8 values
What may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species?
{ "text": [ "energy of moving objects", "lots of mates", "deforestation", "food and shelter", "scarce resources", "abundant resources", "lots of resources", "threatened" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
competition may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species
Competition is fierce and resources are scarce.
scarce resources may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species
What may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species? (A) energy of moving objects (B) lots of mates (C) deforestation (D) food and shelter (E) scarce resources (F) abundant resources (G) lots of resources (H) threatened
what is so small it can only be seen with an electron microscope?
{ "text": [ "clouds", "cell", "DNA", "ovum", "HIV", "magnified", "h2o", "RNA" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Where most viruses are DNA, HIV is an RNA virus.
HIV is so small it can only be seen with an electron microscope
what is so small it can only be seen with an electron microscope? (A) clouds (B) cell (C) DNA (D) ovum (E) HIV (F) magnified (G) h2o (H) RNA
Viruses are so small that they can be seen by what?
{ "text": [ "focusing a lens", "A computer", "looking close", "rays or beams", "sunlight", "bending light rays", "seeing smaller", "tuning eyes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Once the camera is tuned with the microscope, the focusing depends on the microscope lens.
Viruses are so small that they can be seen by focusing a lens
Viruses are so small that they can be seen by what? (A) focusing a lens (B) A computer (C) looking close (D) rays or beams (E) sunlight (F) bending light rays (G) seeing smaller (H) tuning eyes
What can viruses be seen with?
{ "text": [ "eye", "A computer", "magnifying glass", "microscope", "the skin", "radiation", "Chemical energy", "glasses" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Electron microscopes are needed to see viruses.
viruses can only be seen with a microscope
What can viruses be seen with? (A) eye (B) A computer (C) magnifying glass (D) microscope (E) the skin (F) radiation (G) Chemical energy (H) glasses
viruses are so small that they can be seen only with a device developed where?
{ "text": [ "A computer", "sunlight", "Light", "germany", "retina", "at home", "canada", "taiwan" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Electron microscope is developed in Germany.
viruses are so small that they can be seen only with a device developed in germany.
viruses are so small that they can be seen only with a device developed where? (A) A computer (B) sunlight (C) Light (D) germany (E) retina (F) at home (G) canada (H) taiwan
What of the following can only be viewed by illuminating electrons?
{ "text": [ "insects", "small animals", "eyelashes", "Light", "an image", "fungi", "viruses", "an object" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Objects to be viewed are illuminated by electrons in an electron microscope.
Viruses are viewed by illuminating electrons.
What of the following can only be viewed by illuminating electrons? (A) insects (B) small animals (C) eyelashes (D) Light (E) an image (F) fungi (G) viruses (H) an object
Objects that are a few nanometers in size can be seen only with:
{ "text": [ "an electron microscope", "refraction of light", "matter vibrating", "ultrasound", "The bending of a ray of light", "slight magnification", "flashlights", "lens" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Viruses Viruses are very small, a few nanometers in size.
Objects that are only a few nanometers in size can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Objects that are a few nanometers in size can be seen only with: (A) an electron microscope (B) refraction of light (C) matter vibrating (D) ultrasound (E) The bending of a ray of light (F) slight magnification (G) flashlights (H) lens
What is so small it can be seen only with an electron microscope?
{ "text": [ "all invertebrates", "humans", "bacteria", "alveoli", "acetic acid", "orchids", "smallpox", "planets" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Some smallpox viruses are maintained in laboratories.
smallpox is so small that it can be seen only with an electron microscope
What is so small it can be seen only with an electron microscope? (A) all invertebrates (B) humans (C) bacteria (D) alveoli (E) acetic acid (F) orchids (G) smallpox (H) planets
What is used to study viruses?
{ "text": [ "rays or beams", "Cooking", "aqueous solution", "energy", "an image", "radiation", "radiography", "Dilution" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Viruses are studied by radiography and use of the electron microscope.
radiography is used to study viruses
What is used to study viruses? (A) rays or beams (B) Cooking (C) aqueous solution (D) energy (E) an image (F) radiation (G) radiography (H) Dilution
Viruses are so small that to see them a scientist would have to use what kind of lens?
{ "text": [ "Refract it", "refraction of light", "an electron lens", "an image", "rays or beams", "bending light rays", "A computer", "flashlights" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
On the surface of each microscopic color filter is also a microscopic lens.
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron lens.
Viruses are so small that to see them a scientist would have to use what kind of lens? (A) Refract it (B) refraction of light (C) an electron lens (D) an image (E) rays or beams (F) bending light rays (G) A computer (H) flashlights
How can cells of the Tobacco Mosaic be seen?
{ "text": [ "refraction of light", "an area swollen with pus", "by indirect light", "death and devastation", "bending light rays", "electron microscope", "deadly and devastating", "Veins and arteries." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Viruses include the Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
Tobacco Mosaic is so small that it can only be seen with an electron microscope.
How can cells of the Tobacco Mosaic be seen? (A) refraction of light (B) an area swollen with pus (C) by indirect light (D) death and devastation (E) bending light rays (F) electron microscope (G) deadly and devastating (H) Veins and arteries.
Leaves that keep the plant from what are used for storing water by some plants?
{ "text": [ "drying out", "absorbing liquid", "bacteria", "cold air", "staying damp", "dormant state", "toxins", "keeping moist" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Waxy leaves keep the plant from drying out.
