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guys if you haven't already make sure to follow the podcast on spotify and apple podcast it helps us more than you could imagine all right guys so before we get into today's video of course shout out the homies over at bet ball for coming through and helping out the fellas podcast now if you guys don't know what bet bull is it is a social uh sports betting app right and what you can do is you go on there you follow your favorite people like the fellas make sure you follow us on there right and you can actually go ahead and see what sort of bets we're putting down seeing how we get on there's also chat rooms so you can actually see us live what win the bet be happy celebrate whatever it is um there's live chat rooms which is amazing um it makes it a lot more fun but hey look if you don't want to follow our uh tips and tricks then they also have ex footballers as well darren bent the fifa NUMBER_TOKEN goat and just a bunch of other people on there so make sure you go ahead and check us out on the bet ball app now don't forget by joining the bet ball family you will actually get yourself NUMBER_TOKEN pounds in free bets and a hundred percent in odd boosts now if that i mean look what's so not to like about free bets i mean really in order to access that though you do have to use our link in the description not gonna lie guys this weekend is absolute carnage we have a seriously massive one we've got liverpool and chelsea that is an insane game by the way another insane game is also man city versus arsenal so you know this weekend is going to be filled with drama now this week we've gone for real madrid saint etienne ausberg and west ham all to win okay now this was at NUMBER_TOKEN to one um and we placed NUMBER_TOKEN pounds so doing the math there we should get NUMBER_TOKEN quid back and of course that ball said they wanted in on the action as well and they're backing us so what they've decided to do is actually give a NUMBER_TOKEN odd boost on that particular bet if you go ahead and follow us on there now that particular boost will be live on friday for NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people okay and uh for them if you put down that NUMBER_TOKEN pounds you'll actually get NUMBER_TOKEN back now remember it's there's only a thousand people that can get this and it's live from friday so guys if that does interest you and let me tell you bet bull is something different to the other ones just in terms of the social interaction it's just it's just more enjoyable it's an enjoyable experience but as always with these things you have to be over NUMBER_TOKEN guys and then not only that but please make sure you guys are doing this responsibly it should just be for fun and leave it at that that's always the case with these things of course t's and c supplies and make sure you gamble responsibly enjoy guys episode NUMBER_TOKEN. chip you're looking good today thank you brother i feel great uh so you guys are probably wondering yo where the hell is your chippo crimes well unfortunately chippo got struck down by the mighty vid aka kovid aka and i've been brought in once again as the ringer yeah the republicans one two three hat-trick ball hat
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN all right guys so before we get into today's video of course shout out the homies over at bet ball for coming through and helping out the fellas podcast now if you guys don't know what bet bull is it is a social uh sports betting app right and what you can do is you go on there you follow your favorite people like the fellas make sure you follow us on there right and you can actually go ahead and see what sort of bets we're putting down seeing how we get on there's also chat rooms so you can actually see us live what win the bet be happy celebrate whatever it is um there's live chat rooms which is amazing um it makes it a lot more fun but hey look if you don't want to follow our uh tips and tricks then they also have ex footballers as well darren bent the fifa NUMBER_TOKEN goat and just a bunch of other people on there so make sure you go ahead and check us out on the bet ball app now don't forget by joining the bet ball family you will actually get yourself NUMBER_TOKEN pounds in free bets and a hundred percent in odd boosts now if that i mean look what's so not to like about free bets i mean really in order to access that though you do have to use our link in the description not gonna lie guys this weekend is absolute carnage we have a seriously massive one we've got liverpool and chelsea that is an insane game by the way another insane game is also man city versus arsenal so you know this weekend is going to be filled with drama now this week we've gone for real madrid saint etienne ausberg and west ham all to win okay now this was at NUMBER_TOKEN to one um and we placed NUMBER_TOKEN pounds so doing the math there we should get NUMBER_TOKEN quid back and of course that ball said they wanted in on the action as well and they're backing us so what they've decided to do is actually give a NUMBER_TOKEN odd boost on that particular bet if you go ahead and follow us on there now that particular boost will be live on friday for NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people okay and uh for them if you put down that NUMBER_TOKEN pounds you'll actually get NUMBER_TOKEN back now remember it's there's only a thousand people that can get this and it's live from friday so guys if that does interest you and let me tell you bet bull is something different to the other ones just in terms of the social interaction it's just it's just more enjoyable it's an enjoyable experience but as always with these things you have to be over NUMBER_TOKEN guys and then not only that but please make sure you guys are doing this responsibly it should just be for fun and leave it at that that's always the case with these things of course t's and c supplies and make sure you gamble responsibly enjoy guys END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
testing how nasty my gf is she cheating on you with your best friend on your bed bro how is she even alive right now and she's pregnant oh my PROFANITY_TOKEN god and you really you really gonna take her back bro she really did it on your bed and she got pregnant you won't take her back because you love her because she was your first what no there's no way there's no way
this video is sponsored by URL_TOKEN the fast smooth and secure skin marketplace with a large collection of every skin imaginable far cheaper than on steam choose your favorite skin and buy it in an instant super low selling fees only six percent for items valued at over one thousand dollars the highest rate in marketplace with NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN stars rating on trust pilots buy you dream skins now with the link in the description welcome on stage navi
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is sponsored by URL_TOKEN the fast smooth and secure skin marketplace with a large collection of every skin imaginable far cheaper than on steam choose your favorite skin and buy it in an instant super low selling fees only six percent for items valued at over one thousand dollars the highest rate in marketplace with NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN stars rating on trust pilots buy you dream skins now with the link in the description END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
scroll down here you can see it was designed for mac os and actually being in the software it re it really was it completely follows the concepts and uh theming schemes and everything that you'd expect out of a mac os system and the actual setup process is very similar to something like virtualbox but overall it's just kind of set up a little bit better so this right here is the software and you can see it's beautiful i've been testing out a couple different things in it and if i go over to browse utm gallery this is all the systems and distributions and operating systems that at the moment they've confirmed to work perfectly fine on this system and we can see we have a lot of different options we have arch linux a couple different debians we have react os ubuntu and older NUMBER_TOKEN but we also have NUMBER_TOKEN which is what we're going to be installing in this video additionally you can run the arm version of windows NUMBER_TOKEN and then we have the xNUMBER_TOKEN version of windows NUMBER_TOKEN and windows xp so before we actually get into the installation of this i'm still on my quest to actually pay for this thing so i'd like to thank our sponsor of this video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions of people come together to take the next step in their creative journey they offer thousands of classes including illustration design photography video freelancing and much more i've been using skillshare a lot recently to improve the quality of my content if you take a look at something i recorded a year ago compared to today there is a huge difference now skillshare is for just about everybody whether if you're a beginner pro the dabblers or if you are a master in your art who is looking to refine their skills i recently finished up the course by mkbhd and it was overall magnificent and from there i've been jumping into a lot of different davinci resolve content since i've started using that video editor a lot more and skillshare has been my go-to resource in this regard also the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people to use the link in the description will get a free month of skill share so make sure you check out that link down below to get your free month so you can see what i've been talking about and once more thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video so with all that said now what we're going to do is get into the actual installation so here i am on utm and what we're going to be doing is installing this ubuntu instance now i will note you are going to want to go ahead and download the ubuntu server for arm that is what it's going to be using but do not worry we are not going to be just installing a server we're going to be installing a gui into all that fun stuff so we're going to go create a new virtual machine and i'm just going to go ahead and name this ubuntu now from right here you can go ahead kind of like with virtualbox you could give it a style so we're going to go with the operating system and we're going to go ahead and select this ubuntu icon from there we're going to want to go over to system we're going to give it a little bit more ram because half a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN i'd like to thank our sponsor of this video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions of people come together to take the next step in their creative journey they offer thousands of classes including illustration design photography video freelancing and much more i've been using skillshare a lot recently to improve the quality of my content if you take a look at something i recorded a year ago compared to today there is a huge difference now skillshare is for just about everybody whether if you're a beginner pro the dabblers or if you are a master in your art who is looking to refine their skills i recently finished up the course by mkbhd and it was overall magnificent and from there i've been jumping into a lot of different davinci resolve content since i've started using that video editor a lot more and skillshare has been my go-to resource in this regard also the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people to use the link in the description will get a free month of skill share so make sure you check out that link down below to get your free month so you can see what i've been talking about and once more thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
nice new caldera gas station i imagine we're going to see a few iterations of it but look how open it is good luck fighting out of here
did you put it in dewford oh no my friend and i hit a mew encounter somewhere in the hoenn region for the other person to find we could place the viewing counter literally anywhere the routes the cities the water anywhere and whoever found it first won so here's how it went i'm not gonna lie i know exactly where you put it i do too route NUMBER_TOKEN it's so easy you're not actually checking route NUMBER_TOKEN right come on do you really think i'd be that obvious wait come on now we gotta restart i didn't even mod it right as i was saying i know exactly where you put it i'm gonna wait i i will just make the biggest pick of my life i was gonna say i'm gonna go where i put it and see if you put it there but you can see my screen until we can see each of the screen i'm like maybe i shouldn't do that but it's fine i'm still gonna win i have no doubt in my mind is there is there a prize uh i'll give you three dollars you know what that's three mcdoubles i am down with it y'all could you guys are putting the title whoever won this game get three like broke mr beast frank you understand this can literally take NUMBER_TOKEN hours i mean listen there's only like what NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN areas in the game yeah but every area like okay right now i'm in what is this place called the the seafloor cavern there's like five different floors well you better get checking real quick before we keep looking here's a message from our sponsor this video is sponsored by beccarina macarena is the first mobile game that honestly captures the feel of a shooter from a pc or console on your phone you got two teams of five going head-to-head in a bunch of different game modes however you want to play it competitive casual it's got something for you you can hit the battle button be in a game within seconds you can play against random people or with your friends and i'm going to be playing with dylan and vinnie literally right now to show you guys how that goes why are you walking into the wall i was just gonna say i thought that was gonna open up this is a terrible start how about this vinny you handle dylan i'll just handle the cpu right okay don't worry i'm not i'm not why do you mean you handle dylan i want to handle the cpu
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN real quick before we keep looking here's a message from our sponsor this video is sponsored by beccarina macarena is the first mobile game that honestly captures the feel of a shooter from a pc or console on your phone you got two teams of five going head-to-head in a bunch of different game modes however you want to play it competitive casual it's got something for you you can hit the battle button be in a game within seconds you can play against random people or with your friends and i'm going to be playing with dylan and vinnie literally right now to show you guys how that goes why are you walking into the wall i was just gonna say i thought that was gonna open up this is a terrible start how about this vinny you handle dylan i'll just handle the cpu right okay don't worry i'm not i'm not why do you mean you handle dylan i want to handle the cpu END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
nick of time to lend a helping hand to a fellow spidey in need so no one else has to endure what he went through the most compelling evidence for this so far happens while green goblin is monologuing in voice over to peter about how he's struggling to have everything he wants while the world tries to make him choose included during that sequence is a quick shot of peter and mj kissing which at first glance is in there just to hammer home that mj is important to him however if you look closer you'll notice that it's daylight and that places this most likely after the climactic battle at the statue of liberty mj is wearing the same outfit she wore as she was falling to her doom during that battle and peter bruised bloodied and grimy as wearing the same spider-man costume he had on during his big presumably final fight as well now this doesn't feel like a simple kiss despite what we see here it feels like they're saying goodbye to each other and based on the trailers we know the rifts and the multiverse only get worse and worse as the battle rages on and doctor strange is worried that he won't be able to stop them at all and given that this all started in the first place because peter interrupted doctor strange's spell which was intended to erase the world's memory of him being spider-man the only way to undo that damage seems to be completing the spell if peter doesn't help doctor strange complete that spell then perhaps an injured aunt may could die the multiverse could continue to come apart at the seams and the world will still know exactly who peter parker really is which keeps mj in harm's way as well now if peter does help doctor strange complete the spell that normalcy he felt when mj knew who he really was their relationship the happiness he felt during that one week and far from home that will be long gone mj will forget who he is the breach in the multiverse could be sealed off and maybe they'll be able to save aunt may in the process but it's a big price to pay now of course we know that our time in the multiverse is just getting started and spoiler alert for venom let there be carnage and potentially morbius we still have to deal with some other sony spiderman villains waiting in the wings but with that said all signs point to peter having to make the most difficult choice of his young life before this film's prodigious run time comes to a close now as with any of these theories only time will tell and you'd better believe we're going to keep overthinking every aspect of no way home until spider-man finally swings into theaters on december NUMBER_TOKENth in the meantime though we have plenty of other theories explainers and marvel deep dives waiting for you over on URL_TOKEN for now though tell us what do you think of this theory what important choices do you think peter will have to make in this movie you know he actually made a really mature choice just surprised the heck out of us let us know in the comments below be sure to like and share this video with your friends and subscribe to nerdist if you haven't already done so and while you're at it whip that notification bell so you never miss a new video and as always for the latest and greatest
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN in the meantime though we have plenty of other theories explainers and marvel deep dives waiting for you over on URL_TOKEN END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_INTERACTION_TOKEN for now though tell us what do you think of this theory what important choices do you think peter will have to make in this movie you know he actually made a really mature choice just surprised the heck out of us let us know in the comments below be sure to like and share this video with your friends and subscribe to nerdist if you haven't already done so and while you're at it whip that notification bell so you never miss a new video END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
anyway let's keep going now for the bad news tonight's challenge was all about duos so that being said we are only going to be calling down the bottom two dishes tonight please step forward sarah
today i have the good fortune to be joined by micah bergdale who is the ceo of jules incorporated which is a new eevee car rental startup let's have a chat
and large pressure differences result in bubbles of unstable air and shock waves around the propeller tips the disturbed air results in an increase in drag and a reduction in propeller efficiency and could lead to other complications like propeller stall keeping the propeller efficiency as high as possible at the expected operating speeds is thus an important criterion in propeller design the propeller efficiency can be thought of as the ratio of power in the form of thrust produced by the propeller to the power actually produced by the engine this graph shows the typical propeller efficiency profile for a fixed pitched world war ii aircraft relative to speed we can see that the propeller efficiency rapidly plummets at higher speeds as air becomes more unstable over the propeller propellers spinning at supersonic speeds with this kind of efficiency curve are untenable if propeller planes were to compete with jets engineers needed a way to prevent this drop-off in efficiency for this reason the supersonic propeller of the thunderscreech was much shorter in length effectively delaying the shockwave formation for as long as possible by reducing the circumference the tip needs to travel during a single rotation this reduces the tip velocity a propeller with half the radius will have half the tip velocity even if it is spinning at the same angular velocity however this alone is not enough to prevent efficiency issues of a supersonic propeller the propeller of the thunderscreech after all was rotating at supersonic speeds even when on the runway the next big difference between conventional propellers and supersonic propellers is the angle at which the blade is placed relative to the air striking it supersonic propellers are fitted with a much larger angle to the axis of rotation relative to conventional propellers and critically the thunderscreech had a variable pitch propeller meaning the propeller can change its angle of attack at different speeds to optimize efficiency to understand this let's look at a normal aerofoil cross-section when it travels forward it will provide lift perpendicular to the cord line if the aerofoil increases its angle of attack which is the angle between the direction of movement and the chord line the lift and drag of the aerofoil will change in magnitude we can map this with the lift to drag ratio which is essentially our efficiency curve for an aerofoil we can see that the wing generates the most lift for the least drag penalty at an angle of attack of two to four degrees a propeller is essentially an aerofoil but its free body diagram is a little more complicated because not only is the propeller aerofoil moving forward relative to the plane's direction of movement but it is also rotating around the axis of the drive shaft let's name these two separate velocities propeller velocity is the speed of the propeller rotation and plane velocity will be the forward velocity of the plane these two velocities combine into a new vector called blade path this blade path angle is not at the same angle as the angle of attack of the propeller blade but critically the blade path is the actual angle of attack of air traveling over the propeller to understand this let's see what happens to a fixed propeller when we increase our propeller velocity right now we are looking at the optimum angle of attack of around NUMBER_TOKEN degrees but if we increase the propeller velocity the angle of attack begins to increase reducing the propeller efficiency the same happens if we lower the propeller velocity both move us away from
