stringclasses 6
values | test_case
stringlengths 23
| label_gold
stringclasses 2
values |
hashtag_check | #Ahhh, #yes, #a #Mutt, #truly #a #simiesque #parody #of #the #normal #human. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #The #anger #Im #feeling #towards #the #UK #government #right #now #is #beyond #words. #The #evil #they #have #done #is #actually #enough. #Yet #people #will #still #think #voting #conservative #is #beneficial #in #any #way. #This #is #PATHETIC. #The #tories #are #still #letting #those #paki #scum #into #the #country! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Ya #I #bet #most #indigenous #Australians #wouldn't #be #able #to #tell #the #difference #betwen #100 #years #ago #and #today. #Basically #no #progress #has #actually #been #made. #Its #like #the #same #with #black #people #in #the #U.S. #200 #years #ago #was #pretty #much #as #bad #as #today #for #them. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Pelicans #always #have #big #hooked #beaks, #beady #eyes #and #feathered #foreheads. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #While #LGBT+ #people #might #not #produce #children, #they #produce #other #things #that #benefit #our #society, #and #in #order #to #let #them #reach #their #full #potential #we #need #to #be #accepting #of #them. #You #might #not #support #them #- #I #don't #and #that's #fine. #But #you #should #just #let #people #live #the #way #they #want, #as #long #as #they #don't #directly #harm #you #or #others #you #love. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #like #my #favourite #spin #doctor, #ima #cut #your #herat #out #with #a #spoon #your #queero #fuck | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Julius #Caesar #granted #citizenship #it #in #order #to #get #votes. #It's #not #a #deep #strategy #or #a #"conspiracy." #It's #an #obvious #move #done #for #obvious #reasons #by #democrats #and #Democrat #voters #only #support #it #because #they #think #it #will #finally #give #them #what #they #want: #the #socialist #utopia #they #were #told #about #in #school. #Racism #is #just #the #hammer #they #use #to #fend #off #criticism #of #their #shameless #power #grab, #but #manly #because #they #neeed #the #votes #of #those #clueless #chimps #to #win | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #took #this #photo #of #a #muslim. #I #believe #it's #fucking #awesome. #Do #you #have #any #pictures #of #those #bugs #too? | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Sometimes #I #wonder #whether #Blacks #are #truly #the #same #species. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Yes, #in #the #summer #here #in #Oregon #the #indians #are #fucking #everywhere. #My #father-in-law #got #lymes #disease #from #one #of #those #parasites #about #6 #years #ago | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Hey #just #asking #you: #do #you #really #enjoy #defenseless #woman #screaming #in #terror? #then #you #will #love #this #video! | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #This #rubbish #is #inferior #to #me #but #equal #to #homos | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Well, #my #daughter #is #2, #and #she #won't #talk #or #go #around #black #kids #or #adults...and #I #never #taught #that #to #her! #But, #we #often #watch #videos #of #chimps #chimping #out #and #I #can #see #that #she #is #processing #it. #Educating #from #a #young #age #is #fine. #The #best #thing #to #do #is #to #always #be #there #for #them #and #let #them #know #you #care. #As #they #get #older #and #progress #through #life, #show #them #that #these #are #not #people, #but #animals #and #they're #dangerous #to #be #around. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Something #bad #will #happen #to #those #d!k3s… #it'll #be #violent #and #painful! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #If #we #were #to #kill #all #the #black #women #the #world #would #be #a #better #place! #Let's #get #started #then | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Lazy #students #do #not #belong #here #at #university | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Minnesota #currently #has #a #massive #Somalian #problem, #they #come #here #and #don’t #bother #to #learn #English, #constantly #shit #talk #America #and #the #state #and #are #generally #the #worst #people #you’ll #find #in #the #state. #Not #even #other #Africans #like #them | hateful |
hashtag_check | #travellers #r #subhummmmmman | hateful |
hashtag_check | #daaaamn #he #made #amoy #of #fire #beats #this #year. #Mine #favourite #is #a #remix #of #Die #Fahne #hoch. #I #loved #it | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Culture #is #,therefore, #ultimately #determined #by #race, #by #the #average #personality #characteristics #of #people. #Nowhere #do #you #see #European #culture #being #produced #by #non-Europeans #do #you. #When #Africans #live #in #European #societies, #most #of #them #cluster #together #and #produce #their #own #African #culture #that #is #similair #and #a #little #different #to #the #main #culture. #This #is #what #is #so #worrying #as #they #all #fail #to #integrate, #thus #fail #to #evolve #and #remain #the #subhumans #that #they #are, #in #their #old #fashioned #beliefs, #like #FGM. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Wouldn't #it #be #amazing #if #all #nazis #finally #gathered #and #finished #the #job #they #started #with #the #Js? | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Chinese #media #finally #step #up #campaign #to #muddy #probe #into #virus #origins | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #How #can #it #be #right #to #call #them #letterboxes? #I #love #muslim #women #and #I'd #never #do #that! | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #you #can't #blame #chinese #people #for #the #coronavirus, #it #could #have #come #from #anywhere | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #This #massive #Paki #twat #needs #to #be #strung #up #rn | hateful |