Leaves that keep the plant from drying out are used for storing water by some plants
Leaves that keep the plant from what are used for storing water by some plants? (A) drying out (B) absorbing liquid (C) bacteria (D) cold air (E) staying damp (F) dormant state (G) toxins (H) keeping moist
semi-arid climates have plants that are able to do what with water
{ "text": [ "be flooded by", "growth", "store", "transpire", "survive", "adapt", "float in", "grow" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Leaves are slightly waxy and prevent drying in our semi-arid climate.
semi-arid climates have plants that are able to store water
semi-arid climates have plants that are able to do what with water (A) be flooded by (B) growth (C) store (D) transpire (E) survive (F) adapt (G) float in (H) grow
what do some plants use waxy leaves for?
{ "text": [ "staying warm", "petals", "nutrients", "Chemical energy", "Exfoliation", "carbon monoxide", "water conservation", "water evaporation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Plants have many adaptations for conserving water or storing it.
waxy leaves are used for water conservation by some plants
what do some plants use waxy leaves for? (A) staying warm (B) petals (C) nutrients (D) Chemical energy (E) Exfoliation (F) carbon monoxide (G) water conservation (H) water evaporation
What uses leaves to store water?
{ "text": [ "animals", "horses", "heterotrophs", "kalenchoes", "eukyarotes", "camels", "it needs them", "fans" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Kalanchoes are known for their waxy, thick, dark green leaves.
kalenchoes use their leaves to store water
What uses leaves to store water? (A) animals (B) horses (C) heterotrophs (D) kalenchoes (E) eukyarotes (F) camels (G) it needs them (H) fans
What are leaves used to store?
{ "text": [ "wind", "fats", "water", "sunlight", "lipids", "glucose", "soil", "energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Leaves are long, oval and waxy.
leaves are used to store water
What are leaves used to store? (A) wind (B) fats (C) water (D) sunlight (E) lipids (F) glucose (G) soil (H) energy
What do some cacti use waxy leaves for?
{ "text": [ "hydration", "Chemical energy", "storing water", "it needs them", "support", "survival", "to stay warm", "cellulose" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Many cacti also have a waxy coating that helps the plant conserve moisture in desert climates.
cacti store water with waxy leaves
What do some cacti use waxy leaves for? (A) hydration (B) Chemical energy (C) storing water (D) it needs them (E) support (F) survival (G) to stay warm (H) cellulose
Where do orchids keep water?
{ "text": [ "In their leaves", "dormant state", "it needs them", "by indirect light", "By coral exoskeletons", "near the shoreline", "cellulose", "they body they live in" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Orchids often have fleshy pods and waxy leaves which can store water.
Orchids keep water in their leaves.
Where do orchids keep water? (A) In their leaves (B) dormant state (C) it needs them (D) by indirect light (E) By coral exoskeletons (F) near the shoreline (G) cellulose (H) they body they live in
Where do Bromeliads store water?
{ "text": [ "at or near the margins", "hard outer covering", "an external framework", "By coral exoskeletons", "In their leaves", "Tropical", "by indirect light", "near the shoreline" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Bromeliads are a group of plants that have stiff, waxy leaves that form a cup-shaped body.
Bromeliads store water in their waxy leaves
Where do Bromeliads store water? (A) at or near the margins (B) hard outer covering (C) an external framework (D) By coral exoskeletons (E) In their leaves (F) Tropical (G) by indirect light (H) near the shoreline
Leaves are covered with what, which is used to store water in plants?
{ "text": [ "exoskeleton", "a cuticle", "barrel-shaped", "fibrous", "Collagen", "nutrients", "cellulose", "watershred" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Leaves are covered with a waxy layer, the cuticle , which prevents water loss.
Leaves are covered with a cuticle which are used to store water in plants.
Leaves are covered with what, which is used to store water in plants? (A) exoskeleton (B) a cuticle (C) barrel-shaped (D) fibrous (E) Collagen (F) nutrients (G) cellulose (H) watershred
All chemical reactions require the initial input of energy to get the reaction what?
{ "text": [ "made", "state", "started", "Decibels", "over", "heat", "finished", "removed" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Activation energy is the initial input of energy required to get the reaction started.
All chemical reactions require the initial input of energy to get the reaction started
All chemical reactions require the initial input of energy to get the reaction what? (A) made (B) state (C) started (D) Decibels (E) over (F) heat (G) finished (H) removed
overcoming the energy barrier starts a what
{ "text": [ "chemical reaction", "contraction", "Movement of an air mass", "expansion", "metabolic reaction", "energy storage", "increased body strength", "oxidation reaction" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Activation energy is required to overcome the energy barrier.
overcoming the energy barrier starts a chemical reaction
overcoming the energy barrier starts a what (A) chemical reaction (B) contraction (C) Movement of an air mass (D) expansion (E) metabolic reaction (F) energy storage (G) increased body strength (H) oxidation reaction
What does fire require to get started?
{ "text": [ "an engine", "activation energy", "water", "energy usage", "direct energy", "dogs", "activated almonds", "adding heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Fire is a chemical reaction.
Fire requires activation energy to get started.
What does fire require to get started? (A) an engine (B) activation energy (C) water (D) energy usage (E) direct energy (F) dogs (G) activated almonds (H) adding heat
What do fires require to get started?
{ "text": [ "vacuum", "heating liquids", "energy usage", "water", "activation energy", "phosphorus", "adding heat", "direct energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Fire is a chemical reaction.
fires require activation energy to get started
What do fires require to get started? (A) vacuum (B) heating liquids (C) energy usage (D) water (E) activation energy (F) phosphorus (G) adding heat (H) direct energy
All chemical reactions require a form of what to get started?
