151 values
13 values
Realizations of Biextensions
Let k be a field of characteristic 0 and M(k) is the category of 1-motives over k. We prove that Biext^1(M_1,M_2;M_3)=Hom_{MR(k)}(T(M_1)\otimes T(M_2), T(M_3))
Number Theory (math.NT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author because it is a section of the paper "Multilinear morphisms between 1-motives"
subsumed by another publication
Transverse doubled knots and clasp disks
We analyze transverse doubled knots in the standard contact 3-space by using spanned clasp disks. As applications, we will estimate their self-linking number and furthermore we will show that in many cases, transverse twist knots with the maximal self-linking number are unique up to transverse isotopy.
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial gap in the proof of the main theorem
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Coupled Painlevé II Systems in Dimension 4 and the systems of type ${A_4}^{(1)}$
We find and study coupled Painlevé II systems in dimension 4, which can be obtained by a degeneration from the systems of type ${A_4}^{(1)}$. We compare these systems with other types of coupled Painlevé II systems from the viewpoint of the local index. We also give the phase spaces for these systems.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. 14 pages, 2 figures
reason not specified
On transverse Hopf links
We classify transverse Hopf links in the standard contact 3-space up to transverse isotopy in terms of their components' self-linking number.
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial gap in the proof of the main theorem
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
First cohomology and local rigidity of group actions
Given a topological group $G$, and a finitely generated group $\G$, a homomorphism $\pi:\G{\to}G$ is {\em locally rigid} if any nearby by homomorphism $\pi'$ is conjugate to $\pi$ by a small element of $G$. In 1964, Weil gave a criterion for local rigidity of a homomorphism from a finitely generated group $\G$ to a finite dimensional Lie group $G$ in terms of cohomology of $\G$ with coefficients in the Lie algebra of $G$. Here we generalize Weil's result to a class of homomorphisms into certain infinite dimensional Lie groups, namely groups of diffeomorphism compact manifolds. This gives a criterion for local rigidity of group actions which implies local rigidity of: $(1)$ all isometric actions of groups with property $(T)$, $(2)$ all isometric actions of irreducible lattices in products of simple Lie groups and certain more general locally compact groups and $(3)$ a certain class of isometric actions of a certain class of cocompact lattices in SU(1,n).
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
There is an error in the proof of Proposition 3.7. Proposition 3.7 is needed for the proof of the main theorem
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
On the Gaps between Two Consecutive Prime Numbers
In this article, a relation between a gap $d_{k}$ and divisors of composite numbers between $p_{k}$ and $p_{k+1}$ is established.
General Mathematics (math.GM)
Withdrawn; this is simply a complicated way of rephrasing the elementary Greek sieve
not novel
On coding with Feller contractive Markov systems
We continue development of the theory of contractive Markov systems initiated in \cite{Wer1}. In this paper, we construct the coding map for Feller contractive Markov systems. This allows us to prove a generalization of Ledrappier's Theorem \cite{Le} and to show the existence of observable invariant measures for Feller contractive Markov system.
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
This paper is withdrawn by the author, as some of the results in it are based on a wrong argument, and it has been overwritten in [I. Werner, Equilibrium states and invariant measures for random dynamical systems, arXiv:1203.6432]
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Monotonic Simplification and Recognizing Exchange Reducibility
The Markov Theorem Without Stabilization (MTWS) (see math.GT/0310279 ) established the existence of a calculus of braid isotopies that can be used to move between closed braid representatives of a given oriented link type without having to increase the braid index by stabilization. Although the calculus is extensive there are three key isotopies that were identified and analyzed--destabilization, exchange moves and elementary braid preserving flypes. One of the critical open problems left in the wake of the MTWS is the "recognition problem"--determining when a given closed n-braid admits a specified move of the calculus. In this note we give an algorithmic solution to the recognition problem for three isotopies of the MTWS calculus--destabilization, exchange moves and braid preserving flypes. The algorithm is directed by a complexity measure that can be "monotonic simplified" by that application of "elementary moves".
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn and replaced by arXiv:math.GT0404602, 26 JAN 2012 which is titled " Recognizing destabilization, exchange moves and flypes"
subsumed by another publication
Volume preserving codimension one Anosov flows in dimensions greater than three are suspensions
We show that every volume preserving codimension one Anosov flow on a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension greater than three admits a global cross section and is therefore topologically conjugate to a suspension of a linear toral automorphism. This proves a conjecture of Verjovsky from the 1970's in the volume preserving case.
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due the fact that Theorem 3.1 is false. We apologize for the tardiness of this withdrawal
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A geometric decomposition of Harish-Chandra modules
There are several serious errors in this paper. I thought to have time to fix it, but it did not occur for years. So I withdraw this paper.
Representation Theory (math.RT)
v3, withdrawn
reason not specified
A priori estimates for solutions of a nonlinear dispersive equation
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error.
Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)
This paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
New Reverse Inequalities for the Numerical Radius of Normal Operators in Hilbert Spaces
In this paper, more inequalities between the operator norm and its numerical radius, for the class of normal operators, are established. Some of the obtained results are based on recent reverse results for the Schwarz inequality in Hilbert spaces due to the author.
Functional Analysis (math.FA)
Thers era some typos that invalidate the main results
typos in manuscript
The Borel-Serre Compactification for the Classifying Space of Hodge Structures
A 1-parameter variation of Hodge structures corresponds to a holomorphic, horizontal, locally liftable map into a classifying space of Hodge structures. In this paper it is shown that such a map has a limit in the reductive Borel-Serre compactification of the classifying space. The boundary component in which the limit lies is a union over possible polarizations of classifying spaces of Hodge structures on the primitive parts. It is discussed which boundary components can contain such limit points.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
Errors in article
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Some motivic pairings
In this note we prove the geometrical origin of pairings of abelian schemes. According to Deligne's philosophy of motives, this means that these pairings are motivic. We make also explicit the link between pairings and linear morphisms. We give a geometrical explanation of the main properties of the Weil pairings and of the Riemann forms of line bundles. We generalize our remarks to pairings of 1-motives.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author because it is a section of the paper "Multilinear morphisms between 1-motives"
subsumed by another publication
The Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis in Full Generality (Without Exceptional Models)
We consider the system of $N$ ($\ge2$) elastically colliding hard balls of masses $m_1,...,m_N$ and radius $r$ on the flat unit torus $\Bbb T^\nu$, $\nu\ge2$. We prove the so called Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis, i. e. the full hyperbolicity and ergodicity of such systems for every selection $(m_1,...,m_N;r)$ of the external geometric parameters, without exceptional values. The present proof does not use at all the formerly developed, rather involved algebraic techniques, instead it employs exclusively dynamical methods and tools of geometric analysis.
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
The paper is withdrawn due to an error
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
An Introduction to Zoli Numbers
There have been many theories about the paradoxes of numbers, but this is far and away more paradoxical than most. In this paper we will present the Zoli Numbers which have some innovative characteristics. The basic concept of these numbers is that they don't follow strictly any Mathematical rule. They are called Zoli from the names of Zotos and Litke. We are going to see some examples with the Zoli Programming Language and reveal the connection with other mathematical topics.