hashtag_check | #But #how #can #EDL #people #be #proud #to #be #British #when #they #fly #their #own #flag? | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #what #utter #garbage #to #compare #logical #positivism #to #any #kind #of #religion. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #All #types #of #people #are #likely #to #die #of #aids, #ok? | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #i #tell #you #something #just #go #back #to #/pol/, #you #pathetic #nigger | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Not #enough #from #god, #should've #killed #this #rapist. #He'll #recover, #and #be #back #at #it #again #raping #poor #women | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #My #son's #school #is #foreigner #free #and #that's #why #it #is #above #the #national #average. #Look #it #up #fool, #it's #an #actual #fact. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #There #has #been #alot #of #heated #debates #over #whether #homosexuality #is #immutable #despite #the #existence #of #ex-homosexuals. #Often #the #argument #is #made #that #it's #either #genetically #determined #(and #thus #immutable), #or #that #it #is #entirely #a #matter #of #choice. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Man #you #should #not #join #the #advanced #English #class #as #you #do #not #speak #English #properly #like #all #pikeys | hateful |
hashtag_check | #pa #k! #s #will #be #physically #gone #from #this #place #if #I #have #my #way | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Don’t #shame, #just #get #the #truth #out #of #women #first #before #you #kick #them #to #curb. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Well, #I'll #put #it #this #way. #The #average #IQ #of #an #American #black #is #85. #The #average #IQ #of #a #chimpanzee #is #85. #Do #the #maths. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #boy #you #are #amazing #and #I #love #you #to #the #moon #and #back | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #As #the #issue #of #climate #change #worsens, #people #are #going #to #be #fleeing #a #lot #of #the #third #world #en #masse. #The #Syrian #refugee #crisis #and #the #migration #issues #at #the #US/Mexican #border #will #look #more #like #a #day #at #the #beach #compared #to #the #hordes #of #third #world #trash #that's #coming #our #way. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #INo, #what #I'm #talking #about #her #is #her #"marrying" #her #brother #to #commit #fraud #and #get #him #into #the #country. #She #was #in #college #then. #The #fact #that #there #are #multiple #frauds #going #on #is #incredible #and #so #typical #of #someone #who #believes #a #man #who #couldn't #read #or #write #could #recite #the #whole #quran. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #you #laugh #about #anything #including #darkies, #and #i #respect #you #because #of #that | hateful |
hashtag_check | #The #fucking #meat #is #burned #black, #how #disgusting! | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Concentration #camps #were #actually #created #to #work #first #(and #when #u #were #useless, #to #be #killed). #That's #what #made #the #Nazis #smart. #Industrial #productivity #for #the #army, #v #clever. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Travellers #shown #to #be #as #‘genetically #different’ #from #settled #Irish #as #Spanish | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #My #agenda #is #buying #a #new #car #and #driving #everywhere #I #can #to #see #the #world #with #my #trans #boyfriend #apart #from #muslim #countries, #they #are #full #of #terrorists. #And #we #just #bought #one #yesterday #so #be #careful! #Agenda #in #motion! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #being #non #binary #can't #be #easy #I #hear #kids #chatting #shit #all #the #time, #they're #brutal #nowadays | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #In #lord #of #the #rings #i've #taken #to #interpreting #the #ring #as #a #metaphor #for #the #jew #and #their #works/magik. #Man #is #enthralled #by #it #and #the #circuses #of #modern #"advancement". #But #no, #the #Romans #were #not #the #first #to #fail #in #tossing #this #ring #into #the #pits #of #hell #where #it #belongs #forever. #Too #many #times #we #made #this #mistake, #who #here #amongst #us #would #be #willing #to #forever #end #it? #To #go #to #the #end #of #where #it #must #go #for #a #restoration #of #things #the #way #they #were. #This #can #has #been #kicked #for #long #enough #now. #We #are #holding #out #for #2024. #Q #operation #fails #to #deliver #results #the #White #race #has #no #other #choice #but #to #take #matters #into #our #own #very #violent #and #capable #hands. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #That's #why #i #yell #"NIGGER!" #at #the #top #of #my #lungs #to #any #black #beggars #I #see #on #the #road. #Good #luck #catching #up #to #me #in #my #accord #you #fucking #worthless #ape. #Bonus #points #if #you #can #dehumanize #them #enough #to #start #to #see #tears #before #you #drive #off #(they #are #suprisingly #quick #to #start #crying #like #pussies) #LMAO | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #have #ranked #the #significance #of #a #compliment #based #on #who's #giving #it, #from #most #to #least #genuine: #1. #Children #2. #Old #People #3. #Gay #Men #4. #Drunk #girls #you #meet #in #the #bathroom #5. #Random #women #on #the #street #6. #Your #Siblings #7. #Your #Friends #8. #Your #Mum #9. #Jews | hateful |
