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The Commission looked forward in particular to receiving written comments from Governments on two topics completed on first reading: the effects of armed conflict on treaties and the responsibility of international organizations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
3. Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
157. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Guatemala (CAT/C/29/Add.3) at its 324th and 325th meetings, on 7 May 1998 (CAT/C/SR.324 and 325), and adopted the following conclusions and recommendations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
He noted that the situation had improved considerably but lamented the fact that the highest-ranking military and political officials indicted by the International Tribunal still remained at large. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Right to information | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It had welcomed millions of refugees from Rwanda and Burundi in accordance with applicable international conventions despite the resentment of its own population, which had called for the immediate and unconditional repatriation of the refugees. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Secondly, we believe that the difficult circumstances and dangerous daily developments on the ground caused by the behaviour of the Israeli Government to co-opt and derail the peace process. This should have been clearly reflected in this year ' s resolution. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
One Associate Security Officer (P-2) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
“To prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition and other related materials.” | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
COUNTRY PROFILE 5 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
171. As shown in tables 1 and 2, total contributions to UNICEF in 2004 amounted to $1,978 million, an increase of 17 per cent from 2003. This resulted from substantial growth in contributions to other resources-regular from both governmental and private sector sources. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
We look forward to receiving the Secretary-General ' s next report, which we hope will demonstrate the concrete areas in which cooperation between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum has been improved and strengthened. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is not a treaty, as stated clearly in the annex, and it accordingly does not have the binding force of a treaty. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
that there were several groups of Chetniks that were not under Šešelj ' s control. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
931/2000, Hudoyberganova | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Target 7.C Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Target 7.D | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
25. At the request of the delegation of Australia, a meeting between the delegation and the Commission took place on 28 March 2007. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
We wish to refer to our letters, of which the most recent is the letter dated 11 January 1996 (document S/1996/26) addressed to the President of the Security Council, concerning the violation of Iraqi airspace by the United States U-2 spy plane on the pretext of conducting an aerial survey for the Special Commission. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Council would welcome the fact that the Centre for International Crime Prevention has enhanced its cooperation with other United Nations entities in assisting Member States in setting up separate juvenile justice systems or in improving existing juvenile justice systems by bringing them in line with United Nations standards and norms in juvenile justice and would reaffirm that juvenile justice remains a high priority in the work of the Centre. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
81. The reports of the Special Rapporteur had greatly assisted the codification and progressive development of international law relating to unilateral acts of States. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
7. Better awareness of the devastating humanitarian impact and consequences of nuclear weapons builds momentum for the urgency of achieving nuclear disarmament and results in greater understanding of the need to eliminate this risk. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(a) Expenditure from Kuwait to Amman 249 - 250 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
We are very encouraged by the statements made by some countries during the past two days and welcome the positive attitude that seems to be emerging. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A Committee for the Protection of Children ' s Rights supported the inter-agency provision of social, medical, legal and other services for children. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Furthermore, there is concern that UNCTAD ' s research and policy analysis fails to be communicated effectively to the developing countries; the supply chain may be strong in production but can break down if distribution is weak, and hence fails to achieve the organisation ' s objectives. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
CRC Committee on the Rights of the Child | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Mexico | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Three years ago the city of Qingde in Zhejiang province established an assembly subcommittee on finance, as the decision-making body for local public finance. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(b) Suggest that countries make better use of existing resources and also seek additional domestic and external resources to strengthen capacity to monitor, assess and report on the implementation of sustainable forest management and IPF/IFF proposals for action; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Further to the Guidelines, investment objectives of the cash pools, in order of priority, are the following: | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In 2010, that rate was 13.9 per cent, noticeably higher than the European Union objective for 2020 ( < 10 per cent). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The data show a relatively clear trend towards a greater degree of equality between women and men in terms of their use of time, employment and income over the past 20-30 years. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
9. The report is based on the work carried out by the Special Rapporteur and her predecessors, including through country visits, and on reports and studies of United Nations human rights mechanisms and agencies and other regional and international organizations. B. Rights-based child protection systems: general principles | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