General Mathematics (math.GM)
the data I relied on is no longer valid
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Cryptography and Encryption
In cryptography, encryption is the process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge. This is usually done for secrecy, and typically for confidential communications. Encryption can also be used for authentication, digital signatures, digital cash e.t.c. In this paper we are going to examine and analyse all these topics in detail.
Category Theory (math.CT)
the data I relied on is no longer valid
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Ambiguous ideal classes and ambiguous ideals
This paper is wrong and is therefore withdrawn.
Number Theory (math.NT)
5 pages, 5 references
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Clemens' conjecture: part I
This is a series of two papers in which we solve the Clemens conjecture: there are only finitely many smooth rational curves of each degree in a generic quintic threefold. In this first paper, we deal with a family of smooth Calabi-Yau threefolds f_\epsilon for a small complex number \epsilon. We give an geometric obstruction, deviated quasi-regular deformations B_b of c_\epsilon, to a deformation of the rational curve c_\epsilon in a Calabi-Yau threefold f_\epsilon.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. withdraw the article. It needs to be rewritten
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Clemens' conjecture: part II
This is the part II of our series of two papers, "Clemens' conjecture: part I", "Clemens' conjecture: part II". Continuing from part I, in this paper we turn our attention to general quintic threefolds. In a universal quintic threefold X, we construct a family of quasi-regular deformation B_b such that the generic member in this family is non-deviated, but some special member is deviated. By the result from part I, this is impossible unless there is no one parameter family of smooth rational curves in a generic quintic threefold.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Withdraw this article. The paper needs to be rewritten
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Dynamical Types of Isometries of the Hyperbolic Space
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. Significantly revised versions of the results of this paper are now available in arXiv:0707.0487v2 and arXiv:0808.3169v1 .
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Spectral Stieltjes-Type Integration and Some Applications
This paper presents Stieltjes-type integration for operator-valued functions with respect to spectral families. The relation between Riemann-Stieltjes integrals associated with some classes of spectral families including, in particular, those that arise in the context of the Stone representation theorem for Banach spaces is established. The developed approach is applied to the structural analysis of the operators commuting with a one-parameter representation satisfying the Generalized Stone theorem.
Functional Analysis (math.FA)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This paper has been substantially rewritten
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Gauss-Manin connections and Lie-Rinehart cohomology
In this note a generalized Gauss-Manin connection is constructed for cohomology of Lie-Rinehart algebras, generalizing the classical Gauss-Manin connection. As an application a Gysin-map between K-groups of flat connections is constructed. We also calculate some examples of Gauss-Manin connections on hypersurface singularities.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
Tha paper contained several mistakes and I chose to withdraw it
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Wilson's Theorem for Finite Fields
In this short note, we introduce an analogue of Wilson's theorem for all nonzero elements $a_1,a_2,...,a_{q-1}$ of a finite filed $\mathbb{F}$ with $|\mathbb{F}|=q\geq 3$, as follows: $$ \sum_{1\leq i_1< i_2<...< i_k\leq q-1}a_{i_1}a_{i_2}... a_{i_k}=\left\lfloor\frac{k}{q-1}\right\rfloor(-1)^q\hspace{10mm}(k=1,2,..., q-1), $$ which the left hand side of above formula is the $k-$th elementary symmetric polynomial evaluated at $a_1,a_2,...,a_{q-1}$. Specially, letting $\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{Z}_p$ with $p\geq 3$, reproves Wilson's theorem and yields some Wilson type identities. Finally, we obtain an analogue of Wolstenholme's theorem for nonzero elements of a finite filed.
Number Theory (math.NT)
Including wrong results!
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Hamilton-Arnold Chord And Seifert Conjecture
In this article, we prove that there exists at least one chord orbit of Hamilton vector field connecting the Legendre submanifold on a given energy hypersurface in some symplectic manifolds. As an application, we prove that there exists at least one periodic orbit of Hamilton vector field on a given energy hypersurface in $R^{2n}$ which proves the longstanding Seifert's conjecture. The more general results are also obtained.
Symplectic Geometry (math.SG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to there exists a gap in mentioned theorems
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Stationarity of pure delay systems and queues with impatient customers via stochastic recursions
In this paper we solve a particular stochastic recursion in the stationary ergodic framework, and propose some applications of this result to the study of regenerativity (that is, finiteness of busy cycles) and stationarity of some queueing systems: pure delay systems, in which all customers are immediately served, and queues with impatient customers. In this latter case under the FIFO discipline, we prove as well the existence of a stationary workload on an enlarged probability space.
Probability (math.PR)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This paper has been published in a newer version, arXiv:0802.2495
subsumed by another publication
An arithmetic study of the formal Laplace transform in several variables
This version has been withdrawn. The new and final version is on ArXiv 1103.4878
Number Theory (math.NT)
The new and final version is on
subsumed by another publication
Tropical Invariants from the Secondary Fan
In this paper, we consider weighted counts of tropical plane curves of particular combinatorial type through a certain number of generic points. We give a criterion, derived from tropical intersection theory on the secondary fan, for a weighted count to give a number invariant of the position of the points. By computing a certain intersection multiplicity, we show how Mikhalkin's approach to computing Gromov-Witten invariants fits into our approach. This begins to address a question raised by Dickenstein, Feichtner, and Sturmfels. We also give a geometric interpretation of the numbers we produce involving Chow quotients, and provide a counterexample showing that the tropical Severi variety is not always supported on the secondary fan. This paper is a revision of the preprint, "The Tropical Degree of Cones in the Secondary Fan."
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
The paper has been withdrawn by the author due to an error in the proof of Prop 8.17 which can best be called an abuse of homological algebra. Much thanks to [REDACTED-NAME] Yang for spotting the error. Section 9 (the geometric interpretation) and section 10 (counterexample regarding the tropical Severi variety) are to the best of the author's knowledge, still correct
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A cubical approach to homotopy orbits of circle actions
This paper has been withdrawn.
Algebraic Topology (math.AT)
Withdrawn due to errors in the appendix and to recent improvements in the methods developed here, cf. "Multiplicative structure in equivariant cohomology", also on the arXiv
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Restricted exchange, braidings and the monoidal centre
Braided monoidal categories arise naturally as centres of monoidal categories and have been the focus of much recent attention in both mathematics and physics. By suitably restricting the use of the exchange rule, we obtain a sequent calculus whose categorical semantics may be seen as freely constructing the centre of a monoidal category. This calculus is shown to admit a strongly normalising and confluent cut elimination procedure. The resulting logic fits neatly into the landscape of noncommutative logics and is distinguished by possessing a particularly perspicuous semantics.
Logic (math.LO)
25 pages; withdrawn due to some errors
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
New gap theorem on complete Riemannian manifolds
In this short note, we find a new gap phenomena on Riemannian manifolds, which says that for any complete noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature, if the scalar curvature decays faster than quadratically, then it is Ricci flat.