there are rollers built here just behind the tube so when you need to reload you close the outer door you open the inner door your torpedo is on a sled that's on a fixed rail here so you just slide that sled out so it's right behind the door that you're loading it in and then it'll roll right over this and into the tube piece of cake while a NUMBER_TOKEN inch gun turret may need up to NUMBER_TOKEN guys the torpedo room in a submarine houses NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN. and when i say houzz i don't just mean they work here many of them sleep here as well in beds that are stored between the torpedo racks what's the most uncomfortable sleeping place on any boats you might have served on have you ever had to sleep with the torpedoes let us know in the comment section down below battleship new jersey receives operating support from the new jersey department of state and also from a number of other businesses and private individuals like yourself we really appreciate the support there's a link in the description below if you'd like to continue to support us there's also a link to ism if you would like to support restoration work on the submarine bucuna another way you can support us is by liking sharing and subscribing that way more people find out about us and our museum there's also a link down there to some videos that independent seaport museum has done so if you like the content we're making be sure to check theirs out too thanks for watching this video was filmed with uh content help from my counterpart here greg williams greg shows up in all of the bacuna videos that ism produces and uh he is the submarine manager here so thank you for your support greg
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN battleship new jersey receives operating support from the new jersey department of state and also from a number of other businesses and private individuals like yourself we really appreciate the support there's a link in the description below if you'd like to continue to support us there's also a link to ism if you would like to support restoration work on the submarine bucuna another way you can support us is by liking sharing and subscribing that way more people find out about us and our museum there's also a link down there to some videos that independent seaport museum has done so if you like the content we're making be sure to check theirs out too thanks for watching this video was filmed with uh content help from my counterpart here greg williams greg shows up in all of the bacuna videos that ism produces and uh he is the submarine manager here so thank you for your support END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
cartoon field and you know you might shave off more of this area or more round or you know whatever decision you make there but the main thing is this that you're gonna slice some of that off and then you're gonna define a line down the middle so vertically and then you're gonna think about the distance the main thing is that these should be even and I probably won't get a completely even version or even hind going across always struggle with that but this isn't about it being perfect so just keep that in mind this is about getting placement of this and and there's gonna be lots of opportunity to refine the work as we go so I never really worried about this being too overly correct in that regard it's more about the segmentation so essentially what you've got here now is you've got the top of this line of the circle here or oval off to the side it'll be an oval when we view it from different angles and then so this gives us our first NUMBER_TOKEN/NUMBER_TOKEN our second NUMBER_TOKEN/NUMBER_TOKEN then we're gonna take this distance and we're gonna add that one more time now again this is going to change based on the characters that you're designing but this will give you your basic one thirds of the face now just so you're aware what this is what we should be looking at this is your brow line this would be the nose and then this would be the the chin and then we're also going to divide this last part into thirds so one two and three and now what this does is it gives us the top of the lip the bottom of the lip can I have a little dimple the chin or the build up of the skin right there or whatever going to call it but but essentially that's that's the breakdown we're gonna get more into the separation of the face I really want you to just focus on the NUMBER_TOKEN/NUMBER_TOKEN so we're gonna do some examples of that right now but this is the basis of it from a forward-facing point and then as you were to you know soft erase this and redraw it you'll see that we end up with more the head shape doing something like this we attach that jawline and you know this is gonna change based on a male female masculine scrawny whatever whatever you're going for with your characters and the other thing to keep in mind before we get into some examples I just want to show you that you really want to think about the head tapering like this as well so that's kind of why we study the skull as well so that we don't get in the habit of just drawing these faces you know overly straight up and down from the head from the cranium to the jaw line because there's almost always if not always a bit of taper there so I just want you to be aware of that so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the same example and again we're just focusing on that idea of thirds in the top line so you know also gives you your your hairline and again these are all gonna float around but it gives you those one thirds to work with so now let's go ahead and implement so let's draw from various angles and talk about that all right so now with this one we're gonna take the same information we're gonna do it again but we're gonna tilt the head and draw it a
to make this enter and then github like that and then username for the label i'm actually going to hide the label i don't want any label here i'm going to show the clear button that's fine and then for the prefix icon let's go with a user so let's click user like this and we'll just do a little user icon looks good to me um other than that i want kind of a chart so that i can actually view the github history right so let's go with chart let's drag this in i'll make this a little bit bigger and then we can extend this so it just lines up with the chart now we will write the content of the chart in a second but for now i just want to put that in and for the title of the chart i should be able to find this somewhere bar chart data source okay title here we are let's go with commit history like that perfect that's our title and we'll leave it as a bar chart for now now i will change the name to just be commit history and i'm also going to change the name of this input field here to be github and then username because we're going to reference this in our code perfect okay so now we have our input and we have our chart the next thing i'm going to do is insert a table and this table is going to show all of our github repositories so right now you can see the data is from URL_TOKEN we'll change that in a minute but let's put some text above this and i'll show you that with the text it's really cool you can actually directly just use markdown inside of this text so if i go here i can select markdown or plain text with markdown what i can do is something like this i can do let's go with three pound signs for heading three and then let's make this repositories did i spell that right repositories i think i did okay now if i want this to be center let's just lay that out in the center i'm going to make that go down just so it lines up a bit with that field and for now that looks good to me perfect now let's just change the name of this table and let's make this repo table great okay so there we go we have kind of the first part of our ui so let's deal with this part right now and then we'll work with the hundred days of code track okay so i want to display some data in the commit history and this data is going to be based on whatever i type in here right so if i type tech with tim then i want to display tech with tim's commit history so what i need to do is run a query on my github resource here and that's going to give me all of the commit history for a specific user so the first thing i'm going to do here is just change the name of this query so let's just click rename here and let's make this get commit like this and then data now before i even do the query i'll show you that if we want to use the data from this query in commit history what we can do is just go to data source here and just put the name of the query so URL_TOKEN you can see the autocomplete
yeah he's fine i like after NUMBER_TOKEN seconds go find candy griffin and raper okay you're like god bring me the head of kathy greenfield see you'd be a great uncle sam because you get to do all that yeah we get it we're going to get kathy griffin we're going to bring it it's going to be my life with kathy griffin's on my team we're going to change it up we're going to change it to the radiator we're going to beat the hell out of them with those tiny huda bats for the novelty we're gonna get those little there's little wooden bats we're gonna hit his shins really hard so she can't stand up and we're gonna recreate black snake moan right here the white house libraries are chained yeah see for an uncle sam like if he didn't have any actual power but he could just go on tv whenever he wanted and say PROFANITY_TOKEN that'd be awesome how fast do you think that gets abolished the uncle sam thing you can't do it i think if you're in that i think i'd be trying for it i don't think that yeah like like a real effort you know like yeah a lot more enthusiastic realistically if that happened it would be almost immediately they would be like okay we created this uncle sam character he's basically gonna be the queen of america or king of america we're gonna spend six trillion tax dollars building a like a trump hotel yeah two mile tall log cabin from the women yeah it's made of pure gold and it has the PROFANITY_TOKEN trump logo at the top of it it's right behind the white house yeah so just overshadow it over PROFANITY_TOKEN and it blocks the PROFANITY_TOKEN washington memorial everything and yeah just cast a shadow on everything that's kind of awesome though
wait wait there's actually weight that's wrong that's wrong uh rookie six oh right rookies yeah yeah you cut laterally yeah you get the rook off and then yeah the whole whole technique
hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel i hope you guys are all having an incredible day today hope you're ready to get stuck into part two of the family murders i will link part one down below in the description if you haven't seen it it's also just the most recent video on my channel after this one in part one though we spoke about the five murders that a suspected group of people referred to as the family committed before we get into the case i just want to thank today's sponsor majuri for making this video possible i cannot tell you how excited i am to be working with one of my favorite brands of all time i get literally all of my jewelry from a jury because it's all just so timeless and classic and the quality is amazing and i'm just so excited to be working with them i wear these necklaces almost every single day and every time they're visible in a personal story i always get a million questions where they're from and they're from mijuri they go with absolutely everything and they're just my favorite necklaces ever this one is the engravable tag necklace which i got engraved with a little bee for bella and then this one is the gold chain necklace and i got a k diamond leather pendant to go on it and then i'm also wearing the pave diamond midi hoops the medium two poops and the diamond mini cluster studs which i just am obsessed with i think they just stack so well together on the ears and this is also another everyday piece for me it is the solo diamond baguette bracelet it's just so subtle and classic and i love it jewelry just always brings a little bit more pizzazz to your outfit and just to how you look i feel like it always makes me feel like i look a little bit more put together which is why i love these everyday majuri pieces so much because they're the same pieces that i wear every single day they go with everything like i said they're just so timeless and classic and i always just feel a little bit more put together when i'm wearing them and majuri does it new drops every single monday with new and fresh pieces so there's always something to look for i'll leave links to all the pieces i've spoken about in the description down below and also a link to the majuri website so you can have a squiz at all of their beautiful pieces honestly there's so much goodness i would buy the entire website if i could okay so let's go ahead and get back into part two of the case so in NUMBER_TOKEN the drug mandrax had some stricter laws put on in australia because it was known to be used in quite a lot of date rape crimes and so from that point forward chemists had to record their stock levels every three months and the central board of health also had to approve the prescribing of mandrax if it was going to be used for longer than six months so after this the stock of the drug was reducing more and more in australia it was being prescribed less and less and there was also a record of every single time it was prescribed to somebody and who it was prescribed to asmandrax was used to sedate both mark langley and richard kelvin detectives bob o'brien and trevor kipling in NUMBER_TOKEN went
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN into the case i just want to thank today's sponsor majuri for making this video possible i cannot tell you how excited i am to be working with one of my favorite brands of all time i get literally all of my jewelry from a jury because it's all just so timeless and classic and the quality is amazing and i'm just so excited to be working with them i wear these necklaces almost every single day and every time they're visible in a personal story i always get a million questions where they're from and they're from mijuri they go with absolutely everything and they're just my favorite necklaces ever this one is the engravable tag necklace which i got engraved with a little bee for bella and then this one is the gold chain necklace and i got a k diamond leather pendant to go on it and then i'm also wearing the pave diamond midi hoops the medium two poops and the diamond mini cluster studs which i just am obsessed with i think they just stack so well together on the ears and this is also another everyday piece for me it is the solo diamond baguette bracelet it's just so subtle and classic and i love it jewelry just always brings a little bit more pizzazz to your outfit and just to how you look i feel like it always makes me feel like i look a little bit more put together which is why i love these everyday majuri pieces so much because they're the same pieces that i wear every single day they go with everything like i said they're just so timeless and classic and i always just feel a little bit more put together when i'm wearing them and majuri does it new drops every single monday with new and fresh pieces so there's always something to look for i'll leave links to all the pieces i've spoken about in the description down below and also a link to the majuri website so you can have a squiz at all of their beautiful pieces honestly there's so much goodness i would buy the entire website if i could okay so let's go END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
take a quick break and we'll be right back did you know that every year property crimes like burglaries and package thefts spike over the holiday season that's why there is no better time than now to invest in simply safe and this week simply safe is giving our mile higher listeners NUMBER_TOKEN off their award-winning home security system and we love simply safe because it has everything that you need to make your home safe indoor and outdoor cameras which really come in handy and simply safe has comprehensive sensors and all of it is monitored around the clock by trained professionals who send help the instant that you need it simply safe was even named the best home security system of NUMBER_TOKEN by u.s news and world report and with simply safe you can easily customize a system in your home online in just minutes and you even get free custom recommendations from simplisafe these are simply safe's biggest discounts of the year so now's the time to get on this you can get a complete home security system starting at just over a hundred dollars there are no long-term commitments or contracts and it's a really easy way to start feeling a bit more peace of mind we love our simply safe system it just really does give us that peace of mind and it's nice to be able to easily check your outdoor cameras and make sure nothing's going on when you hear a creepy sound so take advantage of simply safe's holiday sale and get NUMBER_TOKEN off your new home security system by visiting URL_TOKEN milehire again that's URL_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN off your entire system and hurry guys this offer is ending soon if you're looking for ways to skip the trip to the post office and dodge all that hectic holiday shopping traffic why not save time and money with URL_TOKEN i love URL_TOKEN i've been using them for several years now and i love that they make it so that i never have to visit the post office ever again because i can use URL_TOKEN in order to compare rates print labels and ship my packages for my company anywhere i need to go so whether you're selling online or you're running an office or side hustle URL_TOKEN can save you so much time money and stress during the holidays you get to access all the post office and ups shipping services you need without taking that ride to the post office best of all you get discounts you can't find anywhere else like up to NUMBER_TOKEN percent off usps rates and NUMBER_TOKEN percent off ups this has saved me tons and tons of money over the years going to the post office instead of using URL_TOKEN is kind of like taking the stairs instead of the elevator just going up a couple of floors sure take the stairs but walking up NUMBER_TOKEN flights a day you could use a brake if you spend more than a few minutes a week dealing with mail and shipping then URL_TOKEN is a lifesaver you'll save so much time and money and you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner so save time and money this holiday season with URL_TOKEN sign up with the promo code mile higher for a special offer that includes a four week trial free postage and a digital scale and best of all there's no long-term commitments or contracts love it just go to URL_TOKEN and click the microphone at the top of the home page to get started and enter code mile higher that's one word mile higher so ron and iva went back to the administrative office to beg the staff to help them find amy they asked them to plan an announcement over the loudspeaker which totally makes sense but the staff initially refused telling them that it was too early to
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN take a quick break and we'll be right back did you know that every year property crimes like burglaries and package thefts spike over the holiday season that's why there is no better time than now to invest in simply safe and this week simply safe is giving our mile higher listeners NUMBER_TOKEN off their award-winning home security system and we love simply safe because it has everything that you need to make your home safe indoor and outdoor cameras which really come in handy and simply safe has comprehensive sensors and all of it is monitored around the clock by trained professionals who send help the instant that you need it simply safe was even named the best home security system of NUMBER_TOKEN by u.s news and world report and with simply safe you can easily customize a system in your home online in just minutes and you even get free custom recommendations from simplisafe these are simply safe's biggest discounts of the year so now's the time to get on this you can get a complete home security system starting at just over a hundred dollars there are no long-term commitments or contracts and it's a really easy way to start feeling a bit more peace of mind we love our simply safe system it just really does give us that peace of mind and it's nice to be able to easily check your outdoor cameras and make sure nothing's going on when you hear a creepy sound so take advantage of simply safe's holiday sale and get NUMBER_TOKEN off your new home security system by visiting URL_TOKEN milehire again that's URL_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN off your entire system and hurry guys this offer is ending soon if you're looking for ways to skip the trip to the post office and dodge all that hectic holiday shopping traffic why not save time and money with URL_TOKEN i love URL_TOKEN i've been using them for several years now and i love that they make it so that i never have to visit the post office ever again because i can use URL_TOKEN in order to compare rates print labels and ship my packages for my company anywhere i need to go so whether you're selling online or you're running an office or side hustle URL_TOKEN can save you so much time money and stress during the holidays you get to access all the post office and ups shipping services you need without taking that ride to the post office best of all you get discounts you can't find anywhere else like up to NUMBER_TOKEN percent off usps rates and NUMBER_TOKEN percent off ups this has saved me tons and tons of money over the years going to the post office instead of using URL_TOKEN is kind of like taking the stairs instead of the elevator just going up a couple of floors sure take the stairs but walking up NUMBER_TOKEN flights a day you could use a brake if you spend more than a few minutes a week dealing with mail and shipping then URL_TOKEN is a lifesaver you'll save so much time and money and you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner so save time and money this holiday season with URL_TOKEN sign up with the promo code mile higher for a special offer that includes a four week trial free postage and a digital scale and best of all there's no long-term commitments or contracts love it just go to URL_TOKEN and click the microphone at the top of the home page to get started and enter code mile higher that's one word mile higher so ron and END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