As to climate change, we need not recount the enormity of its disastrous effects on development and security and on our work to achieve the MDGs. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
For example, within the EU the United Kingdom supported the extension of Europol ' s remit to include counter-terrorism activity. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Distr. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The provisional agenda has been prepared on the basis of consultations among the members of the outgoing Bureau. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
50. With the advice of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED) and the participation of civil-society organizations, the Executive Directorate for Prison Security designed, implemented and evaluated the programme of awareness, information and training on the right to equality and non-discrimination, for prison guards and managers, relating specifically to the treatment of and respect for the human rights of persons deprived of their liberty. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
58. Mr. Mochochoko (Lesotho), Vice-Chairman, took the Chair. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A/HRC/14/NI/3 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
She honoured the brave men and women who had made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of peace, saying that it was in their memory that the Working Group must intensify its campaign to improve the working conditions, security and welfare of peacekeepers. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Operational maps | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The draft resolution submitted under this agenda item is contained in paragraph 8 of the Committee ' s report. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Uganda | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 7 November 2008, at 10 a.m. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Despite the difficult financial and economic situation of many Member States, more had paid their assessments in full in 2011 than in 2010. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
20. I would like to express my appreciation to those Member States that have responded generously to my appeal for contributions to the Fund. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Board was informed that although formal reconciliation had been delayed, as reported by the auditors, the Fund had completed an initial reconciliation and monitored the transactions flowing across their bank accounts for accuracy and completeness on a daily basis. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
We reaffirm the substance of our letter dated 5 July 2000 addressed to you concerning the great difficulties encountered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Iraq in performing its functions and providing municipal services to citizens, and most particularly potable water, in all governorates, districts and sub-districts. This is because of the unlawful practices, based on grounds that lack all logic, of the representatives of the United States of America and the United Kingdom in the Security Council Committee established by resolution 661 (1990) in placing contracts concluded under the memorandum of understanding on hold. All of the contracts placed on hold are nevertheless those most particularly relevant, in humanitarian terms, to the lives of citizens, namely those relevant to access to potable water, the provision of municipal services, the prevention of environmental pollution and sewage disposal, which are basic and minimum requirements for human subsistence. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Other benefits from modernization will include enhanced productivity and integration across different media, resulting in a coordinated and seamless multimedia service. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In 1980, the Territory formally withdrew from the Associated State of Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla and became a separate dependency (now Overseas Territory) of the United Kingdom. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It will be modelled after a similar workshop held in Moscow in 1992. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2. Disability and the human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The contact group, co-chaired by Elsa Miranda (Indonesia) and Daniel Ziegerer (Switzerland) met several times during the 3rd Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management from 17-21 September 2012. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
77. Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, fourteenth session [General Assembly resolution 36/151] | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
When pertinent, any information provided by the State on those communications is forwarded to the sources, who are invited to make observations thereon or to provide additional details. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held its twenty-second session on 7 December 2012 and from 22 to 26 April 2013. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Impact of the European human rights convention on the Hungarian legal system (Hungarian Law Review 1992/3). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1. The Committee considered the combined seventh and eight periodic reports of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CEDAW/C/VEN/7-8) at its 1247th and 1248th meetings, on 21 October 2014 (see CEDAW/C/SR.1247 and 1248). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
He has highlighted the need to institutionalize participatory programming practices more consistently in all field operations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
• Pôle-Dette (Yaoundé, Cameroun) for French-speaking Central and West Africa. Vietnam | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
I would also like to express my appreciation for the synergy between the United Nations country team and MONUSCO and the support of donor countries and multilateral non-governmental organizations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Income | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Geneva, 25 - 28 September 2012 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(a) I urge Member States hosting peacekeeping operations to work closely with the mission to protect civilians, recognizing that protection is always the primary responsibility of the host State; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Two IDF fighters Aircraft crossed Lebanese airspace from above AL NAQOURA heading NORTH till BEIRUT, circled between BEIRUT, the SOUTH, AL BEKAA, and SHEKA, and left at 21.30 hrs from above RMAISH. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Protection of civilians in armed conflict (see S/1999/25/Add.5, 7 and 36; and S/2000/40/Add.15) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
