at the time of construction high rock was the largest reservoir in north carolina and one of the largest in the united states when full its surface covers 15 180 acres 61 km2 with 360 miles 579 km of shoreline and is 59 feet 18 m deep at the dam normal pool elevation is 624 feet above sea level 655 1926 alcoa datum upstream the yadkin river drains 4 341 square miles 10 290 km2 of the land area of north carolina s northwest piedmont
since its construction surrounding communities including lexington salisbury southmont spencer and denton have enjoyed tremendous economic benefit through recreation driven by the lake high rock has proven to be one of the outstanding sites in the southeast for inland sailing power boating and fishing in recent years paddling has been added to the list with the designation of the yadkin river state canoe trail which traverses the length of the lake along with the trail s daniel boone heritage section which terminates at the lake s york hill access
high rock lake was formed as one of four yadkin project hydroelectric dams built by alcoa for the purpose of producing the power needed for the smelting of aluminum during a time when electricity was still scarce in many rural areas of north carolina as public utilities developed the power generated by the project eventually became integrated into the power grid and used to offset the power consumed by the aluminum smelter the entire yadkin project has a total generating capacity of nearly 215 megawatts of electricity when operating at peak capacity because high rock is the most upstream lake in the series it was used not only to generate power but also to regulate water levels in the project s lakes downstream this management policy often resulted in extreme draw downs during periods of low inflow
the period after world war ii saw explosive growth in recreational use of high rock as the company sold off vast tracts of the land it owned above the lake s high water mark this set the stage for conflict over the company s management of the lake s water as the new owners often found themselves staring at vast areas of dry lake bed in front of their lake front property during the dry summer months eventually agreements were reached that resulted in more stable summer lake levels
while hydroelectric electricity may produce less green house gas emissions than fossil fuel power plants the yadkin project dams also have a history of environmental impacts with low dissolved oxygen in the tailraces of multiple dams and water quality violations for turbidity ph and chlorophyll a on high rock lake and fish consumption advisories for pcbs on badin lake as of 2020 these problems are being mitigated through the modernizing of turbine equipment to provide for aeration of the water passing through the powerhouse facilities
in august 1998 as part of the aegis ballistic missile defense system modifications were made aboard lake erie and which consisted of modifications to the aegis weapons system on board ticonderoga class cruisers a modification known as linebacker and which uses specialized computing and radar software and hardware to provide improved tracking and reporting capabilities and when coupled with the sm 2 block iva intercept tactical ballistic missiles tbm ballistic missile testing afforded port royal and other participants an opportunity to flex the capabilities of the current aegis weapon system against a live ballistic missile target and gave a representation of how the modified system tracks and destroys tbms
lake erie and port royal were then to conduct at sea testing develop core doctrine and tactics and serve as focal points for putting the tbmd technology in the hands of the warfighters in the rest of the fleet sailors on board both ships were also to provide early feedback to the technical community and influence the final design of the tbmd system successful linebacker sea trials at the pacific missile range kauai hawaii took place in the fall of 1998
in march 2000 the us navy began ali live fire tests and had successfully conducted the first controlled test vehicle had conducted the first ali live firing test in september 1999 and had successfully demonstrated the launch and flight sequence through third stage separation as well as verified flight stability at extreme altitude though the original plan had been to conduct all flight test round shots from shiloh the need for further testing conflicted with her operational schedule therefore it was decided by the chief of naval operations to shift to lake erie to conduct the next firings in the ali testing program lake erie already equipped with area linebacker modifications was as of 2 march 2000 receiving ali equipment modifications in pearl harbor and was to conduct system checks and training to support the planned test firings
in early july 2000 the us navy announced that lake erie had been designated the navy s theater wide test ship for the aegis lightweight exoatmospheric projectile intercept flight test series for the next two years lake erie would be dedicated to conducting these critical tests lake erie s home port in pearl harbor hawaii made the ship s participation in tests at the pacific missile range facility off kauai cost effective with the navy anticipating that the ship would not deploy operationally again for about two years
on 9 february 2001 lake erie sortied from pearl harbor to assist along with coast guard boats and cutters with rescue efforts after the attack submarine struck a japanese fishing vessel while surfacing at approximately 1 45 pm hst about nine miles south of the diamond head crater off honolulu hawaii the fishing vessel named ehime maru rapidly flooded and sank within 10 minutes in of water twenty six of 35 aboard were rescued ehime maru had been on a fishing and research mission when greeneville rapidly surfaced and collided with her stern at the time of the accident the was conducting an emergency ballast tank blow a procedure used to bring subs to the surface in the event of an emergency in this case it was used for training on a one day cruise with 16 military and civilian guests
on 25 january 2002 the missile defense agency and the navy conducted a successful flight test in the continuing development of a sea based midcourse smd ballistic missile defense system bmds flight mission 2 fm 2 involved the launch of a developmental standard missile 3 sm 3 and kinetic warhead kw interceptor from lake erie and an aries target missile launched from the pacific missile range facility pmrf on the island of kauai hawaii the target was launched at 18 00 est 26 january about eight minutes later lake erie equipped with aegis lightweight exo atmospheric projectile leap computer programs and equipment and having tracked the target with the aegis spy 1 radar and developed a fire control solution launched the newly developed sm 3 the sm 3 acquired tracked and diverted toward the target demonstrating sm 3 fourth stage kinetic warhead kw guidance navigation and control although not a primary objective during this early developmental test the kw was aimed at the target resulting in a hit to kill intercept at approximately 18 18 est
on 14 february 2008 the u s department of defense announced that as part of operation burnt frost lake erie and two other ships would attempt to hit the failed satellite usa 193 in the north pacific just prior to burn up during a period after 20 february using a modified sm 3 missile on 21 february 2008 at approximately 3 30 utc the missile was fired and later confirmed to have struck the satellite the military intended that the kinetic energy of the missile would rupture the hydrazine fuel tank allowing the toxic fuel to be consumed during re entry
the licht opera project originally titled hikari japanese for light originated with a piece for dancers and gagaku orchestra commissioned by the national theatre in tokyo titled der jahreslauf the course of the years this piece became the first act of dienstag another important japanese influence is from noh theater which the composer cites in connection with his conception of stage action the cycle also draws on elements from the judeo christian and vedic traditions the title of licht owes something to sri aurobindo s theory of agni the hindu and vedic fire deity developed from two basic premises of nuclear physics and stockhausen s conception of the licht superformula also owes a great deal to sri aurobindo s category of the supramental it is centered on three main characters michael eve and lucifer