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some crucial errors
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
An explicit bound on the Logarithmic Sobolev constant of weakly dependent random variables
We prove logarithmic Sobolev inequality for measures $$ q^n(x^n)=\text{dist}(X^n)=\exp\bigl(-V(x^n)\bigr), \quad x^n\in \Bbb R^n, $$ under the assumptions that: (i) the conditional distributions $$ Q_i(\cdot| x_j, j\neq i)=\text{dist}(X_i| X_j= x_j, j\neq i) $$ satisfy a logarithmic Sobolev inequality with a common constant $\rho$, and (ii) they also satisfy some condition expressing that the mixed partial derivatives of the Hamiltonian $V$ are not too large relative to $\rho$. \bigskip Condition (ii) has the form that the norms of some matrices defined in terms of the mixed partial derivatives of $V$ do not exceed $1/2\cdot\rho\cdot(1-\de)$. The logarithmic Sobolev constant of $q^n$ can then be estimated from below by $1/2\cdot\rho\cdot\delta$. This improves on earlier results by Th. Bodineau and B. Helffer, by giving an explicit bound, for the logarithmic Sobolev constant for $q^n$.
Probability (math.PR)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author because it was a preliminary version of arXiv:1206.4868
subsumed by another publication
On minimal actions of linear fractional and finite simple groups on homology spheres
This paper has been withdrawn since it is superated by the latest version of arXiv:0812.1139 (this is the version which will appear in Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo; it is a strengthening and elaboration of a paper published in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 144, 397-401 (2008))
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
Withdrawn since superated by arXiv:0812.1139 (to appear in Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo)
subsumed by another publication
The algebraic version of a conjecture by Vogan
In a recent manuscript, this http URL conjectures that four canonical globalizations of Harish-Chandra modules commute with certain n-cohomology groups. In this article we focus on the case of a complex reductive group and prove that Vogan's conjecture holds for one of the globalizations if and only if it holds for the dual. We thus prove Vogan's conjecture for the maximal globalization if the reductive Lie group is complex and connected.
Representation Theory (math.RT)
The work in this preprint was superseded in our aricle "A simple proof of the algebraic version of a conjecture by Vogan" arXiv:0708.3668
subsumed by another publication
Relating debt and currency crises -- towards a general equilibrium approach
This short paper proposes a simple general equilibrium approach within a Markov-switching regime to explain how asymmetric information between lenders and speculators may lead to currency crises. The paper concludes by providing necessary as well as sufficient conditions for special cases.
Optimization and Control (math.OC)
This short note has been withdrawn by the authors. Whilst the (elementary) analysis presented in it is correct, the general approach suggested in the paper has turned out to be rather barren
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Random Trees in Electrical Networks
This paper contains results relating currents and voltages in resistive networks to appropriate random trees or forests in those networks.
Probability (math.PR)
The results are for the most part not new
not novel
Basket, flat plumbing and flat plumbing basket numbers of links
We define the basket number, the flat plumbing number and the flat plumbing basket number of a link. Then we provide some upperbounds for these plumbing numbers by using Seifert's algorithm. We study the relation between these plumbing numbers and the genera of links.
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error in Theorem 2.2 and 2.4
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Bernoulli measures for the Teichmueller flow
Let S be a nonexceptional oriented surface of finite type. We construct an uncountable family of probability measures on the space of area on holomorphic quadratic differentials over the moduli space for S containing the usual Lebesgue measure. These measures are invariant under the Teichmueller geodesic flow, and they are mixing, absolutely continuous with respect to the stable and unstable foliation adn exponentially recurrent to a compact set. Finally we show that the critical exponent of the mapping class group equals the dimension of the Teichmueller space for S. Moreover, this critical exponent coincides with the the logarithmic asymptotic of the number of closed Teichmueller geodesics in moduli space which meet a sufficiently large compact set.
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
The paper is superceded by math/0703602, by 0705.3812 and by "Symbolic dynamics of the Teichmueller flow"
subsumed by another publication
Orbits on Lagrangian Grassmanian
The purpose of this note is to give a classification of the orbital structure of certain reductive group actions on the Lagrangian Grassmanian. The groups under consideration are $Sp \times Sp$ and $GL$. The classification of $Sp \times Sp$ orbits is well-known and the classification of $GL$-orbits is not known. We also compute the isotropy group. Some of the results here will be used to analyze the representations of the universal covering of the symplectic group on the Shilov boundary.
Group Theory (math.GR)
The paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial sign error in equation 10 and 11
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Torsion units in integral group rings of Janko simple groups
Using the Luthar-Passi method, we investigate the classical Zassenhaus conjecture for the normalized unit group of integral group rings of Janko simple groups. As a consequence, for the Janko groups $J_1$, $J_2$ and $J_3$ we confirm Kimmerle's conjecture on prime graphs.
Group Theory (math.GR)
This paper has been withdrawn. We will replace it by the new submission soon.
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Tail asymptotics for diffusion processes, with applications to local volatility and CEV-Heston models
This paper has been withdrawn
Probability (math.PR)
This paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Heegaard splittings and 1-relator groups
We show that if $M$ is a fibered, orientable 3-manifold, and if $\pi_1 M$ has 1-relator presentation, then the presentation is induced by a Heegaard splitting of $M$. A corollary is that, for these manifolds, the rank of $\pi_1 M$ is equal to the "restricted" Heegaard genus of $M$. We also explore the analogy between 1-relator groups and Haken 3-manifolds, showing that every 1-relator group possesses a "1-relator hierarchy".
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
Paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a gap in the proof of main theorem
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
The small-time behaviour of diffusion and time-changed diffusion processes on the line
This paper has been withdrawn
Probability (math.PR)
This paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Recursion and the Axiom of Infinity
This paper examines the completion of an w-ordered sequence of recursive definitions which on the one hand defines an increasing sequence of nested set and on the other redefines successively a numeric variable as the cardinal of the successively defined nested sets. The consequence is a contradiction involving the consistency of w-order and then that of the Axiom of Infinity.
General Mathematics (math.GM)
Obsolete version
subsumed by another publication
Homotopical Rotation Numbers of 2D Billiards
Traditionally, rotation numbers for toroidal billiard flows are defined as the limiting vectors of average displacements per time on trajectory segments. Naturally, these creatures are living in the (commutative) vector space $\real^n$, if the toroidal billiard is given on the flat $n$-torus. The billard trajectories, being curves, oftentimes getting very close to closed loops, quite naturally define elements of the fundamental group of the billiard table. The simplest non-trivial fundamental group obtained this way belongs to the classical Sinai billiard, i.e., the billiard flow on the 2-torus with a single, convex obstacle removed. This fundamental group is known to be the group $\textbf{F}_2$ freely generated by two elements, which is a heavily noncommutative, hyperbolic group in Gromov's sense. We define the homotopical rotation number and the homotopical rotation set for this model, and provide lower and upper estimates for the latter one, along with checking the validity of classicaly expected properties, like the density (in the homotopical rotation set) of the homotopical rotation numbers of periodic orbits. The natural habitat for these objects is the infinite cone erected upon the Cantor set $\text{Ends}(\textbf{F}_2)$ of all ``ends'' of the hyperbolic group $\textbf{F}_2$. An element of $\text{Ends}(\textbf{F}_2)$ describes the direction in (the Cayley graph of) the group $\textbf{F}_2$ in which the considered trajectory escapes to infinity, whereas the height function $t$ ($t \ge 0$) of the cone gives us the average speed at which this escape takes place.