{ "text": [ "oxygen", "celestial measurement", "gas", "heat", "UV", "charge", "Light", "scientific expression" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Basically, heat is energy.
All chemical reactions require heat to get started.
All chemical reactions require a form of what to get started? (A) oxygen (B) celestial measurement (C) gas (D) heat (E) UV (F) charge (G) Light (H) scientific expression
What require activation energy to get started?
{ "text": [ "changing colors", "chemical additions", "reacting colors", "Firecrackers", "an engine", "heating liquids", "Organic compounds", "chemical changes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Chemical changes are referred to as a chemical reaction.
Chemical changes require activation energy to get started
What require activation energy to get started? (A) changing colors (B) chemical additions (C) reacting colors (D) Firecrackers (E) an engine (F) heating liquids (G) Organic compounds (H) chemical changes
What is required before a chemical change?
{ "text": [ "kinetic energy", "energy usage", "activation push", "activation energy", "activation switch", "activation power", "Burning fuel and air", "Evaporation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Chemical changes are a result of chemical reactions.
Activation energy must be used before a chemical change happens.
What is required before a chemical change? (A) kinetic energy (B) energy usage (C) activation push (D) activation energy (E) activation switch (F) activation power (G) Burning fuel and air (H) Evaporation
What must a chemical reaction overcome before starting?
{ "text": [ "PV=nRT", "heat or cold", "reactants", "energy barrier", "Dehydration", "harmful substances", "resistance", "temperature" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Activation energy is required to overcome the energy barrier.
All chemical reactions must first overcome the energy barrier.
What must a chemical reaction overcome before starting? (A) PV=nRT (B) heat or cold (C) reactants (D) energy barrier (E) Dehydration (F) harmful substances (G) resistance (H) temperature
What can make a chemical reaction easier to get started?
{ "text": [ "sweating", "ATP", "Carbohydrates", "heat", "a stove", "DNA", "Enzymes", "electron" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Enzymes are catalysts and accordingly, speed up reactions by decreasing the activation energy.
Enzymes makes chemicals reactions easier to get started
What can make a chemical reaction easier to get started? (A) sweating (B) ATP (C) Carbohydrates (D) heat (E) a stove (F) DNA (G) Enzymes (H) electron
What do catalysts do?
{ "text": [ "metabolic reaction", "breathe", "get chemical reactions started", "Slowing the transfer of heat", "A compound that donates proton", "fertilize eggs", "have a positive impact on the environment", "inhibit chemical reactions" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions.
Catalysts help chemical reactions to get started.
What do catalysts do? (A) metabolic reaction (B) breathe (C) get chemical reactions started (D) Slowing the transfer of heat (E) A compound that donates proton (F) fertilize eggs (G) have a positive impact on the environment (H) inhibit chemical reactions
In what way does a catalyst help in chemical reactions?
{ "text": [ "Generating heat", "lowered energy cost", "metabolic reaction", "heating liquids", "by making heat", "adding heat", "increases a body's strength", "preventing heat transfer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Catalysts lower the activation energy.
A catalyst can lower the energy cost of a chemical reaction.
In what way does a catalyst help in chemical reactions? (A) Generating heat (B) lowered energy cost (C) metabolic reaction (D) heating liquids (E) by making heat (F) adding heat (G) increases a body's strength (H) preventing heat transfer
What do ALL chemical changes require to occur?
{ "text": [ "during the day", "heating liquids", "Activation energy", "wavelengths and photons", "Burning fuel and air", "kinetic energy", "electromagnetic energy", "direct energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Chemical changes are a result of chemical reactions.
All chemical changes require activation energy to occur.
What do ALL chemical changes require to occur? (A) during the day (B) heating liquids (C) Activation energy (D) wavelengths and photons (E) Burning fuel and air (F) kinetic energy (G) electromagnetic energy (H) direct energy
What describes something that requires activation energy to get started?
{ "text": [ "igniting fuel and oxidiser", "heating liquids", "Fully cooking the oysters", "Riding a bike", "an engine", "burning coal", "chemical equations", "Firecrackers" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Chemical equations describe chemical reactions.
Chemical equations describe something that requires activation energy to get started.
What describes something that requires activation energy to get started? (A) igniting fuel and oxidiser (B) heating liquids (C) Fully cooking the oysters (D) Riding a bike (E) an engine (F) burning coal (G) chemical equations (H) Firecrackers
Catalysts lower the input required for chemical reactions to what
{ "text": [ "temperature", "It decreases", "adding heat", "Under 32 degrees", "Decibels", "reduce", "the environment", "get started" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
All chemical reactions require activation energy to get started.
Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions.
Catalysts lower the input required for chemical reactions to get started
Catalysts lower the input required for chemical reactions to what (A) temperature (B) It decreases (C) adding heat (D) Under 32 degrees (E) Decibels (F) reduce (G) the environment (H) get started
What do ancathostega have four of?
{ "text": [ "Eggs", "feet", "Wings", "alveoli", "Lungs", "ovaries", "rings", "Limbs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Ancathostega is one of the earliest tetrapods found, and by far the most complete.
Ancathostegs have four limbs
What do ancathostega have four of? (A) Eggs (B) feet (C) Wings (D) alveoli (E) Lungs (F) ovaries (G) rings (H) Limbs
Amphibians with what are more advanced than fish?
{ "text": [ "four eyes", "sensory neurons", "rapid expansion", "layers of fat", "four limbs", "kinetic energy", "tails", "many limbs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
All vertebrates more advanced than fish have four limbs, each with up to five fingers or toes.