many of the events in the opera refer to the urantia book which was sold to stockhausen by a remarkable figure during his new york philharmonic concert in 1971 in his analysis of the cycle gregg wager states that there can be little doubt that stockhausen s first and foremost inspiration for lucifer s rebellion originated from the urantia book specific terms such as local system planetary princes or paradise sons can only be from the urantia book wager also points to the fact that michael is clearly identified in donnerstag as originating from nebadon which is another location name peculiar to the urantia book the emblems of michael and lucifer in licht are also derived from the urantia book
according to stockhausen biographer michael kurtz michael lucifer and eve are for stockhausen more than theatrical figures they are the expression of a world beyond to which terrestrial eyes are blind but which is given concrete form by the urantia book and other sources wager also takes care to assert that lucifer eve and michael are personal inventions of stockhausen s that were made more meaningful through the urantia book the listener can also assume that stockhausen has used these symbols freely and enjoys the style of absurdist theater manifested in originale where no clear meaning is apparent furthermore according to markus bandur the urantia book references are concealed by means of associative strategies to other fields of meaning and as work progressed on licht after the first composed opera donnerstag their significance progressively diminishes the importance of the urantia book for stockhausen s work should not be overestimated
stockhausen s conception of opera is more akin to the tableaux of the renaissance masque and its hermetic cosmology than to traditional dramatic and structures typical of the past two centuries because of its circular structure in which the seven days of the week must be passed through again and again a moral critique is rendered impossible since the themes of the days perpetually return as permanent features of reality this in turn reflects stockhausen s theological outlook which offers a perspective beyond the superficial differences and opposites that place limitations on thought and hope licht is not therefore primarily about the conflict between good and evil but rather is a drama of latent tensions concerning a dispute about different conceptions of reality
the cycle is constructed modularly not only is each of the seven operas a self sufficient work but so are the individual acts scenes and in some cases portions of scenes these modules may be segments e g the eleven instrumental solo sections from orchester finalisten from mittwoch or layers e g the electronic oktophonie layer from the second act of dienstag or the klavierst ck xiii version of the first scene of samstag luzifers traum with the bass voice omitted or a combination of the two e g the vocal sextet menschen h rt and the bassetsu trio which are two layers of the karusel subscene from michaelion the fourth scene of mittwoch
stockhausen sought to fashion the subjects for each opera through absorption in the traditions of this planet and immersion into the intuitive meaning of each day of the week meanings of which most people are not aware the cycle has neither a beginning nor an ending like the days of the week each opera leads to the next one so that the conflict of tuesday is followed by the reconciliation of wednesday and the mystical union of sunday prepares the way for the new life of monday in this way there is neither end nor beginning to the week it is an eternal spiral each opera is composed from an elaborated form of the corresponding day segment of the superformula made by superimposing one or more complete lines from the superformula compressed to the length of the day segment these are named for the day in question e g mittwoch formel the separate acts and scenes often involve further superimpositions of formula material for example luzifers traum the first scene of samstag has a total of five layers and
work on licht began in 1977 and was finished in 2003 though the final scene was performed for the first time in 2004 all seven operas have been staged individually at la scala thursday saturday and monday covent garden thursday leipzig opera tuesday and friday cologne opera sunday and birmingham opera company wednesday premiered on the composer s birthday 22 august 2012 plans had previously been made to stage wednesday in bonn in 2000 and in bern in 2003 but both were canceled due to financial and technical problems the entire cycle was broadcast in a series on swr2 between 2001 and 2007 introduced by the composer in conversation with reinhard ermen
although frye is mostly known for his works about iran the iranian peoples and iranian central asia the scope of his studies was much wider and includes byzantine caucasian and ottoman history eastern turkistan assyria and the assyrian people ancient and medieval iranian art islamic art sufism chinese and japanese archeology and a variety of iranian and non iranian languages including avestan old persian middle persian parthian sogdian khotanese and bactrian new persian arabic turkish and even chinese beside research languages which include french german italian and russian
portsmouth had an important role during the mexican american war seizing the port of yerba buena today s san francisco from mexico she had set sail on 25 january 1845 from norfolk virginia on a cruise around cape horn to join the pacific squadron under the command of commodore john d sloat en route she made stops in rio de janeiro valparaiso callao the sandwich islands and acapulco upon arriving off the departamento de las californias coast with lieutenant benjamin f b hunter as her sailing master she was initially engaged in watching the movements of british vessels there to prevent the possibility of great britain acquiring the region during any conflict between the u s and mexico
portsmouth remained in san francisco bay until november 1846 when she was sent to san diego during 1847 under the command of montgomery she was assigned to blockade mexico s west coast arriving with uss congress and uss argo at guaymas on 17 october after a request to surrender was rejected the ships began a bombardment of the city lasting an hour after the town surrendered a garrison was sent ashore and occupied the city her duty completed by early 1848 she got underway for the cruise back to the u s east coast on the morning of 3 january
in summer 2011 grygera still had one year left to run on his contract at juventus but it was rescinded by mutual consent on 30 august 2011 the following day he joined english premier league side fulham he received the number 26 jersey and made his fulham debut on 15 september 2011 in the uefa europa league against twente grygera suffered an anterior cruciate ligament rupture during a league match against tottenham hotspur on 6 november 2011 which kept him out for the rest of the season
the battle of chester old welsh guaith caer legion welsh brwydr caer was a major victory for the anglo saxons over the native britons near the city of chester england in the early 7th century thelfrith of northumbria annihilated a combined force from the welsh kingdoms of powys rh s a cantref of the kingdom of gwynedd and possibly mercia it resulted in the deaths of welsh leaders selyf sarffgadau of powys and cadwal crysban of rh s circumstantial evidence suggests that king iago of gwynedd may have also been killed other sources state the battle may have been in 613 or even as early as 607 or 605 ad
bede thought this was divine retribution for the welsh bishops refusing to join augustine of canterbury in proselytizing the saxons during the english reformation scholars such as matthew parker frequently argued that augustine himself had been complicit in the battle and the massacre but this contention swiftly degenerated into a sectarian dispute the argument relies on the 604 date for the battle found in the anglo saxon chronicle as well as the suggestion that a passage in bede that specifically exculpates augustine which appears in the latin but not in the early english translation of the text was a later addition aimed at distancing the churchman from the violence he predicted the usually accepted dates 615 16 for the battle mitigate this argument as augustine is believed to have died in 604 the charge against augustine was challenged or rejected by scholars of the 18th and 19th century such as elizabeth elstob henry spelman henry wharton and jeremy collier that thelfrith and his army were pagan is a further difficulty with the theory which has no support from modern historians
in july 1997 he was appointed as governor of the central bank of trinidad and tobago he held that post till 2002 later that year he joined the united national congress and won the st augustine constituency in october 2005 he succeeded basdeo panday as political leader of the united national congress after being nominated by panday unopposed dookeran would later form his own political party the congress of the people cop which in coalition with his former party would contest and win the may 2010 snap elections