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
The paper has been substantially re-written under a new title
subsumed by another publication
There are no projective surfaces in M_4
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
An Analytic Approach to The Cancellation Problem for Affine Spaces over $\mathbb{C}$
The Cancellation Problem for Affine Spaces is settled affirmatively, that is, it is proved that : Let $ k $ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let $n, m \in \mathbb{N}$. If $R[Y_1,..., Y_m] \cong_k k[X_1,..., X_{n+m}]$ as $k$-algebras, where $Y_1,..., Y_m, X_1,..., X_{n+m}$ are indeterminates, then $R \cong_k k[X_1,..., X_n]$.
Commutative Algebra (math.AC)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial sign error
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A note on invariant differential operators on Siegel-Jacobi space
In this article, we investigate differential operators on the Siegel-Jacobi space that are invariant under the natural action of the Jacobi group. These invariant differential operators play an important role in the arithmetic theory of Jacobi forms of higher degree. We present some explicit invariant differential operators. We present problems which are natural. We give some new partial solutions for these natural problems.
Number Theory (math.NT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some errors. new results : new article that contains new good results
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A Remark on Invariant Differential Operators on the Minkowski-Euclid Space
For two positive integers m and n, we let ${\mathcal P}_n$ be the open convex cone in ${\mathbb R}^{n(n+1)/2}$ consisting of positive definite n x n real symmetric matrices and let ${\mathbb R}^{(m,n)}$ be the set of all m x n real matrices. In this article, we investigate differential operators on the non-reductive manifold ${\mathcal P}_n \times {\mathbb R}^{(m,n)}$ that are invariant under the natural action of the semidirect product group GL(n,R) $\ltimes {\mathbb R}^{(m,n)}$ on the Minkowski-Euclid space ${\mathcal P}_n \times {\mathbb R}^{(m,n)}$. These invariant differential operators play an important role in the theory of automorphic forms on GL(n,R) $\ltimes {\mathbb R}^{(m,n)}$ generlaizing that of automorphic forms on GL(n,R).
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
page 3 : Correction of the Killing form and the inner product page 6 : Correction of the Killing form Several new materials added page 13 : [REDACTED-NAME] paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a new revised version. Correction of typographical errors in Example 4.2 (pp. 11-12) page 14 : A reference added
typos in manuscript
A Simple Application of Enriques-Severi-Zariski-Serre to the Local Fundamental Group Scheme
We prove that Local Fundamental Group Scheme satisfies the conditions of Lefschetz-Bott-Grothendieck.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
I withdraw this paper as Biswas-Holla already had a more complete version of essentially the same theorems in an earlier article on the arXiv
subsumed by another publication
The moduli stack of stable relative ideal sheaves
In this paper, we propose a definition of the moduli stack of stable relative ideal sheaves, and prove that it is a separated and proper Deligne-Mumford stack. It is the first part of the project of relative Donaldson-Thomas theory of ideal sheaves on projective threefolds, which in the end provides a degeneration formula of Donaldson-Thomas invariants of threefolds.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn. More general results have been proved for Quot-schemes in the paper see arXiv:1110.0390 "Good degeneration of Quot-schemes and coherent systems" joint with [REDACTED-NAME]
subsumed by another publication
Distributions of length multiplicities for negatively curved locally symmetric Riemannian manifolds
The aim of the present paper is to study the distributions of the length multiplicities for negatively curved locally symmetric Riemannian manifolds. In Theorem 2.1, we give upper bounds of the length multiplicities and the square sums of them for general (not necessarily compact) cases. Furthermore in Theorem 2.2, we obtain more precise estimates of the length multiplicities and the power sums of them for arithmetic surfaces whose fundamental groups are congruence subgroups of the modular group.
Spectral Theory (math.SP)
18 pages, This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to error in the proofs
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
One-sided Heegaard splittings of non-Haken 3-manifolds
This paper has been withdrawn by the author, as the proof of Theorem 3.2 contains a flaw; subsequently, both it and Theorem 3.3 are not known to hold. The content of Section 5 has been improved and expanded upon in two separate papers. The structural properties in 5.1 and 5.2 appear in arXiv:1101.2603 ; the classification in 5.3 in arXiv:1101.2890 . Please refer to Proposition 4.4 in the former as a reference for arXiv:0807.4795v1 .
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
This paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Beyond Complex Numbers
There has been always an ambiguity in division when zero is present in the denominator. So far this ambiguity has been neglected by assuming that division by zero as a non-allowed operation. In this paper, I have derived the new set of numbers by considering that a number divided by zero gives rise to "a beyond complex number". This is very similar to the way imaginary numbers are defined. It was only after considering i = sqrt(-1), we have been able to deduce all the laws for imaginary numbers. Similarly here, I have considered "a number when divided by zero gives rise to a beyond complex number". This is the introduction paper to this "beyond complex numbers" containing the algebra of it.
General Mathematics (math.GM)
14 pages; This paper is withdrawn due to errors. Check the updated version at arXiv:1101.2798
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
On deformations of flag manifolds with b2=1, part 2
A new proof of the assertion, that any global kaehler deformation of a flag manifold F with b2=1 is biholomorphic to F. Essential use is made of rational connected properties of F
Complex Variables (math.CV)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. 8 pages
reason not specified
Some Problems in Number Theory I: The Circle Problem
This paper concerns the number of lattice points in a circle.
Number Theory (math.NT)
This paper has been withdrawn as the authors have not succeeded producing an error free version
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Jacobsthal's function and a short proof of the density of a set in the unit hypercube
We use an upper bound on Jacobsthal's function to complete a proof of a known density result. Apart from the bound on Jacobsthal's function used here, the proof we are completing uses only elementary methods and Dirichlet's theorem on the infinitude of primes in arithmetic progressions.
Number Theory (math.NT)
This paper is of insufficient quality to meet the standards of the mathematics community
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A remark on Ricci Breathers and Solitons
In this article we give a brief survey of breather and soliton solutions to the Ricci flow and prove a no breather and soliton theorem for homogeneous solutions.
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
To be absorbed in a new version of arXiv:0711.0465v1 [math.DG]
subsumed by another publication
Uniqueness and characterization of maximizers of integral functionals with constraints
In this paper we maximize a class of functionals under certain constraints. We find sufficient and necessary conditions for these maximizers to exist and be unique. Moreover, we characterize them and discuss the optimality of our results by constructing counterexamples when one of these hypotheses does not hold.
Functional Analysis (math.FA)
9 pages
reason not specified
Gaussian curvature at the hyperelliptic Weierstrass points
Let C be a hyperelliptic Riemann surface. We show that the hyperelliptic Weierstrass points of C are non-degenerated critical points of Morse index +2 of the curvature function K of the Theta metric on C (called also Bergman metric). When the genus of C is two, we compute all critical points of K and we show in this case that K is a Morse function.
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
The paper has been withdrawn by the author
reason not specified
On $\bbf_q$-rational structure of nilpotent orbits
Let $G$ be a simple algebraic group and $\ggg=\Lie(G)$ over $k=\bar\bbf_q$ where $q$ is a power of the prime characteristic of $k$, and $F$ a Frobenius morphism on $G$ which can be defined naturally on $\ggg$. In this paper, we investigate the relation between $F$-stable restricted modules of $\ggg$ and closed conical subvarieties defined over $\bbf_q$ in the null cone $\cn(\ggg)$ of $\ggg$. Furthermore, we clearly investigate the $\bbf_q$-rational structure for all nilpotent orbits in $\ggg$ under the adjoint action of $G$ when the characteristic of $k$ is good for $G$ and bigger than 3. The arguments are also valid when $\ggg'$ is classical simple Lie algebra in the sense of \cite{Sel} and $G'$ is the adjoint group of $\ggg'$.
Representation Theory (math.RT)
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
A characterization of ARMA and Fractional ARIMA models with infinitely divisible innovations
The object of this paper is to study the asymptotic dependence structure of the linear time series models with infinitely divisible innovations by the use of their characteristic functions. Autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models and fractional autoregressive integrated moving-average (FARIMA) models are analyzed. As examples of infinitely divisible innovations, the class of radially absolute continuous distributions and general non-symmetric stable distributions are considered. The finite dimensional distributionsn of these models are also obtained.
Statistics Theory (math.ST)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author since the author thought there is no actual contribution
not novel
Average curvatures of Weil-Petersson geodesics in Teichmuller space
We compute curvatures of a three-manifold formed by a Weil-Petersson geodesic in Teichmuller space.
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This paper is being replaced by a new article, now a joint work with R. Guo and S. Gupta.
subsumed by another publication
Baire property and Axiom of Choice
We show that (1) If ZF is consistent then the following theory is consistent "ZF + DC(omega_{1}) + Every set of reals has Baire property" and (2) If ZF is consistent then the following theory is consistent "ZFC + `every projective set of reals has Baire property' + `any union of omega_{1} meager sets is meager' ".
Logic (math.LO)
Proof not correct
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Distorted sums of models
Distorted sums of models were introduced and discussed in [Sh:463]. This notion generalizes the notion of disjoint (or direct) sums of models by letting the summands overlap. In the first section we investigate types in distorted sums and show that the type of a sequence of elements A is determined by the `local' type of A (i.e. the type restricted to a neighborhood of A). We simplify the proofs in [Sh:463] and improve the bounds on the radii needed to determine the types. Natural examples of distorted sums are models with distant functions. In the second and third sections we discuss such models and improve a theorem by Gaifman, that states that each formula is equivalent to a boolean combination of local formulas.
Logic (math.LO)
Proof probably incorrect
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Club does not imply the existence of a Suslin tree
We prove that club does not imply the existence of a Suslin tree, so answering a question of I. Juhasz.
Logic (math.LO)
Proof is incorrect
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
On the minimal free resolution of non-special curves in P^3
Here we prove that the minimal free resolution of a general space curve of large degree (e.g. a general space curve of degree d and genus g with d g+3, except for finitely many pairs (d,g)) is the expected one. A similar result holds even for general curves with special hyperplane section and, roughly, d g/2. The proof uses the so-called methode d'Horace.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been withdrawn due to a crucial error (a key lemma is obviously false). In the meantime I was not able to overcome this error using another (but related) path
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
On the Nagata Problem
Nagata has conjectured that the following statement (N_r) holds for all $r\geq 10$: (N_r) if $P_1,...P_r \in {\mathbb P}^2$ are generic points then any plane curve $C$ satisfies $\sum_1^r mult_{P_i}(C)\leq \sqrt{r} deg(C)$. Nagata proved (N_r) whenever $r$ is a perfect square. Here we prove (N_r) provided $r=k^2+\alpha,1\leq\alpha\leq2k,k\geq 3$ and either (i) $\alpha$ is odd and $\alpha\geq \sqrt{2k}$ or (ii) $\alpha$ is even and at lest 6, and the fractional part of $\sqrt{r}$ is at most $2(\sqrt{2}-1)$.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
Withdrawn due to fatal error
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Lifting formulas, Moyal product, and Feigin spectral sequence
It is shown, that each Lifting cocycle $\Psi_{2n+1},\Psi_{2n+3},\Psi_{2n+5},...$ ([Sh1], [Sh2]) on the Lie algebra $\Dif_n$ of polynomial differential operators on an $n$-dimensional complex vector space is the sum of two cocycles, its even and odd part. We study in more details the first case $n=1$. It is shown, that any nontrivial linear combination of two 3-cocycles on the Lie algebra $\Dif_1$, arising from the 3-cocycle~$\Psi_3$, is not cohomologous to zero, in a contradiction with the Feigin conjecture~[F]. The new conjecture on the cohomology $H^\ndot_\Lie(\Dif_1;\C)$ is made.
Quantum Algebra (math.QA)
The paper has been withdrawn due to a crucial mistake in the arguments
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Resolution of Singularities of Germs in Characteristic Positive Associated with Valuation Rings of Iterated Divisor Type
In this paper we show that any hypersurface singularities of germs of varieties in positive characteristic can be resolved by iterated monoidal transformations in centers in smooth subvarieties, if we have a valuation ring of iterated divisor type associated with the germ. Besides, we introduce fundamental concepts for the study of resolution of singularities of germs such as space germs, iterated analytic monoidal transformations with a normal crossing, Weierstrass representations, reduction sequences, and so forth.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
77 pages, AMS-LaTeX 1.2 file. In the third version it is stressed that the article contains not only a result in a special case but also a lot of keys to general cases. This paper has been withdrawn by the author
reason not specified
Exactness, integrality, and log modifications
In this paper we discuss log blow-up's, introduced by Kazuya Kato, and define the concept of log modifications. Using this concept we prove that any morphism f: X ---> Y of locally noetherian fs log schemes with underlying structures of f and Y quasi-compact can be modified to an exact morphism, and moreover to an integral morphism. By a well-known fact on the underlying structure of an integral morphism this result can be considered as a weak log-version of flattening theorem by Raynaud and Gruson.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
This paper has been updated in such a drastical way that I have to change the title and the main contents, since the main theorem of this paper is not perfectly correct. So I withdraw the original paper, and submit anew the updated version as a different paper with different title. The new paper is available in arXiv:2101.09104
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A classification of S^3-bundles over S^4
The paper is withdrawn due to some errors.
