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| hpirtf9 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T05:01:42Z" | | It’s not a very easily avoidable problem bud, there are major barriers in the way. Not to mention that it’s not their prerogative to expand to such a massive size. What you’re really upset about is the fact that not everyone can get a Brown diploma. Obviously if everyone could get a Brown diploma it would tank the societal value of having a Brown diploma. If you don’t care about the societal value of a Brown diploma, why are you making arguments about how everyone should be allowed to get a Brown diploma? | -0.1304 | 1 |
| hpirr72 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T05:01:06Z" | | Yes, because I had THE BALLS to call out this bullshit | -0.4215 | -4 |
| hpirpa9 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T05:00:37Z" | | And you don't understand basic logic. There are plenty of academics who would LOVE to work at Brown and the school could easily notch up an appropriate amount of professors and academics with some proper planning. So DEBUNKED! | 0.8236 | 1 |
| hpirn9b | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T05:00:07Z" | | I can see why you were rejected. | -0.5106 | 11 |
| hpirjix | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:59:09Z" | | No, you. | null | 1 |
| hpiresc | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:57:58Z" | | Also "top-notch" is incredibly subjective and means absolutely nothing objective, and I'm sure that Brown could scale up within the next few years with the billions of dollars they currently contain | 0.3182 | 1 |
| hpirc4j | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:57:18Z" | | You may have the maturity of a normal eight year old child | 0 | 1 |
| hpir9t5 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:56:43Z" | | Wrong, there are many institutions that are far larger than Brown with excellent faculty across the board, and Brown could have easily avoided this problem by scaling up to current demand rather than what we currently are. That still puts Brown at complete fault for the entire situation | -0.6486 | -1 |
| hpir6w8 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:55:57Z" | | *YOU get a grip. The emphasis would be on the “you” | 0 | 1 |
| hpir30a | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:54:58Z" | | I actually did give a counter argument, you just ignored it. I said that hiring good faculty is difficult and takes time. There are a limited number of top-notch professors and deans out there. | -0.6124 | 2 |
| hpir1rh | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:54:39Z" | | You GET a grip | null | 1 |
| hpir17g | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:54:31Z" | | Yes, because ALL people deserve an open curriculum and P/F grades and a Brown Education, especially since there are people in the past who DIDNT deserve to get it | 0.4019 | 1 |
| hpiqvlm | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:53:06Z" | | Why don't you change your name to "Multi-Billion Dollar Institution that could easily expand number of students but won't" | 0.3612 | 1 |
| hpiqsqx | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:52:23Z" | | What a maniacal plan. Are you some kind of evil genius supervillain concocting a character-defining life-long plot? Get a grip man | -0.7178 | 1 |
| hpiqllf | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:50:36Z" | | Public college with an open curriculum and all pass/fail… yeah good luck with that | 0.7964 | 1 |
| hpiqatw | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:47:54Z" | | By attending a PUBLIC institution with a 100 percent acceptance rate | 0.4588 | 1 |
| hpiq8lo | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:47:21Z" | | Yes, to infiltrate Brown's admissions, and make them accept far more students(eventually) | 0.6486 | 1 |
| hpiq6bd | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:46:47Z" | | You didn't have a counter-argument, you couldn't explain why Brown did significantly increase its class enrollment despite a growing our population and college-bound population. Brown has ALWAYS been coveted in the minds of the American people, it's just that BROWN isn't doing nearly enough to address the rising times | 0.1979 | 0 |
| hpipzqj | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:45:09Z" | | It doesn't take too much understanding to know that while college enrollment has more than doubled since 1970, elite colleges(including Brown) have barely increased supply, instead of reducing admit rates. That is an objective fact and it's quite clear based on this response that you have no real answer to that. Why are multi-billion dollar institutions with more than enough resources not able to provide even a SUBSTANTIAL increase in enrollment? The answer economically seems very clear. Artificial scarcity | 0.8758 | 0 |
| hpipyas | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:44:48Z" | | How will you do that without a college education? | 0 | 1 |
| hpipr6z | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:43:00Z" | | You are the one saying they’ll reapply over and over until they get in | 0 | 8 |
| hpipjy3 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:41:11Z" | | Absolutely, the ivies are incredibly hypocritical institutions who need to shape up to their professed values | -0.1513 | 1 |
| hpipfmj | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:40:06Z" | | There are just so many things wrong with this piece of text that it would frankly take too much of my time to clearly articulate them in a way that you could understand. Instead of making a specific argument, I’ll just tell you that you are far too confident in your own ideas, which are not at all thought-out. Try to take a first-principles approach at understanding the world, and seriously try to verify whether your conclusions are true and your reasoning steps are reasonable. Try to understand thoroughly someone’s counter argument instead of tackling it immediately at a superficial level. Above all, you need to have way more patience. Take some courses on economics and sociology if you ever manage to get into Brown. | -0.1599 | 3 |
| hpip7n2 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:38:04Z" | | Check this guy's post history, he's just an old troll who's got an axe to grind with all ivies. Pathetic | -0.6249 | 5 |
| hpioxub | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:35:41Z" | | You do realize that Brown isn't a continuous campus right? Similar to what literally HUNDREDS of other colleges have done, they can simply buy property near the campus and expand it there, they aren't forcefully taking away these people's property. Like, this claim is so laughable, I had to double read it to make sure I wasn't going insane. | 0.8391 | -2 |
| hpioczq | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:30:35Z" | | NO, they DONT! Amherst doesn't have P/F and neither do the other too | 0 | 1 |
| hpioaly | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:30:00Z" | | Nah, I will do everything I can then, to move this country away from pathetic institutions that refuse to educate everyone equally | -0.743 | 1 |
| hpio9o7 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:29:47Z" | | Lol what? | null | 1 |
| hpio7si | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:29:19Z" | | Imagine bootlicking this hard for a multi-billion dollar institution | -0.128 | 1 |
| hpio5t1 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:28:49Z" | | You are just factually wrong on this, and the data completely debunks this. Since 1970, the Ivy League INCLUDING Brown have NOT significantly increased enrollment to match up to a growing population, those are objective facts. Your "analogy" was even weaker, an actual one would be if you created a website to hold x amount of people, and as more people began joining the internet, you just instead kept the number of people admitted to the site the same. You are essentially driving scarcity for absolutely no reason, and don't give me this bullshit that Brown is a "private institution" and therefore it can do whatever it wants. It was initially developed as a public institution first of all, and secondly, it receives tons of taxpayer exemptions as a supposed nonprofit WHILE also professing liberal values of equality. If Brown actually truly believed in economic equality, than it would massively expand the number of student's admitted, it's not hard to see that basic reality. | -0.3635 | 1 |
| hpinj5u | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:23:17Z" | | Check out some LACs maybe? Amherst, Vassar, and Wesleyan all have an open(ish) curriculum and similar vibe. | 0 | 1 |
| hpin5zg | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:20:11Z" | | First of all that's false, if you think that educating MORE people makes a college inherently worse, then that's an indictment of the college's values, not the applicants. A college like Brown that espouses "liberal" values should not be basing it off of exclusivity | 0.5859 | 0 |
| hpimu5f | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:17:21Z" | | Are you a fucking idiot? | -0.5563 | 10 |
| hpimr70 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:16:39Z" | | You probably never will, then! | 0 | 4 |
| hpimlp2 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:15:20Z" | | So, I'm going to start off with a quote in response to your utter pathetic and sad response(which I will get to later):
"We should do only those actions that conform to rules that we could will be adopted universally. (2) If we were to lie, we would be following the rule “It is permissible to lie.”
The first part of your response is just indictments of the university's behavior, NOT actual responses, clearly, they aren't prioritizing their funds correctly and wasting money despite being worth billions. As to your point about funding sources, as most of the ivy League are black holes when it comes to spending, the best we can do is look at current investments. Right now, Brown owns approximately 51 properties in and around Providence(outside of campus) the majority of which are commercial or multi-family:([](, these are not being heavily used and can be easily accessible. Your next point is also false, Brown expanding its campus(which could just mean adding new floors and existing spaces to already incorporated areas) wouldn't be an issue as there are plenty parts of Providence currently that aren't occupied by anyone, and they can just expand or buy up land there as part of a new campus OR offer to buy the land around the campus, which I'm sure people would be happy to take the money, they aren't "Stealing" any land. How do you think colleges in past have expanded their campuses, they buy land LEGALLY, which Brown has the money to do. Now, for your claim that I don't "deserve" to go to Brown, do the legacies and rich donors kids deserve it, that Brown has repeatedly admitted in the past? As the quote states above, if they "deserved" to get in then therefore I have the right to get in, based on that logic. The fact that you simp so hardly for an institution that doesn't really benefit anyone to the degree it could is sad and pathetic. | 0.1415 | -2 |
| hpim8j3 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:12:12Z" | | Brown is expanding at a pretty fast pace. They are constantly building new dorms and buildings. I’m sure that hiring qualified faculty is difficult too. Brown has not created selectiveness through inaction. That’s like saying that a good restaurant is culpable for creating selectivity for not expanding into a chain. The idea that a Brown education is coveted emerged in the minds of the American people. Brown has no obligation as a private institution to appeal to them. Also, if Brown expanded at such a pace, it would cease to be coveted. It’s not like Brown has some secret formula for perfectly educating people that it can scale indefinitely to serve the whole population. I think you might see the value of a college education as something you show off to employers. This is a poor way to look at it. A college education is just that, an education, a bunch of learning that happens. | 0.7935 | 4 |
| hpim4xz | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T04:11:20Z" | | >Brown could easily accept FAR more students
But they choose not to. They feel that they can support an undergrad population of 6800 and that is the ideal size for them. Expanding would lose what makes it Brown.
You're better off not dwelling on Brown and applying to other colleges that offer what you are looking for. Look at Amherst, Hamilton, University of Rochester. | 0.8965 | 4 |
| hpik62q | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:54:45Z" | | your “points” fall flat. colleges can’t take hundreds of more students. even as it is now brown isn’t luxury. the dorms are in barely working order. buildings are closed past midnight. dining hall staff are underpaid/overworked, etc. there are so many inconveniences that the college doesn’t put any money toward and they can’t because there really isn’t enough to go around. how can an institution that just barely passes the standard for living take a mass of students. quality of life would plummet (if you really think you can substantiate your claims, dig through the college funding and trace where all the money goes and how much there is to put toward expansion without royally screwing yourself in the future). secondly, there really isn’t that much space. creating new dorms and facilities means having to take down other buildings; buildings which currently house another person, family, business, etc. they deserve to be there just as much as the next person.
finally, your most egregious claim is you deserve to be here. it frankly isn’t for you to decide and is degrading toward all the talented, hardworking people out there. there are countless students that work twice as hard, are twice as smart, and are twice as accomplished. college acceptances aren’t equal. someone who’s nationally or internationally distinguished or is genuinely just interesting has a better chance over someone on the opposite ends of those spectra. seeing as you were rejected early means you’re lacking in comparison. as you are now, taking a gap year, like a previously mentioned, won’t do any favors for your chances of acceptance. moreover, complaining and demanding for a “better” system that suits only you is delusional. hopefully this is a reality check. best of luck. | 0.98 | 8 |
| hpiis7h | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:43:27Z" | | [deleted] | null | 7 |
| hpih6ua | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:30:33Z" | | Can you look? | 0 | 0 |
| hpih4et | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:30:01Z" | | I love how you act as if Brown is some poor and tiny struggling institution and not a multi-billion dollar tax-exempt machine. | -0.1779 | -1 |
| hpih0ub | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:29:14Z" | | You are being completely dishonest. Brown has billions of dollars endowed currently, it could easily expand its facilities and invest in accommodating far more students than it currently does in the following years should it wish to. Furthermore, there is an argument to be made that because Brown has not seriously increased its class size to account for the rising population in decades, that artificially drives up selectivity because more people are applying to a college that hasn't kept up with the growing world population, and only further exacerbates that, by creating a fake sense of "super-selectiveness" which causes even more people on that. | -0.1504 | -4 |
| hpig8s0 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:22:56Z" | | You seriously don’t understand how college admissions works. Colleges can only accept a certain number of students due to limitations on professors, dorms, dining halls, etc. This number changes very little every year, usually it increases. While the number of admitted students remains constant, the number of applicants increases each year. So, as the years go by, the admissions rate, I.e admitted students / number of applicants, decreases. There is no artificial selectiveness at play here. Honestly, how could you not understand this extremely simple concept and simultaneously believe you belong at Brown? | 0.8616 | 5 |
| hpig7z6 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:22:46Z" | | I never looked into it, so no. | 0 | 1 |
| hpifovc | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:18:40Z" | | That's my TYPE of learning, I don't believe in forced courses or grades outside of p/f. Do you know one? | 0.357 | 1 |
| hpif550 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:14:20Z" | | Why is that so important? | 0.3327 | 1 |
| hpielw0 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T03:10:09Z" | | I'm not, I just can't find another college in America with a completely open curriculum and p/f courses for all classes | 0 | 1 |
| hpickgo | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T02:54:27Z" | | Don't obsess over any one university. You will get a quality education in any of the Top 20 colleges. Good luck with your future. | 0.8146 | 3 |
| hpi7rjr | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T02:18:52Z" | | That's probably because the universities are private, and in most other countries they are public, though there some other issues, dang it, just got apply | 0 | 1 |
| hpi70t3 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T02:13:15Z" | | It's definitely more of a problem in the U.S. than in many other countries where there isn't such a hierarchical and artificially selective university system. I don't know if you're into podcasts, but Malcolm Gladwell complains about it in [this episode of Revisionist History]( | -0.5472 | 0 |
| hpi666r | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T02:06:45Z" | | No, I will just keep applying until they accept me. I don't care if I don't ever go to college | -0.0072 | 0 |
| hpi5we9 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T02:04:41Z" | | I think you should tell them that, let me know there response ! | 0 | 8 |
| hpi55db | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:59:01Z" | | Yeah, but they aren't fair and therefore I deserve a spot just like everyone else | 0.3415 | 0 |
| hpi4zas | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:57:45Z" | | That's my problem though. "Each year, we find ourselves in the difficult position of being unable to admit a great many of the students we would like to see on our campus. " This is complete bullshit, Brown could easily accept FAR more students and I feel like I should keep applying until they allow me to come in. I hate artificial selectiveness:( | 0.4767 | -7 |
| hpi4r4j | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:56:03Z" | | According to them you don’t | 0 | 6 |
| hpi4iv7 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:54:20Z" | | Unless your gap year is for reasons other than "I didn't get into Brown," it's unlikely that your application next year would be any stronger for it. There's no reason why you shouldn't deserve to go anywhere in particular; it's just a really unfortunate fact that our top institutions don't have enough spots in their undergraduate colleges for everyone who might deserve one. | -0.2716 | 9 |
| hpi4ikl | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:54:16Z" | | Yeah, but see I have a problem with that as I believe I deserve to attend the ivies | -0.4497 | -2 |
| hpi1kyn | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:32:00Z" | | Yeah but the thing about ivy leagues is they usually let you know if they want you there or not, and that’s chosen by acceptance or not getting accepted | 0.5898 | 5 |
| hpi1f8n | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:30:47Z" | | I can’t get covid tho, I’ve been hiding the ultimate serum since the beginning of the pandemic. One who posses it is the greatest, which shall be me ! | 0.5093 | -16 |
| hpi1clu | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:30:13Z" | | Why not? Everyone should be able to get in | 0 | -5 |
| hpi1b30 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:29:53Z" | | Maybe I should? Why don't I deserve to go to Brown? | 0 | -10 |
| hpi16lj | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T01:28:54Z" | | With the omicron variant spreading rapidly, please don’t party right now | 0.6124 | 11 |
| hphx86z | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T00:58:53Z" | | I live down the street from brown, odds are you won’t get in | 0 | 1 |
| hphwxmc | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T00:56:40Z" | | Maybe you shouldn’t | 0 | 5 |
| hphss6i | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T00:25:27Z" | | That sucks, but I want to go to brown? | -0.0772 | -9 |
| hphr1m0 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-22T00:12:19Z" | | You can take a gap year and reapply next year, but you're likely better off attending a college that accepts you this year. | 0.7783 | 14 |
| hphb6cd | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-21T22:16:00Z" | | i did one yesterday by myself | 0 | 1 |
| hp9twft | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-20T08:05:19Z" | | Please wear the mask, from c/o 2024 undergrad student who caught omicron at Cornell. It is not worth missing Christmas. | 0.3658 | 1 |