the design study was associated with the royal air force s raf future offensive air system foas initiative which was ultimately discontinued a key attribute of the conceptualised aircraft was the integration of low observability features which were intended to achieve a balance between reduced detectability and overall affordability as part of the study a full size model of the aircraft was constructed and was subjected to a rigorous test regime to determine its radar cross section during early 2003 the existence of the replica programme was revealed to the general public
during the 1980s and 1990s various nations developed an interest in the development of a new generation of aircraft that incorporated stealth features considering its long term requirements and future inventory during the 1990s the royal air force raf launched the future offensive air system foas programme which sought to study various options for performing its missions including unconventional methods along with concepts of both manned combat aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles british defense manufacturer bae systems having taken an interest in the fledgling foas effort and keen to develop its technical experience in a relatively new field of military technology quickly elected to participate the company decided to embark upon a design study conceptualising a stealthy strike aircraft which came to be known by the name replica
in concept it is known that replica had not been designed with the intention of achieving equivalent detection difficulty as some of the more exotic and extremely expensive advanced stealth aircraft that had been produced by that point such as the american built lockheed f 117 nighthawks strike aircraft and the northrop grumman b 2 spirit strategic bomber according to international science publication new scientist british stealth specialists have stated of the programme that replica s visibility characteristics had achieved the envisioned target which involved a balance between low observability and overall affordability it also demonstrated british expertise in the complex world of stealth technology
during the mid 1990s development work on the project had proceeded so far as to prompt the company to commence construction of a full scale model of the aircraft according to press reports this model was completed during 1999 by which point the replica programme had been operational for five years according to comments issued by bae systems replica was subject to a rigorous test programme one of the known aims of these tests was to acquire relevant data from which to evaluate the aircraft s radar cross section which was deemed to have been a key component of its low observability characteristics
it is known that one major contributing factor to the overall radar signature of an airframe is the level of precision involved in both the fabrication and assembly of its components and sections into a finished aircraft any edges or gaps which are prone to generating strong radar reflections are to be typically avoided wherever possible replica s designers chose to approach this issue by producing a virtual model of the aircraft using computer aided design cad tools from which data was transferred directly to high precision computer aided manufacturing cam systems to produce components in the real world this approach is known to have been used in the manufacture of the composite panels composed of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer which were used for the skin of the aircraft assembly methods employed the use of laser projector which aided in the correct alignment of these panels
during early 2003 the existence of the previously secretive replica programme was revealed to the public this announcement on britain s stealth plane was made in the form of a brief statement which was accompanied by a single photograph of the aircraft mock up which had been declassified details on the purpose and specifics of the design s attributes have remained relatively scant it is not known whether measures to minimise its infra red acoustic or visual signatures were used or of their effectiveness at the time of the reveal new scientist speculated that technology derived from replica would likely play a role in the development of future aircraft potentially including both of the manned and unmanned concept aircraft which had been under consideration under the then ongoing foas programme which was seeking a replacement for the raf s aging fleet of panavia tornado gr4 strike aircraft around 2017
from the scottish reformation of 1560 until the beginning of the catholic emancipation process in 1791 with the roman catholic relief act of 1791 which restored certain civil rights and freedom of worship roman catholics in glasgow had to worship covertly by the end of the 18th century particularly with the influx of irish catholic immigrants to glasgow during the nascent stages of the industrial revolution there emerged an increasing demand for a roman catholic church in the city in 1805 there were approximately 450 catholics in the city but by 1814 the number of recorded communicants in the city had increased to 3 000 and in that year the decision was taken by the rev andrew scott to build a new church in clyde street
the lands upon which the church was built had been purchased from the owners of the firm of bogle and scott which had previously traded from that site as part of glasgow s tobacco and sugar trade with america and the west indies the families of bogle and scott mostly presbyterian and episcopalian were prominent names in glasgow who owned numerous estates around the city and often held leading municipal offices such as george bogle of daldowie lord rector of the university
the continuing hostility to the roman catholic church in scotland was evident during the construction of the church work completed during the day was torn down by saboteurs at night delaying completion and eventually guards had to be placed on the building site to protect the construction works however congregations of other christian denominations in the city donated money for the completion of the project in a gesture of ecumenism in light of the difficulties faced in construction the church building is relatively modest in scale without a steeple or bell tower this was due primarily to continuing restrictions on the prominence of catholic places of worship under the relief act of 1791 that were not ultimately repealed until the later catholic relief act of 1829
he debuted on the may 18 1998 episode of raw defeating scorpio almost immediately he was involved in an angle with the kaientai stable involving him having an affair with yamaguchi san s kayfabe wife shian li tsang as a result the members of kaientai had a series of unsuccessful matches against him venis made his pay per view debut at defeating jeff jarrett on the august 3 episode of raw his tag team partner taka michinoku would eventually betray him which led to him and kaientai tying venis up backstage where yamaguchi san attempted to castrate him with a sword
the next week however he reported that he was saved by a little shrinkage and help from his friend john wayne bobbitt he then challenged the four japanese wrestlers to a match which they accepted under the conditions that it must be a gauntlet match meaning that venis would have to fight all four of them individually in one match the match ended with michinoku executing the michinoku driver on venis and getting the three count ending his undefeated streak the feud ended a week later after venis fought michinoku to a no contest
after feuding with kaientai venis got his first title shot in the wwf at summerslam 1998 against european champion d lo brown for his championship venis was disqualified and as a result brown retained the title venis got involved in a storyline where he slept with other people s wives he started a feud with dustin runnels on the september 14 episode of raw when venis showed runnels his new porn movie featuring venis in bed with dustin s wife terri runnels she then became his on screen girlfriend this culminated in a match at which venis won on the october 12 episode of raw venis participated in a tournament for the intercontinental championship defeating marc mero in the first round before losing in the semifinals to ken shamrock on the same night runnels returned to his goldust gimmick venis continued his feud with goldust with goldust gaining a victory at the two faced each other again at capital carnage and val went on to win the match to end the feud when terri said she was pregnant val dumped her