Algebraic Topology (math.AT)
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. See the paper D. Crowley, C. Escher, A classification of S^3-bundles over S^4, Diff. Geom. and its Appl., 2003, no. 18, 363-380
subsumed by another publication
Hypersurface Singularities which cannot be resolved in Characteristic Positive
Assume that there exists a hypersurface singularity which cannot be resolved by iterated monoidal transformations in positive characteristic. We show that in the set of defining functions of hypersurface singularities which cannot be resolved, we can find a function satisfying very strong conditions. By these conditions we may be able to deduce a contradiction under the above assumption. Besides, we introduce fundamental concepts for the study of resolution of singularities of germs such as space germs, iterated analytic monoidal transforms with a normal crossing, Weierstrass representations, reduction sequences, and so forth. This is a revised version of a part of contents of my previous manuscript "Resolution of Singularities of Germs in Characteristic Positive associated with Valuation Rings of Iterated Divisor Type" at math.AG/9901048 .
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 40 pages, no figures, pdf file is also available at my private site this http URL This paper has been withdrawn by the author
reason not specified
An algebraic geometric realization of the Chern character
Using symmetrized Grassmannians we give an algebraic geometric presentation, in the level of classifying spaces, of the Chern character and its relation to Chern classes. This allows one to define, for any projective variety $X$, a Chern character map from the "holomorphic K-theory of X to its morphic cohomology (introduced by Friedlander and Lawson). The holomorphic K-theory of $X$, introduced by Lawson, Lima-Filho and Michelsohn and also by Friedlander and Walker, is defined in terms a group-completion of the space of algebraic morphisms from X into BU. It has been further studied by the authors in a companion paper. Holomorphic K-theory sits between algebraic K-theory and topological K-theory in the same way that morphic cohomology sits between motivic cohomology and ordinary cohomology. Our constructions provide a bridge between these two worlds. We also realize Chern classes in the case where X is smooth, and establish a universal relation between the Chern character and the Chern classes. We use classical constructions with algebraic cycles and infinite symmetric products of projective spaces. The latter can be seen as the classifying space for motivic cohomology, and under this perspective our constructions are essentially motivic.
Algebraic Topology (math.AT)
42 pages, AMS-LaTeX, uses the xypic package. Incomplete article. Needs revision
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
The avalanche dynamics in Bak-Sneppen evolution model observed with standard distribution width of fitness
See the updated version arXiv:nlin/0111028 .
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a updated version was submitted
subsumed by another publication
R-matrix for a geodesic flow associated with a new integrable peakon equation
We use the r-matrix formulation to show the integrability of geodesic flow on an $N$-dimensional space with coordinates $q_k$, with $k=1,...,N$, equipped with the co-metric $g^{ij}=e^{-|q_i-q_j|}\big(2-e^{-|q_i-q_j|}\big)$. This flow is generated by a symmetry of the integrable partial differential equation (pde) $m_t+um_x+3mu_x=0, m=u-\alpha^2u_{xx}$ ($\al $ is a constant). This equation -- called the Degasperis-Procesi (DP) equation -- was recently proven to be completely integrable and possess peakon solutions by Degasperis, Holm and Hone (DHH[2002]). The isospectral eigenvalue problem associated with the integrable DP equation is used to find a new $L$-matrix, called the Lax matrix, for the geodesic dynamical flow. By employing this Lax matrix we obtain the $r$-matrix for the integrable geodesic flow.
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems (nlin.SI)
This paper has some crucial technical errors in $r$-matrix formula derivation
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Transversality for a Class of 3D Oscillators via Gyrostat Equations
The class of 3D oscillators of interest includes the modified Brockett, Chua, Duffing, Ueda, modified Kapitaniak, generalized Lorenz, forced Lorenz, Rossler and YSVO oscillators. The homoclinic orbits of a symmetric gyrostat with wheels under torque-free motions are first exploited. The effects of the small external perturbation torques upon the rotational motions of the forced symmetric gyrostat are investigated using the equation of the Melnikov integral. The real zeros of the Melnikov integral determine the transversality of the homoclinic orbits leading to a necessary condition for the existence of chaos. The equations of the 3D oscillators are then reduced to the Euler equations of the perturbed rotational motions of symmetric gyrostats. Algorithms are established to compute the required parameters for the gyrostat to represent the 3D oscillators at initiating the transversality. These parameters include the angular momenta of the wheels and the principal moments of inertia. The existence of real zeros of the Melnikov integral for the symmetric gyrostat implies the existence of transversal intersections of the perturbed solutions of the 3D oscillators. The 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm is utilized to simulate and crosscheck the long-term chaotic behaviors of the dynamical systems.
Chaotic Dynamics (nlin.CD)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the main points of view of the article are obsolete
not novel
What does the nonextensive parameter q stand for in self-gravitating systems ?
It is natural important question for us to ask what the nonextensive parameter stands for when Tsallis statistics is applied to the self-gravitating systems. In this paper, some properties of the nonextensive parameter and Tsallis equilibrium distribution for the self-gravitating system are discussed in the framework of nonextensive kinetic theory. On the basis of the solid mathematical foundation, the nonextensive parameter can be expressed by a formula with temperature gradient and the gravitational potential and can be presented the physical meaning with regard to the non-isothermal (nonequilibrium stationary state) nature of the systems with long-range interactions. We come to the conclusion that Tsallis equilibrium distribution is corresponding to the physical state of self-gravitating system at the hydrostatic equilibrium.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
11 pages, 25 references. [REDACTED-NAME] [REDACTED-NAME]/[REDACTED-NAME] Agency workshop on basic space science. May 24-28 2004, Beijing, China
reason not specified
Energy Complexity of Software in Embedded Systems
The importance of low power consumption is widely acknowledged due to the increasing use of portable devices, which require minimizing the consumption of energy. The energy in a computational system depends heavily on the software being executed, since it determines the activity in the underlying circuitry. In this paper we introduce the notion of energy complexity of an algorithm for estimating the required energy consumption. As test vehicle we employ matrix multiplication algorithms and from the results it can be observed that energy complexity in combination with computational complexity, provides an accurate estimation for the energy consumed in the system.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
the data I relied on is no longer valid
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Dynamics and Development of the International System: A Complexity Science Perspective
In this article I discuss the outcome of an exploratory research project based on complexity science concepts and theories; this research is focused on the Great Power war dynamics in the time period 1495 - 1945. According to this research, the international system has self-organized critical (SOC) characteristics. A critical point is the attractor of the international system. The war dynamics of Great Powers can be illustrated by a power law. As a result of a driving force, the international system is constantly being pushed toward this critical point. The security dilemma is a booster of this driving force. Tension and frustration build up in the international system as a result of various system thresholds, and are periodically discharged through wars. The SOC characteristics of the international system result in a punctuated equilibrium dynamic. The punctuations produce new international systems, each with its specific characteristics. A quantifiable development of the international system toward a condition of increased stability and reduced resilience can be observed. In addition to SOC characteristics, the international system exhibits characteristics of a chaotic system. Chaos, order and development are closely linked. The SOC dynamics generate a process of social expansion. It is possible to explain the social integration of Europe from this perspective.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
Withdrawn. New framework developed in "War: Origins and Effects" arXiv:1409.6163
subsumed by another publication
Population Growth and Periodic Instability of the International System
From the perspective developed in this paper, it can be argued that exponential population growth resulted in the exponential decrease of the life-span of consecutive stable periods during the life-span of the European international system (1480-1945). However, it becomes evident as well that population growth as such is not a sufficient condition to generate a punctuated equilibrium dynamic in the war dynamics of the international system: other conditions and factors - and their interplay - contribute to this typical dynamic as well. From 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991), the conditions of international system differed fundamentally from the conditions of the European international system during the period 1480-1945. It can be argued, that sooner or later a punctuated equilibrium war dynamic will resume.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
Withdrawn. New framework developed in 'War: Origins and Effects', arXiv:1409.6163 13 pages, 9 figures and 5 tables
subsumed by another publication
The International System: "At the Edge of Chaos"
The assumption that complex systems function optimally at the edge of chaos seems applicable to the international system as well. In this paper I argue that the normal chaotic war dynamic of the European international system (1495-1945) was temporarily (1657-1763) interrupted by a more simplified dynamic, resulting in more intense Great Power wars and in a delay of the reorganization of the international system in the 18th century.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
Withdrawn. New framework developed in "War: Origins and Effects" arXiv:1409.6163
subsumed by another publication
Low Energy Kaon Physics at Da$Φ$NE
DA$\Phi$NE $e^+ e^-$ collider is an abundant source of low energy $K \bar K$ pairs suitable to explore different fields of non perturbative QCD regime. Two different experiments, DEAR and FINUDA, using different experimental techniq ues are trying to shed new light on the strong interaction at the nucleon scale by producing high precision results at this energy range. The DEAR experiment is studying kaonic atoms in order to determine antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. FINUDA aims to produce hypernuclei to study nuclear structure and $\Lambda$-N interaction.
Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)
Paper has been withdrawn. There were problems in submitting and since the proceedings have been issued it is no more the case to have an arXiv document
administrative or legal issues
Disappearance of Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions for System Mass > 175
Using the QMD model, we study the mass dependence of the disappearance of transverse flow in heavier colliding nuclei. A power law mass dependence is obtained in all cases. Our results are in excellent agreement with data. For the first time, we predict the balance energy of U+U around 37-39 MeV/nucleon.
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
The paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Disappearance of Transverse Flow in Central Heavy Ion Collisions
We study the balance energy as a function of the composite mass of the system. The results are in very good agreement with data over a wide range of masses from very light (Ne+Al) to very heavy (Au+Au) for hard equation of state and nucleon-nucleon cross-section of 40 mb strength.
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
The paper has been withdrawn
reason not specified
Electron Screening and Alpha-Decay
The interplay between nuclear and electromagnetic forces in astrophysical relevant reactions at very low energies is nowadays one of the major subjects of investigation in nuclear astrophysics. Puzzling results concerning the role of Electron Screening (ES) on cross sections of reactions involving light nuclei at low energy open a Pandora pot and many new questions rise on the limits and reliability of the present interpretation of the screening enhancement factor. In the present paper we discuss the simplest physical case where the ES plays an important role in order to have unambiguous determination of ES energy in a clear theoretical scenario. This is the case of alpha-decay of heavy mass nuclei. We deduce the correct sudden and adiabatic limit for such a system including the important relativistic corrections. Then we demonstrate rigorously how in this case the calculation of the sudden and the adiabatic limits leads to the same result. In order to get this result we use the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. After computing the electron screening energy for some systems we discuss the strong modifications of alpha-decay systematic due to electron screening. We conclude proposing a measurement of alpha-decay lifetime of bare nuclei in order to directly deduce ES Energy for heavy nuclei laying in the mass region around 210-240 u.
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This paper has been superseded by Phys. Rev. C 78, 054317 (2008) this http URL
subsumed by another publication
One a topological secret of gravity and its surprises for astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics
It is argued that the surface radius of a compact source can not be less than its gravitational radius due to the strong gravitational time dilation effects. The such "topological" difference between the Newtonian and relativistic gravity leads to the known observable effects. The hierarchy of supercompact stars, more massive than neutron stars, such as heavy baryon, quark (subquark?) and other heavy particle stars is predicted instead of the black holes. The lack of the cosmological singularity and a gravitational nature of the regularizations of loop divergencies in quantum field theory are also discussed.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. This is a preliminary, rejected by the author, version. A consistent version see in arXiv:0705.2585
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Schwarzschild's Curved Spacetime Lagrangian with Its Quantum Equations
From the curved spacetime Lagrangian the first approximation scalar particle quantum equation was obtained following the canonical formalism. The roots of this equation in Schwarzschild's pseudo flat space were found. As it was shown in a more general curved spacetime it is tedious to find equation's roots. The massless particle limiting case was considered. The Maxwell set of equations generalized to Schwarzschild's space was reproduced.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial errors
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
General relativity as a complete theory and its new consequences
The strong proper time dilation and radial contraction in the gravitational field of compact sources leads to a frozen state of matter. It is shown that the falling particles and photons can not cross the gravitational radius due to the freezing, the horizon and singularity can not be formed at any finite coordinate time moment t=const. As the result, general relativity really predicts the heavy baryonic and quark stars and quasars instead of the black holes. A model of the oscillating Universe without a cosmological singularity, having a new type of the cosmological redshift, is considered. The regularizations of loop divergencies in quantum field theory also can be explained as the gravitational effects.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
The paper was a preliminary attempt to describe collapse which has been rejected by the author. A consistent formulation see in arXiv:0705.2585
subsumed by another publication
The general relativistic theory of quasars
The paper was a preliminary and rejected by the author attempt to describe compact relativistic objects.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
A consistent treatment see in arXiv:0705.2585
subsumed by another publication
The interpretations by experimenters of experiments on 'time dilation': 1940-1970 circa
Experimental tests on `time dilation' began in 1938 with Ives and Stilwell's work of the transverse Doppler effect due to atoms in inertial flight. Rossi and Hall (1941) inaugurated the era of fast moving elementary particles that dominated the scene until the discovery of the Mossbauer effect (1957). This discovery suggested the use of photons emitted without recoil in crystalline solids for testing both time dilation and gravitational red shift. Finally, around 1970, Hafele and Keating dealt again with time dilation by sending macroscopic atomic clocks around the Earth. The interpretations of these experiments by experimenters have been characterized by the use of additional hypotheses not necessary for the formal development of the theories under test (the idea that all clocks measure proper time) or hypotheses completely extraneous to the theories themselves (the idea that atoms are clocks). If these assumptions are dropped, it turns out that the only experiments concerning time dilation are those performed with elementary particles in inertial flight. The historical and epistemological implications are discussed.
History and Philosophy of Physics (physics.hist-ph)
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to wrong treatments of some topics
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
Characterization of Fundamental Particles
This report provides an alternative to the Standard Model of particle physics. The model described here is based on results from Quantum Field Mechanics, according to which all fundamental particles and interactions originate from the interaction of two pre-space/pre-time protofields. In contrast with the Standard Model, (virtual) interaction-particles are absent in the description of any of the four fundamental interactions. Electrons perform a single quantum beat process while mesons and baryons have, respectively, two and three bound quantum beat processes. Quantum Field Mechanics suggests that the charge of an electron and positron can be identified with the two possible phases of a quantum beat process as observed in the electromagnetic protofield. This report assumes that short-range binding interaction between quantum beat processes has a masking effect on the externally observable charge of hadrons. Using this assumption, the internal structure of particles is derived from their known particle charges and relative masses. The particle structures are used to obtain the so-called charge-quantum phase law. The fractional charge of quantum beat processes inside a particle is deduced by rewriting the charge-quantum phase law in terms of a linear combination of charge contributions of individual constituent quantum beat processes. Strangeness and isospin are mathematically defined in terms of the quantum beat phases of sets of particles of the same type. Application of conservation laws to particle processes leads to relations between quantum phase, strangeness and isospin.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
renamed to better reflect content and rewritten, eliminated split tables, 32 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables, pdf Withdraw due to new insights in the nature of fundamental particles
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Exact solutions of the Boeder differential equation for macromolecular orientations in a flowing liquid
The Boeder differential equation is solved in this work over a wide range of $\alpha$, yielding the probability density functions (PDF), that describe the average orientations of rod-like macromolecules in a flowing liquid. The quantity $\alpha$ is the ratio of the hydrodynamic shear rate to the rotational diffusion coefficient. It characterises the coupling of the motion of the macromolecules in the hydrodynamic flow to their thermal diffusion. Previous analytical work is limited to approximate solutions for small values of $\alpha$. Special analytical as well as numerical methods are developed in the present work in order to calculate accurately the PDF for a range of $\alpha$ covering several orders of magnitude, $10^{-6} \le \alpha \le 10^{8}$. The mathematical nature of the differential equation is revealed as a singular perturbation problem when $\alpha$ becomes large. Scaling results are obtained over the differential equation for $\alpha \ge 10^{3}$. Monte Carlo Brownian simulations are also constructed and shown to agree with the numerical solutions of the differential equation in the bulk of the flowing liquid, for an extensive range of $\alpha$. This confirms the robustness of the developed analytical and numerical methods.
Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph)
This paper has been withdrawn due to a crucial error in equation 21
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A selection of papers with some relevance to the investigation of the Sun-Climate link: Papers on Data, Methods and Commentary
This is simply a long list of papers that I have found useful. They are generally related to aspects of the search for evidence that the Sun influences the climate somehow. There are papers on Data, on Methods and papers that just discuss the problems. So far the list is not structured, but it is planned that later versions will have lists that are sorted into general subject classes.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (
List never completed. Submission no longer serves a purpose
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
The Effects of Nuclear Terrorism: Fizzles
The September 11 terrorist attack against America has caused a lot of concern to the American public and the entire world, which is suspecting a new attack sooner or later. The most frightening scenario is the one involving the detonation of a nuclear device at the heart of a large metropolitan city. Unless the terrorists are in possession of a fully assembled modern nuclear weapons it is very likely that they will possess a crude nuclear device which has been assembled in a terrorist camp by people with relatively limited technological resources. It well known that the Oppenheimer team, which designed and tested the first nuclear weapon (the gadget), had a lot of reservations as to whether the first test at Alamogordo would produce any yield at all. Therefore, the most likely scenario is that the terrorists will achieve either a nominal yield or no yield at all (Fizzle). In this study we will investigate all those parameters that play a decisive role in the number of casualties after such an attack so that we can propose effective means of avoiding mass destruction.
Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph)
Withdrawn, to be submitted to an e-journal which doesn't allow previous electronic publication
administrative or legal issues
Scaling and wavelet-based analyses of the long-term heart rate variability of the Eastern Oyster
Characterisations of the long-term behaviour of heart rate variability in humans have emerged in the last few years as promising candidates to became clinically significant tools. We present two different statistical analyses of long time recordings of the heart rate variation in the Eastern Oyster. The circulatory system of this marine mollusk has important anatomical and physiological dissimilitudes in comparison to that of humans and it is exposed to dramatically different environmental influences. Our results resemble those previously obtained in humans. This suggests that in spite of the discrepancies, the mechanisms of long--term cardiac control on both systems share a common underlying dynamic.
Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 24 pages, 7 figures; already published in Physica A 349, 291 (2005)
subsumed by another publication
Unipolar components travelling at the speed of light in vacuo
We describe a physical situation where the time integral of the electric field of an electromagnetic wave packet is not zero. More specifically, the non-oscillating component of the Fourier spectrum, i.e. the component resulting from the Fourier transform of the electric field evaluated at $\omega=0$, can be associated with the area under a locally unipolar electromagnetic pulse that travels in free space at the speed of light.
Classical Physics (physics.class-ph)
2 pages, withdrawn because it is probably incorrect
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript
A New Algorithm to Smooth Quantization Errors
We have devised a simple numerical technique to treat rugged data points that arise due to the insufficient gain setting error (or quantization error) of a digital instrument. This is a very wide spread problem that all experimentalists encounter some time or the other and they are forced to deal with it by suitable adjustments of instrument gains and other relevant parameters. But mostly this entails one to repeat the experiment,this may be inconvenient at the least. Here we prescribe a method that would actually attempt to smoothen the data set that is already so obtained. Our method is based on an entirely different algorithm that is not available anywhere else. This method mimics what one would do by intuitive visual inspection and not like the arcane digital filtering, spline fitting etc. that is available in the market. Nor does it depend on any instrumental parameter tweaking. This makes the program totally general purpose and also intellectually more satisfying.
Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 15 pages, 6 figures. Withdrawn pending work
incomplete exposition or more work in progress
Coherent Beamstrahlung at the International Linear Collider
Although we believe most of the results presented here are correct, they are correct only in the limit of negligible beam disruption, which is not the ILC case. Also, the paper needs a convincing treatment of beam pipe shielding effects, though we believe that these effects will be proven to be small eventually.
Accelerator Physics (physics.acc-ph)
22 pages, 9 figures
reason not specified
Attempt at clarification of Einstein's postulate of constancy of light velocity
We have realized that under Lorentz transformations the tick number of a moving common clock remains unchanged, that is, the hand of the clock never runs slow, but the time interval between its two consecutive ticks contracts, so the relative time has to be recorded by using the tau-clocks required by the transformations, instead of unreal slowing clocks. Thus it is argued that using rest common clocks or the equivalent the measured velocity of light emitted by a moving source, which is quasi-velocity of foreign light, is dependent of the source velocity. Nevertheless, the velocity of foreign light that should be measured by using tau-clocks is independent of the source velocity. The velocity of native light emitted by a rest source obeys the postulate of relativity in accordance with both Maxwell equations and the result of Michelson-Morley experiment. On the other hand, the velocity of foreign light obeys both Ritz's emission theory except the Lorentz factor and the postulate of constancy of light velocity if measured by using tau-clocks. Thus the emission theory does not conflict with special relativity. The present argument leads to a logical consequence that the so-called positive conclusions from experiments testing constancy of the velocity of light emitted by moving sources if using common clocks or the equivalent, instead of tau-clocks, exactly contradicts Lorentz transformations.
General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
The definition of light velocity in the moving system is wrong
factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript