for i=1,#players do if players[i].userId == receiptInfo.PlayerId then if receiptInfo.ProductId == 940704785 and done == 0 then done = 1 players[i].leaderstats[currency].Value = players[i].leaderstats[currency].Value + 1 players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 done = 0 end end end return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end
--[[** <description> Increment the cached result by value. </description> <parameter name = "value"> The value to increment by. </parameter> <parameter name = "defaultValue"> If there is no cached result, set it to this before incrementing. </parameter> **--]]
function DataStore:Increment(value, defaultValue) self:Set(self:Get(defaultValue) + value) end
--[[ Input/Settings Changed Events ]]
-- local mouseLockSwitchFunc = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if IsShiftLockMode then onShiftLockToggled() end end local function disableShiftLock() if ScreenGui then ScreenGui.Parent = nil end IsShiftLockMode = false Mouse.Icon = "" if InputCn then InputCn:disconnect() InputCn = nil end IsActionBound = false ShiftLockController.OnShiftLockToggled:Fire() end
-- Offsets for the volume visibility test
local SCAN_SAMPLE_OFFSETS = { 0.4, 0.0),, 0.0), 0.0,-0.4), 0.0, 0.4), 0.0, 0.2), }
-- useless comment here
function waitForChild(parent, child) while not parent:FindFirstChild(child) do parent.ChildAdded:wait() end end local model = script.Parent local doorOpenTime = 3 local weld1RelativePosition = +, -1.1, .55) local weld2RelativePosition = +, -1.1, -.55) waitForChild(model, "PlayerIdTag") waitForChild(model, "Configuration") waitForChild(model, "Door1") waitForChild(model, "Door2") waitForChild(model, "TouchDoor1") waitForChild(model, "TouchDoor2") waitForChild(model, "OuterEdge") local doorOwnerId = model.PlayerIdTag.Value -- Update the owner ID local config = model.Configuration local doorPart1 = model.Door1 local doorPart2 = model.Door2 local doorTouch1 = model.TouchDoor1 local doorTouch2 = model.TouchDoor2 local outerEdge = model.OuterEdge waitForChild(config, "FriendMode") local mode = config.FriendMode function testPermission(part) doorOwnerId = model.PlayerIdTag.Value -- Update the owner ID if part == nil then return false end -- In case part was deleted pChar = part.Parent if pChar == nil then return false end pPlay = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(pChar) -- In case player left game if pPlay == nil then return false end -- Test permissions if(mode.Value == "Everyone") then return true elseif (mode.Value == "Only Me") then if pPlay.userId == doorOwnerId then return true else -- no access end elseif(mode.Value == "Friends") then if (pPlay:IsFriendsWith(doorOwnerId)) then return true else -- no access end elseif(mode.Value == "Best Friends") then if (pPlay:IsBestFriendsWith(doorOwnerId)) then return true else -- no access end elseif(mode.Value == "Group") then if (pPlay:IsInGroup(doorOwnerId)) then return true else -- no access end end return false end local isOpen function doorOpen() isOpen = true --if doorPart1:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") ~= nil then doorPart1.DoorWeld:Remove() end --if doorPart2:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") ~= nil then doorPart2.DoorWeld:Remove() end weld1 = doorPart1:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") weld2 = doorPart2:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") if not weld1 or not weld2 then return end -- horrible animation code for i = 1, 10 do weld1.C1 = weld1RelativePosition +, 0, i * .2) weld2.C1 = weld2RelativePosition +, 0, i * -.2) wait(.1) end end function doorClose() -- horrible animation code weld1 = doorPart1:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") weld2 = doorPart2:FindFirstChild("DoorWeld") if not weld1 or not weld2 then return end for i = 9, 0, -1 do weld1.C1 = weld1RelativePosition +, 0, i * .2) weld2.C1 = weld2RelativePosition +, 0, i * -.2) wait(.1) end isOpen = false --doorPart2.CFrame = doorGyro.cframe -- snap shut through the player, so that it doesn't send them flying end local debounce = false local stayOpenTime = 0 function touchEvent(part) if not part or not part.Parent or part.Parent == model then return end --if (part ~= door1 and part ~= door2) then if (testPermission(part)) then if not debounce and not isOpen then debounce = true doorOpen() wait(doorOpenTime) while stayOpenTime > 0 do local tempVariable = stayOpenTime -- allows us to use this variable in the wait while also setting it to zero stayOpenTime = 0 wait(tempVariable) end doorClose() debounce = false else stayOpenTime = doorOpenTime end end --end end function changedEvent(prop) -- Only interested in CFrame (position + rotation) changes if(prop ~= "CFrame") then return end --targetPos = underDoors.Position --door1bp.position = side2.Position --door2bp.position = side1.Position --a = underDoors.CFrame.lookVector --lookVector = math.abs(a.x), math.abs(a.y), math.abs(a.z) ) --setDoorForces() end changedEvent("CFrame") -- Fire once to initialize
--// Handling Settings
Firerate = 60 / 720; -- 60 = 1 Minute, 700 = Rounds per that 60 seconds. DO NOT TOUCH THE 60! FireMode = 1; -- 1 = Semi, 2 = Auto, 3 = Burst, 4 = Bolt Action, 5 = Shot, 6 = Explosive
-- Tool
local Tool = script.Parent local Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle")
-- << MAIN >> --Touch Pad
for a,b in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do local touchPart = b:FindFirstChild("TouchPart") if touchPart then local touchDe = {} local originalColor = touchPart.Color local particles = touchPart.Particles touchPart.Touched:Connect(function(hit) local character = hit.Parent local player = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and not touchDe[player] then touchDe[player] = true --Check rank is lower than giver rank local plrRankId, plrRankName, plrRankType = hd:GetRank(player) local newColor = errorColor if plrRankId < rankId then --Give rank hd:SetRank(player, rankId, rankType) newColor = successColor else local errorMessage = "Your rank is already higher than '"..rankName.."'!" if plrRankId == rankId then errorMessage = "You've already been ranked to '"..rankName.."'!" end hd:Error(player, errorMessage) end --Change pad color touchPart.Color = newColor --Success effect if newColor == successColor then local hrp = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if hrp and particles then local particlesClone = particles:Clone() debris:AddItem(particlesClone, 3) particlesClone.Parent = hrp for _, effect in pairs(particlesClone:GetChildren()) do effect:Emit(2) end end end --Revert pad color local tween = tweenService:Create(touchPart,, {Color = originalColor}) tween:Play() tween.Completed:Wait() touchDe[player] = false end end) end end
sp=script.Parent local bv=sp:WaitForChild("BodyVelocity") wait(.5+math.random()) bv.velocity=bv.velocity*,0,1) for _=1,100 do,math.random()-.5,math.random()-.5)*5 wait(.5+math.random()) end sp:Destroy()
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local toolAnimName = "" local toolAnimTrack = nil local toolAnimInstance = nil local currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler = nil function toolKeyFrameReachedFunc(frameName) if (frameName == "End") then playToolAnimation(toolAnimName, 0.0, Humanoid) end end function playToolAnimation(animName, transitionTime, humanoid, priority) local idx = rollAnimation(animName) local anim = animTable[animName][idx].anim if (toolAnimInstance ~= anim) then if (toolAnimTrack ~= nil) then toolAnimTrack:Stop() toolAnimTrack:Destroy() transitionTime = 0 end -- load it to the humanoid; get AnimationTrack toolAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) if priority then toolAnimTrack.Priority = priority end -- play the animation toolAnimTrack:Play(transitionTime) toolAnimName = animName toolAnimInstance = anim currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler = toolAnimTrack.KeyframeReached:connect(toolKeyFrameReachedFunc) end end function stopToolAnimations() local oldAnim = toolAnimName if (currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler:disconnect() end toolAnimName = "" toolAnimInstance = nil if (toolAnimTrack ~= nil) then toolAnimTrack:Stop() toolAnimTrack:Destroy() toolAnimTrack = nil end return oldAnim end local Speed = {0, tick(), 0} function checkingSPEED(speed) if Speed[3] == 0 then _G.CurrentWS = script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed Speed[3] = 1 return end if _G.CurrentWS then if script.Parent then if script.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then if _G.CurrentWS + 0.2 < script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed then if tick() - Speed[2] < 1 then Speed[1] += 1 else Speed[1] = 0 end Speed[2] = tick() if Speed[1] > 10 then if game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() then print('CRASH ' .. speed) return else while true do end end end end end end end end
--------RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorright.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.pillar.BrickColor =
--[[** ensures Roblox Random type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.Random = t.typeof("Random")
i = true script.Parent[BoneModelName]:MoveTo(,10000,0)) script.Parent[BoneModelName]:Clone().Parent = game.ServerStorage script.Parent.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,X,Y,Z) if i then i = false local zone = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild(BoneModelName):Clone() zone.Parent = game.Workspace zone.PrimaryPart = zone.Main zone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(,Y+1,Z))) zone.Main.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(HumanoidName) then hit.Parent[HumanoidName].Health = hit.Parent[HumanoidName].Health-Damage end end) wait(Cooldown) i = true end end)
-- Reproduza a faixa de animação em loop
idleAnimationTrack:Play(0, 1, 1) local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local bobCF = local swayCF = local running = 0 runservice.RenderStepped:Connect(function() local mouseDelta = uis:GetMouseDelta()/50 -- divida pelo valor que desejar if hum.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then running = 1 else running = 0 end -- Verifica se o jogador está andando ou não. local swayX = math.clamp(mouseDelta.X, -0.2,0.2) -- Nós limitamos para que não tenhamos resultados estranhos local swayY = math.clamp(mouseDelta.Y, -0.2,0.2) local bobX = math.cos(tick() * 5 * hum.WalkSpeed/16) * .2 -- Os números dentro dos () fazem a velocidade, e o .2 é a intensidade, tanto para o Y quanto para o X local bobY = math.abs(math.sin(tick() * 6 * hum.WalkSpeed/16) * .3) bobCF = bobCF:Lerp( * running,bobY * running,0) , .4) -- Torna suave swayCF = swayCF:Lerp(, swayY, 0), .3) viewmodel.Camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * bobCF * swayCF -- Pronto end)
--// Renders
local L_161_ L_103_:connect(function() if L_15_ then L_156_, L_157_ = L_156_ or 0, L_157_ or 0 if L_159_ == nil or L_158_ == nil then L_159_ = L_45_.C0 L_158_ = L_45_.C1 end local L_271_ = (math.sin(L_150_ * L_152_ / 2) * L_151_) local L_272_ = (math.sin(L_150_ * L_152_) * L_151_) local L_273_ =, L_272_, 0.02) local L_274_ = (math.sin(L_146_ * L_149_ / 2) * L_148_) local L_275_ = (math.cos(L_146_ * L_149_) * L_148_) local L_276_ =, L_275_, 0.02) if L_143_ then L_150_ = L_150_ + .017 if L_24_.WalkAnimEnabled == true then L_144_ = L_273_ else L_144_ = end else L_150_ = 0 L_144_ = end L_142_.t =, L_138_, 0) local L_277_ = L_142_.p local L_278_ = L_277_.X / L_139_ * (L_61_ and L_141_ or L_140_) local L_279_ = L_277_.Y / L_139_ * (L_61_ and L_141_ or L_140_) L_5_.CFrame = L_5_.CFrame:lerp(L_5_.CFrame * L_145_, 0.2) if L_61_ then L_133_ = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-L_278_), math.rad(L_278_), math.rad(L_279_)) * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, -1), math.rad(L_278_)) L_146_ = 0 L_147_ = elseif not L_61_ then L_133_ = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-L_279_), math.rad(-L_278_), math.rad(-L_278_)) * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(L_44_.Position, math.rad(-L_279_)) L_146_ = L_146_ + 0.017 L_147_ = L_276_ end if L_24_.SwayEnabled == true then L_45_.C0 = L_45_.C0:lerp(L_159_ * L_133_ * L_144_ * L_147_, 0.1) else L_45_.C0 = L_45_.C0:lerp(L_159_ * L_144_, 0.1) end if L_64_ and not L_67_ and L_69_ and not L_61_ and not L_63_ and not Shooting then L_45_.C1 = L_45_.C1:lerp(L_45_.C0 * L_24_.SprintPos, 0.1) elseif not L_64_ and not L_67_ and not L_69_ and not L_61_ and not L_63_ and not Shooting and not L_76_ then L_45_.C1 = L_45_.C1:lerp(, 0.1) end if L_61_ and not L_64_ then if not L_62_ then L_87_ = L_24_.AimCamRecoil L_86_ = L_24_.AimGunRecoil L_88_ = L_24_.AimKickback elseif L_62_ then if L_90_ == 1 then L_87_ = L_24_.AimCamRecoil / 1.5 L_86_ = L_24_.AimGunRecoil / 1.5 L_88_ = L_24_.AimKickback / 1.5 end if L_90_ == 2 then L_87_ = L_24_.AimCamRecoil / 2 L_86_ = L_24_.AimGunRecoil / 2 L_88_ = L_24_.AimKickback / 2 end end if (L_3_.Head.Position - L_5_.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude < 2 then L_45_.C1 = L_45_.C1:lerp(L_45_.C0 * L_53_.CFrame:toObjectSpace(L_44_.CFrame), L_24_.AimSpeed) L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Visible = true L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Text = L_51_ L_104_.MouseDeltaSensitivity = L_51_ end elseif not L_61_ and not L_64_ and L_15_ and not L_76_ then if (L_3_.Head.Position - L_5_.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude < 2 then L_45_.C1 = L_45_.C1:lerp(, L_24_.UnaimSpeed) L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Visible = false L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Text = L_51_ L_104_.MouseDeltaSensitivity = L_52_ end if not L_62_ then L_87_ = L_24_.camrecoil L_86_ = L_24_.gunrecoil L_88_ = L_24_.Kickback elseif L_62_ then if L_90_ == 1 then L_87_ = L_24_.camrecoil / 1.5 L_86_ = L_24_.gunrecoil / 1.5 L_88_ = L_24_.Kickback / 1.5 end if L_90_ == 2 then L_87_ = L_24_.camrecoil / 2 L_86_ = L_24_.gunrecoil / 2 L_88_ = L_24_.Kickback / 2 end end end if Recoiling then L_145_ = CFrame.Angles(L_87_, 0, 0) --cam.CoordinateFrame = cam.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(camrecoil*math.random(0,3)), math.rad(camrecoil*math.random(-1,1)), math.rad(camrecoil*math.random(-1,1))) L_45_.C0 = L_45_.C0:lerp(L_45_.C0 *, 0, L_86_) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(L_88_), 0, 0), 0.3) elseif not Recoiling then L_145_ = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0) L_45_.C0 = L_45_.C0:lerp(, 0.2) end if L_62_ then L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid').Jump = false end if L_15_ then L_5_.FieldOfView = L_5_.FieldOfView * (1 - L_24_.ZoomSpeed) + (L_94_ * L_24_.ZoomSpeed) if (L_3_.Head.Position - L_5_.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude >= 2 then L_87_ = L_24_.AimCamRecoil L_86_ = L_24_.AimGunRecoil L_88_ = L_24_.AimKickback L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Visible = true L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Text = L_51_ L_104_.MouseDeltaSensitivity = L_51_ elseif (L_3_.Head.Position - L_5_.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude < 2 and not L_61_ and not L_62_ then L_87_ = L_24_.camrecoil L_86_ = L_24_.gunrecoil L_88_ = L_24_.Kickback L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Visible = false L_42_:WaitForChild('Sense'):WaitForChild('Sensitivity').Text = L_51_ L_104_.MouseDeltaSensitivity = L_52_ end end if L_15_ and L_24_.CameraGo then --and (char.Head.Position - cam.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude < 2 then L_4_.TargetFilter = game.Workspace local L_280_ = L_3_:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame *, 1.5, 0) *"Humanoid").CameraOffset) L_48_.C0 = L_8_.CFrame:toObjectSpace(L_280_) L_48_.C1 = CFrame.Angles(-math.asin((L_4_.Hit.p - L_4_.Origin.p).unit.y), 0, 0) L_104_.MouseIconEnabled = false end if L_15_ and (L_3_.Head.Position - L_5_.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude >= 2 then if L_4_.Icon ~= "" .. L_24_.TPSMouseIcon then L_4_.Icon = "" .. L_24_.TPSMouseIcon end-- L_104_.MouseIconEnabled = true if L_3_:FindFirstChild('Right Arm') and L_3_:FindFirstChild('Left Arm') then L_3_['Right Arm'].LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 L_3_['Left Arm'].LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 end end; end end)
--[[** ensures value is a number where min <= value <= max @param min The minimum to use @param max The maximum to use @returns A function that will return true iff the condition is passed **--]]
function t.numberConstrained(min, max) assert(t.number(min) and t.number(max)) local minCheck = t.numberMin(min) local maxCheck = t.numberMax(max) return function(value) local minSuccess, minErrMsg = minCheck(value) if not minSuccess then return false, minErrMsg or "" end local maxSuccess, maxErrMsg = maxCheck(value) if not maxSuccess then return false, maxErrMsg or "" end return true end end
--[=[ The same as [](/api/Promise#new), except execution begins after the next `Heartbeat` event. This is a spiritual replacement for `spawn`, but it does not suffer from the same [issues]( as `spawn`. ```lua local function waitForChild(instance, childName, timeout) return Promise.defer(function(resolve, reject) local child = instance:WaitForChild(childName, timeout) ;(child and resolve or reject)(child) end) end ``` @param executor (resolve: (...: any) -> (), reject: (...: any) -> (), onCancel: (abortHandler?: () -> ()) -> boolean) -> () @return Promise ]=]
function Promise.defer(executor) local traceback = debug.traceback(nil, 2) local promise promise = Promise._new(traceback, function(resolve, reject, onCancel) task.defer(function() local ok, _, result = runExecutor(traceback, executor, resolve, reject, onCancel) if not ok then reject(result[1]) end end) end) return promise end
--Made by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") RunService = game:GetService("RunService") ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility") Create = RbxUtility.Create Animations = {} ServerControl = Tool:WaitForChild("ServerControl") ClientControl = Tool:WaitForChild("ClientControl") Rate = (1 / 60) ToolEquipped = false function SetAnimation(mode, value) if not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then return end local function StopAnimation(Animation) for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v.Animation == Animation then v.AnimationTrack:Stop(value.EndFadeTime) if v.TrackStopped then v.TrackStopped:disconnect() end table.remove(Animations, i) end end end if mode == "PlayAnimation" then for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v.Animation == value.Animation then if value.Speed then v.AnimationTrack:AdjustSpeed(value.Speed) return elseif value.Weight or value.FadeTime then v.AnimationTrack:AdjustWeight(value.Weight, value.FadeTime) return else StopAnimation(value.Animation, false) end end end local AnimationMonitor = Create("Model"){} local TrackEnded = Create("StringValue"){Name = "Ended"} local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(value.Animation) local TrackStopped if not value.Manual then TrackStopped = AnimationTrack.Stopped:connect(function() if TrackStopped then TrackStopped:disconnect() end StopAnimation(value.Animation, true) TrackEnded.Parent = AnimationMonitor end) end table.insert(Animations, {Animation = value.Animation, AnimationTrack = AnimationTrack, TrackStopped = TrackStopped}) AnimationTrack:Play(value.FadeTime, value.Weight, value.Speed) if TrackStopped then AnimationMonitor:WaitForChild(TrackEnded.Name) end return TrackEnded.Name elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then StopAnimation(value.Animation) end end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Player and Player.Parent) and true) or false) end function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ToolEquipped = true if not CheckIfAlive() then return end Spawn(function() PlayerMouse = Player:GetMouse() Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = true}) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = false}) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) InvokeServer("KeyPress", {Key = Key, Down = true}) end) Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(Key) InvokeServer("KeyPress", {Key = Key, Down = false}) end) for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Animation") then ContentProvider:Preload(v.AnimationId) end end end) end function Unequipped() for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v and v.AnimationTrack then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() end end Animations = {} ToolEquipped = false end function InvokeServer(mode, value) local ServerReturn = nil pcall(function() ServerReturn = ServerControl:InvokeServer(mode, value) end) return ServerReturn end function OnClientInvoke(mode, value) if mode == "PlayAnimation" and value and ToolEquipped and Humanoid then SetAnimation("PlayAnimation", value) elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then SetAnimation("StopAnimation", value) elseif mode == "PlaySound" and value then value:Play() elseif mode == "StopSound" and value then value:Stop() elseif mode == "MousePosition" then return {Position = PlayerMouse.Hit.p, Target = PlayerMouse.Target} end end ClientControl.OnClientInvoke = OnClientInvoke Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
--// Char Parts