Amphibians with four limbs are more advanced than fish.
Amphibians with what are more advanced than fish? (A) four eyes (B) sensory neurons (C) rapid expansion (D) layers of fat (E) four limbs (F) kinetic energy (G) tails (H) many limbs
These belong to the class of creature that were the first true tetrapods:
{ "text": [ "millipede", "crabs", "four limbs", "bullfrogs", "gastropod", "a fish", "warm-blooded", "insects" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Bullfrogs eat other amphibians.
Bullfrogs are of the class of creatures that were the first true tetrapods.
These belong to the class of creature that were the first true tetrapods: (A) millipede (B) crabs (C) four limbs (D) bullfrogs (E) gastropod (F) a fish (G) warm-blooded (H) insects
_ are tetrapods.
{ "text": [ "animals", "amoeba", "Frogs", "Length", "insects", "Spiders", "Snakes", "Birds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Frogs are classified as amphibians.
Frogs are tetrapods.
_ are tetrapods. (A) animals (B) amoeba (C) Frogs (D) Length (E) insects (F) Spiders (G) Snakes (H) Birds
What are vertebrates with four limbs?
{ "text": [ "humans", "frogs", "fish", "Birds", "phytoplankton", "coral", "bears", "goats" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
All frogs are amphibians.
frogs are vertebrates with four limbs
What are vertebrates with four limbs? (A) humans (B) frogs (C) fish (D) Birds (E) phytoplankton (F) coral (G) bears (H) goats
The first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs include
{ "text": [ "Schwinn", "frogs", "Man", "insects", "mammals", "bats", "Birds", "feet" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Frogs are amphibians and ducks are aves.
Frogs are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs
The first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs include (A) Schwinn (B) frogs (C) Man (D) insects (E) mammals (F) bats (G) Birds (H) feet
amphibians are the first true what with four limbs?
{ "text": [ "members of their own species", "to move people", "warm-blooded", "Due to their feet", "animals with backbones", "remains of prehistoric life", "Something to move", "Generating heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Animals with backbones are called vertebrates.
amphibians are the first true animals with backbones with four limbs
amphibians are the first true what with four limbs? (A) members of their own species (B) to move people (C) warm-blooded (D) Due to their feet (E) animals with backbones (F) remains of prehistoric life (G) Something to move (H) Generating heat
what are amphibians classified by?
{ "text": [ "organ", "ovaries", "colors", "feet", "alleles", "genus", "skull", "Length" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Modern classifications of the tetrapods rely on the structure of the skull .
amphibians are classified based on their skull
what are amphibians classified by? (A) organ (B) ovaries (C) colors (D) feet (E) alleles (F) genus (G) skull (H) Length
what are monophyletic with four limbs ?
{ "text": [ "animals", "mammals", "amphibians", "warm-blooded", "Most plants", "alpacas", "Conifers", "graptolites" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
Tetrapod classification Tetrapods are monophyletic.
Amphibians are monophyletic with four limbs
what are monophyletic with four limbs ? (A) animals (B) mammals (C) amphibians (D) warm-blooded (E) Most plants (F) alpacas (G) Conifers (H) graptolites
The first tetrapods were
{ "text": [ "major threat to health", "remains of prehistoric life", "in the frog family", "running and lifting", "competing for resources", "warm-blooded", "objects that have mass", "graptolites" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Amphibians are the first true tetrapods, or vertebrates with four limbs.
All frogs are amphibians.
Animals in the frog family are the first true tetrapods.
The first tetrapods were (A) major threat to health (B) remains of prehistoric life (C) in the frog family (D) running and lifting (E) competing for resources (F) warm-blooded (G) objects that have mass (H) graptolites
Without what, no object can be seen?
{ "text": [ "matter", "flowers", "Energy.", "air", "energy", "shade", "lenses", "light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Without light there is nothing to connect the eye to the object.
Without light there is no object that can be seen
Without what, no object can be seen? (A) matter (B) flowers (C) Energy. (D) air (E) energy (F) shade (G) lenses (H) light
What do mirrors do?
{ "text": [ "converting electricity to heat", "prevent heat loss", "duplicate itself", "reflect air molecules", "infrared light", "It gets more light", "invisible objects", "reflect objectstowards the eye" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Mirrors reflect light.
mirrors reflect objects towards the eye
What do mirrors do? (A) converting electricity to heat (B) prevent heat loss (C) duplicate itself (D) reflect air molecules (E) infrared light (F) It gets more light (G) invisible objects (H) reflect objectstowards the eye
What happens when light and images fall on the retina?
{ "text": [ "The eye blinks", "It gets brighter", "An object is seen", "Abnormal cell growth", "It expands", "It gets darker", "observe it", "flow of electrons" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Eyes detect light, organized into images that fall on the retina.
An object is seen because light and images fall on the retina
What happens when light and images fall on the retina? (A) The eye blinks (B) It gets brighter (C) An object is seen (D) Abnormal cell growth (E) It expands (F) It gets darker (G) observe it (H) flow of electrons
By virtue of what can objects reflects light toward the eye?
{ "text": [ "sunlight", "scattered light", "bright light", "destroyed light", "sensory neurons", "Electrical energy", "flow of electrons", "speckled light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Objects are seen by virtue of scattered light.
by virtue of scattered light objects reflects light toward the eye
By virtue of what can objects reflects light toward the eye? (A) sunlight (B) scattered light (C) bright light (D) destroyed light (E) sensory neurons (F) Electrical energy (G) flow of electrons (H) speckled light
An object can be seen when it reflects something that comes from what?