| hp89d63 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T23:28:31Z" | | I also just got admitted ED and all these friendly ass comments make me so excited to go to Brown | 0.4967 | 2 |
| hp85pjz | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T23:01:37Z" | | Hope ur doing better with ur illness | 0.4767 | 1 |
| hp8139r | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T22:27:47Z" | | they're somewhere on my profile i believe! 1550 SAT (750 RW, 800M), 150DET, 1st/520 class rank! | 0 | 1 |
| hp79t3v | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T19:18:52Z" | | This is the reason we pulled ED from Brown. | 0 | 0 |
| hp5a54k | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T07:55:51Z" | | No | null | 1 |
| hp55ni9 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T06:57:41Z" | | Oh wow what ur stats ecs etc | 0.5859 | 2 |
| hp4ndal | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-19T03:52:33Z" | | [deleted] | null | 2 |
| hp3v3hc | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T23:53:20Z" | | I DID!!! I did I did I did!!! And with a full ride!! Insane!!! | -0.5951 | 1 |
| hp3tmzw | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T23:41:31Z" | | Also just seconding this. Put yourself out without exhausting your social battery. I did this a lot, so I have these little different clusters of friends- from pre-orientation, my dance troupes, some classes where we made study groups to struggle through homework together, I made a lot of friends through friends too, at a few social events (festivities, socials), on my dorm floor, and one friend group was literally made under a lamppost on the sidewalk where I just randomly joined a conversation with, which eventually lasted for 2 more hours into the night.
Bottom line: don't stay in your room too much, get out n about, join clubs that interest you, and put effort to meet up (get a meal, watch a movie, go thrifting/shopping, etc. whatever) and spend time with people you feel you vibe with or you'll just end up with a shallow "hi-bye friendships" :)) Good luck! and congrats on getting in :) | 0.987 | 5 |
| hp3sxf0 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T23:35:38Z" | | Did u get in | null | 1 |
| hp39kdu | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T21:00:27Z" | | [deleted] | null | 2 |
| hp2t5ie | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T18:56:47Z" | | [deleted] | null | 5 |
| hp10d3f | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T08:21:42Z" | | THIS. This is literally key right here. I was stupid my first semester and made this mistake of isolating and justifying it with the "not my scene excuse". Took me a very long time to fix my social life after that. Do what this person said and you'll be fine! | -0.7063 | 3 |
| hp0hepn | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T04:38:51Z" | | For sure! It’s completely possible to have a vibrant social life without partying or frat culture, which is something I love about the school. Like every other college, there’s going to be your typical first year friend groups, drama, etc. but 99% of people are welcoming, so genuine, and considerate. The upperclassmen in the clubs I joined went out of their way to reassure and reach out to me. I struggle with social anxiety and I’m not the most comfortable around substance use, but the chill culture makes it easy to find your boundaries and extend your comfort zone at your own pace. | 0.9619 | 4 |
| hp00r1n | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T02:11:52Z" | | I just got done with my first semester here and the one piece of advice I can give is not to isolate yourself. It’s so easy to spend days on days in your dorm especially when classes start to pick up but it’s just as easy to go out and be welcomed. There’s always plenty to do and you’ll almost never regret going to a school sponsored event hosted by a club or more casual social event it’s just a matter of taking the step to accept invites. As an introvert it’s easy to say “that’s not my scene” and be a month into classes knowing absolutely nobody but it’s never too late to make an effort to step outside of your comfort zone and meet others. You’ll find people aren’t so intimidating here! And if I could leave you with one piece of advice, don’t bother with trying to get to know people on social media before arriving on campus if that’s not your thing, there’s plenty time for that during orientation, I would focus on living up your last high school summer. Congrats on the next 4! | 0.9689 | 8 |
| hozxwrz | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T01:49:31Z" | | From what I've heard, things have gotten better since COVID. Socialization used to be through clubs and so got cliquey. Now with everything going on in the world, people have fewer hang ups. | 0.4404 | 3 |
| hozxrxa | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T01:48:27Z" | | I had real problems with that at Brown. Luckily though, I'm a senior and from what I've heard from underclassmen things socially have weirdly enough gotten way better since COVID. | 0.3182 | 2 |
| hozm30t | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-18T00:18:18Z" | | When I came to Brown I was in a similar situation. Didn't know anyone else in the North East, bad social anxiety. Had a very hard time making friends in my first weeks at Brown. But joining clubs really did make a huge difference. If you find something you can get really involved in, like the Debate Team (what I did), you will find yourself surrounded by extroverts whose job it basically is to befriend you. Like, I know that's not super helpful, because it can be scary to force yourself to go to extracurricular group events, but if you're able to physically put yourself in those spaces I think you will encounter people willing to put in the effort to get to know you. Especially since you presumably share a mutual interest, otherwise you wouldn't be in the same club.
IDK how Covid will affect things - I pray that the world is closer to normal by the time you get to Brown - but presumably there are Zoom events as well if need be.
I won't lie to you and tell you it will be easy. Moving somewhere new with social anxiety is not fun. But Brown is an amazing place full of incredible academic opprotunities and amazing people who would be happy to get to know you. Best of luck. | 0.9868 | 11 |
| hoyxmy0 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T21:24:12Z" | | I really appreciate you passing that info along and I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s not cool that they’re taking advantage of students who need housing and charging that much for bad living conditions. I will definitely stay away. Thanks | 0.5901 | 1 |
| hoyw8dl | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T21:14:38Z" | | Hi! So I ended up moving to the unit in late August and it was a complete disappointment. The carpet was dirty, the bathroom was disgusting, the windows were broken, and the bed frame was in shambles. The place was completely trashed and it wasn't even clean when I moved in. There's only one person managing the entire building and she couldn't find someone to fix all of my complaints within the next 2 days so we ended up terminating my lease without a fee. Signing a lease with this place was an actual nightmare and I had to stay in a hotel until I found an apartment last minute. PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER THIS PLACE. If you need help looking for short term leases, you can reach out to me or there is a Facebook group where people post subleases! | -0.9083 | 1 |
| hoyu1qi | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T20:59:58Z" | | You got a source for this? I took a leave between sophomore and junior year and I had no issue | -0.34 | 3 |
| hoxt6e6 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T17:00:11Z" | | Please keep in mind the DOJ sued brown because they forced those who took time off for mental health to sign something allowing brown to not take students back and then when they came back brown did not take the students back. If you need a gap year consider other reasons on your application or at least keep in mind what I have just said. Best of luck.
Edit to be clear: they only did this with mental health breaks / gap year for mental health, not for the same breaks for other reasons | 0.8442 | 2 |
| howthfc | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T12:45:35Z" | | [deleted] | null | 2 |
| howkhvd | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T11:10:59Z" | | [deleted] | null | 1 |
| hovh8s2 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T04:01:14Z" | | They're very understanding, don't worry :) Also, congrats! | 0.5969 | 7 |
| hovcaqq | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T03:24:28Z" | | Yes, yes, and yea. Congrats, Brown ED is huge. I would reach out to a dean or someone at admissions (they will know where to direct you) before signing anything. Best of luck, friend | 0.9666 | 18 |
| houpvrw | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-17T00:36:43Z" | | Any updates on how it's going for you? I'm (maybe naively) they've improved the place because it would be very convenient for me to get a short term lease while in school | 0.4767 | 1 |
| hotvf15 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-16T21:02:22Z" | | At what parties are people wearing masks? They basically said all parties. | 0.6597 | 1 |
| hos9bjq | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-16T14:40:36Z" | | [removed] | null | 0 |
| hos69y5 | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-16T14:17:46Z" | | The final date is 16th December, 7:00 pm EST, you prolly have the email already. I was wondering if you know whether all students get their results from the moment they are announced... (it says \_beginning\_ 7:00 pm in the email, it's completely thrown me off ugh) | -0.4215 | 1 |
| hopbgmi | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-15T22:21:31Z" | | haven't | null | 2 |
| hom3faq | 2sbc1 | brownu | false | "2021-12-15T06:04:28Z" | | Honestly its not hard but it can become a pain. When there were testing requirements I would need to specifically make time out of my day to walk over to alumnae hall and do the thing. So I simply don’t understand why I should be required to test if I cough a bit or sneeze one time. | -0.5109 | 1 |
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