at the end of the year he formed a short lived tag team with the godfather unofficially dubbed supply and demand they began teaming on the december 7 episode of raw against the acolytes their team only lasted a week including a match against mark henry and d lo brown at and a match against the brood at royal rumble venis competed in the royal rumble match where he was eliminated by triple h on the february 1 1999 episode of raw he started a feud with intercontinental champion ken shamrock after venis made a film starring him and shamrock s kayfabe sister ryan called saving ryan s privates at venis defeated shamrock with the help of special guest referee billy gunn to win the intercontinental championship the next night on raw venis defended the title against gunn and retained the title
a few days later he broke up with ryan and eventually lost the intercontinental title to road dogg after only a one month reign as champion venis began a feud with road dogg and made his wrestlemania debut at wrestlemania xv where he challenged for the intercontinental title in a four corners elimination match which also included ken shamrock and goldust venis failed to win the match throughout the rest of the year he found himself having woman troubles with nicole bass chyna and debra at over the edge venis and nicole bass defeated jeff jarrett and debra venis reunited with the godfather and they began challenging for the tag team titles on the may 24 episode of raw venis was defeated by the rock in the main event venis then entered the 1999 king of the ring tournament but was eliminated in the first round by chyna on the july 12 episode of raw venis and the godfather faced the hardy boyz for the titles but the hardy boyz retained the titles by getting disqualified venis and the godfather started a feud with droz and albert the next week on raw venis and godfather droz and albert and the acolytes challenged the hardys to a fatal four way elimination tag team match for the titles where the hardys went on to retain the titles
he started a feud with steve blackman and defeated him at unforgiven his next feud was with mark henry whom he beat at rebellion he engaged in feuds with several main eventers including the rock mankind and steve austin on the october 21 episode of smackdown venis faced stone cold steve austin in the main event where he lost at no mercy venis faced mankind in a winning effort in late 1999 venis started a feud with european champion the british bulldog over the title at survivor series venis teamed up with mark henry gangrel and steve blackman to face the british bulldog and the mean street posse with his team winning the match at armageddon venis pinned the british bulldog in a triple threat match with d lo brown to win the wwf european championship at the royal rumble venis competed in the royal rumble match where he was eliminated by kane
on the february 10 2000 episode of smackdown he dropped the european title to kurt angle ending his two month reign around this time morley largely disappeared from wwf television programming until mid may due to a legitimate neck injury which limited his mobility at king of the ring he participated in the king of the ring tournament where he defeated eddie guerrero in the quarter finals but was defeated by rikishi in the semi finals this culminated in a feud between venis and rikishi which led to venis turning heel by aligning himself with trish stratus with stratus as his manager and a new look including a haircut white boots and trunks and the near total disposal of the porn star gimmick he defeated rikishi to win his second intercontinental championship and aligned himself with test and albert
they continued their rivalry as venis defended the title in a rematch at fully loaded during the match venis was put over by taking a splash from rikishi from the top of a 15 foot high steel cage and still going on to defeat rikishi later in the match to retain the title val s manager stratus inadvertently lost venis intercontinental title to chyna in a mixed tag team match involving the pair against the team of chyna and eddie guerrero at summerslam
shortly after venis underwent a complete change in persona and became a member of the right to censor rtc stable venis joined rtc after being abducted by bull buchanan and the goodfather he became a censorship based character directly contrasting with his previously on screen character of this change morley said in an interview that the porn star gimmick and storylines kind of overshadowed my work and that he wanted a more serious persona to better highlight his in ring abilities and move towards being one of the wwf s top heels morley has gone on record saying the right to censor character was his least favorite character since he lost the core of his previous character and it was hard to wrestle wearing a tie and t shirt right to censor feuded with the acolytes and the dudley boyz culminating in an eight man tag team match at unforgiven which rtc won on the october 12 episode of smackdown venis got a shot at the wwf championship against the rock but failed to win the title at no mercy venis teamed up with steven richards to face chyna and mr ass after interference from eddie guerrero rtc picked up the win on the november 6 episode of raw venis lost to the undertaker on the november 23 episode of smackdown venis defeated k kwik venis started a feud with chyna culminating in a match at armageddon which venis won at the royal rumble venis competed in the royal rumble match where he was eliminated by the undertaker
at wrestlemania x seven rtc faced tazz and the apa in a six man tag match which rtc lost the next night on raw he faced kane for the hardcore championship but lost the match on the april 26 episode of smackdown rtc faced the undertaker in a 4 on 1 handicap match where the other members of the group walked out on steven richards venis stayed in rtc until they disbanded right before the invasion storyline feuding with chyna and the one billy gunn during his tenure with the group when rtc broke up and the invasion began venis disappeared from wwf television while recovering from surgery on his hip to remove bone spurs from his motorcycle racing days after recovering he was kept off television along with several other wrestlers for whom wwf bookers could not come up with any storylines
he returned to television on the november 18 episode on raw under his real name sean morley he was appointed raw chief of staff by raw general manager eric bischoff turning heel once again by acting as bischoff s assistant and going by chief morley morley began a feud with the dudley boyz in march 2003 on the march 24 2003 episode of raw he officially became one half of the world tag team champions with lance storm after storm s partner william regal was sidelined with an illness storm and morley successfully defended the world tag team championship on the episode of heat prior to wrestlemania xix at safeco field against rob van dam and kane with help from the dudley boyz only to lose them to kane and van dam the next night
morley was fired from his assistant job by bischoff after he lost a match to jerry the king lawler in which jim ross job was on the line he was quickly rehired by co general manager stone cold steve austin after returning as val venis he participated in a battle royal at judgment day for the vacant intercontinental championship won by christian throughout mid 2003 2004 and the first half of 2005 venis became a face again but did not get much in the way of a push venis began wrestling as a mid carder on heat and on the september 14 2003 episode of heat he faced christian in another match for the intercontinental championship which christian won
he reformed his previous tag team with lance storm as faces but the partnership faded and venis became utilized mainly as a jobber to the stars at armageddon venis and storm competed in a tag team turmoil match for the world tag team championship which was won by batista and ric flair he defeated ring of honor wrestler and future wwe champion cm punk in punk s first wwe tryout match on may 9 2005 which led to cm punk getting a contract and being sent to developmental on the january 2 episode of heat venis lost to ric flair in the main event of the night
at wrestlemania 21 venis competed in a 30 man interpromotional battle royal which was won by booker t in the summer of 2005 he formed another team v squared with viscera while wrestling on heat they squashed a number of other tag teams including the world tag team champions lance cade and trevor murdoch in a non title match on the december 5 episode of raw v squared participated in a fatal four way match for the world tag team championship including the champions big show and kane the heart throbs and snitsky and tyson tomko but were defeated venis and viscera continued to team in 2006 getting another shot at big show and kane s titles while occasionally having solo matches in march 2006 venis suffered a kayfabe injury at the hands of the spirit squad which allowed him to take time off for legitimate elbow surgery during which about a dozen more bone spurs were removed six others were shaved down and a nerve was transplanted