{ "text": [ "Mercury", "Neptune", "Eyes", "rays", "skin", "Mars", "UV", "Sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Light comes from the sun.
If an object reflects something that comes from the Sun toward the eye then that object can be seen
An object can be seen when it reflects something that comes from what? (A) Mercury (B) Neptune (C) Eyes (D) rays (E) skin (F) Mars (G) UV (H) Sun
what does it mean if an object can be focussed on the retina?
{ "text": [ "sunlight", "lowered energy cost", "it has density", "it is a rainbow", "observe it", "Change colors", "it is invisble", "it can be seen" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Light is focussed on the retina.
if an object can be focussed on the retina, it can be seen
what does it mean if an object can be focussed on the retina? (A) sunlight (B) lowered energy cost (C) it has density (D) it is a rainbow (E) observe it (F) Change colors (G) it is invisble (H) it can be seen
The light from the moon we see with our eyes originates from the
{ "text": [ "heat", "lunar eclipses", "meteorite impacts", "sun", "UV", "gas", "ligt", "the dark side of the moon" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Moonlight is little more than sunlight reflected off a moon.
The light from the moon we see with our eyes comes from the sun
The light from the moon we see with our eyes originates from the (A) heat (B) lunar eclipses (C) meteorite impacts (D) sun (E) UV (F) gas (G) ligt (H) the dark side of the moon
If an object reflects what toward the eye then that object can be seen
{ "text": [ "observe it", "sunlight", "ultraviolet light", "neutrons", "Joules", "photons", "x-rays", "positive" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Light is made up of particles called photons.
If an object reflects photons toward the eye then that object can be seen
If an object reflects what toward the eye then that object can be seen (A) observe it (B) sunlight (C) ultraviolet light (D) neutrons (E) Joules (F) photons (G) x-rays (H) positive
An object can be seen if it reflects what?
{ "text": [ "Energy.", "vibrations", "energy", "waves", "sound", "sun's heat", "photons", "sunlight" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Light is made of photons .
if an object reflects photons toward the eye then that object can be seen
An object can be seen if it reflects what? (A) Energy. (B) vibrations (C) energy (D) waves (E) sound (F) sun's heat (G) photons (H) sunlight
what does an object reflect toward the eye to be seen?
{ "text": [ "rain or sun shine", "kinetic energy", "Energy.", "heat energy", "rays or beams", "sensory neurons", "Electrical energy", "sunlight" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Light seems to travel in rays or beams.
if an object reflects rays or beams toward the eye then it can be seen
what does an object reflect toward the eye to be seen? (A) rain or sun shine (B) kinetic energy (C) Energy. (D) heat energy (E) rays or beams (F) sensory neurons (G) Electrical energy (H) sunlight
What can be seen more?
{ "text": [ "sharks", "trees", "light", "cacti", "cracks", "Herpes", "white", "streams" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
Generally, white objects reflect more than dark ones.
white objects can be seen more
What can be seen more? (A) sharks (B) trees (C) light (D) cacti (E) cracks (F) Herpes (G) white (H) streams
Starfish, sea urchins and sea cucumbers lack a what?
{ "text": [ "characteristics", "the body's largest organ", "watery habitat", "centralized nervous system", "functioning arm", "underwater life", "biological diversity", "epidermis and dermis" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms include starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.
Starfish, sea urchins and sea cucumbers lack a centralized nervous system.
Starfish, sea urchins and sea cucumbers lack a what? (A) characteristics (B) the body's largest organ (C) watery habitat (D) centralized nervous system (E) functioning arm (F) underwater life (G) biological diversity (H) epidermis and dermis
what lack a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "barnacles", "amphibians", "insects", "primates", "alpacas", "Pesticides", "starfish", "snakes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
starfish lack a centralized nervous system.
what lack a centralized nervous system? (A) barnacles (B) amphibians (C) insects (D) primates (E) alpacas (F) Pesticides (G) starfish (H) snakes
What lacks a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "humans", "dogs", "our planet", "insects", "barnacles", "starfish", "birds", "Pesticides" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
starfish lack a centralized nervous system.
What lacks a centralized nervous system? (A) humans (B) dogs (C) our planet (D) insects (E) barnacles (F) starfish (G) birds (H) Pesticides
what lack a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "Pesticides", "neurons", "barnacles", "alpacas", "insects", "fish", "humans", "starfish" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Starfish and sea urchins are also echinoderms.
starfish lack a centralized nervous system
what lack a centralized nervous system? (A) Pesticides (B) neurons (C) barnacles (D) alpacas (E) insects (F) fish (G) humans (H) starfish
Echinoderms are resistant to some:
{ "text": [ "starfish", "enzymes", "Toxicity", "pesticide", "parasites", "toxins", "boats", "chemicals" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
From animal experiments, it seems to be a central nervous system toxin.
Echinoderms are resistant to some toxins.
Echinoderms are resistant to some: (A) starfish (B) enzymes (C) Toxicity (D) pesticide (E) parasites (F) toxins (G) boats (H) chemicals
What lacks a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "starfish", "barnacles", "blowfish", "our planet", "humans", "Pesticides", "insects", "sharks" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
Starfish lack a centralized nervous system.
What lacks a centralized nervous system? (A) starfish (B) barnacles (C) blowfish (D) our planet (E) humans (F) Pesticides (G) insects (H) sharks
What kind of animal doesn't have a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "dog", "mammals", "cows", "bird", "human", "elephants", "starfish", "a fish" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
Starfish lack a centralized nervous system.