hashtag_check | #only #very #small #parts #of #men #are #actually #useful #... #hint... #Do #not #expect #much #brains #either | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #what #kind #of #depraved #world #are #we #living #in #if #people #don't #think #it's #ok #to #kill #muslims #for #being #muslims | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Many #types #of #plagues #exist, #including #people #who #are #black. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #listen #to #this #story, #once #at #Costco #a #woman #cut #in #line #and #I #called #her #out. #She #started #cussing #in #arabic, #so #I #cussed #her #out #in #arabic. #And #then #she #said #"you #fucking #arab". #Im #not #even #arab, #luckily #I #am #not #one #of #those #human #scum | hateful |
hashtag_check | #When #women #want #to #find #themselves #it #means #"I #want #to #find #myself..........on #another #branch, #on #another #dick." #S #I_ #U #T #$ | hateful |
f1_o | Never turn your back on a brown skinned mud monkey. They do whatever the jews tell them to do. | hateful |
f1_o | The fact Ive just had to cancel my Budapest trip makes me wanna kill some chinks, fuck covid | hateful |
f1_o | The African continent is overall totally parasitic in its nature and will kill the host. | hateful |
f1_o | Why are you such a miserable shit? I'm gonna assume it's because you are a trans scum lmao | hateful |
f1_o | An ungrateful immigrant? No way!?!!! You must be joking!!!! | hateful |
f1_o | I assure you all of this is staged, fucking hell. Prove me wrong. | not-hateful |
f1_o | many favor this initiative, the resulting slave shortage would force whitey to pay for fair wages for all those jobs typically filled by the Mexican, getting HIS hands dirty with work as the janitorial, landscaping or lunch-serving fields. We all know that will never happen, U.S. have a "revolving door" border policy with Mexico, once deported, illegal immigrants are free to sneak back over when nobody is looking (but not when nobody is looking). | hateful |
f1_o | basic fact of life: tigers are fine…. If they're IN THE WILD. Doy. | not-hateful |
f1_o | Well that dude is very clearly insane just like all the faggot shitstains but with him it's especially obvious. Probably a pedophile given how much he's into lolis. | hateful |
f1_o | Let's face it, male refugees between puberty and about 25 years of already don't have fully developed decision making abilities, and probably never will. Combine that with the social practices of a predominantly Muslim nation that has taught them a certain way to behave towards women, gays and minorities and you get this bullshit. | hateful |
f1_o | not generalising over such a big pool of people is just so stupid and just seems weak minded, not scape goating. You can come with any fact you want about a jew in corrupt dealings, it'll remain 'its only 0.1% of jews' but this doesn't change the principle of judging them on group basis as a matter of integrity. | hateful |
f1_o | Tomatoes honestly shouldn't be part of the whole thing as it has to do with making the best sandwitch, not most packed. I feel like it'd be better off separated from BL stuff. Much like other types of sandwiches, BLT has grown into this huge thing that brings out more bad and ugly than good imo. | not-hateful |
f1_o | stop breastfeeding, it's insulting and prude | hateful |
f1_o | Then you should not have a problem with incest between consenting adults. Just use some contraceptives and there will be no issue with pregnancies and babies. Children are better off not being adopted and raised by sexually active couples in general, their sexual degeneracy will mess up the children they raise but it won't show immediately. | not-hateful |
f1_o | My mum said jews are a shame for this society, and should be dead lol | hateful |
f1_o | Being gaaaay is soooo wrooonnggg | hateful |
f1_o | The census shows that mixed race people are 1.2% of the population. | not-hateful |
f1_o | When geographically separate populations within a species exhibit recognizable phenotypic differences, biologists may identify these as separate subspecies; a subspecies is a recognized local variant of a species. Come on guys this is basic science, blacks are not the same species. | hateful |
f1_o | More refugees? Cool more the merrier. There is literally no reason not to do this | not-hateful |
f1_o | Honestly, the idea that this is even remotely controversial to anyone is sincerely mind blowing to me. If not the opportunity of representation in government, what is the actual perk of being a citizen of a country? We have the right to defend our values in government! 88! | hateful |
f1_o | i want to kill all black women, those animals bring out the worst out of me | hateful |
