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Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | How to Build a Deep Learning Machine - Everything You Need To Know | ❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️
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In this video, I tell you everything you need to know about building your own machine learning workstation! Should you build it? How to do proper research on the components, which websites to use, how to buy components, and much more.
Disclaimer: below are affiliate links - by clicking & buying I earn a percentage at no additional cost to you! :)
Core components:
* RTX 3090
* AMD Ryzen 9 7950x
* ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 280
* Asus ROG Crosshair X670E Hero
* Kingston Fury Beast
* Samsung 980 PRO 2 TB m.2
* Lian Li PC-O11DW 011 DYNAMIC
* EVGA Supernova 1600 G+
Peripherals I use (super happy with my decision esp. keyboard!):
* Dell U2720Q UltraSharp 27 Inch 4K
* Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical w/ MX brown
* Mouse: Corsair M65 PRO RGB
Blogs I recommended in the video:
⌚️ Timetable:
00:00 Intro - announcing the new series
02:00 Why should you build your deep learning workstation?
03:56 Quick skim of the components
04:45 pcpartpicker is your friend
07:20 Cost comparisons - Lambda Labs workstation & laptop, cloud
15:45 Researching the components - useful resources
15:57 Overview Tim Dettmers' blogs
19:20 Do you need 11+ GBs?
22:55 Don't follow someone's advice blindly!
27:08 Upgrade to NVIDIA 40x series?
28:05 Other resources
30:30 How to pick the right components?
32:10 CPU - Ryzen 9 7950x or Threadripper?
33:50 CPU Cooler
34:45 MoBo
37:50 Memory and storage
40:40 Case
42:00 PSU
42:55 Quick mention of my peripherals
43:15 Advice for targeting your particular budget
44:25 Tips for buying components - site aggregators, Amazon, legitness
48:25 Outro
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#deeplearning #machinelearning #workstation #rig #pc #build | What's cracking guys Alex here with this video? I'm kicking off a brand new video series on how to build a deep learning Workstation for a particular budget and whether you should build it so in this first video I'm gonna walk you through how to do the necessary research To pick the right components for your budget and how to buy those components in the second video We're gonna see how to basically assemble the machine and in the third video of the series We're going to see how to install the Linux operating system how to install the necessary CUDA drivers I know many of you have been complaining about those and finally how to install the necessary library so that we can run a Simple ML app and just verify that everything is working as expected So I pretty much have already everything I need to build my own deep learning rig. So I have here the AMD Ryzen 9 2950 X beast of a CPU from AMD. I have the SSD 2 terabyte NVMe SSD basically super fast Storage device. We also have the 8 terabyte SSD but this one uses the SATA interface. Hopefully I'm not butchering that name and I have 64 gigabytes of RAM memory right here from Kingston and You can see here some liquid cooling for my CPU. So this is the liquid freezer to 280 ARGB liquid cooling system and there is a good reason why I picked this one It's not just because it's beautiful which it is I think But yeah, we'll see those details a bit later. So I obviously have other components down there. I have the case RTX 3090 is currently being shipped from the states here to London a generous gift from Nvidia So I'm really looking forward to building this this machine with you guys showing you the the the steps along along this journey And so yeah, hopefully it's gonna be a fun series So let's first see the the why behind why should you build a deep learning? Workstation and whether you should build one. So in my opinion, there are three main reasons So the first one is being cost-effective That means that using if you if you build your own deep learning rig even for 800 bucks or a thousand bucks You'll basically break even depending on the amount of GPUs and the usage your how much you're using your your machine You'll break even in literally six months one year year and a half and you also have to keep in mind that at the end of that journey, you'll still have a Machine that you can sell on eBay if you wish to do so So that's that money is not gonna like depreciate to zero dollars in a year Obviously the second reason would be learning So you're gonna learn so much by doing the research around the components by buying them by assembling the machine and installing the software So it's a very valuable learning experience in and off itself And if you can save up like 800 bucks, that's already super enough to go through this process and learn everything and demystify the computers if you're intimidated But by how they work the third important reason would be performance and so I'm not sure whether we are aware But when you're running on a cloud GPU you're paying for the overheads you're paying for the virtualization overhead you're paying for the IO overhead So in general those machines are much slower than if they were here locally in your own workstation So that's additional reason why you would want to build your own workstation So additionally, you don't have to deal with preemptions with interrupts. And so it's just much easier Okay guys having said all of that let's now see the particular components that I bought and Then let's do a cost comparison between my machine and something that you could buy on the market That's pre assembled for you and just compare those two. Okay guys, so this is the list components I bought for my digital dragon one deep learning Workstation that's the name I gave it and you can you can see it here and you can see the final price here Which is definitely the upper upper limit. It's not gonna cost this much. There are multiple reasons Why not one of them is that there were price swings going on? For example, I paid this 8 terabyte SSD for only 480 only So what they are doing is sometimes in the Black Friday season They they start spiking up the prices only to then reduce them by 20% What not to get to the same price that that item had maybe a month or two months ago So this is definitely the upper limit of what you'll be paying But I'm gonna touch on the cost a bit more a bit later For now, I just want to get you familiar with this PC part picker platform website. It's a very useful website You're gonna use it yourself to build your own awesome deep learning workstation. So let's go through it So first important tab here is the completed build step So in case you you know that you want to have for example RTX 3060 you go here to the completed build step And you hit the RTX 3060 filter basically and then the website Filters out those builds that have RTX 3060 and so here you can find some inspiration for how to build your own build That's one way you can use this this website the other one is to just go to this PC builder tab and then it offers you literally like a to-do list of the Components you need to buy for your workstation and not only that it also offers you it shows you certain Incompatibilities or issues that you might have so let me take a particular example to to demonstrate that So I'm gonna go to the saved parts list. I'm gonna open up the digital dragon I'm gonna hit the edit part list and let's go here so I'm gonna remove the cooler now just for to show you something and you immediately see the Compatibility the warning here and so if we go down here You can see that the AMD CPU does not include a stock CPU cooler adding a CPU cooler to your part list is recommended Okay, so that means you definitely need to have some type of cooling for this particular CPU They even recommend a liquid cooling at least 20 40 millimeter fans so that's quite a lot and so now let's go and pick a particular cooler Let me just find an alternative that I was considering before and that's this one noctua NHD 15 if I paste it right here We'll see that there are zero compatible products and that's because there are zero compatible products if we toggle off the compatibility filter Then we'll see them and now let's add the noctua and you'll immediately see that we have a compatibility So it says lian-li so that the case I have Is not compatible with the CPU cooler and indeed if you go to and check out the dimensions You'll see that if you were to use the CPU you couldn't put the front panel on your case and that kind of sucks So so in any case the PC part picker did its job And that's why it's great website that you should definitely use okay, so now let's go back here And let me show you let's do cost comparison with the lambda labs Workstation and laptop. I'm gonna first pick this no peripheral single GPU basically setup and This one I'm gonna use as a baseline and compare it against the lambda labs workstation. I'm going to for fairness add Add additional so I'm gonna hit the edit part list here. I'm going to add additional video card, okay? And I'm gonna add RTX 3090 and I'm doing this because their workstation also has two GPUs although they have RTX 3080 as we'll soon see okay, so the price here with these items is again This is the upper limit because you can always find cheaper items you can buy on eBay You can find cheaper websites than Amazon and so this is roughly five thousand 140 pounds now keep in mind that I myself made some mistakes because I decided to go with AMD and Even though in 2020 they were much better than Intel now in 2022 if you look at the high-end Like high performance CPUs It's actually better to buy Intel right now if you want to have high performance CPU and it would pay 500 pounds to get even better CPU than this one, so I made a mistake here That's the biggest mistake I made in my build And so let's now kind of see what would be the actual price if you didn't buy as fancy components as I did But it would still have fairly Similar quality build as mine, so let's take the number here, so we have the five Five thousand one hundred forty currently, so let's subtract from that 240 because roughly the Intel processor costs 500 so that's That's that and then motherboard you can find certainly you can find something for like 300 pounds Although it would be harder for you to find the you couldn't fit maybe a two to Two GPUs especially the the big ones like RTX 3090, so this is maybe maybe to be fair. Let's put 250 You can definitely shave off some of the price there. You can buy cheaper memory for sure This is Kingston their famous brand if you can go cheaper you can maybe save hundred pounds there You can certainly save at least at least 440 here on the SSD so 440 because this is SSD you can you can just have hard drive You wouldn't lose too much, and you would save a bunch of money here as you can see also you could buy cheaper And the end like cheaper SSD you would say maybe 50 pounds there and then finally I think I've done a great job with case and They are not including the price of the PSU's I'm gonna add like maybe I forgot the price of that thing But let's say it's around two two hundred Actually, let me see just for a second. What's roughly the price of this thing? So the price is let's say around Let's say it's three hundred. Let's say it's even three hundred. It's that's fine, so I'm gonna open up the calculator. Let's add the Let's add the 300 and so we end up with roughly 4300 pounds for a powerful build such as this one okay now Let's do this side-by-side comparison. Okay. Let's do this so I'm gonna take this tab put it on the side here My computer is glitching for some reason okay, so here we are on the left hand side We have the Lambda labs workstation on the right hand side. We have our built okay remember the price was around 4300 in case you decide to just cut some corners so to speak okay, so here We are let's see what the what specs are here So they the reason they pay so much is because you get warranty for three years They pre assemble the thing for you to install the Linux to install the drivers they install the libraries everything But you can do all that yourself and save some money So that's the main trade if you wanna you want to basically pay for here, so just think about what you want So we have the they have the AMD thread reaper probe That's a more expensive CPU actually twice the price of the AMD Ryzen 9 But the thing is you don't need it unless you go for three plus GPUs This is a waste of money, so you don't need more than than this one So that's that's gonna you could save money bunch of money there unless you're going for the three plus GPU setup We're gonna see later. Why and because me personally I was I was basically Deciding whether I should buy thread reaper or this one, and I decided to buy this one And you'll see the reasons a bit later. They have two RTX 3080 those are way cheaper than 3090 So you can save money there as well, so we'll be even even cheaper. They have a bit more memory Okay, so that's that's fine. They have four terabytes. We have ten terabytes and Finally that's it so that means you would be paying eight thousand for this build, so let's see So eight thousand this is let's see how many pounds. So it's roughly 6840 pounds for a weaker setup because if you if we were to pick RTX 3080 We'd basically have have Saved more money, but they do have more expensive CPU Which you don't need so it's kind of basically you're saving at least two Two thousand five hundred pounds if you build it you're on your own. That's the the basically the summary of this analysis Okay, whoops. Let me just reopen that one Okay, so let's go here They also offer laptops and some of the people on LinkedIn asked me whether they should buy the laptop So here is the analysis a quick analysis here as well So you can see here the price is this is still more expensive than our build and let's see the specs So the specs are you have a single RTX 3080 Ti that's a bit better than 3080 You have the let's see they have Intel i7 which is way cheaper and way lower quality than the CPU which we've chosen they have a bit worse RAM although this doesn't matter that much because this is like 4800 we have 5200 Hertz although this is basically a gimmick you don't care about the the the the hurts that much And it's equally good memory pretty much And then they have only two terabytes of SSD and blah blah blah they additionally have the screen so you get Awful so much better build for less money that it's crazy plus laptops are poor with thermals There is no way that this laptop won't have thermal issues I know this firsthand having had Omen 17 laptop with RTX 2080 I had severe severe like thermal issues, and I never used my machine for training something for more than like two hours max And then it's literally you can boil eggs on your laptop. There is no way you're gonna have a good cooling system in a laptop It's just the physics of it. It won't allow it So that means you can use laptop only in case you want to run inference only in that case you should buy a laptop But like I think this is definitely an overkill. That's my opinion Just take the pros and cons I mentioned you do get the warranty you do get the portability You obviously cannot pack the lap you cannot pack the build We are we are we're creating here into your like briefcase and go to a local Starbucks or whatnot So those are the pros and cons you decide for yourself. I'm just trying to give you as much information as possible here Okay guys so quickly on to this plug why building your own deep learning computer is 10x cheaper than AWS So there is a lot of blocks similar to this one where they'll show you for How many months you'll need depending on your setup how many GPUs you have? Until you break even compared to using the cloud and as I said previously I think in the beginning of the video the difference is you will end up with a machine So you'll end up with something whereas here you just pay the cloud and then you you just don't have anything Left to sell later on whereas with your machine you can say sell your components on eBay and get back some money that you invested beforehand Okay, so won't get into much more detail. Basically. I think it's more cost-effective if you're any If you're serious about machine learning if you want to spend some years in this field you definitely need your I think it's a it's a no-brainer I should have done it before basically Okay, let's go through some research right now. So I obviously went through many blocks and videos to Learn and then pick the components. So one of the the main resources is team Dappmer's block So you can see here that the title of this one is which GPUs to get for deep learning My experience and advice for using GPUs in deep learning. That's one of his blocks The second one is this one where he shows how you can build the whole machine Not just how to pick the GPU so you can see here a full hardware guide to deep learning and in this one He walks you through a lot of the components and not just the GPUs. Okay So let's quickly skim through these blocks and also keep in mind that he did make some mistakes So never always take everything people say and write especially if it's an older block always take it with a grain of salt So now let's quickly walk through the block here. Let's see some important details First things first the the first part of the block has a lot of technical details that you probably don't care about if you're here to just build your own PC So you can ignore things like like sparse network training obviously, etc, etc So I think a reasonable thing to do is start from this new fan design thermal issues So that's where the high level talk starts before that. It was just like a lot of technical technicalities that you probably don't care about Okay, so Thermal issues this is relevant if you're building 3 plus GPU setup If not, you can also ignore those parts, but like in any case if you have enough time go through the whole block I think it's a valuable learning experience You can also limit the power of your GPUs through software and doing that you lose some performance But you get you get a lot of benefit thermally so So so so in the in the opposite way if you had thermal throttling you would lose even more performance than doing it Beforehand, but hopefully if you pick a right case and if you pick right cooling you won't have thermal issues And you will not have to limit your power Okay, that's one thing and then he has some cool charts here showing Comparisons between different GPUs and you can see that RTX 3090 is right like up there among the Giants like we 100 and a 100 and I guess these numbers are I'm fairly confident these numbers are from the cloud So that's the thing I mentioned and that's that these GPUs the server GPUs are Suffering from virtualization and I oh and so you get the V 100 is maybe just a bit better than RTX 3090 keep that in mind So that's why I want to have a local machine it's much better although you do pay for maintenance and stuff like that and and you Have to do the research etc. Okay, so here we can see normalized performance per dollar And so so you can see here the RTX 3080 looks to be the best one But keep in mind that the performance here does not take into the account the fact that we have 24 gigabytes in RTX 3090 so that means if you're training bigger models like some bigger transformers That that's very much important. That's very much important, and then the value of this one would be much bigger so here I think they're just not he's just taking into account the performance in the sense of how many numbers can this GPU crunch in a second? Like the the the pure power, but not the memory which is also important So depending on your needs you might you also should take this chart with a grain of salt That's my point here. Okay, so he then goes on to say Whether you should buy more whether you should have more than 11 gigabytes or less so in my experience so far Let me open up my github profile here most of the projects. I work with were Like you could do them with 8 gigabyte VRAM GPU. That was fine So if I open up for example the get project if I open up the deep dream project I made here You can see that the hardware requirements here are fairly fairly like low You only need around two gigabytes to train the get so the graph attention network on some of the simpler Data sets such as core etc. You also need for the deep dream you might need like a Couple of gigabytes literally also so you can see here around two gigabytes But if you get into the territory if you want to train Style GAN or you want to train actual transformer you will need much more memory, and you definitely need to go for 11 Plus gigabytes. That's why I decided to have the RTX 3090 okay So let's continue here. You can also obviously fit the 24 gigabyte model into smaller device But you will have to deal with mixed precision You will have to deal with gradient checkpointing model parallelism data parallelism blah blah blah all of that all of those details Well not data parallelism unless you have multiple GPUs, but you get my point Basically I covered all of these techniques in my previous videos I'm gonna link them somewhere here if you're curious to learn more But in general a rule of thumb if you know you're gonna train bigger models. Just go with more memory Don't don't don't don't play the hero Okay, let's continue here Let's see what else so he's basically he's built teams built Like clusters and servers for his university, and so there is a lot of details here if you want to build much more powerful server type of workstations and Discussions around whether you need a PCI 4 or not well PCI 5.0 is already a thing so 4.0 is pretty much standard nowadays and For GPU you don't want to go with 4x especially if you buy a fancy GPUs like like RTX 30 or 40 series you don't want to go with 4x with for PCL and you want to go with 8 or 16 you otherwise you will lose This performance that you you spend your money for so it doesn't make any sense to be honest Okay, as I said go and read through the blog at your own pace. It's too long for me to cover every detail I just want to kind of skim it He gives some very useful tips here as well And I definitely strongly recommend you check it out. Let's not skim his second blog here so Which GPU you should pick the RAM and basically he says here that the the clock rate is like a gimmick and you can you can watch this video from Linus Tech tips YouTube channel, and he says that basically it's pretty much gimmicks You can save some money and just grab a RAM that has lower Basically clock rate, and you'll still have this pretty much the same amount of performance, so yeah recommendations on CPUs how many cores frequency their drive Power supply unit a lot of details as I said I will not be digging into into the actual Particularities of this blog even he also just tells you how many monitors you should have I currently have two monitors I think two or three are sweet spot, but it also depends on your own preferences basically okay so having skim through teams blocks and Let's now point some of the details that might not be necessarily correct So one of those is this recommendation here So add up watts of GPUs plus CPU then multiply the total by 110 percent for required wattage If you listen to this advice, and you have RTX 3090 you'll likely gonna end up having a system that crashes every now And then I already had people reach out and tell me this formula doesn't work for those GPUs And you can also find I found this block here, and if we let's just find the 600 watt Keyword here, okay, so here it is so here is a paragraph from this block Naive me thought that I would be able to power for 350 watts a quote unquote GPUs, so it's quote unquote because that's the official TDP But as we'll soon see it's actually pulling much more so nope doesn't work not even on 240 volts a lesser-known fact about 390s is they actually pull burst currents of up to 600 watts this means that a This PSU will power on and even run four of the of the of the GPUs But we will randomly trip the over current protection when all three GPUs simultaneously draw the their peak power which happens every couple of hours This was a fun one to figure out I also had friends reach out and tell me they they hit the same issue So as I said take every single information you find with a grain of salt That's why you want to have multiple blogs multiple resources Just see and do some type of majority voting and figure out stuff for your for yourself, okay? There are some other details that are we're mentioning so let's go here. I have some so he also mentions that that the That the computer case does not matter for for for cooling, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna show you the opposite Conclusion here, so let me just find that thing so does computer case design matter for cooling team says here no GPUs are usually perfectly cooled if there is at least a small gap between GPUs case design will give you one to three centigrade better temperatures a space between GPUs will provide you with 10 to 30 Basically Celsius improvements the bottom line if you have space between GPUs cooling does not matter if you have no space between GPUs You need the right color design blah blah blah blah blah Bottom line this is not actually correct with a proper case you can get up to 10 or more degrees Improvements, and that's quite significant, so if we open up this block, so sorry this video. I found this video from this great Channel that does benchmarking of various components called gamers Nexus and you can see for this particular Corsair crystal case that I was personally considering for my for my setup You can see the difference when you remove the front panel And when the front panel is on which is just like pure aesthetics and of course case so some some protection against us, etc But there is a difference of eight degrees And you can also see that some cases here have much lower Temperatures than some other cases so cases do matter as long as you don't take a completely shitty case You're you're probably fine, but like this this is something that's worth considering and doing a small research also not just By anything you find so just keep that in mind The final thing he mentions is the main mistake that people make is that people pay too much attention to PCI lanes of a CPU You should not care much about PCI lanes instead Just look up if your CPU and motherboard combination supports a number of GPUs that you want to run This is true in case you don't want to use the NVMe SSDs and because those guys use Four PCI lanes so that means if you're gonna stick two of the SSDs you'll you'll eat eight you'll eat eight PCI lanes and that leaves you with much less lanes for your GPUs So you need to keep that in mind as well, so PCI and lanes matter if if you're if you're trying to squeeze out the performance from your from your setup, okay? Okay worth mentioning here is also Tim's recent tweet on the RTX 40 series and again I would take this with a grain of salt until I see the actual numbers But it's a useful piece of information since it's coming from Tim who does have some reputation in this space So finished RTX 4090 modeling not good If you have an RTX 3090 probably best to wait four years for chiplets and consumer HPM This is what dead moore's law looks like you can only scale cost per with features But you can only add tensor core once we are stuck more soon It's kind of pessimistic to be honest and until I see the actual numbers I would be fairly skeptical, but this goes on to tell you that just because a new series came out Doesn't mean you should immediately Sell your older GPUs And go and buy the next new thing you need to do your own research And also always question even the authority because they they sometimes inadvertently make mistakes so just keep that in mind, okay? Let's continue here. This is our amazing block. I found this guy actually built his own server With I think eight GPUs or something so even though that's probably for the most for most of you guys Not gonna be a relevant use case He still goes through the rationale and he gives a lot of useful information and tips on how to build your your Setup so do go through this block. I strongly recommend it and so yeah and Next up what I've done is somewhere on the bottom of this block I found like a setup that has two RTX 3090 which is exactly the setup that I care about and so I opened up the PC part Picker here and I use this particular list as an inspiration for my use case But you'll probably have a different use case So just but like just get that pattern of opening up stuff and like doing side-by-side comparisons That's that's against the point. I'm trying to make here I mentioned this block where we saw the 600 watt tip about the rtx 3090 This is an amazing piece of information here. This guy actually now works at open AI He used to work at Google. He has two huge servers with like eight GPUs He's like renting one to earn some money like renting on the vest AI platform And he's using he's using the second one for his personal projects if I understood him well And so you can see his machines, but he has a lot of very useful tips He's been building these setups for for for quite some years now And so you might learn a lot from from this blog as well. So I do recommend it And finally, Daniel here, Daniel Bork has a very cool video where where like blog and video So his video is like one hour or something long so you can see here one hour long He's basically assembling a workstation together with his buddy And I think it might be an interesting resource even though the components are fairly obsolete And maybe it's not as informative as some of the other blocks here But I think it's a nice story and I think it's definitely worth checking it out Obviously I am present on YouTube so I consume a lot of YouTube content myself And basically I found a lot of videos and here I just opened two random videos But there are many other good ones that that I've used to just open up their PC part The component lists and just use that as a as a source of inspiration That's basically it Guys, that's pretty much it now that you have now that you've read all of the blogs All of the resources you've watched the video you collected the information Try and take some notes extract some tips that people gave you Now you want to basically start picking your own components And how you do that is you open up the PC part picker You then go and go to the PC builder here You hit the start new and you start building your own components And then you do your research so here's how I would do it So first so now we have the CPU So first thing I have done is I went through all of these blocks And I checked out the recommendations they're giving for the CPU And then I get some like rough intuition Okay and so what I ended up figuring out is that most of them are recommending like the AMD CPU So this guy here go with AMD Okay and then you go to the CPU So here go with AMD okay and then team is also I think team was also mentioning AMD somewhere here Let me just find it It doesn't really matter but like I think it was here AMD GPUs are not competitive but we are not talking about the GPUs We're talking about CPUs let me just find it Okay so here it says AMD CPUs are cheaper and better than Intel CPUs in general for deep learning So as you can tell everyone is recommending AMDs and it kind of fell for the trap As I previously mentioned currently on the high performance end it's better to go with Intel They're cheaper and they have better performance So because of that take everything with a grain of salt do your own research Okay so let's see let me open up the one out here and let me show you some additional details I ultimately ended up by doing this research I ended up with two options The AMD Ryzen 9 which is recommended on a lot of reviews You can see here if I open up a random this tech raider article You can see that the best AMD processor here is precisely the one I've chosen And then let me go back here and then the second option I really had was the Threadripper But then after doing some research and finding this source for example If you go here and if you read this chapter let me just find it Do you need a Threadripper or Ryzen CPU? And then they say before getting started with picking a TRX40 motherboard You have to make sure that you're going with Threadripper out of genuine need And not falling prey to marketing Now I'll assume you do need a high core count processor for your workloads So here is a list of reasons why you might choose the Threadripper instead of the Ryzen 9 And the main details here are if you need a lot of PCI lanes So my CPU has 24 PCI lanes which is enough for two GPUs And then you can squeeze in a couple of NVMe's but that's it And here the Threadripper usually has like at least I think like around 100 or more PCI lanes It's crazy these are made to create triple or quad GPU setups if not more Like it's three plus GPUs So if you want to have three plus GPUs in the future on your workstation Then definitely go ahead with Threadripper But if not then just go with a 2X cheaper CPU which is already overpriced compared to Intel CPU So yeah you're saving up some money by doing smart research Let's continue on here Next up I've chosen the cooler So again I've done my research I found a lot of sources recommending this Arctic Liquid Freezer 2 And also this Noctua NH-T15 air cooler So this is a liquid cooling system, this is an air cooling