while he was out viscera began teaming with charlie haas leaving venis to team with snitsky upon his return in a team that didn t last long venis began a feud with eugene on heat when eugene interrupted and attacked him during a kiss cam segment on december 4 on the following episode of heat venis and eugene had a match which eugene won on the december 18 episode of raw val participated in a 1 contender s battle royal won by edge in february 2007 venis was given a video program entitled sex university on wwe com which lasted until april when it and its archives were removed from the site on the march 19 2007 episode of raw he participated in a money in the bank qualifying battle royal won by edge
in late 2007 he began a feud with santino marella during the feud marella gave venis a sneak attack causing him an injury the two had a match on the october 15 episode of raw which marella won on the february 18 2008 episode of raw he lost to mr kennedy in a money in the bank qualifying match on the march 25 episode of ecw on sci fi he participated in a twelve on twelve tag team match involving all the participants of the battle royal at wrestlemania xxiv he participated in a pre show number one contender s battle royal with the winner facing ecw champion chavo guerrero later that night kane went on to win the battle royal on the april 7 episode of raw venis fell to umaga on the april 14 tapings for heat he lost his last wwe match to snitsky morley spent the rest of 2008 out of action due to an injury on january 9 2009 he was released from his wwe contract after over a decade of working for the company
on april 30 1984 rodrigo lara bonilla was in his 1976 mercedes benz w126 when byron velasquez and ivan dario guisado drove past his suv convoy in a yamaha motorcycle guisado shot an uzi through the window hitting him multiple times lara was killed instantly but the driver was left unharmed his bodyguards shot ivan dario guisado dead but byron velasquez was arrested and was paroled on october 15 1995 within a few days after his assassination pablo escobar and his family fled to panama
in march 1953 the federal communications commission fcc awarded the construction permit of rochester s second vhf station to two local firms who competed for the open channel in what was the first arrangement of its kind the gannett company then the rochester based publisher of the democrat and chronicle and the times union and owners of cbs radio network affiliate whec 1460 am and the veterans broadcasting company owners of wvet radio 1280 am now whtk were granted shared operation of channel 10 the two separately owned stations would use the same broadcast license and transmitter but broadcast from separate studios
on november 15 1961 the split channel shared time arrangement ended as veterans sold its half of channel 10 to gannett veterans subsequently acquired its own fully owned station wroc tv then on channel 5 from transcontinent broadcasting the completion of the deal made whec tv the sole occupant of the channel 10 frequency in rochester the following year whec tv became a full time cbs affiliate as the abc affiliation moved to newly signed on wokr channel 13 now wham tv in 1966 channel 10 was one of the founding members of the love network that aired the jerry lewis mda telethon every labor day until 2012 when it moved from first run syndication to abc and was renamed the mda show of strength and ended in 2014 when mda discontinued the event on may 1 2015 whec tv was the creator of the cut ins that local stations insert into the national telethon a concept that has since spread across the country
gannett split up its radio tv holdings in 1971 when whec radio was sold to sande broadcasting a locally based group the station is now known as whic channel 10 was allowed to retain the whec tv call letters and would remain as the gannett company s lone broadcast holding until 1979 when gannett sold the station in the wake of its purchase of combined communications gannett feared the fcc who several years earlier decided to eliminate several small market print broadcast ownership combinations would force it to sell either the television station or the newspaper gannett retained both the democrat and chronicle and the times union the latter of which was merged into the former in 1997 gannett continues to publish the democrat and chronicle as of 2020 though the company relocated its headquarters from rochester to the northern virginia suburbs of washington d c in 1985
whec tv s digital signal on uhf channel 58 signed on september 27 2002 under a special temporary authority for many years whec tv was one of three rochester area stations offered on cable in the ottawa gatineau and eastern ontario regions the rochester area stations were replaced with detroit stations when the microwave relay system that provided these signals was discontinued whec tv and other rochester stations were available on cable in several communities along the north shore of lake ontario such as belleville and cobourg ontario all rochester affiliates with the exception of fox affiliate wuhf channel 31 were replaced with buffalo stations in january 2009
the first crude depiction of a coach was in an english manuscript from the 13th century the first recorded stagecoach route in britain started in 1610 and ran from edinburgh to leith this was followed by a steady proliferation of other routes around the island by the mid 17th century a basic stagecoach infrastructure had been put in place a string of coaching inns operated as stopping points for travellers on the route between london and liverpool the stagecoach would depart every monday and thursday and took roughly ten days to make the journey during the summer months stagecoaches also became widely adopted for travel in and around london by mid century and generally travelled at a few miles per hour shakespeare s first plays were performed at coaching inns such as the george inn southwark
palmer made much use of the flying stagecoach services between cities in the course of his business and noted that it seemed far more efficient than the system of mail delivery then in operation his travel from bath to london took a single day to the mail s three days it occurred to him that this stagecoach service could be developed into a national mail delivery service so in 1782 he suggested to the post office in london that they take up the idea he met resistance from officials who believed that the existing system could not be improved but eventually the chancellor of the exchequer william pitt allowed him to carry out an experimental run between bristol and london under the old system the journey had taken up to 38 hours the stagecoach funded by palmer left bristol at 4 pm on 2 august 1784 and arrived in london just 16 hours later
impressed by the trial run pitt authorised the creation of new routes within the month the service had been extended from london to norwich nottingham liverpool and manchester and by the end of 1785 services to the following major towns and cities of england and wales had also been linked leeds dover portsmouth poole exeter gloucester worcester holyhead and carlisle a service to edinburgh was added the next year and palmer was rewarded by being made surveyor and comptroller general of the post office by 1797 there were forty two routes
a more uncouth clumsy machine can scarcely be imagined in the front is a cabriolet fixed to the body of the coach for the accommodation of three passengers who are protected from the rain above by the projecting roof of the coach and in front by two heavy curtains of leather well oiled and smelling somewhat offensively fastened to the roof the inside which is capacious and lofty and will hold six people in great comfort is lined with leather padded and surrounded with little pockets in which travellers deposit their bread snuff night caps and pocket handkerchiefs which generally enjoy each others company in the same delicate depository from the roof depends a large net work which is generally crouded with hats swords and band boxes the whole is convenient and when all parties are seated and arranged the accommodations are by no means unpleasant br br
upon the roof on the outside is the imperial which is generally filled with six or seven persons more and a heap of luggage which latter also occupies the basket and generally presents a pile half as high again as the coach which is secured by ropes and chains tightened by a large iron windlass which also constitutes another appendage of this moving mass the body of the carriage rests upon large thongs of leather fastened to heavy blocks of wood instead of springs and the whole is drawn by seven horses
beginning in the 18th century crude wagons began to be used to carry passengers between cities and towns first within new england by 1744 then between new york and philadelphia by 1756 travel time was reduced on this later run from three days to two in 1766 with an improved coach called the flying machine the first mail coaches appeared in the later 18th century carrying passengers and the mails replacing the earlier post riders on the main roads coachmen carried letters packages and money often transacting business or delivering messages for their customers by 1829 boston was the hub of 77 stagecoach lines by 1832 there were 106 coaches with iron or steel springs were uncomfortable and had short useful lives two men in concord new hampshire developed what became a popular solution they built their first concord stagecoach in 1827 employing long leather straps under their stagecoaches which gave a swinging motion
on august 30 1998 aurora transit restructured its services into a single route with service in the southern part of the town provided by richmond hill transit at the same time newmarket transit route 77 11 was extended south on bayview avenue to connect with aurora transit s only route at bayview shopping centre aurora transit ended its operations on september 4 1999 when the transit service in the town was transferred to newmarket transit the latter became part of the york region transit on january 1 2001 when the four regional transit systems were merged
songs and choral music are the elements by which he is chiefly known today there are over 150 songs and traditional melody arrangements for solo voice and these include y bardd coeden afalau caneuon y misoedd and eifionydd the choral works involve various groups male mixed female and youth children and are notable not only for daffodils ttbb satb but also ttbb settings of welsh hymn tunes and airs such as llanfair llef and fantasia on welsh airs and the fine original work psalm 35 also a range of exciting works for satb such as requiem in praise of wisdom and the anthem for thy servant david the compositions for female and youth children s choirs engage the singers in varied groupings unison ss sa ssa ssaa etc and include the three songs of enchantment six elizabethan partsongs and traditional songs of britain however he wrote for amateurs as well as professional performers and notably for children and young people
aldermaston court is a country house and private park built in the victorian era for daniel higford davall burr with incorporations from a stuart house it is south east of the village nucleus of aldermaston in the english county of berkshire the predecessor manor house became a mansion from the wealth of its land and from assistance to charles i during the english civil war under ownership of the forster baronets of aldermaston after which the estate has alternated between the names aldermaston park and aldermaston manor
when elizabeth and george married george became the owner of aldermaston manor along with other manors previously owned by the de la mare family he was knighted by henry vii in 1501 becoming sheriff of berkshire and oxford in 1517 he was made a knight of the bath in 1525 his assumed wealth meant that he was part of henry viii s entourage at the field of the cloth of gold george was succeeded by his son humphrey ii in 1533 a high sheriff
during humphrey ii s lordship he faced strong disputes with francis parkyns alternatively spelled perkins who was the brother of the squire of ufton and tenant of nearby padworth manor parkyns was unhappy with forster s over lordship of aldermaston and forster retaliated by breaking into parkyns s house and severely assaulting him while he ate breakfast anne parkyns francis s wife begged for his life forster along with an armed entourage dragged francis to ufton where the family of his brother richard were breakfasting more violence broke out with lady marvyn richard s wive also begging for francis s life to be spared francis was eventually taken to aldermaston where he was jailed in the lock up behind the village pub
in october of the following year a regiment of parliamentary troops under the command edward montagu 2nd earl of manchester camped in the aldermaston area they were defending the crossing at the river kennet an operation that came about due to humphrey forster s staunch royalist support all the estates were sequestered because of these affiliations during the english commonwealth and returned on the restoration of 1660 humphrey iv died in 1663 his grandson an mp sir humphrey forster 2nd baronet c 1649 december 1711 died at the age of about 62 when the baronetcy became extinct
in 1780 the estate passed to his second cousin william a relation of the dramatist of the same name many changes to their estate occurred during the william s ownership the lake by the house was created by damming the stream the wrought iron eagle gates at the north west of the estate were won at a game of cards so taken from midgham to install them the estate s north west lodge a dower house was dissected removing the centre section the estate s east gates are known as the charity gates congreve s daughters frequently sat by the gates and gave alms to the poor
keyser died in 1929 at the age of 81 his death certificate lists the place of death as bucklebury keyser s estate was valued at 770 000 resulting in an inheritance tax of 150 000 the lessened agricultural income from the estate was then less than the cost of its maintenance in 1929 keyser s wife mary died in 1938 their son charles norman had no interest in running the estate and his heavy asthma led him to move to adderbury oxfordshire muriel and sybil their daughters had expensive taste with racehorses and ponies and their brother sold the whole estate to a syndicate messrs cribble booth and shepherd for 100 000 who auctioned it in lots at reading town hall beginning on 20 september 1939 many of the lots were bought by their occupants the house and its immediate grounds were bought by associated electrical industries aei for 16 000
the pneumatic stabilized platform psp was proposed as a means for constructing a new floating airport for san diego in the pacific ocean at least three miles off the tip of point loma however this proposed design was rejected in october 2003 due to very high cost the difficulty in accessing such an airport the difficulty in transporting jet fuel electricity water and gas to the structure failure to address security concerns such as a bomb blast inadequate room for high speed exits and taxiways and environmental concerns
the prize fund at the beginning of big brother 2006 was a 1 000 000 however following on from big brother 2005 the housemates were fined 5000 a time for committing various offenses in big brother 2006 the housemates were not allowed any grace period that big brother 2005 housemates experienced and fines were awarded within minutes of all the housemates entering the house on launch night following the first week the punishment room was revealed where housemates were often sent after receiving their 5 000 fine from big brother
the insider was a live show broadcast on day 2 where the result of the insider public vote was revealed viewers had to vote for whether david camilla or michael should be appointed the insider the daily show was broadcast as part of the insider hosted by gretel killeen michael mccoy was selected as the insider michael mccoy born 16 june 1980 is a political science student from sydney new south wales he is of anglo celtic and filipino descent michael was the first housemate to enter the big brother house this year
he failed his first mission within minutes of being assigned the task which was to secretly spill water on a bed that was occupied by two housemates michael opted to spill water on gaelan s bed which at the time was only used by gaelan himself because of that and because he also didn t empty the whole bottle he was awarded his first strike soon after he was given other missions one of which was to be nominated by at least eight of his fellow housemates in the next round of nominations to complete this mission he fabricated a story about a custody issue concerning his young son reuben claiming he wanted to leave the house to concentrate on this issue
after big brother revealed to the other housemates that michael was the insider and that the reuben story was pure fiction michael faced a strong backlash from several housemates angry at being duped in this way especially from anna who had little contact with her father it was revealed on michael s eviction night that reuben is the name of one of michael s real life friends despite no longer being the insider michael continued to cause conflict in week 5 hiding cutlery as well as hiding the housemates toothbrushes from them never revealing their locations even after he had been evicted attempting to create doubts as to whether or not there is another insider inside the house besides michael he was the 5th housemate to be evicted from the house on day 36 with 20 of the merged vote
michael appeared on rove live and when host rove mcmanus insulted michael by saying don t do that you re not the rock after michael raised his eyebrow the former housemate returned fire by bluntly telling rove he is not as funny as the show s co host peter helliar when asked about the gretel incident michael suggested that friday night live and big brother uplate host mike goldman or friday night live co host and former housemate ryan fitzgerald would be better hosts of big brother than gretel killeen as has become custom over the history of the show michael appeared along with all the other 2006 housemates on the rove live episode of the week of the final in his usual style he said what everyone wanted to say but were too afraid to as soon as he was asked to speak he immediately questioned why john and ashley were not present and attempted to get the host to bring them on
this season of big brother australia proved to be highly controversial an alleged sexual assault during which john real name michael bric held down camilla severi on her bed while ashley michael cox pushed his crotch into her face in the house on 1 july 2006 resulted in the ejection of the pair from the show the incident sparked calls for the series to be investigated for possible breaches of broadcasting laws and calls for the cancellation of the series by several commentators and politicians including then australian prime minister john howard and opposition leader kim beazley the incident and in particular the prime minister s comments were reported internationally running on cnn and the bbc and in various other international publications because of the incident big brother adults only ended its run after politicians warned network ten that its screening of the show could harm its push for media reforms
the incident sparked a high level of discussion on internet forums where commentators were split over whether the incident was playful fun or actual assault in many forums there was overwhelming censure of the big brother series itself with many calling for the show to be cancelled subsequent to the controversy the program s ratings showed an increase however this proved to be only a temporary boost the show s regular ratings did not show a significant overall increase and the daily show continued to rate significantly lower than its competitors on other commercial networks network ten indicated that they planned to continue producing the series despite the barrage of criticism in the wake of the controversy several former housemates came forward with descriptions of audition processes that require potential housemates to parade nude and the frequent occurrence of sexual acts in the house similar to the one that the two housemates were ejected for
following the removal of the two offenders the show continued as normal with housemate gaelan evicted via the usual procedure the following day in an interview gaelan claimed that the big brother producers had not advised housemates on how to deal with sexual tension on the night of 3 july network ten broadcast an interview with the ejected housemates john and ashley speaking to big brother host gretel killeen the two stated that the incident was only out of fun and that they did not mean to hurt camilla as they have a great deal of respect for her
as a result of the incident a report by the australian communications and media authority was compiled a few days after the incident the report concluded that loopholes in broadcasting rules should be closed and internet content regulations tightened it was found that big brother itself could not be penalised as the footage was never broadcast by network ten but was seen only via web streaming and the internet falls outside acma s authority websites running the footage would not be penalised under other regulations governing web broadcasts as they had removed the footage when requested rival network current affairs programs a current affair on the nine network and the seven network s today tonight both broadcast the footage in full neither show faced a reprimand from acma as they can argue the footage was used as part of a news story presenting the acma report communications minister helen coonan said that legislation to broaden the authority s regulatory powers to cover the internet and mobile phone broadcasts would be introduced into parliament as soon as possible
some critics highlighted how well the system s hardware performed in their reviews official dreamcast magazine praised the joystick on the handheld as controlling better than the genesis controllers daily radar thanked snk for developing a good enough screen to prevent any unwanted motion blur ign believed the game was a killer app for the neo geo pocket color and filled the platform game role the system s library was so desperately missing official dreamcast magazine called it snk s for the neo geo pocket color allgame disagreed that it was a killer app but felt it showcased the system s processing prowess well
in retrospect ign called sonic pocket adventure a system seller and a proving ground for the development team as many members of the staff would go on to develop several more sonic games for handheld systems as dimps ign included sonic pocket adventure on their wishlist of games for the virtual console on the nintendo dsi although the neo geo pocket color was not commercially successful retro gamer still called it a fantastically playable machine with sonic pocket adventure being one of the best games in the system s library and the sonic catalog gamesradar listed the game at number six among their list of top 25 sonic games of all time
election 2 literal title black society harmony is a virtue also known as triad election in the united states is a 2006 category iii hong kong crime film directed by johnnie to with a large ensemble cast that includes louis koo simon yam and nick cheung a sequel to the 2005 film election the film concludes the events of the first film centring on lok yam who this time struggles to keep his title as triad boss as a triad re election draws near while jimmy koo attempts to retire as a triad to become a legitimate businessman
lok is now holding his position as triad chairman of the wo shing society unthreatened in hong kong as his two year term expires a new chairman election nears but lok contemplates breaking tradition attempting to seek re election at the same time jimmy is trying to escape wo shing by building a legitimate business empire in mainland china when he is arrested in an illegal financial trade with a government official for the building of a new logistics center and highway the section chief of the public security bureau forbids him to re enter the mainland to do business unless he becomes wo shing s next chairman reluctant but forced to accept the reality he can never truly exit the triad jimmy enters into the election nomination with jet and kun also seeking the chairman position
lok first negotiates with kun claiming wo shing s uncles will support kun so long as they team up for a joint election bid kun then kidnaps and places jimmy s financial supporter mr kwok in a coffin alive with big head so as to eliminate the competition lok also asks jet to assassinate jimmy also claiming the uncles will support jet unfortunately jet does not complete the assassination following jimmy warning the youth lok will most likely have him and kun killed once jimmy is dead mr so having been similarly arrested in the mainland for an illegal gambling ring allies with jimmy to see to his election as chairman meanwhile lok hides the dragon head baton the symbol of wo shing s leadership in mainland china hoping to reassert his power then outright kills uncle teng wai after teng blasts lok for breaking wo shing tradition seeing the corruption and civil war escalating in the society jimmy kidnaps lok s lieutenants and bribes them to work for him after exposing kun for kidnapping mr kwok and big head while ordering lok s lieutenants to murder the chairman jimmy s nomination is successful and he wins the election
back in mainland china the section chief congratulates jimmy for winning and hands the dragon head baton lok hid however the security bureau is tired of seeing the baton entering the mainland for years and having to re deliver it back to wo shing in the hopes this will not happen again the section chief orders jimmy to become wo shing s chairman permanently establishing the society as a family enterprise the furious jimmy cannot believe these turn of events hoping once his two year term as chairman expires he can finally go clean upon visiting his wife whom he sent into hiding during the election for her safety she announces her pregnancy jimmy embraces her hiding both fear and horror at the prospect of his son being trapped in a life he wants no part of
the dewa sanzan mountains are particularly noteworthy as having the oldest history of mountain worship in japan the mountains were first opened as a religious centre over 1400 years ago in 593 by prince hachiko who was the first born son of emperor sushun the 32nd emperor of japan and reigning emperor at the time prince hachiko arrived in dewa province in 593 after fleeing the soga clan upon the assassination of his father he then devoted the rest of his life to religious pursuits eventually enduring difficult ascetic exercises and a period of penance which led to his worship of haguro gongen the deity of the mountain following this the prince began worship at the gassan and yudono mountains which led to the enshrinement of all three deities at the temple located on the summit of mount haguro
following the establishment of the dewa sanzan mountains as a center of ascetic religious beliefs many people began to make yearly pilgrimages to the mountains to pay reverence even arduously trekking thousands of miles to visit the shrines during the summer months these pilgrimages held significance to many religions and the mountains served as a place of learning for various belief systems but were most particularly important to shugend several notable individuals made this pilgrimage to the dewa sanzan to include en no gy ja the founder of shugend asceticism as well as k kai the founder of the shingon sect
following the meiji restoration in 1868 the japanese government dissolved the pattern of shint buddhist amalgamation and shint was selected as the official state religion shugend was adversely affected by this split and many shugend priests returned to a secular life following the end of world war ii however shugend was allowed to enjoy a status as a minor religious group these changes in religious association also altered the designation of the shrines located on the dewa sanzan today the shrines at mount haguro and mount yudono are designated as kokuhei shosha while the shrine on mount gassan gassan shrine is now considered a kanpei taisha
folk religion has continued throughout the ages to be a standard part of the daily lives of the japanese people particularly the aspect of the association between religious beliefs and practices with sacred mountains this practice of mountain worship holds a significant place in japanese beliefs and had become widespread throughout japan s history it has been observed that nearly every high mountain top has had its own dedicated shrine at one point with some receiving pilgrimages every year from thousands of worshippers this collection of diverse phenomena linking religious activities and beliefs with sacred mountains is referred to as sangaku shink
mount yudono is viewed as being the heart of the three sacred mountains and is considered the most holy of ascetic disciplinary practice grounds many ascetics and yamabushi believe they have not completed their pilgrimage and thus entered the holy land until they have reached mount yudono mount yudono is famous for its goshintai a sacred object believed to be directly connected to a god the shrine on yudono is also revered as hallowed land which must be kept secret and even today photography and video recordings are prohibited
the county is driven by a largely agricultural economy peaches strawberries pecans peanuts watermelons and cotton are the most commonly raised crops lumbering is also important to the local economy the county is heavily forested in most areas due in part to the many large plantation pine farms there are also many desirable hardwood forests especially along the flint river basin and tributary streams the southwestern portion of the county is covered with large sandhills that have given rise to several stable sand mining operations
as of the census of 2000 there were 8 815 people 3 281 households and 2 283 families living in the county the population density was 23 people per square mile 9 km2 there were 3 978 housing units at an average density of 10 per square mile 4 km2 the racial makeup of the county was 55 39 white 42 56 black or african american 0 11 native american 0 18 asian 0 93 from other races and 0 82 from two or more races 1 85 of the population were hispanic or latino of any race
as of the 2010 united states census there were 8 906 people 3 522 households and 2 342 families living in the county the population density was there were 4 563 housing units at an average density of the racial makeup of the county was 58 5 white 39 3 black or african american 0 6 asian 0 1 american indian 0 7 from other races and 0 8 from two or more races those of hispanic or latino origin made up 1 8 of the population in terms of ancestry 17 3 were american 10 9 were english and 8 4 were irish
the area that became northern new jersey was occupied for thousands of years by prehistoric indigenous peoples at the time of european encounter it was settled by the lenape native americans the lenape language word for the area peremessing which meant that it had an abundant population of wild turkey was anglicized to become the word paramus a large metal statue of a wild turkey in the paramus park mall commemorates this history another alternative derivation is that the word means pleasant stream
albert saboroweski albrycht zaborowski whose descendants became known by the family name zabriskie immigrated from poland via the dutch ship the fox in 1662 he settled in the dutch west indies company town of ackensack today s hackensack a son jacob was captured by the lenape and held for 15 years when he was returned to his family the lenape explained to saboroweski that they had taken the child in order to teach him their language so that he could serve as a translator they granted saboroweski approximately of land which became known as the paramus patent
during the american revolutionary war the county included both tories and patriots with patriots greatly outnumbering tories although no major battles were fought in bergen county paramus was part of the military activity as colonial troops were stationed in ramapo under the command of aaron burr in 1777 the british raided the hackensack area and burr marched troops to paramus where he attacked the british forcing them to withdraw general george washington was in paramus several times during the war december 1778 july 1780 and december 1780 following the battle of monmouth washington established his headquarters in paramus in july 1778 over the advice of his staff washington moved his headquarters to westchester county new york
a section of paramus known as dunkerhook meaning dark corner in dutch was a free african american community dating to the early 18th century although historical markers on the current site and local oral tradition maintain that this was a slave community contemporary records document that it was a community of free blacks not slaves a group of houses built on dunkerhook road by the zabriskies in the late 18th to early 19th centuries was the center of a community of black farmers who had been slaves held by the zabriskie family
paramus became one of the truck farming areas that helped new jersey earn its nickname as the garden state by 1940 paramus population was just 4 000 with no town center and 94 retail establishments although the opening of the george washington bridge in 1931 and the widening of new jersey route 17 and new jersey route 4 which intersect in southern paramus made the area accessible to millions it was not until the 1950s that massive development hit this section of northern new jersey
during the 1950s and 1960s paramus lacking any master plan until 1969 was redeveloped into two shopping corridors when its farmers and outside developers saw that shopping malls were more lucrative than produce farming it was a developer s dream flat cleared land adjacent to major arterials and accessible to a growing suburban population and the country s largest city with no planning restrictions new york had a state sales tax but new jersey had none so with the opening of manhattan department stores in the bergen mall 1957 the garden state plaza 1957 and alexander s 1961 paramus became the first stop outside new york city for shopping from 1948 58 the population of paramus increased from 6 000 to 23 000 the number of retail establishments tripled from 111 to 319 and annual retail sales increased twenty fold from 5 5 million to 112 million by the 1980s when the population had increased slightly over 1960s levels retail sales had climbed to 1 billion