What kind of animal doesn't have a centralized nervous system? (A) dog (B) mammals (C) cows (D) bird (E) human (F) elephants (G) starfish (H) a fish
What lacks a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "Damaged hearing", "Pesticides", "Cats", "insects", "Sea urchins", "barnacles", "Humans", "Fish" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Starfish and sea urchins are also echinoderms.
Sea urchins lack a centralized nervous system
What lacks a centralized nervous system? (A) Damaged hearing (B) Pesticides (C) Cats (D) insects (E) Sea urchins (F) barnacles (G) Humans (H) Fish
What lacks a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "Damaged hearing", "Humans", "Horses", "Sand dollars", "insects", "Chickens", "Pesticides", "barnacles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Sand dollars and sea biscuits are also echinoderms.
Sand dollars lack a centralized nervous system
What lacks a centralized nervous system? (A) Damaged hearing (B) Humans (C) Horses (D) Sand dollars (E) insects (F) Chickens (G) Pesticides (H) barnacles
what lack a centralized nervous system?
{ "text": [ "barnacles", "nervous fish", "insects", "bees", "Pesticides", "alpacas", "fish", "starfish" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
starfish lack a centralized nervous system
what lack a centralized nervous system? (A) barnacles (B) nervous fish (C) insects (D) bees (E) Pesticides (F) alpacas (G) fish (H) starfish
Some deuterostomes lack a centralized what?
{ "text": [ "DNA", "eardrum", "critical organs", "permineralization", "A ruler", "nervous system", "communication center", "respiratory system" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
All echinoderms are deuterostomes .
Some deuterostomes lack a centralized nervous system
Some deuterostomes lack a centralized what? (A) DNA (B) eardrum (C) critical organs (D) permineralization (E) A ruler (F) nervous system (G) communication center (H) respiratory system
What do echinoids lack?
{ "text": [ "characteristics", "centralized nervous system", "permineralization", "the body's largest organ", "biological diversity", "that material's properties", "aerobic capacity", "organic matter" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Another group of echinoderms are the echinoids.
echinoids lack a centralized nervous system
What do echinoids lack? (A) characteristics (B) centralized nervous system (C) permineralization (D) the body's largest organ (E) biological diversity (F) that material's properties (G) aerobic capacity (H) organic matter
What is something missing in starfish?
{ "text": [ "the body's largest organ", "centralized nervous system", "characteristics", "layers of fat", "permineralization", "biological diversity", "kinetic energy", "A compound that donates proton" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Echinoderms lack a centralized nervous system.
Echinoderms are represented by the starfish.
Starfish lack a centralized nervous system.
What is something missing in starfish? (A) the body's largest organ (B) centralized nervous system (C) characteristics (D) layers of fat (E) permineralization (F) biological diversity (G) kinetic energy (H) A compound that donates proton
What does moving into or out of a population affect?
{ "text": [ "furniture", "offspring", "humans", "health", "animals", "traits", "children", "basement" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Genes specify individual traits.
moving into or out of a population affects traits
What does moving into or out of a population affect? (A) furniture (B) offspring (C) humans (D) health (E) animals (F) traits (G) children (H) basement
What tends to occur when individuals move into or out of a population?
{ "text": [ "competing for resources", "extinction", "matter is destroyed", "metabolic reaction", "rapid exponential growth", "seed dispersal", "decreased differentiation", "permineralization" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Gene flow tends to decrease differentiation.
decreased differentiation tends to occur when individuals move into or out of a population.
What tends to occur when individuals move into or out of a population? (A) competing for resources (B) extinction (C) matter is destroyed (D) metabolic reaction (E) rapid exponential growth (F) seed dispersal (G) decreased differentiation (H) permineralization
what increases genetic variation?
{ "text": [ "selection", "similiarity", "colors of the spectrum", "Plant reproduction", "biological diversity", "natural disasters", "population movement", "rapid expansion" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Gene flow increases genetic variation within a population.
genetic variation is increased with population movement
what increases genetic variation? (A) selection (B) similiarity (C) colors of the spectrum (D) Plant reproduction (E) biological diversity (F) natural disasters (G) population movement (H) rapid expansion
Individuals who move into or out of a community increase:
{ "text": [ "homogeneity", "energy usage", "power", "monoculture", "competition", "adding heat", "population", "gene flow" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Community health focuses on the health of populations or groups.
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a community.
Individuals who move into or out of a community increase: (A) homogeneity (B) energy usage (C) power (D) monoculture (E) competition (F) adding heat (G) population (H) gene flow
What happens when people flow into or out of a population?
{ "text": [ "genetic morphing", "death", "gene flow", "movement", "generic flow", "interact", "competition", "gene expression" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
People are individuals, and each person has different needs.
Gene flow occurs when people move into or out of a population.
What happens when people flow into or out of a population? (A) genetic morphing (B) death (C) gene flow (D) movement (E) generic flow (F) interact (G) competition (H) gene expression
What can be maintained when individuals move into or out of a population?
{ "text": [ "loose soil", "vegetation", "reusing materials", "important habitats", "genetic diversity", "resistance", "hydration", "swamp vegetation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Genetic diversity can be maintained in small populations by even a small amount of gene flow.
Genetic diversity can be maintained when individuals move into or out of a population
What can be maintained when individuals move into or out of a population? (A) loose soil (B) vegetation (C) reusing materials (D) important habitats (E) genetic diversity (F) resistance (G) hydration (H) swamp vegetation
What tends to occur when individuals move in and out of a population?
{ "text": [ "By wind and rain", "permineralization", "The bending of a ray of light", "Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen", "a decrease in differentiation", "competing for resources", "barks and snarls", "metabolic reaction" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Gene flow tends to decrease differentiation.
a decrease in differentiation tends to occur when individuals move in and out of a population
What tends to occur when individuals move in and out of a population? (A) By wind and rain (B) permineralization (C) The bending of a ray of light (D) Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen (E) a decrease in differentiation (F) competing for resources (G) barks and snarls (H) metabolic reaction
Migration increases what?
{ "text": [ "root growth", "speed", "distance", "voltage", "energy usage", "Plants growth", "gene flow", "layers of fat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Internal migration describes moves within a country.
Gene flow occurs when individuals migrate.
Migration increases what? (A) root growth (B) speed (C) distance (D) voltage (E) energy usage (F) Plants growth (G) gene flow (H) layers of fat
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a subset of a what?
{ "text": [ "animals", "mammals", "humans", "plants", "goats", "offspring", "Species", "alleles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Populations Populations are subsets of a species.
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a subset of a species
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a subset of a what? (A) animals (B) mammals (C) humans (D) plants (E) goats (F) offspring (G) Species (H) alleles
what is individuals moving into or out of a population?
{ "text": [ "Greenhouse gases", "rapid expansion", "Burning fuel and air", "permineralization", "peachleaf willow", "competition", "unidirectional", "food and shelter" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Gene flow between populations is unidirectional.
individuals moving into or out of a population is unidirectional
what is individuals moving into or out of a population? (A) Greenhouse gases (B) rapid expansion (C) Burning fuel and air (D) permineralization (E) peachleaf willow (F) competition (G) unidirectional (H) food and shelter
What occurs when individuals move into a population?
{ "text": [ "resistance", "spread flower seeds", "rapid expansion", "alleles move in", "Leptospirosis", "survival", "competition", "permineralization" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Gene flow occurs when individuals move into or out of a population.
Gene flow is the movement of alleles in or out of a population.
the movement of alleles in of a population occurs when individuals move into a population
What occurs when individuals move into a population? (A) resistance (B) spread flower seeds (C) rapid expansion (D) alleles move in (E) Leptospirosis (F) survival (G) competition (H) permineralization
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to animals that require what?
{ "text": [ "Light", "beaches", "survive", "salinity", "land", "sand", "Energy.", "Energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Salinity is vital for animals that live in the ocean.
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to animals that require salinity
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to animals that require what? (A) Light (B) beaches (C) survive (D) salinity (E) land (F) sand (G) Energy. (H) Energy
what do coral reefs provide to ocean organisms?
{ "text": [ "warmth", "hydration", "h2o", "offspring", "Light", "oxygen", "energy", "seas" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Food gives energy.
coral reefs provide energy and shelter to many ocean organisms
what do coral reefs provide to ocean organisms? (A) warmth (B) hydration (C) h2o (D) offspring (E) Light (F) oxygen (G) energy (H) seas
What are coral reefs important to?
{ "text": [ "earth", "stories", "humans", "ghosts", "health", "Man", "moon", "animals" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Oceans are important to life on Earth.
coral reefs are important to earth
What are coral reefs important to? (A) earth (B) stories (C) humans (D) ghosts (E) health (F) Man (G) moon (H) animals
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms?
{ "text": [ "houses", "umbrellas", "limestone", "ferns", "sharks", "barnacles", "calcite", "sheds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral reefs are predominantly calcite.
Calcite provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms? (A) houses (B) umbrellas (C) limestone (D) ferns (E) sharks (F) barnacles (G) calcite (H) sheds
where do many ocean organisms find food and shelter?
{ "text": [ "Earth orbiting the Sun", "the environment", "clams", "lakes", "gastropod shells", "coastlines", "near the shoreline", "deep sea" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral reefs fringe the shoreline.
many ocean organisms find food and shelter near the shoreline
where do many ocean organisms find food and shelter? (A) Earth orbiting the Sun (B) the environment (C) clams (D) lakes (E) gastropod shells (F) coastlines (G) near the shoreline (H) deep sea
Where is the name of a habitat where a variety of ocean organisms often seek food and shelter?
{ "text": [ "gastropod shells", "body water", "seaweed", "more abundant", "whale", "coastlines", "algae", "patch reefs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral reefs occur mainly as numerous patch reefs.
Patch reef provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Where is the name of a habitat where a variety of ocean organisms often seek food and shelter? (A) gastropod shells (B) body water (C) seaweed (D) more abundant (E) whale (F) coastlines (G) algae (H) patch reefs
what is the status of reefs?
{ "text": [ "threatened", "dangerous", "more abundant", "Quality of life", "great", "safe", "negative", "ocean" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral Reefs Coral reefs are threatened.
reefs are threatened
what is the status of reefs? (A) threatened (B) dangerous (C) more abundant (D) Quality of life (E) great (F) safe (G) negative (H) ocean
What provides food and shelter to many fish?
{ "text": [ "coral reefs", "deltas", "hermit crabs", "ocean sand", "dried coral", "swamp vegetation", "salt and water.", "loose soil" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Oceanic organisms other than fish, such as manatees and clams, are also subjects of the poems.
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many fish.
What provides food and shelter to many fish? (A) coral reefs (B) deltas (C) hermit crabs (D) ocean sand (E) dried coral (F) swamp vegetation (G) salt and water. (H) loose soil
Coral reefs provide what to many living beings in the ocean
{ "text": [ "Chemical energy", "salt and water.", "shelter and amusement", "survival", "important habitats", "food and water", "water and fun", "food and shelter" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Organisms or living beings are literally things that are alive.
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean living beings.
Coral reefs provide what to many living beings in the ocean (A) Chemical energy (B) salt and water. (C) shelter and amusement (D) survival (E) important habitats (F) food and water (G) water and fun (H) food and shelter
What do coral reefs provide for humans?
{ "text": [ "Energy.", "support", "fuel", "Energy", "food", "destruction", "pain", "body water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Humans depend upon the life-support systems provided by the oceans.
coral reefs provide support for humans
What do coral reefs provide for humans? (A) Energy. (B) support (C) fuel (D) Energy (E) food (F) destruction (G) pain (H) body water
what and shallow waters provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms
{ "text": [ "dark", "porous", "warm", "life", "cold", "gills", "live", "murky" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral Reefs Coral reefs are widely distributed in warm shallow waters.
warm shallow waters provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms
what and shallow waters provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms (A) dark (B) porous (C) warm (D) life (E) cold (F) gills (G) live (H) murky
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms?
{ "text": [ "Fast food.", "It helps them survive", "Fish food.", "gastropod shells", "Human organisms.", "important habitats", "sedimentary rocks", "Nurseries of the ocean." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral reefs are nurseries of the ocean.
Nurseries of the ocean provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms? (A) Fast food. (B) It helps them survive (C) Fish food. (D) gastropod shells (E) Human organisms. (F) important habitats (G) sedimentary rocks (H) Nurseries of the ocean.
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms?
{ "text": [ "It helps them survive", "Something formed from skeleton", "sedimentary rocks", "important habitats", "Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen", "it protects them", "gastropod shells", "in their habitats" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Coral reefs are formed from coral skeletons.
Something formed from skeletons provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
What provides food and shelter to many ocean organisms? (A) It helps them survive (B) Something formed from skeleton (C) sedimentary rocks (D) important habitats (E) Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen (F) it protects them (G) gastropod shells (H) in their habitats
What do clownfish seek shelter in?
{ "text": [ "coral", "deltas", "alveoli", "burrs", "wetland", "bushes", "keratin", "islands" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Some fish, like the clownfish, spend most of their lives in and around coral reefs.
clownfish seek shelter in coral
What do clownfish seek shelter in? (A) coral (B) deltas (C) alveoli (D) burrs (E) wetland (F) bushes (G) keratin (H) islands
Hermatypic organisms provide what to many ocean organisms?
{ "text": [ "survival", "food and shelter", "competition", "kinetic energy", "produce light", "important habitats", "protect them", "major threat to health" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Reef-building corals are hermatypic.
Hermatypic organisms provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms.
Hermatypic organisms provide what to many ocean organisms? (A) survival (B) food and shelter (C) competition (D) kinetic energy (E) produce light (F) important habitats (G) protect them (H) major threat to health
Which power source reduces greenhouse gases
{ "text": [ "Coal", "Wind", "energy", "Petroleum", "trees", "Natural Gas", "Heat", "motors" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Wind is a renewable energy source.
Using wind to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Which power source reduces greenhouse gases (A) Coal (B) Wind (C) energy (D) Petroleum (E) trees (F) Natural Gas (G) Heat (H) motors
What does solar power reduce?
{ "text": [ "Chemical energy", "Heat energy", "energy usage", "Greenhouse gasses", "massive damage", "Heat from the sun", "Air in the environment", "The need for water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Solar power, wind power, and recycling are resources that are renewable.
Using solar power reduces greenhouse gasses
What does solar power reduce? (A) Chemical energy (B) Heat energy (C) energy usage (D) Greenhouse gasses (E) massive damage (F) Heat from the sun (G) Air in the environment (H) The need for water
what does using renewable resources to generate power reduce?
{ "text": [ "lowered energy cost", "solar power", "climate", "evergreen trees", "Heat energy", "oxygen", "carbon dioxide", "kinetic energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
using renewable resources to generate power reduces carbon dioxide
what does using renewable resources to generate power reduce? (A) lowered energy cost (B) solar power (C) climate (D) evergreen trees (E) Heat energy (F) oxygen (G) carbon dioxide (H) kinetic energy
What does using renewable resources to generate power reduce?
{ "text": [ "Heat energy", "carbon dioxide", "kinetic energy", "lowered energy cost", "sunlight", "oxygen", "climate", "water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
using renewable resources to generate power reduces carbon dioxide
What does using renewable resources to generate power reduce? (A) Heat energy (B) carbon dioxide (C) kinetic energy (D) lowered energy cost (E) sunlight (F) oxygen (G) climate (H) water
What can be used to reduce greenhouse gases while generating power?
{ "text": [ "bamboo", "Carbon dioxide", "Electrical energy", "The ozone layer", "peachleaf willow", "Solar energy", "Fossil fuels", "Fuel cells" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Solar energy is a renewable resource .
Using solar energy to generate power reduces greenhouse gases.
What can be used to reduce greenhouse gases while generating power? (A) bamboo (B) Carbon dioxide (C) Electrical energy (D) The ozone layer (E) peachleaf willow (F) Solar energy (G) Fossil fuels (H) Fuel cells
Nuclear power plants do what to greenhouse gases?
{ "text": [ "emissions", "steal", "add up", "kill", "down", "reduce", "increase", "heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
Nuclear power generation plants emit no greenhouse gases.
Nuclear power plants reduce greenhouse gases.
Nuclear power plants do what to greenhouse gases? (A) emissions (B) steal (C) add up (D) kill (E) down (F) reduce (G) increase (H) heat