theory we're finally going to see clearly the pinks are theory okay you guys get your fine-tooth combs out it is time to frame by frame some trailer first of all this movie just looks like it is going to be a straight up love letter to the entire sci-fi genre i mean just in the trailer alone it looks like there are nods and references to all kinds of stuff some of which i'm sure are even just going over my head but like right out of the gate just look at this shot of buzz's ship in this swamp this is almost a picture-perfect recreation of luke's x-wing on dagub except of course for you know the zerg bot in the background but more of that as we go my first thought when watching this trailer was just when on earth is this happening because the one thing we know for sure is that this is the real life story of the man who inspires the action figure that andy eventually asks for for his birthday that means that whether or not you subscribe to like you know the full on pixar theory which of course you should that at the very least this story is still canon to the toy story timeline but my goodness if that's true then seriously when is it happening because assuming the buzz lightyear action figures came out in NUMBER_TOKEN which seems reasonable given the hype around the action figures like at al's toy barn and stuff plus the commercials actively playing on tv at sid's house the world's greatest superhero now the world's greatest toy but we also know sputnik is a thing that happened in the toy story timeline thanks to the prospector two words sputnik once the astronauts went up children only wanted to play with space toys sputnik was launched in NUMBER_TOKEN and toy story takes place in NUMBER_TOKEN that means there's just a NUMBER_TOKEN-year window in which this could happen which i agree does sound like a lot except that the technology we're seeing in the light year trailer seems to far outstrip the available technology we're seeing in toy story but hey speaking of outdated technology we need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor candid yeah which that segway huh guys when i was growing up i had crooked teeth and the only option for correcting them was braces which like yeah they worked but they were uncomfortable expensive clunky and took forever like i had braces from NUMBER_TOKENth to NUMBER_TOKENth grade which in like middle school high school time is an eternity honestly some days i'm not sure i still don't have them but that's where candid comes in because a candid makes removable comfortable invisible aligners that work fast and what sets candid apart from other aligner companies is that they only work with orthodontists people who specialize in moving your teeth and with candid you work with the same orthodontist who created your plan from start to finish and and there is no need to ever physically enter a doctor's office the entire thing can be done remotely but if you'd prefer to go in person you can also book an appointment at a candid studio near you the average candid treatment is just six months but you'll start seeing results way before then and it costs thousands less than traditional braces candid can help you get the straighter brighter smile you've always wanted and our viewers can get NUMBER_TOKEN off their candid starter kit today when they get started from home or
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but hey speaking of outdated technology we need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor candid yeah which that segway huh guys when i was growing up i had crooked teeth and the only option for correcting them was braces which like yeah they worked but they were uncomfortable expensive clunky and took forever like i had braces from NUMBER_TOKENth to NUMBER_TOKENth grade which in like middle school high school time is an eternity honestly some days i'm not sure i still don't have them but that's where candid comes in because a candid makes removable comfortable invisible aligners that work fast and what sets candid apart from other aligner companies is that they only work with orthodontists people who specialize in moving your teeth and with candid you work with the same orthodontist who created your plan from start to finish and and there is no need to ever physically enter a doctor's office the entire thing can be done remotely but if you'd prefer to go in person you can also book an appointment at a candid studio near you the average candid treatment is just six months but you'll start seeing results way before then and it costs thousands less than traditional braces candid can help you get the straighter brighter smile you've always wanted and our viewers can get NUMBER_TOKEN off their candid starter kit today when they get started from home or END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
was it like did he like try to look really jacked and say like really intelligent stuff or what oh you got a clip let's see let's see what the clip is dude i'm atriact i hate i hate it already let's see what we got here dude i'm atriact
service to get started and get free shipping all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN rollins or just click the link in the description box to change the way you roll okay browns and baker let's do this we'll start with where baker is still excelling this year despite the injuries to his shoulder his talent shines the brightest when he's able to throw to an isolated receiver versus an isolated defender when his reads are clearly defined he can make just about any throw anywhere on the field when he's playing within the timing structure and scheme of the play he can rip it anywhere he wants with surprising velocity and accuracy it makes sense why last year kevin stefanski installed this heavy play action scheme for him where he can get plenty of space and time in the pocket whether he's rolling out or setting up on a play pass because it gives him easily defined reads that attack all levels of the field his completion percentage and yards per attempt skyrocket when running play action and it really accentuates all of his skills but there are reasons why he and many other quarterbacks play better when faking handoffs than setting up to throw not that we're breaking any new ground here but without play action defenders can just play the pass but with play action they're playing the pass while peeking in to see if it's a run and just that advantage alone is monumental for the qb and receiver take this example of what kevin stefanski calls rail stock this is the brown's favorite play fake off their counter run where they'll pull their guard send their fullback and have baker and nick chubb start to one side then fake the counter then set up for the throw the stock part of the play call is for harrison bryant watch how he doesn't fire off the ball but instead looks like he's stock blocking the safety von bell so this isn't a normal rep for belle he's peeking into the fake to see if he needs to fill the alley and then bryant tears right past him and baker puts it on the money this doesn't seem like a bad thing giving baker more time and space to throw and making it harder for the defense to figure out what you're doing but there are many elements of playing the qb position that you don't need to excel in when using play action that you do need in the drop back passing game when play action isn't working when you're playing from a deficit and the defense knows you're not running or just if play action isn't in the game plan a drop back quarterback and a play-action quarterback are almost two completely different positions and baker's still not a very good drop back quarterback he locks on to his first receiver and struggles to get to his second and third progression he can throw on a line really well but can't throw with touch to loft it over a defender which is why when he misses it's almost always high and he doesn't have a great process physically or mentally the patriots are trying to fool him by showing a pre-snap cover one man look with a whole defender underneath but give him some little indicators they're playing something else that he misses matt judon is kinda over the fullback but is in a rushing
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN service to get started and get free shipping all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN rollins or just click the link in the description box to change the way you roll okay browns and END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
and if we just play eruption strike we'll kill next turn archer just has so much starting damage to lean on that it really isn't too bad most of the time do i add a second wrath source vis-a-vis this simmering fury here start your next turn enter wrath and draw two tend to think the first the best rap card you see is the first one that you see although some say you can manage on eruption alone and i don't disagree with that but i do like having another card i'll take an early simmering fury card i like to want to experiment with a little bit more and my some very spicy options here hard to go wrong with a bag of marbles on the watcher turn one vulnerable means some serious damage output right away which can be very helpful in a myriad of situations you take max health from the lee's waffle that's also pretty good i like card removing a defend does it go NUMBER_TOKEN archie hearts each no no NUMBER_TOKEN each for NUMBER_TOKEN total not not NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN heart kills in one year that would be no no that would not be a thing does establishment work with runic pyramid it does not this runic pyramid does not use the retain keyword even though it otherwise functions identically to retain legally distinct i like to call it
altcoin i didn't sell any bitcoin did sell about NUMBER_TOKEN k of matterport did that close my d-wack short profitably uh and sold some puts against robin hood which those did very well as volatility fell even though the price has been kind of like poopy quick note on crypto i do also still have fears that uh even though i am investing in companies in like private equity as well in cryptocurrencies uh i am uh concerned that if inflation does inflict down substantially in NUMBER_TOKEN we're going to see a potential correction cryptocurrency prices so i am reducing my exposure a little bit but i'm keeping an eye on this and totally willing to trade in and out with about a third of my crypto portfolio just a heads up but i did sell about a third of my crypto portfolio but anyway all this together here uh has been a lot of selling and raising cash and again the reason is i want margin at zero as soon as margin is at zero i'm gonna be building that war chest again more money more money more money build the war chest get ready build it up build it up build it up i'll even refinance some real estate because i've got one property hopefully in escrow tonight two properties that i closed cash i'll be refinancing those those properties i'll have that money in like january and if we have a dip or pain time in january or february again boom you're going to see me buying like crazy crazy crazy crazy because that's what i do i'ma buy the dipper that's just the way i operate i i love this market i'm going to cheer it on i want it to keep running because obviously i'm mostly long on this market uh but i'm not going to be a dumb dumb and be in debt because if you are in debt right now you should be paying it off because if the market crashes you're going to be freaking out about getting margin called and you should be freaking out about how good a deals you got that you could be shopping for so the times to prepare are sooner rather than later anyway thank you so very much for watching this video if you like my psychology consider checking out the programs down below it's worth noting that my courses on building your wealth are still available with the same coupon code that was supposed to expire saturday linked down below the reason for that is one of my employees had to go on an emergency trip to boston and everything got screwed and they're back soon and we're raising the price tomorrow so just quick little note okay thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next one bye
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN if you like my psychology consider checking out the programs down below it's worth noting that my courses on building your wealth are still available with the same coupon code that was supposed to expire saturday linked down below the reason for that is one of my employees had to go on an emergency trip to boston and everything got screwed and they're back soon and we're raising the price tomorrow so just quick little note okay thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next one END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
this video is sponsored by URL_TOKEN sometimes trading can get a bit tedious with all the waiting but with URL_TOKEN you can instantly sell and buy items at any time with URL_TOKEN you'll find any item you want because their range of items is huge with unusuals strangers and even they also host giveaways every week all you need to do is follow these steps and you can enter into the giveaway and with that being said enjoy the video is he true or what dude i'm so confused with half of this server and he's
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is sponsored by URL_TOKEN sometimes trading can get a bit tedious with all the waiting but with URL_TOKEN you can instantly sell and buy items at any time with URL_TOKEN you'll find any item you want because their range of items is huge with unusuals strangers and even they also host giveaways every week all you need to do is follow these steps and you can enter into the giveaway and with that being said enjoy the video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
oh dude it was the wood brick that failed
at any time my favorite is their subscription canceling feature truebill identifies recurring charges and if you want to cancel a subscription you just tap cancel and they do all the work no more jumping through hoops to cancel something that you don't use anymore so if you guys are busy like me and you're ready to save a lot of money and a lot of time then try out truebill by clicking on my link in the video description box or going to URL_TOKEN l street cars and i want to say a big thanks to true bill for supporting automotive content creators like myself now sam as much as this ac feels really really nice we have some more cars to look at i'm not sure if i'm a huge convertible automatic fan but we're starting off really nicely four matching tires baby four matching tires i didn't even get that on that aston martin i bought michelin's michelle this is nice this is nice all right this is seriously a fun car to think about it what do you got in the euro world got a whole slew of things that way my friend don't ignore these all right sam i saw some of the videos on this guy and a lot of people tell me i should buy an audi specifically an sNUMBER_TOKEN bNUMBER_TOKEN sNUMBER_TOKEN you know how many people wrote me to buy this car after doing the videos on i swear probably over a dozen because it's well we made it better than it was new and uh it's pretty quick it's a sports sedan bargain sports city and bargain one nice thing with the sNUMBER_TOKEN is like in this one in particular it's got the carbon fiber interior which you don't see on most of them actually it's got a lot of the options but past that these cars just come with like really nice recaro sports seats and they're comfortable driving cars it's not like an m car it's not super harsh it's a little bit muted to be honest i like that and for chicago winters it's got all-wheel drive all right so it's tough to beat as a daily driver and it's a vNUMBER_TOKEN so you get really good mileage in it well it's not romping on it heck yeah it'll start wow confident in that all right let's see
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN at any time my favorite is their subscription canceling feature truebill identifies recurring charges and if you want to cancel a subscription you just tap cancel and they do all the work no more jumping through hoops to cancel something that you don't use anymore so if you guys are busy like me and you're ready to save a lot of money and a lot of time then try out truebill by clicking on my link in the video description box or going to URL_TOKEN l street cars and i want to say a big thanks to true bill for supporting automotive content creators like myself END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
that's very interesting well first of all i'm i'm blonde blue eyes but then this study showed that most white americans are very very very very white but why would i care what some mestizo says i don't care it's the same way i don't care what some aryan simp says there is a plenty there is a a never-ending stream of blonde haired blue-wide sims coming from sweden telling me i need to accept diversity at the end of the day your racial ethnicity whatever it is it means nothing to me because the majority of ethnic groups are sims you mestizo are probably a simp let's continue he says gee boom says the acrimony goes both ways yes the feminists make it hard to find good wife material but i find a difficulty to feel sympathy for bitter incels like this guy well you know what g boom i feel that it's hard to find sympathy for dudes that sneak into retirement homes alzheimer's clinics to finger old ladies of the age of NUMBER_TOKEN just to get some puniti for the first time now if you listen to this video you probably don't because i ripped your hymen in half and you're offended you might be like i don't sneak into old memory care units to finger all cyber patients that's not me this dude chronic is so dumb that's exactly how i feel about you exactly when you call me an insult it's like calling a black dude a white supremacist he's gonna be like what it means nothing he says don't worry incel you'll find your mate once the overweight and less attractive feminist realizes what she brings to the table isn't all that desirable it's interesting this guy's anti-feminist maybe but he's calling me an incel really he's just mad that i have standards well guess what your mother ain't worth it my green schlong your sister when she's NUMBER_TOKEN might take it your daughters will definitely take it at NUMBER_TOKEN and you'll be destined to a life of sympatry so i hope you have good luck with that he says you both want to settle for second best undead chronic is more than willing to import an NUMBER_TOKEN year old virgin from overseas than to settle with your disgusting sister with your salar-like daughter you are NUMBER_TOKENth best your genes are nothing to me bro he says the chads will have first pickings you don't understand what chads are you really don't do you think the chads are looking for NUMBER_TOKEN year old virgins to have stable families with no they're out here to smash and slay they don't respect the puniti they destroy similar to how dudes like me will treat the female members from your family hope it hurts hope it hurts real deep he says that will eventually produce better looking future generations yeah you don't understand anything about genetics g boom so uh let's move on for the last comment of the day me mom so we have a woman here says you really need to post a whole video in a full description of the this mother of three who has been married for years i think she's talking about some makeup is demon magic or whatever she says
i know you can't wait to begin but going on without a disclaimer would be a sin if you came here looking for financial advice i'm afraid you're in the wrong place there's only education and entertainment in this space contact a financial advisor before investing just to be safe if this is your first time making my acquaintance my name is guy and i teach crypto with patience this is in contrast to the moon boys who shill and shout quality is what the coin bureau is all about topics like coins tokens news and reviews if you're interested in crypto there's something here for you if this is the kind of content you want subscribe to the channel and ping that notification bell to make sure you get it while it's hot if the grains of sand in your hourglass are running low you can skip around using the timestamps down below just know that watching until the end will help your brain and the channel grow okay that's it for my intro remarks let's all go play in the sandbox if the sandbox is new to you here's what you need to know the sandbox was founded way back in NUMBER_TOKEN by sebastian bourget and arthur madrid the sandbox was made by pixal a software company based in san francisco the sandbox began as a NUMBER_TOKENd mobile game where users could build their own virtual worlds the sandbox managed to amass over NUMBER_TOKEN million users and is still available on mobile today as the sandbox evolution following the crypto bull market in NUMBER_TOKEN pixel announced its plans to turn the sandbox into a NUMBER_TOKENd game built on ethereum where every in-game item that users create is a non-fungible token in NUMBER_TOKEN pixel was acquired by animoka brands a software company based in hong kong which focuses on digital entertainment blockchain and gamification as part of this acquisition animoca brands incorporated tsb gaming limited a for-profit software company based in malta which works on the crypto version of the sandbox the sandbox's development is coordinated by the sandbox foundation and consists of over NUMBER_TOKEN people in NUMBER_TOKEN different countries the sandbox raised around seven million dollars across three sand token sales in NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN and has raised millions more from various land sales since NUMBER_TOKEN. the sandbox's virtual world consists of NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN plots of land land our ercNUMBER_TOKEN tokens on ethereum which is ethereum's non-fungible token standard by the way i've linked to some of my most recent videos on nfts in the description so feel free to watch some of those after this if you want the whole mo anyways these land tokens can be grouped into estates which are owned by one person or districts which are owned by two or more people as you can see some of the land in the sandbox is owned by companies such as binance gemini coin market cap atari and even the south china morning post land can be customized using the vox edit software vox edit is also used to create game assets which exist as nfts on ethereum land can also be monetized by being rented out or by featuring pay-to-play experiences such as quests which can be created
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN contact a financial advisor before investing just to be safe if this is your first time making my acquaintance my name is guy and i teach crypto with patience this is in contrast to the moon boys who shill and shout quality is what the coin bureau is all about topics like coins tokens news and reviews if you're interested in crypto there's something here for you if this is the kind of content you want subscribe to the channel and ping that notification bell to make sure you get it while it's hot if the grains of sand in your hourglass are running low you can skip around using the timestamps down below just know that watching until the end will help your brain and the channel grow okay that's it for my intro remarks let's all go play in the sandbox END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
that's it as faster