local Humanoid = char:WaitForChild('Humanoid') local Head = char:WaitForChild('Head') local Torso = char:WaitForChild('UpperTorso') local HumanoidRootPart = char:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart') local RootJoint = char.LowerTorso:WaitForChild('Root') local Neck = Head:WaitForChild('Neck') local Right_Shoulder = char.RightUpperArm:WaitForChild('RightShoulder') local Left_Shoulder = char.LeftUpperArm:WaitForChild('LeftShoulder') local Right_Hip = char.RightUpperLeg:WaitForChild('RightHip') local Left_Hip = char.LeftUpperLeg:WaitForChild('LeftHip') local YOffset = Neck.C0.Y local WaistYOffset = Neck.C0.Y local CFNew, CFAng =, CFrame.Angles local Asin = math.asin local T = 0.15 User.MouseIconEnabled = true plr.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom cam.CameraSubject = Humanoid if gameRules.TeamTags then local tag = Essential.TeamTag:clone() tag.Parent = char tag.Disabled = false end function handleAction(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if actionName == "Fire" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and AnimDebounce then Shoot() if WeaponData.Type == "Grenade" then CookGrenade = true Grenade() end elseif actionName == "Fire" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then mouse1down = false CookGrenade = false end if actionName == "Reload" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and AnimDebounce and not CheckingMag and not reloading then if WeaponData.Jammed then Jammed() else Reload() end end if actionName == "Reload" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and reloading and WeaponData.ShellInsert then CancelReload = true end if actionName == "CycleLaser" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and LaserAtt then SetLaser() end if actionName == "CycleLight" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and TorchAtt then SetTorch() end if actionName == "CycleFiremode" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and WeaponData and WeaponData.FireModes.ChangeFiremode then Firemode() end if actionName == "CycleAimpart" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then SetAimpart() end if actionName == "ZeroUp" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and WeaponData and WeaponData.EnableZeroing then if WeaponData.CurrentZero < WeaponData.MaxZero then WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:play() WeaponData.CurrentZero = math.min(WeaponData.CurrentZero + WeaponData.ZeroIncrement, WeaponData.MaxZero) UpdateGui() end end if actionName == "ZeroDown" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and WeaponData and WeaponData.EnableZeroing then if WeaponData.CurrentZero > 0 then WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:play() WeaponData.CurrentZero = math.max(WeaponData.CurrentZero - WeaponData.ZeroIncrement, 0) UpdateGui() end end if actionName == "CheckMag" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and not CheckingMag and not reloading and not runKeyDown and AnimDebounce then CheckMagFunction() end if actionName == "ToggleBipod" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and CanBipod then BipodActive = not BipodActive UpdateGui() end if actionName == "NVG" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and not NVGdebounce then if plr.Character then local helmet = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Helmet") if helmet then local nvg = helmet:FindFirstChild("Up") if nvg then NVGdebounce = true delay(.8,function() NVG = not NVG Evt.NVG:Fire(NVG) NVGdebounce = false end) end end end end if actionName == "ADS" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and AnimDebounce then if WeaponData and WeaponData.canAim and GunStance > -2 and not runKeyDown and not CheckingMag then aimming = not aimming ADS(aimming) end if WeaponData.Type == "Grenade" then GrenadeMode() end end if actionName == "Stand" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and ChangeStance and not Swimming and not Sentado and not runKeyDown then if Stances == 2 then Crouched = true Proned = false Stances = 1 CameraY = -1 Crouch() elseif Stances == 1 then Crouched = false Stances = 0 CameraY = 0 Stand() end end if actionName == "Crouch" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and ChangeStance and not Swimming and not Sentado and not runKeyDown then if Stances == 0 then Stances = 1 CameraY = -1 Crouch() Crouched = true elseif Stances == 1 then Stances = 2 CameraX = 0 CameraY = -3.25 Virar = 0 Lean() Prone() Crouched = false Proned = true end end if actionName == "ToggleWalk" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and ChangeStance and not runKeyDown then Steady = not Steady if Steady then SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Steady.Visible = true else SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Steady.Visible = false end if Stances == 0 then Stand() end end if actionName == "LeanLeft" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and Stances ~= 2 and ChangeStance and not Swimming and not runKeyDown and CanLean then if Virar == 0 or Virar == 1 then Virar = -1 CameraX = -1.25 else Virar = 0 CameraX = 0 end Lean() end if actionName == "LeanRight" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and Stances ~= 2 and ChangeStance and not Swimming and not runKeyDown and CanLean then if Virar == 0 or Virar == -1 then Virar = 1 CameraX = 1.25 else Virar = 0 CameraX = 0 end Lean() end if actionName == "Run" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and running and not script.Parent:GetAttribute("Injured") then runKeyDown = true Stand() Stances = 0 Virar = 0 CameraX = 0 CameraY = 0 Lean() char:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = gameRules.RunWalkSpeed if aimming then aimming = false ADS(aimming) end if not CheckingMag and not reloading and WeaponData and WeaponData.Type ~= "Grenade" and (GunStance == 0 or GunStance == 2 or GunStance == 3) then GunStance = 3 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) SprintAnim() end elseif actionName == "Run" and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End and runKeyDown then runKeyDown = false Stand() if not CheckingMag and not reloading and WeaponData and WeaponData.Type ~= "Grenade" and (GunStance == 0 or GunStance == 2 or GunStance == 3) then GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) IdleAnim() end end end function resetMods() ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilUp = 1 ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilLeft = 1 ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilRight = 1 ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilTilt = 1 ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilUp = 1 ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilTilt = 1 ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilLeft = 1 ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilRight = 1 ModTable.AimRM = 1 ModTable.SpreadRM = 1 ModTable.DamageMod = 1 ModTable.minDamageMod = 1 ModTable.MinRecoilPower = 1 ModTable.MaxRecoilPower = 1 ModTable.RecoilPowerStepAmount = 1 ModTable.MinSpread = 1 ModTable.MaxSpread = 1 ModTable.AimInaccuracyStepAmount = 1 ModTable.AimInaccuracyDecrease = 1 ModTable.WalkMult = 1 ModTable.MuzzleVelocity = 1 end function setMods(ModData) ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilUp = ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilUp * ModData.camRecoil.RecoilUp ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilLeft = ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilLeft * ModData.camRecoil.RecoilLeft ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilRight = ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilRight * ModData.camRecoil.RecoilRight ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilTilt = ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilTilt * ModData.camRecoil.RecoilTilt ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilUp = ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilUp * ModData.gunRecoil.RecoilUp ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilTilt = ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilTilt * ModData.gunRecoil.RecoilTilt ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilLeft = ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilLeft * ModData.gunRecoil.RecoilLeft ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilRight = ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilRight * ModData.gunRecoil.RecoilRight ModTable.AimRM = ModTable.AimRM * ModData.AimRecoilReduction ModTable.SpreadRM = ModTable.SpreadRM * ModData.AimSpreadReduction ModTable.DamageMod = ModTable.DamageMod * ModData.DamageMod ModTable.minDamageMod = ModTable.minDamageMod * ModData.minDamageMod ModTable.MinRecoilPower = ModTable.MinRecoilPower * ModData.MinRecoilPower ModTable.MaxRecoilPower = ModTable.MaxRecoilPower * ModData.MaxRecoilPower ModTable.RecoilPowerStepAmount = ModTable.RecoilPowerStepAmount * ModData.RecoilPowerStepAmount ModTable.MinSpread = ModTable.MinSpread * ModData.MinSpread ModTable.MaxSpread = ModTable.MaxSpread * ModData.MaxSpread ModTable.AimInaccuracyStepAmount = ModTable.AimInaccuracyStepAmount * ModData.AimInaccuracyStepAmount ModTable.AimInaccuracyDecrease = ModTable.AimInaccuracyDecrease * ModData.AimInaccuracyDecrease ModTable.WalkMult = ModTable.WalkMult * ModData.WalkMult ModTable.MuzzleVelocity = ModTable.MuzzleVelocity * ModData.MuzzleVelocityMod end function loadAttachment(weapon) if weapon and weapon:FindFirstChild("Nodes") ~= nil then --load sight Att if weapon.Nodes:FindFirstChild("Sight") ~= nil and WeaponData.SightAtt ~= "" then SightData = require(AttModules[WeaponData.SightAtt]) SightAtt = AttModels[WeaponData.SightAtt]:Clone() SightAtt.Parent = weapon SightAtt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(weapon.Nodes.Sight.CFrame) weapon.AimPart.CFrame = SightAtt.AimPos.CFrame reticle = SightAtt.SightMark.SurfaceGui.Border.Scope if SightData.SightZoom > 0 then ModTable.ZoomValue = SightData.SightZoom end if SightData.SightZoom2 > 0 then ModTable.Zoom2Value = SightData.SightZoom2 end setMods(SightData) for index, key in pairs(weapon:GetChildren()) do if key.Name == "IS" then key.Transparency = 1 end end for index, key in pairs(SightAtt:GetChildren()) do if key:IsA('BasePart') then Ultil.Weld(weapon:WaitForChild("Handle"), key ) key.Anchored = false key.CanCollide = false end end end --load Barrel Att if weapon.Nodes:FindFirstChild("Barrel") ~= nil and WeaponData.BarrelAtt ~= "" then BarrelData = require(AttModules[WeaponData.BarrelAtt]) BarrelAtt = AttModels[WeaponData.BarrelAtt]:Clone() BarrelAtt.Parent = weapon BarrelAtt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(weapon.Nodes.Barrel.CFrame) if BarrelAtt:FindFirstChild("BarrelPos") ~= nil then weapon.Handle.Muzzle.WorldCFrame = BarrelAtt.BarrelPos.CFrame end Suppressor = BarrelData.IsSuppressor FlashHider = BarrelData.IsFlashHider setMods(BarrelData) for index, key in pairs(BarrelAtt:GetChildren()) do if key:IsA('BasePart') then Ultil.Weld(weapon:WaitForChild("Handle"), key ) key.Anchored = false key.CanCollide = false end end end --load Under Barrel Att if weapon.Nodes:FindFirstChild("UnderBarrel") ~= nil and WeaponData.UnderBarrelAtt ~= "" then UnderBarrelData = require(AttModules[WeaponData.UnderBarrelAtt]) UnderBarrelAtt = AttModels[WeaponData.UnderBarrelAtt]:Clone() UnderBarrelAtt.Parent = weapon UnderBarrelAtt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(weapon.Nodes.UnderBarrel.CFrame) setMods(UnderBarrelData) BipodAtt = UnderBarrelData.IsBipod if BipodAtt then CAS:BindAction("ToggleBipod", handleAction, true, Enum.KeyCode.B) end for index, key in pairs(UnderBarrelAtt:GetChildren()) do if key:IsA('BasePart') then Ultil.Weld(weapon:WaitForChild("Handle"), key ) key.Anchored = false key.CanCollide = false end end end if weapon.Nodes:FindFirstChild("Other") ~= nil and WeaponData.OtherAtt ~= "" then OtherData = require(AttModules[WeaponData.OtherAtt]) OtherAtt = AttModels[WeaponData.OtherAtt]:Clone() OtherAtt.Parent = weapon OtherAtt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(weapon.Nodes.Other.CFrame) setMods(OtherData) LaserAtt = OtherData.EnableLaser TorchAtt = OtherData.EnableFlashlight if OtherData.InfraRed then IREnable = true end for index, key in pairs(OtherAtt:GetChildren()) do if key:IsA('BasePart') then Ultil.Weld(weapon:WaitForChild("Handle"), key ) key.Anchored = false key.CanCollide = false end end end end end function SetLaser() if gameRules.RealisticLaser and IREnable then if not LaserActive and not IRmode then LaserActive = true IRmode = true elseif LaserActive and IRmode then IRmode = false else LaserActive = false IRmode = false end else LaserActive = not LaserActive end print(LaserActive, IRmode) if LaserActive then if not Pointer then for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "LaserPoint" then local LaserPointer ='Part',Key) LaserPointer.Shape = 'Ball' LaserPointer.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) LaserPointer.CanCollide = false LaserPointer.Color = Key.Color LaserPointer.Material = Enum.Material.Neon local LaserSP ='Attachment',Key) local LaserEP ='Attachment',LaserPointer) local Laser ='Beam',LaserPointer) Laser.Transparency = Laser.LightEmission = 1 Laser.LightInfluence = 1 Laser.Attachment0 = LaserSP Laser.Attachment1 = LaserEP Laser.Color = Laser.FaceCamera = true Laser.Width0 = 0.01 Laser.Width1 = 0.01 if gameRules.RealisticLaser then Laser.Enabled = false end Pointer = LaserPointer break end end end else for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "LaserPoint" then Key:ClearAllChildren() break end end Pointer = nil if gameRules.ReplicatedLaser then Evt.SVLaser:FireServer(nil,2,nil,false,WeaponTool) end end WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:play() UpdateGui() end function SetTorch() TorchActive = not TorchActive if TorchActive then for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "FlashPoint" then Key.Light.Enabled = true end end else for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "FlashPoint" then Key.Light.Enabled = false end end end Evt.SVFlash:FireServer(WeaponTool,TorchActive) WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:play() UpdateGui() end function ADS(aimming) if WeaponData and WeaponInHand then if aimming then if SafeMode then SafeMode = false GunStance = 0 IdleAnim() UpdateGui() end game:GetService('UserInputService').MouseDeltaSensitivity = (Sens/100) WeaponInHand.Handle.AimDown:Play() GunStance = 2 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) TS:Create(Crosshair.Up,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Down,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Left,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Right,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() else game:GetService('UserInputService').MouseDeltaSensitivity = 1 WeaponInHand.Handle.AimUp:Play() GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) if WeaponData.CrossHair then TS:Create(Crosshair.Up,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Down,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Left,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Right,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() end if WeaponData.CenterDot then TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() else TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() end end end end function SetAimpart() if aimming then if AimPartMode == 1 then AimPartMode = 2 if WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild('AimPart2') then CurAimpart = WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild('AimPart2') end else AimPartMode = 1 CurAimpart = WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild('AimPart') end --print("Set to Aimpart: "..AimPartMode) end end function Firemode() WeaponInHand.Handle.SafetyClick:Play() mouse1down = false ---Semi Settings--- if WeaponData.ShootType == 1 and WeaponData.FireModes.Burst == true then WeaponData.ShootType = 2 elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 1 and WeaponData.FireModes.Burst == false and WeaponData.FireModes.Auto == true then WeaponData.ShootType = 3 ---Burst Settings--- elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 2 and WeaponData.FireModes.Auto == true then WeaponData.ShootType = 3 elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 2 and WeaponData.FireModes.Semi == true and WeaponData.FireModes.Auto == false then WeaponData.ShootType = 1 ---Auto Settings--- elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 3 and WeaponData.FireModes.Semi == true then WeaponData.ShootType = 1 elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 3 and WeaponData.FireModes.Semi == false and WeaponData.FireModes.Burst == true then WeaponData.ShootType = 2 ---Explosive Settings--- end UpdateGui() end function setup(Tool) if char and char:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health > 0 and Tool ~= nil then ToolEquip = true User.MouseIconEnabled = false plr.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson WeaponTool = Tool WeaponData = require(Tool:WaitForChild("ACS_Settings")) AnimData = require(Tool:WaitForChild("ACS_Animations")) WeaponInHand = GunModels:WaitForChild(Tool.Name):Clone() WeaponInHand.PrimaryPart = WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle") Evt.Equip:FireServer(Tool,1,WeaponData,AnimData) ViewModel = ArmModel:WaitForChild("Arms"):Clone() ViewModel.Name = "Viewmodel" if char:FindFirstChild("Body Colors") ~= nil then local Colors = char:WaitForChild("Body Colors"):Clone() Colors.Parent = ViewModel end if char:FindFirstChild("Shirt") ~= nil then local Shirt = char:FindFirstChild("Shirt"):Clone() Shirt.Parent = ViewModel end AnimPart ="Part",ViewModel) AnimPart.Size =,0.1,0.1) AnimPart.Anchored = true AnimPart.CanCollide = false AnimPart.Transparency = 1 ViewModel.PrimaryPart = AnimPart LArmWeld ="Motor6D",AnimPart) LArmWeld.Name = "LeftArm" LArmWeld.Part0 = AnimPart RArmWeld ="Motor6D",AnimPart) RArmWeld.Name = "RightArm" RArmWeld.Part0 = AnimPart GunWeld ="Motor6D",AnimPart) GunWeld.Name = "Handle" --setup arms to camera ViewModel.Parent = cam maincf = AnimData.MainCFrame guncf = AnimData.GunCFrame larmcf = AnimData.LArmCFrame rarmcf = AnimData.RArmCFrame if WeaponData.CrossHair then TS:Create(Crosshair.Up,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Down,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Left,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Right,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play() if WeaponData.Bullets > 1 then Crosshair.Up.Rotation = 90 Crosshair.Down.Rotation = 90 Crosshair.Left.Rotation = 90 Crosshair.Right.Rotation = 90 else Crosshair.Up.Rotation = 0 Crosshair.Down.Rotation = 0 Crosshair.Left.Rotation = 0 Crosshair.Right.Rotation = 0 end else TS:Create(Crosshair.Up,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Down,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Left,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Right,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() end if WeaponData.CenterDot then TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() else TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() end LArm = ViewModel:WaitForChild("Left Arm") LArmWeld.Part1 = LArm LArmWeld.C0 = LArmWeld.C1 =,-1,-5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)):inverse() RArm = ViewModel:WaitForChild("Right Arm") RArmWeld.Part1 = RArm RArmWeld.C0 = RArmWeld.C1 =,-1,-5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)):inverse() GunWeld.Part0 = RArm LArm.Anchored = false RArm.Anchored = false --setup weapon to camera ModTable.ZoomValue = WeaponData.Zoom ModTable.Zoom2Value = WeaponData.Zoom2 IREnable = WeaponData.InfraRed CAS:BindAction("Fire", handleAction, true, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) CAS:BindAction("ADS", handleAction, true, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2) CAS:BindAction("Reload", handleAction, true, Enum.KeyCode.R, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB) CAS:BindAction("CycleAimpart", handleAction, false, Enum.KeyCode.T) CAS:BindAction("CycleLaser", handleAction, true, Enum.KeyCode.H) CAS:BindAction("CycleLight", handleAction, true, Enum.KeyCode.J) CAS:BindAction("CycleFiremode", handleAction, false, Enum.KeyCode.V) CAS:BindAction("CheckMag", handleAction, false, Enum.KeyCode.M) CAS:BindAction("ZeroDown", handleAction, false, Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket) CAS:BindAction("ZeroUp", handleAction, false, Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket) loadAttachment(WeaponInHand) BSpread = math.min(WeaponData.MinSpread * ModTable.MinSpread, WeaponData.MaxSpread * ModTable.MaxSpread) RecoilPower = math.min(WeaponData.MinRecoilPower * ModTable.MinRecoilPower, WeaponData.MaxRecoilPower * ModTable.MaxRecoilPower) Ammo = WeaponData.AmmoInGun StoredAmmo = WeaponData.StoredAmmo CurAimpart = WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild("AimPart") for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "FlashPoint" then TorchAtt = true end if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "LaserPoint" then LaserAtt = true end end if WeaponData.EnableHUD then SE_GUI.GunHUD.Visible = true end UpdateGui() for index, key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetChildren()) do if key:IsA('BasePart') and key.Name ~= 'Handle' then if key.Name ~= "Bolt" and key.Name ~= 'Lid' and key.Name ~= "Slide" then Ultil.Weld(WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle"), key) end if key.Name == "Bolt" or key.Name == "Slide" then Ultil.WeldComplex(WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle"), key, key.Name) end; if key.Name == "Lid" then if WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild('LidHinge') then Ultil.Weld(key, WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("LidHinge")) else Ultil.Weld(key, WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle")) end end end end; for L_213_forvar1, L_214_forvar2 in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetChildren()) do if L_214_forvar2:IsA('BasePart') then L_214_forvar2.Anchored = false L_214_forvar2.CanCollide = false end end; if WeaponInHand:FindFirstChild("Nodes") then for L_213_forvar1, L_214_forvar2 in pairs(WeaponInHand.Nodes:GetChildren()) do if L_214_forvar2:IsA('BasePart') then Ultil.Weld(WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle"), L_214_forvar2) L_214_forvar2.Anchored = false L_214_forvar2.CanCollide = false end end; end GunWeld.Part1 = WeaponInHand:WaitForChild("Handle") GunWeld.C1 = guncf --WeaponInHand:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( RArm.CFrame * guncf) WeaponInHand.Parent = ViewModel if Ammo <= 0 and WeaponData.Type == "Gun" then WeaponInHand.Handle.Slide.C0 = WeaponData.SlideEx:inverse() end EquipAnim() if WeaponData and WeaponData.Type ~= "Grenade" then RunCheck() end end end function unset() ToolEquip = false Evt.Equip:FireServer(WeaponTool,2) --unsetup weapon data module CAS:UnbindAction("Fire") CAS:UnbindAction("ADS") CAS:UnbindAction("Reload") CAS:UnbindAction("CycleLaser") CAS:UnbindAction("CycleLight") CAS:UnbindAction("CycleFiremode") CAS:UnbindAction("CycleAimpart") CAS:UnbindAction("ZeroUp") CAS:UnbindAction("ZeroDown") CAS:UnbindAction("CheckMag") mouse1down = false aimming = false TS:Create(cam,AimTween,{FieldOfView = 70}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Up,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Down,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Left,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Right,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(Crosshair.Center,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() User.MouseIconEnabled = true game:GetService('UserInputService').MouseDeltaSensitivity = 1 cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom plr.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic if WeaponInHand then WeaponData.AmmoInGun = Ammo WeaponData.StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo ViewModel:Destroy() ViewModel = nil WeaponInHand = nil WeaponTool = nil LArm = nil RArm = nil LArmWeld = nil RArmWeld = nil WeaponData = nil AnimData = nil SightAtt = nil reticle = nil BarrelAtt = nil UnderBarrelAtt = nil OtherAtt = nil LaserAtt = false LaserActive = false IRmode = false TorchAtt = false TorchActive = false BipodAtt = false BipodActive = false LaserDist = 0 Pointer = nil BSpread = nil RecoilPower = nil Suppressor = false FlashHider = false CancelReload = false reloading = false SafeMode = false CheckingMag = false GRDebounce = false CookGrenade = false GunStance = 0 resetMods() generateBullet = 1 AimPartMode = 1 SE_GUI.GunHUD.Visible = false SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Visible = false BipodCF = if gameRules.ReplicatedLaser then Evt.SVLaser:FireServer(nil,2,nil,false,WeaponTool) end end end local HalfStep = false function HeadMovement() if char.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local CameraDirection = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cam.CFrame).lookVector if Neck then if char.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 and char.Humanoid.Health > 0 and char.Humanoid.PlatformStand == false then HalfStep = not HalfStep local neckCFrame = CFNew(0, YOffset, 0) * CFAng(-Asin(char.UpperTorso.CFrame.lookVector.Y), -Asin(CameraDirection.X/1.15), 0) * CFAng(Asin(CameraDirection.Y), 0, 0) TS:Create(Neck,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0), {C0 = neckCFrame}):Play() if HalfStep then Evt.HeadRot:FireServer(neckCFrame) end end end end end function renderCam() cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(cameraspring.p.x,cameraspring.p.y,cameraspring.p.z) end function renderGunRecoil() recoilcf = recoilcf*CFrame.Angles(RecoilSpring.p.x,RecoilSpring.p.y,RecoilSpring.p.z) end function Recoil() local vr = (math.random(WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilUp[1], WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilUp[2])/2) * ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilUp local lr = (math.random(WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilLeft[1], WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilLeft[2])) * ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilLeft local rr = (math.random(WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilRight[1], WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilRight[2])) * ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilRight local hr = (math.random(-rr, lr)/2) local tr = (math.random(WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilTilt[1], WeaponData.camRecoil.camRecoilTilt[2])/2) * ModTable.camRecoilMod.RecoilTilt local RecoilX = math.rad(vr * RAND( 1, 1, .1)) local RecoilY = math.rad(hr * RAND(-1, 1, .1)) local RecoilZ = math.rad(tr * RAND(-1, 1, .1)) local gvr = (math.random(WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilUp[1], WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilUp[2]) /10) * ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilUp local gdr = (math.random(-1,1) * math.random(WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilTilt[1], WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilTilt[2]) /10) * ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilTilt local glr = (math.random(WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilLeft[1], WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilLeft[2])) * ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilLeft local grr = (math.random(WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilRight[1], WeaponData.gunRecoil.gunRecoilRight[2])) * ModTable.gunRecoilMod.RecoilRight local ghr = (math.random(-grr, glr)/10) local ARR = WeaponData.AimRecoilReduction * ModTable.AimRM if BipodActive then cameraspring:accelerate( RecoilX, RecoilY/2, 0 )) if not aimming then RecoilSpring:accelerate( math.rad(.25 * gvr * RecoilPower), math.rad(.25 * ghr * RecoilPower), math.rad(.25 * gdr))) recoilcf = recoilcf *,0,.1) * CFrame.Angles( math.rad(.25 * gvr * RecoilPower ),math.rad(.25 * ghr * RecoilPower ),math.rad(.25 * gdr * RecoilPower )) else RecoilSpring:accelerate( math.rad( .25 * gvr * RecoilPower/ARR) , math.rad(.25 * ghr * RecoilPower/ARR), math.rad(.25 * gdr/ ARR))) recoilcf = recoilcf *,0,.1) * CFrame.Angles( math.rad(.25 * gvr * RecoilPower/ARR ),math.rad(.25 * ghr * RecoilPower/ARR ),math.rad(.25 * gdr * RecoilPower/ARR )) end Thread:Wait(0.05) cameraspring:accelerate(, -RecoilY/2, 0)) else cameraspring:accelerate( RecoilX , RecoilY, RecoilZ )) if not aimming then RecoilSpring:accelerate( math.rad(gvr * RecoilPower), math.rad(ghr * RecoilPower), math.rad(gdr))) recoilcf = recoilcf *,-0.05,.1) * CFrame.Angles( math.rad( gvr * RecoilPower ),math.rad( ghr * RecoilPower ),math.rad( gdr * RecoilPower )) else RecoilSpring:accelerate( math.rad(gvr * RecoilPower/ARR) , math.rad(ghr * RecoilPower/ARR), math.rad(gdr/ ARR))) recoilcf = recoilcf *,0,.1) * CFrame.Angles( math.rad( gvr * RecoilPower/ARR ),math.rad( ghr * RecoilPower/ARR ),math.rad( gdr * RecoilPower/ARR )) end end end function CheckForHumanoid(L_225_arg1) local L_226_ = false local L_227_ = nil if L_225_arg1 then if (L_225_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") or L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) then L_226_ = true if L_225_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') then L_227_ = L_225_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') elseif L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') then L_227_ = L_225_arg1.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') end else L_226_ = false end end return L_226_, L_227_ end function CastRay(Bullet, Origin) if Bullet then local Bpos = Bullet.Position local Bpos2 = cam.CFrame.Position local recast = false local TotalDistTraveled = 0 local Debounce = false local raycastResult local raycastParams = raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Ignore_Model raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true while Bullet do Run.Heartbeat:Wait() if Bullet.Parent ~= nil then Bpos = Bullet.Position TotalDistTraveled = (Bullet.Position - Origin).Magnitude if TotalDistTraveled > 7000 then Bullet:Destroy() Debounce = true break end for _, plyr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if not Debounce and plyr:IsA('Player') and plyr ~= plr and plyr.Character and plyr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') ~= nil and (plyr.Character.Head.Position - Bpos).magnitude <= 25 then Evt.Whizz:FireServer(plyr) Evt.Suppression:FireServer(plyr,1,nil,nil) Debounce = true end end -- Set an origin and directional vector raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(Bpos2, (Bpos - Bpos2) * 1, raycastParams) recast = false if raycastResult then local Hit2 = raycastResult.Instance if Hit2 and Hit2.Parent:IsA('Accessory') or Hit2.Parent:IsA('Hat') then for _,players in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if players.Character then for i, hats in pairs(players.Character:GetChildren()) do if hats:IsA("Accessory") then table.insert(Ignore_Model, hats) end end end end recast = true CastRay(Bullet, Origin) break end if Hit2 and Hit2.Name == "Ignorable" or Hit2.Name == "Glass" or Hit2.Name == "Ignore" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Top" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Helmet" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Up" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Down" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Face" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Olho" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Headset" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Numero" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Vest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Chest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Waist" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Back" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Belt" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg2" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm2" then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2) recast = true CastRay(Bullet, Origin) break end if Hit2 and Hit2.Parent.Name == "Top" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Helmet" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Up" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Down" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Face" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Olho" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Headset" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Numero" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Vest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Chest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Waist" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Back" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Belt" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg2" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm2" then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2.Parent) recast = true CastRay(Bullet, Origin) break end if Hit2 and (Hit2.Transparency >= 1 or Hit2.CanCollide == false) and Hit2.Name ~= 'Head' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Right Arm' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Left Arm' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Right Leg' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Left Leg' and Hit2.Name ~= "UpperTorso" and Hit2.Name ~= "LowerTorso" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightUpperArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightLowerArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightHand" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftUpperArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftLowerArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftHand" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightUpperLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightLowerLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightFoot" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftUpperLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftLowerLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftFoot" and Hit2.Name ~= 'Armor' and Hit2.Name ~= 'EShield' then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2) recast = true CastRay(Bullet, Origin) break end if not recast then Bullet:Destroy() Debounce = true local FoundHuman,VitimaHuman = CheckForHumanoid(raycastResult.Instance) HitMod.HitEffect(Ignore_Model, raycastResult.Position, raycastResult.Instance , raycastResult.Normal, raycastResult.Material, WeaponData) Evt.HitEffect:FireServer(raycastResult.Position, raycastResult.Instance , raycastResult.Normal, raycastResult.Material, WeaponData) local HitPart = raycastResult.Instance TotalDistTraveled = (raycastResult.Position - Origin).Magnitude if FoundHuman == true and VitimaHuman.Health > 0 and WeaponData then local SKP_02 = SKP_01.."-"..plr.UserId if HitPart.Name == "Head" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Top" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Headset" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Olho" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Face" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Numero" then Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, TotalDistTraveled, 1, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) elseif HitPart.Name == "Torso" or HitPart.Name == "UpperTorso" or HitPart.Name == "LowerTorso" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Chest" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Waist" or HitPart.Name == "Right Arm" or HitPart.Name == "Left Arm" or HitPart.Name == "RightUpperArm" or HitPart.Name == "RightLowerArm" or HitPart.Name == "RightHand" or HitPart.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or HitPart.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or HitPart.Name == "LeftHand" then Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, TotalDistTraveled, 2, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) elseif HitPart.Name == "Right Leg" or HitPart.Name == "Left Leg" or HitPart.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or HitPart.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or HitPart.Name == "RightFoot" or HitPart.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or HitPart.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or HitPart.Name == "LeftFoot" then Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, TotalDistTraveled, 3, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) end end end break end Bpos2 = Bpos else break end end end end local Tracers = 0 function TracerCalculation() if WeaponData.Tracer or WeaponData.BulletFlare then if WeaponData.RandomTracer.Enabled then if (math.random(1, 100) <= WeaponData.RandomTracer.Chance) then return true else return false end else if Tracers >= WeaponData.TracerEveryXShots then Tracers = 0 return true else Tracers = Tracers + 1 return false end end end end function CreateBullet() local Bullet ="Part",ACS_Workspace.Client) Bullet.Name = plr.Name.."_Bullet" Bullet.CanCollide = false Bullet.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball Bullet.Transparency = 1 Bullet.Size =,1,1) local Origin = WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle.WorldPosition local Direction = WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle.WorldCFrame.LookVector + (WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle.WorldCFrame.UpVector * (((WeaponData.BulletDrop * WeaponData.CurrentZero/4)/WeaponData.MuzzleVelocity))/2) local BulletCF =, Direction) local WalkMul = WeaponData.WalkMult * ModTable.WalkMult local BColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) local balaspread if aimming and WeaponData.Bullets <= 1 then balaspread = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / (10 * WeaponData.AimSpreadReduction)), math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / (10 * WeaponData.AimSpreadReduction)), math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / (10 * WeaponData.AimSpreadReduction)) ) else balaspread = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / 10), math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / 10), math.rad(RAND(-BSpread - (charspeed/1) * WalkMul, BSpread + (charspeed/1) * WalkMul) / 10) ) end Direction = balaspread * Direction local Visivel = TracerCalculation() if WeaponData.RainbowMode then BColor = Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) else BColor = WeaponData.TracerColor end if Visivel then if gameRules.ReplicatedBullets then Evt.ServerBullet:FireServer(Origin,Direction,WeaponData,ModTable) end if WeaponData.Tracer == true then local At1 ="Attachment") At1.Name = "At1" At1.Position =,0,0) At1.Parent = Bullet local At2 ="Attachment") At2.Name = "At2" At2.Position =,0,0) At2.Parent = Bullet local Particles ="Trail") Particles.Transparency ={, 0, 0);, 1); } ) Particles.WidthScale ={, 2, 0);, 1); } ) Particles.Color = Particles.Texture = "rbxassetid://232918622" Particles.TextureMode = Enum.TextureMode.Stretch Particles.FaceCamera = true Particles.LightEmission = 1 Particles.LightInfluence = 0 Particles.Lifetime = .25 Particles.Attachment0 = At1 Particles.Attachment1 = At2 Particles.Parent = Bullet end if WeaponData.BulletFlare == true then local bg ="BillboardGui", Bullet) bg.Adornee = Bullet bg.Enabled = false local flashsize = math.random(275, 375)/10 bg.Size =, 0, flashsize, 0) bg.LightInfluence = 0 local flash ="ImageLabel", bg) flash.BackgroundTransparency = 1 flash.Size =, 0, 1, 0) flash.Position =, 0, 0, 0) flash.Image = "" flash.ImageTransparency = math.random(2, 5)/15 flash.ImageColor3 = BColor spawn(function() wait(.1) if Bullet:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") ~= nil then Bullet.BillboardGui.Enabled = true end end) end end local BulletMass = Bullet:GetMass() local Force =,BulletMass * (196.2) - (WeaponData.BulletDrop) * (196.2), 0) local BF ="BodyForce",Bullet) Bullet.CFrame = BulletCF Bullet:ApplyImpulse(Direction * WeaponData.MuzzleVelocity * ModTable.MuzzleVelocity) BF.Force = Force game.Debris:AddItem(Bullet, 5) CastRay(Bullet, Origin) end function meleeCast() local recast -- Set an origin and directional vector local rayOrigin = cam.CFrame.Position local rayDirection = cam.CFrame.LookVector * WeaponData.BladeRange local raycastParams = raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Ignore_Model raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection, raycastParams) if raycastResult then local Hit2 = raycastResult.Instance --Check if it's a hat or accessory if Hit2 and Hit2.Parent:IsA('Accessory') or Hit2.Parent:IsA('Hat') then for _,players in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if players.Character then for i, hats in pairs(players.Character:GetChildren()) do if hats:IsA("Accessory") then table.insert(Ignore_Model, hats) end end end end return meleeCast() end if Hit2 and Hit2.Name == "Ignorable" or Hit2.Name == "Glass" or Hit2.Name == "Ignore" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Top" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Helmet" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Up" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Down" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Face" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Olho" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Headset" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Numero" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Vest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Chest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Waist" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Back" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Belt" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg2" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm2" then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2) return meleeCast() end if Hit2 and Hit2.Parent.Name == "Top" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Helmet" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Up" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Down" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Face" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Olho" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Headset" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Numero" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Vest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Chest" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Waist" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Back" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Belt" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Leg2" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm1" or Hit2.Parent.Name == "Arm2" then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2.Parent) return meleeCast() end if Hit2 and (Hit2.Transparency >= 1 or Hit2.CanCollide == false) and Hit2.Name ~= 'Head' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Right Arm' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Left Arm' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Right Leg' and Hit2.Name ~= 'Left Leg' and Hit2.Name ~= "UpperTorso" and Hit2.Name ~= "LowerTorso" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightUpperArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightLowerArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightHand" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftUpperArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftLowerArm" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftHand" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightUpperLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightLowerLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "RightFoot" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftUpperLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftLowerLeg" and Hit2.Name ~= "LeftFoot" and Hit2.Name ~= 'Armor' and Hit2.Name ~= 'EShield' then table.insert(Ignore_Model, Hit2) return meleeCast() end end if raycastResult then local FoundHuman,VitimaHuman = CheckForHumanoid(raycastResult.Instance) HitMod.HitEffect(Ignore_Model, raycastResult.Position, raycastResult.Instance , raycastResult.Normal, raycastResult.Material, WeaponData) Evt.HitEffect:FireServer(raycastResult.Position, raycastResult.Instance , raycastResult.Normal, raycastResult.Material, WeaponData) local HitPart = raycastResult.Instance if FoundHuman == true and VitimaHuman.Health > 0 then local SKP_02 = SKP_01.."