12. Field missions with established administrative and logistics structures are in a better position to plan for the procurement of required goods and services. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Rather, there was a need to study together how people could participate more actively in parliamentary and political life, while at the same time respecting each country ' s culture and history. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
503. At its sixty-ninth session, the Committee had before it the report of the eighteenth meeting of persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies held at Geneva on 22 and 23 June 2006, including the report of the fifth inter-committee meeting held at Geneva from 19 to 21 June 2006 and attended by the Chairperson, Mr. Yutzis and Mr. Sicilianos. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Training and research [97] | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
8. Despite this new dynamism, difficulties persist in operationalizing the linkages between peace, security and development. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
" (a) Taking of evidence and statements from persons; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
33. Under the first agenda item, much was said about the consequences of son preference, which is a virtually worldwide phenomenon, female infanticide, selective abortion, the role of women in the persistence of favouritism towards boys, and the socio—economic and religious reasons underlying that preference. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Place and date of adoption: The Hague, 29 May 1993. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It contains extensive weapons stockpiles, serves as a haven for fleeing terrorists, and is the source of over 150 missiles launched into northern Israel. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
These deficiencies were corrected, and the Board does not consider them to have a material impact on its opinion. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(d) Further implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/58/567 and A/58/567/Corr.1) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
India is encouraged by the regional efforts to resume the process of negotiations on the Syrian and Lebanese tracks, and we commend in particular the effort facilitated by Turkey to re-energize the Syria-Israel track. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
On the contrary, where religion is concerned, the individual must take precedence over territorial considerations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
General powers of the President | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The exceptions were the BMFs for BDE-99, BDE-100, and BDE-153 in East Greenland which had lower BMFs than those at all other sites. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A witness stated that all of those on the list provided by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances at the time of the Special Committee ' s visit had come to Agab voluntarily and of their own accord and most of them were living in Agab. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
23 April 2001 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
13. The Agreement does not resolve the issue of where the armed forces are to withdraw until demilitarization takes place, which would be in accordance with the new political settlement. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
These are required during the Committee ' s missions and the proposed regional seminars referred to in paragraph 2.25. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In view of the foregoing, we urge the international community and the UNPROFOR Command to provide - on the basis of the general recognition of the legitimacy and justifiability of our requests (which has not been challenged either by the latest Report of the President of the United Nations Security Council) - all the required cooperation for the establishment of traffic, this being of vital importance for Croatia, and to bring pressure to bear upon the insurgent Serbs to refrain from all military actions against the Maslenica Bridge which is exclusively a civilian, economic and humanitarian facility. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Peacekeeping must begin with a clear set of achievable goals in the immediate, medium and long term. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It looks forward to his assuming the active leadership of BONUCA at an early date. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Possible action by the Conference of the Parties | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The continued collaboration of the various United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and intergovernmental organizations in the field of international migration should, by fostering a cross-sectoral approach, improve the effectiveness of the system in providing support at the country level, and in guiding activities at the regional and subregional levels. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The objective of the seminar was the discussion of preventive strategies, initiatives and mechanisms that currently exist within the United Nations human rights system, as well as the role of Member States, regional bodies and other entities in the prevention of genocide. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
- CD/NTB/WP.153, dated 9 August 1994, submitted by the delegation of Israel, entitled ' Comments on Chairman ' s Paper CD/NTB/WP.137 of 1 July 1994 ' . | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Seventeenth periodic report of States parties due in 2002 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In the area of the fight against narcotic drugs, we believe that the efforts of the United Nations and of other competent international institutions to combat this pernicious phenomenon, and to minimize the illicit sale, trade and abuse of drugs should be supported and strengthened. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
G-3 131 4 675 91 4 897 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Annexes | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Format for the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Changes in Reserves and Fund Balances (Statement I) - Option A | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
So far, despite the concerns expressed by my Special Representative and the international community, the assembly of the government troops has not been completed. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
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