l.a for the weekend him with his wife and kids and we stopped at the state line there was a casino right over the state line in in nevada and we went we were going to whiskey it wasn't that one i'm not going to say buffalo bills i don't want to say which one it is uh it was a state line casino we were going to have lunch or dinner or something and they had single deck blackjack so we started playing we were winning a little bit and we were tipping really well and the dealers started cheating for us sure very subtly like a little bit of a nod because they look at their whole card yeah she'd look at the whole card and she'd give a little nod or a little bit and we stayed for two days the other dealers got in on it she at one point she said to me this is profit sharing literally said that we after the next day we stayed overnight we left there with thousands of dollars which my friend blew all of it at um the aladdin the next night wow so she made it clear she wanted her piece she saw we were tipping and then they said we were tipping okay then we were really tipping well this is how they you know listen out there that's you know they're not making what they're making at the bellagio right you know or at the wind you know they're struggling out there with state line and most people don't tip or tip small so you know they give they see people that hey they seem like okay people and they give it odd or what a couple of thousand each it was pretty wild it was there's a lot of cheating i don't know as much anymore but years ago you had the eye in the sky you know there was guys walking up there you know on the catwalk and they were looking down so the whole idea was the pit boss watches the floor man the floor man watches the dealer you know and you could actually look down now it's all computerized where a computer could see literally a pin cap right yeah it could go right into your car right into the thing but you know i've had friends they were dealers and they would come home and they had chips everywhere you know they had chips in their belt and their apron you know i mean they hide them here in the sock you know wherever they could especially these smaller casinos like where they're not really watching like downtown and on fremonts yeah in the old days it could be done another guy when they played roulette you know they have the uh you know the glass thing i forget what they call that there's a word for it andy but you know where when you win they go hey seventeen they put it on the marker on they put it on top yeah well he would have it in his hand already and he would just and then he would just you know grab your chips hey there you go you know you even look oh did i just win whoa there's a lot of that PROFANITY_TOKEN you know or used to be i don't know anymore i now that's an offender no this this happened in the mid NUMBER_TOKENs that was a while ago so who knows that's a good one and she took a shot how'd she know that you weren't going to give her up you know she got the vibe you know that we were it's called the dolly that glass
now i know i've been praising this thing for the entire video so far but i kind of got to hit you guys with a bit of a truth bomb because uh this weapon is still bad like probably scouts were secondary bad it definitely feels some form of a niche don't get me wrong because if the enemy has a strong hold on a payload or an attack defend map this thing is a free ticket to the backline which can be very useful when there are centuries around but i don't know how to really say this without pissing off every scout made to exist but scout just kind of sucks in these game modes you may have some success on defense's scout but sentries just completely PROFANITY_TOKEN you over on offense due to their massive area denial you're definitely better off playing pretty much any other class as in my experience scout thrives way more in open environments like NUMBER_TOKENcp and king of the hill which definitely suit his playstyle better than the more linear maps of payload and this actually segues into my next point because unless you're trying to play scout on payload offense to avoid some sentries pretty much every other secondary option on scout is better in every other scenario i just fail to see the utility that the bunk offers on NUMBER_TOKENcp and king of the hill maps as you don't need to be fully invincible to get into an advantageous position behind your enemy the only other secondary which is in the same tier as the bonk is probably the critical but i feel like even that can shine in more scenarios because having the ability for on command mini crits is very powerful but when it comes to any of scout's pistols the mad milk or even the flying guillotine they proved to be way more useful than the bunker could ever hope to be if you are set on this assassin type playstyle i much prefer using the winger as not only does it open up a bunch of mobility options but it can also function as a fairly strong but kind of inconsistent finishing tool whereas the bonk occupies an entire secondary slot which leaves you feeling much more vulnerable when you're dueling enemies now one element of the weapon i didn't really bring up was its use in competitive play as in the past the bonk has been the go-to secondary for scouts and highlander on certain maps i watched over some old banny vods using the pre-nerf bonk and it looks like it was a great tool for bodyblocking ubers or snipers from game to cover as well as being a pretty valuable tool for information gathering unfortunately though i just don't know enough about bonk's current using competitive play to speak on it i think one of my friends mentioned that the flying geek team actually gets some use in highlander so i mean i don't know about that but that sounds kind of interesting but to wrap things up i was certain i was going to hate the bonk i'd even labeled the title of my script as scout's worst weapon but after bonk drinker showed me the light and i began to toy around with it it turns out this thing can be pretty fun and actually pretty useful in certain situations that's all from me if you enjoyed the
that were doing really well were the payment providers for some of these games so like offer pal tap joy and so we kind of realized hey what if we focused on the payments level of these games instead of actually making games ourselves which honestly we're not that good at uh and then that next business exploded which i'll talk about in a second another giant takeaway from this is put your career around cool categories so i was at facebook so i got to meet a lot of interesting people in social networking then i did URL_TOKEN with finance and i got to meet a lot of interesting people around that and then i did games and so i got to meet a lot of really interesting people who i'm still friends with today uh being in these new categories so if you can go find industries or categories that are really hot and just be a part of it it'll be really great for your career and honestly it would be pretty interesting uh if you're liking this video so far and want my net worth template yes how i calculate how much i wore today which is in the eight figures and make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you can get it for free on the community tab of my channel you go to the channel page and click community we'll be posting it there for subscribers we turned that facebook games business into gambit which was payments for facebook games that business exploded uh within one year we did around NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars of top line revenue uh which is exceptional that was a great year honey money gonna make some money but the reality is whenever you hear these youtubers where people talk about the revenue at the end of the day what's actually most important is how much they're really taking home my third year doing again my own business i only made forty thousand dollars um so a lot of this was just like keep going after it and keep going after it and i'll talk about how i kept my cost of living low a little bit towards the end uh but the big breakthrough was the second year of running gambit we finally paid ourselves a lot of money and i made around NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN that year because the payments company finally exploded we made a lot of money so one of the key things about this stuff is that one be a part of title voice i've already talked about and secondly is that i didn't care about games nor did i care about the payments for games plus a lot of the partners that we were doing payments for hated us this is when they said us they were just like oh you're just a payments guy i don't care about you so i realized i wanted to work in my next business stuff very important problems where i really liked our partners and that's where appsumo was born how did gambit actually end and why did i keep making NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN or a lot more money over the years well one day facebook banned us and our largest competitor offer pal suit us on the same day and it was one of my favorite days of the company that's a story for another video uh but the point being is that at that time i didn't want to be doing games or payments for games and i didn't have a great relationship with my partners so i actually gave them the company i walked away and just started consulting for URL_TOKEN so i never think people should just quit their jobs and go start businesses that's
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN interesting uh if you're liking this video so far and want my net worth template yes how i calculate how much i wore today which is in the eight figures and make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you can get it for free on the community tab of my channel you go to the channel page and click community we'll be posting it there for subscribers END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
okay great breathing sounds wonderful yes if you've been doing any breathing exercises oh wow breathing is top notch yeah just like your dress sense very lovely yes and all right i just need you to hop on the height and weight machine for me and don't hurt please be careful don't want to be sued so just careful again just step on them okay press the green button by your left foot
you got it
let's just take over their base really quick the roof trying throw wall upgrade pop there
gear indication status more indicator lights here mast arm on and off does work so make sure you do that we've got a angle of attack meter here and a accelerometer here not modeled not modelled here mfds we have three of them and let's operate just on this guy here main menus if you like are at the top so we can have this page this page tsd rwr m f w s and m a s d so vst is basically flight instruments we've got our adi here ultimately here with options we can choose there we've got our vsi vertical speed indicator here we've got our machine or indicated speed there and kilometers an hour we've got our angle of attack there we've got our g meter there we're not moving at the moment but radar altimeter there in meters we've got true speed there kilometers an hour ias or cass kilometers an hour there um and we've got our barometric altitude there next screen tsd this is like a hsi horizontal situation indicator and uh this is for navigation neo yeah navigation as well it's in more of an essay page like in fNUMBER_TOKEN alright so yeah it will show you uh threats as well but no it's not implemented for threats now right now you can uh just uh toggle between your waypoints right i'm just using my incrementer rpl in the ufc to go between waypoints and it's showing me yeah where to go there fair enough we can also uh change our center position and a whole bunch of other stuff most of which isn't modeled yet in terms of the side um options is that right near yeah it's not modern we tried to find uh latest one we have found is how to uh align the aircraft so we are implementing that uh for now rwr you all know an rwr is you can filter whether you want air sams or ewr mfws engine stuff nozzle positions tachometers of the engine the temperatures of the engine and we can also have fuel it will also have landing gear situation systems and the other stuff currently not modeled masd probably our main one we have several sub screens sms is our storage management screen you can see we have that weapon that weapon and that weapon on this particular aircraft dtl data link um about example here but if you imagine you were flying in an su-NUMBER_TOKEN flanker as a data link screen where you can see um what your radar tells shows you you can also see where other players in the theater are with datalink a-wax feeding dated back to you that is what you would see if you airborne and had it all turned on in the dtl also targeting pods uh not relevant to this particular one we've got here because we're an air-to-air variant but we could have tv um fleur which is going to work pretty much the same as the tv and our elite and we'll show you all of that later and they're all otherwise interchangeable for datelink uh you have to put it on your third mfd since that's the only one binded to the sa-NUMBER_TOKEN so
learning the truth is that women are attracted to power and knowledge knowledge is power my friend you don't have to be physically strong or beginning into fist fights you have this strong women are gonna melt that that makes them weak and the knees because the reality is there's a lot of boys out there there are very few men men are knowledgeable and I know what you're thinking oh I don't have any college experience so I dropped out of college I don't have the money to or college or I don't like school buddy school is not the only way to learn new things you got the power of the Internet you got audiobooks you got stuff like our sponsors skills PROFANITY_TOKEN it doesn't matter what you want to learn how to do whether it's photography maybe you want to learn how to mix music maybe you want to learn how to write poetry maybe you want to learn how to sing how to play an instrument dude literally whatever you can fathom that you want to learn our sponser skill sure has a class that will teach you exactly what you need to know to expand your knowledge and become more well-rounded whatever it is whatever you want to be professional maybe you want to build your own business build your personal brand the talents and knowledge is almost limitless on Skillshare because they have thousands of classes that are being taught by professionals in that field that are successful in whatever it is that you want to be successful in and they're teaching you those classes so you then can become more knowledgeable and here's the crazy part like I said let's say you don't have money you don't want to go to college or whatever well you could try skill sure for free at least for the first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes the first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes that are smart enough to know that expanding on their knowledge it's not just for attracting girls that is just an awesome side effect expanding knowledge is for their own well-being for those first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes if you click the link down below and sign up you're gonna get the first two months of Skillshare two months for free you gotta be fast and be one of the first ones to click and sign up you really got zero to lose and everything to gain after you can sign up the skill sure depending on the program you choose it's around NUMBER_TOKEN bucks a month but even at that price point of around NUMBER_TOKEN bucks a month it's crazy affordable and a hundred percent worth and knowing that you're expanding your knowledge now if you guys want to check out skill share and expand your knowledge become well-rounded to be more attractive click that weight down below number three when you're emotionally strong now this doesn't mean that you can't cry I think that's also unattractive but what it means is that you can't be emotionally needy or annoying or easily offended I feel like our generation gets offended by the stupidest things when the reality is well we're men and should let another person's words affect your mood and your mental state you are valuable and you should know how valuable you are because that emotional strength is what makes you a trap number five your grammar ask yourself this question when you're texting her is she texting a boy or is she texting a man are you bombarding her with swear words calling her a dude or a bro bombarding her with lol's or using improper punctuation she's just gonna think you're another boy that she's talking to and she ain't gonna be
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN doesn't matter what you want to learn how to do whether it's photography maybe you want to learn how to mix music maybe you want to learn how to write poetry maybe you want to learn how to sing how to play an instrument dude literally whatever you can fathom that you want to learn our sponser skill sure has a class that will teach you exactly what you need to know to expand your knowledge and become more well-rounded whatever it is whatever you want to be professional maybe you want to build your own business build your personal brand the talents and knowledge is almost limitless on Skillshare because they have thousands of classes that are being taught by professionals in that field that are successful in whatever it is that you want to be successful in and they're teaching you those classes so you then can become more knowledgeable and here's the crazy part like I said let's say you don't have money you don't want to go to college or whatever well you could try skill sure for free at least for the first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes the first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes that are smart enough to know that expanding on their knowledge it's not just for attracting girls that is just an awesome side effect expanding knowledge is for their own well-being for those first NUMBER_TOKEN dudes if you click the link down below and sign up you're gonna get the first two months of Skillshare two months for free you gotta be fast and be one of the first ones to click and sign up you really got zero to lose and everything to gain after you can sign up the skill sure depending on the program you choose it's around NUMBER_TOKEN bucks a month but even at that price point of around NUMBER_TOKEN bucks a month it's crazy affordable and a hundred percent worth and knowing that you're expanding your knowledge now if you guys want to check out skill share and expand your knowledge become well-rounded to be more attractive click that weight down below END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
this video is brought to you by curiosity stream and nebula what is it about fire what is it about the dancing of the flames that you just can't help but get lost in them why do we gather around and stare at them in groups sure we gather around them for warmth but go to any campfire everybody's staring at it we can stare into a fire for hours it can hold our attention as well as any tv show maybe we're just drawn to non-repeating patterns maybe there's something about the color that's especially pleasing to our eyes maybe we're just moths there are some who believe that fire is what made us who we are that once we learned to control fire it not only changed how we ate making it possible to get more nutrition out of food but also that watching fire stimulated our brains gathering around the fire provided opportunities to bond and communicate with others share ideas and all this extra stimulation grew our prefrontal cortex and made us human beings our connection to fire goes way deep in fact the chemical reactions that power our cells and bodies are very similar to the ones that are involved in combustion we are in a very real sense living fire but fires go out
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is brought to you by curiosity stream and nebula END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
a fair gun
that fixed but apparently he's a retailer doesn't know how to fix it yet how annoying these other slidy bits do work as they should do though lots of storage down here let me just shut them back up and obviously that one itself more storage in here then you've got your wireless charging pads there for your mobile phone quite an annoying place for your hazard warning lights something you might need to hit quite quickly but it's a bit fiddly to get to i will show you in the glove box but look at this when i try and open the glove box which once again you have to do through the screen it's asking me for a pin because the owner has locked it i wonder what he's got stashed in there what i can show you is the fact that now the tesla model s finally gets some door bins so look you can fit a big bottle in there which is great overall though i like the interior design it's really nice let's just get rid of that here in the back of the model s knee room is good hey room is all right people have six foot we'll be fine i love the fact that you get this massive glass roof what's not so good though is this look you can't really stretch your feet out underneath the chair in front because it's mounted quite low also there's not much distance between the floor and this seat so look you don't end up with much under thigh support so that could be annoying on a longer journey if you need to carry three in the back at once it's actually quite decent because this is quite a wide bench seat and the flat floor means there's plenty of room for everyone's feet if you need to carry children look you've got baby seat anchor points there and if there's no one sitting in the middle you can of course fold this down it's a big arm rest you've got cupholders lift this up you can see look we've got two wireless charging pads there and a little extra storage space there annoyingly though there's no through loading i do like this you've got this screen here for the climate control so you can move the airflow about it's using your finger you've got heated seats you can control the music and you've even got youtube netflix or whatever there's also a couple of extra usbc's there for charging some more mobile devices and like in the front you get door bins here in the back as well so that's good oh look at this little kotok there tiny things please tiny minds no it's good about this however if you want an eevee with even more room in the rear seats click on the pop out banner up there follow my link in the description below to watch my review of a big spacious and luxurious electric vehicle now let's talk about storage obviously being a tesla you have a front boot a fruit and it's a decent size and look we've got the bag for the tesla cable here look at that willow springs world record lap by randy pobst he did a NUMBER_TOKEN yeah i'm glad he didn't do that around a certain unnamed german circuit which is very famous because then this would be happening to me is the crush the old here at the rear boots also known as the root you have loads more space NUMBER_TOKEN liters
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN no it's good about this however if you want an eevee with even more room in the rear seats click on the pop out banner up there follow my link in the description below to watch my review of a big spacious and luxurious electric vehicle now let's END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