-"..plr.UserId if HitPart.Name == "Head" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Top" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Headset" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Olho" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Face" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Numero" then Thread:Spawn(function() Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, 0, 1, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) end) elseif HitPart.Name == "Torso" or HitPart.Name == "UpperTorso" or HitPart.Name == "LowerTorso" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Chest" or HitPart.Parent.Name == "Waist" or HitPart.Name == "RightUpperArm" or HitPart.Name == "RightLowerArm" or HitPart.Name == "RightHand" or HitPart.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or HitPart.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or HitPart.Name == "LeftHand" then Thread:Spawn(function() Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, 0, 2, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) end) elseif HitPart.Name == "Right Arm" or HitPart.Name == "Right Leg" or HitPart.Name == "Left Leg" or HitPart.Name == "Left Arm" or HitPart.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or HitPart.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or HitPart.Name == "RightFoot" or HitPart.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or HitPart.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or HitPart.Name == "LeftFoot" then Thread:Spawn(function() Evt.Damage:InvokeServer(WeaponTool, VitimaHuman, 0, 3, WeaponData, ModTable, nil, nil, SKP_02) end) end end end end function UpdateGui() if SE_GUI then local HUD = SE_GUI.GunHUD if WeaponData ~= nil then --[[if Settings.ArcadeMode == true then HUD.Ammo.Visible = true HUD.Ammo.AText.Text = Ammo.Value.."|"..Settings.Ammo else HUD.Ammo.Visible = false end]] --[[if Settings.FireModes.Explosive == true and GLChambered.Value == true then HUD.E.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) HUD.E.Visible = true elseif Settings.FireModes.Explosive == true and GLChambered.Value == false then HUD.E.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) HUD.E.Visible = true elseif Settings.FireModes.Explosive == false then HUD.E.Visible = false end]] if WeaponData.Jammed then HUD.B.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) else HUD.B.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) end if SafeMode then HUD.A.Visible = true else HUD.A.Visible = false end if Ammo > 0 then HUD.B.Visible = true else HUD.B.Visible = false end if WeaponData.ShootType == 1 then HUD.FText.Text = "Semi" elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 2 then HUD.FText.Text = "Burst" elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 3 then HUD.FText.Text = "Auto" elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 4 then HUD.FText.Text = "Pump-Action" elseif WeaponData.ShootType == 5 then HUD.FText.Text = "Bolt-Action" end HUD.Sens.Text = (Sens/100) HUD.BText.Text = WeaponData.BulletType HUD.NText.Text = WeaponData.gunName if WeaponData.EnableZeroing then HUD.ZeText.Visible = true HUD.ZeText.Text = WeaponData.CurrentZero .." m" else HUD.ZeText.Visible = false end if WeaponData.MagCount then HUD.SAText.Text = math.ceil(StoredAmmo/WeaponData.Ammo) HUD.Magazines.Visible = true HUD.Bullets.Visible = false else HUD.SAText.Text = StoredAmmo HUD.Magazines.Visible = false HUD.Bullets.Visible = true end if Suppressor then HUD.Att.Silencer.Visible = true else HUD.Att.Silencer.Visible = false end if LaserAtt then HUD.Att.Laser.Visible = true if LaserActive then if IRmode then TS:Create(HUD.Att.Laser,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0), ImageTransparency = .123}):Play() else TS:Create(HUD.Att.Laser,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), ImageTransparency = .123}):Play() end else TS:Create(HUD.Att.Laser,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), ImageTransparency = .5}):Play() end else HUD.Att.Laser.Visible = false end if BipodAtt then HUD.Att.Bipod.Visible = true else HUD.Att.Bipod.Visible = false end if TorchAtt then HUD.Att.Flash.Visible = true if TorchActive then TS:Create(HUD.Att.Flash,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), ImageTransparency = .123}):Play() else TS:Create(HUD.Att.Flash,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), ImageTransparency = .5}):Play() end else HUD.Att.Flash.Visible = false end if WeaponData.Type == "Grenade" then SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Visible = true else SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Visible = false end end end end function CheckMagFunction() if aimming then aimming = false ADS(aimming) end if SE_GUI then local HUD = SE_GUI.GunHUD TS:Create(HUD.CMText,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{TextTransparency = 0,TextStrokeTransparency = 0.75}):Play() if Ammo >= WeaponData.Ammo then HUD.CMText.Text = "Full" elseif Ammo > math.floor((WeaponData.Ammo)*.75) and Ammo < WeaponData.Ammo then HUD.CMText.Text = "Nearly full" elseif Ammo < math.floor((WeaponData.Ammo)*.75) and Ammo > math.floor((WeaponData.Ammo)*.5) then HUD.CMText.Text = "Almost half" elseif Ammo == math.floor((WeaponData.Ammo)*.5) then HUD.CMText.Text = "Half" elseif Ammo > math.ceil((WeaponData.Ammo)*.25) and Ammo < math.floor((WeaponData.Ammo)*.5) then HUD.CMText.Text = "Less than half" elseif Ammo < math.ceil((WeaponData.Ammo)*.25) and Ammo > 0 then HUD.CMText.Text = "Almost empty" elseif Ammo == 0 then HUD.CMText.Text = "Empty" end delay(.25,function() TS:Create(HUD.CMText,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,5),{TextTransparency = 1,TextStrokeTransparency = 1}):Play() end) end mouse1down = false SafeMode = false GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) UpdateGui() MagCheckAnim() RunCheck() end function Grenade() if not GRDebounce then GRDebounce = true GrenadeReady() repeat wait() until not CookGrenade TossGrenade() end end function TossGrenade() if WeaponTool and WeaponData and GRDebounce == true then local SKP_02 = SKP_01.."-"..plr.UserId GrenadeThrow() if WeaponTool and WeaponData then Evt.Grenade:FireServer(WeaponTool,WeaponData,cam.CFrame,cam.CFrame.LookVector,Power,SKP_02) unset() end end end function GrenadeMode() if Power >= 150 then Power = 100 SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Text = "Mid Throw" elseif Power >= 100 then Power = 50 SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Text = "Low Throw" elseif Power >= 50 then Power = 150 SE_GUI.GrenadeForce.Text = "High Throw" end end function JamChance() if WeaponData.CanBreak == true and not WeaponData.Jammed and Ammo - 1 > 0 then local Jam = math.random(1000) if Jam <= 2 then WeaponData.Jammed = true WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:Play() end end end function Jammed() if WeaponData.Type == "Gun" and WeaponData.Jammed then mouse1down = false reloading = true SafeMode = false GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) UpdateGui() JammedAnim() WeaponData.Jammed = false UpdateGui() reloading = false RunCheck() end end function Reload() if WeaponData.Type == "Gun" and StoredAmmo > 0 and (Ammo < WeaponData.Ammo or WeaponData.IncludeChamberedBullet and Ammo < WeaponData.Ammo + 1) then mouse1down = false reloading = true SafeMode = false GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) UpdateGui() if WeaponData.ShellInsert then if Ammo > 0 then for i = 1,WeaponData.Ammo - Ammo do if StoredAmmo > 0 and Ammo < WeaponData.Ammo then if CancelReload then break end ReloadAnim() Ammo = Ammo + 1 StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - 1 UpdateGui() end end else TacticalReloadAnim() Ammo = Ammo + 1 StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - 1 UpdateGui() for i = 1,WeaponData.Ammo - Ammo do if StoredAmmo > 0 and Ammo < WeaponData.Ammo then if CancelReload then break end ReloadAnim() Ammo = Ammo + 1 StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - 1 UpdateGui() end end end else if Ammo > 0 then ReloadAnim() else TacticalReloadAnim() end if (Ammo - (WeaponData.Ammo - StoredAmmo)) < 0 then Ammo = Ammo + StoredAmmo StoredAmmo = 0 elseif Ammo <= 0 then StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - (WeaponData.Ammo - Ammo) Ammo = WeaponData.Ammo elseif Ammo > 0 and WeaponData.IncludeChamberedBullet then StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - (WeaponData.Ammo - Ammo) - 1 Ammo = WeaponData.Ammo + 1 elseif Ammo > 0 and not WeaponData.IncludeChamberedBullet then StoredAmmo = StoredAmmo - (WeaponData.Ammo - Ammo) Ammo = WeaponData.Ammo end end CancelReload = false reloading = false RunCheck() UpdateGui() end end function GunFx() if Suppressor == true then WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle.Supressor:Play() else WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle.Fire:Play() end if FlashHider == true then WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle["Smoke"]:Emit(10) else WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle["FlashFX[Flash]"]:Emit(10) WeaponInHand.Handle.Muzzle["Smoke"]:Emit(10) end if BSpread then BSpread = math.min(WeaponData.MaxSpread * ModTable.MaxSpread, BSpread + WeaponData.AimInaccuracyStepAmount * ModTable.AimInaccuracyStepAmount) RecoilPower = math.min(WeaponData.MaxRecoilPower * ModTable.MaxRecoilPower, RecoilPower + WeaponData.RecoilPowerStepAmount * ModTable.RecoilPowerStepAmount) end generateBullet = generateBullet + 1 LastSpreadUpdate = time() if Ammo > 0 or not WeaponData.SlideLock then TS:Create( WeaponInHand.Handle.Slide,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,true,0), {C0 = WeaponData.SlideEx:inverse() }):Play() elseif Ammo <= 0 and WeaponData.SlideLock then TS:Create( WeaponInHand.Handle.Slide,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0), {C0 = WeaponData.SlideEx:inverse() }):Play() end WeaponInHand.Handle.Chamber.Smoke:Emit(10) WeaponInHand.Handle.Chamber.Shell:Emit(1) end function Shoot() if WeaponData and WeaponData.Type == "Gun" and not shooting and not reloading then if reloading or runKeyDown or SafeMode or CheckingMag then mouse1down = false return end if Ammo <= 0 or WeaponData.Jammed then WeaponInHand.Handle.Click:Play() mouse1down = false return end mouse1down = true delay(0, function() if WeaponData and WeaponData.ShootType == 1 then shooting = true Evt.Atirar:FireServer(WeaponTool,Suppressor,FlashHider) for _ = 1, WeaponData.Bullets do Thread:Spawn(CreateBullet) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 GunFx() JamChance() UpdateGui() Thread:Spawn(Recoil) wait(60/WeaponData.ShootRate) shooting = false elseif WeaponData and WeaponData.ShootType == 2 then for i = 1, WeaponData.BurstShot do if shooting or Ammo <= 0 or mouse1down == false or WeaponData.Jammed then break end shooting = true Evt.Atirar:FireServer(WeaponTool,Suppressor,FlashHider) for _ = 1, WeaponData.Bullets do Thread:Spawn(CreateBullet) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 GunFx() JamChance() UpdateGui() Thread:Spawn(Recoil) wait(60/WeaponData.ShootRate) shooting = false end elseif WeaponData and WeaponData.ShootType == 3 then while mouse1down do if shooting or Ammo <= 0 or WeaponData.Jammed then break end shooting = true Evt.Atirar:FireServer(WeaponTool,Suppressor,FlashHider) for _ = 1, WeaponData.Bullets do Thread:Spawn(CreateBullet) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 GunFx() JamChance() UpdateGui() Thread:Spawn(Recoil) wait(60/WeaponData.ShootRate) shooting = false end elseif WeaponData and WeaponData.ShootType == 4 or WeaponData and WeaponData.ShootType == 5 then shooting = true Evt.Atirar:FireServer(WeaponTool,Suppressor,FlashHider) for _ = 1, WeaponData.Bullets do Thread:Spawn(CreateBullet) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 GunFx() UpdateGui() Thread:Spawn(Recoil) PumpAnim() RunCheck() shooting = false end end) elseif WeaponData and WeaponData.Type == "Melee" and not runKeyDown then if not shooting then shooting = true meleeCast() meleeAttack() RunCheck() shooting = false end end end local L_150_ = {} local LeanSpring = {} LeanSpring.cornerPeek = LeanSpring.cornerPeek.d = 1 LeanSpring.cornerPeek.s = 20 LeanSpring.peekFactor = math.rad(-15) LeanSpring.dirPeek = 0 function L_150_.Update() LeanSpring.cornerPeek.t = LeanSpring.peekFactor * Virar local NewLeanCF = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 1), LeanSpring.cornerPeek.p) cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * NewLeanCF end game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("Camera Update", 200, L_150_.Update) function RunCheck() if runKeyDown then mouse1down = false GunStance = 3 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) SprintAnim() else if aimming then GunStance = 2 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) else GunStance = 0 Evt.GunStance:FireServer(GunStance,AnimData) end IdleAnim() end end function Stand() Stance:FireServer(Stances,Virar) TS:Create(char.Humanoid,, {CameraOffset =,CameraY,0)} ):Play() SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Levantado.Visible = true SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Agaixado.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Deitado.Visible = false if Steady then char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.SlowPaceWalkSpeed char.Humanoid.JumpPower = gameRules.JumpPower else if script.Parent:GetAttribute("Injured") then char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.InjuredWalksSpeed char.Humanoid.JumpPower = gameRules.JumpPower else char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.NormalWalkSpeed char.Humanoid.JumpPower = gameRules.JumpPower end end IsStanced = false end function Crouch() Stance:FireServer(Stances,Virar) TS:Create(char.Humanoid,, {CameraOffset =,CameraY,0)} ):Play() SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Levantado.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Agaixado.Visible = true SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Deitado.Visible = false if script.Parent:GetAttribute("Injured") then char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.InjuredCrouchWalkSpeed char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0 else char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.CrouchWalkSpeed char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0 end IsStanced = true end function Prone() Stance:FireServer(Stances,Virar) TS:Create(char.Humanoid,, {CameraOffset =,CameraY,0)} ):Play() SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Levantado.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Agaixado.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Deitado.Visible = true if ACS_Client:GetAttribute("Surrender") then char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 else char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = gameRules.ProneWalksSpeed end char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0 IsStanced = true end function Lean() TS:Create(char.Humanoid,, {CameraOffset =,CameraY,0)} ):Play() Stance:FireServer(Stances,Virar) if Virar == 0 then SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Left.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Right.Visible = false elseif Virar == 1 then SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Left.Visible = false SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Right.Visible = true elseif Virar == -1 then SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Left.Visible = true SE_GUI.MainFrame.Poses.Esg_Right.Visible = false end end
Tune.SteerInner = 36 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerOuter = 37 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerSpeed = .05 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.ReturnSpeed = .1 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.SteerDecay = 320 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.MinSteer = 10 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent) Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree --Steer Gyro Tuning Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness
--script.Parent.HH.Velocity = script.Parent.HH.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value --script.Parent.HHH.Velocity = script.Parent.HHH.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
script.Parent.HHHH.Velocity = script.Parent.HHHH.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value script.Parent.I.Velocity = script.Parent.I.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
--////////////////////////////// Methods --//////////////////////////////////////
local methods = {} methods.__index = methods local function CreateGuiObjects() local BaseFrame ="Frame") BaseFrame.Selectable = false BaseFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) BaseFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local Scroller ="ScrollingFrame") Scroller.Selectable = ChatSettings.GamepadNavigationEnabled Scroller.Name = "Scroller" Scroller.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Scroller.BorderSizePixel = 0 Scroller.Position =, 0, 0, 3) Scroller.Size =, -4, 1, -6) Scroller.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0) Scroller.ScrollBarThickness = module.ScrollBarThickness Scroller.Active = true Scroller.Parent = BaseFrame local Layout ="UIListLayout") Layout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder Layout.Parent = Scroller return BaseFrame, Scroller, Layout end function methods:Destroy() self.GuiObject:Destroy() self.Destroyed = true end function methods:SetActive(active) self.GuiObject.Visible = active end function methods:UpdateMessageFiltered(messageData) local messageObject = nil local searchIndex = 1 local searchTable = self.MessageObjectLog while (#searchTable >= searchIndex) do local obj = searchTable[searchIndex] if obj.ID == messageData.ID then messageObject = obj break end searchIndex = searchIndex + 1 end if messageObject then if UserFlagRemoveMessageOnTextFilterFailures then if messageData.Message == "" then self:RemoveMessageAtIndex(searchIndex) else messageObject.UpdateTextFunction(messageData) self:PositionMessageLabelInWindow(messageObject, searchIndex) end else messageObject.UpdateTextFunction(messageData) self:PositionMessageLabelInWindow(messageObject, searchIndex) end end end function methods:AddMessage(messageData) self:WaitUntilParentedCorrectly() local messageObject = MessageLabelCreator:CreateMessageLabel(messageData, self.CurrentChannelName) if messageObject == nil then return end table.insert(self.MessageObjectLog, messageObject) self:PositionMessageLabelInWindow(messageObject, #self.MessageObjectLog) end function methods:RemoveMessageAtIndex(index) self:WaitUntilParentedCorrectly() local removeThis = self.MessageObjectLog[index] if removeThis then removeThis:Destroy() table.remove(self.MessageObjectLog, index) end end function methods:AddMessageAtIndex(messageData, index) local messageObject = MessageLabelCreator:CreateMessageLabel(messageData, self.CurrentChannelName) if messageObject == nil then return end table.insert(self.MessageObjectLog, index, messageObject) self:PositionMessageLabelInWindow(messageObject, index) end function methods:RemoveLastMessage() self:WaitUntilParentedCorrectly() local lastMessage = self.MessageObjectLog[1] lastMessage:Destroy() table.remove(self.MessageObjectLog, 1) end function methods:IsScrolledDown() local yCanvasSize = self.Scroller.CanvasSize.Y.Offset local yContainerSize = self.Scroller.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y local yScrolledPosition = self.Scroller.CanvasPosition.Y return (yCanvasSize < yContainerSize or yCanvasSize - yScrolledPosition <= yContainerSize + 5) end function methods:UpdateMessageTextHeight(messageObject) local baseFrame = messageObject.BaseFrame for i = 1, 10 do if messageObject.BaseMessage.TextFits then break end local trySize = self.Scroller.AbsoluteSize.X - i baseFrame.Size =, 0, 0, messageObject.GetHeightFunction(trySize)) end end function methods:PositionMessageLabelInWindow(messageObject, index) self:WaitUntilParentedCorrectly() local wasScrolledDown = self:IsScrolledDown() local baseFrame = messageObject.BaseFrame local layoutOrder = 1 if self.MessageObjectLog[index - 1] then if index == #self.MessageObjectLog then layoutOrder = self.MessageObjectLog[index - 1].BaseFrame.LayoutOrder + 1 else layoutOrder = self.MessageObjectLog[index - 1].BaseFrame.LayoutOrder end end baseFrame.LayoutOrder = layoutOrder baseFrame.Size =, 0, 0, messageObject.GetHeightFunction(self.Scroller.AbsoluteSize.X)) baseFrame.Parent = self.Scroller if messageObject.BaseMessage then self:UpdateMessageTextHeight(messageObject) end if wasScrolledDown then self.Scroller.CanvasPosition = 0, math.max(0, self.Scroller.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - self.Scroller.AbsoluteSize.Y)) end end function methods:ReorderAllMessages() self:WaitUntilParentedCorrectly() --// Reordering / reparenting with a size less than 1 causes weird glitches to happen -- with scrolling as repositioning happens. if self.GuiObject.AbsoluteSize.Y < 1 then return end local oldCanvasPositon = self.Scroller.CanvasPosition local wasScrolledDown = self:IsScrolledDown() for _, messageObject in pairs(self.MessageObjectLog) do self:UpdateMessageTextHeight(messageObject) end if not wasScrolledDown then self.Scroller.CanvasPosition = oldCanvasPositon else self.Scroller.CanvasPosition = 0, math.max(0, self.Scroller.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - self.Scroller.AbsoluteSize.Y)) end end function methods:Clear() for _, v in pairs(self.MessageObjectLog) do v:Destroy() end self.MessageObjectLog = {} end function methods:SetCurrentChannelName(name) self.CurrentChannelName = name end function methods:FadeOutBackground(duration) --// Do nothing end function methods:FadeInBackground(duration) --// Do nothing end function methods:FadeOutText(duration) for i = 1, #self.MessageObjectLog do if self.MessageObjectLog[i].FadeOutFunction then self.MessageObjectLog[i].FadeOutFunction(duration, CurveUtil) end end end function methods:FadeInText(duration) for i = 1, #self.MessageObjectLog do if self.MessageObjectLog[i].FadeInFunction then self.MessageObjectLog[i].FadeInFunction(duration, CurveUtil) end end end function methods:Update(dtScale) for i = 1, #self.MessageObjectLog do if self.MessageObjectLog[i].UpdateAnimFunction then self.MessageObjectLog[i].UpdateAnimFunction(dtScale, CurveUtil) end end end