system Liquid is usually better, more effective But there is the danger of potential leak which could be catastrophic But usually does not happen So it's kind of a trade-off but yeah So I wanted to buy Noctua ultimately after having read some of the articles Showing that it's good enough But it turned out it's not compatible as we saw before It's not compatible with the case I've chosen And so I decided to go with the Arctic Liquid Freezer It's basically only maybe 10-20 pounds more expensive So it was a good decision in my opinion For the motherboard what I've done is I went and opened up this overclockers website And I sorted the AM5 motherboards So those are the motherboards that are compatible with the AMD Horizon 9 CPU And then I sorted them by price in a descending fashion And then I went from the cheapest one all the way to the more expensive ones And I was looking for the number of PCI lanes and I was looking for the clearance And the first motherboard that was good enough was this Art Pro or something Let me find it So this one, the Asus Art Pro So if I open up that one So let me just quickly copy paste that one And let's open up Amazon So let's open up Amazon here I'm gonna copy paste the name here Let's find it And here it is I think that's the one Yep, let me open it up And now let me open up the actual one I bought And that's the Crosshair Hero So that's the one I bought As you can see it's quite more expensive But yeah, so I'm gonna tell you why I decided to go with this one So I first went to buy this one I went to watch the video And somebody wrote that basically if you stick a single GPU That takes three slots So that means 30 or 40 series or even 20 series He said, that person said that basically it's almost touching the second PCI slot So these white bars you can see Those are the PCI slots where you plug in your GPU And he said it's literally almost touching that slot So that means if you were to pick that If you were to put the second GPU You would probably have thermal issues if not clearance issues And so because of that I knew I cannot buy this motherboard And so I just went and found this one And if you take a look So this is maybe a primitive approach But it actually works The reason it works is because both motherboards are the ATX format And if you just take a look, visual look Because manuals don't actually have the exact dimensions I even opened up, I was so crazy that I even opened up a manual And I couldn't find the centimeters or the actual physical dimensions So I had to eyeball through Amazon pictures And figure out that this one is probably good enough So if you take a look here You can see that this one has definitely more This one has definitely more space than the ART Pro 1 And so I just kind of If we put them side by side Let me just do it like this It's gonna be much more clear I'm gonna do it like this So you can see it here And you can see it here So this one has enough space presumably for what I need Again, that's the research I've done That's the way I've done it Unfortunately, some of these new motherboards They don't have enough information online So I had to do my best to figure out stuff Okay, I'm gonna close up all of these And let's go back to the next component The next component is memory Again, I just went for the Kingston Because I previously had experience with Kingston And you can see a note here that I bought a much cheaper one on CCL online As opposed to buying I would pay 400 pounds on Amazon for the 5200 Hz version And so that was kind of a huge cost saving for me Okay, next up we have the storage So for the storage Again, done my research I saw that the Pro 990 is coming out soon But there are only pre-orders And because I don't really want to optimize that much I just decided to go with the 980 Pro Which is currently one of the best SSDs for consumers on the market And so I also saw that I don't need the heat sinks Because my motherboard already has the heat sinks So that would be A, cost ineffective And B, incompatible with my motherboard So take care of details such as that one So I decided to go with 2 TB Where I'll be keeping, this is kind of obsolete I'll be keeping operating system there Also my video material is going to be on that SSD And etc, etc And I'm going to keep bigger data sets on the 8 TB SSD You can go with the hard drive if you want I just wanted to have something that's I simply wanted to have the best component here And so I decided to go with SSD Also the blog, one of the blogs I mentioned before So let me just find it So I think it was this one Yeah, I think this was the place where I saw the recommendation For this particular SSD So you can see the Samsung That's pretty much the same one as I bought I mean, about the 870 And he said I also have an array of these ones Blah, blah, blah These are quite pricey these days But I picked them up for under $500 per PC On a lucky Black Friday sale So I also bought them for less than $500 But it was actually before Friday sale Because now we have a spike as you saw It's now $640 or something So that's kind of funny what people do And manipulate the prices You got to be careful and aware of that phenomenon Okay, let's go back here I also kind of saw this FireCuda 530 Being a serious competitor Even outperforming this particular SSD And then I saw that it lacks some software tools Like Samsung Magician And so I just decided I don't want to go with this brand this time So I made a slight sacrifice Probably performance-wise And decided to go with Samsung Although Samsung apparently has better random access speeds Than the FireCuda So I don't know They are fairly comparable, I guess For the case, I initially wanted to go with the Corsair Carbide Series Air 540 Most of the blogs I showed you recommend this one But it's not big enough for RTX 3090 It is, but I think it's going to be super tight I saw some people make it But it's going to be super tight And then you might have some heating issues And I don't really want to go there And so I just wanted to go with the successor So I found this one, the Corsair Crystal Series RGB So this model And this one looks fairly nice Like it's a beautiful case So let me just open it up here So you can see it Let me find an image And you can see it's a very, very nice case Looks very nice But the thing is, as we saw before It has some heating issues And so I decided to go with the Lian Li case Which is also recommended all around the place It's a strong competitor It has better thermals And it's twice the price Sorry, it's twice cheaper than the above case So the only con was pretty much the way it looks But since I already have fancy liquid cooling With ARGB lighting and stuff I don't really care So yeah Finally, PSU I have done the calculation that Tim and others recommended According to that, I would need around 1200 watts But to have the safe margin against these current pools From the RTX 3090 That can go up to 600 watts I just went with a much stronger PSU And I decided to go with 1600 watts myself And that's it The brand and the particular model Was recommended across many of these blogs So that's why I ended up using them So I think even this one is using this particular Yeah, it's using the same PSU So that's the OpenAI guy And also I think this guy is also using EVGA Yep, he's also using it And so apparently it's a very reputable brand And I just decided to go with it And that's it I'm not going to focus on the peripheries Some of the details So I wanted the mechanical keyboard And so I've chosen the Cherry MX Browns Which are apparently the best ones for typing Whereas this one is super silent It doesn't have the clicky sound And this one is too loud It has too much of the clicky sound And so again, I've done some research there And bought the components And guys, that's pretty much it Let me now quickly show you how Again, how you would go about picking your own setup So go and see what are the priciest components And those are GPUs and CPUs If you take a look at my setup here You can use my list, of course It's going to be open and public So you can see that the CPU and the GPUs are the priciest components And there is also the motherboard So depending on your budget What you want to do is you want to max out You want to take the best possible GPU If you're doing this for machine learning GPU is the name of the game Much more important than the CPU You just want to have the GPU And so after that, try and squeeze in the basically Some of the CPU and other components But you want to max out, to be honest I would max out the money for the GPU And then try and allocate the rest for everything else Obviously, I can't give you a particular Each one of you is going to have a different set of needs And so by just giving you the tools, the ideas, the way I think And do research, hopefully it's going to help you Do it for yourself Okay, so now just as a simple exercise Let me show you how you would go about Once you have the set of components You've chosen the components You now want to buy the components You obviously don't want to just buy from the first website You want to do some research And so if you go and do this If you just search for this one and just hit price You'll see a lot of websites offering this item And so if you were to just go and be dumb And you go to Amazon and just buy it without doing any research You would lose around 200 pounds And that's why this is a great example So I'm going to open up a couple of these websites Price Runner and this website Price Spy are aggregators So that means they're not selling the case themselves They're just pointing to other sites that have That are offering the case So let's see what I see So first let's open up the Amazon link So here you can see that Let me just I'll actually have to type it in manually here Because this one doesn't have any price associated with it So you can see here it's offered for 340 pounds And I bought it for around 100 something pounds And so you can see that this one here Which is the same case And has much more reviews Doesn't have the price which means it's out of stock And this one probably was offered for 150 And now because it's out of stock Some competitors can basically offer much more Can boost up the prices And you don't want to buy it from here basically So if you go here you can find some other companies Like these ones that offer it for much lower prices But keep in mind you again don't want to just go to a random Company whose reputation you know nothing of And just buy it Because I've seen a lot of comments and I know people And like you can just go in Google And you'll find in various forums people complaining about Like either not getting the item The item is broken And like a lot of problems if you just go with a random company So you don't want to go and basically do some research On these companies And so what I've done in particular for this case I just Googled CCL online Because back then on the aggregators This was the best price the CCL online And so I just opened up the Reddit That's going to be your friend definitely And you open up some of these review sites And so on Reddit you can see that the comments are all legit Even though they are five years ago If something has changed Basically if the company became corrupt since five years ago Somebody would have commented on this thread pretty much But you see predominantly positive comments here I use them all the time They're a good company I've used them quite a lot Blah blah blah So yeah So it seems positive feedback on Reddit And you can see positive feedback here For 26,000 reviews 4.7 is quite a high grade Again keep in mind that these websites They are always competing with each other And it's not always fair play And so they sometimes just hire bots or whatnot Or actual people to put either five stars or one stars Depending on whether it's your company That you're doing that for or a competitor And so you can see here a lot of ones recently So a lot of ones And I suspect I highly suspect this has to do with Black Friday sales Because at that point of time It's in the best interest of the competitor to Well gain all of the market And just kind of reduce the credibility of the competitors Which is kind of sad practice but people do that And so according to these couple of reviews You would think this is like 3.2 or something It's 4.7 So it's kind of hard But like go and open up a couple links And then you'll know that the company is legit And for me that was the case I had a very nice experience dealing with this particular company Okay guys that's it for the first video of this series I really tried my best to give you as much information as possible I'm going to link all of the resources I mentioned Down in the video description In case anything is missing Feel free to comment down below Also any feedback is appreciated Let me know if you have any other questions I'll try my best and reply to each one of them Over the next couple of weeks In the next video we'll see how to assemble the workstation And then in the final one we'll see how to install all of the software Until then, cheers! | [{"start": 0.0, "end": 3.3000000000000003, "text": " What's cracking guys Alex here with this video?"}, {"start": 3.3000000000000003, "end": 6.88, "text": " I'm kicking off a brand new video series on how to build a deep learning"}, {"start": 7.5600000000000005, "end": 12.38, "text": " Workstation for a particular budget and whether you should build it so in this first video"}, {"start": 12.38, "end": 15.64, "text": " I'm gonna walk you through how to do the necessary research"}, {"start": 16.12, "end": 21.82, "text": " To pick the right components for your budget and how to buy those components in the second video"}, {"start": 21.82, "end": 26.34, "text": " We're gonna see how to basically assemble the machine and in the third video of the series"}, {"start": 26.34, "end": 31.78, "text": " We're going to see how to install the Linux operating system how to install the necessary CUDA drivers"}, {"start": 31.78, "end": 38.06, "text": " I know many of you have been complaining about those and finally how to install the necessary library so that we can run a"}, {"start": 38.32, "end": 42.760000000000005, "text": " Simple ML app and just verify that everything is working as expected"}, {"start": 42.92, "end": 49.92, "text": " So I pretty much have already everything I need to build my own deep learning rig. So I have here the AMD"}, {"start": 50.6, "end": 52.6, "text": " Ryzen 9"}, {"start": 52.6, "end": 58.120000000000005, "text": " 2950 X beast of a CPU from AMD. I have the"}, {"start": 59.0, "end": 63.02, "text": " SSD 2 terabyte NVMe SSD basically super fast"}, {"start": 63.82, "end": 67.42, "text": " Storage device. We also have the 8 terabyte"}, {"start": 68.44, "end": 74.76, "text": " SSD but this one uses the SATA interface. Hopefully I'm not butchering that name and I have"}, {"start": 75.84, "end": 78.24000000000001, "text": " 64 gigabytes of RAM memory right here"}, {"start": 78.92, "end": 80.8, "text": " from Kingston and"}, {"start": 80.8, "end": 85.08, "text": " You can see here some liquid cooling for my CPU. So this is the"}, {"start": 86.12, "end": 88.12, "text": " liquid freezer to"}, {"start": 88.12, "end": 89.32, "text": " 280"}, {"start": 89.32, "end": 92.96, "text": " ARGB liquid cooling system and there is a good reason why I picked this one"}, {"start": 92.96, "end": 95.8, "text": " It's not just because it's beautiful which it is I think"}, {"start": 96.52, "end": 103.2, "text": " But yeah, we'll see those details a bit later. So I obviously have other components down there. I have the case"}, {"start": 103.84, "end": 110.34, "text": " RTX 3090 is currently being shipped from the states here to London a generous gift from Nvidia"}, {"start": 110.34, "end": 117.42, "text": " So I'm really looking forward to building this this machine with you guys showing you the the the steps along along this journey"}, {"start": 117.42, "end": 119.94, "text": " And so yeah, hopefully it's gonna be a fun series"}, {"start": 120.46000000000001, "end": 125.38000000000001, "text": " So let's first see the the why behind why should you build a deep learning?"}, {"start": 126.26, "end": 130.38, "text": " Workstation and whether you should build one. So in my opinion, there are three main reasons"}, {"start": 130.38, "end": 132.38, "text": " So the first one is being cost-effective"}, {"start": 132.42000000000002, "end": 139.02, "text": " That means that using if you if you build your own deep learning rig even for 800 bucks or a thousand bucks"}, {"start": 139.02, "end": 145.94, "text": " You'll basically break even depending on the amount of GPUs and the usage your how much you're using your your machine"}, {"start": 145.94, "end": 152.3, "text": " You'll break even in literally six months one year year and a half and you also have to keep in mind that at the end"}, {"start": 152.3, "end": 154.5, "text": " of that journey, you'll still have a"}, {"start": 155.14000000000001, "end": 158.34, "text": " Machine that you can sell on eBay if you wish to do so"}, {"start": 158.34, "end": 162.94, "text": " So that's that money is not gonna like depreciate to zero dollars in a year"}, {"start": 162.94, "end": 165.62, "text": " Obviously the second reason would be learning"}, {"start": 165.62, "end": 172.06, "text": " So you're gonna learn so much by doing the research around the components by buying them by"}, {"start": 172.46, "end": 174.46, "text": " assembling the machine and installing the software"}, {"start": 174.46, "end": 177.58, "text": " So it's a very valuable learning experience in and off itself"}, {"start": 177.58, "end": 185.14000000000001, "text": " And if you can save up like 800 bucks, that's already super enough to go through this process and learn everything and"}, {"start": 185.66, "end": 188.3, "text": " demystify the computers if you're intimidated"}, {"start": 188.3, "end": 194.06, "text": " But by how they work the third important reason would be performance and so I'm not sure whether we are aware"}, {"start": 194.06, "end": 196.38, "text": " But when you're running on a cloud"}, {"start": 197.02, "end": 202.68, "text": " GPU you're paying for the overheads you're paying for the virtualization overhead you're paying for the IO overhead"}, {"start": 202.7, "end": 209.68, "text": " So in general those machines are much slower than if they were here locally in your own workstation"}, {"start": 209.68, "end": 214.38, "text": " So that's additional reason why you would want to build your own workstation"}, {"start": 214.38, "end": 219.46, "text": " So additionally, you don't have to deal with preemptions with interrupts. And so it's just much easier"}, {"start": 219.62, "end": 221.9, "text": " Okay guys having said all of that"}, {"start": 221.9, "end": 225.66, "text": " let's now see the particular components that I bought and"}, {"start": 226.34, "end": 232.82, "text": " Then let's do a cost comparison between my machine and something that you could buy on the market"}, {"start": 232.82, "end": 239.52, "text": " That's pre assembled for you and just compare those two. Okay guys, so this is the list components"}, {"start": 239.52, "end": 243.18, "text": " I bought for my digital dragon one deep learning"}, {"start": 244.06, "end": 249.42000000000002, "text": " Workstation that's the name I gave it and you can you can see it here and you can see the final price here"}, {"start": 249.42, "end": 254.33999999999997, "text": " Which is definitely the upper upper limit. It's not gonna cost this much. There are multiple reasons"}, {"start": 254.33999999999997, "end": 257.9, "text": " Why not one of them is that there were price swings going on?"}, {"start": 258.26, "end": 264.26, "text": " For example, I paid this 8 terabyte SSD for only 480 only"}, {"start": 264.82, "end": 268.74, "text": " So what they are doing is sometimes in the Black Friday season"}, {"start": 268.74, "end": 273.21999999999997, "text": " They they start spiking up the prices only to then reduce them by 20%"}, {"start": 273.3, "end": 278.74, "text": " What not to get to the same price that that item had maybe a month or two months ago"}, {"start": 278.74, "end": 282.86, "text": " So this is definitely the upper limit of what you'll be paying"}, {"start": 282.86, "end": 285.64, "text": " But I'm gonna touch on the cost a bit more a bit later"}, {"start": 286.22, "end": 293.14, "text": " For now, I just want to get you familiar with this PC part picker platform website. It's a very useful website"}, {"start": 293.14, "end": 299.38, "text": " You're gonna use it yourself to build your own awesome deep learning workstation. So let's go through it"}, {"start": 299.46000000000004, "end": 303.62, "text": " So first important tab here is the completed build step"}, {"start": 303.62, "end": 311.18, "text": " So in case you you know that you want to have for example RTX 3060 you go here to the completed build step"}, {"start": 311.18, "end": 313.66, "text": " And you hit the RTX"}, {"start": 314.66, "end": 318.18, "text": " 3060 filter basically and then"}, {"start": 318.74, "end": 320.42, "text": " the website"}, {"start": 320.42, "end": 327.34000000000003, "text": " Filters out those builds that have RTX 3060 and so here you can find some inspiration for how to build your own build"}, {"start": 327.34000000000003, "end": 329.34000000000003, "text": " That's one way you can use this this website"}, {"start": 329.34, "end": 336.41999999999996, "text": " the other one is to just go to this PC builder tab and then it offers you literally like a to-do list of the"}, {"start": 336.46, "end": 342.62, "text": " Components you need to buy for your workstation and not only that it also offers you it shows you certain"}, {"start": 343.14, "end": 349.38, "text": " Incompatibilities or issues that you might have so let me take a particular example to to demonstrate that"}, {"start": 349.38, "end": 353.76, "text": " So I'm gonna go to the saved parts list. I'm gonna open up the digital dragon"}, {"start": 353.76, "end": 356.94, "text": " I'm gonna hit the edit part list and let's go here"}, {"start": 356.94, "end": 362.3, "text": " so I'm gonna remove the cooler now just for to show you something and you immediately see the"}, {"start": 363.18, "end": 367.14, "text": " Compatibility the warning here and so if we go down here"}, {"start": 367.14, "end": 374.74, "text": " You can see that the AMD CPU does not include a stock CPU cooler adding a CPU cooler to your part list is recommended"}, {"start": 374.86, "end": 379.7, "text": " Okay, so that means you definitely need to have some type of cooling for this particular CPU"}, {"start": 379.7, "end": 382.14, "text": " They even recommend a liquid cooling at least"}, {"start": 382.14, "end": 389.41999999999996, "text": " 20 40 millimeter fans so that's quite a lot and so now let's go and pick a particular cooler"}, {"start": 390.26, "end": 396.38, "text": " Let me just find an alternative that I was considering before and that's this one noctua"}, {"start": 396.9, "end": 399.78, "text": " NHD 15 if I paste it right here"}, {"start": 400.7, "end": 408.02, "text": " We'll see that there are zero compatible products and that's because there are zero compatible products if we toggle off the compatibility filter"}, {"start": 408.02, "end": 414.9, "text": " Then we'll see them and now let's add the noctua and you'll immediately see that we have a compatibility"}, {"start": 414.9, "end": 417.62, "text": " So it says lian-li so that the case I have"}, {"start": 418.06, "end": 424.46, "text": " Is not compatible with the CPU cooler and indeed if you go to and check out the dimensions"}, {"start": 424.46, "end": 430.06, "text": " You'll see that if you were to use the CPU you couldn't put the front panel on your case and that kind of sucks"}, {"start": 430.06, "end": 434.21999999999997, "text": " So so in any case the PC part picker did its job"}, {"start": 434.22, "end": 440.26000000000005, "text": " And that's why it's great website that you should definitely use okay, so now let's go back here"}, {"start": 440.78000000000003, "end": 445.70000000000005, "text": " And let me show you let's do cost comparison with the lambda labs"}, {"start": 446.3, "end": 450.84000000000003, "text": " Workstation and laptop. I'm gonna first pick this no peripheral single GPU"}, {"start": 451.70000000000005, "end": 453.70000000000005, "text": " basically setup and"}, {"start": 453.94000000000005, "end": 460.1, "text": " This one I'm gonna use as a baseline and compare it against the lambda labs workstation. I'm going to for fairness add"}, {"start": 460.1, "end": 466.58000000000004, "text": " Add additional so I'm gonna hit the edit part list here. I'm going to add additional video card, okay?"}, {"start": 467.1, "end": 473.86, "text": " And I'm gonna add RTX 3090 and I'm doing this because their workstation also has two"}, {"start": 474.1, "end": 482.38, "text": " GPUs although they have RTX 3080 as we'll soon see okay, so the price here with these items is again"}, {"start": 482.38, "end": 486.24, "text": " This is the upper limit because you can always find cheaper items you can buy on eBay"}, {"start": 486.24, "end": 490.66, "text": " You can find cheaper websites than Amazon and so this is roughly five thousand"}, {"start": 491.5, "end": 498.94, "text": " 140 pounds now keep in mind that I myself made some mistakes because I decided to go with AMD and"}, {"start": 499.5, "end": 505.1, "text": " Even though in 2020 they were much better than Intel now in 2022 if you look at the high-end"}, {"start": 505.78000000000003, "end": 507.78000000000003, "text": " Like high performance CPUs"}, {"start": 507.78000000000003, "end": 511.8, "text": " It's actually better to buy Intel right now if you want to have high performance"}, {"start": 511.8, "end": 517.66, "text": " CPU and it would pay 500 pounds to get even better CPU than this one, so I made a mistake here"}, {"start": 517.66, "end": 519.48, "text": " That's the biggest mistake I made in my build"}, {"start": 519.48, "end": 526.3, "text": " And so let's now kind of see what would be the actual price if you didn't buy as fancy components as I did"}, {"start": 526.3, "end": 528.3, "text": " But it would still have fairly"}, {"start": 529.28, "end": 534.44, "text": " Similar quality build as mine, so let's take the number here, so we have the five"}, {"start": 534.44, "end": 543.12, "text": " Five thousand one hundred forty currently, so let's subtract from that 240 because roughly the Intel processor costs"}, {"start": 543.9200000000001, "end": 545.6800000000001, "text": " 500 so that's"}, {"start": 545.6800000000001, "end": 551.0, "text": " That's that and then motherboard you can find certainly you can find something for like 300 pounds"}, {"start": 551.6, "end": 557.5, "text": " Although it would be harder for you to find the you couldn't fit maybe a two to"}, {"start": 557.5, "end": 565.1, "text": " Two GPUs especially the the big ones like RTX 3090, so this is maybe maybe to be fair. Let's put 250"}, {"start": 565.1, "end": 569.52, "text": " You can definitely shave off some of the price there. You can buy cheaper memory for sure"}, {"start": 569.52, "end": 574.48, "text": " This is Kingston their famous brand if you can go cheaper you can maybe save hundred pounds there"}, {"start": 574.86, "end": 577.62, "text": " You can certainly save at least at least"}, {"start": 578.38, "end": 584.58, "text": " 440 here on the SSD so 440 because this is SSD you can you can just have hard drive"}, {"start": 584.58, "end": 589.82, "text": " You wouldn't lose too much, and you would save a bunch of money here as you can see also you could buy cheaper"}, {"start": 590.34, "end": 594.0600000000001, "text": " And the end like cheaper SSD you would say maybe 50 pounds there"}, {"start": 594.5, "end": 598.86, "text": " and then finally I think I've done a great job with case and"}, {"start": 599.98, "end": 605.9200000000001, "text": " They are not including the price of the PSU's I'm gonna add like maybe I forgot the price of that thing"}, {"start": 606.0600000000001, "end": 608.22, "text": " But let's say it's around two two hundred"}, {"start": 608.22, "end": 614.02, "text": " Actually, let me see just for a second. What's roughly the price of this thing?"}, {"start": 615.46, "end": 617.96, "text": " So the price is let's say around"}, {"start": 618.58, "end": 625.26, "text": " Let's say it's three hundred. Let's say it's even three hundred. It's that's fine, so I'm gonna open up the calculator. Let's add the"}, {"start": 626.7, "end": 629.78, "text": " Let's add the 300 and so we end up with roughly"}, {"start": 629.78, "end": 636.86, "text": " 4300 pounds for a powerful build such as this one okay now"}, {"start": 637.1, "end": 643.66, "text": " Let's do this side-by-side comparison. Okay. Let's do this so I'm gonna take this tab put it on the side here"}, {"start": 645.42, "end": 650.3399999999999, "text": " My computer is glitching for some reason okay, so here we are on the left hand side"}, {"start": 650.3399999999999, "end": 656.26, "text": " We have the Lambda labs workstation on the right hand side. We have our built okay remember the price was around"}, {"start": 656.26, "end": 662.8, "text": " 4300 in case you decide to just cut some corners so to speak okay, so here"}, {"start": 662.8, "end": 665.7, "text": " We are let's see what the what specs are here"}, {"start": 665.7, "end": 669.78, "text": " So they the reason they pay so much is because you get warranty for three years"}, {"start": 670.02, "end": 675.52, "text": " They pre assemble the thing for you to install the Linux to install the drivers they install the libraries everything"}, {"start": 675.52, "end": 677.74, "text": " But you can do all that yourself and save some money"}, {"start": 677.74, "end": 683.36, "text": " So that's the main trade if you wanna you want to basically pay for here, so just think about what you want"}, {"start": 683.36, "end": 687.52, "text": " So we have the they have the AMD thread reaper probe"}, {"start": 688.2, "end": 694.08, "text": " That's a more expensive CPU actually twice the price of the AMD Ryzen 9"}, {"start": 694.36, "end": 698.8000000000001, "text": " But the thing is you don't need it unless you go for three plus GPUs"}, {"start": 698.8000000000001, "end": 702.34, "text": " This is a waste of money, so you don't need more than than this one"}, {"start": 702.34, "end": 707.1, "text": " So that's that's gonna you could save money bunch of money there unless you're going for the three plus GPU setup"}, {"start": 707.1, "end": 711.84, "text": " We're gonna see later. Why and because me personally I was I was basically"}, {"start": 711.84, "end": 716.6800000000001, "text": " Deciding whether I should buy thread reaper or this one, and I decided to buy this one"}, {"start": 716.6800000000001, "end": 722.76, "text": " And you'll see the reasons a bit later. They have two RTX 3080 those are way cheaper than 3090"}, {"start": 722.84, "end": 727.72, "text": " So you can save money there as well, so we'll be even even cheaper. They have a bit more memory"}, {"start": 727.72, "end": 731.76, "text": " Okay, so that's that's fine. They have four terabytes. We have ten terabytes and"}, {"start": 732.84, "end": 738.9200000000001, "text": " Finally that's it so that means you would be paying eight thousand for this build, so let's see"}, {"start": 738.92, "end": 743.5999999999999, "text": " So eight thousand this is let's see how many pounds. So it's roughly"}, {"start": 744.3199999999999, "end": 745.88, "text": " 6840"}, {"start": 745.88, "end": 751.8, "text": " pounds for a weaker setup because if you if we were to pick RTX 3080"}, {"start": 752.36, "end": 753.88, "text": " We'd basically"}, {"start": 753.88, "end": 755.3199999999999, "text": " have have"}, {"start": 755.3199999999999, "end": 758.9599999999999, "text": " Saved more money, but they do have more expensive CPU"}, {"start": 758.9599999999999, "end": 763.88, "text": " Which you don't need so it's kind of basically you're saving at least two"}, {"start": 763.88, "end": 771.76, "text": " Two thousand five hundred pounds if you build it you're on your own. That's the the basically the summary of this analysis"}, {"start": 771.8, "end": 774.62, "text": " Okay, whoops. Let me just reopen that one"}, {"start": 775.28, "end": 777.28, "text": " Okay, so let's go here"}, {"start": 777.36, "end": 782.14, "text": " They also offer laptops and some of the people on LinkedIn asked me whether they should buy the laptop"}, {"start": 782.14, "end": 784.6, "text": " So here is the analysis a quick analysis here as well"}, {"start": 784.68, "end": 789.84, "text": " So you can see here the price is this is still more expensive than our build and let's see the specs"}, {"start": 789.84, "end": 795.24, "text": " So the specs are you have a single RTX 3080 Ti that's a bit better than 3080"}, {"start": 795.8000000000001, "end": 798.2, "text": " You have the let's see they have"}, {"start": 798.96, "end": 803.26, "text": " Intel i7 which is way cheaper and way lower quality than the"}, {"start": 804.2, "end": 811.32, "text": " CPU which we've chosen they have a bit worse RAM although this doesn't matter that much because this is like"}, {"start": 812.2800000000001, "end": 813.96, "text": " 4800 we have"}, {"start": 813.96, "end": 819.4000000000001, "text": " 5200 Hertz although this is basically a gimmick you don't care about the the the the hurts that much"}, {"start": 819.4, "end": 821.8, "text": " And it's equally good memory pretty much"}, {"start": 822.24, "end": 828.68, "text": " And then they have only two terabytes of SSD and blah blah blah they additionally have the screen so you get"}, {"start": 829.28, "end": 836.9, "text": " Awful so much better build for less money that it's crazy plus laptops are poor with thermals"}, {"start": 836.9, "end": 840.04, "text": " There is no way that this laptop won't have thermal issues"}, {"start": 840.04, "end": 845.24, "text": " I know this firsthand having had Omen 17 laptop with RTX 2080"}, {"start": 845.24, "end": 853.28, "text": " I had severe severe like thermal issues, and I never used my machine for training something for more than like two hours max"}, {"start": 853.28, "end": 860.12, "text": " And then it's literally you can boil eggs on your laptop. There is no way you're gonna have a good cooling system in a laptop"}, {"start": 860.12, "end": 862.12, "text": " It's just the physics of it. It won't allow it"}, {"start": 862.24, "end": 867.6800000000001, "text": " So that means you can use laptop only in case you want to run inference only in that case you should buy a laptop"}, {"start": 867.6800000000001, "end": 871.34, "text": " But like I think this is definitely an overkill. That's my opinion"}, {"start": 871.34, "end": 876.38, "text": " Just take the pros and cons I mentioned you do get the warranty you do get the portability"}, {"start": 876.38, "end": 879.86, "text": " You obviously cannot pack the lap you cannot pack the build"}, {"start": 879.86, "end": 885.74, "text": " We are we are we're creating here into your like briefcase and go to a local Starbucks or whatnot"}, {"start": 885.74, "end": 892.34, "text": " So those are the pros and cons you decide for yourself. I'm just trying to give you as much information as possible here"}, {"start": 892.38, "end": 898.96, "text": " Okay guys so quickly on to this plug why building your own deep learning computer is 10x cheaper than AWS"}, {"start": 898.96, "end": 903.4200000000001, "text": " So there is a lot of blocks similar to this one where they'll show you for"}, {"start": 903.86, "end": 907.48, "text": " How many months you'll need depending on your setup how many GPUs you have?"}, {"start": 907.86, "end": 911.86, "text": " Until you break even compared to using the cloud and as I said previously"}, {"start": 911.86, "end": 916.0400000000001, "text": " I think in the beginning of the video the difference is you will end up with a machine"}, {"start": 916.14, "end": 922.22, "text": " So you'll end up with something whereas here you just pay the cloud and then you you just don't have anything"}, {"start": 922.22, "end": 930.38, "text": " Left to sell later on whereas with your machine you can say sell your components on eBay and get back some money that you invested"}, {"start": 930.94, "end": 931.78, "text": " beforehand"}, {"start": 931.78, "end": 937.5, "text": " Okay, so won't get into much more detail. Basically. I think it's more cost-effective if you're any"}, {"start": 938.62, "end": 944.98, "text": " If you're serious about machine learning if you want to spend some years in this field you definitely need your I think it's a it's a no-brainer"}, {"start": 944.98, "end": 946.98, "text": " I should have done it before basically"}, {"start": 946.98, "end": 953.54, "text": " Okay, let's go through some research right now. So I obviously went through many blocks and videos to"}, {"start": 953.82, "end": 959.74, "text": " Learn and then pick the components. So one of the the main resources is team Dappmer's block"}, {"start": 959.74, "end": 963.66, "text": " So you can see here that the title of this one is which GPUs to get for deep learning"}, {"start": 963.82, "end": 968.02, "text": " My experience and advice for using GPUs in deep learning. That's one of his blocks"}, {"start": 968.02, "end": 973.4200000000001, "text": " The second one is this one where he shows how you can build the whole machine"}, {"start": 973.42, "end": 978.9399999999999, "text": " Not just how to pick the GPU so you can see here a full hardware guide to deep learning and in this one"}, {"start": 978.9399999999999, "end": 982.8199999999999, "text": " He walks you through a lot of the components and not just the GPUs. Okay"}, {"start": 983.38, "end": 988.8, "text": " So let's quickly skim through these blocks and also keep in mind that he did make some mistakes"}, {"start": 988.8, "end": 995.0999999999999, "text": " So never always take everything people say and write especially if it's an older block always take it with a grain of salt"}, {"start": 995.62, "end": 999.86, "text": " So now let's quickly walk through the block here. Let's see some important details"}, {"start": 999.86, "end": 1009.66, "text": " First things first the the first part of the block has a lot of technical details that you probably don't care about if you're here to just build your own PC"}, {"start": 1009.66, "end": 1014.1, "text": " So you can ignore things like like sparse network training obviously, etc, etc"}, {"start": 1014.1, "end": 1019.14, "text": " So I think a reasonable thing to do is start from this new fan design thermal issues"}, {"start": 1019.14, "end": 1023.54, "text": " So that's where the high level talk starts before that. It was just like a lot of"}, {"start": 1024.22, "end": 1026.78, "text": " technical technicalities that you probably don't care about"}, {"start": 1027.54, "end": 1029.14, "text": " Okay, so"}, {"start": 1029.14, "end": 1033.4, "text": " Thermal issues this is relevant if you're building 3 plus GPU setup"}, {"start": 1033.4, "end": 1038.9, "text": " If not, you can also ignore those parts, but like in any case if you have enough time go through the whole block"}, {"start": 1038.9, "end": 1040.66, "text": " I think it's a valuable learning experience"}, {"start": 1040.66, "end": 1047.3000000000002, "text": " You can also limit the power of your GPUs through software and doing that you lose some performance"}, {"start": 1047.3000000000002, "end": 1049.5400000000002, "text": " But you get you get a lot of benefit"}, {"start": 1050.0600000000002, "end": 1051.6200000000001, "text": " thermally so"}, {"start": 1051.62, "end": 1059.06, "text": " So so so in the in the opposite way if you had thermal throttling you would lose even more performance than doing it"}, {"start": 1059.6599999999999, "end": 1065.1, "text": " Beforehand, but hopefully if you pick a right case and if you pick right cooling you won't have thermal issues"}, {"start": 1065.1, "end": 1067.1, "text": " And you will not have to limit your power"}, {"start": 1067.1799999999998, "end": 1070.86, "text": " Okay, that's one thing and then he has some cool charts here showing"}, {"start": 1071.5, "end": 1074.78, "text": " Comparisons between different GPUs and you can see that RTX"}, {"start": 1074.78, "end": 1081.66, "text": " 3090 is right like up there among the Giants like we 100 and a"}, {"start": 1081.94, "end": 1086.42, "text": " 100 and I guess these numbers are I'm fairly confident these numbers are from the cloud"}, {"start": 1086.42, "end": 1091.46, "text": " So that's the thing I mentioned and that's that these GPUs the server GPUs are"}, {"start": 1091.8999999999999, "end": 1098.34, "text": " Suffering from virtualization and I oh and so you get the V 100 is maybe just a bit better than RTX"}, {"start": 1098.86, "end": 1100.86, "text": " 3090 keep that in mind"}, {"start": 1100.86, "end": 1107.62, "text": " So that's why I want to have a local machine it's much better although you do pay for maintenance and stuff like that and and you"}, {"start": 1107.62, "end": 1112.2199999999998, "text": " Have to do the research etc. Okay, so here we can see normalized performance per dollar"}, {"start": 1112.2199999999998, "end": 1117.6799999999998, "text": " And so so you can see here the RTX 3080 looks to be the best one"}, {"start": 1117.6999999999998, "end": 1123.3999999999999, "text": " But keep in mind that the performance here does not take into the account the fact that we have"}, {"start": 1123.6599999999999, "end": 1129.9799999999998, "text": " 24 gigabytes in RTX 3090 so that means if you're training bigger models like some bigger transformers"}, {"start": 1129.98, "end": 1136.82, "text": " That that's very much important. That's very much important, and then the value of this one would be much bigger so here"}, {"start": 1136.82, "end": 1144.4, "text": " I think they're just not he's just taking into account the performance in the sense of how many numbers can this GPU crunch in a second?"}, {"start": 1144.4, "end": 1148.3600000000001, "text": " Like the the the pure power, but not the memory which is also important"}, {"start": 1148.3600000000001, "end": 1152.8, "text": " So depending on your needs you might you also should take this chart with a grain of salt"}, {"start": 1153.42, "end": 1158.02, "text": " That's my point here. Okay, so he then goes on to say"}, {"start": 1158.02, "end": 1164.7, "text": " Whether you should buy more whether you should have more than 11 gigabytes or less so in my experience so far"}, {"start": 1164.7, "end": 1169.5, "text": " Let me open up my github profile here most of the projects. I work with were"}, {"start": 1170.02, "end": 1175.22, "text": " Like you could do them with 8 gigabyte VRAM GPU. That was fine"}, {"start": 1175.22, "end": 1181.02, "text": " So if I open up for example the get project if I open up the deep dream project I made here"}, {"start": 1181.66, "end": 1186.1399999999999, "text": " You can see that the hardware requirements here are fairly fairly like low"}, {"start": 1186.14, "end": 1193.18, "text": " You only need around two gigabytes to train the get so the graph attention network on some of the simpler"}, {"start": 1193.5800000000002, "end": 1199.42, "text": " Data sets such as core etc. You also need for the deep dream you might need like a"}, {"start": 1200.26, "end": 1203.8200000000002, "text": " Couple of gigabytes literally also so you can see here around two gigabytes"}, {"start": 1203.8200000000002, "end": 1206.6200000000001, "text": " But if you get into the territory if you want to train"}, {"start": 1206.8600000000001, "end": 1214.18, "text": " Style GAN or you want to train actual transformer you will need much more memory, and you definitely need to go for 11"}, {"start": 1214.18, "end": 1218.02, "text": " Plus gigabytes. That's why I decided to have the RTX"}, {"start": 1218.66, "end": 1220.3400000000001, "text": " 3090 okay"}, {"start": 1220.3400000000001, "end": 1228.14, "text": " So let's continue here. You can also obviously fit the 24 gigabyte model into smaller device"}, {"start": 1228.14, "end": 1230.74, "text": " But you will have to deal with mixed precision"}, {"start": 1230.74, "end": 1236.3400000000001, "text": " You will have to deal with gradient checkpointing model parallelism data parallelism blah blah blah all of that all of those details"}, {"start": 1236.3400000000001, "end": 1238.54, "text": " Well not data parallelism unless you have multiple"}, {"start": 1239.38, "end": 1241.38, "text": " GPUs, but you get my point"}, {"start": 1241.38, "end": 1245.3000000000002, "text": " Basically I covered all of these techniques in my previous videos"}, {"start": 1245.3000000000002, "end": 1248.1000000000001, "text": " I'm gonna link them somewhere here if you're curious to learn more"}, {"start": 1248.18, "end": 1253.22, "text": " But in general a rule of thumb if you know you're gonna train bigger models. Just go with more memory"}, {"start": 1253.22, "end": 1255.22, "text": " Don't don't don't don't play the hero"}, {"start": 1255.7800000000002, "end": 1257.7800000000002, "text": " Okay, let's continue here"}, {"start": 1258.38, "end": 1262.74, "text": " Let's see what else so he's basically he's built teams built"}, {"start": 1263.94, "end": 1269.18, "text": " Like clusters and servers for his university, and so there is a lot of details here if you want to build"}, {"start": 1269.18, "end": 1271.18, "text": " much more powerful"}, {"start": 1271.18, "end": 1273.18, "text": " server type of workstations"}, {"start": 1274.18, "end": 1275.5, "text": " and"}, {"start": 1275.5, "end": 1282.8600000000001, "text": " Discussions around whether you need a PCI 4 or not well PCI 5.0 is already a thing so 4.0"}, {"start": 1282.8600000000001, "end": 1284.8600000000001, "text": " is pretty much standard nowadays and"}, {"start": 1285.02, "end": 1291.02, "text": " For GPU you don't want to go with 4x especially if you buy a fancy GPUs like like RTX"}, {"start": 1291.18, "end": 1298.46, "text": " 30 or 40 series you don't want to go with 4x with for PCL and you want to go with 8 or 16 you otherwise you will lose"}, {"start": 1298.46, "end": 1302.9, "text": " This performance that you you spend your money for so it doesn't make any sense to be honest"}, {"start": 1304.06, "end": 1310.38, "text": " Okay, as I said go and read through the blog at your own pace. It's too long for me to cover every detail"}, {"start": 1310.38, "end": 1312.14, "text": " I just want to kind of skim it"}, {"start": 1312.14, "end": 1314.3400000000001, "text": " He gives some very useful tips here as well"}, {"start": 1314.78, "end": 1321.04, "text": " And I definitely strongly recommend you check it out. Let's not skim his second blog here"}, {"start": 1321.66, "end": 1322.98, "text": " so"}, {"start": 1322.98, "end": 1329.74, "text": " Which GPU you should pick the RAM and basically he says here that the the clock rate is like a"}, {"start": 1329.9, "end": 1332.42, "text": " gimmick and you can you can watch this video from Linus"}, {"start": 1332.94, "end": 1336.98, "text": " Tech tips YouTube channel, and he says that basically it's pretty much gimmicks"}, {"start": 1336.98, "end": 1340.22, "text": " You can save some money and just grab a RAM that has lower"}, {"start": 1341.14, "end": 1346.14, "text": " Basically clock rate, and you'll still have this pretty much the same amount of performance, so yeah"}, {"start": 1347.58, "end": 1349.58, "text": " recommendations on CPUs"}, {"start": 1350.02, "end": 1352.02, "text": " how many cores"}, {"start": 1352.02, "end": 1354.02, "text": " frequency their drive"}, {"start": 1354.54, "end": 1360.54, "text": " Power supply unit a lot of details as I said I will not be digging into into the actual"}, {"start": 1362.34, "end": 1368.34, "text": " Particularities of this blog even he also just tells you how many monitors you should have I currently have two monitors"}, {"start": 1368.34, "end": 1373.3799999999999, "text": " I think two or three are sweet spot, but it also depends on your own preferences basically okay"}, {"start": 1373.86, "end": 1376.86, "text": " so having skim through teams blocks and"}, {"start": 1376.86, "end": 1382.4599999999998, "text": " Let's now point some of the details that might not be necessarily correct"}, {"start": 1382.4599999999998, "end": 1385.4199999999998, "text": " So one of those is this recommendation here"}, {"start": 1385.4199999999998, "end": 1391.82, "text": " So add up watts of GPUs plus CPU then multiply the total by 110 percent for required wattage"}, {"start": 1392.4199999999998, "end": 1400.06, "text": " If you listen to this advice, and you have RTX 3090 you'll likely gonna end up having a system that crashes every now"}, {"start": 1400.06, "end": 1404.54, "text": " And then I already had people reach out and tell me this formula doesn't work for those GPUs"}, {"start": 1404.54, "end": 1410.1399999999999, "text": " And you can also find I found this block here, and if we let's just find the 600 watt"}, {"start": 1410.94, "end": 1415.6599999999999, "text": " Keyword here, okay, so here it is so here is a paragraph from this block"}, {"start": 1416.74, "end": 1419.1, "text": " Naive me thought that I would be able to power for"}, {"start": 1420.98, "end": 1426.3, "text": " 350 watts a quote unquote GPUs, so it's quote unquote because that's the official TDP"}, {"start": 1426.3799999999999, "end": 1431.94, "text": " But as we'll soon see it's actually pulling much more so nope doesn't work not even on"}, {"start": 1431.94, "end": 1434.8600000000001, "text": " 240 volts a lesser-known fact about"}, {"start": 1435.46, "end": 1441.02, "text": " 390s is they actually pull burst currents of up to 600 watts this means that a"}, {"start": 1441.54, "end": 1447.1000000000001, "text": " This PSU will power on and even run four of the of the of the GPUs"}, {"start": 1447.14, "end": 1451.06, "text": " But we will randomly trip the over current protection when all three"}, {"start": 1452.1000000000001, "end": 1457.42, "text": " GPUs simultaneously draw the their peak power which happens every couple of hours"}, {"start": 1457.42, "end": 1464.0600000000002, "text": " This was a fun one to figure out I also had friends reach out and tell me they they hit the same issue"}, {"start": 1464.0600000000002, "end": 1468.26, "text": " So as I said take every single information you find with a grain of salt"}, {"start": 1468.26, "end": 1471.1000000000001, "text": " That's why you want to have multiple blogs multiple resources"}, {"start": 1471.1000000000001, "end": 1476.1000000000001, "text": " Just see and do some type of majority voting and figure out stuff for your for yourself, okay?"}, {"start": 1476.78, "end": 1484.44, "text": " There are some other details that are we're mentioning so let's go here. I have some so he also mentions that that the"}, {"start": 1484.44, "end": 1490.3600000000001, "text": " That the computer case does not matter for for for cooling, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna show you the opposite"}, {"start": 1490.88, "end": 1497.92, "text": " Conclusion here, so let me just find that thing so does computer case design matter for cooling team says here no"}, {"start": 1498.44, "end": 1504.8400000000001, "text": " GPUs are usually perfectly cooled if there is at least a small gap between GPUs case design will give you one to three"}, {"start": 1505.3200000000002, "end": 1507.3200000000002, "text": " centigrade"}, {"start": 1507.3200000000002, "end": 1512.1200000000001, "text": " better temperatures a space between GPUs will provide you with 10 to 30"}, {"start": 1512.12, "end": 1519.6399999999999, "text": " Basically Celsius improvements the bottom line if you have space between GPUs cooling does not matter if you have no space between GPUs"}, {"start": 1519.6399999999999, "end": 1521.9199999999998, "text": " You need the right color design blah blah blah blah blah"}, {"start": 1522.7199999999998, "end": 1529.04, "text": " Bottom line this is not actually correct with a proper case you can get up to 10 or more degrees"}, {"start": 1529.7199999999998, "end": 1536.08, "text": " Improvements, and that's quite significant, so if we open up this block, so sorry this video. I found this video from this great"}, {"start": 1536.08, "end": 1541.96, "text": " Channel that does benchmarking of various components called gamers Nexus and you can see for this particular"}, {"start": 1542.1599999999999, "end": 1547.08, "text": " Corsair crystal case that I was personally considering for my for my setup"}, {"start": 1547.08, "end": 1550.08, "text": " You can see the difference when you remove the front panel"}, {"start": 1550.56, "end": 1557.36, "text": " And when the front panel is on which is just like pure aesthetics and of course case so some some protection against us, etc"}, {"start": 1557.36, "end": 1559.36, "text": " But there is a difference of eight degrees"}, {"start": 1559.6, "end": 1563.8799999999999, "text": " And you can also see that some cases here have much lower"}, {"start": 1563.88, "end": 1569.48, "text": " Temperatures than some other cases so cases do matter as long as you don't take a completely shitty case"}, {"start": 1569.72, "end": 1576.68, "text": " You're you're probably fine, but like this this is something that's worth considering and doing a small research also not just"}, {"start": 1577.0, "end": 1579.88, "text": " By anything you find so just keep that in mind"}, {"start": 1580.8400000000001, "end": 1587.6000000000001, "text": " The final thing he mentions is the main mistake that people make is that people pay too much attention to PCI lanes of a CPU"}, {"start": 1588.0800000000002, "end": 1590.96, "text": " You should not care much about PCI lanes instead"}, {"start": 1590.96, "end": 1597.28, "text": " Just look up if your CPU and motherboard combination supports a number of GPUs that you want to run"}, {"start": 1597.92, "end": 1604.48, "text": " This is true in case you don't want to use the NVMe SSDs and because those guys use"}, {"start": 1604.88, "end": 1611.92, "text": " Four PCI lanes so that means if you're gonna stick two of the SSDs you'll you'll eat eight you'll eat eight"}, {"start": 1612.4, "end": 1615.88, "text": " PCI lanes and that leaves you with much less lanes for your GPUs"}, {"start": 1615.88, "end": 1617.88, "text": " So you need to keep that in mind as well, so"}, {"start": 1617.88, "end": 1624.5200000000002, "text": " PCI and lanes matter if if you're if you're trying to squeeze out the performance from your from your setup, okay?"}, {"start": 1625.16, "end": 1631.4, "text": " Okay worth mentioning here is also Tim's recent tweet on the RTX 40 series and again"}, {"start": 1631.4, "end": 1634.7600000000002, "text": " I would take this with a grain of salt until I see the actual numbers"}, {"start": 1634.7600000000002, "end": 1640.68, "text": " But it's a useful piece of information since it's coming from Tim who does have some reputation in this space"}, {"start": 1640.68, "end": 1644.2800000000002, "text": " So finished RTX 4090 modeling not good"}, {"start": 1644.28, "end": 1649.72, "text": " If you have an RTX 3090 probably best to wait four years for chiplets and consumer HPM"}, {"start": 1649.72, "end": 1654.44, "text": " This is what dead moore's law looks like you can only scale cost per with features"}, {"start": 1654.44, "end": 1657.32, "text": " But you can only add tensor core once we are stuck more soon"}, {"start": 1657.32, "end": 1661.16, "text": " It's kind of pessimistic to be honest and until I see the actual numbers"}, {"start": 1661.16, "end": 1666.76, "text": " I would be fairly skeptical, but this goes on to tell you that just because a new series came out"}, {"start": 1666.76, "end": 1668.76, "text": " Doesn't mean you should immediately"}, {"start": 1669.32, "end": 1671.32, "text": " Sell your older GPUs"}, {"start": 1671.32, "end": 1675.24, "text": " And go and buy the next new thing you need to do your own research"}, {"start": 1675.24, "end": 1682.2, "text": " And also always question even the authority because they they sometimes inadvertently make mistakes so just keep that in mind, okay?"}, {"start": 1682.76, "end": 1688.2, "text": " Let's continue here. This is our amazing block. I found this guy actually built his own server"}, {"start": 1688.6799999999998, "end": 1694.4399999999998, "text": " With I think eight GPUs or something so even though that's probably for the most for most of you guys"}, {"start": 1694.4399999999998, "end": 1696.4399999999998, "text": " Not gonna be a relevant use case"}, {"start": 1696.44, "end": 1705.72, "text": " He still goes through the rationale and he gives a lot of useful information and tips on how to build your your"}, {"start": 1707.3200000000002, "end": 1711.88, "text": " Setup so do go through this block. I strongly recommend it and so yeah and"}, {"start": 1712.44, "end": 1715.3200000000002, "text": " Next up what I've done is somewhere on the bottom of this block"}, {"start": 1715.3200000000002, "end": 1722.8400000000001, "text": " I found like a setup that has two RTX 3090 which is exactly the setup that I care about and so I opened up the PC part"}, {"start": 1722.84, "end": 1727.24, "text": " Picker here and I use this particular list as an inspiration for my use case"}, {"start": 1727.24, "end": 1728.9199999999998, "text": " But you'll probably have a different use case"}, {"start": 1728.9199999999998, "end": 1734.6799999999998, "text": " So just but like just get that pattern of opening up stuff and like doing side-by-side comparisons"}, {"start": 1734.6799999999998, "end": 1736.6799999999998, "text": " That's that's against the point. I'm trying to make here"}, {"start": 1738.12, "end": 1743.8, "text": " I mentioned this block where we saw the 600 watt tip about the rtx 3090"}, {"start": 1743.8, "end": 1749.08, "text": " This is an amazing piece of information here. This guy actually now works at open AI"}, {"start": 1749.08, "end": 1753.6399999999999, "text": " He used to work at Google. He has two huge servers with like eight GPUs"}, {"start": 1753.8799999999999, "end": 1758.12, "text": " He's like renting one to earn some money like renting on the vest AI platform"}, {"start": 1758.12, "end": 1762.36, "text": " And he's using he's using the second one for his personal projects if I understood him well"}, {"start": 1762.36, "end": 1766.84, "text": " And so you can see his machines, but he has a lot of very useful tips"}, {"start": 1766.84, "end": 1770.52, "text": " He's been building these setups for for for quite some years now"}, {"start": 1770.52, "end": 1774.9199999999998, "text": " And so you might learn a lot from from this blog as well. So I do recommend it"}, {"start": 1774.92, "end": 1782.8400000000001, "text": " And finally, Daniel here, Daniel Bork has a very cool video where where like blog and video"}, {"start": 1782.8400000000001, "end": 1786.8400000000001, "text": " So his video is like one hour or something long so you can see here one hour long"}, {"start": 1786.8400000000001, "end": 1790.92, "text": " He's basically assembling a workstation together with his buddy"}, {"start": 1790.92, "end": 1796.3600000000001, "text": " And I think it might be an interesting resource even though the components are fairly obsolete"}, {"start": 1796.3600000000001, "end": 1800.04, "text": " And maybe it's not as informative as some of the other blocks here"}, {"start": 1800.04, "end": 1805.08, "text": " But I think it's a nice story and I think it's definitely worth checking it out"}, {"start": 1805.08, "end": 1810.28, "text": " Obviously I am present on YouTube so I consume a lot of YouTube content myself"}, {"start": 1810.28, "end": 1814.76, "text": " And basically I found a lot of videos and here I just opened two random videos"}, {"start": 1814.76, "end": 1819.96, "text": " But there are many other good ones that that I've used to just open up their PC part"}, {"start": 1819.96, "end": 1824.52, "text": " The component lists and just use that as a as a source of inspiration"}, {"start": 1824.52, "end": 1825.96, "text": " That's basically it"}, {"start": 1825.96, "end": 1831.0, "text": " Guys, that's pretty much it now that you have now that you've read all of the blogs"}, {"start": 1831.0, "end": 1833.88, "text": " All of the resources you've watched the video you collected the information"}, {"start": 1833.88, "end": 1837.16, "text": " Try and take some notes extract some tips that people gave you"}, {"start": 1837.16, "end": 1841.0, "text": " Now you want to basically start picking your own components"}, {"start": 1841.0, "end": 1845.0, "text": " And how you do that is you open up the PC part picker"}, {"start": 1845.64, "end": 1848.6000000000001, "text": " You then go and go to the PC builder here"}, {"start": 1848.6000000000001, "end": 1852.92, "text": " You hit the start new and you start building your own components"}, {"start": 1852.92, "end": 1856.1200000000001, "text": " And then you do your research so here's how I would do it"}, {"start": 1856.1200000000001, "end": 1858.92, "text": " So first so now we have the CPU"}, {"start": 1858.92, "end": 1863.0, "text": " So first thing I have done is I went through all of these blocks"}, {"start": 1863.0, "end": 1866.6000000000001, "text": " And I checked out the recommendations they're giving for the CPU"}, {"start": 1866.6000000000001, "end": 1869.24, "text": " And then I get some like rough intuition"}, {"start": 1869.24, "end": 1875.0800000000002, "text": " Okay and so what I ended up figuring out is that most of them are recommending like the AMD CPU"}, {"start": 1875.0800000000002, "end": 1877.5600000000002, "text": " So this guy here go with AMD"}, {"start": 1877.5600000000002, "end": 1880.52, "text": " Okay and then you go to the CPU"}, {"start": 1880.52, "end": 1887.8, "text": " So here go with AMD okay and then team is also I think team was also mentioning AMD somewhere here"}, {"start": 1887.8, "end": 1888.76, "text": " Let me just find it"}, {"start": 1890.84, "end": 1893.6399999999999, "text": " It doesn't really matter but like I think it was here"}, {"start": 1894.76, "end": 1899.8, "text": " AMD GPUs are not competitive but we are not talking about the GPUs"}, {"start": 1899.8, "end": 1901.8799999999999, "text": " We're talking about CPUs let me just find it"}, {"start": 1901.8799999999999, "end": 1907.56, "text": " Okay so here it says AMD CPUs are cheaper and better than Intel CPUs in general for deep learning"}, {"start": 1907.56, "end": 1912.04, "text": " So as you can tell everyone is recommending AMDs and it kind of fell for the trap"}, {"start": 1912.04, "end": 1917.6399999999999, "text": " As I previously mentioned currently on the high performance end it's better to go with Intel"}, {"start": 1917.6399999999999, "end": 1920.9199999999998, "text": " They're cheaper and they have better performance"}, {"start": 1920.9199999999998, "end": 1925.48, "text": " So because of that take everything with a grain of salt do your own research"}, {"start": 1925.48, "end": 1931.24, "text": " Okay so let's see let me open up the one out here and let me show you some additional details"}, {"start": 1931.24, "end": 1936.36, "text": " I ultimately ended up by doing this research I ended up with two options"}, {"start": 1936.36, "end": 1940.76, "text": " The AMD Ryzen 9 which is recommended on a lot of reviews"}, {"start": 1940.76, "end": 1945.8, "text": " You can see here if I open up a random this tech raider article"}, {"start": 1945.8, "end": 1950.36, "text": " You can see that the best AMD processor here is precisely the one I've chosen"}, {"start": 1950.36, "end": 1955.6399999999999, "text": " And then let me go back here and then the second option I really had was the Threadripper"}, {"start": 1955.6399999999999, "end": 1959.1599999999999, "text": " But then after doing some research and finding this source for example"}, {"start": 1959.8799999999999, "end": 1964.52, "text": " If you go here and if you read this chapter let me just find it"}, {"start": 1964.52, "end": 1968.04, "text": " Do you need a Threadripper or Ryzen CPU?"}, {"start": 1968.04, "end": 1973.0, "text": " And then they say before getting started with picking a TRX40 motherboard"}, {"start": 1973.0, "end": 1976.92, "text": " You have to make sure that you're going with Threadripper out of genuine need"}, {"start": 1976.92, "end": 1978.52, "text": " And not falling prey to marketing"}, {"start": 1979.32, "end": 1983.24, "text": " Now I'll assume you do need a high core count processor for your workloads"}, {"start": 1983.24, "end": 1987.16, "text": " So here is a list of reasons why you might choose the Threadripper instead of the Ryzen 9"}, {"start": 1988.04, "end": 1992.04, "text": " And the main details here are if you need a lot of PCI lanes"}, {"start": 1992.04, "end": 1997.08, "text": " So my CPU has 24 PCI lanes which is enough for two GPUs"}, {"start": 1997.08, "end": 2000.44, "text": " And then you can squeeze in a couple of NVMe's but that's it"}, {"start": 2000.44, "end": 2007.1599999999999, "text": " And here the Threadripper usually has like at least I think like around 100 or more PCI lanes"}, {"start": 2007.1599999999999, "end": 2013.6399999999999, "text": " It's crazy these are made to create triple or quad GPU setups if not more"}, {"start": 2014.52, "end": 2016.44, "text": " Like it's three plus GPUs"}, {"start": 2016.44, "end": 2020.04, "text": " So if you want to have three plus GPUs in the future on your workstation"}, {"start": 2020.04, "end": 2022.52, "text": " Then definitely go ahead with Threadripper"}, {"start": 2022.52, "end": 2029.32, "text": " But if not then just go with a 2X cheaper CPU which is already overpriced compared to Intel CPU"}, {"start": 2029.32, "end": 2032.28, "text": " So yeah you're saving up some money by doing smart research"}, {"start": 2033.48, "end": 2034.52, "text": " Let's continue on here"}, {"start": 2035.32, "end": 2037.08, "text": " Next up I've chosen the cooler"}, {"start": 2037.08, "end": 2039.3999999999999, "text": " So again I've done my research"}, {"start": 2039.3999999999999, "end": 2043.96, "text": " I found a lot of sources recommending this Arctic Liquid Freezer 2"}, {"start": 2043.96, "end": 2047.3999999999999, "text": " And also this Noctua NH-T15 air cooler"}, {"start": 2047.4, "end": 2050.12, "text": " So this is a liquid cooling system, this is an air cooling system"}, {"start": 2050.12, "end": 2052.28, "text": " Liquid is usually better, more effective"}, {"start": 2052.28, "end": 2059.0, "text": " But there is the danger of potential leak which could be catastrophic"}, {"start": 2059.0, "end": 2060.28, "text": " But usually does not happen"}, {"start": 2060.28, "end": 2062.36, "text": " So it's kind of a trade-off but yeah"}, {"start": 2062.36, "end": 2068.6, "text": " So I wanted to buy Noctua ultimately after having read some of the articles"}, {"start": 2069.4, "end": 2071.2400000000002, "text": " Showing that it's good enough"}, {"start": 2071.2400000000002, "end": 2073.96, "text": " But it turned out it's not compatible as we saw before"}, {"start": 2073.96, "end": 2076.2000000000003, "text": " It's not compatible with the case I've chosen"}, {"start": 2076.2, "end": 2079.3999999999996, "text": " And so I decided to go with the Arctic Liquid Freezer"}, {"start": 2079.3999999999996, "end": 2082.9199999999996, "text": " It's basically only maybe 10-20 pounds more expensive"}, {"start": 2082.9199999999996, "end": 2085.24, "text": " So it was a good decision in my opinion"}, {"start": 2085.8799999999997, "end": 2091.16, "text": " For the motherboard what I've done is I went and opened up this overclockers website"}, {"start": 2091.16, "end": 2093.64, "text": " And I sorted the AM5 motherboards"}, {"start": 2093.64, "end": 2098.7599999999998, "text": " So those are the motherboards that are compatible with the AMD Horizon 9 CPU"}, {"start": 2098.7599999999998, "end": 2102.04, "text": " And then I sorted them by price in a descending fashion"}, {"start": 2102.04, "end": 2106.04, "text": " And then I went from the cheapest one all the way to the more expensive ones"}, {"start": 2106.04, "end": 2109.72, "text": " And I was looking for the number of PCI lanes and I was looking for the clearance"}, {"start": 2109.72, "end": 2116.2799999999997, "text": " And the first motherboard that was good enough was this Art Pro or something"}, {"start": 2116.2799999999997, "end": 2116.84, "text": " Let me find it"}, {"start": 2116.84, "end": 2119.4, "text": " So this one, the Asus Art Pro"}, {"start": 2119.4, "end": 2120.7599999999998, "text": " So if I open up that one"}, {"start": 2120.7599999999998, "end": 2123.96, "text": " So let me just quickly copy paste that one"}, {"start": 2123.96, "end": 2125.56, "text": " And let's open up Amazon"}, {"start": 2125.56, "end": 2126.92, "text": " So let's open up Amazon here"}, {"start": 2126.92, "end": 2128.6, "text": " I'm gonna copy paste the name here"}, {"start": 2128.6, "end": 2129.8, "text": " Let's find it"}, {"start": 2129.8, "end": 2131.4, "text": " And here it is"}, {"start": 2131.4, "end": 2133.16, "text": " I think that's the one"}, {"start": 2133.16, "end": 2134.52, "text": " Yep, let me open it up"}, {"start": 2134.52, "end": 2139.96, "text": " And now let me open up the actual one I bought"}, {"start": 2139.96, "end": 2141.48, "text": " And that's the Crosshair Hero"}, {"start": 2141.48, "end": 2142.7599999999998, "text": " So that's the one I bought"}, {"start": 2143.32, "end": 2146.12, "text": " As you can see it's quite more expensive"}, {"start": 2146.12, "end": 2149.4, "text": " But yeah, so I'm gonna tell you why I decided to go with this one"}, {"start": 2149.4, "end": 2152.04, "text": " So I first went to buy this one"}, {"start": 2152.04, "end": 2153.16, "text": " I went to watch the video"}, {"start": 2153.16, "end": 2157.56, "text": " And somebody wrote that basically if you stick a single GPU"}, {"start": 2157.56, "end": 2159.16, "text": " That takes three slots"}, {"start": 2159.16, "end": 2162.36, "text": " So that means 30 or 40 series or even 20 series"}, {"start": 2162.36, "end": 2167.88, "text": " He said, that person said that basically it's almost touching the second PCI slot"}, {"start": 2167.88, "end": 2169.7200000000003, "text": " So these white bars you can see"}, {"start": 2169.7200000000003, "end": 2173.08, "text": " Those are the PCI slots where you plug in your GPU"}, {"start": 2173.08, "end": 2176.84, "text": " And he said it's literally almost touching that slot"}, {"start": 2176.84, "end": 2179.0, "text": " So that means if you were to pick that"}, {"start": 2179.0, "end": 2180.84, "text": " If you were to put the second GPU"}, {"start": 2180.84, "end": 2184.36, "text": " You would probably have thermal issues if not clearance issues"}, {"start": 2184.36, "end": 2189.32, "text": " And so because of that I knew I cannot buy this motherboard"}, {"start": 2189.32, "end": 2191.32, "text": " And so I just went and found this one"}, {"start": 2191.32, "end": 2192.52, "text": " And if you take a look"}, {"start": 2192.52, "end": 2193.88, "text": " So this is maybe a primitive approach"}, {"start": 2193.88, "end": 2194.84, "text": " But it actually works"}, {"start": 2195.48, "end": 2201.0, "text": " The reason it works is because both motherboards are the ATX format"}, {"start": 2201.0, "end": 2203.0, "text": " And if you just take a look, visual look"}, {"start": 2203.0, "end": 2206.04, "text": " Because manuals don't actually have the exact dimensions"}, {"start": 2206.04, "end": 2209.88, "text": " I even opened up, I was so crazy that I even opened up a manual"}, {"start": 2209.88, "end": 2214.6800000000003, "text": " And I couldn't find the centimeters or the actual physical dimensions"}, {"start": 2214.6800000000003, "end": 2218.2000000000003, "text": " So I had to eyeball through Amazon pictures"}, {"start": 2218.2, "end": 2222.68, "text": " And figure out that this one is probably good enough"}, {"start": 2222.68, "end": 2224.04, "text": " So if you take a look here"}, {"start": 2224.04, "end": 2226.68, "text": " You can see that this one has definitely more"}, {"start": 2227.56, "end": 2234.4399999999996, "text": " This one has definitely more space than the ART Pro 1"}, {"start": 2234.4399999999996, "end": 2236.6, "text": " And so I just kind of"}, {"start": 2236.6, "end": 2238.2, "text": " If we put them side by side"}, {"start": 2238.2, "end": 2239.16, "text": " Let me just do it like this"}, {"start": 2239.16, "end": 2241.0, "text": " It's gonna be much more clear"}, {"start": 2242.2, "end": 2243.56, "text": " I'm gonna do it like this"}, {"start": 2243.56, "end": 2244.6, "text": " So you can see it here"}, {"start": 2245.7999999999997, "end": 2247.24, "text": " And you can see it here"}, {"start": 2247.24, "end": 2252.68, "text": " So this one has enough space presumably for what I need"}, {"start": 2253.3999999999996, "end": 2255.24, "text": " Again, that's the research I've done"}, {"start": 2255.7999999999997, "end": 2257.0, "text": " That's the way I've done it"}, {"start": 2257.0, "end": 2259.08, "text": " Unfortunately, some of these new motherboards"}, {"start": 2259.08, "end": 2260.7599999999998, "text": " They don't have enough information online"}, {"start": 2260.7599999999998, "end": 2263.64, "text": " So I had to do my best to figure out stuff"}, {"start": 2263.64, "end": 2265.8799999999997, "text": " Okay, I'm gonna close up all of these"}, {"start": 2266.4399999999996, "end": 2268.9199999999996, "text": " And let's go back to the next component"}, {"start": 2269.4799999999996, "end": 2271.0, "text": " The next component is memory"}, {"start": 2271.0, "end": 2272.8399999999997, "text": " Again, I just went for the Kingston"}, {"start": 2272.8399999999997, "end": 2275.16, "text": " Because I previously had experience with Kingston"}, {"start": 2275.16, "end": 2279.64, "text": " And you can see a note here that I bought a much cheaper one on CCL online"}, {"start": 2279.64, "end": 2280.6, "text": " As opposed to buying"}, {"start": 2281.3999999999996, "end": 2286.6, "text": " I would pay 400 pounds on Amazon for the 5200 Hz version"}, {"start": 2286.6, "end": 2290.44, "text": " And so that was kind of a huge cost saving for me"}, {"start": 2290.44, "end": 2292.52, "text": " Okay, next up we have the storage"}, {"start": 2292.52, "end": 2293.64, "text": " So for the storage"}, {"start": 2294.68, "end": 2296.92, "text": " Again, done my research"}, {"start": 2296.92, "end": 2300.52, "text": " I saw that the Pro 990 is coming out soon"}, {"start": 2300.52, "end": 2302.12, "text": " But there are only pre-orders"}, {"start": 2302.12, "end": 2305.7999999999997, "text": " And because I don't really want to optimize that much"}, {"start": 2305.7999999999997, "end": 2309.72, "text": " I just decided to go with the 980 Pro"}, {"start": 2309.72, "end": 2314.12, "text": " Which is currently one of the best SSDs for consumers on the market"}, {"start": 2314.12, "end": 2316.7599999999998, "text": " And so I also saw that I don't need the heat sinks"}, {"start": 2316.7599999999998, "end": 2319.64, "text": " Because my motherboard already has the heat sinks"}, {"start": 2319.64, "end": 2322.6, "text": " So that would be A, cost ineffective"}, {"start": 2322.6, "end": 2325.4, "text": " And B, incompatible with my motherboard"}, {"start": 2325.4, "end": 2327.4, "text": " So take care of details such as that one"}, {"start": 2327.96, "end": 2329.64, "text": " So I decided to go with 2 TB"}, {"start": 2329.64, "end": 2332.2, "text": " Where I'll be keeping, this is kind of obsolete"}, {"start": 2332.2, "end": 2334.52, "text": " I'll be keeping operating system there"}, {"start": 2335.16, "end": 2338.92, "text": " Also my video material is going to be on that SSD"}, {"start": 2338.92, "end": 2340.3599999999997, "text": " And etc, etc"}, {"start": 2340.3599999999997, "end": 2344.6, "text": " And I'm going to keep bigger data sets on the 8 TB SSD"}, {"start": 2344.6, "end": 2346.44, "text": " You can go with the hard drive if you want"}, {"start": 2346.44, "end": 2349.72, "text": " I just wanted to have something that's"}, {"start": 2351.7999999999997, "end": 2355.0, "text": " I simply wanted to have the best component here"}, {"start": 2355.0, "end": 2357.3199999999997, "text": " And so I decided to go with SSD"}, {"start": 2357.32, "end": 2360.36, "text": " Also the blog, one of the blogs I mentioned before"}, {"start": 2360.36, "end": 2361.4, "text": " So let me just find it"}, {"start": 2362.1200000000003, "end": 2363.8, "text": " So I think it was this one"}, {"start": 2365.0, "end": 2367.96, "text": " Yeah, I think this was the place where I saw the recommendation"}, {"start": 2367.96, "end": 2371.4, "text": " For this particular SSD"}, {"start": 2371.4, "end": 2373.96, "text": " So you can see the Samsung"}, {"start": 2373.96, "end": 2375.6400000000003, "text": " That's pretty much the same one as I bought"}, {"start": 2375.6400000000003, "end": 2378.36, "text": " I mean, about the 870"}, {"start": 2378.36, "end": 2381.88, "text": " And he said I also have an array of these ones"}, {"start": 2381.88, "end": 2383.1600000000003, "text": " Blah, blah, blah"}, {"start": 2383.1600000000003, "end": 2384.6000000000004, "text": " These are quite pricey these days"}, {"start": 2384.6, "end": 2388.36, "text": " But I picked them up for under $500 per PC"}, {"start": 2388.36, "end": 2390.92, "text": " On a lucky Black Friday sale"}, {"start": 2390.92, "end": 2393.0, "text": " So I also bought them for less than $500"}, {"start": 2393.0, "end": 2395.4, "text": " But it was actually before Friday sale"}, {"start": 2395.4, "end": 2397.0, "text": " Because now we have a spike as you saw"}, {"start": 2397.0, "end": 2399.4, "text": " It's now $640 or something"}, {"start": 2399.4, "end": 2401.4, "text": " So that's kind of funny what people do"}, {"start": 2401.4, "end": 2403.16, "text": " And manipulate the prices"}, {"start": 2403.16, "end": 2407.3199999999997, "text": " You got to be careful and aware of that phenomenon"}, {"start": 2408.12, "end": 2409.4, "text": " Okay, let's go back here"}, {"start": 2410.04, "end": 2413.96, "text": " I also kind of saw this FireCuda 530"}, {"start": 2413.96, "end": 2415.48, "text": " Being a serious competitor"}, {"start": 2415.48, "end": 2419.0, "text": " Even outperforming this particular SSD"}, {"start": 2419.0, "end": 2421.48, "text": " And then I saw that it lacks some software tools"}, {"start": 2421.48, "end": 2423.56, "text": " Like Samsung Magician"}, {"start": 2423.56, "end": 2428.12, "text": " And so I just decided I don't want to go with this brand this time"}, {"start": 2428.12, "end": 2430.52, "text": " So I made a slight sacrifice"}, {"start": 2430.52, "end": 2431.8, "text": " Probably performance-wise"}, {"start": 2432.44, "end": 2434.36, "text": " And decided to go with Samsung"}, {"start": 2434.36, "end": 2438.6, "text": " Although Samsung apparently has better random access speeds"}, {"start": 2438.6, "end": 2439.64, "text": " Than the FireCuda"}, {"start": 2439.64, "end": 2440.68, "text": " So I don't know"}, {"start": 2440.68, "end": 2443.0, "text": " They are fairly comparable, I guess"}, {"start": 2443.0, "end": 2449.0, "text": " For the case, I initially wanted to go with the Corsair Carbide Series Air 540"}, {"start": 2449.0, "end": 2452.44, "text": " Most of the blogs I showed you recommend this one"}, {"start": 2452.44, "end": 2455.32, "text": " But it's not big enough for RTX 3090"}, {"start": 2455.88, "end": 2458.28, "text": " It is, but I think it's going to be super tight"}, {"start": 2458.28, "end": 2459.8, "text": " I saw some people make it"}, {"start": 2459.8, "end": 2461.16, "text": " But it's going to be super tight"}, {"start": 2461.16, "end": 2463.16, "text": " And then you might have some heating issues"}, {"start": 2463.16, "end": 2464.76, "text": " And I don't really want to go there"}, {"start": 2464.76, "end": 2466.84, "text": " And so I just wanted to go with the successor"}, {"start": 2466.84, "end": 2471.48, "text": " So I found this one, the Corsair Crystal Series RGB"}, {"start": 2471.48, "end": 2472.36, "text": " So this model"}, {"start": 2472.36, "end": 2474.36, "text": " And this one looks fairly nice"}, {"start": 2474.36, "end": 2476.92, "text": " Like it's a beautiful case"}, {"start": 2476.92, "end": 2478.36, "text": " So let me just open it up here"}, {"start": 2478.92, "end": 2480.36, "text": " So you can see it"}, {"start": 2480.36, "end": 2481.7200000000003, "text": " Let me find an image"}, {"start": 2482.92, "end": 2486.2000000000003, "text": " And you can see it's a very, very nice case"}, {"start": 2486.2000000000003, "end": 2486.92, "text": " Looks very nice"}, {"start": 2487.48, "end": 2490.04, "text": " But the thing is, as we saw before"}, {"start": 2490.04, "end": 2491.4, "text": " It has some heating issues"}, {"start": 2491.4, "end": 2495.32, "text": " And so I decided to go with the Lian Li case"}, {"start": 2495.32, "end": 2497.56, "text": " Which is also recommended all around the place"}, {"start": 2498.2000000000003, "end": 2499.48, "text": " It's a strong competitor"}, {"start": 2499.48, "end": 2500.92, "text": " It has better thermals"}, {"start": 2500.92, "end": 2503.4, "text": " And it's twice the price"}, {"start": 2503.4, "end": 2508.6, "text": " Sorry, it's twice cheaper than the above case"}, {"start": 2508.6, "end": 2511.88, "text": " So the only con was pretty much the way it looks"}, {"start": 2511.88, "end": 2514.92, "text": " But since I already have fancy liquid cooling"}, {"start": 2514.92, "end": 2516.92, "text": " With ARGB lighting and stuff"}, {"start": 2516.92, "end": 2518.04, "text": " I don't really care"}, {"start": 2518.04, "end": 2518.6800000000003, "text": " So yeah"}, {"start": 2519.56, "end": 2521.32, "text": " Finally, PSU"}, {"start": 2521.32, "end": 2524.84, "text": " I have done the calculation that Tim and others recommended"}, {"start": 2524.84, "end": 2527.64, "text": " According to that, I would need around 1200 watts"}, {"start": 2527.64, "end": 2533.3199999999997, "text": " But to have the safe margin against these current pools"}, {"start": 2533.3199999999997, "end": 2535.8799999999997, "text": " From the RTX 3090"}, {"start": 2535.8799999999997, "end": 2538.2799999999997, "text": " That can go up to 600 watts"}, {"start": 2538.2799999999997, "end": 2540.92, "text": " I just went with a much stronger PSU"}, {"start": 2540.92, "end": 2543.7999999999997, "text": " And I decided to go with 1600 watts myself"}, {"start": 2544.7599999999998, "end": 2546.3599999999997, "text": " And that's it"}, {"start": 2546.3599999999997, "end": 2548.52, "text": " The brand and the particular model"}, {"start": 2548.52, "end": 2551.24, "text": " Was recommended across many of these blogs"}, {"start": 2551.24, "end": 2553.4, "text": " So that's why I ended up using them"}, {"start": 2553.4, "end": 2557.4, "text": " So I think even this one is using this particular"}, {"start": 2557.4, "end": 2558.92, "text": " Yeah, it's using the same PSU"}, {"start": 2559.8, "end": 2561.08, "text": " So that's the OpenAI guy"}, {"start": 2561.08, "end": 2565.88, "text": " And also I think this guy is also using EVGA"}, {"start": 2565.88, "end": 2567.4, "text": " Yep, he's also using it"}, {"start": 2567.4, "end": 2572.28, "text": " And so apparently it's a very reputable brand"}, {"start": 2572.28, "end": 2575.4, "text": " And I just decided to go with it"}, {"start": 2575.4, "end": 2575.96, "text": " And that's it"}, {"start": 2575.96, "end": 2577.7200000000003, "text": " I'm not going to focus on the peripheries"}, {"start": 2577.7200000000003, "end": 2578.6800000000003, "text": " Some of the details"}, {"start": 2579.2400000000002, "end": 2580.92, "text": " So I wanted the mechanical keyboard"}, {"start": 2580.92, "end": 2583.88, "text": " And so I've chosen the Cherry MX Browns"}, {"start": 2583.88, "end": 2586.84, "text": " Which are apparently the best ones for typing"}, {"start": 2586.84, "end": 2588.92, "text": " Whereas this one is super silent"}, {"start": 2588.92, "end": 2590.36, "text": " It doesn't have the clicky sound"}, {"start": 2590.36, "end": 2591.6400000000003, "text": " And this one is too loud"}, {"start": 2591.6400000000003, "end": 2593.4, "text": " It has too much of the clicky sound"}, {"start": 2593.4, "end": 2595.32, "text": " And so again, I've done some research there"}, {"start": 2595.32, "end": 2596.44, "text": " And bought the components"}, {"start": 2597.0, "end": 2598.92, "text": " And guys, that's pretty much it"}, {"start": 2600.04, "end": 2601.32, "text": " Let me now quickly show you how"}, {"start": 2601.88, "end": 2605.32, "text": " Again, how you would go about picking your own setup"}, {"start": 2605.32, "end": 2609.08, "text": " So go and see what are the priciest components"}, {"start": 2609.08, "end": 2610.6800000000003, "text": " And those are GPUs and CPUs"}, {"start": 2610.6800000000003, "end": 2612.1200000000003, "text": " If you take a look at my setup here"}, {"start": 2612.1200000000003, "end": 2613.48, "text": " You can use my list, of course"}, {"start": 2613.48, "end": 2615.2400000000002, "text": " It's going to be open and public"}, {"start": 2615.24, "end": 2620.9199999999996, "text": " So you can see that the CPU and the GPUs are the priciest components"}, {"start": 2620.9199999999996, "end": 2622.52, "text": " And there is also the motherboard"}, {"start": 2622.52, "end": 2623.7999999999997, "text": " So depending on your budget"}, {"start": 2623.7999999999997, "end": 2625.64, "text": " What you want to do is you want to max out"}, {"start": 2625.64, "end": 2627.64, "text": " You want to take the best possible GPU"}, {"start": 2627.64, "end": 2629.3199999999997, "text": " If you're doing this for machine learning"}, {"start": 2629.3199999999997, "end": 2631.7999999999997, "text": " GPU is the name of the game"}, {"start": 2631.7999999999997, "end": 2633.8799999999997, "text": " Much more important than the CPU"}, {"start": 2633.8799999999997, "end": 2635.3999999999996, "text": " You just want to have the GPU"}, {"start": 2635.3999999999996, "end": 2639.8799999999997, "text": " And so after that, try and squeeze in the basically"}, {"start": 2640.6, "end": 2643.24, "text": " Some of the CPU and other components"}, {"start": 2643.24, "end": 2645.56, "text": " But you want to max out, to be honest"}, {"start": 2645.56, "end": 2647.9599999999996, "text": " I would max out the money for the GPU"}, {"start": 2647.9599999999996, "end": 2650.3599999999997, "text": " And then try and allocate the rest for everything else"}, {"start": 2650.9199999999996, "end": 2652.7599999999998, "text": " Obviously, I can't give you a particular"}, {"start": 2652.7599999999998, "end": 2655.16, "text": " Each one of you is going to have a different set of needs"}, {"start": 2655.16, "end": 2658.52, "text": " And so by just giving you the tools, the ideas, the way I think"}, {"start": 2658.52, "end": 2660.68, "text": " And do research, hopefully it's going to help you"}, {"start": 2661.56, "end": 2662.4399999999996, "text": " Do it for yourself"}, {"start": 2663.0, "end": 2666.3599999999997, "text": " Okay, so now just as a simple exercise"}, {"start": 2666.3599999999997, "end": 2667.9599999999996, "text": " Let me show you how you would go about"}, {"start": 2667.9599999999996, "end": 2669.64, "text": " Once you have the set of components"}, {"start": 2669.64, "end": 2670.8399999999997, "text": " You've chosen the components"}, {"start": 2670.8399999999997, "end": 2672.2, "text": " You now want to buy the components"}, {"start": 2672.2, "end": 2674.8399999999997, "text": " You obviously don't want to just buy from the first website"}, {"start": 2674.8399999999997, "end": 2676.2799999999997, "text": " You want to do some research"}, {"start": 2676.2799999999997, "end": 2678.7599999999998, "text": " And so if you go and do this"}, {"start": 2678.7599999999998, "end": 2682.2799999999997, "text": " If you just search for this one and just hit price"}, {"start": 2682.8399999999997, "end": 2685.72, "text": " You'll see a lot of websites offering this item"}, {"start": 2685.72, "end": 2688.3599999999997, "text": " And so if you were to just go and be dumb"}, {"start": 2688.3599999999997, "end": 2691.56, "text": " And you go to Amazon and just buy it without doing any research"}, {"start": 2691.56, "end": 2693.56, "text": " You would lose around 200 pounds"}, {"start": 2693.56, "end": 2695.3999999999996, "text": " And that's why this is a great example"}, {"start": 2695.3999999999996, "end": 2697.96, "text": " So I'm going to open up a couple of these websites"}, {"start": 2697.96, "end": 2702.36, "text": " Price Runner and this website Price Spy are aggregators"}, {"start": 2702.36, "end": 2705.56, "text": " So that means they're not selling the case themselves"}, {"start": 2705.56, "end": 2708.36, "text": " They're just pointing to other sites that have"}, {"start": 2708.92, "end": 2710.6, "text": " That are offering the case"}, {"start": 2711.56, "end": 2713.2400000000002, "text": " So let's see what I see"}, {"start": 2713.2400000000002, "end": 2715.56, "text": " So first let's open up the Amazon link"}, {"start": 2715.56, "end": 2716.6, "text": " So here you can see that"}, {"start": 2717.7200000000003, "end": 2718.2, "text": " Let me just"}, {"start": 2718.76, "end": 2720.84, "text": " I'll actually have to type it in manually here"}, {"start": 2720.84, "end": 2724.2, "text": " Because this one doesn't have any price associated with it"}, {"start": 2724.2, "end": 2727.7200000000003, "text": " So you can see here it's offered for 340 pounds"}, {"start": 2727.72, "end": 2730.12, "text": " And I bought it for around 100 something pounds"}, {"start": 2730.12, "end": 2732.2, "text": " And so you can see that this one here"}, {"start": 2732.2, "end": 2734.12, "text": " Which is the same case"}, {"start": 2734.8399999999997, "end": 2737.08, "text": " And has much more reviews"}, {"start": 2737.72, "end": 2740.12, "text": " Doesn't have the price which means it's out of stock"}, {"start": 2740.12, "end": 2743.7999999999997, "text": " And this one probably was offered for 150"}, {"start": 2743.7999999999997, "end": 2745.8799999999997, "text": " And now because it's out of stock"}, {"start": 2745.8799999999997, "end": 2748.3599999999997, "text": " Some competitors can basically offer much more"}, {"start": 2749.08, "end": 2751.64, "text": " Can boost up the prices"}, {"start": 2751.64, "end": 2755.3999999999996, "text": " And you don't want to buy it from here basically"}, {"start": 2755.4, "end": 2758.92, "text": " So if you go here you can find some other companies"}, {"start": 2758.92, "end": 2764.28, "text": " Like these ones that offer it for much lower prices"}, {"start": 2765.08, "end": 2767.88, "text": " But keep in mind you again don't want to just go to a random"}, {"start": 2768.52, "end": 2771.2400000000002, "text": " Company whose reputation you know nothing of"}, {"start": 2771.2400000000002, "end": 2772.2000000000003, "text": " And just buy it"}, {"start": 2772.2000000000003, "end": 2775.08, "text": " Because I've seen a lot of comments and I know people"}, {"start": 2775.08, "end": 2777.2400000000002, "text": " And like you can just go in Google"}, {"start": 2777.2400000000002, "end": 2780.12, "text": " And you'll find in various forums people complaining about"}, {"start": 2780.12, "end": 2781.96, "text": " Like either not getting the item"}, {"start": 2781.96, "end": 2782.92, "text": " The item is broken"}, {"start": 2782.92, "end": 2786.52, "text": " And like a lot of problems if you just go with a random company"}, {"start": 2786.52, "end": 2792.2000000000003, "text": " So you don't want to go and basically do some research"}, {"start": 2792.2000000000003, "end": 2793.0, "text": " On these companies"}, {"start": 2793.0, "end": 2797.2400000000002, "text": " And so what I've done in particular for this case"}, {"start": 2797.8, "end": 2800.28, "text": " I just Googled CCL online"}, {"start": 2801.16, "end": 2803.96, "text": " Because back then on the aggregators"}, {"start": 2803.96, "end": 2806.28, "text": " This was the best price the CCL online"}, {"start": 2806.28, "end": 2807.96, "text": " And so I just opened up the Reddit"}, {"start": 2807.96, "end": 2809.7200000000003, "text": " That's going to be your friend definitely"}, {"start": 2809.7200000000003, "end": 2812.36, "text": " And you open up some of these review sites"}, {"start": 2812.36, "end": 2815.4, "text": " And so on Reddit you can see that the comments are all legit"}, {"start": 2816.28, "end": 2817.96, "text": " Even though they are five years ago"}, {"start": 2817.96, "end": 2820.52, "text": " If something has changed"}, {"start": 2820.52, "end": 2824.1200000000003, "text": " Basically if the company became corrupt since five years ago"}, {"start": 2824.1200000000003, "end": 2827.8, "text": " Somebody would have commented on this thread pretty much"}, {"start": 2827.8, "end": 2830.28, "text": " But you see predominantly positive comments here"}, {"start": 2830.28, "end": 2831.6400000000003, "text": " I use them all the time"}, {"start": 2831.6400000000003, "end": 2832.6800000000003, "text": " They're a good company"}, {"start": 2832.6800000000003, "end": 2833.88, "text": " I've used them quite a lot"}, {"start": 2833.88, "end": 2834.92, "text": " Blah blah blah"}, {"start": 2834.92, "end": 2835.88, "text": " So yeah"}, {"start": 2835.88, "end": 2838.52, "text": " So it seems positive feedback on Reddit"}, {"start": 2838.52, "end": 2840.6, "text": " And you can see positive feedback here"}, {"start": 2840.6, "end": 2845.64, "text": " For 26,000 reviews 4.7 is quite a high grade"}, {"start": 2845.64, "end": 2847.96, "text": " Again keep in mind that these websites"}, {"start": 2847.96, "end": 2849.88, "text": " They are always competing with each other"}, {"start": 2849.88, "end": 2851.4, "text": " And it's not always fair play"}, {"start": 2851.4, "end": 2854.52, "text": " And so they sometimes just hire bots or whatnot"}, {"start": 2855.72, "end": 2860.7599999999998, "text": " Or actual people to put either five stars or one stars"}, {"start": 2860.7599999999998, "end": 2863.3199999999997, "text": " Depending on whether it's your company"}, {"start": 2863.3199999999997, "end": 2866.2799999999997, "text": " That you're doing that for or a competitor"}, {"start": 2866.2799999999997, "end": 2869.64, "text": " And so you can see here a lot of ones recently"}, {"start": 2869.64, "end": 2870.6, "text": " So a lot of ones"}, {"start": 2870.6, "end": 2874.44, "text": " And I suspect I highly suspect this has to do with Black Friday sales"}, {"start": 2874.44, "end": 2876.92, "text": " Because at that point of time"}, {"start": 2876.92, "end": 2879.24, "text": " It's in the best interest of the competitor to"}, {"start": 2880.04, "end": 2882.2, "text": " Well gain all of the market"}, {"start": 2882.2, "end": 2884.92, "text": " And just kind of reduce the credibility of the competitors"}, {"start": 2884.92, "end": 2887.48, "text": " Which is kind of sad practice but people do that"}, {"start": 2887.48, "end": 2890.44, "text": " And so according to these couple of reviews"}, {"start": 2890.44, "end": 2893.72, "text": " You would think this is like 3.2 or something"}, {"start": 2893.72, "end": 2894.52, "text": " It's 4.7"}, {"start": 2894.52, "end": 2895.8799999999997, "text": " So it's kind of hard"}, {"start": 2895.8799999999997, "end": 2897.64, "text": " But like go and open up a couple links"}, {"start": 2897.64, "end": 2899.4, "text": " And then you'll know that the company is legit"}, {"start": 2899.4, "end": 2901.88, "text": " And for me that was the case"}, {"start": 2901.88, "end": 2905.4, "text": " I had a very nice experience dealing with this particular company"}, {"start": 2905.4, "end": 2908.28, "text": " Okay guys that's it for the first video of this series"}, {"start": 2908.28, "end": 2913.4, "text": " I really tried my best to give you as much information as possible"}, {"start": 2913.4, "end": 2915.88, "text": " I'm going to link all of the resources I mentioned"}, {"start": 2915.88, "end": 2917.48, "text": " Down in the video description"}, {"start": 2917.48, "end": 2919.08, "text": " In case anything is missing"}, {"start": 2919.08, "end": 2920.52, "text": " Feel free to comment down below"}, {"start": 2921.08, "end": 2923.32, "text": " Also any feedback is appreciated"}, {"start": 2923.32, "end": 2925.2400000000002, "text": " Let me know if you have any other questions"}, {"start": 2925.2400000000002, "end": 2928.44, "text": " I'll try my best and reply to each one of them"}, {"start": 2928.44, "end": 2930.04, "text": " Over the next couple of weeks"}, {"start": 2930.04, "end": 2935.4, "text": " In the next video we'll see how to assemble the workstation"}, {"start": 2935.4, "end": 2938.92, "text": " And then in the final one we'll see how to install all of the software"}, {"start": 2938.92, "end": 2958.92, "text": " Until then, cheers!"}] |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | High Fidelity Neural Audio Compression | Paper & Code Explained | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's cracking guys, Alex here. In this video I'll be covering a new paper called in codec high f(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 2.58, \"text\": \" What's cracking guys, Alex here.\"}, {\"start\": 2.58(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | Ask Me Anything: A Simple Strategy For Prompting Language Models | Paper Explained | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's up guys, Alex here. In this video I wanna briefly go through this new paper on prompting ca(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 2.32, \"text\": \" What's up guys, Alex here.\"}, {\"start\": 2.32, \"en(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | Make-A-Video: Text-To-Video Generation Without Text-Video Data | Paper Explained | "🚀 Find out how to get started using Weights & Biases 🚀\n\n\n👨(...TRUNCATED) | " What's cracking guys in this video I'm covering make a video from Meta a very cool novel Text to v(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 6.38, \"text\": \" What's cracking guys in this video I'm covering make (...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | AudioGen: Textually Guided Audio Generation | Text To Audio | Paper Explained | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's up guys? In this video I'm covering AudioGen, textually guided audio generation. The idea h(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 5.6000000000000005, \"text\": \" What's up guys? In this video I'm cover(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | OpenAI Whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision | Paper and Code | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " OpenAI just open sourced Whisper, which is an automatic speech recognition system that's approachi(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 2.64, \"text\": \" OpenAI just open sourced Whisper,\"}, {\"start\": 2.6(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | BigScience BLOOM | 3D Parallelism Explained | Large Language Models | ML Coding Series | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's cracking guys, Alex here. In this video, I'm doing the fourth video of the large language m(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 2.52, \"text\": \" What's cracking guys, Alex here.\"}, {\"start\": 2.52(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | OPT-175B: Open Pretrained Transformer | ML Coding Series | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's cracking guys? Alex here. In this video, I'll be walking you through the code base behind t(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 7.0, \"text\": \" What's cracking guys? Alex here. In this video, I'll b(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | GPT-NeoX-20B | BigScience BLOOM | OPT-175B | Training Large Language Models | Papers Explained | "🚀 Find out how to get started using Weights & Biases 🚀\n\n\n❤️(...TRUNCATED) | " What's up guys in this video I'll be covering three very famous large language model papers And al(...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 5.7, \"text\": \" What's up guys in this video I'll be covering three ve(...TRUNCATED) |
Aleksa Gordić - The AI Epiphany | | Stable Diffusion: High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models | ML Coding Series | "❤️ Become The AI Epiphany Patreon ❤️\n\n\n👨👩(...TRUNCATED) | " What's up guys, Alex here. In this video we are doing a deep dive into stable diffusion model and (...TRUNCATED) | "[{\"start\": 0.0, \"end\": 16.0, \"text\": \" What's up guys, Alex here. In this video we are doing(...TRUNCATED) |
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