plays so it is consistent enough to be good so with the right builds you should be able to make those NUMBER_TOKEN turns fair play final countdown number NUMBER_TOKEN Exodia the forbidden one and all this pieces cliche I'm sorry but do let me explain in terms of reliability this card probably has no right in being in the number one position but in terms of the most satisfying way to win a duel this guy my opinion is the absolute best way I mean it was the first instant win we had ever seen in the anime used by Yugi moto where there was no chance of winning in the conventional way it was an amazing and iconic moment in the series and although that scumbag weevil Underwood threw them into the sea legend will live on forever exodia's effect is if you have the right leg the left leg the right arm and the left arm of the forbidden one in addition to this card in your hand you win the duel the winged condition is so simple you get all the cards into your hand and you win I just like the idea if you draw that final pacing like this and you're like I win Yugi moto getting all these cards in the space of like six or seven turns that doesn't really happen in real life keep that in mind I will throw something out there though that Exodia has over all the other cars that we've mentioned in the list today if you're an Enzo dia player and you're playing five pieces of an EXO dia deck in a forty card deck every time you start a duel you have a one in NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN chance of getting a zero turn kill because you drew all the cards in your starting hand and you've won straight away you've always guaranteed that eventually you'll get a guaranteed win for this deck to work you need to throw in as many bamboo swords magical libraries and LOR's of Darkness NUMBER_TOKEN days of pieces so on and so forth and just hope you get the cards before you get demolished in the door sometimes you can get the perfect hand you just start really well you do all your plays and sometimes you can win on the first turn just by getting all the plays going zodia decks are designed to thin your deck out as quickly as possible however the fact that nowadays we've got so many hand traps and negation abilities if your opponent has given any opportunity they will most likely stop you nowadays but in terms of coolness I do think Exodia the forbidden one is one of the ultimate ways to win an instant win in you do guys I'd love to know what you thought in the comment section below what do you think is your favorites this is all my own personal opinion not necessarily ranked in how effective they are at being used but more just how cool I thought they were let me know you find the comment section below but I want to give a big thank you first of my patrons here shout out to my gold backers you know lights JT NUMBER_TOKEN:NUMBER_TOKEN - CB CB CB CB barrett-jackson daily the Gengar king Matthew break weights Chung Ling Zen David Shanahan Jack su Sun and to everybody else thank you very much for supporting the channel guys you too would like to support me on patreon click the link on the left but other than that thank you very much for watching catch you later
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN guys I'd love to know what you thought in the comment section below what do you think is your favorites this is all my own personal opinion not necessarily ranked in how effective they are at being used but more just how cool I thought they were let me know you find the comment section below but I want to give a big thank you first of my patrons here END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN shout out to my gold backers you know lights JT NUMBER_TOKEN:NUMBER_TOKEN - CB CB CB CB barrett-jackson daily the Gengar king Matthew break weights Chung Ling Zen David Shanahan Jack su Sun and to everybody else thank you very much for supporting the channel guys you too would like to support me on patreon click the link on the left but other than that thank you very much for watching catch you later END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
it's terrible what dr fatchi's done to us head on over to URL_TOKEN subscribe use code miller for NUMBER_TOKEN off your membership and look out for the new episode with tj miller right now it has never been easier to listen to all of our content on the go why because we've just launched listen this means that you will now be able to listen to all your favorite daily wire content on the website and the dw app whether it's catching morning wire with a cup of coffee whether it's listening to your favorite host or exploring our growing radio theater you will get all the content you love and if you get interrupted no worries you can pick up right where you left off with continue listening and that's not all we've made sure it's available to members and non-members so get ready to listen because we have got a lot to say we'll be right back with a lot more
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN it's terrible what dr fatchi's done to us head on over to URL_TOKEN subscribe use code miller for NUMBER_TOKEN off your membership and look out for the new episode with tj miller right now it has never been easier to listen to all of our content on the go why because we've just launched listen this means that you will now be able to listen to all your favorite daily wire content on the website and the dw app whether it's catching morning wire with a cup of coffee whether it's listening to your favorite host or exploring our growing radio theater you will get all the content you love and if you get interrupted no worries you can pick up right where you left off with continue listening and that's not all we've made sure it's available to members and non-members so get ready to listen because we have got a lot to say we'll be right back with a lot more END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
you gotta talk to me bro are you giving me the silent treatment there you go call out that big ass elephant in the room stand if you were why it's your first day there come on gabe but he is a troubled ute himself look gabe i'm really sorry
and he was so depressed he's like i came here for natasha what did i do you know what you did you're an idiot you thought alana was going to be better and then it didn't work out because you were mean and stupid and everyone hated you yeah yeah but i did appreciate the boys coming to to all you know the girls defenses in the way of not being like like i feel like you would we always joke that the couples on the bachelor are like um frat guys and sorority girls like what we think grown-up crap people are like like the stereotypical frat people um and so i just didn't think that the guys would kind of stand up for the girls and be like no you shouldn't be here for followers you should be here for love PROFANITY_TOKEN you yeah but why didn't they stand up for natasha moore well apparently because they didn't know how deep it went i think natasha was on joe's podcast recently yeah and natasha and joe host that podcast together no i think she's just a guest i think it's joe and keisha how many bats are podcasts joe and tasha has it i used to have one with as there are contestants remember that one because that all happened last year and then that's when becca divorced or not divorced but left awful man oh poor becca i really feel for her because when you're on the show you're dating in a vacuum in theory abc has vetted these people and you don't have any way of accessing their real lives or who they are so you can be just swindled but i think they were together for a decent amount of time after the conclusion of their season becca it's been a year it's been a couple years like maybe like three if you haven't seen someone's true colors by that time yes that's true if you're liking the kind of post that he was liking and commenting the things that he was commenting you are absolutely saying worst PROFANITY_TOKEN in private yeah so whatever she got out when she did that's what didn't get married yeah it was like good for you get out of there but i also think like maybe the bachelor franchise isn't for you like maybe maybe it's time to like go on like okay cupid or like a different one oh yeah yes i don't use that one don't know looking for a nutritious and delicious snack well look no further than perfect snacks with their lineup of fresh from the fridge protein snacks perfect snacks is exactly what you and your family need made with freshly ground peanut butter organic honey and NUMBER_TOKEN organic superfoods perfect snacks has a variety of products like protein bars and peanut butter cups that are all so good and good for you my favorite is the dark chocolate chip with sea salt perfect bar it's so tasty it makes for a great snack and i love that i can take it on the go right now perfect snacks is offering NUMBER_TOKEN off your online order and they're making it super easy all you have to do is text sit with us to NUMBER_TOKEN shop their refrigerated snacks by texting sit with us to eight three seven one five today to get fifteen percent off your order by signing up via text you agree to receiving recurring automated promotional and personalized
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN looking for a nutritious and delicious snack well look no further than perfect snacks with their lineup of fresh from the fridge protein snacks perfect snacks is exactly what you and your family need made with freshly ground peanut butter organic honey and NUMBER_TOKEN organic superfoods perfect snacks has a variety of products like protein bars and peanut butter cups that are all so good and good for you my favorite is the dark chocolate chip with sea salt perfect bar it's so tasty it makes for a great snack and i love that i can take it on the go right now perfect snacks is offering NUMBER_TOKEN off your online order and they're making it super easy all you have to do is text sit with us to NUMBER_TOKEN shop their refrigerated snacks by texting sit with us to eight three seven one five today to get fifteen percent off your order by signing up via text you agree to receiving recurring automated promotional and personalized END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
one of these systemd timer invoked units or in this case a little task in a second so that first part is the the service unit file this is kind of the command so just run these commands and we will go ahead and create that file all it is is a simple unit file type isn't defined so it's a simple service i give it a one line description and essentially just link to this this file this binary that already exists that you just saw i'm gonna paste that in there cool that exists and now the second part of this is the timer right so this is like when this service file actually gets invoked um and we create that again with a unit and the type is not a service it is a timer so start immediately at boot you could put a delay in here if you wanted and this calendar parameter is the interesting thing this is where your timing information now lives and this is the unit it's going to start and that's the unit we just defined here right it's tutorial URL_TOKEN that's what it's called well here's the unit we're going to start or activate with this systemd timer cool i just want to give a quick thank you to interviewing dot io for sponsoring this video you might pick this up from my videos and especially my interviews with friends but the top tier tech companies are paying honestly insane salaries for software engineers right now the problem is that their interviews are often difficult and even great developers can fail because they don't know what to expect or how they should prepare at URL_TOKEN you can practice realistic coding interviews with senior engineers from those top tier companies that you're trying to get into they'll not only give you mock interviews that train you for the real thing but you'll also get detailed feedback on exactly what you need to work on to improve your chances they've got the largest network of vetted and experienced tech interviewers in the world so you can book an interview with as little as NUMBER_TOKEN hours notice and here's the crazy part which is why i'm talking about it here you don't have to pay until you're hired yeah so they're not just making money by selling you a dream the only way they get paid is if you get paid so if you want to get hired at top tech companies like google facebook and amazon click the link in the description below and have a look there's a ton of recorded interviews for you to stream so you can see how it works right now so one of the really cool things you can do with systemd analyze in addition to all the other cool things that you can do with it like analyzing your unit you know dependencies startup order that kind of thing activation order uh it has this calendar sub command and what you can do with that is i just pasted in the um the kind of timing information that i use in my timer unit that you just saw me make this is going to tell us when that would be triggered next so if you've ever developed a bunch of crontab tasks i know that you have sat there and like redirected the output to some like test file temporarily while you build your command while you build the timing and just test it to make sure your timing works and kind of it happens when you think it will this is a really nice tool that can help you without having to manually test or wait or really do anything okay now that we have created new systemd unit files as always we do a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN just want to give a quick thank you to interviewing dot io for sponsoring this video you might pick this up from my videos and especially my interviews with friends but the top tier tech companies are paying honestly insane salaries for software engineers right now the problem is that their interviews are often difficult and even great developers can fail because they don't know what to expect or how they should prepare at URL_TOKEN you can practice realistic coding interviews with senior engineers from those top tier companies that you're trying to get into they'll not only give you mock interviews that train you for the real thing but you'll also get detailed feedback on exactly what you need to work on to improve your chances they've got the largest network of vetted and experienced tech interviewers in the world so you can book an interview with as little as NUMBER_TOKEN hours notice and here's the crazy part which is why i'm talking about it here you don't have to pay until you're hired yeah so they're not just making money by selling you a dream the only way they get paid is if you get paid so if you want to get hired at top tech companies like google facebook and amazon click the link in the description below and have a look there's a ton of recorded interviews for you to stream so you can see how it works right now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
do you want to attack brendan yes falcons aren't naturally human aggressive orchestra will do well starting with chicken hearts livers then switching to other meats like sparrows other small birds ducks ducks and pigeons uh then they move on to mice and insects so remember if you see a falcon in the wild it's more afraid of you than you are of him to her but
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN do you want to attack brendan yes falcons aren't naturally human aggressive orchestra will do well starting with chicken hearts livers then switching to other meats like sparrows other small birds ducks ducks and pigeons uh then they move on to mice and insects so remember if you see a falcon in the wild it's more afraid of you than you are of him to her but END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
start indicating put the beacons on as well why not i've only been here once or twice i can't remember the procedure
sorry and it's just the most awkward and cringe thing ever and and i'm just like okay my bet instead of going forward i'm just retreating at this point i literally decide to walk back down the stairs right because i'm like i'm trying to get out of here i'm not trying to i'm trying to get out here right i i don't want to do this like i've already messed up bad enough but because classes were wrapping up i guess the janitor was kind of going around like locking stuff up because it was a friday no one really had any need to be there they opened it up on like saturday and sunday because it was like it was like part library part place with classrooms so like they allow people they just don't want people in their friday night because they're like you have something better to do no but so i walk down the stairs in defeat right i'm defeated at this point and i go to open the door and the thing is locked the thing is locked and i i kind of like jiggle the handle loud enough so that they know why i'm gonna have to walk right back up the stairs right past them again so then i'm just like god so i don't say anything no i didn't say anything i just you know tried to open the handle it was locked so i make sure that i open it loud enough so that people know like okay or the two people there are aware of why i'm coming right back up the stairs again so i i this is like my fifth walk of shame at this point so i walk back up the stairs i'm like my bad my bad bro oh so bad and they're just kind of looking at me they're like it's fine but like you could tell that they were not having a dude like they were not having it like this freshman kid coming in just destroying whatever session whatever vibe they had completely gone so instead of staring at my phone to alleviate the awkwardness i decide to stare at the floor much better idea significantly better idea let me just say so i'm gonna pat myself in the back because this time i didn't walk into the dude i mean he was like kind of making sure he was out of my way too because you know history doesn't want to repeat itself in this case so i walk out of there and nothing else terrible happens right but you know what i don't think i was completely in the wrong have you ever heard the saying or the expression get a room i'm just saying bro i'm just i think this was the case where they should have gotten a room i was just trying to leave was it my fault that i made it elongated and awkward NUMBER_TOKEN percent it hundred percent my fault if you enjoyed today's video and want to help out the channel click on one of the four videos slash playlist you see on the screen or even click on the story time playlist that is on screen right now it'll you can catch up on all the old story time videos i have a lot i doubt you've watched them all if you have then uh congrats here's a cookie subscribe leave a like in the video pray for my voice and yeah thanks again for watching guys peace
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN if you enjoyed today's video and want to help out the channel click on one of the four videos slash playlist you see on the screen or even click on the story time playlist that is on screen right now it'll you can catch up on all the old story time videos i have a lot i doubt you've watched them all if you have then uh congrats here's a cookie subscribe leave a like in the video pray for my voice and yeah thanks again for watching guys peace END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
hey guys today i want to talk to all of you about an amazing application called gift your game app automatically creates high quality gifts of your best plays from the game you're playing and the best part is it doesn't even affect the performance of your computer if your game does all the hard work by figuring out the right time to start and stop your clip so they're going to use their algorithmic camera controls to guarantee that you will always be the center of attention they have a bunch of social features and a discord bot to share your clips with all your friends with support for a bunch of games like league rocket league and more check them out right now using the link in the top description and thank you so much to get your game for sponsoring this video i'm excited for this the new sona in earth let's start stacking right away folks we're gonna be able to stack this up so quickly they won't know what hit them we're at one stack we're at two stacks three step four stacks i'm gonna be uh curious to see how much this extra cdr actually ends up helping are you serious she's one hp let's do that and keep this ball rolling baby screw this vision i swear to god if lisa was in there we would have been so freaking dead she's actually vision playing me bro we're so dead what just hit me was that a nami auto i was going to go mid but but but but um there's more people to hit and there's more stacks to get down here oh gosh this is probably one of the scariest lanes we could have gone against but you know what it's gonna be okay i think all in wise top lane lee sin and renekton tone oh so scary okay not fun to go against down here i think we're chilling also you guys are offering some great recommendations on who we need to bust on out in earth keep those recommendations coming why don't you okay i think i want this lulu to take damage yo we're at NUMBER_TOKEN stacks make it NUMBER_TOKEN already this is so fast that we're stacking wait our ultimate could be the lowest cool down thing you've ever seen you'll see what i'm talking about in a second okay as of right now we're doing loops bobs and weaves baby oh we're chilling we're okay we're not chilling we're not shown we're not john oh my god this heel i should probably get another point in it because it's actually not that thick okay oh my god do i want to hit that all right you know what i'm legitimately getting an extra point in heel it's not a nerfed or not someone in the comments said there's some way to check if your champion's nerfed i think it was this um yeah was it this sources earth sona nope champion balance oh yeah she's not touched i think uh source bounds champion buff i don't know what i'm looking at all right i'm stupid i i apologize but if my calculations are correct we can make our ulti cooldown go so low what this has to get to NUMBER_TOKEN or something like that we'll
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN hey guys today i want to talk to all of you about an amazing application called gift your game app automatically creates high quality gifts of your best plays from the game you're playing and the best part is it doesn't even affect the performance of your computer if your game does all the hard work by figuring out the right time to start and stop your clip so they're going to use their algorithmic camera controls to guarantee that you will always be the center of attention they have a bunch of social features and a discord bot to share your clips with all your friends with support for a bunch of games like league rocket league and more check them out right now using the link in the top description and thank you so much to get your game for sponsoring this video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
and lasted for five consecutive days with the magic items being rotated each individual day that's why that timer on the trader is so important during this time frame on day one we did get a free rune of builder elixir one research potion and two training potions on day two we got five free wall rings one builder potion and two clock tower potions on day three we got two free power potions one hero potion one resource potion on day four we got two free builder potions five wall rings and a shovel of obstacles and then on the final day of the holiday trader deals we got one free book of heroes an offer for a book of spells and a research potion now remember that was just an example we more than likely will not see the same cycle of rewards this year however there were some magic items that did replicate two years in a row those items were the book of heroes the training potion the research potion the builder potion as well as the power potion we've seen those items two years in a row and the likelihood of those being populated and this year's holiday trader deals are relatively high now on the screen remember we got a rune of builder elixir last year we more than likely might see a different room this year if they decide to include one now there are some magic items that i would recommend that you avoid buying and there are some magic items that i highly encourage i.e anything that has to do with your laboratory research potions always buy those they are always worth the gem another item would be the shovel of obstacles last year we saw it offered for NUMBER_TOKEN gems but remember when it comes to clash of clans they also like to introduce other special events like challenges and last year they did offer us a challenge with a shovel of obstacles that way you could move your christmas tree into a different location if you decided to do so now there's also some offers for wall rings and unless you're upgrading town hall NUMBER_TOKEN or town hall NUMBER_TOKEN walls i would recommend that you save your gems any case that they offer you wall rings so remember december NUMBER_TOKENth i anticipate the holiday trader deals to go live and last for five days you have to log in each day during the event to claim your free magic items or you will lose them forever let me know down in the comments below which magic items you hope to see this year and if you enjoy today's content make sure to leave a like on the video consider subscribing and we will see you in the next video
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN let me know down in the comments below which magic items you hope to see this year and if you enjoy today's content make sure to leave a like on the video consider subscribing and we will see you in the next video END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
consciousness will turn out to be part of our overall story of the universe yeah the idea of the hard problem which you mentioned david chalmers extremely influential and very articulate in putting this this apparent mystery the idea that we could explain everything about how the brain works in physical terms how neurons interact with each other how they explain all the capabilities and functions of things that brains do and these functions can be things in the vicinity of consciousness how perception works how we pay attention but for chalmers there's always going to be something left over why should any of this physical processing uh be associated with or identical to the redness of red or the sharpness of a toothache why is there anything uh going on for the system in terms of subjective experience that's the hard problem how does how does consciousness fit into our physical picture of the universe as a whole and that's where you get these kind of menu of metaphysical options yeah um you have dualism that they're two completely separate modes of existence then there's the awkward problem of how they interact uh you have pan psychism which sort of i think is an easy get out to the whole mystery just says well you know if we can't figure it out then we'll just say we just build it in from the from the ground up and say it's here there and to some extent everywhere or just as bad in my view idealism that say well consciousness is kind of all there is and the problem is not how you get mind from matter but how you get matter from mind so i'm actually i don't know the ultimate resolution of that i i also think that conscious experiences exist as there's another camp which is the sort of strong illusionist cam which says something like we're mistaken about there being a mystery at all when we think conscious experiences are something special that are hard to fit into the picture of the universe well that's just because we're misunderstanding in some crucial way what the explanatory target is but i just prefer to start almost like a practical matter that conscious experiences exist in fact i think that's probably the only thing that i'm really sure of is that i am having conscious experiences um i'm also pretty sure that there's an objective physical reality out there consisting of something and some of the other politicians will know much more about what that is the problem is how do we how do we relate the two and in in trying to relate the two maybe this apparent mystery of the hard problem will evaporate will dissolve in a similar though not identical way to how the apparent mystery of life eventually evaporated when people got on with the job of explaining how living systems work so i call it a bit of tongue-in-cheek the real problem of consciousness is to explain why conscious experiences are the way they are in terms of things happening in brains and bodies and by pursuing that agenda hopefully they're not guaranteed but hopefully the big metaphysical house and wise will become less mysterious so i'm i don't know anything about consciousness at a detailed level myself other than being uh an avid user of it but uh i do know something about physics in the physical world so i have gone on record and even written a paper you know trying to explain how whatever consciousness is whatever is going to be the ultimate explanation for it don't make your first move to change the laws of physics to account for it uh which fine i mean that's that's a whole
hey guys it's julie and we are back for another video today we will be talking about as you can see by the title how pretty privilege is not real and we are discussing this because our definition of pretty privilege is typically a way for us to distill the violence of anti-blackness it negates the actual bigotry that is always current when the term is used and by bigotry i mean colorism featurism transphobia and ableism amongst other things pretty privilege often allows us to evade our own and others participation in upholding a system of anti-blackness now before we get into this first our sponsors for my regular douglas my returning subscribers most of you already know that i have a sponsorship with set bird and scentbird is a monthly perfume subscription i am absolutely in love with it because i've been getting into the luxury of perfume and of course i definitely have a coupon code if this is your first time getting into stanford use my code jewelzyNUMBER_TOKEN and you get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first month and i'm actually a fan because as i was saying get travel sense sent to you each month now if you are new to the game of sense one thing you will learn is that buying scents that are extremely popular because everyone mentions them and everyone claims to love them and especially these more expensive luxury sense which is what scentbird sends you you quickly quickly will have your feelings hurt when that scent does not fit with your body profile and you have a big bottle of it so i absolutely love being able to explore different scents in these trial size containers twist off and you can pop the scent out itself to see which one it is this is vincent camuto florell it's giving pink peppercorn red orchid sparkling bergamot pink vanilla and cedarwood let's spray it i love it it's floral without being too springy because it has that undertone of sandalwood in it and this is absolutely a scent that i will be using skyler clean beauty their set pink canyon which is grapefruit pink salt and cedar i think this is one and look i love this bright color uh yeah i mean i don't have no coffee beans so let's spray it over here scent is very interesting i want to spray this on my skin and see how it really really sets in because this is more mature you know i love my old decadent upper east side white woman scent three cents super dope these are also great as holiday gifts to get your people and you can always go on the website if you find a scent you like and purchase the full size through sunburst so again use my code joulezNUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN off your first month and let's get into how pretty privilege ain't real
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN regular douglas my returning subscribers most of you already know that i have a sponsorship with set bird and scentbird is a monthly perfume subscription i am absolutely in love with it because i've been getting into the luxury of perfume and of course i definitely have a coupon code if this is your first time getting into stanford use my code jewelzyNUMBER_TOKEN and you get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first month and i'm actually a fan because as i was saying get travel sense sent to you each month now if you are new to the game of sense one thing you will learn is that buying scents that are extremely popular because everyone mentions them and everyone claims to love them and especially these more expensive luxury sense which is what scentbird sends you you quickly quickly will have your feelings hurt when that scent does not fit with your body profile and you have a big bottle of it so i absolutely love being able to explore different scents in these trial size containers twist off and you can pop the scent out itself to see which one it is this is vincent camuto florell it's giving pink peppercorn red orchid sparkling bergamot pink vanilla and cedarwood let's spray it i love it it's floral without being too springy because it has that undertone of sandalwood in it and this is absolutely a scent that i will be using skyler clean beauty their set pink canyon which is grapefruit pink salt and cedar i think this is one and look i love this bright color uh yeah i mean i don't have no coffee beans so let's spray it over here scent is very interesting i want to spray this on my skin and see how it really really sets in because this is more mature you know i love my old decadent upper east side white woman scent three cents super dope these are also great as holiday gifts to get your people and you can always go on the website if you find a scent you like and purchase the full size through sunburst so again use my code joulezNUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN off your first month and let's get into how pretty privilege ain't END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
see amd readies the mi NUMBER_TOKEN x and i'll go ahead and go over to where this comes from which is executable fix you can see we already more or less knew it was going to be the mi NUMBER_TOKEN but the mi NUMBER_TOKEN has two variants or comes in two different flavors the mi NUMBER_TOKEN and mi NUMBER_TOKEN x now unfortunately he didn't tell us anything about the non x variant but the mi NUMBER_TOKEN x comes with NUMBER_TOKEN cu's NUMBER_TOKEN gigahertz boost NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes of hbmNUMBER_TOKENe memory just an absurd amount of memory though let's go ahead and ask why first off why does it need that much memory when it literally has less cus and this is something that i think a lot of people are actually getting confused about with this leak when we go down here you can see someone asked NUMBER_TOKEN ceus doesn't make any sense NUMBER_TOKEN isn't a power of four unlike NUMBER_TOKEN and he basically said pretty sure it's NUMBER_TOKEN per die and that actually makes a lot more sense just because it means that it has nearly double the cores of the mi-NUMBER_TOKEN the idea that this would only come with NUMBER_TOKEN would be really surprising given that's literally less than the amount of cus the mi NUMBER_TOKEN has of course with this being new architecture there easily could be something inside of each cu that makes it significantly more but luckily it sounds like no this is just NUMBER_TOKEN per die so we're talking NUMBER_TOKEN cu's and what's great is that they are apparently coming fairly soon as you can see not too long ago amd had a press release basically stating that hey on november NUMBER_TOKENth they're going to be showcasing the company's upcoming innovations with amd epic processors and amd instinct accelerators and this is more or less confirmed right here executable fix stated ah there's your mi NUMBER_TOKEN and milan x launch event to which don't really know how this is pronounced cesa marinkovic sorry if i really messed that up but either way that is the director gaming marketing of amd and he stated let's go back my instinct tells me this is going to be epic clearly this is in reference to epic cpus they're um data center cpus and then obviously so we have it right here the next gen milan x epic cpus and the mi NUMBER_TOKEN instinct gpus so these are apparently coming soon which i have to say i'm really excited about just like i said earlier this is set to be the first mcm multi-chip module based gpu so really exciting stuff and speaking of gpus it looks like intel may have accidentally given away the pricing of their upcoming arc gpus as you can see right here intel recently began the second phase of its ongoing xe hpg scavenger hunt and this one they actually gave details for a giveaway for four sets of winners with the grand prize and first place winners actually getting an intel or gpu and when we look down here you can see the grand prize goes to NUMBER_TOKEN winners the arc premium graphics card which actually has a value of around NUMBER_TOKEN now this is with six months of xbox game pass so they basically stated what you'd win and stated the supposed value of it the NUMBER_TOKEN first place prizes include an arc performance gpu and three months of xbox game pass so basically you can do the math just like tom's hardware
which are two different types of music those are two different genres so what deck are you playing i don't know well it sounds like there's a lot of PROFANITY_TOKEN going on there's some PROFANITY_TOKEN there's a minimal amount of minimal amount of PROFANITY_TOKEN and you can attack but i'd assume that we don't want to turn two win because you made me build a goato like a bad man how fast do you think these decks can win probably one turn four two and four with the ideal hand i probably went to four i would say turn four when it became four times five yeah crit great turn for yeah crick sure quick does work i haven't seen that on our show it doesn't work you have it no we haven't always played it no one's going to try chris who's got a lot of big critters i got big critters you got big critters um this deck was a gift to from from joe to me yeah mike's because i had to pass it along because since i like blue and he doesn't yeah exactly crick is a etsy altar so it's just drawn on there and it looks sick it's just full border it's cool looking oh i'm surprised they don't do that style for like every legendary well right well why is there no foil i wouldn't have to do that yeah i might just send my docksides off have all my dark sides so i'm afraid that my ice is too loud for the sound so i'm gonna need to tone it down please de-ice me sir but i'm keeping the ring yeah you can keep that ring i mean that's your ring that's my ring now what's it worth posting nothing nothing what's going on y'all your boy joe johnson aka black nido and uh first and foremost go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe if you're not and if you're already doing that hit that bell if you're not hitting that bell you better hit that bell hit it and if you like us even more sign up for patreon we're in a discord playing spell table games with our patreons all the time you get free swag free giveaways dude free alter sleeves all the things so holla at your boys and uh today i'll be playing zancha sleeper agent rakdos gang gang that's it that's all i'm saying what's up it's your boy lynch and today i'm playing bruno light alabaster uh and this deck was actually built by joe and he's a pilot back in the day but since he hates blue now he gifted it to me so i'm gonna take the pleasure of playing uh an old deck of his which i'm excited about and as always i like playing paper magic with my friends
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN first and foremost go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe if you're not and if you're already doing that hit that bell if you're not hitting that bell you better hit that bell hit it and if you like us even more sign up for patreon we're in a discord playing spell table games with our patreons all the time you get free swag free giveaways dude free alter sleeves all the things so holla at your boys END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
did i just hear footsteps posing with charlie i think i just heard footsteps
i was i i was laughing when you said he's the swedish well there right but that's not because i don't have respect for while that i do but he hasn't been playing or during his time his own in og like on the level he maybe has at times in those north lineups or or wherever he has like i love that that guy is a player you know like he's just super solid feels like her you know he's that rock type of a player intelligent as well right really can make the difference but you know just hasn't really happened as much in this og team yeah uh well obviously we'll keep you posted on what happens with nico but now let's get to the real meat of uh the uh pro league and that is of course the final uh vitality and navi uh it really delivered uh these teams have had some great back and forth actually uh despite going through different iterations and different lineups and you know different uh la competitive landscapes this is always a rivalry that does seem to deliver some great counter-strike um but i gotta say i was pretty confident navi were gonna win the whole thing from the get-go kind of field destined especially with grand slam on the line uh any thoughts from you about vitality before we now do a segment talking about the insanity of navi fans yeah i i was impressed with the vitality the whole tournament they played on a high level you could tell they're a team that prepares well then executes that uh plan well and you see what i've been saying about og vitality is the opposite that's why leading up to that game i said og can maybe beat vitality here but they're going to get crushed by navi if vitality gets to the final they actually have a chance a decent chance of an upset because they know how it is to win those tournaments they know how it is to play in finals obviously not kyogen misuta he has also some experience but you know we're talking about shocks apex zaibo like they've been part of that team for a long time won tournaments before and just those players know the feeling of playing in a final right like that that that's a big difference like coming into that game is nothing like any other games you play no matter the opponent and having that experience i think is really what enabled them to i mean to put up a good fight is an understatement they had two very comfortable wins i mean vitality won their map picks NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. you know esta navi who was looking out of this world they made them look pedestrian at best on those maps so i think you know mirage was a full NUMBER_TOKEN mapper as well they could have easily ended up winning that final so yeah the most impressive team considering the expectations before the tournament vitality takes the number one spot so na'vi obviously grand slam winners uh you know win the tournament as well to achieve that uh we're looking now into you know what comes next can they carry on this run of good form for the major uh i i feel that it you
we are on our first game here with the amazon basics gaming setup this is the very setup that jeff bezos uses to play video games with okay so this is going gonna be the first time for me using all the products in this setup except for the mouse which i did admittedly use on stream a few days ago because i was really really excited and i really wanted to show it off but besides that it's going to be my first impressions for everything else and i do want to say actually that this mouse is crazy i'm going to talk about it a little bit more in the video but this mouse is actually insane for minecraft pvp let's go ahead and get that go ahead get those taps oh my god this guy's getting destroyed this is the power of jeff bezos buddy you can get out of here okay so i will say first that this setup definitely feels way better quality than the wish setup that i checked out a few weeks ago so the wish gaming setup felt like actual e-waste like nothing was built to last almost everything had a defect to it like that setup was complete trash the quality on the amazonbasics setup though does feel a lot better it's much much improved and it doesn't feel like these products are made to be recycled in two weeks like the wish setup was so i'm already starting to feel way more confident in playing with this setup than i ever was with the wish gaming setup okay let me talk a little bit about this mouse first because the mouse is actually really really nice um the clicks on this mouse as you can see jitter clicking on it the clicks are super super light jitter clicking is absolutely effortless for me like i can easily get NUMBER_TOKEN cps jericho clicking no problem but the real magic of this mouse is the cps and the cps that you can get with this mouse is absolutely insane it is crazy let me go ahead and take out this guy so take a look at my right click like you can see i'm getting mad cps drag clicking and i can usually actually get like a lot more i'm gonna throw up a clip right now of me god bridging on stream
i need a shower plans for league of legends too
are we back it's been a minute since we've had a budget and we had to build a team to go NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN today we're dealing with former mvps we're talking the cream of the crop these people were voted the most valuable player for an entire nba season this is crazy and i gotta pick my favorite or the team that i think can win NUMBER_TOKEN street games before we get into it let me let you know that today's video is sponsored actually let's just get into that today's video is brought to you by keeps personally i love my locks but statistically speaking these things won't be here forever two out of three men will experience some form of male pattern baldness about the age of NUMBER_TOKEN. i'm NUMBER_TOKEN. i have a decade i can't i can't let it go like that so our resolution for that is of course keep shout out to them with keeps a licensed doctor will review your information online and recommend the right hair loss treatment plan for you and then you get a shipment right to your door every three months one of the reasons why i really like heaps is that it's super affordable you're getting generic versions of fda approved hair loss treatment for the low now prevention is so key it can take four to six months of finally seeing results so please act fast because the earlier you act the more hair you save if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss be sure to go to URL_TOKEN kotNUMBER_TOKENq for the deal a NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase that is SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com slash kotNUMBER_TOKENq i appreciate keeps again for sponsoring this video and let's get back to the action all right all right all right so this photo that i got tagged in a bunch recently i'm looking at it i'm like this actually is a pretty old graphic if you take a look at the one dollar thing we got russell westbrook and the houston rockets jersey obviously he ain't played there in a season well yeah yep because he had one year in washington and now he's so in the season dave rosen the detroit piston jersey so yeah the overall graphic is a bit old but everybody here still has won at least one mvp award so this is what we working with and when i tell you i look at this graphic for a good amount of time trying to figure out a team that i believe was going to be fun and can win NUMBER_TOKEN games remember we are living in a world of nba NUMBER_TOKENk NUMBER_TOKEN that is very important when i'm building my team yes i want to take into consideration some fit factors but i also want to put together the most dominant team in NUMBER_TOKENk's eyes and those things a little bit different you might see a team that looked perfect on paper you throw it into k and boom y'all missed the playoffs because NUMBER_TOKENk ain't the great NUMBER_TOKENk at the greatest let's be honest NUMBER_TOKENk was trying to give me a logo from when i play park and gave it to somebody else they put it on the wrong account no no can we fix that though NUMBER_TOKENk let's i do want the logo i mean anyway so i looked at this list and i pretty much have a similar
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before we get into it let me let you know that today's video is sponsored actually let's just get into that today's video is brought to you by keeps personally i love my locks but statistically speaking these things won't be here forever two out of three men will experience some form of male pattern baldness about the age of NUMBER_TOKEN. i'm NUMBER_TOKEN. i have a decade i can't i can't let it go like that so our resolution for that is of course keep shout out to them with keeps a licensed doctor will review your information online and recommend the right hair loss treatment plan for you and then you get a shipment right to your door every three months one of the reasons why i really like heaps is that it's super affordable you're getting generic versions of fda approved hair loss treatment for the low now prevention is so key it can take four to six months of finally seeing results so please act fast because the earlier you act the more hair you save if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss be sure to go to URL_TOKEN kotNUMBER_TOKENq for the deal a NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase that is SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com slash kotNUMBER_TOKENq i appreciate keeps again for sponsoring this video and let's get back to the action END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
trump's vaccine straight up and down it's his vaccine you said it they gave the fed um the the federal funding to expedite this stuff the reason why we didn't have a vaccine in the first place is that these companies never saw any incentive meaning financially and to develop one right and so the government stepped up to the plate said here's all this money get this done and that was donald trump's doing you know um and another thing i want to say is that i can't judge people for vaccine hesitancy because i might even said it on tyt before i watched that damn show dope sick about purdue pharma and the opioid crisis and the fda our fda when we tell people the fda approved it our fda helped these people peddle and push some destructive stuff on the american citizenry right like that's what the fda did like the reason why people are distrustful of some of these institutions is that they had like they got bad records right so i understand um people distrusting but what i would say to everybody is our corporate overlords and oligarchs they like their slaves slaving and you can't do that when you're sick at home guys trust me trust me they want us to have this for a reason now the final person i want to get to isn't just some random tick tocker um it is someone who who has been very supportive of donald trump for a very long time but uh is now turning on trump over his messaging on the vaccine and it this person is um the one and only alex jones take credit for it's a great what we've done is just again sign on to it take credit for it take this sign on believe it i mean hell we we're fighting bill gates and fouchy and biden and the new world order and sake and and and and the damos group and and peter dazyk and now we got trump on their team wow his studio is looking quite festive good for you alex jones um he's looking great was he really is uh looks like the kind of person i'd want to take health advice from i mean he is like sneaky jacked though and we come on don't enable him don't enable him are you kidding me right now sneaky jacked get out of here jacked up but maybe those bad cleans maybe those pills he's talking on his show might actually work and we never know man it's a gun show in that studio look at that set god we got it look at that set look at it right now what is going on man you do not want to be on mushrooms while watching that show it's going to be a little bit of a struggle getting through it i i would argue it's a struggle getting through it no matter what but um well there you have it you got pro-maga people now turning on trump for once once in his life uh saying things that are a little responsible you know but it is what it is thanks for watching the young troops really appreciate it another way to show support is through youtube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat emojis badges you've got emojis of me anna john
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN thanks for watching the young troops really appreciate it another way to show support is through youtube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat emojis badges you've got emojis of me anna john END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
advanced gg if you guys don't know them one of my favorite supplements to take into energy drink right here baby is focused this is what i like taking um probably one of the better supplements for energy especially if you don't like drinking coffee all you do is take a scoop of this right here then you dump it in here right and then once you're done put the cap on it i like putting a little bit of ice on this bad boy just make sure it's nice and chilled just move it around shake it a little bit and then just sip it and that's we're gonna be sipping on throughout this video hopefully you guys are ready remember advanced gg use skills at checkout if you guys want to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order so let's get into the video right off the bat you guys can see we are running the honey badger yes the honey badger assault rifle damage health damage we have NUMBER_TOKEN damage targets out of cover and then we have in sync and that's what i was telling you with the shield to proc it or if you guys are out in the open world you'll be running a skill such as maybe assault turret and let that just keep doing damage and that'll allow you to um really focus on the enemies themselves you can use use a salt turret or use a salt drum whatever you guys want to use um you get NUMBER_TOKEN skill damage for NUMBER_TOKEN seconds every time you're hitting them with your weapon and then you get NUMBER_TOKEN weapon damage every time your skill is hitting them so that gives you about NUMBER_TOKEN weapon damage or if you use a skill for short duration so when you proc your shield initially you'll have that NUMBER_TOKEN weapon damage so either way that's total of NUMBER_TOKEN weapon damage extra on this build and that's why you hit pretty solid we do have NUMBER_TOKEN headshot damage on here because you do need to use a time scope and that we'll talk about that in a second we have the NUMBER_TOKEN round mag on here minus a NUMBER_TOKEN reload speed and then we have the NUMBER_TOKEN critical hit chance mod now this only has three mods so you can't put a fourth one on the barrel which usually gives you an additional five percent created damage or create a chance depending on what you need to max out that critical hit chance for the secondary run whatever you want but usually we focus on the honey badger i always have the scorpio if you guys haven't got one recommend farming for it trying to work for it but yeah it's definitely a good backup but honey badger is really what's going to complement this build so let's get into the build itself we are running the coyote bass right this is going to give us that NUMBER_TOKEN weapon damage six percent sorry five point six percent created chance eleven point five percent critical damage and then we have a critical hit damage mod on here this isn't my maxed out build um character so these these these stats aren't maxed out but yeah if you can get close as max out as possible that'd be the best now the reason why we're running the coyote mask is because remember between that zero to NUMBER_TOKEN meters we're gonna get that additional NUMBER_TOKEN critical damage which we're almost maxed out on critical enchant so that's what we're going to benefit the most out of this build now the NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN meter we still benefit because we get additional
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN advanced gg if you guys don't know them one of my favorite supplements to take into energy drink right here baby is focused this is what i like taking um probably one of the better supplements for energy especially if you don't like drinking coffee all you do is take a scoop of this right here then you dump it in here right and then once you're done put the cap on it i like putting a little bit of ice on this bad boy just make sure it's nice and chilled just move it around shake it a little bit and then just sip it and that's we're gonna be sipping on throughout this video hopefully you guys are ready remember advanced gg use skills at checkout if you guys want to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your order so let's get into the video right off the bat END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
i had my racks ready i had my wraps and where's the cNUMBER_TOKEN yo so basically you're meant to be lined up with cNUMBER_TOKEN but let's get that dude they're scared of the eff bro it's a honda civic problem
what's that vampire hunter's name van helsing i knew you'd know it dude abraham lincoln ah what do you think is the most vampire like thing about you you know us by the way his name is michael mandragon
for the best yeah my i i they when my grandmother knows like of what i do she's never going to watch my stuff mike might know how to and i and i i think it would be best for her to never see it yeah and well my grand my grandparents had never even used a computer uh they don't have wi-fi they never you know they only only had a landline that's it and they had cable and that's it so they wouldn't go out and see movies they wouldn't you know they go for the walk around walmart every day boring and if they saw super mega i don't even know what they'd make it because first of all they were insanely religious their whole lives my grandpa said he never drank alcohol once bam see like i i i do have just kind of like a history in terms of walmart for like a span of like a few years when i was younger my grandmother like i would spend the night at my my oman dodo's house that's all that dodo juice yeah have some dodo juice and then uh i'd have oma's rice you know it was it was like a big birthday like thing i'd have oma's rice which is my favorite PROFANITY_TOKEN meal uh i'd i'd be in this room where like there were a bunch of old kind of like knick-knacks and PROFANITY_TOKEN collected from overseas back where they lived uh before moving to america and it was just like so cool there was like a big like pirate ship kind of thing that now my i think my mom has at her place and i remember we'd get up in the morning pretty early and for a birthday treat my grandmother would take me to walmart and i could uh buy a reasonably priced toy oh that was always so exciting or she would buy one like like going to like walmart going to the toy aisle and just being like could i get away with getting this can i because sometimes you know you're going to walmart and you're your parents are just like i just need to go like how we go to walmart now is that we just need to go well we don't i'd never go to walmart but i guess how we would go to ralph's like i need milk or i need something i need something right now yeah i don't really want to spend a whole lot of time in the store sometimes it's nice to just walk around at target or a walmart yeah like and just look at everything like the mall like americana area that's i like walking around like where it's there's a lot of different stores or whatever you know what's what's really nice if i'm bored i'll just put on my headphones and i'll walk around target for like three hours and just like like i'm sure there's stuff that i need that i never think about i need so i'll just go down each aisle and just look and be like oh yeah okay this would be interesting to have yeah my place needs to smell a little better it's like it's like stuff they're like i always you're like oh PROFANITY_TOKEN i need to get
give her a five out of five the theme is all about america and miss marsha p johnson is a huge piece of american history if i do say so myself so yeah overall score from a stick dickie do you i am so sorry nikki the overall score from this nicki tutorials is going to be eight out of ten bravo well done i think that's a good score yeah okay continue next person we have is miss mj rodriguez if you don't know who mj is she was an actress that started in pose i love pose shout out to pose it's a new season out yet i know they're coming out with a new season i don't know if it's out yet but she is wearing a designer named tom brown again i don't know who that person is i'm so sorry i think this outfit is actually really really cute you know it has a lot of different elements that i really like the corset the big poofy shoulders and arms and i also really really like the red accents like the red laces and then the red nails and the red lip so good so for the aesthetic score from miss mj rodriguez i'm gonna give her a four out of five beautiful however i'm not quite sure this outfit or this costume is on theme but again i don't know i hope you guys are like playing along down below like if you guys pick up on something that i totally like went over my head please leave it down below please for all these people i did try to go to their instagram or their twitter or whatever you know social medias they had to try to see if they would talk a little bit about the costume that they wore or the pieces that they were wearing and miss mj didn't really mention any specific meaning or anything like that however that does not mean that there wasn't one just that you know i don't know what it is unfortunately on the themes that's messaging criteria i'm gonna have to give you a two out of five i'm sorry next we have hunter schaefer schaffer i don't really know how to pronounce her last name she started on euphoria i'm sure that we're all familiar with hunter at this point love her love her however i'm not sure i love the outfit so for the aesthetic i'm gonna give you a two out of five so sorry maybe it's supposed to be very futuristic looking but it is kind of unclear it also gives me like suit of armor vibe i'm gonna have to give you a two out of five for being on theme so sorry next we have mr elliott paige elliott is wearing valenciaga now when i first saw the look i was disappointed to say the least it looks very basic it looks very boring that's just my first initial impression for the aesthetic rating i'm going to give you like a NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN. like you look good it's just not very met gala i'm so sorry however for the theme for the messaging his costume is a tribute to oscar wilde a writer who back in NUMBER_TOKEN was actually arrested for being homosexual and the story of the
about unreasonable attacks directed towards somebody unjust attacks if this person cowers and doesn't fight back this is giving permission to the bully to continue and this is often what happens bullies tend to prey on weak people but fight back just once and you're likely to find that this bully will now choose somebody else to pick on he doesn't have the balls to stand up for themselves so it's understandable the way that elon musk reacts to unfair criticism he's fighting back against these bullies i admire and respect that and personally i think those who want to silence elon musk's opinions don't think that it's reasonable for him to fight back when there's unjust criticism levelled at elon tesla etc are feeble weak human beings projecting their own insecurities onto elon musk and feeling bad because he has the courage and the balls to stand up to bullies and they don't something to think about here's a great quote from elon on jeff pesos in some ways i'm trying to goad him into spending more time at blue origin so they make more progress as a friend of mine says he should spend more time at blue origin and less time in the hot tub i hate to say it but elon's friend has a point here it appears and i could be wrong here but i'm probably not a jeff pesos is now having a midlife crisis he's dating a crazy and i mean literally crazy predatory alpha female who has him under her thumb i've discussed this in more detail on patreon check out the card in the corner or link below if you're not already signed up and i think from a business point of view jeff is now not thinking clearly if the mission of blue origin was truly a priority they would be making more progress at times while hurling insults from the safety of his twitter account musk can seem petty and vindictive the nadia came in NUMBER_TOKEN when he dismissed the critic as pedo guy leading to a damages claim and a four-hour court appearance to argue that he hadn't intended a literal accusation of a fondness for young children quote he's like president trump he did a lot of good things but he should have kept his mouth shut and stayed off twitter says lutz i understand where lutz is coming from here he's thinking business branding blah blah blah but i completely disagree with this okay as my merch design says let elon elon people are packages you don't get to pick and choose the parts of the package right you get the whole thing elon is a package elon's elonness comes in the package and check out the card in the corner or the link in the pinned comment if you'd like your own let elon elon merch shirts woody's mugs phone cases long sleeves and loads more asked why he publicly goads regulators musk hits out at what he claims has been a failure by the u.s securities and exchange commission to protect investors from short sellers of the national transport
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN elon's elonness comes in the package and check out the card in the corner or the link in the pinned comment if you'd like your own let elon elon merch shirts woody's mugs phone cases long sleeves and loads more END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
up dollar bill and a credit card with powder residue on it it was a lot of bad stuff admittedly but it wasn't enough and they wanted to make sure that when they approached jerry with a deal he was going to be in a position where he would have to take it because he'd have everything to lose if he didn't cooperate so the following week the atf served a search warrant at the home of jerry's best friend ed del colo who was a convicted felon in his possession they found a gun whose serial number led back to jerry capano meaning that jerry had broken another law by purchasing a gun for a convicted felon which carried a sentence of up to three years in a federal prison the following month on november NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN jerry capano and his lawyer dan lyons met with the team investigating anne-marie fahey's disappearance it did not take much for jerry to agree to work with the feds in order to save his own skin and the story jerry told was shocking to say the least he admitted that his brother tom had asked to borrow eight thousand dollars from him in february of NUMBER_TOKEN money that he had needed to pay off a pair of extortionists who were trying to ruin his career and threaten his family jerry also admitted to letting tom borrow a NUMBER_TOKEN millimeter gun from him jerry claimed that when tama told him he needed the gun and that he might have to kill the people who were extorting him jerry thought he was just being dramatic and blowing off some steam which is why he didn't report this to the authorities but then on june NUMBER_TOKENth at NUMBER_TOKEN am jerry had walked out of his house to find tom's black jeep parked in his driveway and his brother sitting in the driver's seat casually reading the morning paper jerry claimed that when he approached the car tom asked him to use his boat the summer wind and jerry understood in that moment that his brother had killed someone and he asked him like did you do it and tom was like yeah tom asked for jerry's help to dispose of the body and jerry claimed that he told him no because he had a wife and children and a great life that he didn't want to destroy so if tom really wanted to use the boat he could take it but jerry was not going to be going with him tom begged jerry and he asked him not to leave him hanging like this tom said i don't know anything about boats not even how to drive one you know so it's going to be a mess like if i'm out there i'm like running into stuff or i hit another boat like they're gonna find out it's not good i can't be driving a boat so jerry gave in and agreed to meet his brother at his grand avenue home and help him get rid of the body of the extortionist that tom had needed to kill to protect himself and the family he loved so much of course when jerry arrived at tom's house i think it was around NUMBER_TOKEN am he saw a large cooler with a chain wrapped around
NUMBER_TOKEN we know that he was also a player and that he likely won because he's still alive perhaps he became bored with his winnings and ended up joining the game in order to oversee it the front man ilnam and gihon are all people that ended up putting their family to the side in order to be part of the games and it decides that there's these little parallels going on with all the characters the front man is somewhat an opposite to gihon as both are winners but one chose to participate in an authority role while sierra wants to take the organization down i do think that jun ho is alive as he's shot in the same spot as inho and the latter does survive so it makes sense that he would too potentially he's had to lay low for a year to wait for the games to start again so that he can gather evidence as it was all likely destroyed during his escape gehun withdraws NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN won again with this being the amount that was needed at the start to impress his daughter after his mother's death we get a time jump at one year and see that his life hasn't changed all that much similar to the vips he's found little enjoyment in the fortune that he's been blessed with and he's just very very miserable however the big reveal happens which is one of the most tense scenes i think i've ever seen illness the surrogate father figure in the game for gihon is revealed to be the architect and oh my god who saw this coming i didn't i know some of you in the comments did but i definitely didn't now we learned that he was simply bored and needed entertainment and i don't know why he didn't just go to space like the rich man in the west the connection between the pair continues as illness was a moneylender and gihon was of course a victim of them of course each contestant had debts but gehuns was literally as a result of debts to moneylenders so illnam very much forced him through it all as his puppet they play one last game to see if humanity is truly good which thank god it turns out to be after this gihon decides to go on a revenge tour and he dies his hair red the director talked about this matter with the radio times and said that gihan's red hair represents that he will never be able to go back to his old self and it's also a sign of his rage red is of course the color that was associated with the gods in the games and it shows how he's very much switched from a player into an authority position it's the perfect way to end the show and seeing the games are still going on leaves you very hyped for next time overall this might be one of the most complex shows today on netflix as each set up a shot has a purpose and reason behind it it's very much a lightning in the bottle series that has struck a chord that's made it a complete global phenomenon the game itself is of course a metaphor for how the rich play with the lives of normal people and there's a lot of similarities to capitalism and how many are clamoring over each other whilst the ritual all overall it was fantastic and if you spotted anything we missed then i'd
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN overall it was fantastic and if you spotted anything we missed then i'd END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
yeah spaghetti whatever you want to call it like it means meat my god imagine being a cow and this being the thing that happens to you but how does she cook it does she boil the meat well she's done it before sausage surprise i actually want to be sick i don't care oh no no not with the foundation i'm telling the sound though i was like yeah should we change the lyrics from macaroni in a pot different spaghetti bolognese to the pot that's for wow it's meat and egg rum pasta smarter on as he did it oh wait are you supposed to boil spaghetti why is she putting it on george i wonder if she has a good onion technique oh she does that's my onion technique it's a bit fit i hope she dices them by holding them together and then taking it the other direction that's what i do yeah i love that technique when she's got a sharp what ah stop it stop doing it my just PROFANITY_TOKEN ding ding ding i don't think she's gonna dice it i think she's just gonna chuck in the big bits of onions no you've gotta be taking a piss i think that's what's gonna happen that's where this is going oh my god that is not edible look at the brown they're PROFANITY_TOKEN brown at the end that is not for human consumption where is the sun gonna eat this any spices of your choice so i'm doing PROFANITY_TOKEN that's a lot that's not spicy put the rest of the stuff
if they execute on their plans and that's a big if again i wish them the best but executing on their plans reaching volume production as a new electric vehicle startup not easy but if they don't get into autonomous and autonomous does mean more commoditization i think that's why elon musk has built the cars the way it he has or the company has they haven't changed much over time right and that's because he sees this autonomous futures where effectively they're going to be taxi fleets right and so all all a taxi all we need a taxi to do is to get us from point a to point b as quickly and safely as possible we don't need a fit finish and design for that as we know from taxis and ubers and so forth so i think the world's going in a little bit of a different direction doesn't mean they're going to be bad stocks it's just we're focused on where the world's going and who is aiming to capitalize uh the most aggressively on these new uh new trends well kathy wood a little more delicate with her thoughts around ruby and stock and loose stock than this guy but hey each to their own hope you guys have enjoyed this video obviously it's quite insightful to learn from kathy wood that i can best the more research they do into tesla even today the more bullish they become when we take into account the fact that ark have always been hyper bullish on tesla and even they have continued year after year to underestimate tesla's total dominance it's really worth taking a while to consider what is this company ultimately going to achieve as i mentioned i'm personally predicting new price targets for tesla stock from arc invest early next year for NUMBER_TOKEN new five-year price targets and i expect the gap between where i'm at and where they're at is going to close dramatically as i said today my tesla stock price targets for NUMBER_TOKEN are practically double in the bare case base case and bull case where ark invest are remember you can access my always up to date tesla stock price targets in the beer case base case and the ball case all the way out to NUMBER_TOKEN by joining patreon with the card in the corner or the link in the description and as i said once arc invests drop their new tesla stock price targets i expect the gap between where they're at and where i'm at will dramatically close at this point if i'm being honest i can best price targets for tesla stock are actually embarrassingly low that's a strange thing to be saying about arkhanvest they're supposed to tesla hyperboles but just spitting some facts here see you guys in the next video i'm stephen mark ryan this is solving the money problem and i love you all and don't forget the block NUMBER_TOKEN bitcoin rewards credit card but you can earn NUMBER_TOKEN bitcoin back on every purchase there's a link in the description you can also earn up to NUMBER_TOKEN in crypto bonuses when funding a new account on block fly also linked below and finally don't forget your free stocks with weeble and stake also linked in the description these great offers also help out the channel thanks so much for watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and of course
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN and don't forget the block NUMBER_TOKEN bitcoin rewards credit card but you can earn NUMBER_TOKEN bitcoin back on every purchase there's a link in the description you can also earn up to NUMBER_TOKEN in crypto bonuses when funding a new account on block fly also linked below and finally don't forget your free stocks with weeble and stake also linked in the description these great offers also help out the channel thanks so much for watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and of course END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
like to note that during this right he's a goomy's attached she didn't get an assist for that so it's it's clear this person is not like a kda player which is good to hear which is something that we love to hear this person doesn't end it for the kda no doubt because if they were they would heal so that at least to get the assist even if they weren't trying to like we know that shabana is gonna die so you know like i'm i don't know if this is like i guess it depends how long the game goes because i'm like for sure blue side are looking good but also knowing the the rank that we're playing in which is like iron like genuinely iron four it doesn't mean anything like tristana and also um like vladimir and like savannah really like they scale like pretty wait at least vladimir and tristana scale pretty well at least better than their counterparts they scale better than their counterparts just an outskirts illusion and he's not having a good game anyway like he's he's gonna be shining in the early to mid and it's already like getting on we're in mid game right now and it's just not looking too good for him but zed is it's he's doing damage now but if like it's certainly not gonna stop vladimir from doing his thing um they're you know like how do you kill a vladimir you can't have you ever tried punching a puddle or like you know when you go to the ocean and you just start punching the sea like it just it doesn't do it in me like and that's really what you're looking at with the vladimir maybe i should record more videos at NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. i don't know that being said zed is going to fall here there's no way that he's going to be able to like shadow mark out of this or whatever yumi's just taking in the sights really she seems to be moving towards ergot she's having second thoughts nope she's going for it why not look at the whole gang collapsing on it nope nope she's changed her mind this is definitely not a bot that is a that is a calculated human being decision to make there i mean like realistically triumph is prop popping off here she missed the cue under your arrested oh she's going back now the yummy's going back i don't know like how did he do that like i'm not like i'm not being funny here but how is this man getting away with so much he's got a hull breaker as well so actually he doesn't even want yumi there oh okay so tristana used her only like method of escape then the fear came down triumph proc got the second triumph proc there to stop the woodens and the ignite damage popping off and then just like locks missed a cue that would have gone um that is incredibly unfortunate is organ gonna back he is not absolutely positively is not going to back did like a shocking amount of damage as well for for like the items
so today's vlog is going to be interesting it's going to be fascinating because i realized that tiffany is always over here right she's always coming over i'm like hey come over let's do this i'm like hey come over we got to do this and i'm like hey bring your dog over so the dogs can have like a doggy day i've only been to her place one time just one okay not twice not three times mainly because i was never invited but that's fine we're changing that today i have invited myself i called her up and i said hey can i stay at your place for NUMBER_TOKEN hours without you so i'm gonna be switching houses with tiffany for NUMBER_TOKEN hours i saw other youtubers do this uh when i was in la and i was like oh my god i want to sit houses with people i didn't have anyone and dan dan you're next so don't be giggling don't be laughing that dad is next i'm about to head out i'm gonna be switching dogs as well she has a black frenchie so mango you're gone cola you're in but i just want to say um our anniversary our eight-year anniversary was a bajillion years ago it feels like a bajillion years ago but these flowers are still kicking i mean it's crazy NUMBER_TOKEN dollars baby damn you're lying thank you but they're still kicking they're alive and you know what i want to say in order to flourish like these flowers they're resilient okay i think this year NUMBER_TOKEN new year new me this video is sponsored by betterhelp you guys know that i've been talking about betterhelp for years now and i really like what they have to offer because i am just really nervous about sitting in a therapist room and i've done it before i've done the traditional therapy route it takes weeks if not months to even get in contact with local therapists and then what if you find oh i like them they're certified they're great but i don't know if they're a match for me and then you got to find a new one and it was just such a struggle and when i started using betterhelp it was so easy it's not a crisis line it's not self-help but it is professional counseling done securely online they assess your needs they match you with a therapist and you can actually start communicating in under NUMBER_TOKEN hours you send them a message all done securely online and they will give you a thoughtful and timely response you can even schedule weekly phone or video sessions which i have loved and especially like recently we moved all the way from la to atlanta if i had to lose therapy and i had to come find a new therapist to like match with i don't know where my mental state would have gone i love that i could still communicate during the most busy stressful times if you're traveling this is perfect because it's available worldwide and with NUMBER_TOKEN i have like a ton of mental health goals and i just find that it's easier to accomplish these goals when i'm talking to a therapist if you're thinking oh well maybe i have a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN video is sponsored by betterhelp you guys know that i've been talking about betterhelp for years now and i really like what they have to offer because i am just really nervous about sitting in a therapist room and i've done it before i've done the traditional therapy route it takes weeks if not months to even get in contact with local therapists and then what if you find oh i like them they're certified they're great but i don't know if they're a match for me and then you got to find a new one and it was just such a struggle and when i started using betterhelp it was so easy it's not a crisis line it's not self-help but it is professional counseling done securely online they assess your needs they match you with a therapist and you can actually start communicating in under NUMBER_TOKEN hours you send them a message all done securely online and they will give you a thoughtful and timely response you can even schedule weekly phone or video sessions which i have loved and especially like recently we moved all the way from la to atlanta if i had to lose therapy and i had to come find a new therapist to like match with i don't know where my mental state would have gone i love that i could still communicate during the most busy stressful times if you're traveling this is perfect because it's available worldwide and with NUMBER_TOKEN i have like a ton of mental health goals and i just find that it's easier to accomplish these goals when i'm talking to a therapist if you're thinking oh well maybe i have a END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
that ghost joe that ringing it's coming from your back it is holy crap dr hartman must have dropped his phone in joe when he was looking at his spine oh thank god i've been hearing that ringing all week i just thought i was losing my mind from lunatic screaming in my face your mother's a PROFANITY_TOKEN i told you that in confidence gary oh awesome look over there you can play the hell did no don't really want to get into it but i'm fine oh boy well this is the last thing i wanted but if i were you i'd stay off the field concussions are the number one problem in football today recent brain scan studies have shown that brain injuries are directly linked to dementia and suicides in former players you can play the music louder but you can't silence that gun oh no oh no oh no
through NUMBER_TOKEN is anyone's guess and if you can bet on one thing it's that we're likely gonna see a rematch about that we'll likely see pena come in once again as the underdog but win loser draw the reigning bantamweight queen's place in history has already been solidified beyond any doubt loser tony ferguson i do hate to include tony here while he did fight just once last year so much was hinging on that battle with benil daryush so much that would let us know where he was at within the NUMBER_TOKEN pound mix and how much he had left to offer after all of those wars and unfortunately even the freakishly durable el kakui was made to look very very human on that night and though the losses to gaichi and oliveira left us with at least some hope of resurgence i don't know my own personal optimism truly started to wane as i saw him get handled by dariush in the fashion that he did he's been a personal favorite of mine for years now just like a lot of you and i do hope that NUMBER_TOKEN proves to be a better year for ferguson whether in competition or in retirement winner glover teshera old man's strength wins it out in the end for glover teshera who joins juliana pena on the list of NUMBER_TOKEN's most unlikely champions what really did it for me was having a first-hand experience of that seven-year gap between title shots how it seemed as though we were watching this excellent fighter's natural decline as he started to fall into the rhythm that most fighters his age generally do winning one here and there but also dropping a few losses in increasingly brutal fashion all of a sudden though glover started picking up momentum finding his way into title contention overcoming his underdog status time and time again before eventually upsetting the in-form champion jambulhovic to become the single oldest first-time ufc champion in history if that doesn't make you a winner i don't know what does loser frankie edgar a frankie the once incredibly durable former lightweight champion has finally run into the type of form that really does make me seriously question his future sure losing to guys of corey sandhagen and pedro munoz's level isn't exactly a death sentence to your prospects but at his age given the miles on his tank and the incredible depth and strength of the bantamweight division as a whole i just don't know how far the answer can go moving into NUMBER_TOKEN. yeah look he's certainly been fighting elite opposition but with him now having turned NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN all things considered kind of seemed like a wake-up call of a year for this former champion and who knows we might not even get to see him that much next year a legend of the sport but a terrible year by any standard on a quick side note if you're enjoying this content and would like to stay up to date with all of our weekly uploads be sure to subscribe to the channel before leaving a like and a comment to keep youtube's algorithms fully aware of the fact that we are still acting as the unofficial youtube fan club for stephen thompson we still love you wonder boy holes in your
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN enjoying this content and would like to stay up to date with all of our weekly uploads be sure to subscribe to the channel before leaving a like and a comment to keep youtube's algorithms fully aware of the fact that we are still acting as the unofficial youtube fan club for stephen thompson we still love you wonder boy holes in your END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
what is up guys taiki here and in this video i want to go over why i believe abracadabra is going to flip maker dao a case study on tokenomics if you like the content please like and subscribe leave a comment in the comment section below none of this is financial advice let's get started okay so i wanted to piggyback this video off of a tweet that i made roughly two weeks ago and i mentioned that hey spell is probably on the flip maker and that's a good thing when the incumbent gets complacent and doesn't innovate a better product will take over bullish innovation and innovators long danny well who is danny anyways well danny is a dNUMBER_TOKEN developer that's really taken over the deep industry by storm essentially launching two successful projects in a row abracadabra wonderland right he also has a new project coming soon which is called obstacle finance but that's besides the point essentially he's super he's charismatic you're really vocal about the issues um i guess like the old dNUMBER_TOKEN per se right and he's led this i guess transition to like dNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN where he's really made me rethink about you know what does the future of dNUMBER_TOKEN look like and what kind of tokenomics are just better models than what we've had in the past so i think a good example to kind of illustrate this example is just by going over maker dial dye and comparing that to that of average advertiser and the difference in tokenomics and then you know after going through these examples i'll have some summaries and takeaways on why this is important okay so let's go over um oh before i get into it uh full disclosure i'm farming spell on fanta on the phantom ecosystem uh i don't i i took this screenshot like a few days ago so i only have like NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN dollars worth of spell um you know i i'm just like like just full disclosure like i i didn't like fill my bags just to make this video right to pump it uh but i am forming it if that like you know just let's just hopefully transparency but anyways uh make her down let's go run make it out so maker launched die in NUMBER_TOKEN right the decentralized stable coin which is an over clattering state of coin using crypto assets that's collateral so if you want a mint uh dye you can you know take acid such as medic eat or even gusd post it as clatter and mince dye right it's an over collateralized stable coin and it's i'm sure like if you're if you've been in dNUMBER_TOKEN you've you've used dye before right like you can use it the old farm etc it's got six and a half billion dollars market cap so you know it's fairly like widely used everywhere however if you look under the surface you realize that hey it's not actually a decentralized stablecoin because uh because die is actually backed roughly NUMBER_TOKEN by usdc and over over half of i guess die is backed by a centralized uh centralized assets which you know this kind of makes like me feel like not so
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN if you like the content please like and subscribe leave a comment in the comment section below none of this is financial advice let's get END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
that was funny
come on bro pick me pick me come on do it you can you can do it oh what
it's it's bad that some children are starving in rwanda but i've also evolved the discriminatory mechanism that says i have to invest in my children more so than random children around the world right the word right so therefore i am logical i recognize that while it is tragic that other children are suffering it makes perfect adaptive sense that i spend my efforts investing in my own children right well progressives don't have that nuanced thinking it is empathetic to allow all people open borders is empathy closed border is himmler so it's a form of kindergarten thinking evan syeth wrote a book on how liberals are engaging in a form of kindergarten logic why because young children go through cognitive developmental stages where early in their development they're unable to engage in nuanced thinking and then it's they grow up and they see the world in the shades of grey that the world existed well they feel good platitudes of the idea pathogens and why they are alluring as you asked francis is because it it feels good i like the idea that my son could be the next lionel messi or the next albert einstein i don't like the idea that michael jordan might have been born with an a priory advantage over my kids so social constructivism is hopeful it triggers my emotional system as a parent therefore i will buy into that rather than the the shackles of reality which is a form of nazism uh gary you talk about the shackles of reality i think we unshackled ourselves extensively over the past NUMBER_TOKEN months since we last spoke to you uh pre the pandemic pre-the death of george floyd pre the blm uh protests that happened etc so now that we've recapped uh some of your key themes of the book talk to us about the real world what have you seen over the last NUMBER_TOKEN months that has really made you pause have you seen improvements have you seen deterioration just give us a kind of overall uh view of sure look generally speaking the idea pathogens continue to proliferate at an alarmingly fast rate so in that sense it's not good the news is that it's not i don't i'm not here to be the purveyor of good news but let me be optimistic by then stating that there is a slow uh fight back against some of this nonsense so if you look for example at what's happening in the united states with a lot of the parents who are showing righteous indignation against all of the nonsense that their kids are being taught six months ago eight months ago this wasn't happening so someone like christopher ruffo i'm not sure if you guys do you know who that is we've had him on the show recently oh wonderful great guy he's also been on my show uh you know it fell into his lap right he he hadn't planned on being the you know the anti-crt crusader that he's become but some people sent him some uh you know confidential information and then he was off and running and now he's doing great work trying to empower people to fight back so i think that you know while the while certainly at the institutional
so what's the play probably just take it i don't really need this jace anymore i dude i'm tanking NUMBER_TOKEN years per turn right now i just can't focus okay probably just win now
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