-- Base script for NPC enemy movement, -- still a work in progress
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --DIRECTION SCROLL-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Elevator:WaitForChild("Direction").Changed:connect(function(val) if val == 1 then This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = DisplayColor This.Display.ARW1.M.Color = DisplayColor This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = DisabledColor This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Lit This.Display.ARW1.M.Material = Lit This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Unlit elseif val == -1 then This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = DisabledColor This.Display.ARW1.M.Color = DisplayColor This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = DisplayColor This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Unlit This.Display.ARW1.M.Material = Lit This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Lit else This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = DisabledColor This.Display.ARW1.M.Color = DisabledColor This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = DisabledColor This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Unlit This.Display.ARW1.M.Material = Unlit This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Unlit end end)
function local self = setmetatable({}, Signal) self._bindableEvent ="BindableEvent") if trackConnectionsChanged then self.connectionsChanged = end return self end
--[[ Gamepad Support ]]
-- local THUMBSTICK_DEADZONE = 0.2 local r3ButtonDown = false local l3ButtonDown = false local currentZoomSpeed = 1 -- Multiplier, so 1 == no zooming local function clamp(value, minValue, maxValue) if maxValue < minValue then maxValue = minValue end return math.clamp(value, minValue, maxValue) end local function IsFinite(num) return num == num and num ~= 1/0 and num ~= -1/0 end local function IsFiniteVector3(vec3) return IsFinite(vec3.x) and IsFinite(vec3.y) and IsFinite(vec3.z) end
--[[killEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(function() KillText.TextTransparency = 0 delay(2, function() local testTween = tweenService:Create(KillText,killInfo,killGoals) testTween:Play() end) end)]]
Tune.Config = "FWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD" --Differential Settings Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only] --Traction Control Settings Tune.TCSEnabled = true -- Implements TCS Tune.TCSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS) Tune.TCSGradient = 20 -- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS) Tune.TCSLimit = 10 -- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ OUTROS ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,FastReload = true --- Automatically operates the bolt on reload if needed ,SlideLock = true ,MoveBolt = false ,BoltLock = false ,CanBreachDoor = true ,CanBreak = true --- Weapon can jam? ,JamChance = 1000 --- This old piece of brick doesn't work fine >;c ,IncludeChamberedBullet = true --- Include the chambered bullet on next reload ,Chambered = false --- Start with the gun chambered? ,LauncherReady = false --- Start with the GL ready? ,CanCheckMag = true --- You can check the magazine ,ArcadeMode = false --- You can see the bullets left in magazine ,RainbowMode = false --- Operation: Party Time xD ,ModoTreino = false --- Surrender enemies instead of killing them ,GunSize = 1.25 ,GunFOVReduction = 5 ,BoltExtend =, 0, 0.225) ,SlideExtend =, 0, 0.225)
--Automatic Settings
Tune.AutoShiftMode = "Speed" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Shifts based on wheel speed "RPM" : Shifts based on RPM ]] Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 --Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400 --Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev)
--[[** ensures all values in given table pass check @param check The function to use to check the values @returns A function that will return true iff the condition is passed **--]]
function t.values(check) assert(t.callback(check)) return function(value) local tableSuccess, tableErrMsg = t.table(value) if tableSuccess == false then return false, tableErrMsg or "" end for key, val in pairs(value) do local success, errMsg = check(val) if success == false then return false, string.format("bad value for key %s:\n\t%s", tostring(key), errMsg or "") end end return true end end
-- ROBLOX deviation: matcher does not have RawMatcherFn type annotation and the -- the function return is not annotated with ThrowingMatcherFn
function makeThrowingMatcher( matcher: RawMatcherFn, isNot: boolean, promise: string, actual: any, err: JestAssertionError? ): ThrowingMatcherFn return function(...) local throws = true local utils = Object.assign({ iterableEquality = iterableEquality, subsetEquality = subsetEquality, -- ROBLOX deviation: Roblox Instance matchers -- instanceSubsetEquality = instanceSubsetEquality }, matcherUtils) local matcherContext = { -- When throws is disabled, the matcher will not throw errors during test -- execution but instead add them to the global matcher state. If a -- matcher throws, test execution is normally stopped immediately. The -- snapshot matcher uses it because we want to log all snapshot -- failures in a test. dontThrow = function() throws = false end, equals = equals, error = err, isNot = isNot, promise = promise, utils = utils, } Object.assign(matcherContext, getState()) local function processResult(result: SyncExpectationResult, asyncError: JestAssertionError?) _validateResult(result) getState().assertionCalls = getState().assertionCalls + 1 if (result.pass and isNot) or (not result.pass and not isNot) then -- XOR local message = getMessage(result.message) local error_ if err then error_ = err error_.message = message elseif asyncError then error("Currently async is not implemented") else error_ = {} error_.message = message end -- Passing the result of the matcher with the error so that a custom -- reporter could access the actual and expected objects of the result -- for example in order to display a custom visual diff error_.matcherResult = Object.assign({}, result, { message = message }) if throws then error({ message = message })) else table.insert(getState().suppressedErrors, error) end end end local potentialResult, preservedStack, result local ok = xpcall(function(...) -- ROBLOX TODO: Implement INTERNAL_MATCHER_FLAG cases potentialResult = matcher(matcherContext, actual, ...) local syncResult = potentialResult return processResult(syncResult) end, function(e) preservedStack = debug.traceback(nil, 7) result = e end, ...) if not ok then if typeof(result) == "table" and typeof(result.message) == "string" then local errorTable ={ message = result.message }) errorTable.stack = preservedStack error(errorTable) else local errorTable ={ message = result }) errorTable.stack = preservedStack error(errorTable) end end end end function _validateResult(result: any) if typeof(result) ~= "table" or typeof(result.pass) ~= "boolean" or (result.message and typeof(result.message) ~= "string" and typeof(result.message) ~= "function") then error( "Unexpected return from a matcher function.\n" .. "Matcher functions should " .. "return an object in the following format:\n" .. " {message?: string | function, pass: boolean}\n" .. matcherUtils.stringify(result) .. " was returned" ) end end local Expect = {}
-- t: a runtime typechecker for Roblox
local t = {} function t.type(typeName) return function(value) local valueType = type(value) if valueType == typeName then return true else return false end end end function t.typeof(typeName) return function(value) local valueType = typeof(value) if valueType == typeName then return true else return false end end end
--[[ Main RenderStep Update. The camera controller and occlusion module both have opportunities to set and modify (respectively) the CFrame and Focus before it is set once on CurrentCamera. The camera and occlusion modules should only return CFrames, not set the CFrame property of CurrentCamera directly. --]]
function CameraModule:Update(dt) if self.activeCameraController then self.activeCameraController:UpdateMouseBehavior() local newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus = self.activeCameraController:Update(dt) if not FFlagUserFlagEnableNewVRSystem then self.activeCameraController:ApplyVRTransform() end if self.activeOcclusionModule then newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus = self.activeOcclusionModule:Update(dt, newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus) end -- Here is where the new CFrame and Focus are set for this render frame game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = newCameraCFrame game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus = newCameraFocus -- Update to character local transparency as needed based on camera-to-subject distance if self.activeTransparencyController then self.activeTransparencyController:Update() end if CameraInput.getInputEnabled() then CameraInput.resetInputForFrameEnd() end end end
--[=[ Like [GetRemoteEvent] but in promise form. @function PromiseGetRemoteEvent @within PromiseGetRemoteEvent @param name string @return Promise<RemoteEvent> ]=]
if not RunService:IsRunning() then -- Handle testing return function(name) return Promise.resolved(GetRemoteEvent(name)) end elseif RunService:IsServer() then return function(name) return Promise.resolved(GetRemoteEvent(name)) end else -- RunService:IsClient() return function(name) assert(type(name) == "string", "Bad name") local storage = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(ResourceConstants.REMOTE_EVENT_STORAGE_NAME) if storage then local obj = storage:FindFirstChild(name) if obj then return Promise.resolved(obj) end end return Promise.spawn(function(resolve, _) resolve(GetRemoteEvent(name)) end) end end
Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
-- Requires
local Database = require(ReplicatedStorage.Common.Database) local APIEquipment = require(ReplicatedStorage.Common.APIEquipment)
--[[ Remove the range from the list starting from the index. ]]
local function removeRange(list, startIndex, endIndex) assert(startIndex <= endIndex, "startIndex must be less than or equal to endIndex") local new = {} local index = 1 for i = 1, math.min(#list, startIndex - 1) do new[index] = list[i] index = index + 1 end for i = endIndex + 1, #list do new[index] = list[i] index = index + 1 end return new end return removeRange
This = script.Parent Elevator = This.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Characters = require(script.Characters) CustomLabel = require(Elevator.CustomLabel) CustomText = CustomLabel["CUSTOMFLOORLABEL"] This.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Floor").Changed:connect(function(floor) --custom indicator code-- ChangeFloor(tostring(floor)) end) function ChangeFloor(SF) if CustomText[tonumber(SF)] then SF = CustomText[tonumber(SF)] end SetDisplay(2,(string.len(SF) == 2 and SF:sub(1,1) or "NIL")) SetDisplay(3,(string.len(SF) == 2 and SF:sub(2,2) or SF)) end function SetDisplay(ID,CHAR) if This.Display:FindFirstChild("Matrix"..ID) and Characters[CHAR] ~= nil then for i,l in pairs(Characters[CHAR]) do for r=1,5 do This.Display["Matrix"..ID]["Row"..i]["D"..r].Visible = (l:sub(r,r) == "1" and true or false) end end end end for M = 1, Displays do for R = 1, 7 do for D = 1, 5 do This.Display["Matrix"..M]["Row"..R]["D"..D].BackgroundColor3 = DisplayColor end end end
--// Recoil Settings
gunrecoil = -0.5; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when not aiming camrecoil = 0.5; -- How much the camera flicks when not aiming AimGunRecoil = -0.5; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when aiming AimCamRecoil = 0.13; -- How much the camera flicks when aiming CamShake = 0.5; -- THIS IS NEW!!!! CONTROLS CAMERA SHAKE WHEN FIRING AimCamShake = 0.5; -- THIS IS ALSO NEW!!!! Kickback = 1; -- Upward gun rotation when not aiming AimKickback = 0.5; -- Upward gun rotation when aiming
function module.locaL(part,cf) local thing = part thing.CFrame = cf thing.Parent = game.Workspace.World.Visuals return thing end module.weld = function(data) local part = data.part local base = data.basepart local tim = data.tim or nil local name = or "Weld" part.Anchored = false --base.Anchored = false local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Name = name Weld.Part0 = base Weld.C0 = base.CFrame:inverse() Weld.Part1 = part Weld.C1 = part.CFrame:inverse() Weld.Parent = part if tim then game.Debris:AddItem(Weld, tim) end end
-- Camera math utility library
local CameraUtils = require(script:WaitForChild("CameraUtils"))
------------------------------------------------------- -- изменение размера контескта под рамку
local context = me.frmContext context.Size =,me.AbsoluteSize.X-29,0,me.AbsoluteSize.Y-29)
-- Function to update the loading time
local function UpdateLoadingTime(remainingTime) loadingBar.Text = tostring(remainingTime) .. "s" end
-- main program
local runService = game:service("RunService");
-- functions
function stopAllAnimations() local oldAnim = currentAnim -- return to idle if finishing an emote if (emoteNames[oldAnim] ~= nil and emoteNames[oldAnim] == false) then oldAnim = "idle" end currentAnim = "" currentAnimInstance = nil if (currentAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then currentAnimKeyframeHandler:disconnect() end if (currentAnimTrack ~= nil) then currentAnimTrack:Stop() currentAnimTrack:Destroy() currentAnimTrack = nil end return oldAnim end function setAnimationSpeed(speed) if speed ~= currentAnimSpeed then currentAnimSpeed = speed currentAnimTrack:AdjustSpeed(currentAnimSpeed) end end function keyFrameReachedFunc(frameName) if (frameName == "End") then local repeatAnim = currentAnim -- return to idle if finishing an emote if (emoteNames[repeatAnim] ~= nil and emoteNames[repeatAnim] == false) then repeatAnim = "idle" end local animSpeed = currentAnimSpeed playAnimation(repeatAnim, 0.0, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(animSpeed) end end
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58},t}, [49]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19},t}, [59]={{72,71,61,59},t}, [63]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,23,62,63},t}, [34]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34},t}, [21]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,21},t}, [48]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31},t}, [56]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56},t}, [29]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,57},t}, [36]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,37,36},t}, [25]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{72,71},t}, [20]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20},t}, [60]={{72,71,61,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,21,22},t}, [74]={{72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,23,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35},t}, [53]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{72,76,73},t}, [72]={{72},t}, [33]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,37,36,33},t}, [69]={{72,71,61,69},t}, [65]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{72,76},t}, [50]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,23},t}, [44]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44},t}, [39]={{72,71,61,59,41,39},t}, [32]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{72,71,61,59,41,30},t}, [51]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{72,71,61},t}, [55]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,40,38,42},t}, [40]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,40},t}, [52]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{72,71,61,59,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,40,38},t}, [28]={{72,71,61,59,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{72,71,61,59,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
task.wait() end
-- map a value from one range to another
function, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax) return (x - inMin)*(outMax - outMin)/(inMax - inMin) + outMin end
--[[** ensures Roblox RaycastResult type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.RaycastResult = t.typeof("RaycastResult")
-- message recieved, delete StringValue
animStringValueObject.Parent = nil toolAnimTime = time + .3 end if time > toolAnimTime then toolAnimTime = 0 toolAnim = "None" end animateTool() else stopToolAnimations() toolAnim = "None" toolAnimInstance = nil toolAnimTime = 0 end end
Trigger.MouseClick:Connect(function(Player) if not Settings.OnCD then local Backpack = Player.Backpack local StarterGear = Player.StarterGear for _, Tool in pairs(Backpack:GetChildren()) do if Tool then Tool:Destroy() end end for _, Tool in pairs(StarterGear:GetChildren()) do if Tool then Tool:Destroy() end end local Tool = Tools:FindFirstChild(Gun.Name):Clone() Tool:Clone().Parent = Backpack Tool:Clone().Parent = StarterGear end end)
Tune.TransModes = {"Semi"} --"Auto", "Semi", or "Manual". Can have more than one; order from first to last --Automatic Settings Tune.AutoShiftMode = "Speed" --"Speed" or "RPM" Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 --Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 2000 --Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) --Gear Ratios Tune.FinalDrive = 3.84 -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed --[[Reverse]] 3.42 , -- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 4.37 , -- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 2.76 , --[[ 3 ]] 1.94 , --[[ 4 ]] 1.45 , --[[ 5 ]] 1.05 , --[[ 6 ]] .85 , --[[ 7 ]] .69 , } Tune.FDMult = 1 -- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1)
--[=[ Constructs a new Maid object ```lua local maid = ``` @return Maid ]=]
function return setmetatable({ _tasks = {} }, Maid) end
--// Positioning
SprintPos =, 0, 0, 0.844756603, -0.251352191, 0.472449303, 0.103136979, 0.942750931, 0.317149073, -0.525118113, -0.219186768, 0.822318792);
while true do R.BrickColor ="CGA brown") wait(0.3) R.BrickColor ="Really black") wait(0.3) end
-- Existance in this list signifies that it is an emote, the value indicates if it is a looping emote
local emoteNames = { wave = false, point = false, dance = true, dance2 = true, dance3 = true, laugh = false, cheer = false} math.randomseed(tick()) function configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) if (animTable[name] ~= nil) then for _, connection in pairs(animTable[name].connections) do connection:disconnect() end end animTable[name] = {} animTable[name].count = 0 animTable[name].totalWeight = 0 animTable[name].connections = {} local allowCustomAnimations = true local AllowDisableCustomAnimsUserFlag = true local success, msg = pcall(function() AllowDisableCustomAnimsUserFlag = UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserAllowDisableCustomAnims") end) if (AllowDisableCustomAnimsUserFlag) then local ps = game:GetService("StarterPlayer"):FindFirstChild("PlayerSettings") if (ps ~= nil) then allowCustomAnimations = not require(ps).UseDefaultAnimations end end -- check for config values local config = script:FindFirstChild(name) if (allowCustomAnimations and config ~= nil) then table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) local idx = 1 for _, childPart in pairs(config:GetChildren()) do if (childPart:IsA("Animation")) then table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.Changed:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end)) animTable[name][idx] = {} animTable[name][idx].anim = childPart local weightObject = childPart:FindFirstChild("Weight") if (weightObject == nil) then animTable[name][idx].weight = 1 else animTable[name][idx].weight = weightObject.Value end animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1 animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + animTable[name][idx].weight idx = idx + 1 end end end -- fallback to defaults if (animTable[name].count <= 0) then for idx, anim in pairs(fileList) do animTable[name][idx] = {} animTable[name][idx].anim ="Animation") animTable[name][idx].anim.Name = name animTable[name][idx].anim.AnimationId = animTable[name][idx].weight = anim.weight animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1 animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + anim.weight
-- Use entrance-easing when adding elements to the view such as a modal or toaster appearing, or moving in response to users’ input, such as dropdown opening or toggle. An element quickly appears and slows down to a stop.
local EntranceProductive = Bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9) local EntranceExpressive = Bezier(0, 0, 0.3, 1)
-- Roblox character sound script
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local SOUND_DATA = { Climbing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3", Looped = true, }, Died = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.mp3", }, FreeFalling = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_falling.mp3", Looped = true, }, GettingUp = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_get_up.mp3", }, Jumping = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump.mp3", }, Landing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump_land.mp3", }, Running = { SoundId = "", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.85, }, Splash = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/impact_water.mp3", }, Swimming = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_swim.mp3", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.6, }, } -- wait for the first of the passed signals to fire local function waitForFirst(...) local shunt ="BindableEvent") local slots = {...} local function fire(...) for i = 1, #slots do slots[i]:Disconnect() end return shunt:Fire(...) end for i = 1, #slots do slots[i] = slots[i]:Connect(fire) end return shunt.Event:Wait() end
--// Recoil Settings
gunrecoil = -0.2; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when not aiming camrecoil = 0.2; -- How much the camera flicks when not aiming AimGunRecoil = -0.2; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when aiming AimCamRecoil = 0.2; -- How much the camera flicks when aiming CamShake = 2; -- THIS IS NEW!!!! CONTROLS CAMERA SHAKE WHEN FIRING AimCamShake = 2; -- THIS IS ALSO NEW!!!! Kickback = 0.10; -- Upward gun rotation when not aiming AimKickback = 0.9; -- Upward gun rotation when aiming
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 1400 Tune.IdleRPM = 600 Tune.PeakRPM = 7000 Tune.Redline = 8100 Tune.EqPoint = 7000 Tune.PeakSharpness = 9.4 Tune.CurveMult = 0 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 450 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--Give player when join
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) local equipped = player:WaitForChild("BackpackShop").Equipped if equipped.Value ~= "" then local a = game.ServerStorage.Backpacks[equipped.Value]:Clone() a.Name = "Backpack" a.Parent = character else wait(2) local a = game.ServerStorage.Backpacks[equipped.Value]:Clone() a.Name = "Backpack" a.Parent = character end
function FixVars() --This function fixes any errors in the Customize folder Acceleration2 = (Acceleration.Value < 0 and 0 or Acceleration.Value > 1000 and 1000 or Acceleration.Value) MaxBank2 = (MaxBank.Value < -90 and -90 or MaxBank.Value > 90 and 90 or MaxBank.Value) MaxSpeed2 = (MaxSpeed.Value < 0 and 0 or MaxSpeed.Value < StallSpeed.Value and StallSpeed.Value or MaxSpeed.Value) StallSpeed2 = (StallSpeed.Value < 0 and 0 or StallSpeed.Value > MaxSpeed.Value and MaxSpeed.Value or StallSpeed.Value) TurnSpeed2 = (TurnSpeed.Value < 0 and 0 or TurnSpeed.Value) ThrottleInc2 = (ThrottleInc.Value < 0 and 0 or ThrottleInc.Value) MaxAltitude2 = (MaxAltitude.Value < MinAltitude.Value and MinAltitude.Value or MaxAltitude.Value) MinAltitude2 = (MinAltitude.Value > MaxAltitude.Value and MaxAltitude.Value or MinAltitude.Value) MissileTime2 = (ReloadTimes.Missiles.Value < 0 and 0 or ReloadTimes.Missiles.Value) RocketTime2 = (ReloadTimes.Rockets.Value < 0 and 0 or ReloadTimes.Rockets.Value) GunTime2 = (ReloadTimes.Guns.Value < 0 and 0 or ReloadTimes.Guns.Value) FlareTime2 = (ReloadTimes.Flares.Value < 0 and 0 or ReloadTimes.Flares.Value) BombTime2 = (ReloadTimes.Bombs.Value < 0 and 0 or ReloadTimes.Bombs.Value) CameraType2 = (pcall(function() Camera.CameraType = CameraType.Value end) and CameraType.Value or "Custom") PlaneName2 = (PlaneName.Value == "" and "Plane" or PlaneName.Value) if WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Missiles.Value or WeaponsValue.Bombs.Value then Targetable2 = true elseif (not (WeaponsValue.Missiles.Value and WeaponsValue.Bombs.Value)) then Targetable2 = false end elseif (not WeaponsValue.Value) then Targetable2 = false end if FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value == "ArrowKeyUp" then SpeedUp2 = 17 SUAK = true elseif FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value == "ArrowKeyDown" then SpeedUp2 = 18 SUAK = true else SpeedUp2 = FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value SUAK = false end if FlightControls.SlowDown.Value == "ArrowKeyUp" then SlowDown2 = 17 SDAK = true elseif FlightControls.SlowDown.Value == "ArrowKeyDown" then SlowDown2 = 18 SDAK = true else SlowDown2 = FlightControls.SlowDown.Value SDAK = false end Engine.Direction.P = TurnSpeed2 end function FireMachineGun(GunParent) --This function creates the bullets for the MachineGuns while FiringGun do for _,v in pairs(GunParent:GetChildren()) do --This is what allow you to put as many MachineGuns as you want in the Guns folder if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "MachineGun" then local Part ="Part") Part.BrickColor ="Bright yellow") Part.Name = "Bullet" Part.CanCollide = false Part.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part.Size =,5,3) Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="BlockMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part Mesh.Scale =,1/25,1) local BV ="BodyVelocity") BV.Parent = Part BV.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part.Touched:connect(function(Object) --This lets me call the "Touched" function, which means I don't need an external script if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) then local HitHumanoid = Object.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if HitHumanoid then HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(100) --This only damges the player if they don't have a forcefield local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue") CreatorTag.Name = "creator" CreatorTag.Value = Player CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid elseif (not HitHumanoid) then Object:BreakJoints() end end end) Part.Parent = game.Workspace Part.CFrame = v.CFrame + v.CFrame.lookVector * 10 BV.velocity = (v.Velocity) + (Part.CFrame.lookVector * 2000) + (,0.15,0)) delay(3,function() Part:Destroy() end) end end end wait(GunTime2) end end function FireRockets(GunParent) --This function creates the rockets for the rocket spawns for _,v in pairs(GunParent:GetChildren()) do --This allows you to put as many RocketSpawns as you want in the Rockets folder if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "RocketSpawn" then local Exploded = false local Part1 ="Part") Part1.BrickColor ="White") Part1.Name = "Missile" Part1.CanCollide = false Part1.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part1.Size =,1,5) Part1.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part1.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part1 Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =,0.5,0.5) local Part2 ="Part") Part2.Parent = Part1 Part2.Transparency = 1 Part2.Name = "Visual" Part2.CanCollide = false Part2.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part2.Size =,1,1) Part2.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part2.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Parent = Part1 Weld.Part0 = Part1 Weld.Part1 = Part2 Weld.C0 =,0,4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) local BV ="BodyVelocity") BV.Parent = Part1 BV.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) local BG ="BodyGyro") BG.Parent = Part BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) BG.cframe = v.CFrame local Fire ="Fire") Fire.Parent = Part2 Fire.Heat = 25 Fire.Size = 10 local Smoke ="Smoke") Smoke.Parent = Part2 Smoke.Color =,200/255,200/255) Smoke.Opacity = 0.7 Smoke.RiseVelocity = 25 Smoke.Size = 10 local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part1.Touched:connect(function(Object) if (not Exploded) then if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) then if Object.Name ~= "Missile" then Exploded = true local Explosion ="Explosion",game.Workspace) Explosion.Position = Part1.Position Explosion.BlastPressure = 5000 Explosion.BlastRadius = 10 ScanPlayers(Part1.Position,10) Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Part1:Destroy() end end end end) Part1.Parent = game.Workspace Part1.CFrame = v.CFrame + v.CFrame.lookVector * 10 BV.velocity = Part1.CFrame.lookVector * 1250 +,0.15,0) delay(5,function() Part1:Destroy() end) end end end end function DeployFlares(GunParent) --This function creates the flares for the flare spawns for _,v in pairs(GunParent:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "FlareSpawn" then local RandomFactor = 40 local RandomX = math.rad(math.random(-RandomFactor,RandomFactor)) local RandomY = math.rad(math.random(-RandomFactor,RandomFactor)) local Part ="Part") Part.Transparency = 1 Part.Name = "Flare" Part.CanCollide = false Part.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part.Size =,1,1) Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part.TopSurface = "Smooth" local BG ="BillboardGui") BG.Parent = Part BG.Size =,0,10,0) local IL ="ImageLabel") IL.Parent = BG IL.BackgroundTransparency = 1 IL.Image = "" IL.Size =,0,1,0) local Smoke ="Smoke") Smoke.Parent = Part Smoke.Opacity = 0.5 Smoke.RiseVelocity = 25 Smoke.Size = 5 local PL ="PointLight") PL.Parent = Part PL.Brightness = 10 PL.Color =,1,0) PL.Range = 20 Part.Parent = game.Workspace Part.CFrame = (v.CFrame + v.CFrame.lookVector * 5) * CFrame.Angles(RandomX,RandomY,0) Part.Velocity = Part.CFrame.lookVector * 150 delay(5,function() Part:Destroy() end) end end end end function DropBomb(GunParent) --This function creates the non-guided bombs for the bomb spawns if (not Locked) then for _,v in pairs(GunParent:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "BombSpawn" then local Exploded = false local Part ="Part") Part.Name = "Bomb" Part.CanCollide = false Part.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part.Size =,2,9) Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =,4,4) Mesh.TextureId = "" local BG ="BodyGyro") BG.Parent = Part BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) BG.cframe = v.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part.Touched:connect(function(Object) if (not Exploded) then if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) and Object.Name ~= "Bomb" then Exploded = true local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Position = Part.Position Explosion.BlastPressure = 500000 Explosion.BlastRadius = 75 ScanPlayers(Part.Position,75) Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Part:Destroy() end end end) Part.Parent = game.Workspace Part.CFrame = (v.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)) + v.CFrame.lookVector * 3 Part.Velocity = (Part.CFrame.lookVector * (TrueAirSpeed * 0.75)) delay(7,function() Part:Destroy() end) end end end end end function DropGuidedBomb(Gun) --This function creates guided bombs for the bombs spawns if Locked then local Exploded = false local Part ="Part") Part.Name = "Bomb" Part.CanCollide = false Part.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part.Size =,2,9) Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =,4,4) Mesh.TextureId = "" local OV ="ObjectValue") OV.Parent = Part OV.Name = "Tracker" OV.Value = TargetPlayer.Character.Torso local NV ="NumberValue") NV.Parent = Part NV.Name = "PlaneSpd" NV.Value = TrueAirSpeed * 0.8 --This makes the bombs travel speed 4/5 of the plane's speed local BG ="BodyGyro") BG.Parent = Part BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) BG.P = 2000 local BV ="BodyVelocity") BV.Parent = Part BV.maxForce =,6000,math.huge) BV.velocity =,0,0) local Script = BombM:clone() Script.Parent = Part local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part.Touched:connect(function(Object) if (not Exploded) then if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) and Object.Name ~= "Bomb" then Exploded = true local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Position = Part.Position Explosion.BlastPressure = 500000 Explosion.BlastRadius = 75 ScanPlayers(Part.Position,75) Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Part:Destroy() end end end) Part.Parent = game.Workspace Part.CFrame = (Gun.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)) + Gun.CFrame.lookVector * 10 Script.Disabled = false end end function FireMissile(Gun) --This function creates the non-guided missiles for the missile spawns if (not Locked) then local Exploded = false local Part1 ="Part") Part1.Name = "Missile" Part1.CanCollide = false Part1.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part1.Size =,1,13) Part1.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part1.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part1 Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.TextureId = "" local Part2 ="Part") Part2.Parent = Part1 Part2.Name = "Visual" Part2.Transparency = 1 Part2.CanCollide = false Part2.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part2.Size =,1,1) Part2.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part2.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Parent = Part1 Weld.Part0 = Part1 Weld.Part1 = Part2 Weld.C0 =,0,5)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) local BV ="BodyVelocity") BV.Parent = Part1 BV.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) local BG ="BodyGyro") BG.Parent = Part BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) BG.cframe = Gun.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) local Fire ="Fire") Fire.Parent = Part2 Fire.Enabled = false Fire.Heat = 25 Fire.Size = 30 local Smoke ="Smoke") Smoke.Parent = Part2 Smoke.Color =,40/51,40/51) Smoke.Enabled = false Smoke.Opacity = 1 Smoke.RiseVelocity = 25 Smoke.Size = 25 local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part1.Touched:connect(function(Object) if (not Exploded) then if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) and Object.Name ~= "Missile" then Exploded = true local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Position = Part1.Position Explosion.BlastPressure = 50000 Explosion.BlastRadius = 50 ScanPlayers(Part1.Position,50) Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Part1:Destroy() end end end) Part1.Parent = game.Workspace Part1.CFrame = (Gun.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)) + Gun.CFrame.lookVector * 15 BV.velocity = Part1.CFrame.lookVector * Engine.Velocity.magnitude delay(0.3,function() BV.velocity = (Part1.CFrame.lookVector * 1500) +,0.15,0) Fire.Enabled = true Smoke.Enabled = true end) delay(5,function() Part1:Destroy() end) end end function FireGuidedMissile(Gun) --This function creates the guided missiles for the missile spawns if Targetable2 then if Locked then local Exploded = false local Part1 ="Part") Part1.Name = "Missile" Part1.CanCollide = false Part1.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part1.Size =,1,13) Part1.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part1.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Part1 Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.TextureId = "" local Part2 ="Part") Part2.Parent = Part1 Part2.Transparency = 1 Part2.Name = "Visual" Part2.CanCollide = false Part2.FormFactor = "Symmetric" Part2.Size =,1,1) Part2.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Part2.TopSurface = "Smooth" local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Parent = Part1 Weld.Part0 = Part1 Weld.Part1 = Part2 Weld.C0 =,0,5)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) local OV ="ObjectValue") OV.Parent = Part1 OV.Name = "Tracker" OV.Value = TargetPlayer.Character.Torso local BV ="BodyVelocity") BV.Parent = Part1 BV.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) local Script = MissileM:clone() Script.Parent = Part1 local Fire ="Fire") Fire.Parent = Part2 Fire.Enabled = false Fire.Heat = 25 Fire.Size = 30 local Smoke ="Smoke") Smoke.Parent = Part2 Smoke.Color =,40/51,40/51) Smoke.Enabled = false Smoke.Opacity = 1 Smoke.RiseVelocity = 25 Smoke.Size = 25 local PlaneTag ="ObjectValue") PlaneTag.Parent = Part PlaneTag.Name = "PlaneTag" PlaneTag.Value = Plane Part1.Touched:connect(function(Object) if (not Exploded) then if (not Object:IsDescendantOf(Character)) and Object.Name ~= "Missile" then Exploded = true local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Position = Part1.Position Explosion.BlastPressure = 50000 Explosion.BlastRadius = 50 ScanPlayers(Part1.Position,50) Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Part1:Destroy() end end end) Part1.Parent = game.Workspace Part1.CFrame = (Gun.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)) + Gun.CFrame.lookVector * 15 delay(0.3,function() Script.Disabled = false Fire.Enabled = true Smoke.Enabled = true end) delay(10,function() Part1:Destroy() end) end end end function ScanPlayers(Pos,Radius) --This is a function that I created that efficiently puts a CreatorTag in the player coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do --This gets all the players if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then local PTorso = v.Character.Torso if ((PTorso.Position - Pos).magnitude + 2) <= Radius then --If the distance between the explosion and the player is less than the radius... local HitHumanoid = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if HitHumanoid then local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue") CreatorTag.Name = "creator" CreatorTag.Value = Player CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(CreatorTag,0.1) end end end end end)) end function ReloadRocket(Time) --This function reloads the rockets based on the rocket reload time if (not RocketEnabled) then wait(Time) RocketEnabled = true end end function ReloadFlare(Time) --This function reloads the flares based on the flare reload time if (not FlareEnabled) then wait(Time) FlareEnabled = true end end function ReloadBomb(Time) --This function reloads the bombs based on the bomb reload time if (not BombEnabled) then wait(Time) BombEnabled = true end end function ReloadMissile(Time) --This function reloads the missile based on the missile reload time if (not MissileEnabled) then wait(Time) MissileEnabled = true end end function onMouseMoved(mouse) --This function is activated when the mouse moves if Targetable2 then --If the plane can target... local Gui = GuiClone.Main if Targeting then mouse.Icon = AimingCursor --All the cursors in this script were made by me Gui.Mode.Text = "Targeting Mode" local FoundPlayer = false for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character then if v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then if v ~= Player then if ((v.TeamColor ~= Player.TeamColor) or v.Neutral) then local myHead = Character.Head local TorsoPos = v.Character.Torso.CFrame local Distance = (myHead.CFrame.p - TorsoPos.p).magnitude local MouseDirection = (mouse.Hit.p - myHead.CFrame.p).unit local Offset = (((MouseDirection * Distance) + myHead.CFrame.p) - TorsoPos.p).magnitude if (not Locked) then if (Offset/Distance) < 0.1 then FoundPlayer = true if TargetPlayer ~= v then TargetPlayer = v mouse.Icon = TargetCursor AimGui.Enabled = true LockGui.Enabled = false AimGui.Adornee = TargetPlayer.Character.Torso LockGui.Adornee = nil end end if (not FoundPlayer) and TargetPlayer then TargetPlayer = nil mouse.Icon = AimingCursor AimGui.Enabled = false LockGui.Enabled = false AimGui.Adornee = nil LockGui.Adornee = nil end elseif Locked then mouse.Icon = LockedCursor AimGui.Enabled = false LockGui.Enabled = true AimGui.Adornee = nil LockGui.Adornee = TargetPlayer.Character.Torso end end end end end end elseif (not Targeting) then mouse.Icon = NormalCursor Gui.Mode.Text = "Flying Mode" end end end function onButton1Down(mouse) --This function is activated when you press the left mouse button Locked = ((not Locked) and TargetPlayer and Targeting and EngineOn and Targeting2) end function IncreaseSpd() --This function increases the speed if EngineOn then if Selected then while Accelerating do Throttle = (Throttle < 1 and Throttle + 0.01 or 1) DesiredSpeed = MaxSpeed2 * Throttle wait(ThrottleInc2) end end end end function DecreaseSpd() --This function decreases the speed if EngineOn then if Selected then while Decelerating do Throttle = (Throttle > 0 and Throttle - 0.01 or 0) DesiredSpeed = MaxSpeed2 * Throttle wait(ThrottleInc2) end end end end function RoundNumber(Num) --This function rounds a number to the nearest whole number return ((Num - math.floor(Num)) >= 0.5 and math.ceil(Num) or math.floor(Num)) end function GetGear(Parent) --This function gets all the parts in the Gear folder for i,v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then if (not v:findFirstChild("GearProp")) then local GearProp ="StringValue") GearProp.Name = "GearProp" GearProp.Value = v.Transparency..","..tostring(v.CanCollide) GearProp.Parent = v end table.insert(LandingGear,v) --This inserts a table with the gear's properties into the LandingGear table end GetGear(v) end end function ChangeGear() --This function extends or retracts the gear for i,v in pairs(LandingGear) do local GearProp = v.GearProp local Comma = GearProp.Value:find(",",1,true) local TransVal = tonumber(GearProp.Value:sub(1,Comma - 1)) local CollideVal = GearProp.Value:sub(Comma + 1) v.Transparency = (TransVal ~= 1 and (GearUp and TransVal or 1)) v.CanCollide = (CollideVal and (GearUp and CollideVal or false)) end end function SetUpGui() --This function sets up the PlaneGui local Gui = GuiClone.Main Gui.Title.Text = PlaneName2 local TargetStats = Gui.Parent.Target local HUD = Gui.Parent.HUD local ControlsA,ControlsB = Gui.ControlsA,Gui.ControlsB local FrameA,FrameB = Gui.FrameA,Gui.FrameB local C1A,C1B = FrameA.C1.Key,FrameB.C1.Key local C2A,C2B = FrameA.C2.Key,FrameB.C2.Key local C3A,C3B = FrameA.C3.Key,FrameB.C3.Key local C4A,C4B = FrameA.C4.Key,FrameB.C4.Key local C5A,C5B = FrameA.C5.Key,FrameB.C5.Key local C6,C7 = FrameA.C6.Key,FrameA.C7.Key local GearText = Gui.Gear for i,v in pairs(LandingGear) do --This section determines whether the gear are up or down if v.Transparency == 1 then GearUp = true else GearUp = false break end end local MaxSpeedScaled = math.ceil(MaxSpeed2/50) for i = 1,(MaxSpeedScaled + 10) do --This creates a loop that clones the SpeedGui and positions it accordingly local SpeedGui = HUD.Speed.Main local Speed0 = SpeedGui["Speed-0"] local SpeedClone = Speed0:clone() SpeedClone.Position =,0,1,-(80 + (75 * i))) SpeedClone.Name = ("Speed-%i"):format(50 * i) SpeedClone.Text.Text = tostring(50 * i) SpeedClone.Parent = SpeedGui end local MaxAltScaled = math.ceil(MaxAltitude2/500) for i = 1,(MaxAltScaled + 10) do --This creates a loop that clones the AltitudeGui and positions it accordingly local AltGui = HUD.Altitude.Main local Altitude0 = AltGui["Altitude-0"] local AltClone = Altitude0:clone() AltClone.Position =,0,1,-(80 + (75 * i))) AltClone.Name = ("Altitude-%s"):format(tostring(0.5 * i)) AltClone.Text.Text = tostring(0.5 * i) AltClone.Parent = AltGui end GearText.Text = (GearUp and "Gear Up" or "Gear Down") C1A.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.Engine.Value:upper() if FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value == "ArrowKeyUp" then C2A.Text = "Key: ArrowKeyUp" elseif FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value == "ArrowKeyDown" then C2A.Text = "Key: ArrowKeyDown" else C2A.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.SpeedUp.Value:upper() end if FlightControls.SlowDown.Value == "ArrowKeyUp" then C3A.Text = "Key: ArrowKeyUp" elseif FlightControls.SlowDown.Value == "ArrowKeyDown" then C3A.Text = "Key: ArrowKeyDown" else C3A.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.SlowDown.Value:upper() end C4A.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.Gear.Value:upper() if Targetable2 then C5A.Text = "Key: "..TargetControls.Modes.Value:upper() else C5A.Parent.Visible = false end if Ejectable.Value then C6.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.Eject.Value:upper() else C6.Parent.Visible = false end if CamLock.Value then C7.Text = "Key: "..FlightControls.LockCam.Value:upper() else C7.Parent.Visible = false end if (not WeaponsValue.Value) then C1B.Parent.Visible = false C2B.Parent.Visible = false C3B.Parent.Visible = false C4B.Parent.Visible = false C5B.Parent.Visible = false FrameB.Title.Text = "No Weapons" elseif WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Missiles.Value then C1B.Text = "Key: "..WeaponControls.FireMissile.Value:upper() elseif (not WeaponsValue.Missiles.Value) then C1B.Parent.Visible = false end if WeaponsValue.Rockets.Value then C2B.Text = "Key: "..WeaponControls.FireRockets.Value:upper() elseif (not WeaponsValue.Rockets.Value) then C2B.Parent.Visible = false end if WeaponsValue.Guns.Value then C3B.Text = "Key: "..WeaponControls.FireGuns.Value:upper() elseif (not WeaponsValue.Guns.Value) then C3B.Parent.Visible = false end if WeaponsValue.Bombs.Value then C4B.Text = "Key: "..WeaponControls.DropBombs.Value:upper() elseif (not WeaponsValue.Bombs.Value) then C4B.Parent.Visible = false end if WeaponsValue.Flares.Value then C5B.Text = "Key: "..WeaponControls.DeployFlares.Value:upper() elseif (not WeaponsValue.Flares.Value) then C5B.Parent.Visible = false end end ControlsA.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() --This function allows the Flight Controls frame to be opened or closed without an external script if GuiAVisible then GuiAVisible = false FrameA:TweenPosition(,150,0,-190),"In","Quad",1,true) elseif (not GuiAVisible) then GuiAVisible = true FrameA:TweenPosition(,150,0,170),"Out","Quad",1,true) end end) ControlsB.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if GuiBVisible then GuiBVisible = false FrameB:TweenPosition(,-150,0,-150),"In","Quad",1,true) elseif (not GuiBVisible) then GuiBVisible = true FrameB:TweenPosition(,-150,0,170),"Out","Quad",1,true) end end) end function GetRoll(CF) --This function gets the rotation of the Engine. Credit to DevAdrian for this local CFRight = CF * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) local CFNoRollRight =,CF.p + CF.lookVector) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) local CFDiff = CFRight:toObjectSpace(CFNoRollRight) return (-math.atan2(CFDiff.lookVector.Y, CFDiff.lookVector.Z) % (math.pi * 2) + math.pi) end function GetPitch(CF) --This function gets the pitch of the Engine. Credit to DevAdrian for this local LV = CF.lookVector local XZDist = math.sqrt(LV.x^2 + LV.z^2) return math.atan(LV.y / XZDist) end function UpdateCamera() --This function uses the RunService to update the camera. It happens very fast so it is smooth if Selected then if (not LockedCam) then Camera.CameraType = CameraType2 elseif LockedCam then local HeadCF = Character.Head.CFrame local PlaneSize = Plane:GetModelSize().magnitude/3 local Origin = HeadCF.p + (HeadCF.lookVector * (PlaneSize - 1)) local Target = HeadCF.p + (HeadCF.lookVector * PlaneSize) Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable Camera.CoordinateFrame =,Target) Camera:SetRoll(GetRoll(Character.Head.CFrame)) end else Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom end end function UpdateTargetStats(Target,Gui) --This function updates the stats about the Target if Target then local myHead = Character.Head local TorsoPos = Target.Character.Torso.CFrame local Distance = (myHead.CFrame.p - TorsoPos.p).magnitude local TargetSpeed = (Target.Character.Torso.Velocity).magnitude local TargetAlt = Target.Character.Torso.Position.Y Gui.LockName.Text = ("Target: %s"):format(Target.Name) Gui.Dist.Text = ("Distance: %s"):format(tostring(math.floor(Distance * 10)/10)) Gui.Speed.Text = ("Speed: %s"):format(tostring(math.floor(TargetSpeed * 10)/10)) Gui.Altitude.Text = ("Altitude: %s"):format(tostring(math.floor(TargetAlt * 10)/10)) elseif (not Target) then Gui.LockName.Text = "Target: None" Gui.Dist.Text = "Distance: N/A" Gui.Speed.Text = "Speed: N/A" Gui.Altitude.Text = "Altitude: N/A" end end function UpdateHUD(Gui) --This function updates the HUD whenever the camera is locked Gui.Roll.Rotation = math.deg(GetRoll(Character.Head.CFrame)) local PitchNum = math.deg(GetPitch(Character.Head.CFrame))/90 Gui.Roll.Pitch.Position =,-200,0,-500 + (PitchNum * 450)) local SpeedScaled = TrueAirSpeed/50 Gui.Speed.Main.Position =,0,0.5,SpeedScaled * 75) Gui.Speed.Disp.Text.Text = RoundNumber(TrueAirSpeed) local AltScaled = RoundNumber(Engine.Position.Y)/500 Gui.Altitude.Main.Position =,0,0.5,AltScaled * 75) Gui.Altitude.Disp.Text.Text = RoundNumber(Engine.Position.Y) local NegFactor = (Engine.Velocity.y/math.abs(Engine.Velocity.y)) local VerticalSpeed = RoundNumber(math.abs(Engine.Velocity.y)) Gui.ClimbRate.Text = ("VSI: %i"):format(VerticalSpeed * NegFactor) Gui.GearStatus.Text = (GearUp and "Gear Up" or "Gear Down") Gui.GearStatus.TextColor3 = (GearUp and,1,0) or,0,0)) Gui.EngineStatus.Text = (EngineOn and "Engine On" or "Engine Off") Gui.EngineStatus.TextColor3 = (EngineOn and,1,0) or,0,0)) Gui.StallWarn.Visible = ((not Taxi()) and Stall()) Gui.PullUp.Visible = (EngineOn and (not Taxi()) and (AltRestrict.Value) and (Engine.Position.Y < (MinAltitude2 + 20))) Gui.TaxiStatus.Visible = (Engine and Taxi()) Gui.Throttle.Bar.Tray.Position =,0,1,-(Throttle * 460)) Gui.Throttle.Bar.Tray.Size =,0,0,(Throttle * 460)) Gui.Throttle.Disp.Text = math.abs(math.floor(Throttle * 100)).."%" local StallLinePos = (StallSpeed2/math.floor(TrueAirSpeed + 0.5)) * (StallSpeed2/MaxSpeed2) local StallLinePosFix = (StallLinePos > 1 and 1 or StallLinePos < 0 and 0 or StallLinePos) Gui.Throttle.Bar.StallLine.Position =,0,1 - StallLinePosFix,0) Gui.Throttle.Bar.Tray.BackgroundColor3 = (Throttle <= StallLinePosFix and,0,0) or,1,0)) end function UpdateGui(Taxiing,Stalling) --This function updates the gui. local Gui = GuiClone.Main local TargetStats = GuiClone.Target local HUD = Player.PlayerGui.PlaneGui.HUD Gui.Visible = ((not HUDOnLock.Value) or (HUDOnLock.Value and (not LockedCam))) HUD.Visible = (LockedCam and HUDOnLock.Value) if LockedCam and HUDOnLock.Value then UpdateHUD(HUD) end if Targetable2 then UpdateTargetStats(TargetPlayer,TargetStats) end Gui.PullUp.Visible = (EngineOn and (not Taxiing) and (AltRestrict.Value) and (Engine.Position.Y < (MinAltitude2 + 20))) Gui.Taxi.Visible = (EngineOn and Taxiing) Gui.Stall.Visible = ((not Taxiing) and Stalling) Gui.Altitude.Text = "Altitude: "..RoundNumber(Engine.Position.Y) Gui.Speed.Text = "Speed: "..RoundNumber(TrueAirSpeed) Gui.Throttle.Bar.Tray.Size =,0,1,0) Gui.Throttle.Percent.Text = math.abs(math.floor(Throttle * 100)).."%" local StallLinePos = (StallSpeed2/math.floor(TrueAirSpeed + 0.5)) * (StallSpeed2/MaxSpeed2) local StallLinePosFix = (StallLinePos > 1 and 1 or StallLinePos < 0 and 0 or StallLinePos) Gui.Throttle.Bar.StallLine.Position =,0,0,0) Gui.Throttle.Bar.Tray.BackgroundColor3 = (Throttle <= StallLinePosFix and,0,0) or,2/3,0)) end function CalculateSpeed() --This function calculates the current speed while Selected do if EngineOn then CurrentSpeed = (CurrentSpeed < DesiredSpeed and CurrentSpeed + 2 or CurrentSpeed - 2) --A simple ternary operation that calculates the currentspeed CurrentSpeed = (CurrentSpeed < 0 and 0 or CurrentSpeed > MaxSpeed2 and MaxSpeed2 or CurrentSpeed) --This fixes the currentspeed end wait(0.5 - (Acceleration2/2000)) end end function GetLowestPoint() --This function gets the lowest point of the plane if (#LandingGear == 0) then LowestPoint = (Engine.Position.Y + 5 + (Engine.Size.Y/2)) return end for i,v in pairs(LandingGear) do local Set0 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,0,0)).Y) local Set1 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,0,0)).Y) local Set2 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,(v.Size.Y/2),0)).Y) local Set3 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,-(v.Size.Y/2),0)).Y) local Set4 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,0,(v.Size.Z/2))).Y) local Set5 = (Engine.Position.Y - (v.CFrame *,0,-(v.Size.Z/2))).Y) local Max = (math.max(Set0,Set1,Set2,Set3,Set4,Set5) + 5) LowestPoint = (Max > LowestPoint and Max or LowestPoint) end end function GetBankAngle(M) --This function calculates the Bank Angle local VSX,X = M.ViewSizeX,M.X local Ratio = (((VSX/2) - X)/(VSX/2)) Ratio = (Ratio < -1 and -1 or Ratio > 1 and 1 or Ratio) return math.rad(Ratio * MaxBank2) end function Taxi() --This function determines whether the plane is taxiing or not local Ray =,,-LowestPoint,0)) return (TrueAirSpeed <= StallSpeed2 and game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(Ray,Plane)) end function Stall() --This function determines whether the plane is stalling or not return ((AltRestrict.Value and Engine.Position.Y > MaxAltitude2) or TrueAirSpeed < StallSpeed2) end function FlyMain(M) --This is the main flying function if Selected then local BankAngle = GetBankAngle(M) --This uses the "GetBankAngle" function to calculate the Bank Angle local Taxi,Stall = Taxi(),Stall() if EngineOn then Engine.Thrust.velocity = (Engine.CFrame.lookVector * CurrentSpeed) +,0.15,0) if Taxi then if (CurrentSpeed < 2) then Thrust.maxForce =,0,0) Direction.maxTorque =,0,0) else Thrust.maxForce =,0,math.huge) Direction.maxTorque =,math.huge,0) Direction.cframe =,M.Hit.p) end elseif Stall then Thrust.maxForce =,0,0) Direction.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) Direction.cframe = (M.Hit*CFrame.Angles(0,0,BankAngle)) else Thrust.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) Direction.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) Direction.cframe = (M.Hit*CFrame.Angles(0,0,BankAngle)) end if ((AltRestrict.Value) and (Engine.Position.Y < MinAltitude2)) then --If there are altitude restrictions and you are below it... AutoCrash.Value = true end elseif (not EngineOn) then Thrust.maxForce =,0,0) Thrust.velocity =,0,0) Direction.maxTorque =,0,0) end TrueAirSpeed = Engine.Velocity.magnitude UpdateGui(Taxi,Stall) --This activates the "UpdateGui" function]] wait() end end function onKeyDown(Key) --This function is activated whenever a key is pressed Key:lower() if (Key == FlightControls.Engine.Value) then --If you press the engine key... local Gui = GuiClone.Main if (not EngineOn) then EngineOn = true DesiredSpeed = 0 CurrentSpeed = 0 Throttle = 0 Gui.Engine.Visible = false CalculateSpeed() elseif EngineOn then EngineOn = false DesiredSpeed = 0 CurrentSpeed = 0 Throttle = 0 Gui.Engine.Visible = true end end if (Key == FlightControls.Gear.Value) then --If you press the change gear key... local Gui = GuiClone.Main local Taxiing = Taxi() if (#LandingGear ~= 0) then if (not Taxiing) then ChangeGear() if (not GearUp) then GearUp = true Gui.Gear.Text = "Gear Up" elseif GearUp then GearUp = false Gui.Gear.Text = "Gear Down" end end end end if SUAK and Key:byte() == SpeedUp2 or (not SUAK) and (Key == SpeedUp2) then --If you press the speed up key... Accelerating = true IncreaseSpd() end if SDAK and Key:byte() == SlowDown2 or (not SDAK) and (Key == SlowDown2) then --If you press the slow down key... Decelerating = true DecreaseSpd() end if (Key == TargetControls.Modes.Value) then --If you press the change modes key... if Targetable2 then if EngineOn then if (not Targeting) then Targeting = true elseif Targeting then Targeting = false Locked = false AimGui.Enabled = false LockGui.Enabled = false end end end end if (Key == FlightControls.Eject.Value:lower()) then if EngineOn then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then if Ejectable.Value then if (not Plane.Ejected.Value) then Plane.Ejected.Value = true local Seat = MainParts.Seat local EjectClone = Tool.Ejector:clone() EjectClone.Parent = Player.PlayerGui EjectClone.Disabled = false local Fire ="Fire") Fire.Parent = Engine Fire.Heat = 25 Fire.Size = 30 local Smoke ="Smoke") Smoke.Parent = Engine Smoke.Color =,1/3,1/3) Smoke.Opacity = 0.7 Smoke.RiseVelocity = 10 Smoke.Size = 10 Seat.SeatWeld:remove() end end end end end if (Key == FlightControls.LockCam.Value) then LockedCam = (not LockedCam) end if (Key == WeaponControls.FireGuns.Value) then --If you press the fire guns key... if WeaponsValue.Value then --If there are weapons... if WeaponsValue.Guns.Value then --If there are guns... if EngineOn then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then --This prevents you from firing the gun while your on the ground FiringGun = true FireMachineGun(Weapons) --This activates the "FireMachineGun" function end end end end end if (Key == WeaponControls.FireRockets.Value) then --If you press the fire rockets key... if WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Rockets.Value then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then if RocketEnabled then RocketEnabled = false FireRockets(Weapons) ReloadRocket(RocketTime2) end end end end end if (Key == WeaponControls.DeployFlares.Value) then --If you press the deploy flares key... if WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Flares.Value then if EngineOn then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then if FlareEnabled then --This makes the plane deploy flares 5 times every 0.2 seconds before you have to reload FlareEnabled = false for i = 1,5 do DeployFlares(Weapons) wait(0.2) end ReloadFlare(FlareTime2) end end end end end end if (Key == WeaponControls.DropBombs.Value) then --If you press the drop bombs key... if WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Bombs.Value then if EngineOn then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then if BombEnabled then BombEnabled = false local BombSpawns = {} for i,v in pairs(Weapons:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "BombSpawn" then table.insert(BombSpawns,v) end end end local CurrentSpawn = BombSpawns[math.random(1,#BombSpawns)] --This line selects a random bomb spawn if Locked then DropGuidedBomb(CurrentSpawn) ReloadBomb((BombTime2 * 2)) elseif (not Locked) then for i = 1,5 do DropBomb(Weapons) wait(0.3) end ReloadBomb(BombTime2) end end end end end end end if (Key == WeaponControls.FireMissile.Value) then --If you press the fire missile key... if WeaponsValue.Value then if WeaponsValue.Missiles.Value then if EngineOn then local Taxiing = Taxi() if (not Taxiing) then if MissileEnabled then MissileEnabled = false local MissileSpawns = {} for i,v in pairs(Weapons:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Name == "MissileSpawn" then table.insert(MissileSpawns,v) end end end local CurrentSpawn = MissileSpawns[math.random(1,#MissileSpawns)] --This line selects a random missile spawn if Locked then FireGuidedMissile(CurrentSpawn) ReloadMissile((MissileTime2 * 2)) elseif (not Locked) then FireMissile(CurrentSpawn) ReloadMissile(MissileTime2) end end end end end end end if (Key == TargetControls.UnTarget.Value) then --If you press the untarget key... if Targetable2 then if Locked then Locked = false end end end end function onKeyUp(Key) --This function is activated when you let go of a key Key:lower() if SUAK and Key:byte() == SpeedUp2 or (not SUAK) and (Key == SpeedUp2) then --If you let go of the speed up key... Accelerating = false end if SDAK and Key:byte() == SlowDown2 or (not SDAK) and (Key == SlowDown2) then --If you let go of the slow down key... Decelerating = false end if (Key == WeaponControls.FireGuns.Value) then --If you let go of the fire guns key... FiringGun = false end end function onSelected(mouse) --This function is activated when you select the Plane tool Selected = true mouse2 = mouse FixVars() --This activates the "FixVars" function GetGear(Gear) --This activates the "GetGear" function GetLowestPoint() --This activates the "GetLowestPoint" function ToolSelect.Value = true GuiClone = GUI:clone() --This line and the next one clones the plane gui and puts it into the player GuiClone.Parent = Player.PlayerGui SetUpGui() --This activates the "SetUpGui" function Camera.CameraType = CameraType2 --This makes your cameratype the customize cameratype if Targetable2 then --If the plane can target, then it will create the objects required for targeting AimGui ="BillboardGui",Player.PlayerGui) AimGui.AlwaysOnTop = true AimGui.Enabled = false AimGui.Size =,50,0,50) local Label ="ImageLabel",AimGui) Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Label.Image = "" Label.Size =,0,1,0) LockGui ="BillboardGui",Player.PlayerGui) LockGui.AlwaysOnTop = true LockGui.Enabled = false LockGui.Size =,50,0,50) local Label ="ImageLabel",LockGui) Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Label.Image = "" Label.Size =,0,1,0) end mouse.Icon = NormalCursor FTab[1] = mouse.Move:connect(function() onMouseMoved(mouse) end) --Lines 1025-1029 activate the given functions FTab[2] = mouse.Idle:connect(function() onMouseMoved(mouse) end) FTab[3] = mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end) FTab[4] = mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown) FTab[5] = mouse.KeyUp:connect(onKeyUp) FTab[6] = RunService.RenderStepped:connect(UpdateCamera) FTab[7] = RunService.Stepped:connect(function() FlyMain(mouse) end) end function onDeselected(mouse) --This function is activated when you deselect the Plane tool Selected = false LockedCam = false for i,v in pairs(FTab) do --This disconnects all the connections. It prevents bugs if v then v:disconnect() end end Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom --This makes the CameraType "Custom" Camera.CameraSubject = Character.Humanoid if Targetable2 then --If the plane can target, then the objects required for targeting will be removed AimGui:remove() LockGui:remove() end if (not Taxi()) and EngineOn then --If you're not Taxiing and your engine is on... if (not Deselect0.Value) and (not Plane.Ejected.Value) then --If you deselected the tool and didn't eject... onDeselectFlying() end end CurrentSpeed = 0 --Lines 1041-1054 resets the plane, the plane gui, and the plane tool DesiredSpeed = 0 TrueAirSpeed = 0 EngineOn = false Updating = false Locked = false Targeting = false TargetPlayer = nil ToolSelect.Value = false GuiAVisible = true GuiBVisible = true GuiClone:remove() Engine.Thrust.velocity =,0,0) Engine.Thrust.maxForce =,0,0) Engine.Direction.maxTorque =,0,0) end function onDeselectFlying() --This function blows up the plane if (not Deselect0.Value) then local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Explosion.Position = Engine.Position Explosion.BlastRadius = Plane:GetModelSize().magnitude Explosion.BlastPressure = 100000 Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 Engine.Thrust:remove() Engine.Direction:remove() delay(5,function() Plane:Destroy() end) end end function onDeselectForced() --This function is activated when you get out of the plane without deselecting the tool first if Deselect0.Value then onDeselected() mouse2.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\ArrowCursor.png" --This makes the mouse icon the normal icon end end script.Parent.Selected:connect(onSelected) --The next 3 lines activate the given functions script.Parent.Deselected:connect(onDeselected) Deselect0.Changed:connect(onDeselectForced)