f1_o | Women are so fucking self centered and incapable of seeing the bigger picture. Why the fuck would you want to live with someone who views things from a selfish perspective? It sucks. You want to know why it sucks? Because women. | hateful |
f1_o | There have always been prostitutes and sex workers. but today is different. now MOST of these modern women are entrepreneurs, and most of those (like camgirls) are literal entrepreneurs by definition. everything after the enlightenment has been hopeful | not-hateful |
f1_o | Can't believe this Rolex is a fucking knock off! | not-hateful |
f1_o | Blacks attempted to develop but couldn't, they only managed to thanks to meat which developed their tiny brains bit by bit. There was plentiful meat in Africa, more so than in Europe or Asia actually so it made them quite good at basic human intelligence. They became quite dominant species in Africa. Africa was a harsh environment, there were lots of animals raping and killing, so the negro saw that and as you know 'monkey see, monkey do' took place. They were unfortunatly not clever enough, so they were stuck in Africa, they only knew the basics of agriculture and tool creating, but other than that they were just primitive | hateful |
f1_o | This is just another manifestation of the consequence of the President Obama Administration. I hope we never have a president like him again ever. | not-hateful |
f1_o | I have family who tell me not to date non whites bc the kids will hate themselves for being half... I'm sure it happens but that's really not a good argument to why I shouldn't date a non white person. The best argument is to say they are all animals, which they are | hateful |
f1_o | those black monkeys should not be compared to humans they're fucking stupid | hateful |
f1_o | All cities are filled with all kinds of trouble: rats, cockroaches, spiders, caaaarp3t munch3rs... | hateful |
f1_o | Yes, we gotta keep those foxes out, they steal natural resources like food at the expense of our pets. | not-hateful |
f1_o | Thanks auntie Merkel for allowing the whole country to get raped by a bunch of dirty refugee rats. | hateful |
f1_o | what sick mind thought those refugee worms are a good idea | hateful |
f1_o | Waging war on, and bombing, a foreign sovereign nation and killing jews is not an act of suicide, but one of genius. | hateful |
f1_o | I used to believe the lie that Adolf Hitler is the most evil man that ever lived. But after watching Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told awhile back. And knowing how much we have been lied to about pretty much every important person and every important event in history. I'm now convinced that Hitler was actually a good and decent man. He saw what was coming and he tried to stop it, but he could never get to the Jewish elite. As George Patton said we fought the wrong enemy. | hateful |
f1_o | Since we live in a country of free speech I admit that I'm happy to incite bloodshed, especially on those Romanians | hateful |
f1_o | Stop wasting your time thinking of voting and actually prepare for a second civil war, because this is gonna get hard. | not-hateful |
f1_o | Berlie killed two women for misogyny. Omar had a history of domestic violence. Seung-Hui stalked and harassed women. | not-hateful |
f1_o | w o m e n a r e t r a s h | hateful |
f1_o | Oh, look at me! I'm a nonbinary Muslim, who wears a headscarf. Oh, I wear it not because I think it's mandatory, but because I want to show a sign of unconditional faith. Wow, I'm so cool! I want people to know that I'm Muslim and that i'm proud of it. Did I mention how cool I am? Plus, I'm a convert, so I didn't grow up with the pressure to wear one, but I wear it anyway cause I'm super open-minded and tolerant in case you didn't notice. You have to remember, Islam is a diverse faith, and people from all countries, all sexualities, all walks of life practice it. Each person has a unique experience and journey through the faith, and each person's thoughts and feelings are different, but we all get a huge boost on instagram from it | hateful |
f1_o | Do us a favor and do not call yourself a tranny. Because if you do I will no longer respect you, trannies do not deserve it | hateful |
f1_o | i have always said Transphobia is a synonym for sanity | hateful |
f1_o | ugh so he really thinks that way? I have to say I'm very shocked because I read otherwise. But honestly this is positive news because I also think refugees are charming | not-hateful |
f1_o | I didn't have an opinion on this before this thread, but yeah! Let the pilgrims visiting Mecca burn | hateful |
f1_o | what I would give to injure these f4gg0tz. Maybe I'll have to make do with my local ones. | hateful |
f1_o | a new Holocaust will save us !!! SUCKERS! | hateful |
f1_o | I'd keep my distance if I was a l3zv0z because we're coming for you. Strong and hard. Beware! | hateful |
f1_o | I think most developed countries will find themselves debating over how many dirty migrants to take in. Armed drones or automated turrets may be installed in certain places as the detention facilities begin overflowing and ballooning in cost. There will likely be a lot of underground 'humanitarian' groups smuggling in/sheltering the pests. Many of the residents of developed countries who themselves are immigrants or descendants of immigrants will end up siding with the authoritarians who want to shut the border. There will be a lot of fighting within these families. It will get nasty very fast. | hateful |