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end local gui = client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) -- Change it to a TextLabel to avoid chat clearing local playergui = service.PlayerGui local frame = gui.Frame local msg = gui.Frame.Message local ttl = gui.Frame.Title local gIndex = data.gIndex local gTable = data.gTable local title = data.Title local message = data.Message local scroll = data.Scroll local tim = data.Time if not data.Message or not data.Title then gui:Destroy() end ttl.Text = title msg.Text = message ttl.TextTransparency = 1 msg.TextTransparency = 1 ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local blur = service.New("BlurEffect") blur.Enabled = false blur.Size = 0 blur.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera local fadeSteps = 10 local blurSize = 10 local textFade = 0.1 local strokeFade = 0.5 local frameFade = 0.3 local blurStep = blurSize/fadeSteps local frameStep = frameFade/fadeSteps local textStep = 0.1 local strokeStep = 0.1 local gone = false local function fadeIn() if not gone then blur.Enabled = true gTable:Ready() --gui.Parent = service.PlayerGui for i = 1,fadeSteps do if blur.Size<blurSize then blur.Size = blur.Size+blurStep end if msg.TextTransparency>textFade then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency-textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency-textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency>strokeFade then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency>frameFade then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency-frameStep end wait(1/60) end end end local function fadeOut() if not gone then for i = 1,fadeSteps do if blur.Size>0 then blur.Size = blur.Size-blurStep end if msg.TextTransparency<1 then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency+textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency+textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency<1 then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency<1 then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency+frameStep end wait(1/60) end blur.Enabled = false blur:Destroy() service.UnWrap(gui):Destroy() gone = true end end gTable.CustomDestroy = function() if not gone then gone = true pcall(fadeOut) end pcall(function() service.UnWrap(gui):Destroy() end) pcall(function() blur:Destroy() end) end --[[if not scroll then msg.Text = message else Routine(function() wait(0.5) for i = 1, #message do msg.Text = msg.Text .. message:sub(i,i) wait(0.05) end end) end--]] -- For now? fadeIn() wait(tim or 5) if not gone then fadeOut() end --[[ frame.Position =,-175,-1.5,0) gui.Parent = playergui frame:TweenPosition(,-175,0.25,0),nil,nil,0.5) if not scroll then msg.Text = message wait(tim or 10) else wait(0.5) for i = 1, #message do msg.Text = msg.Text .. message:sub(i,i) wait(0.05) end wait(tim or 5) end if frame then frame:TweenPosition(,-175,-1.5,0),nil,nil,0.5) wait(1) gui:Destroy() end --]] end
-- spring for an array of linear values
local LinearSpring = {} do LinearSpring.__index = LinearSpring function, frequency, pos, typedat, rawTarget) local linearPos = typedat.toIntermediate(pos) return setmetatable( { d = dampingRatio, f = frequency, g = linearPos, p = linearPos, v = table.create(#linearPos, 0), typedat = typedat, rawTarget = rawTarget, }, LinearSpring ) end function LinearSpring:setGoal(goal) self.rawTarget = goal self.g = self.typedat.toIntermediate(goal) end function LinearSpring:canSleep() if magnitudeSq(self.v) > SLEEP_VELOCITY_SQ_LIMIT then return false end if distanceSq(self.p, self.g) > SLEEP_OFFSET_SQ_LIMIT then return false end return true end function LinearSpring:step(dt) -- Advance the spring simulation by dt seconds. -- Take the damped harmonic oscillator ODE: -- f^2*(X[t] - g) + 2*d*f*X'[t] + X''[t] = 0 -- Where X[t] is position at time t, g is target position, -- f is undamped angular frequency, and d is damping ratio. -- Apply constant initial conditions: -- X[0] = p0 -- X'[0] = v0 -- Solve the IVP to get analytic expressions for X[t] and X'[t]. -- The solution takes one of three forms for 0<=d<1, d=1, and d>1 local d = self.d local f = self.f*2*pi -- Hz -> Rad/s local g = self.g local p = self.p local v = self.v if d == 1 then -- critically damped local q = exp(-f*dt) local w = dt*q local c0 = q + w*f local c2 = q - w*f local c3 = w*f*f for idx = 1, #p do local o = p[idx] - g[idx] p[idx] = o*c0 + v[idx]*w + g[idx] v[idx] = v[idx]*c2 - o*c3 end elseif d < 1 then -- underdamped local q = exp(-d*f*dt) local c = sqrt(1 - d*d) local i = cos(dt*f*c) local j = sin(dt*f*c) -- Damping ratios approaching 1 can cause division by very small numbers. -- To mitigate that, group terms around z=j/c and find an approximation for z. -- Start with the definition of z: -- z = sin(dt*f*c)/c -- Substitute a=dt*f: -- z = sin(a*c)/c -- Take the Maclaurin expansion of z with respect to c: -- z = a - (a^3*c^2)/6 + (a^5*c^4)/120 + O(c^6) -- z ≈ a - (a^3*c^2)/6 + (a^5*c^4)/120 -- Rewrite in Horner form: -- z ≈ a + ((a*a)*(c*c)*(c*c)/20 - c*c)*(a*a*a)/6 local z if c > EPS then z = j/c else local a = dt*f z = a + ((a*a)*(c*c)*(c*c)/20 - c*c)*(a*a*a)/6 end -- Frequencies approaching 0 present a similar problem. -- We want an approximation for y as f approaches 0, where: -- y = sin(dt*f*c)/(f*c) -- Substitute b=dt*c: -- y = sin(b*c)/b -- Now reapply the process from z. local y if f*c > EPS then y = j/(f*c) else local b = f*c y = dt + ((dt*dt)*(b*b)*(b*b)/20 - b*b)*(dt*dt*dt)/6 end for idx = 1, #p do local o = p[idx] - g[idx] p[idx] = (o*(i + z*d) + v[idx]*y)*q + g[idx] v[idx] = (v[idx]*(i - z*d) - o*(z*f))*q end else -- overdamped local c = sqrt(d*d - 1) local r1 = -f*(d - c) local r2 = -f*(d + c) local ec1 = exp(r1*dt) local ec2 = exp(r2*dt) for idx = 1, #p do local o = p[idx] - g[idx] local co2 = (v[idx] - o*r1)/(2*f*c) local co1 = ec1*(o - co2) p[idx] = co1 + co2*ec2 + g[idx] v[idx] = co1*r1 + co2*ec2*r2 end end return self.typedat.fromIntermediate(self.p) end end local function inverseGammaCorrectD65(c) return c < 0.0404482362771076 and c/12.92 or 0.87941546140213*(c + 0.055)^2.4 end local function gammaCorrectD65(c) return c < 3.1306684425e-3 and 12.92*c or 1.055*c^(1/2.4) - 0.055 end local function rgbToLuv(value) -- convert RGB to a variant of cieluv space local r, g, b = value.R, value.G, value.B -- D65 sRGB inverse gamma correction r = inverseGammaCorrectD65(r) g = inverseGammaCorrectD65(g) b = inverseGammaCorrectD65(b) -- sRGB -> xyz local x = 0.9257063972951867*r - 0.8333736323779866*g - 0.09209820666085898*b local y = 0.2125862307855956*r + 0.71517030370341085*g + 0.0722004986433362*b local z = 3.6590806972265883*r + 11.4426895800574232*g + 4.1149915024264843*b -- xyz -> scaled cieluv local l = y > 0.008856451679035631 and 116*y^(1/3) - 16 or 903.296296296296*y local u, v if z > 1e-14 then u = l*x/z v = l*(9*y/z - 0.46832) else u = -0.19783*l v = -0.46832*l end return {l, u, v} end local function luvToRgb(value) -- convert back from modified cieluv to rgb space local l = value[1] if l < 0.0197955 then return, 0, 0) end local u = value[2]/l + 0.19783 local v = value[3]/l + 0.46832 -- cieluv -> xyz local y = (l + 16)/116 y = y > 0.206896551724137931 and y*y*y or 0.12841854934601665*y - 0.01771290335807126 local x = y*u/v local z = y*((3 - 0.75*u)/v - 5) -- xyz -> D65 sRGB local r = 7.2914074*x - 1.5372080*y - 0.4986286*z local g = -2.1800940*x + 1.8757561*y + 0.0415175*z local b = 0.1253477*x - 0.2040211*y + 1.0569959*z -- clamp minimum sRGB component if r < 0 and r < g and r < b then r, g, b = 0, g - r, b - r elseif g < 0 and g < b then r, g, b = r - g, 0, b - g elseif b < 0 then r, g, b = r - b, g - b, 0 end -- gamma correction from D65 -- clamp to avoid undesirable overflow wrapping behavior on certain properties (e.g. BasePart.Color) return min(gammaCorrectD65(r), 1), min(gammaCorrectD65(g), 1), min(gammaCorrectD65(b), 1) ) end
-- Helper functions
function angleBetweenPoints(p0, p1) local p = p0 - p1 return -math.atan2(p.z, p.x) end function getCameraAngle(camera) local cf, f = camera.CoordinateFrame, camera.Focus return angleBetweenPoints(cf.p, f.p) end
-- ROBLOX deviation: alias for internal React$ flow types
export type React_Node = nil | boolean | number | string | React_Element<any> -- ROBLOX TODO: only include this once it's more specific than `any` -- | React_Portal | Array<React_Node?> -- ROBLOX TODO Luau: this more closely matches the upstream Iterable<>, hypothetically the UNIQUE_TAG field makes it so we don't unify with other tables and squad field resolution | { [string]: React_Node?, UNIQUE_TAG: any? } export type React_Element<ElementType> = { type: ElementType, props: React_ElementProps<ElementType>?, key: React_Key | nil, ref: any, } export type React_PureComponent<Props, State = nil> = React_Component<Props, State>
--// Dump log on disconnect
local isStudio = game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() game:GetService("NetworkClient").ChildRemoved:Connect(function(p) if not isStudio then warn("~! PLAYER DISCONNECTED/KICKED! DUMPING ADONIS CLIENT LOG!") dumplog() end end) local unique = {} local origEnv = getfenv() setfenv(1, setmetatable({}, { __metatable = unique }))
local function defaultFilter(...: any) return true end local function onSpawned<U>(parent: Instance, callback: (child: U) -> (), filter: ((child: Instance) -> boolean)?) local filterer = (filter or defaultFilter) :: (Instance) -> boolean for _, child in parent:GetChildren() :: { any } do if filterer(child) then task.spawn(callback, child) end end local signal = parent.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child: any) if filterer(child) then callback(child) end end) return function() signal:Disconnect() end end return onSpawned
Tune.Config = "FWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD"
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- parse function declaration body -- * used in simpleexp(), localfunc(), funcstat() ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function luaY:body(ls, e, needself, line) -- body -> '(' parlist ')' chunk END local new_fs = {} -- FuncState new_fs.upvalues = {} new_fs.actvar = {} self:open_func(ls, new_fs) new_fs.f.lineDefined = line self:checknext(ls, "(") if needself then self:new_localvarliteral(ls, "self", 0) self:adjustlocalvars(ls, 1) end self:parlist(ls) self:checknext(ls, ")") self:chunk(ls) new_fs.f.lastlinedefined = ls.linenumber self:check_match(ls, "TK_END", "TK_FUNCTION", line) self:close_func(ls) self:pushclosure(ls, new_fs, e) end
-- end
end end) keyset.Event:wait() script.Parent.Key.Transparency=0 _G.Tween(script.Parent.Key,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyC.CFrame},1,"Sine","In"):Play() wait(1.2) script.Parent.Key.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=10 script.Parent.KeyBase.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=0 script.Parent.Key.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Wait() _G.Tween(script.Parent.Key,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyO.CFrame},0.3,"Quad"):Play() _G.Tween(script.Parent.KeyHole,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyHoleO.CFrame},0.3,"Quad"):Play() script.Parent.KeyBase.Key:Play() wait(0.5) local Value ="CFrameValue") Value.Value=script.Parent.CoverC.CFrame Value.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Cover:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Value.Value) end) _G.Tween(Value,{Value=script.Parent.CoverO.CFrame},0.8,"Bounce","Out"):Play() wait(1),1,0) script.Parent.Button.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Wait(),0,0) script.Parent.Button.Sound:Play() _G.Tween(script.Parent.Button.Mesh,{,0,0)},0.2,"Quad","InOut",true):Play() _G.Tween(Value,{Value=script.Parent.CoverC.CFrame},2,"Quad"):Play() workspace.UPCCoreSystemUNYv4yvw3789n5yw7ay.ReactorStartup.Disabled=false wait(2.5) script.Parent.Key.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=0 _G.Tween(script.Parent.Key,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyC.CFrame},0.3,"Quad"):Play() _G.Tween(script.Parent.KeyHole,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyHoleC.CFrame},0.3,"Quad"):Play() script.Parent.KeyBase.Key:Play() wait(0.5) _G.Tween(script.Parent.Key,{CFrame=script.Parent.KeyC.CFrame*,0.5,0)},1,"Sine"):Play() wait(1) script.Parent.Key.Transparency=1
local _CTRL = _Tune.Controls local Controls ="Folder",script.Parent) Controls.Name = "Controls" for i,v in pairs(_CTRL) do local"StringValue",Controls) a.Name=i a.Value=v.Name a.Changed:connect(function() if i=="MouseThrottle" or i=="MouseBrake" then if a.Value == "MouseButton1" or a.Value == "MouseButton2" then _CTRL[i]=Enum.UserInputType[a.Value] else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end end) end
--[[ for a,b in pairs(game.ServerScriptService.MainModule.Server.Morphs:GetDescendants()) do if b:IsA("Decal") and b.Name ~= "face" and b.Parent.Name == "Head" then print("CHANGED: ".. b.Name.." | "..b.Parent.Parent.Name) b.Name = "face" end end --]]
local bundleCache = {} -- cache HumanoidDescriptions retrieved from bundles to reduce API calls function module:ApplyBundle(humanoid, bundleId) local HumanoidDescription = bundleCache[bundleId] if not HumanoidDescription then local success, bundleDetails = pcall(function() return main.assetService:GetBundleDetailsAsync(bundleId) end) if success and bundleDetails then for _, item in next, bundleDetails.Items do if item.Type == "UserOutfit" then success, HumanoidDescription = pcall(function() return main.players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId(item.Id) end) bundleCache[bundleId] = HumanoidDescription break end end end end if not HumanoidDescription then return end local newDescription = humanoid:GetAppliedDescription() local defaultDescription ="HumanoidDescription") for _, property in next, {"BackAccessory", "BodyTypeScale", "ClimbAnimation", "DepthScale", "Face", "FaceAccessory", "FallAnimation", "FrontAccessory", "GraphicTShirt", "HairAccessory", "HatAccessory", "Head", "HeadColor", "HeadScale", "HeightScale", "IdleAnimation", "JumpAnimation", "LeftArm", "LeftArmColor", "LeftLeg", "LeftLegColor", "NeckAccessory", "Pants", "ProportionScale", "RightArm", "RightArmColor", "RightLeg", "RightLegColor", "RunAnimation", "Shirt", "ShouldersAccessory", "SwimAnimation", "Torso", "TorsoColor", "WaistAccessory", "WalkAnimation", "WidthScale"} do if HumanoidDescription[property] ~= defaultDescription[property] then -- property is not the default value newDescription[property] = HumanoidDescription[property] end end humanoid:ApplyDescription(newDescription) end return module
-- Get references to the DockShelf and its children
local dockShelf = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.DockShelf local shlf = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.WindowManager.CtxtMenu local aFinderButton = shlf.About local Minimalise = script.Parent local window = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
Tune.SusEnabled = true -- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled --Front Suspension Tune.FSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.FSusStiffness = 9000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 50 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.FSusLength = 1 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.FPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.FExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.FCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Rear Suspension Tune.RSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 9000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 50 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.RSusLength = 1 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.RExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Aesthetics Tune.SusVisible = false -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Bright red" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
-- Defaultly Changes Color
give.BrickColor = SC color.BrickColor = SC
local sounds = game:GetService('SoundService') local runtime = game:GetService('RunService') script:WaitForChild('FootstepSounds').Parent = sounds local materials = sounds:WaitForChild('FootstepSounds') local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until plr.Character local char = plr.Character local hrp = char.HumanoidRootPart local hum = char.Humanoid local walking hum.Running:connect(function(speed) if speed > hum.WalkSpeed/2 then walking = true else walking = false end end) function getMaterial() local floormat = hum.FloorMaterial if not floormat then floormat = 'Air' end local matstring = string.split(tostring(floormat),'Enum.Material.')[2] local material = matstring return material end local lastmat runtime.Heartbeat:connect(function() if walking then local material = getMaterial() if material ~= lastmat and lastmat ~= nil then materials[lastmat].Playing = false end local materialSound = materials[material] materialSound.PlaybackSpeed = hum.WalkSpeed/12 materialSound.Playing = true lastmat = material else for _,sound in pairs(materials:GetChildren()) do sound.Playing = false end end end)
-- m.DesiredAngle = -1 -- script.Parent.Parent.DoorOpen:Play()
end end end)
-- [[ Flags ]]
local FFlagUserCameraGamepadZoomFix do local success, result = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserCameraGamepadZoomFix") end) FFlagUserCameraGamepadZoomFix = success and result end
-- Enable this if you want to test ragdolls in zero - g
local buildRagdoll = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("buildRagdoll"))
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local open = false
local wpr ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.WPR.SS) wpr.MaxVelocity = 0.05 wpr.Part0 = script.Parent.WPR wpr.Part1 = wpr.Parent local wpr2 ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.WPR2.SS) wpr2.MaxVelocity = 0.05 wpr2.Part0 = script.Parent.WPR2 wpr2.Part1 = wpr2.Parent
-- Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.
local O = true function onClicked() if O == true then O = false One() elseif O == false then O = true Two() end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(onClicked)
-- grab the mouse
local mouse = localPlayer:GetMouse()
function Icon:bindEvent(iconEventName, eventFunction) local event = self[iconEventName] assert(event and typeof(event) == "table" and event.Connect, "argument[1] must be a valid topbarplus icon event name!") assert(typeof(eventFunction) == "function", "argument[2] must be a function!") self._bindedEvents[iconEventName] = event:Connect(function(...) eventFunction(self, ...) end) return self end function Icon:unbindEvent(iconEventName) local eventConnection = self._bindedEvents[iconEventName] if eventConnection then eventConnection:Disconnect() self._bindedEvents[iconEventName] = nil end return self end function Icon:bindToggleKey(keyCodeEnum) assert(typeof(keyCodeEnum) == "EnumItem", "argument[1] must be a KeyCode EnumItem!") self._bindedToggleKeys[keyCodeEnum] = true return self end function Icon:unbindToggleKey(keyCodeEnum) assert(typeof(keyCodeEnum) == "EnumItem", "argument[1] must be a KeyCode EnumItem!") self._bindedToggleKeys[keyCodeEnum] = nil return self end function Icon:lock() self.locked = true return self end function Icon:unlock() self.locked = false return self end function Icon:setTopPadding(offset, scale) local newOffset = offset or 4 local newScale = scale or 0 self.topPadding =, newOffset) self.updated:Fire() return self end function Icon:bindToggleItem(guiObjectOrLayerCollector) if not guiObjectOrLayerCollector:IsA("GuiObject") and not guiObjectOrLayerCollector:IsA("LayerCollector") then error("Toggle item must be a GuiObject or LayerCollector!") end self.toggleItems[guiObjectOrLayerCollector] = true return self end function Icon:unbindToggleItem(guiObjectOrLayerCollector) self.toggleItems[guiObjectOrLayerCollector] = nil return self end function Icon:_setToggleItemsVisible(bool, byIcon) for toggleItem, _ in pairs(self.toggleItems) do if not byIcon or byIcon.toggleItems[toggleItem] == nil then local property = "Visible" if toggleItem:IsA("LayerCollector") then property = "Enabled" end toggleItem[property] = bool end end end function Icon:give(userdata) local valueToGive = userdata if typeof(userdata) == "function" then local returnValue = userdata(self) if typeof(userdata) ~= "function" then valueToGive = returnValue end end self._maid:give(valueToGive) return self end
--step 3: move your ScreenGui to the "Part" inside "Model" (you can re-name the part whatever and the ScreenGui)
-- The script needs this to check the state to not update the Last Standing Y Position Variable.
local function getHumanoidState(h) return h:GetState() end
-- Gets the closest player within range to the given mob. If the closest player is the player the mob is already following, distance is 2x. -- Note: If streaming is enabled, MoveTo may produce undesired results if the max distance is ever higher than streaming minimum, such as the enemy -- appearing to 'idle' if the current distance/magnitude is between the streaming minimum and the max follow distance (including 2x possibility)
function AI:GetClosestPlayer(Mob: MobList.Mob): (Player?, number?) local Closest = {Player = nil, Magnitude = math.huge} local ActivePlayer -- We retain a reference to this, so they have to get further away from the mob to stop following, instead of the usual distance. if Mob.Enemy.WalkToPart then local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Mob.Enemy.WalkToPart.Parent) if Player then ActivePlayer = Player end end for _, Player in Players:GetPlayers() do local Character = Player.Character if not Character then continue end local Magnitude = (Character:GetPivot().Position - Mob.Instance:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude local MaxDistance = (ActivePlayer == Player and (Mob.Config.FollowDistance or 32) * 2) or Mob.Config.FollowDistance or 32 if Magnitude <= MaxDistance and Magnitude < Closest.Magnitude then Closest.Player = Player Closest.Magnitude = Magnitude end end return Closest.Player, Closest.Player and Closest.Magnitude end
--///////////////////////// Constructors --//////////////////////////////////////
function local obj = setmetatable({}, methods) obj.MessageIdCounter = 0 obj.ChatChannels = {} obj.Speakers = {} obj.FilterMessageFunctions = Util:NewSortedFunctionContainer() obj.ProcessCommandsFunctions = Util:NewSortedFunctionContainer() obj.eChannelAdded ="BindableEvent") obj.eChannelRemoved ="BindableEvent") obj.eSpeakerAdded ="BindableEvent") obj.eSpeakerRemoved ="BindableEvent") obj.ChannelAdded = obj.eChannelAdded.Event obj.ChannelRemoved = obj.eChannelRemoved.Event obj.SpeakerAdded = obj.eSpeakerAdded.Event obj.SpeakerRemoved = obj.eSpeakerRemoved.Event obj.ChatServiceMajorVersion = 0 obj.ChatServiceMinorVersion = 5 return obj end return
--[=[ Counts the number of times a char appears in a string. :::note Note that this is not UTF8 safe ::: @param str string @param char string @return number ]=]
function String.checkNumOfCharacterInString(str: string, char: string): number local count = 0 for _ in string.gmatch(str, char) do count = count + 1 end return count end
--[=[ @prop Player Player @within KnitClient @readonly Reference to the LocalPlayer. ]=]
KnitClient.Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer